Face Recognition Using Opencv

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Some of the key takeaways from the introduction are that face recognition can operate in detection or tracking mode, and has applications in biometrics, surveillance, human-computer interfaces and image management.

Some challenges in face recognition mentioned are variations in facial expressions, lighting conditions, presence of accessories like glasses, and partial facial occlusion.

Some common face recognition algorithms mentioned are Haar-cascade classifier, Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and Local Binary Patterns (LBP).



The face recognition and tracking are important in many computer vision applications. Here we
develop a simple system for tracking a face in a live captured by web cam. Face recognition can
be in one of two modes: Detection or tracking. In detection mode we can use a vision to detect a
face in current frame. In tracking we must track the points using point tracker. Detection is used in
biometrics, often as a part of (or together with) a facial recognition system. It is also used in video
surveillance, human computer interface and image database management. Some recent digital
cameras use face detection for autofocus. Face detection is also useful for selecting regions of
interest in photo slideshows that use a pan-and-scale Ken Burns effect. Face detection is gaining
the interest of marketers. A webcam can be integrated into a television and detect any face that
walks by. The system then calculates the race, gender, and age range of the face.

Face detection is also being researched in the area of energy conservation [Energy
Conservation]. Methodology for face recognition based on information theory approach of coding
and decoding the face image is discussed in. Proposed methodology is connection of two stages –
Face detection using Haar Based Cascade classifier and recognition using Principle Component
analysis. Various face detection and recognition methods have been evaluated and also solution for
image detection and recognition is proposed as an initial step for video surveillance. Recently
various methods for a local feature extraction emerged. To avoid the high-dimensionality of the
input data only local regions of an image are described, the extracted features are (hopefully) more
robust against partial occlusion, illumation and small sample size. Algorithms used for a local
feature extraction are Gabor Wavelet, Discrete Cosinus Transform and Local Binary Pattern. It‟s
still an open research question what‟s the best way to preserve spatial information when applying a
local feature extraction, because spatial information is potentially useful information.


Object detection and tracking are important in many computer vision applications including
activity recognition, automotive safety, and surveillance. In this example you will develop a simple
system for tracking a single face in a live video stream captured by a webcam.


One of the most critical decision points in the design of a face recognition system is the choice of
an appropriate face representation. Effective feature descriptors are expected to convey sufficient
Invariant and non-redundant facial information. A current problem in the area of Computer Vision
is the successful implementation of a working facial recognition system. As mentioned above, this
area has excellent commercial potential for areas such as border control and could replace key lock
mechanisms. In this scenario, the door could automatically be opened as a person approaches it
given that they have a face held on the database. However, there are few facial recognition systems
that work reliably and even fewer that are cost effective. Essentially, the field of facial recognition
currently remains firmly in the realm of research. This will remain the case until certain problems
have been overcome. This is not to say that considerable progress has not been made in recent
years in some of the problem areas; a robust face detection system now exists that accurately
locates a face in a complex background and in a variety of sizes (Viola & Jones, 2004). Further
problems that are still under investigation exist and some of them are addressed in this study:

 Facial Characteristics: Glasses, hair styles and partial facial occlusion can all affect the ability
of the face detector to accurately localise the face. Some improvements have been made in this
area and the Viola & Jones face detector (mentioned above) are now fairly difficult to fool.
 Facial Expressions: a person that is smiling or frowning may lead to incorrect measurements
being taken from around the subject‟s mouth. This is due to the fact that many facial
recognition systems use training data to „train‟ a system to be able to recognise a particular
face. During this training period, the faces used are normalised in a single position and are
therefore susceptible to changes in facial expressions.
 Lighting Conditions: Variation in lighting conditions can throw off a feature extraction
algorithm because the „templates‟ are essentially incorrect. It then becomes very difficult to
locate features and a possible match may be missed.
 Face Position: for many legacy facial recognition systems, it was expected that the face would
be offered to the face detector as a „straight-on‟ representation of the face. Even now,
variations on this are extremely difficult to deal with. Even though the Viola & Jones face
detector has the ability to locate faces from a „side-on‟ view it is difficult to do this in an
automated fashion. From a technical perspective, the face may be partially occluded if not
straight on and the features will appear slightly closer together (or further apart) even if the
face is accurately detected but the pose is partially off-centre.


The objective of facial recognition system is for automatically identifying or verifying human
faces from digital image or a video frame from video source. It detects facial features and ignores
anything else, such as buildings, trees and bodies.
The main purpose of this thesis was to design and to implement a software project in which the
learned methods and programming languages would be used. From the beginning, only open
source code was used. The minimum requirements for the application were to be able to detect and
to recognize different individuals by using their faces. The method used is the Fisherfaces, which
is considered to be the successful example of facial recognition technology. This method is not
100% accurate, but is a good start for people who are interested in this field. This thesis contains
details for the research and implementation of frontal-view human face detection and recognition


The scope of this project is to capture and process video frames from the web cam in a loop to
detect and track a face. In future it can replace biometric system for identification.


Face recognition has numerous applications based on either the identification or the verification of
the presence of individuals in still images or video sequences. From entertainment to security, the
ability to automatically recognise an individual can simplify or improve a number of tasks.
According to Zhao et al. the main areas of application of face recognition are Information
Security, surveillance and law enforcement, security application based on smart card and of course

 Information Security: There are numerous instances in our everyday life where we are
required to input passwords or PIN codes to use a device or access personal data. While such
forms of security measures are essential, they are not always desirable or user-friendly. Using a
robust face recognition system, such applications would be able to identify the user and allow
or deny access accordingly. Systems like a computer logging on to the user‟s account
automatically when the user approached or an ATM only allowing the owner of the card to
withdraw money could all be made possible.
 Surveillance & Law enforcement: Video surveillance has become a part of today‟s society.
Although opinions about CCTV are varied, security could in several occasions be improved
using an automatic face recognition system.
 Smart card based applications: Driving licences, passports and ID cards all require mug
shots of the individuals to be taken under controlled conditions. Using a face recognition
system, these mug shots could be used potentially simplifying processes such as airport checks.



The face recognition and tracking are important in many computer vision applications. Here we
develop a simple system for tracking a face in a live captured by web cam. Face recognition can
be in one of two modes: Detection or tracking. In detection mode we can use a vision to detect a
face in current frame. In tracking we must track the points using point tracker.


The subject of face recognition is as old as computer vision, both because of the practical
importance of the topic and theoretical interest from cognitive scientists. Despite the fact that other
methods of identification (such as fingerprints, or iris scans) can be more accurate, face recognition
has always remains a major focus of research because of its non-invasive nature and because it is
people's primary method of person identification.

Perhaps the most famous early example of a face recognition system is due to Kohonen,
who demonstrated that a simple neural net could perform face recognition for aligned and
normalized face images. The type of network he employed computed a face description by
approximating the eigenvectors of the face image's autocorrelation matrix these eigenvectors are
now known as eigenfaces.

Kohonen's system was not a practical success, however, because of the need for precise
alignment and normalization. In following years many researchers tried face recognition schemes
based on edges, inter-feature distances, and other neural net approaches. Kirby and Sirovich (1989)
later introduced an algebraic manipulation which made it easy to directly calculate the eigenfaces,
and showed that fewer than 100 were required to accurately code carefully aligned and normalized
face images. Turk and Pentland (1991) then demonstrated that the residual error when coding
using the eigenfaces could be used both to detect faces in cluttered natural imagery, and to
determine the precise location and scale of faces in an image. They then demonstrated that by
coupling this method for detecting and localizing faces with the eigenface recognition method, one
could achieve reliable, real-time recognition of faces in a minimally constrained environment. This
demonstration that simple, real-time pattern recognition techniques could be combined to create a

useful system sparked an explosion of interest in the topic of face recognition.After eigenfaces
fisherfaces was introduced which works more accurately than eigenfaces.


The Eigen face is the first method considered as a successful technique of face recognition. The
Eigen face method uses Principal Component Analysis (PCA) to linearly project the image space
to a low dimensional feature space.


 It is contrast based.
 Eigen face has difficulty in capturing expression changes.
 Don't provide useful information regarding the actual face.
 Cannot handle varying illumination conditions effectively.


Fisher faces algorithm extracts useful features that discriminate one person from the others. The
Fisher face is especially useful when facial images have large variations in illumination and facial


 Performs dimensionality reduction.

 More accurate than Eigen faces.
 It produces good results even under varying illumination conditions.


1. Detect Face in
an Image

Face(Identify) 2. Normalize Facial

3. Extract Facial

Fig 3.1 Process of Face Recognition System


Face detection is a computer technology that determines the locations and sizes of human faces in
digital images. It detects face and ignores anything else, such as buildings, trees and bodies. Face
detection can be regarded as a more general case of face localization. In face localization, the task
is to find the locations and sizes of a known number of faces (usually one). Face-detection
algorithms focus on the detection of frontal human faces.

A crucial part of automated face recognition systems is their ability to successfully locate
and extract faces from images. In order to achieve that without requiring user input, face objects
need to be extracted from their background and the boundaries of these faces need to be detected.

The face detection problem can be divided in a number of different levels:

 Firstly, a face must be successfully distinguished from non-face objects. Locating faces in a
busy image is a trivial task for human vision but it can prove challenging for a computer
system. The computer‟s understanding of what a face should look like is limited to the analysis
performed on sets of pixels and as a result semantic segmentation of an image as performed by
humans is very difficult if not impossible. Consequently, methods focus on the characteristics
of a face that make it different to other objects such as the colour of the skin or the general
structure of shadows on a face.
 Detecting a face in an image alone may not provide enough information in order to segment
that face from its background. As a result, the boundaries of the face must be located in order
to not simply locate the presence of a face but to extract it from the image.
 A large group of face recognition methods are based on facial features. Systems using such
methods need to successfully locate and extract features such as the eyes or mouth from faces
as well as the face itself.

Locating the Face

Real world images can contain busy backgrounds and several different objects making the amount
of information available in them overwhelming compared to the slight variations between different
faces. Most face recognition systems need to be able to extract faces from the image in order to
effectively process them. Face detection at the simplest level can be understood as the process of
locating faces in images and extracting them from their background. Although it is a well defined
problem in theory, variations in the image can pose several challenges:

 Illumination: Varying lighting conditions can greatly affect the appearance of a face. Details
can be lost in darker areas or intense highlights. Moreover, characteristics of the face such as
edges or brightness differences near feature points become less important when lighting
conditions are more extreme. For instance, the same individual is pictured in figure 4.1 under
varying illumination.
 Pose: Face rotation, size variations as well as the difficulty to predict where faces pose could
be located in an image are obstacles that face detection algorithms need to overcome. A rotated
face may be easily recognisable by a human viewer, however with enough rotation, the
structure of the face from the new angle is sufficiently different to make its detection difficult
for a face detection system. Similarly, extra information may be required in order to detect
faces closer or further away from the camera.

 Expression: In controlled situations, such as passport or driving license photographs, facial
expressions are limited. However, in less strict conditions, different expressions must be taken
into account when trying to locate a face in an image, especially when detection is based on
facial features.
 Occlusion: Faces in images can be partially occluded by other objects in the scene, accessories
such as hats or glasses or simply by a rebellious hairstyle. Effective face detection systems
should be able to successfully locate a face even using partial information depending on the
application. However, it is important in this case to decide what percentage of the face should
be visible in order for an object to be classified as a face.

The above challenges alone can make face detection a difficult problem. However, in
addition to them, most face detection or recognition systems would greatly benefit or even require
fast detection of faces in images or video sequences.Based on the classification defined by Yang et
al. detection methods can be divided in four main categories based on the techniques they use.

 Knowledge based methods: This class of methods tries to locate faces using information
about what humans perceive as a face such as typical distances between features.
 Feature invariant methods: In this case, methods focus on elements of the face that stay
invariant when pose, expression or illumination change.
 Template matching methods: This class of methods uses a number of templates for the face
or for facial features and tries to locate a face by correlating each template with the given
 Appearance based methods: These methods use a model of a face created through training
over a set of different faces.

Face Detection Using Haar Like Features

Several different techniques can be applied in order to locate faces in images. They can be based
on skin colour information, the general structure of a face, or even templates of different faces. The
method chosen for this project is based on Haar like features and is developed by Viola and Jones.
Haar features, as used for the detection or classification of objects, can be understood as rectangles
containing darker and lighter sections. Different features are applied on sections of the image.
Depending on the feature shape, operations are performed between the pixels covered by the
darker and the lighter sections to determine if the structure of the tested area matches the
expectations of the algorithm.

Features can have different shapes or sizes and they can be combined in different ways to describe
more complex objects. The set of all possible combinations for features of a certain size however is
very large. Although features can be evaluated quickly, the number of calculations that would be
required for the complete set would make this method impractical. To solve this problem, a weak
learning algorithm based on Ada Boost is used to select a small number of features that when
combined can effectively describe a face. At each round, a single feature is selected from the
complete set that gives the lowest error which forms a weak classifier. After looking through the
possible features and rejecting a large number of them, the remaining ones are combined to form a
strong classifier. Classifiers are then applied to the image in a cascading manner in order to locate
a face. At each round, a successively more complex classifier is used. If at any round a part of the
image is rejected, it will then be ignored by subsequent classifiers, thus gradually limiting the
search space. More complex classifiers are only applied to regions of the image with potential
interest. The cascade application of classifiers greatly improves the performance of the method as
the section of the image that needs to be searched is reduced at every round. Another aspect of the
Viola-Jones method that improves its performance is a representation of the image known as the
Integral Image which is used instead of the intensity image. The Integral Image at each pixel can
be calculated by the following formula

ii(x, y) = P


i(x0, y0)

Which is simply the sum of the pixels left and above each pixel. Using this representation of
the image, features applied on different sections can be evaluated rapidly at various scales. A
number of reasons lead to the choice of this method as the primary face detection solution for this
project. The Viola-Jones method can successfully detect upright faces in most situations without
requiring any user input. This is critical for automatic face recognition systems as the correct
detection and extraction of the faces in an image is the starting point of the recognition process.
Furthermore, although fast detection was not essential in this situation, the almost real-time
performance of this method gives it a clear advantage.

As this project focuses mainly on face recognition, an existing implementation of this

method was used to provide the required face detection functionality. A well-known collection of
various Vision algorithms is OpenCV, a C/C++ open-source library provided by Intel. The face
detection method provided with this library is an implementation of the Viola-Jones algorithm with

a number of additional improvements. Training of the algorithm is already performed and the
appropriate classifiers required for face detection are selected.


There is a wide variety of works related to facial landmark localization. The early researches
extract facial landmarks without a global model. Facial landmarks, such as the eye corners and
centres, the mouth corners and centre, the nose corners, chin and cheek borders are located based
on geometrical knowledge. The first step consists of the establishment of a rectangular search
region for the mouth and a rectangular search region for the eyes. The borders are extracted by
applying corner detection algorithm such as SUSAN border extraction algorithm. Such methods
are fast, however, they could not deal with faces of large variation in appearance due to pose,
rotation, illumination and background changes.

Eye Localization

The eye localization is a crucial step towards automatic face recognition and facial landmark
localization due to the fact that these face related applications need to normalize faces, measure the
relative positions or extract features according to eye positions. Like other problems of object
detection under complex scene such as face detection, car detection, eye patterns also have large
variation in appearance due to various factors, such as size, pose, rotation, the closure and opening
of eyes, illumination conditions, the reflection of glasses and the occlusion by hairs etc. Even
having found the positions of faces grossly, robustly and precisely locating the eye‟s center is still
a challenging task. A variety of eye detection and tracking algorithms have been proposed in recent
years, but most of them can only deal with part of these variations or be feasible under some
constraints. We have devised a novel approach for precisely locating eyes in face areas under a
probabilistic framework. The experimental results demonstrate that our eye localization method
can robustly cope with different eye variations and achieve higher detection rate on diverse test


Feature extraction starts from an initial set of measured data and builds derived values (features)
intended to be informative and non-redundant, facilitating the subsequent learning and
generalization steps, and in some cases leading to better human interpretations. Feature extraction
is related to dimensionality reduction.

When the input data to an algorithm is too large to be processed and it is suspected to be redundant
(e.g. the same measurement in both feet and meters, or the repetitiveness of images presented
as pixels), then it can be transformed into a reduced set of features (also named a feature vector).
Determining a subset of the initial features is called feature selection. The selected features are
expected to contain the relevant information from the input data, so that the desired task can be
performed by using this reduced representation instead of the complete initial data.


It automatically identify a person face from live video and it displays rectangular frames on faces.



The software requirements specification specifies the functional requirements and non-functional

Functional requirements refers to how the system is going to react according to the input
provided and how it is going to behave in particular situations Like when the original message
given is of other than English and how the system reacts when the text is of English and when the
audio file is of other than „.au‟ format.

Non-functional requirements refer to Usability, Reliability, Availability, Performance,

Security, Supportability, and Interface.


The user requirement specifies what the user expects the software to be able to do. Once the
required information is completely gathered it is documented in a URD, which is meant to spell out
exactly what the software must do and becomes part of the contractual agreement. A customer
cannot demand features not in the URD, whilst the developer cannot claim the product is ready if it
does not meet an item of the URD. The URD can be used as a guide to planning cost, timetables,
milestones, testing, etc.

4.2.1 Functional requirements

This application mainly consists of two modules:

 System

 Images/faces

4.2.2 Software requirements

The software requirements of the project are mentioned below:

 Platform : windows 10

 Environment : python 2.7/3.3

4.2.3 Hardware requirements

 System

 Camera

 Processor : Pentium IV 2.4 GHz

 Ram : 1 GB

 Hard disk : 40 GB


SDLC (Umbrella Model):

SDLC is nothing but Software Development Life Cycle. It is a standard which is used by software
industry to develop good software.

Stages in SDLC:

 Requirement Gathering
 Analysis
 Designing
 Coding
 Testing
 Maintenance

Requirement Gathering Stage

The requirements gathering process takes as its input the goals identified in the high-level
requirements section of the project plan. Each goal will be refined into a set of one or more
requirements. These requirements define the major functions of the intended application, define
Operational data areas and reference data areas, and define the initial data entities. Major functions
include critical processes to be managed, as well as mission critical inputs, outputs and reports. A
user class hierarchy is developed and associated with these major functions, data areas, and data
entities. Each of these definitions is termed a Requirement. Requirements are identified by unique
requirement identifiers and, at minimum, contain a requirement title and textual description.These
requirements are fully described in the primary deliverables for this stage: the Requirements
Document and the Requirements Traceability Matrix (RTM). The requirements document contains
complete descriptions of each requirement, including diagrams and references to external
documents as necessary. Note that detailed listings of database tables and fields are not included in
the requirements document.
The title of each requirement is also placed into the first version of the RTM, along with the
title of each goal from the project plan. The purpose of the RTM is to show that the product
components developed during each stage of the software development lifecycle are formally
connected to the components developed in prior stages.

In the requirements stage, the RTM consists of a list of high-level requirements, or goals, by
title, with a listing of associated requirements for each goal, listed by requirement title. In this
hierarchical listing, the RTM shows that each requirement developed during this stage is formally
linked to a specific product goal. In this format, each requirement can be traced to a specific
product goal, hence the term requirements traceability. The outputs of the requirements definition
stage include the requirements document, the RTM, and an updated project plan. Feasibility study
is all about identification of problems in a project.

No. of staff required to handle a project is represented as Team Formation, in this case only
modules are individual tasks will be assigned to employees who are working for that project.
Project Specifications are all about representing of various possible inputs submitting to the server
and corresponding outputs along with reports maintained by administrator

Analysis Stage

The planning stage establishes a bird's eye view of the intended software product, and uses this to
establish the basic project structure, evaluate feasibility and risks associated with the project, and
describe appropriate management and technical approaches.

The most critical section of the project plan is a listing of high-level product requirements,
also referred to as goals. All of the software product requirements to be developed during the
requirements definition stage flow from one or more of these goals. The minimum information for
each goal consists of a title and textual description, although additional information and references
to external documents may be included. The outputs of the project planning stage are the
configuration management plan, the quality assurance plan, and the project plan and schedule, with
a detailed listing of scheduled activities for the upcoming Requirements stage, and high level
estimates of effort for the out stages.

Designing Stage

The design stage takes as its initial input the requirements identified in the approved requirements
document. For each requirement, a set of one or more design elements will be produced as a result
of interviews, workshops, and/or prototype efforts. Design elements describe the desired software
features in detail, and generally include functional hierarchy diagrams, screen layout diagrams,
tables of business rules, business process diagrams, pseudo code, and a complete entity-relationship
diagram with a full data dictionary. These design elements are intended to describe the software in
sufficient detail that skilled programmers may develop the software with minimal additional input.

Development Stage

The development stage takes as its primary input the design elements described in the approved
design document. For each design element, a set of one or more software artifacts will be produced.
Software artifacts include but are not limited to menus, dialogs, and data management forms, data
reporting formats, and specialized procedures and functions. Appropriate test cases will be
developed for each set of functionally related software artifacts, and an online help system will be
developed to guide users in their interactions with the software.

The RTM will be updated to show that each developed artifact is linked to a specific design
element, and that each developed artifact has one or more corresponding test case items. At this
point, the RTM is in its final configuration. The outputs of the development stage include a fully
functional set of software that satisfies the requirements and design elements previously
documented, an online help system that describes the operation of the software, an implementation
map that identifies the primary code entry points for all major system functions, a test plan that
describes the test cases to be used to validate the correctness and completeness of the software, an
updated RTM, and an updated project plan.

Integration and Test Stage

During the integration and test stage, the software artifacts, online help, and test data are migrated
from the development environment to a separate test environment. At this point, all test cases are
run to verify the correctness and completeness of the software. Successful execution of the test
suite confirms a robust and complete migration capability. During this stage, reference data is
finalized for production use and production users are identified and linked to their appropriate
roles. The final reference data (or links to reference data source files) and production user list are
compiled into the Production Initiation Plan.

The outputs of the integration and test stage include an integrated set of software, an online help
system, an implementation map, a production initiation plan that describes reference data and
production users, an acceptance plan which contains the final suite of test cases, and an updated
project plan.

Installation & Acceptance Stage

During the installation and acceptance stage, the software artifacts, online help, and initial
production data are loaded onto the production server. At this point, all test cases are run to verify
the correctness and completeness of the software. Successful execution of the test suite is a
prerequisite to acceptance of the software by the customer. After customer personnel have verified
that the initial production data load is correct and the test suite has been executed with satisfactory
results, the customer formally accepts the delivery of the software.

The primary outputs of the installation and acceptance stage include a production
application, a completed acceptance test suite, and a memorandum of customer acceptance of the
software. Finally, the PDR enters the last of the actual labour data into the project schedule and
locks the project as a permanent project record. At this point the PDR "locks" the project by
archiving all software items, the implementation map, the source code, and the documentation for
future reference.


Outer rectangle represents maintenance of a project, Maintenance team will start with requirement
study, understanding of documentation later employees will be assigned work and they will
undergo training on that particular assigned category. For this life cycle there is no end, it will be
continued so on like an umbrella (no ending point to umbrella sticks).


Systems design is the process of defining the architecture, modules, interfaces, and data for
a system to satisfy specified requirements. Systems design could be seen as the application
of systems theory to product development. There is some overlap with the disciplines of systems
analysis, systems architecture and systems engineering.


Fig 5.1 System Architecture for Face Recognition


Unified Modelling language (UML) is a standardized modelling language enabling developers to

specify, visualize, construct and document artifacts of a software system. Thus, UML makes these
artifacts scalable, secure and robust in execution. UML is an important aspect involved in object-
oriented software development. It uses graphic notation to create visual models of software

The Unified Modelling Language allows the software engineer to express an analysis model using
the modelling notation that is governed by a set of syntactic semantic and pragmatic rules.

A UML system is represented using five different views that describe the system from
distinctly different perspective. Each view is defined by a set of diagram, which is as follows.

1) User Model View

 This view represents the system from the users perspective.

 The analysis representation describes a usage scenario from the end-users perspective.

2) Structural model view

 In this model the data and functionality are arrived from inside the system.
 This model view models the static structures.

3) Behavioural Model View

 It represents the dynamic of behavioural as parts of the system, depicting theinteractions of

collection between various structural elements described in the user model and structural model

4) Implementation Model View

 In this the structural and behavioural as parts of the system are represented asthey are to be

5) Environmental Model View

 In this the structural and behavioural aspects of the environment in which the system is to be
implemented are represented.

UML is specifically constructed through two different domains they are:

 UML Analysis modelling, this focuses on the user model and structural model views of the
 UML design modelling, which focuses on the behavioural modelling, implementation
modelling and environmental model views.

UML Concepts

The Unified Modeling Language (UML) is a standard language for writing software blue prints.
The UML is a language for

 Visualizing
 Specifying
 Constructing
 Documenting the artifacts of a software intensive system.

The UML is a language which provides vocabulary and the rules for combining words in
that vocabulary for the purpose of communication. A modeling language is a language whose
vocabulary and the rules focus on the conceptual and physical representation of a system.
Modeling yields an understanding of a system.

Building Blocks of the UML

The vocabulary of the UML encompasses three kinds of building blocks:

 Things
 Relationships
 Diagrams
Things are the abstractions that are first-class citizens in a model; relationships tie these
things together; diagrams group interesting collections of things

Things in the UML

There are four kinds of things in the UML:

 Structural things
 Behavioural things
 Grouping things
 Annotational things

1) Structural Things: These are the nouns of UML models. The structural things used in the
project design are first.
A class is a description of a set of objects that share the same attributes, operations, relationships
and semantics.








Fig 5.2 Class


Interface defines a set of operations, which specify the responsibility of a class.

Fig 5.3 Interface


Collaboration defines an interaction between elements.

Fig 5.4 Collaboration

Use Case

A use case is a description of set of sequence of actions that a system performs that yields an
observable result of value to particular actor.

Fig 5.5 Use Case


Component describes the physical part of a system.

Fig 5.6 Component


A node is a physical element that exists at runtime and represents a computational resource,
generally having at least some memory and often processing capability.

Fig 5.7 Node

2) Behavioral Things: These are the dynamic parts of UML models. The behavioral thing used



An interaction is a behaviour that comprises a set of messages exchanged among a set of objects
within a particular context to accomplish a specific purpose.

Fig: 5.8 Messages

State machine

State machine is useful when the state of an object in its life cycle is important. It defines the
sequence of states an object goes through in response to events. Events are external factors
responsible for state change

Fig 5.9 State

3) Grouping Things: These can be defined as a mechanism to group elements of a UML model
together. There is only one grouping thing available.


Package is the only one grouping thing available for gathering structural and behavioral things.

Fig 5.10 Package

4) Annotational Things: These can be defined as a mechanism to capture remarks, descriptions,

and comments of UML model elements.


It is the only one Annotational thing available. A note is used to render comments, constraints, etc.
of an UML element.

Fig 5.11 Note

Relationships in the UML

There are four kinds of relationships in the UML:

 Dependency
 Association
 Generalization
 Realization

Dependency: It is a semantic relationship between two things in which a change to one thing may
affect the semantics of the other thing (the dependent thing).

Fig 5.12 Dependencies

Association: It is a structural relationship that describes a set links, a link being a connection
among objects. Aggregation is a special kind of association, representing a structural relationship
between a whole and its parts.

Fig 5.13 Association

Generalization: It is a specialization/ generalization relationship in which objects of the

specialized element (the child) are substitutable for objects of the generalized element(the parent).

Fig 5.14 Generalization

Realization: It is a semantic relationship between classifiers, where in one classifier specifies a

contract that another classifier guarantees to carry out.

Fig 5.15 Realization

Use case Diagram

Use case: It is a description of set of sequence of actions that a system performs that yields an
observable result of value to particular actor.

Fig 5.16 Use case

Actors: They are the entities that interact with a system. Although in most cases, actors used to
represent the users of system, actors can actually be anything that needs to exchange information
with the system. So, an actor may be people, computer hardware, other systems, etc.

Fig 5.17 Actor


Fig 5.18 Include

An include relationship specifies how the behaviour for the inclusion use case is inserted into the
behaviour defined for the base use case.


Fig 5.19 Extend

An extend relationship specifies how the behaviour of the extension use case can be inserted into
the behaviour defined for the base use case.

Uml Diagrams

Fig 5.20 Class Diagram for Face Recognition

Fig 5.21 Use Case Diagram for Face Recognition

Fig 5.22 Sequence Diagram for Face Recognition

Fig 5.23 Component Diagram for Face Recognition

Fig 5.24 Deployment Diagram for Face Recognition



Implementation is the stage in the project where the theoretical design is turned into a working
system and is giving confidence on the new system for the users that it will work efficiently and
effectively. It involves careful planning, investigation of the current system and its constraints on
implementation, design of methods to achieve the change over, an evaluation, of change over
methods. Apart from planning major task of preparing the implementation are education and
training of users. The more complex system being implemented, the more involved will be the
system analysis and the design effort required just for implementation.

An implementation co-ordination committee based on policies of individual organization

has been appointed. The implementation process begins with preparing a plan for the
implementation of the system. According to this plan, the activities are to be carried out,
discussions are made regarding the equipment and resources and the additional equipment has to be
acquired to implement the new system.

Implementation is the final and important phase. This is the most critical stage in achieving
a successful new system and in giving the users confidence that the new system will work is
effective. The system can be implemented only after thorough testing. This method also offers the
greatest security since the old system can take over if the errors are found or inability to handle
certain type of transactions while using the new system.

After a classifier is trained, it can be applied to a region of interest (of the same size as used
during the training) in an input image. The classifier output is “1” if the region is likely to show the
face and “0” otherwise. To search for the object in the whole image one can move the search
window across the image and check every location using the classifier. Here we use two different
codes for face detection and tracking respectively. The algorithm used for both the codes
(Processing & Arduino) is detailed in this section. Extended Haar-like Features

1. Edge Features

2. Line Features

3. Centre-Surround Features

Implementation of Software

Processing takes the video input from the webcam and uses the OpenCV library to analyze the
video. If a face is detected in the video, the OpenCV library will give the Processing sketch the
coordinates of the face. The processing sketch will determine where the face is located in the
frame, relative to the centre of the frame, and send this data through a serial connection to an
Arduino. The Arduino will use the data from the Processing sketch to move the servos connected
the Servo setup as shown in figure 9. a) Basically haar-cascade classifier is used for detecting the
faces. b) The input video frame is read from camera and temporary memory storage is created to
store this frame. c) A window is created to capture the display frame and frame is continuously
monitored for its existence. d) A function is called to detect the face where the frame is passed as
parameter. e) Steps b-d is kept in a continuous loop until the user defined key is pressed. f) The
classifier, frame, memory storage & the window are destroyed. g) The (X, Y) coordinate of the
image is plotted according to movement of face. h) The difference between face position and
centre is calculated and sent to Arduino serially

Implementation of Hardware

Basically Arduino will analyse a serial input for commands and set the servo positions
accordingly. A command consists of two bytes: a servo ID and a servo position. If the Arduino
receives a servo ID, then it waits for another serial byte and then assigns the received position
value to the servo identified by the servo ID. The Arduino Servo library is used to easily control
the pan and tilt servos. There's a character variable that will be used to keep track of the characters
that come in on the Serial port. a) Library named servo.h is used in arduino to control the servo
motors, based on the data obtained by the openCV through COM port. b) Depending on the
difference found in step8 the 2 servo motors are sent with appropriate controls for the pan-tilt
movement of camera. c) Step b is kept in a continuous loop.


OpenCV (Open Source Computer Vision) is a popular computer vision library started by Intel in
1999. The cross-platform library sets its focus on real-time image processing and includes patent-
free implementations of the latest computer vision algorithms. In 2008 Willow Garage took over
support and OpenCV 2.3.1 now comes with a programming interface to C,
C++, Python and Android. OpenCV is released under a BSD license so it is used in academic
projects and commercial products alike.

OpenCV 2.4 now comes with the very new Face Recognizer class for face recognition, so you can
start experimenting with face recognition right away. This document is the guide I‟ve wished for,
when I was working myself into face recognition. It shows you how to perform face recognition
with Face Recognizer in OpenCV (with full source code listings) and gives you an introduction
into the algorithms behind. I‟ll also show how to create the visualizations you can find in many
publications, because a lot of people asked for.

The currently available algorithms are:

 Eigen faces (see create EigenFaceRecognizer())

 Fisher faces (see create FisherFaceRecognizer())
 Local Binary Patterns Histograms (see create LBPHFaceRecognizer())

You don‟t need to copy and paste the source code examples from this page, because they
are available in the src folder coming with this documentation. If you have built OpenCV with the
samples turned on, chances are good you have them compiled already! Although it might be
interesting for very advanced users, I‟ve decided to leave the implementation details out as I am
afraid they confuse new users.


The Haar Cascade is a machine learning based approach, an algorithm created by Paul Viola and
Michael Jones; which (as mentioned before) are trained from many many positive images (with
faces) and negatives images (without faces).

It starts by extracting Haar features from each image as shown by the windows below:

6.1 Method of extracting features

Each window is placed on the picture to calculate a single feature. This feature is a single value
obtained by subtracting the sum of pixels under the white part of the window from the sum of the
pixels under the black part of the window.

Now, all possible sizes of each window are placed on all possible locations of each image
to calculate plenty of features.

6.2 Extracting Haar features from image

For example, in above image, we are extracting two features. The first one focuses on the
property that the region of the eyes is often darker than the area of the nose and cheeks. The second
feature relies on the property that the eyes are darker than the bridge of the nose.

But among all these features calculated, most of them are irrelevant. For example, when
used on the cheek, the windows become irrelevant because none of these areas are darker or lighter
than other regions on the cheeks, all sectors here are the same. So we promptly discard irrelevant
features and keep only those relevant with a fancy technique called Adaboost. AdaBoost is a
training process for face detection, which selects only those features known to improve the
classification (face/non-face) accuracy of our classifier.

In the end, the algorithm considers the fact that generally: most of the region in an image is
a non-face region. Considering this, it‟s a better idea to have a simple method to check if a window
is a non-face region, and if it's not, discard it right away and don‟t process it again. So we can
focus mostly on the area where a face is.


Thanks to OpenCV, coding facial recognition is now easier than ever. There are three easy steps to
computer coding facial recognition, which are similar to the steps that our brains use for
recognizing faces. These steps are:

Data Gathering: Gather face data (face images in this case) of the persons you want to identify.

Train the Recognizer: Feed that face data and respective names of each face to the recognizer so
that it can learn.

Recognition: Feed new faces of that people and see if the face recognizer you just trained
recognizes them.

OpenCV has three built-in face recognizers and thanks to its clean coding, you can use any of them
just by changing a single line of code. Here are the names of those face recognizers and their
OpenCV calls:

 EigenFaces – cv2.face.createEigenFaceRecognizer()
 FisherFaces – cv2.face.createFisherFaceRecognizer()
 Local Binary Patterns Histograms (LBPH) – cv2.face.createLBPHFaceRecognizer()


This algorithm considers the fact that not all parts of a face are equally important or useful for face
recognition. Indeed, when you look at someone, you recognize that person by his distinct features,
like the eyes, nose, cheeks or forehead; and how they vary respect to each other.

In that sense, you are focusing on the areas of maximum change. For example, from the
eyes to the nose there is a significant change, and same applies from the nose to the mouth. When
you look at multiple faces, you compare them by looking at these areas, because by catching the
maximum variation among faces, they help you differentiate one face from the other. So,
EigenFaces recognizer trains itself by extracting principal components, but it also keeps a record of
which ones belong to which person. Thus, whenever you introduce a new image to the algorithm,
it repeats the same process as follows:

However, one thing to note in above image is that EigenFaces algorithm also considers
illumination as an important feature. In consequence, lights and shadows are picked up by
EigenFaces, which classifies them as representing a „face.'

Algorithm Description

Let be a random vector with observations .

1. Compute the mean

2. Compute the the Covariance Matrix S

3. Compute the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of

4. Order the eigenvectors descending by their eigenvalue. The principal components are the
eigenvectors corresponding to the largest eigenvalues.

The principal components of the observed vector are then given by:

where .

The reconstruction from the PCA basis is given by:

where .

The Eigenfaces method then performs face recognition by:

 Projecting all training samples into the PCA subspace.

 Projecting the query image into the PCA subspace.
 Finding the nearest neighbour between the projected training images and the projected query

Still there‟s one problem left to solve. Imagine we are given 400 images sized100*100 pixel. The
Principal Component Analysis solves the covariance matrix , where in our example. You would
end up with a 1000*1000 matrix, roughly 0.8GB. Solving this problem isn‟t feasible, so we‟ll
need to apply a trick. From your linear algebra lessons you know that a M*N matrix with M>N can
only have N-1non-zero eigenvalues. So it‟s possible to take the eigenvalue
decomposition of size instead:

and get the original eigenvectors of with a left multiplication of the data matrix:

The resulting eigenvectors are orthogonal, to get orthonormal eigenvectors they need to be
normalized to unit length. I don‟t want to turn this into a publication, so please look
into [Duda01] for the derivation and proof of the equation


This algorithm is an improved version of the last one. As we just saw, EigenFaces looks at all the
training faces of all the people at once and finds principal components from all of them combined.
By doing that, it doesn't focus on the features that discriminate one individual from another.
Instead, it concentrates on the ones that represent all the faces of all the people in the training
data, as a whole.

Since EigenFaces also finds illumination as a useful component, it will find this variation
very relevant for face recognition and may discard the features of the other people's faces,
considering them less useful. In the end, the variance that EigenFaces has extracted represents just
one individual's facial features.

We can do it by tuning EigenFaces so that it extracts useful features from the faces of each
person separately instead of extracting them from all the faces combined. In this way, even if one
person has high illumination changes, it will not affect the other people's features extraction
process.Precisely, Fisher Faces face recognizer algorithm extracts principal components that
differentiate one person from the others. In that sense, an individual's components do not dominate
(become more useful) over the others.

Below is an image of principal components using Fisher Faces algorithm.

6.3 Extracting Features Using Fisherface Algorithm

Fisher Faces Face Recognizer Principal Components.

You can see that the features represent faces which receive the name of Fisher Faces. One
thing to note here is that FisherFaces only prevents features of one person from becoming
dominant, but it still considers illumination changes as a useful feature. We know that light
variation is not a useful feature to extract as it is not part of the actual.

Algorithm Description

Let be a random vector with samples drawn from classes:

The scatter matrices and S_{W} are calculated as:

where is the total mean:

And is the mean of class :

Fisher‟s classic algorithm now looks for a projection , that maximizes the class separability

a solution for this optimization problem is given by solving the General Eigenvalue Problem:

There‟s one problem left to solve: The rank of is at most , with samples
and classes. In pattern recognition problems the number of samples is almost always smaller
than the dimension of the input data (the number of pixels), so the scatter matrix becomes
singular (see [RJ91]). In [BHK97] this was solved by performing a Principal Component Analysis

on the data and projecting the samples into the -dimensional space. A Linear Discriminant
Analysis was then performed on the reduced data, because isn‟t singular anymore.

The optimization problem can then be rewritten as:

The transformation matrix , that projects a sample into the -dimensional space is then
given by:

Before we start the actual coding, we need to install the Code Dependencies and import
the Required Modules

Code Dependencies

Install the following dependencies:

1. OpenCV 3.2.0

2. Python v3.5

3. NumPy that makes computing in Python easy. It contains a powerful implementation of N-

dimensional arrays which we will use for feeding data as input to OpenCV functions.


Import the following modules:

cv2: This is the OpenCV module for Python used for face detection and face recognition.

Numpy: This module converts Python lists to numpy arrays as OpenCV face recognizer needs
them for the face recognition process.



Python is an easy to learn, powerful programming language. It has efficient high-level data
structures and a simple but effective approach to object-oriented programming. Python‟s elegant
syntax and dynamic typing, together with its interpreted nature, make it an ideal language for
scripting and rapid application development in many areas on most platforms.

The Python interpreter and the extensive standard library are freely available in source or
binary form for all major platforms from the Python Website, https://www.python.org/, and may
be freely distributed. The same site also contains distributions of and pointers to many free third
party Python modules, programs and tools, and additional documentation.

The Python interpreter is easily extended with new functions and data types implemented
in C or C++ (or other languages callable from C). Python is also suitable as an extension language
for customizable applications.
This tutorial introduces the reader informally to the basic concepts and features of the Python
language and system. It helps to have a Python interpreter handy for hands-on experience, but all
examples are self-contained, so the tutorial can be read off-line as well.

For a description of standard objects and modules, see The Python Standard Library. The
Python Language Reference gives a more formal definition of the language. To write extensions in
C or C++, read Extending and Embedding the Python Interpreter and Python/C API Reference
Manual. There are also several books covering Python in depth.

This tutorial does not attempt to be comprehensive and cover every single feature, or even
every commonly used feature. Instead, it introduces many of Python‟s most noteworthy features,
and will give you a good idea of the language‟s flavor and style. After reading it, you will be able
to read and write Python modules and programs, and you will be ready to learn more about the
various Python library modules described in The Python Standard Library.


1. OpenCV

OpenCV is the most popular library for computer vision. Originally written in C/C++, it now
provides bindings for Python. OpenCV uses machine learning algorithms to search for faces within
a picture. For something as complicated as a face, there isn‟t one simple test that will tell you if it
found a face or not. Instead, there are thousands of small patterns/features that must be matched.
The algorithms break the task of identifying the face into thousands of smaller, bite-sized tasks,
each of which is easy to solve. These tasks are also called classifiers.

For something like a face, you might have 6,000 or more classifiers, all of which must
match for a face to be detected (within error limits, of course). But therein lies the problem: For
face detection, the algorithm starts at the top left of a picture and moves down across small blocks
of data, looking at each block, constantly asking, “Is this a face? Is this a face? Is this a face?”
Since there are 6,000 or more tests per block, you might have millions of calculations to do, which
will grind your computer to a halt.

To get around this, OpenCV uses cascades. What‟s a cascade? The best answer can be
found from the dictionary: A waterfall or series of waterfalls Like a series of waterfalls, the
OpenCV cascade breaks the problem of detecting faces into multiple stages. For each block, it
does a very rough and quick test. If that passes, it does a slightly more detailed test, and so on. The
algorithm may have 30-50 of these stages or cascades, and it will only detect a face if all stages
pass. The advantage is that the majority of the pictures will return negative during the first few
stages, which means the algorithm won‟t waste time testing all 6,000 features on it. Instead of
taking hours, face detection can now be done in real time. OpenCV was started at Intel in 1999
by Gary Bradsky, and the first release came out in 2000. Vadim Pisarevsky joined Gary Bradsky to
manage Intel's Russian software OpenCV team. In 2005, OpenCV was used on Stanley, the vehicle
that won the 2005 DARPA Grand Challenge. Later, its active development continued under the
support of Willow Garage with Gary Bradsky and Vadim Pisarevsky leading the project. OpenCV
now supports a multitude of algorithms related to Computer Vision and Machine Learning and is
expanding day by day.

OpenCV supports a wide variety of programming languages such as C++, Python, Java,
etc., and is available on different platforms including Windows, Linux, OS X, Android, and iOS.
Interfaces for high-speed GPU operations based on CUDA and OpenCL are also under active
development. OpenCV-Python is the Python API for OpenCV, combining the best qualities of the
OpenCV C++ API and the Python language.


OpenCV-Python is a library of Python bindings designed to solve computer vision problems.

Python is a general purpose programming language started by Guido van Rossum that became
very popular very quickly, mainly because of its simplicity and code readability. It enables the
programmer to express ideas in fewer lines of code without reducing readability.

Compared to languages like C/C++, Python is slower. That said, Python can be easily
extended with C/C++, which allows us to write computationally intensive code in C/C++ and
create Python wrappers that can be used as Python modules. This gives us two advantages: first,
the code is as fast as the original C/C++ code (since it is the actual C++ code working in
background) and second, it easier to code in Python than C/C++. OpenCV-Python is a Python
wrapper for the original OpenCV C++ implementation.

OpenCV-Python makes use of Numpy, which is a highly optimized library for numerical
operations with a MATLAB-style syntax. All the OpenCV array structures are converted to and
from Numpy arrays. This also makes it easier to integrate with other libraries that use Numpy such
as SciPy and Matplotlib.

Cascades in Practice

Though the theory may sound complicated, in practice it is quite easy. The cascades themselves
are just a bunch of XML files that contain OpenCV data used to detect objects. You initialize your
code with the cascade you want, and then it does the work for you.

Since face detection is such a common case, OpenCV comes with a number of built-in
cascades for detecting everything from faces to eyes to hands and legs. There are even cascades for
non-human things. For example, if you run a banana shop and want to track people stealing
bananas, this guy has built one for that!


Officially launched in 1999, the OpenCV project was initially an Intel Research initiative to
advance CPU-intensive applications, part of a series of projects including real-time ray
tracing and 3D display walls. The main contributors to the project included a number of
optimization experts in Intel Russia, as well as Intel‟s Performance Library Team. In the early days
of OpenCV, the goals of the project were described as:

 Advance vision research by providing not only open but also optimized code for basic vision
infrastructure. No more reinventing the wheel.
 Disseminate vision knowledge by providing a common infrastructure that developers could
build on, so that code would be more readily readable and transferable.
 Advance vision-based commercial applications by making portable, performance-optimized
code available for free – with a license that did not require code to be open or free itself.

The first alpha version of OpenCV was released to the public at the IEEE Conference on
Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition in 2000, and five betas were released between 2001 and
2005. The first 1.0 version was released in 2006. A version 1.1 "pre-release" was released in
October 2008.

The second major release of the OpenCV was in October 2009. OpenCV 2 includes major
changes to the C++ interface, aiming at easier, more type-safe patterns, new functions, and better
implementations for existing ones in terms of performance (especially on multi-core systems).
Official releases now occur every six months and development is now done by an independent
Russian team supported by commercial corporations.In August 2012, support for OpenCV was
taken over by a non-profit foundation OpenCV.org, which maintains a developer and user site. On
May 2016, Intel signed an agreement to acquire it seez, the leading developer of OpenCV.
Installing OpenCV

First, you need to find the correct setup file for your operating system I found that installing
OpenCV was the hardest part of the task. If you get strange unexplainable errors, it could be due to
library clashes, 32/64 bit differences, etc. I found it easiest to just use a Linux virtual machine and
install OpenCV from scratch.

 If you have previous/other version of OpenCV installed (e.g. cv2 module in the root of
Python‟s site-packages), remove it before installation to avoid conflicts.

 To further avoid conflicts and to make development easier, Python‟s virtual environments are
highly recommended for development purposes.

1.If you have an existing opencv-contrib-python installation, run pip uninstall opencv-contrib-

2.Install this package:

pip install opencv-python

 Import the package:

import cv2

The package contains haarcascade files. cv2.data.haarcascades can be used as a shortcut to the data
folder. For example:

cv2.CascadeClassifier(cv2.data.haarcascades + "haarcascade_frontalface_default.xml")


OpenCV's application areas include:

 2D and 3D feature toolkits

 Egomotion estimation
 Facial recognition system
 Gesture recognition
 Human–computer interaction (HCI)
 Mobile robotics
 Motion understanding
 Object identification
 Segmentation and recognition
 Stereopsis stereo vision: depth perception from 2 cameras
 Structure from motion (SFM)
 Motion tracking
 Augmented reality

To support some of the above areas, OpenCV includes a statistical machine learning library that

 Boosting
 Decision tree learning
 Gradient boosting trees
 Expectation-maximization algorithm
 k-nearest neighbor algorithm
 Naive Bayes classifier
 Artificial neural networks
 Random forest
 Support vector machine (SVM)
 Deep neural networks (DNN)

2. Numpy

NumPy is a library for the Python programming language, adding support for large, multi-
dimensional arrays and matrices, along with a large collection of high-level
mathematical functions to operate on these arrays. The ancestor of NumPy, Numeric, was
originally created by Jim Hugunin with contributions from several other developers. In
2005, Travis Oliphant created Numpy by incorporating features of the competing Num array into
Numeric, with extensive modifications. NumPy is open-source software and has many


The Python programming language was not initially designed for numerical computing, but
attracted the attention of the scientific and engineering community early on, so that a special
interest group called matrix-sig was founded in 1995 with the aim of defining an array computing
package. Among its members was Python designer and maintainer Guido van Rossum, who
implemented extensions to Python's syntax (in particular the indexing syntax) to make array
computing easier.

An implementation of a matrix package was completed by Jim Fulton, then generalized

by Jim Hugunin become Numeric, also variously called Numerical Python extensions
orNumPy. Hugunin, a graduate student at MIT, joined CNRI to work on JPython in 1997 leaving
Paul Dubois of LLNL to take over as maintainer. Other early contributors include David Ascher,
Konrad Hinsen and Travis Oliphant.

A new package called Num array was written as a more flexible replacement for
Numeric.[6] Like Numeric, it is now deprecated. Num array had faster operations for large arrays,
but was slower than Numeric on small ones. so for a time both packages were used for different
use cases. The last version of Numeric v24.2 was released on 11 November 2005 and num array
v1.5.2 was released on 24 August 2006.

There was a desire to get Numeric into the Python standard library, but Guido van Rossum
decided that the code was not maintainable in its state then. In early 2005, NumPy
developer Travis Oliphant wanted to unify the community around a single array package and
ported Numarray's features to Numeric, releasing the result as NumPy 1.0 in 2006. This new
project was part of SciPy. To avoid installing the large SciPy package just to get an array object,
this new package was separated and called NumPy. Support for Python 3 was added in 2011 with
NumPy version 1.5.0. In 2011, PyPy started development on an implementation of the NumPy API
for PyPy. It is not yet fully compatible with NumPy.


import cv2

import sys

cascPath = "haarcascade_frontalface_default.xml"

faceCascade = cv2.CascadeClassifier(cascPath)

video_capture = cv2.VideoCapture(0)

while True:

# Capture frame-by-frame

ret, frame = video_capture.read()

gray = cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)

faces = faceCascade.detectMultiScale(




minSize=(30, 30),


# Draw a rectangle around the faces

for (x, y, w, h) in faces:

cv2.rectangle(frame, (x, y), (x+w, y+h), (0, 255, 0), 2)

# Display the resulting frame

cv2.imshow('Video', frame)

if cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF == ord('q'):


# When everything is done, release the capture





Testing is a process, which reveals errors in the program. It is the major quality measure employed
during software development. During software development. During testing, the program is
executed with a set of test cases and the output of the program for the test cases is evaluated to
determine if the program is performing as it is expected to perform.


In order to make sure that the system does not have errors, the different levels of testing strategies
that are applied at differing phases of software development are:

7.2.1 UNIT TESTING Unit Testing is done on individual modules as they are completed and
become executable. It is confined only to the designer's requirements. Each module can be tested
using the following two strategies:

1. Black Box Testing

In this strategy some test cases are generated as input conditions that fulsly execute all functional
requirements for the program. This testing has been uses to find errors in the following categories:

 Incorrect or missing functions

 Interface errors
 Performance errors
 Initialization and termination errors.
2. White Box Testing

In this the test cases are generated on the logic of each module by drawing flow graphs of that
module and logical decisions are tested on all the cases. It has been uses to generate the test cases
in the following cases

 Guarantee that all independent paths have been Executed.

 Execute all logical decisions on their true and false Sides.
 Execute all loops at their boundaries and within their operational bounds 33


Integration testing ensures that software and subsystems work together a whole. It tests the
interface of all the modules to make sure that the modules behave properly when integrated
together. Integration tessting (sometimes called integration and testing, abbreviated I&T) is the
phase in software testing in which individual software modules are combined and tested as a
group. It occurs after unit testing and before validation testing. Integration testing takes as its
input modules that have been unit tested, groups them in larger aggregates, applies tests defined in
an integration test plan to those aggregates, and delivers as its output the integrated system ready
for system testing.


It Involves in house testing of the entire system before delivery to the user. It's aim is to satisfy the
user the system meets all requirements of the client's specifications. System testing of software or
hardware is testing conducted on a complete, integrated system to evaluate the system's
compliance with its specified requirements. System testing falls within the scope of black-box
testing, and as such, should require no knowledge of the inner design of the code or logic.

As a rule, system testing takes, as its input, all of the "integrated" software components that
have passed integration testing and also the software system itself integrated with any applicable
hardware system(s). The purpose of integration testing is to detect any inconsistencies between the
software units that are integrated together (called assemblages) or between any of
the assemblages and the hardware. System testing is a more limited type of testing; it seeks to
detect defects both within the "inter-assemblages" and also within the system as a whole.


It is a pre-delivery testing in which entire system is tested at client's site on real world data to find
errors. Acceptance testing is a test conducted to determine if the requirements of
a specification or contract are met. It may involve chemical tests, physical tests, or performance
tests. In systems engineering it may involve black-box testing performed on a system (for example:
a piece of software, lots of manufactured mechanical parts, or batches of chemical products) prior
to its delivery.

In software testing the ISTQB defines acceptance as: formal testing with respect to user
needs, requirements, and business processes conducted to determine whether a system satisfies the
acceptance criteria and to enable the user, customers or other authorized entity to determine

whether or not to accept the system. Acceptance testing is also known as user acceptance testing
(UAT), end-user testing, operational acceptance testing (OAT) or field (acceptance) testing.

Testing Can Be Done In Two Ways

 Bottom up approach
 Top down approach

Bottom Up Approach: Testing can be performed starting from smallest and lowest level modules
and proceeding one at a time. For each module in bottom up testing a short program executes the
module and provides the needed data so that the module is asked to perform the way it will when
embedded within the larger system. When bottom level modules are tested attention turns to those
on the next level that use the lower level ones they are tested individually and then linked with the
previously examined lower level modules.

Top Down Approach: This type of testing starts from upper level modules. Since the detailed
activities usually performed in the lower level routines are not provided stubs are written. A stub is
a module shell called by upper level module and that when reached properly will return a message
to the calling module indicating that proper interaction occurred. No attempt is made to verify the
correctness of the lower level module.




01 Face Live Detect Human Faces Detects Pass

Detection Images from Input Images Human
Faces from
Input Images

Table 7.1 Test Case for Face Detection


01 Normalization Human Normalize facial Normalize pass

Faces landmarks facial

Table 7.2 Test Case for Normalization


01 Feature Human Extract Facial Extracts pass

Extraction Faces Features Facial

Table 7.3 Test Case for Feature Extraction


01 Face Live Identify Human Identify Faces pass

Recognition Images Faces and Display and Display
rectangular Frames rectangular
on Faces Frames on

Table 7.4 Test Case for Face Recognition


01 Object Objects Identify Objects and Objects Are Fail

Detection Display Rectangular Not Detected
Frames on Objects

Table 7.5 Test Case for Object Detection


The system has been tested and implemented successfully and thus ensured that all the
requirements as listed in the software requirements specification are completely fulfilled. In case
of erroneous input corresponding error messages are displayed.

S.No Input Expected Actual Pass/Fail

Result Result
1 Human Faces Recognise Recognise Pass
Faces Faces
2 Objects Recognise Objects are Fail
objects not
3 Animal Faces Recognise Animal Faces Fail
Faces are Not
4 Human Faces in Recognise Recognise Pass
Phone Faces Faces
5 Human Faces in Recognise Recognise Pass
Photo Faces Faces

Table 7.6 Validation


Fig 8.1 Execution

Fig 8.2 Face Recognition from live video

Fig 8.3 Multiple Face Recognition from Live Video

Fig 8.4 Face Recognition from Photo

Fig 8.5 Face Recognition from Phone

Fig 8.6 Object1 was not recognised

Fig 8.7 Object2 was not recognised

Fig 8.8 Face Recognition in Paper

Fig 8.9 Face Recognition in T-Shirt

Fig 8.10 Face Recognition in Book



As the fastest growing technology today, facial recognition will have many users in the near future.
While facial recognition can be used to protect your privacy, it can as easily be used to invade your
privacy by taking your picture when your entirely unaware of camera.


The future work can be done on server-client application which could hold more number of images
in both sides. If the server system fails the same image database can be recovered from the client
side. Any alternative algorithm can be used in face recognition to identify the variations of face
still more clearly.



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2) http://pythonhosted.org/face_recognition/readme.html

3) https://media.readthedocs.org/pdf/face-recognition/latest/face-recognition.pdf

4) https://support.hp.com/gb-en/document/c05377979


6) https://www.raspberrypi.org/blog/facial-recognition-opencv-on-the-camera-board/

7) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Facial_recognition_system


9) https://realpython.com/face-recognition-with-python/



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