External Media List As at 040418

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PREMIER’S MEDIA UNIT (as at 4 April, 2018)

Level 1, 1 Treasury Place, East Melbourne, VIC, 3000

PH 9651.5000 FAX 9651.5054


DANIEL ANDREWS Lisa Maksimovic 0421 597 669

Premier Chris Piper 0458 715 135
Marty Mei 0431 182 251

Education, Emergency Services
Deputy Premier Matthew Dixon 0438 190 148

JACINTA ALLAN Public Transport, Major Projects 0424 753 775

Hayley McNaughton
Leader of the House
BEN CARROLL Industry & Employment Matt Macklin 0437 793 066

LILY D’AMBROSIO Energy, Environment & Climate Change, 0447 771 882
Nathan Motton
Suburban Development
PHILIP DALIDAKIS Small Business, Innovation and Trade, 0418 173 201
International Education Patrick Molan

LUKE DONNELLAN Roads, Road Safety & the TAC, Ports 0409 730 565
Ben McNair

JOHN EREN Tourism & Major Events, Sport, Veterans 0409 795 849
Kosta Pandos

MARTIN FOLEY Housing, Disability & Ageing, Mental Health, 0438 313 732
Andrew Nelson
Equality, Creative Industries
JILL HENNESSY Health, Ambulance Services 0438 021 203
Elisa Fernandes

NATALIE HUTCHINS Women, Prevention of Family Violence Emma Webster 0428 171 119
Aboriginal Affairs, Industrial Relations

GAVIN JENNINGS Special Minister of State 0458 715 135

Leader Legislative Chris Piper
MARLENE KAIROUZ Local Government, Consumer Affairs, 0436 344 218
Gaming and Liquor Regulation Pat Hutchens

JENNY MIKAKOS Families and Children, Youth Affairs 0434 367 449
Crys Ja

LISA NEVILLE Police, Water 0437 779 243

Jessica Evans

MARTIN PAKULA Attorney General, Racing Holly Little 0437 381 620

TIM PALLAS Treasury, Resources Elliot Giakalis 0438 332 378

JAALA PULFORD Agriculture, Regional Development

Deputy Leader Legislative Tom Whitty 0488 084 717
ROBIN SCOTT Finance, Multicultural Affairs Marty Mei 0431 182 251

GAYLE TIERNEY Training and Skills, Corrections 0409 741 279

Jamila Fontana

RICHARD WYNNE Planning 0437 884 010

Patrick Lane
Health Matilda Edwards-Jezequel 0447 422 464
Infrastructure Ben Cuzzupe 0438 398 378
Water Jessica Evans 0437 779 243
Suburban Adviser Jordy Jeffrey-Bailey 0422 641 929

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