Appearance As Counsel1
Appearance As Counsel1
Appearance As Counsel1
Respondents, thru counsel, respectfully submit this motion and aver that:
1) The undersigned enters the name of their law office as counsel for respondents and
humbly request that all notices and communications from the Honorable
Commission in the above case will be directed in their office address herein below
stated to wit:
2) A copy of the letter from the previous counsel addressed to respondent Reyes is
hereto attached for information of the Honorable Commission to show the severance
of their client-lawyer relationship;
Other relief just and equitable in the foregoing is likewise prayed for.
The Clerk
NLRC-First Division
Quezon City
Please take notice that on January 25, 2011 the undersigned will submit the
foregoing notice for approval of the Honorable Commission without further oral
argument and appearance of counsel.
To the clerk, please submit the foregoing motion for consideration of the Honorable
Commission immediately upon receipt hereof.
NLRC-First Division
Quezon City
A copy of the foregoing notice and motion was served to counsel for complainants
thru registered mail due to lack of manpower to do personal service.
Copy furnished: