An Introduction To Quantum Cascade Lasers (QCLS) : What Is A QCL?

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Application Note AN-LD15 Rev.

An Introduction to
Quantum Cascade Lasers
April, 2013
Page 1

Quantum Cascade Lasers (QCL) are semiconductor lasers QCLs operate in a fundamentally different way than diode
that emit in the mid- and long-wave IR bands, and are lasers:
finding new applications in precision sensing, spectroscopy, • Diode lasers depend on the process of electron-hole
medical, and military applications(1). Their wide tuning range recombination: an electron from the conduction band
and fast response time allow for faster and more precise recombines with a hole in the valence band, and in the
compact trace element detectors and gas analyzers that are process a single photon is emitted.
replacing slower and larger FTIR, mass spectroscopy, and • Diode lasers are limited to about 2.5 μm wavelength
photothermal microspectroscopy systems. because the wavelength is determined by the
recombination energy, or bandgap, of the material
Since the first operational QCL emitted light in 1994 system used to fabricate the device. Different material
tremendous effort has been put into making them more combinations result in different bandgaps, but there is a
robust, versatile, and manufacturable. Quantum cascade limit to the materials that can be used to make a diode
lasers are used in industrial exhaust sensing, safe-distance laser.
explosives detectors, light sources for infrared imaging • Figure 1 illustrates the principle on which QCLs operate,
systems, medical diagnostic breath analyzers, and a variety which is discussed in detail in the next section.
of other sensing and spectroscopic applications(2). The
number of markets for QCLs is growing at an ever-increasing
rate as scientists and manufacturers gain more experience
with them.

Figure 1. Quantum Cascade Laser Well Structure

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Quantum cascade lasers are comprised of dozens of Perhaps the most important application for QCLs is in gas
alternating layers of semiconductor material, forming sensing and measurement. Systems based on widely-tunable
quantum energy wells that confine the electrons to particular QCLs can be used to measure multiple gas species, and
energy states. As each electron traverses the lasing medium narrowly targeted systems can detect and measure gas
it transitions from one quantum well to the next, driven by the concentrations in the parts-per-trillion range.
voltage applied across the device. At precisely engineered
locations, called the “active region,” the electron transitions Distributed feedback QCLs (DFB QCL) are capable of
from one valence band energy state to a lower one and in wavelength tuning up to a few tens of cm-1. External cavity
the process emits a photon. The electron continues through QCLs (EC-QCL) expand the tuning range to ~1000 cm-1,
the structure and when it encounters the next active region and are used for sensing and measuring multiple gas
it transitions again and emits another photon. The QCL species(3),(4). These types of QCLs are used for both local
may have as many as 75 active regions, and each electron and remote sensing of numerous gas species, including CO,
generates that many photons as it traverses the structure. CO2, NH3, CH4, NOX, and SO2.

The output wavelength is determined by the structure of Because they require relatively low power and are so small,
the layers rather than the lasing material, and that means QCL-based systems replace larger and slower FTIR and
device fabricators can tailor the wavelength in a way that mass spectroscopy systems for both lab and field work.
can’t be achieved with diode lasers. While diode laser output Ruggedized applications include continuous exhaust
wavelength is limited to ~2.5 μm, QCLs operate at much monitoring on an industrial basis, such as in-the-stack
longer wavelengths: mid-wave infrared production devices measurements of pollutants, or well-head detection of
up to 11 μm are available, and some 25 μm emitters have byproduct gases at petroleum drilling platforms.
been made on an experimental basis. This transmission
range is useful because of the large number of absorption Specific examples of applications where QCLs excel include:
lines exhibited by common target gases that fall within this • High-power 4 μm QCLs used in heat-seeking missile
band. countermeasures
• Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs) are often made
Terahertz QCLs are now being commercialized - some of compounds that absorb in the terahertz range;
emitting in the range of 100 μm to 150 μm. More complex ruggedized and portable THz QCL-based detectors
gas molecules absorb at these longer wavelengths, and could be continuously scanned ahead of a moving
greater measurement accuracy is possible with QCL-based convoy or used to search a public gathering space for
systems than with current technologies. QCLs allow for threats
remote sensing of these complex molecules, whereas most • Real-time monitoring of industrial exhaust emissions for
traditional methods require a sample of the subject material. process control
Some technical challenges remain before these systems are • Remote sensing of industrial exhaust stacks for
commercially viable on a large scale, but the technology is environmental regulation enforcement
advancing rapidly. • Compact and fast airborne instruments for monitoring
and measuring trace atmospheric gases in studies
relating to global climate change

QCL-based systems are also finding application in the

growing field of medical diagnostics(5). Trace gases present
on a patient’s breath can indicate diabetes, asthma and other
respiratory issues, kidney and liver dysfunction, and other
indicators are being discovered regularly. Such an application
requires extremely fast sampling times, relatively small size,
and accurate results in order to avoid misdiagnosis.

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At present QCLs are still somewhat specialized devices.

Manufacturing is difficult to optimize, and small batch sizes
result in high unit cost. As the value of these devices is more
widely realized and more applications are created, QCLs will
become more readily available and affordable.

Implementing QCLs requires system designers to pay

particular attention to the driver and temperature control
electronics. Current noise from the QCL driver causes
the laser linewidth to broaden, which reduces the overall
system sensitivity and precision, and temperature change
causes the wavelength to drift. In order to fully realize the
precision made possible by QCLs it is important that they
are powered by ultra-low noise drivers and highly stable
temperature controllers. Refer to AN-LD14: QCL Basics for
more information about these important components of any
QCL-based system.


The Bell Labs website is a very readable primer on quantum (1) Zeller, et. al., DFB Lasers Between 760 nm and 16
cascade laser physics: μm for Sensing Applications, (Sensors 2010, 10, ISSN 1424-8220)
(2) Tittel, Bakhirkin, Kosterev, and Wysocki, Recent
Northwestern University’s QCL physics page details the
Advances in Trace Gas Detection Using Quantum and
construction and reliability of QCLs:
Interband Cascade Lasers (Rice Quantum Institute,
Rice University, 2006)
RESEARCH PAPERS: (3) Wysocki, et. al., Widely tunable mode-hop free external
Wysocki, et. al., Widely tunable mode-hop free external cavity cavity quantum cascade lasers for high resolution
quantum cascade lasers for high resolution spectroscopy spectroscopy and chemical sensing, (Applied Physics
and chemical sensing (2008); B, 2008) (4) Soibel, Mansour, Spiersand, Forouhar, Development of
mid-IR lasers for Laser Remote Sensing, (Jet Propulsion
Zeller, et. al., DFB Lasers Between 760 nm and 16 μm for Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, 2005)
Sensing Applications; (ISSN 1424-8220). (5) Bakhirkin, et. al., Mid-infrared quantum cascade laser
based off-axis integrated cavity output spectroscopy for
Soibel, et. al., Development of mid-IR lasers for Laser biogenic nitric oxide detection, (Rice University, 2004)
Remote Sensing (paper, 2005);

Soibel, et. al., Development of mid-IR lasers for Laser

Remote Sensing (presentation, 2005) ; REVISION HISTORY REV DATE NOTES
A 20-Apr-13 Initial Release

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