Amy L. Graham: Objective Certification

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Amy L.

2645 Covel Bluff Dr [email protected]
Ottawa, IL 61350 815-257-8134
To obtain the second grade position at Wallace Grade School.
IL Type 03, Earned May of 2013
• Endorsements: Middle School Social Studies and Middle School Language Arts
• Assessment of Professional Teaching, passed November 2012
• Content Test, passed October 2011
• Basic Skills Test, passed April 2011
Bradley University, Peoria, IL
Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education, Earned May of 2013
Concentration in Social Studies and Language Arts
• Overall G.P.A: 3.66/4.0 • Education G.P.A: 3.78/4.0

!Bradley University Study Abroad: English 300 Travel Writing, Dublin, Ireland, May 2011
Field Experience
Marseilles Elementary School, Marseilles, IL
First Grade Teacher, August 2013-Present
• Align reading and math lessons with the common core standards
• Utilize Engage New York as a math curriculum
• Work collaboratively with the first grade team to develop a first grade curriculum aligned to the common core.
• Advisor of the sixth through eighth grade Student Council.
• Work closely with the R.T.I interventionists in the guidance of my students.
• Use Star360 as a tool for tracking student progress and growth.
• Communicate with parents/guardians on a weekly basis through phone calls, emails, and newsletters.
• Attend weekly Professional Learning Community (P.L.C) meetings as a whole staff and first grade team.
• Attend weekly meetings for the PBIS behavior plan committee to plan school wide expectations.
• Apply methods of differentiation within core subjects through group work and the Wonders Reading program.
• Utilize the Teacherease online program for entering student grades, taking attendance, and parent communication.
• Collaborate with the second grade teachers to ensure future success of my students.
• Find new tools to effectively use our 1-1 computer technology within our classroom.
!Metamora Grade School, Metamora, IL
Student Teacher, Kindergarten, January 2013-May 2013
• Aligned reading and math lessons with the common core standards.
• Formed week long thematic units that align to C.C Standards and encouraged inquiry learning.
• Attended weekly meetings involved with common core curriculum and community involvement.
!Holy Family Parish School, Peoria, IL
Novice Teacher, 3rd grade, September 2012-December 2012
• Developed a U.S Constitution unit that included a field trip to Peoria’s Constitution Garden, as well as parent
involvement through hands-on learning stations related to the Revolution and the Declaration of Independence.
• Incorporated Smart Board tools within lessons.
• Taught core reading using the Daily Five reading program.
Amy L. Graham
[email protected]
Field Experience (Continued)
Irving Primary School, Peoria, IL
Student Observer, 2nd Grade Bilingual Classroom, February 2012-April 2012
• Taught five biology lessons that used Specifically Designed Academic Instruction in English (SDAIE) as a form
of instruction with students in a bilingual Spanish-English classroom.
Related Experience
Streator, IL YMCA
Swim Instructor/Lifeguard, January 2006-September 2010
• Taught swim lessons to fifteen to twenty students in the 3-5 year old age group.
• Coached the Streator Stingray swim team.
Community and School Involvement
Junior High Student Council Advisor, Marseilles Elementary School, August 2014-Present
• Hold weekly meetings with the elected junior high student council representatives.
• Monitor junior high dances.
• Assist with monthly fundraisers for local and national foundations.
!Student Tutor within the Streator and Marseilles Community, June 2014-August 2015
• Assist a student at the kindergarten grade level with math and reading using supplemental material.
• Assist a student at the second grade level with math, reading, and writing using supplemental material.
• Assist a student at the third grade level with math and reading using supplemental material.

Professional Development
Illinois Health Care of LaSalle, Livingston & Bureau Counties. May 2014
The Effects of Violence on Mental Health and Well Being
• Attended a seminar that discusses how to detect signs that a child has experienced some form of violence.
Educators Training Network. Peoria, IL. June 2014
32 Fantastic Math and Reading Centers
• Hands on workshop that focused on math, reading, and writing center material and center execution.
ROE35, Oglesby, IL. July 2015
I-STEM science partnership workshops
• Met for two weeks in July to receive training on the new NGSS science standards.
Marseilles Elementary School, Marseilles, IL August 2013-Present
Professional Learning Community Ongoing Training. (P.L.C)
• Meet as a whole school to discuss school goals involving data, R.T.I instruction and C.C standards.
• Meet as a first grade team to form C.C aligned curriculum.
Marseilles Elementary School. September 2017 and February 2018
Autism for General Educators Part 1 and 2
• A workshop to provide general educators with the knowledge and tools to effectively include students with autism
in the general education setting.
• SMARTboard • PBIS Behavior Program • Engage New York/Zearn
• Student Council Advisor • TeacherEase • Daily 5 Reading Program
• Professional Learning • D’Nealian Writing • Wonders Reading Series
Community. (PLC)

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