Recent Developments in German Succession Law: Thomas Rauscher
Recent Developments in German Succession Law: Thomas Rauscher
Recent Developments in German Succession Law: Thomas Rauscher
Thomas Rauscher*
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I. General tendencies
1. Legislation
Moreover there have even been very few changes in succession law during the last decade
despite ongoing debates on several topics to be or not to be reformed.
Only three remarkable changes since the mid-nineties are worth a discussion: The reform
concerning succession rights of children born out of wedlock, the implementation of
succession rights for so-called “life-partnerships” of same sex couples and changes and a new
form for wills to be made by persons unable to speak and write.
Electronic Journal of Comparative Law, vol. 14.2 (October 2010),
1934d et seq BGB do no longer apply if the decedent dies after March 31, 1998 unless there
has been a valid settlement under §§ 1934d BGB before that date (Art 227 EGBGB3).
After the BVerfG had rejected a lawsuit that had been brought by several (conservative)
governments of the Bundesländer (Federal States) claiming unconstitutionality, civil law
rules5 on life-partnership became almost completely assimilated to marriage6 under a reform
law which came into force from January 1, 2005. Nevertheless the rules on succession of life
partners remain to be found in the LPartG which only sometimes refers to the respective rules
for marriage in the BGB. Those rules do only apply to formal life-partnerships which have
been entered into under § 1 LPartG. They do neither apply to mere cohabitation of same sex
couples nor are such rules applicable to unmarried couples of different sexes.
Although § 10 LPartG dealing with succession rights looks quite erratic when compared to
the succession rules for spouses in §§ 1931 et seq BGB, there are no material differences.
If the estate is intestate § 10 (1) and (2) LPartG grant the same shares to the surviving partner
as a spouse would take under § 1931 BGB including the device on household items (§ 10 (1)
S 3, 4 LPartG, see § 1932 BGB). If the life partners did live under the marital property system
of Zugewinngemeinschaft (participation7 in marital gain), which under the 2005 reform
became the property system imposed by law if there is no contract to the contrary, even §
1371 (1) BGB applies according to § 6 S 2 LPartG. There is no calculation of Zugewinn
(marital gain) if one life partner dies intestate. Instead the surviving partner will take an
increase of his or her share by one fourth of the estate. The same method applies – since the
marital property regime of Zugewinngemeinschaft was created for spouses in 1958 – to a
surviving spouse regardless whether the deceased or the surviving spouse had the higher gains
during marriage.8
Introductory law to the BGB.
Federal Constitutional Court.
There remain significant differences in taxation laws and other public laws which can be changed by the
Federal legislator only with the consent of the second chamber, the Bundesrat where a majority of the Federal
States opposed the entire reform.
The only remaining difference is that adoption – with the exception of step-child-adoption – cannot be
performed by same sex couples.
Although the German word “Gemeinschaft” would literally mean “community” there is no community property
under this regime rather a mere valorization and distribution of gains which have been achieved during the
marriage by one or both of the spouses.
Originally this rule was made for surviving housewives under the (irrebuttable) assumption that the husband
had collected all the marital property in his name and that half of his estate consisted in marital gain. For same
Electronic Journal of Comparative Law, vol. 14.2 (October 2010),
If the estate is testate a surviving life-partner is entitled under § 6 LPartG to the same
Pflichtteilsanspruch (claim to a forced share9) as a surviving spouse. On the other hand life-
partners are entitled under § 10 (4) LPartG to testate commonly, a privilege previously
granted only to spouses (§ 2265 BGB). This does not only facilitate the formal making of a
will which in order to be valid may be entirely handwritten by one life-partner and signed by
both of them under § 10 (4) S 2 LPartG, § 2267 BGB. It also makes the rules on correspective
wills (§§ 2269 et seq) applicable to life-partners (§ 10 (4) S 2 LPartG).
§ 2232 BGB does no longer ask for a “verbal” declaration of the will, so a testator who is
unable to speak may clarify his or her intentions to the notary in whatever method even with
the intervention of a third person if it is clear that the will is governed by the testator’s
intentions. The former § 2233 (3) BGB which allowed making a will only by delivering it in
writing if the testator was unable to speak has been abandoned. Nevertheless a person who is
unable to speak, write or express himself in any way continues to be prevented from making a
a. Relevance of BVerfG-Decisions
As German courts are bound by law and codification under Article 20 (3) Grundgesetz10
changes in succession law cannot be implemented by mere court decisions. Although a
German court, as courts in other civil law countries alike, may use its discretion when
interpreting the law and thereby even change fundamental tendencies of codified law,
succession law is not the field where fundamental changes are effected by court decisions. If
the law is clear and unambiguous, as it has been in the most important fields of legal-political
discussions concerning succession rights which took place in Germany during the last five
decades, civil courts do not have the power to change the law.
On the other hand Germany has its powerful BVerfG which, as the guardian of
constitutionality of the legislation, may declare any law null and void if it finds such law
unconstitutional. Decisions of the BVerfG have the force of law and therefore are published in
the Federal Official Gazette (BGBl). Therefore an impact of changes in society on legal
developments can not only be caused by parliamentary legislation. There have been some
significant cases when the BVerfG caused or prevented a move in the development of
succession law in its social and constitutional context.
sex partners such assumption is far from reality as, although the question who will die first statistically depends
on the gender (husbands usually die first), there is no statistical rule that housekeepers in same sex marriages die
Relatives who are entitled to a Pflichtteil will not become forced heirs; instead they have only a claim to half
the value of their potential intestate share.
Constitution (literally “Fundamental Law”).
Electronic Journal of Comparative Law, vol. 14.2 (October 2010),
b. The impact of the BVerfG on the above mentioned Changes of the Law
The significant changes in succession law mentioned above (I.1.b, c and d) are closely related
to the powers of the BVerfG. Both cases show in different ways the strong impact of BVerfG
decisions concerning constitutional values on the law making process in German civil law and
particularly in family law related aspects of succession law.
After the 1970 reform for more than a decade the BVerfG followed a tendency not to declare
the new rules unconstitutional despite significant criticism from the liberal part of the legal
science. The grant of – and at the same time restriction to – a mere monetary participation of
the illegitimate child in the estate of the deceased father (Erbersatzanspruch)12 implemented
by the 1970 reform was held constitutional by the BVerfG.13 The possibility of a settlement of
succession rights inter vivos (Vorzeitiger Erbausgleich) was held constitutional as well
notwithstanding the fact that such settlement would not only exclude the child form the
father’s estate but also the father from the child’s.14 Things began to change in the 1990ies
when the BVerfG not only declared some paragraphs of family law relating to illegitimate
children unconstitutional but also voided one succession rule (§ 1934c BGB) preventing post-
mortal establishment of fatherhood and started reasoning whether society had changed far
enough to even see other succession rules in a different light.15 Such changes in the BVerfG’s
attitude towards equal right protection for children born out of wedlock are mentioned as a
decisive factor for the new law making process in the legislative materials.16
Nevertheless the BVerfG did not change the situation concerning succession rights of children
born out of wedlock before July 1, 1949. Neither the 1970 legislation nor the 1998 legislation
granted any succession rights to such children. Recently the BVerfG confirmed a former
decision which the court had delivered in 197617 on the transition rule of the 1970 NEhelG
(Art 12 § 10 (2) S 1 NEhelG). As the 1998 legislator had adapted the same transition rule,
thereby finally excluding such children from the now unrestricted right to inherit as a child,
the question could have been answered in a different way. The BVerfG18 held this rule
constitutional. Treating such children differently was not unconstitutional as the father and
BVerfGE 25, 167 (BVerfGE 25 = Entscheidungen des Bundesverfassungsgerichts Band 25 = Decisions of the
BVerfG Volume 25 page 167).
Substituted inheritance right.
BVerfGE 44, 1.
BVerfGE 58, 377.
BVerfG NJW 1996, 1884 (NJW = Neue Juristische Wochenschrift).
See Gesetzentwurf der Bundesregierung, Bundestags-Drucksache 13/4183, 7 (Legislative Proposal of the
Federal Government, Documents of the Federal Parliament 13th Legislative Period no 4183); Bundestags-
Drucksachen are published online under
BVerfGE 44, 1.
BVerfG ZEV 2004, 114 (Zeitschrift für Erbrecht und Vermögensnachfolge).
Electronic Journal of Comparative Law, vol. 14.2 (October 2010),
other family members of children born before the coming into force of the Grundgesetz in
1949 deserved protection of their confidence that the general succession rules concerning
such children would not change after almost half a century. What originally had been a
mistake could not be reversed after that period.
Recently the BVerfG had the opportunity to decide on one of the most important questions
legal practitioners have to answer when asked for advice by potential testators. The
aging society in European countries which is particularly a problem in Germany
increases the number of potential testators wish to disinherit or at least reduce the
intestate share of their children as economic family ties are significantly reduced when
children are leaving home and aging parents rely for their future welfare on their
respective partner or even more on social welfare. If even in regular cases aging
testators do not want to grant the 50 percent forced share to their children imposed by
law (§ 2301 BGB); usually hard cases bring up the question of constitutionality.
On April 19, 2005 the BVerfG22 rendered a combined decision on two cases where
unconstitutionality of the following rules had been claimed: § 2303 BGB, the general rule
granting a Pflichtteil to children, parents and spouses, § 2333 BGB, ruling on some
extraordinary situations when the testator may take away the right to the forced share by will
and § 2339 BGB ruling on even more exceptional situations when a person is disqualified to
take as a heir under intestate or testate succession as well as under the concept of Pflichtteil.
One of those cases was exceptional indeed, as the son who was claiming his Pflichtteil had
attacked his mother several times, who then disinherited him, before he finally killed her and
buried her dismembered body in the forest. Although this behavior, if done consciously and
voluntarily, would have been sufficient to deprive him from any participation in her estate
BVerfG NJW 2002, 2543.
The undersigned national Rapporteur does not share the opinion of the BVerfG in this case. He continues to
hold the LPartG unconstitutional under Art 6 (1) GG, the special protection rule for marriage and family, see
Rauscher Familienrecht (2001) 513. The only continuing difference between marriage an life partnership in civil
law is that life partners are not allowed to adopt with the exception of stepchild-adoption.
BVerfG NJW 1999, 1853.
BVerfG NJW 2005, 1651.
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under § 2339 no 1 BGB and even more had been a good ground for disinheriting him (i.e.
taking away his forced share) under § 2333 no 1 BGB he had been found not guilty due to
mental disease.
The other case is very much symptomatic for the everyday problem of mere estrangement
between parents and children in the course of live. Particularly the son claiming his Pflichtteil
had denied any contact to the testator during several years and prevented him from even
meeting his grandchildren.
The BVerfG granted relief in the first case and denied it in the second. The court clearly stated
that the concept of Pflichtteil – as far as children are entitled under it – enjoys protection
under the constitutional protection of succession (Art 14 (1) S 1 GG) as well as under the
constitutional protection of family (Art 6 (1) GG). The meaning of this statement exceeds the
mere constitutionality of the Pflichtteil as a restriction of the testator’s freedom which had
been decided before.23 Instead this decision says that the concept of Pflichtteil of children
cannot be abandoned by law. According to the BVerfG the concept of Pflichtteil is made
precisely for cases when the testator wants to disinherit and thereby “punish” a child as a
consequence of a situation of mere estrangement. However, the legislator is under an
obligation to provide sufficient remedies for exceptional situations. Although the BVerfG
found § 2333 BGB generally sufficient as such a remedy, only the interpretation of § 2333 no
1 BGB, that a lack of guiltiness for mental disease would make it impossible to disinherit a
child who attacked and finally killed the testator, which had been given by the civil courts in
the first case, was unconstitutional.
Despite the outcome in the exceptional first case this decision gives strong support for the
German concept of Pflichtteil as far as children are concerned. The BVerfG’s reference to a
strong and long lasting tradition in German law makes clear, that the freedom of the testator
has no preference over the principle of transmission of property to further generations. The
expectation that an abnormal case could destroy the entire concept was wrong; nevertheless
discussions in the legal science will continue
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such clause could be against good morals (§ 138 BGB) had finally held that such clause was
no fundamental restriction of the freedom of marriage and that – at least – the testator had
good reason to implement such clause which therefore was not an immediate attack towards a
specific heir’s freedom of marriage.
On the other hand the BVerfG24 held, that the freedom to make a will (Art 12 GG) and the
freedom to enter into a marriage (Art 6 (1) GG) had to be weighed against each other even in
civil cases concerning a will that could affect freedom of marriage. The crucial point was
whether such an adequateness-clause could cause intolerable pressure on the potential heir to
enter or not into a specific marriage. In particular, the BGH had not sufficiently weighed
whether, decades after the abandonment of monarchy in Germany, the stability of a dynasty’s
house estate was good reason to restrict an heirs freedom of marriage.
a. General tendencies
There are no noteworthy general tendencies in the jurisdiction of civil courts on succession
law in a sense that could be understood as silent change of the law. Sometimes significant
moves towards the BVerfG have been initiated by courts, who, if they consider a rule of law
unconstitutional need to present it to the BVerfG.25 Nevertheless during recent years civil
courts had to decide not only details but also some more general questions of succession law
which might be of comparative interest. This is not the place to give an overview of
jurisdiction on succession law during the last couple of years. Therefore the following
examples are little more than spotlights on what kind of succession law problems German
courts have been dealing with during the last years.
BVerfG NJW 2004, 2008.
With the restriction that such rule must be post-constitutional i.e. either have been promulgated after July 1,
1949 or expressly or silently affirmed by the Federal legislator.
However, not clear at all BGH NJW 2002, 671.
See Oberlandesgericht Frankfurt/Main FGPrax 2002, 124 (Praxis der freiwilligen Gerichtsbarkeit).
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bb. Under §§ 2077 (1), § 2279 (2) BGB the succession right of a spouse under a will or a
succession contract ceases when the marriage between this spouse and the testator has been
divorced.28 This is also true for common wills according to § 2268 (1) BGB. There is a
unanimous opinion that the loss of the right to inherit is only presumed and therefore a will,
common will or succession contract may survive divorce, if the spouse or the spouses had
such an intention. Recently the BGH29 had to decide whether a common will, which under §
2270 BGB is binding as far as its dispositions are correspective, can be cancelled after divorce
unilaterally by one former spouse under § 2271 BGB. The former prevailing opinion argued
that there was no longer any binding effect after divorce as divorced spouses could not have
made a common will at all; whether such a will remained valid or not was a matter of
interpretation under § 2268 BGB; the binding effect, however should cease with divorce
notwithstanding any different interpretation at the time of making the will. The court now
decided that the binding effect of correspective dispositions did not necessarily cease with
divorce; as for the entire will it was a matter of interpretation at the time of making the will
whether the spouses wanted the binding effect to survive their divorce or not.
Or if a divorce is pending in a situation as described in § 1933 BGB.
BGH NJW 2004, 3113.
See Bayerisches Oberstes Landesgericht (BayObLG) NJW 2000, 1174; OLG Celle MDR 2003, 89
(Monatsschrift für Deutsches Recht).
BGH NJW 2004, 3558.
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heirship thereby passing it to the next person entitled as an heir under intestate or testate
succession. This method could be particularly successful if the person who is then qualified as
the heir is under no obligation to support the rejecting heir, for example if the estate falls to a
brother or sister. However this method will not work as a rejection made in order to prevent a
social security agency from access is considered contrary to good morals (§ 138 BGB).32
If the beneficiary is merely entitled to the Pflichtteil (what sometimes is the case because the
decedent wanted to prevent his estate from falling to social security) there is no immediate
access of the agency if the beneficiary does not claim the Pflichtteil. However social security
laws allow the agency to transfer such claim from the beneficiary to the agency which means
the agency becomes the creditor instead of the beneficiary.33 This also occurred in the above
mentioned case of the BVerfG where a mentally ill son had killed his mother thereafter
claiming the Pflichtteil.
The following case in the BGH34 shows that sometimes parents who try to avoid that social
security will take the estate act quite understandable. Spouses had made a will under which
the estate would defer to the surviving spouse. After the surviving spouse the estate should go
to their children including a mentally disabled daughter. In order to grant this daughter some
advantages on top of the social security benefits which she would have to live from for her
entire life the testators ordered execution of the will (Testamentsvollstreckung) after the death
of the surviving spouse. The social security agency instead transferred the disabled daughter’s
claim of Pflichtteil and sued the surviving spouse. The BGH held that after such transfer the
social security agency may claim the Pflichtteil even if the beneficiary or the curator decides
not to do so in order to avoid the loss of benefits after the death of the surviving spouse under
a so-called clause of forfeiture (Verwirkungsklausel).35 However the Verwirkungsklausel had
to be interpreted with respect to what both parents intended in favor of their daughter:
Therefore she was not deprived of her position as an heir after the surviving parent as the
social security agency rather than the daughter in person had claimed her Pflichtteil.
OLG Stuttgart FGPrax 2001, 199.
§ 93 Sozialgesetzbuch XII (Social Code Volume XII) formerly § 90 Bundessozialhilfegesetz (BSHG, Federal
Law on Social Assistance).
BGH ZEV 2005, 117; as the claim is originally of civil nature, it falls within the jurisdiction of civil courts
notwithstanding a social security agency is the plaintiff.
Usually in a common will of spouses such clause will say that a child who claims the Pflichtteil after the death
of the first parent will be disinherited in taking only the Pflichtteil after the surviving parent.
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4. Legislative Projects
Nevertheless there have been signals recently that the wide spread discussion concerning the
Pflichtteil (forced share) could promote legislative activities during the 2005-2009 legislative
When answering37 a parliamentary request38 concerning the future of the Pflichtteilsrecht the
former German government stated on one hand an increasing loss of acceptance in society of
the formerly “natural” principle that parents, children and spouses should expect to receive a
forced share; on the other hand the answer clearly states that – to a “certain extent” – the
Pflichtteil should not only be considered a constitutional restriction of the testators freedom to
make a will, but also to be protected under the constitution.
Recently Federal minister of Justice, Frau Zypries, mentioned during an interview that there
was some preparatory reasoning in her ministry whether the Pflichtteil which, as such,
according to the new decision of the BVerfG as explained above, must be considered
mandatory under the German constitution, could be reduced to a share below 50 percent of
the intestate share. Undoubtedly, as the forced share for children enjoys the strongest
protection under the constitution, this question cannot be solved without regard to the forced
share of parents and spouses (and same sex life-partners). No legislative proposal concerning
this topic has been published until this day. As this question has been under discussion for
more than three decades, probability for significant changes is low and it is quite questionable
if the legislator should actually accelerate the social trend against economic solidarity within
families. To realize a significant change at this point would mean for the legislator to explore
how serious the BVerfG was about constitutional protection of the Pflichtteil.
b. Inheritance Taxation
Although Inheritance Taxation is not the immediate focus of this article, activities of the
German legislator are worth to be mentioned due to serious activity and significant
developments which might happen in a near future. The German inheritance tax system as
regulated by the Erbschaftsteuergesetz (ErbStG Federal act on inheritance taxation) follows
the principles of personal taxation of the heirs, progressive taxation according to the value of
the individual share and family protection by applying tax exempt amounts and different
taxation rates.39
Koalitionsvertrag CDU, CSU, SPD 11.11.2005; (visited Dec
30, 2005).
Antwort der Bundesregierung Bundestags-Drucksache 15/3899.
Kleine Anfrage Bundestags-Drucksache 15/3768.
A tax exempt amount for the spouse of EUR 307,000 and for each child of EUR 205,000 applies. Parents,
brothers, sisters, grandchildren, some step-relatives and the divorced spouse enjoy lower exemptions, other heirs
receive a tax exemption of EUR 5,200 only. Tax rates start at 7 percent and increase to 30 percent for children,
spouses and orphaned grandchildren. Parents etc as mentioned above owe 12 percent to 40 percent in taxes and
other heirs 17 to 50 percent. For example when taking a share of a net value of EUR 1million (not including the
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Different measures of valuation of property for tax purposes have posed one of the major
problems in estate taxation including inheritance taxation during the last years. Traditionally
the value of real estate has been measured far below the actual marked value in order to
protect real property, particularly family homes and production sites from an overload in
taxes.40 On the other hand this concept faces severe criticism even from the BVerfG41 and
from the Bundesfinanzhof42 (BFH, Federal Supreme Court of Finance) for being
unconstitutional under the general protection of equal rights clause (Art 3 (1) GG). Legislative
initiatives to reduce the effective spread of tax load between real and personal property and
(reluctantly) reduce the high rates of inheritance taxation, and at the same time to extend
family tax exemptions in order to protect moderate family homes have been brought during
the last legislative period43 and are expected to be brought up again during the present
legislative period 2005-2009.
1. Changing Aspects
Public interest in questions of succession as well as discussion in the legal science on what
should happen de lege ferenda is abundant and therefore in significant contrast to the very
restricted activities of the legislator. Probably this situation will continue as such discussions
are already a good tradition for more than four decades, since on May 14, 1969 the Bundestag
decided that a great reform of German succession law should take place during the next
marital property share of one quarter according to § 1371 (1) BGB) a spouse will pay EUR 131,670 in taxes, a
child 151,050, a parent or non-orphaned grandchild EUR 180,272, a brother or sister EUR 267,219 and a non-
relative (including non-marital partners) EUR 348,180.
For example, a house of a market value of EUR 500.000 will usually pass to the surviving spouse without any
inheritance taxes as the taxable value of real property usually doesn’t exceed 60 percent of the market price.
BVerfG NJW 1995, 2624.
BFH NJW 2002, 3197.
Gesetzesantrag des Landes Schleswig-Holstein, 21.5.2004 (Bundesrats-Drucksache 422/04) (Legal initiative
of the Federal State of Schleswig-Holstein, Documents of the Bundesrat see footnote 5); Gesetzesantrag des
Landes Hessen, 28.1.2005 (Bundesrats-Drucksache 45/05).
According to § 13a ErbStG there is a tax exemption of EUR 225,000 for domestic property belonging to
enterprises and an additional tax exemption of 35 % of the value of such property exceeding EUR 225,000. This
exemption is granted before family tax exemptions are deductable.
Which, by the way, did not prevent the legislator from reducing those exemptions from January 1, 2004
(formerly EUR 256,000 and 40 percent).
Gesetzesantrag des Freistaates Bayern, 4.5.2005 (Bundesrats-Drucksache 341/05) Legislative initiative of the
Free State of Bavaria; Gesetzesentwurf der Bundesregierung, 6.5.2005 (Bundesratsdrucksache 322/05)
Legislative initiative of the Federal Government.
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(1970-1974) session, which never did nor was even discussed in the parliament any more.47
The debate is mostly fuelled by particular interests. Some examples: Notary publics tend to
fight for more freedom for testators as their customers don’t understand why the law will
prevent them from disinheriting their children. In the early 70ies it was vividly discussed
whether the surviving spouse should take a bigger intestate share including suggestions the
spouse should take the entire estate even when children where present. Not surprisingly in all
those discussions the surviving spouse was the surviving wife and in particular the surviving
housewife. Today a new aspect has entered the discussion: During the next ten to twenty years
Germany will see estate cases totaling several billions as the wealth which has been acquired
between the 50ies and 70ies will pass to the next generation during this period. As at the same
time the Federal budget is in a worse situation as it has ever been since 1949 some might
suggest that the state should get its share from those profits which might be considered a
windfall for the middle-age generation. However, this middle-age-generation, got known as
“sandwich-generation” during the last decades, which on one hand has to pay more and more
in taxes and social security duties to keep retirement pensions as high as promised before, and
on the other hand has to support their children whose education takes longer than it ever took
before. Finally as people get older most estates which pass under a will pass to a surviving
spouse (again it is the wife) and the “children” will usually be heirs when reaching an age of
about 60. Some say they had to wait too long, others argue they won’t need it any more, so
pass it to grandchildren or the society.
The most significant activities are to be mentioned in order to give an overview and citations
where the arguments, discussions and results can be found. As legal conferences usually do
As to the early stages of this process see Rauscher, Reformfragen des gesetzlichen Erb- und Pflichtteilsrechts
(Regensburg, 1993).
The Deutsche Juristentag is an association of lawyers of different legal professions which, despite its
reputation has no official background at all. The annual conferences are usually divided into different sections
including one civil law section and prepared by opinions and resumes given by legal professionals from
university as well as practice. They are dealing with actual problems in law particularly under legal-political
aspects and finally produce demands de lege ferenda which, due to the private structure of the undertaking must
not be misunderstood as representative opinion of German law professionals or even some kind of legislative
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not produce any common decisions (with the exception of the Deutsche Juristentag) the
subsequent citations refer mostly to presentations given by law professors during such
The Deutsche Notarkammer (German notaries chamber) held a meeting in Berlin in 2000 to
debate on questions of a reform in succession law including the law of the Pflichtteil.49 In
2002 the Deutsche Juristentag discussed questions of “Financial Solidarity between
Relatives” including the Pflichtteilsrecht.50 Finally in 2003 the Arbeitsgemeinschaft
Familienrecht im Deutschen Anwaltverein (Working goup on family law of the Geman
Lawyers Association) held their annual meeting in Hamburg including one session dealing
with questions concerning a reform in succession law.51
However, such activities are dedicated on one side to a better understanding of each others
succession laws and to the comparative method in the law making and reasoning process on
the other side as similar activities on a European level are.53 There is no known activity for
unification or harmonization of succession law on a European level and the undersigned
rapporteur is definitely d’accord with the paper of the German Notary Institute54 that,
regardless of the question whether the EC had any competency in this field, harmonization is
neither necessary nor desirable and traditional cultural differences in succession law55 should
not be eliminated in favor of European harmonization.
This statement is even more important as German private international law is featuring the
application of the law of the decedent’s last citizenship (Art 25 (1) EGBGB) and German
legal professionals are fully aware of the need to provide sufficient and actual information on
succession law of other countries, including, but not limited to, EC members.56 There are
Report bei Keim DNotZ 2001, 434 (Deutsche Notar Zeitschrift) including an opinion given by Henrich (p 441
et seq) and Strätz.(p 452 et seq); see also Strätz FamRZ 1998, 1553.
Verhandlungen des 64. Deutschen Juristentages (Berlin 2002) with opinions by Martiny and Eichenhofer.
With a presentation given by Rauscher, Forum Familienrecht 2003, Sonderheft 141; see
Reported in FamRZ 2001, 273.
Compare the First European Conference on Hereditary Relations and Testament Law in the European Union in
February 2001, published by the University of Athens; see Edenfeld ZEV 2001, 457.
By the way, this is also true for Family Law.
It is noteworthy that the biggest groups of foreign citizens living in Germany are not from other EC countries.
Over decades there has been a strong number of succession cases including US citizens and during recent years
Turkish cases and even Iranian and Pakistani cases outnumber succession cases including citizens of most EC
countries. However there are regional differences as Germany’s geographical position in Central Europe
produces a significant number of cross-border families with members from close EC-neighbors, with, for
example lots of cases including Austrian succession law in Bavarian courts.
Electronic Journal of Comparative Law, vol. 14.2 (October 2010),
compendiums on foreign succession law;57 court decisions on international and foreign private
law including a significant number of succession cases are published on a regular basis.58
Several university institutes for comparative law59 as well as the Max Planck Institute for
Foreign and International Private Law Hamburg are specialized in particular succession laws
and give opinions for courts in more difficult cases, some of which are edited in annual
volumes.60 Improving the information on foreign law and preserving the legal and cultural
traditions should therefore be the future task for comparative succession specialists in Europe.
Cite as: Thomas Rauscher, Recent Developments in German Succession Law, vol. 14.2 ELECTRONIC
Including the famous lose leaf collection of “Ferid/Firsching/Lichtenberger Internationales Erbrecht”.
Internationale Privatrechtsprechung (annual volumes).
Including Berlin, Cologne, Erlangen, Leipzig, Munich, Osnabrück, Passau, Regensburg.
Basedow/Kegel/Mansel (ed) Gutachten zum internationalen und ausländischen Privatrecht (annual volumes).