Fun Play
Fun Play
Fun Play
Child/ Hine: Ayra. Teacher/ kaiako: Naema. Date/Ra: 12th March/Maehe, 2018.
I said, “I was wondering why you are waiting?” I asked her how long she put her lunch to heat. She
said, “For one minute” and then she thought for a second and said, “I told my dad this is cold but my
dad said no, one minute is fine”. I replied, “Sometimes it depends on how much food is on your
plate,” She said, “I have some rice and chicken and showed me the amount with the gesture of her
hand”. I said, “For this size of food I think one minute is fine”. She said, “I am making slime” then she
pulled the container close to her and stirred it very steadily then she got the sand and spread it
evenly. Ayra called Samera and told her what she was doing and asked her to bring something to get
slime. When Samera came to her with holding a small lid in her hand. Ayra sent her back and said,
“No you have to go and get a plate otherwise you will drop it”. When Samera insisted to pour slime
on the lid Ayra said, “No you have to get big one I don’t want you to drop my slime”. When Samera
came with the plate Arya happily served Samera the sand and water with great perfection.
I noticed Ayra has a great understanding of the world around her as she
was able to negotiate and investigate. She knew how many minutes was
required to heat her food. I also noticed that she is able to negotiate and
make rules to extend her play as she asked Samera to get the bigger pot.
During my relieving time I noticed Ayra is a very confident girl. She plays
well independently as well as in a group of children. She loves makeup
and has a great interest in family play, most of the times she is with Samera, Malak, and Farida. To
know her more I looked at her profile book and found out similarities in a few of her previous
stories. In one of her story it has been mentioned: Te Whariki, Contribution children develop the
ways in which they are developing the strategies and skills for initiating, maintaining and enjoying
relationships with other children; including turn taking, problem solving skills, negotiation and taking
each other’s point of view. I also noticed in her previous group stories that she has contributed when
the centre had a programme for Healthy Heart - Ayra mentioned chips are not good. To foster their
learning about health, teacher Catherine brought a book about bones and teeth. Ayra participated
and showed her interest and shared her knowledge that milk is good for our bones and teeth.
It is evident that Ayra knowledge has been fostered in An-Nur and now she is s ready for school
where she will be able to extend her interaction and learning alongside children of her age/ Tuakana
Teina. Where she experience the environments and equipment’s in such a way to engage her in age
appropriate challenges to further promote her strategies for active exploration, thinking and
reasoning. As Te Whaariki mentioned in strand: 5 Exploration/ mana aotuuroa Gola: 5; children
develop working theories for making sense of the natural, social, physical and material world (te
rangahau me te maatauranga).
Parent’s contribution: