Basics of Data Interpretation: Chapter-1

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Basics of Data Interpretation

By interpretation of data we mean understanding, organising and drawing appropriate conclusions from the
given data. In these days, Data Interpretation is an important aspect of almost every competitive examination.
Usually, a table or a bar diagram or a pie-chart or a graph is given and candidates are asked questions that test
their ability to analyse the data given in those forms. Through these questions, examiner makes an attempt to
check your ability to calculate faster and to comprehend complex and voluminous data. As a manager of
tomorrow, you will constantly come across tonnes of data daily in different forms.
Unorganised and haphazard data does not make any sense — more so to top management for whom time is
a very valuable and rare commodity. Hence, any data, be it daily production figures, daily sales figures, financial
performance or productivity, will have to be presented in a concise manner — at the same time being precise so
that top management can study it with least of effort and time thus also facilitating faster decision making.

Methods of Presenting Data

Numerical data can be presented in one or more of the following ways: (i) Table (ii) Line Graph
(iii) Bar Graph (iv) Pie-Chart (v) Venn Diagram, (vi) Caselets (vii) Triangular Bar Diagram (viii) Mix Diagram
(combination of two or more of the above forms) etc.
While some data can be presented in many different forms, some other data may be amenable to be
presented only in a few ways (we will see it in the next section of this chapter).
In real-life situation, the style of data presentation is based on the end-objective. In certain situations
data has to be presented as a combination of two or more forms of data presentation.
Here we will discuss the following:

 Presentation of given data in different forms

 How to read the given data
 Types of Problems related to data
— Percentage Related Problems
— Multiplying Fraction
— Income-Expenditure Related Problems
— Average Related Problems
— Alligation Based Problems
— Ratio Based Problems
— Set Theory Based Problems

Presentation of Given Data into Different Forms

Suppose, we have raw data as given below:
“Annual sales (in ` million) of the five companies A, B, C, D and E for the years 2000 to 2004 have been
given. Annual sales of Company A in the year 2000, 2001, 2003 and 2004 are 374, 416, 439, 588 and 532
respectively. Similarly, annual sales of Company B in the years 2000, 2001, 2002 and 2004 are 400, 520, 390,
610 and 740 respectively. Annual sales of Company C in the years 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003 and 2004 are 380, 420,
510, 690 and 760 respectively. Annual sales of Company D in the years 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003 and 2004 are
450, 540, 650, 710 and 840 respectively. Annual sales of Company E in the years 2000, 2001, 2002 and 2004 are
530, 620, 720, 750 and 640 respectively”.
The given raw data can be presented in many different forms as given below. In the following pages we will
see as to how this raw data can be presented in different other forms.
1. Table
A table is one of the simplest and most convenient means of summarising data and presenting them in a
meaningful way, as all the numerical values are given directly and any errors that may arise due to discrepan-
cies in analysing or interpreting the data expressed in graphical form are eliminated. Here, it should be borne
in mind that data expressed in the tabular form may be expressed in most of the other graphical forms. So, we
can express or summarise the voluminous data in any one of the forms as we wish. So, the ways of expression
do not matter. The various graphs can be drawn from the original piece of data which is in the form of table.
Ex. 1: The following table shows the sale (in ` million) of the companies A, B, C, D and E for the
years 2000 to 2004.

Name of companies
2000 2001 2002 2003 2004
A 374 416 439 588 532
B 400 520 390 610 740

C 380 420 510 690 760

D 450 540 650 710 840

E 530 620 720 750 640
Table 1

2. Line Graph
(a) Simple Line Graph
The line graph is one of the simplest ways of expressing the data. There could be one or more lines
depicting different sets of data.
X-axis is usually the category axis and Y-axis is usually the value axis. Therefore, in line graph there
are two axes representing two different variables. It is also known as XY-Chart or -Graph.
Ex. 2: The sale of Company D can be expressed by a line graph as given below:
Annual sale of Company A (in ` million) from 2000 to 2004.

500 416




2000 2001 2002 2003 2004

Basics of Data Interpretation 3
(b) Multiple Line Graph
Ex. 3: From the table 1, annual sale of all the five companies A, B, C, D and E from 2000 to 2004
may be expressed by multiple line graph as given below: (Figures in ` million)

300 Company A Company B
200 Company C Company D
100 Company E
2000 2001 2002 2003 2004
3. Bar Graph
(a) Simple Bar Graph
Simple bar graph is probably the most widely used method of diagrammatic representation of data. A bar
chart is a graph that consists of a number of rectangles (called bars) whose length or height varies with
the magnitude represented but all bars are of equal width. The bars may be arranged vertically or
Ex. 4: From the table 1, the annual sale of Company E from the year 2000 to 2004 may be expressed
(Figures in ` million)

by means of bar graph in the following way:
800 620 720 750 640

2000 2001 2002 2003 2004
(b) Multiple Bar Graph
Ex. 5: From the table 1, the annual sale of the companies A, B, C, D and E from year 2000 to 2004
is expressed by means of multiple bar graph: (Figures in ` million).
Company A Company B Company C

Company D Company E















2000 2001 2002 2003 2004
Mu ltiple Bar Graph
4. Pie-Chart
Pie-Charts (also called Circle-Charts) are used to represent the relative sizes of component in an aggre-
gate. Pie-Chart is a circle broken down into component sectors. Therefore, in pie-chart different data are
represented by sectors. Pie-Chart is generally used on a percentage basis and not on an absolute basis.
Different sectors of a Pie-Chart represent various component parts. Each component value is expressed either
as a percentage of respective total or as the Central Angle of the respective total.

 Value of the Sector 
Central Angle =   360
 Total Value 

Central Angle
Value of the Sector =  Total Value
[Since the angle at the centre of the circle is 360°, the total magnitude of the various components is taken
to be equal to 360°]
Total magnitude of the various components is equal to 100%. Therefore, 100%  360°
 
 360   18 
 1%   (3.6)°   
 100   5
Hence, the percentage of the component parts can be converted into degrees by multiplying each of them
by (3.6)°.
 Central Angle 
Percentage Part of Total Value =   100 %
360° 

 Percentage Part of Total Value 
Central Angle =   360

 100 
Let us see the following examples that will illustrate the above points better:
I. Computation of Central Angle when each component value is expressed as a percentage of the
respective total:
The following Pie-Chart shows the winning percentage of Indian Cricket Team in 2011


N ew Zealand Sri Lanka

15% 10%
The above pie-chart can be respresented as given below:

Cricket Team India Pakistan Australia New Zealand Sri Lanka Others

25 15 30 15 10 5
Basics of Data Interpretation 5

II. Computation of Central Angle when each component value is expressed as a part of the total
The following Pie-Chart shows the expenditure distribution of a certain family (in `)
Total Expenditure = `10000

` 3000
` 2000

` 1500

` 1000
` 1500

` 1000
The above pie-chart can be represented as given below:

Items Rent Food Entertainment Transport Clothing Education

3000 2000 1000 1000 1500 1500
(in ` )

III. Computation of percentage component when central angle of the respective total is given:
The following Pie-Chart shows the annual agricultural yield of a village

Maize Others
10° 60° Rice

80° Sugar


The above Pie-Chart can be respresented as given below:

Agricultural Product Rice Sugar Wheat Maize Others

Sector Angle 90° 120° 80° 10° 60°

Basics of Data Interpretation 7
(a) Simple Pie-Chart
Ex. 6: From the table 1, the percentage market sale in the year 2000 of the companies A, B, C, D
and E can be expressed as given below:
Total sales for the year 2000 = 2134 million

E 374
450 C

Ex. 7: From the table 1, the total sale of the companies A, B, C, D and E for the years 2000 to 2004
can be depicted as given below.

2004 2134


b) Multiple Pie-Chart
Ex. 8: From the table 1, the sale of companies A and B for the years 2000 to 2004 is expressed as
given below. This type of Pie-Chart is used for the purpose of comparison.

2004 2000
23% 16% 2004
2003 2001 20%
24% 18%
2002 23% 2002
19% 15%

Company A Company B
How to Read the Given Data
Before we go on to the suggested techniques and Quicker Approach of different types of problems on
Data Interpretation (DI), let us see how to read the given data.
Any Data Interpretation (DI) problem has three parts as given below:

Part I: Headnotes, Footnotes and Directions

This gives a description of the contents of the table and graph and precisely defines the kind of data and
the period in which they occur. This also defines the information contained in the various columns, rows, X-
axis, Y-axis, sector (in case of pie-chart) and also specifies units of measurement in some cases. Most fre-
quently, the unit of measurement is specified in the headnote. Footnotes are used to point out any exception
in arriving at the data.
Part II: Data (Table, Graph, Pie-chart, Line-chart etc)
The information related to directions may be expressed in any one of the following forms:
(i) Tabular Form
(ii) Bar Graph
(iii) Line Graph or Line Chart
(iv) Cumulative Bar Graph
(v) Multiple Line Graph or Line Chart
(vi) Pie Chart
(vii) Venn Diagram
(viii) Case lets
(ix) Radar Graph
(x) Combination of One or More Graphs

Part III: Questions Associated with Data
In DI, there are typically three to five questions associated with each of the data. As we shall see later,
these questions could be independent of each other, or might require the use of the raw data (or the outcome)
given (or obtained) in one question to solve the other.
Students are advised to approach the DI questions as per the following algorithm:
Step I: Study the Direction and Headnotes/Footnotes.
Step II: Study the table and graph.
Step III: Attempt the questions one by one.

Types of Problems Related to Data

We will discuss, in this section, only different types of problems. Problems associated with any data can be
divided into the following types:
 Percentage Related Problems
 Multiplying Fraction
 Income-Expenditure related Problems
 Average Related Problems
 Alligation Based Problems
 Ratio Based Problems
 Set Theory Based Problems

The above approach provides the student a deeper understanding of various types of data representation
and prepares the students for the variety of questions that can be expected from a data. A careful study of
techniques and tools mentioned in this section will equip the students to attempt all the questions on a
particular data set. Most of the questions in the DI Section usually appear in any one of the following types:
Basics of Data Interpretation 9

Percentage Related Problems

You must have learnt “percentage” in Arithmetic book. Though for convenience of the aspirants, we
disscuss it briefly.
The term per cent means for every hundred. For example,
(i) “A man gave 5 per cent of his income in charity means that he gave ` 5 out of every hundred rupees of
his income in charity.
(ii) “A boy obtained 60 per cent of full marks in Arithmetic” means that he obtained 60 marks out of every
hundred of full marks in Arithmetic.
(iii) “A tradesman makes a profit of 15 per cent” means that he gains ` 15 on every hundred rupees of his
The term per cent is sometimes shortened as p c. The symbol (% ) is often used for the expression
of “per cent”.
Thus, we have definition of percentage as given below:
“A fraction whose denominator is 100 is called a percentage, and the numerator of the fraction is called the
rate per cent.”
Thus, ‘9 per cent’ and mean the same thing, ie ‘9 part out of every hundred parts’.
Now, let us see the use of percentage concept to solve the Data Interpretation (DI) questions. Before going
to the application of percentage, we must know how to compare fractional numbers. Hence, look at the
Comparison of Fractional Numbers
Comparison of fractional numbers in the least possible time is very necessary to solve many Data Inter-
pretation problems. The problems in which we have to find whether percentage increase/decrease is maxi-
mum/minimum need comparison of fractional numbers.
The following are the methods for comparison of fractional numbers.
Method I: By Rough Decimal Expression
Method II: By Exact Decimal Expression

Method III: By Cross-Multiplication
Method IV: By Formulae

Method I: By Rough Decimal Expression

2 5
Suppose we have to compare and .
3 7
2 5
Roughly, we can say that is less than 0.7 and is greater than 0.7.
3 7
2 5
 
3 7
328 393
Again, suppose we have to compare and .
546 625
328 393
Roughly, we can say that is just greater than 0.6 but is quite greater than 0.6.
546 625
328 393
Therefore, 
546 625
Method II: By Exact Decimal Expression

This method is suggestive for comparison of those fractional numbers in which numerators and denominators
are not very large.
6 9
Ex. 9: Compare and .
11 17
6 9
Soln: = 0.55 and  0.53
11 17
6 9
 
11 17
83 67
Ex. 10: Compare and .
91 83
83 67
Soln: 0.91 and  0.80
91  83
83 67
 
91 83
In this case, method I is suggested.
83 67
Clearly, is greater than 0.9 but is less than 0.9.
91 83
338 473
Ex. 11: Compare and .
461 542
Soln: Exact decimal expression of the above fractional number is not possible to get quickly.
338 34
 (Two-digit conversion of 338 and 461 is 34 and 46 respectively.)
461 46
473 47
Similarly, 
542 54
34 47
is less than 0.8 but is greater than 0.8.
46 54
338 473
 
461 542
338 473
However, getting the exact decimal expression of the fractional numbers and after
461 542
two-digit conversion will take time.

Method III: By Cross-Multiplication

a c
Suppose we have to compare and .

b d
a c
b d
Cross-multiplication (ad) is corresponding to .
Cross-multiplication (bc) is corresponding to
a c
(i) If ad > bc, then 
b d
a c
(ii) If ad < bc, then 
b d
13 21
Ex. 12: Compare and .
19 26
Soln: Since (13 × 26 = 338) < (21 × 19 = 399)
13 21
 
19 26
18 47
Ex. 13: Compare and .
37 58
Soln: By actual cross-multiplication
18 47
37 58
 18 × 58 < 47 × 37
18 47
 
37 58
Basics of Data Interpretation 11
By rough cross-multiplication
18 47
37 58

(18 for 18 (47 for 47

6 for 58) 3.5 for 37)

18 47
18 × 6 < 47 × 3.5  
37 58
This method is very helpful. It requires one or two digits conversion of large numbers, because it is not
always possible to find the actual cross-multiplication. Students are advised to learn this method.
576 699
Ex. 14: Compare and .
789 892
576 699
789 892

(58 for 576 (70 for 699

9 for 892) 8 for 789)

576 699
58 × 9 < 70 × 8  
789 892
757 951
Ex. 15: Compare and .
479 563
757 951
479 563

(76 for 757 (95 for 951

4.8 for 479) 5.6 for 563)

757 951
 76  4.8  95  5.6  479  563
Method IV: By Formulae
a ax
Theorem (i): If and are two fractional numbers such that
b bx
(a) a < b
(b) a, b and x are positive integers
a ax
then 
b bx
76 89
Ex. 16: Compare and .
89 102
Soln: Difference of numerator and numerator equals to the difference of denominator and denominator.
Also, numerator is less than denominator. So, as per the theorem (i),
76 89  76  13 
  ie 
89 102  89  13 
576 687
Ex. 17: Compare and .
783 894
Soln: The difference of numerator and numerator and that of denominator and denominator is equal to
576 687
Therefore, 
783 894
a ax
Theorem (ii): If and are two fractional numbers such that
b bx
(a) a > b
(b) a, b and x are positive integers
a ax
then 
b bx
78 91
Ex. 18: Compare and .
49 62
Soln: Difference of numerator and numerator and difference of denominator and denominator is 13. Also
numerator is greater than denominator.

Therefore, 78  91
49 62
a ax
Theorem (iii): If and are two fractional numbers such that
b b y
(a) a < b
(b) a, b, x and y are positive integers
(c) x  y

a ax
then 
b by
In other words, the difference of numerator and numerator is greater than or equal to the difference of
denominator and denominator.
373 282
Ex. 19: Compare and .
486 413
Soln: The difference of 373 and 282 is 91 and the difference of 486 and 413 is 73. Since 91 > 73, ie
difference of numerator and numerator is greater than or equal to the difference of denominator
and denominator.
373 282
 
486 413
a ax
Theorem (iv): If and are two fractional numbers such that
b b y

Ex. 20: Compare
(a) a > b
(b) a, b, x and y are positive integers.
(c) x  y then,

a ax

b by

Soln: Numerator is greater than denominator. The difference of numerator and numerator (662 – 579 =
83) is less than the difference of denominator and denominator (483 – 392 = 91).
579 662
 392  483
a ax
Theorem (v): If and are two fractional numbers such that
b b y
(a) a < b
(b) a, b, x and y are positive integers
(c) x < y
then we can’t conclude anything without actual comparison.

a ax
Theorem (vi): If and are two fractional numbers such that
b b y
(a) a > b
(b) a, b, x and y are positive integers
(c) x > y
then we can’t conclude anything, without actual comparison.
It means that any of the following is possible.
a ax a ax a ax
(i)  or (ii)  or (iii) 
b by b by b b y
Basics of Data Interpretation 13
(i) One quantity is what percentage of the other quantity
x 
Method: To find x is what per cent of y, we have, required % =   100
y 
This type of problem possesses complexities of calculations. To do this problem in the least possible
time you must have a command on multiplication of two-digit numbers with single-digit numbers
Let us see the situation:
Ex. 21: The following table shows the Area of Production, Production and Yield of Wheat
from 2007 to 2011.

2007 2008 2009 2010 2011

Area 16.84 14.56 15.82 12.71 18.92

Production 13.57 10.2 12.6 9.2 14.9

Units: Area in million hectare (mn ha)

Yield in kg/hectare
Production in million tonnes (mn t)
Q. 1: Area of land under the cultivation of wheat in 2007 is what percentage of that in 2011?
Soln: Our calculation entirely depends upon the given choices. If we have the liberty to do some errors
then convert the given figures into two-digit numbers in such a way that our calculation be-
comes easy.
See the following:
Area of cultivated land in 2007 = 14.56 is converted to 14.5
Area of cultivated land in 2011 = 18.92 is converted to 19.
14.5 1450
 required percentage = 19  100  19  76.3%
Q. 2: Yield of wheat per hectare in 2007 is what percentage of that in 2011?

1) 98% 2) 103% 3) 107% 4) 84% 5) None of these
Soln: 2; This problem possesses complexities of calculations.
First we have to find the yield of wheat in 2007 and 2011 and thereafter we have to find that the
yield in 2007 is what percentage of that of 2011.
13.57 136 17
Yield in 2007 =    0.8095  809.5
16.84 168 21
14.90 149
Yield in 2011 =   0.788  788
18.92 189
809 81
Required % =  100   100  102.5%
788 79
 Option (2) is the nearest to our answer.
Hence, option (2) is the correct answer.

(ii) One quantity is what per cent more or less than the other quantity
Suppose we have to find x is what percentage more than y. x  y 

x y 
Required % =   100 %
 y 
Let us see the example given below:
Ex. 22: According to the previous table, average cultivated land under the cultivation of wheat
for the years 2007-09 is what percentage (approx) more than that for 2010?
1) 23% 2) 23.5% 3) 24% 4) 24.5% 5) None of these
Soln: 3; Average cultivated land under the cultivation of wheat for the years 2007-09
16.84  14.56  15.82 47.22
=   15.74
3 3
15.74  12.71 3.03
Required % =  100   100
12.71 12.71
Since the given choices are very close, we have to find the value which is the nearest to the
actual value.
303 3030
 % %  23.8% ;
12.7 127
ie, 24% is the nearest to 23.8%.
Hence, option (3) is the correct answer.
(iii) In which part per cent increase or decrease is maximum or minimum
This type of question can be solved by the comparison of fractional numbers. Each percentage increase
and decrease has some fractional equivalent. Comparison of percentage increase or decrease means
comparison of fractional numbers.
Let us see the data given below:
Ex. 23: The following line-graph shows the total Information Technology Business of India from
2004-05 to 2008-09.
(Figures are in million US dollars)

6000 6052
3000 3807

2000 2886

2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09

Q. The highest percentage growth in the total IT business in relation to the previous year was
achieved in:
1) 2005-06 2) 2006-07 3) 2007-08 4) 2008-09 5) None of these
Soln: 1; Method I:
2886  2041 845
Percentage growth in 2005-06 =  100   100
2041 2041
Its fractional equivalent is .
By proceeding in similar fashion, we get the following chart:
Basics of Data Interpretation 15
As we have to compare the percentage growth and find the year in which percentage growth is the highest,
we have to compare the fractional equivalents only;
ie, we have to compare
845 921 1224 1021
, , and
2041 2886 3807 5031
(See the method of comparison of fractional numbers in the earlier section.)
1224 1021
Obviously, 
3807 5031
 1021 
 is eliminated because here numerator is decreasing but denominator is incresing.
5031 
Now, see the following:

1224 921
 
3807 2886

1224 845
Now we have to compare and .
3807 2041

845 1224
 
2041 3807

is the greatest fraction.
 Percentage growth in 2005-06 is the highest.
Hence, option (1) is the correct answer.
Quicker Method:

845 921 1224 1021

20 84 29 92 38 122 50 102
more than less than less than less than
4 times 4 times 4 times 3 times
Write down the given information as above. Convert 2041, 2886, 3807, 5031 into 20, 29, 38 and 50
respectively. Also convert 845, 921, 1224 and 1021 into two- and three-digit numbers as 84, 92, 122 and
102 respectively. Since we have to compare the percentage of
845 921
 100,  100, ... and so on. Therefore, we divide 84 by 20, 92 by 29, ... and so on (as shown in
2041 2886
the above diagram).
 845 
We reach the conclusion that   100 is the highest.
2041 
If we have to find that the year in which the minimum percentage growth in the total IT business is
achieved with respect to the previous year, then it is clear from the Quicker Method that in 2008-09,
there is minimum percentage growth.
Now, let us consider another example.
Ex. 24: The following bar graph shows the sale of the Company XYZ from the year 2007 to 2011.
(Figures in million)

800 747
700 628
600 527
500 446
2007 2008 2009 2010 2011
Q. 1: The highest percentage increase in the sale of the Company XYZ in relation to the previous year is
achieved in
1) 2008 2) 2009 3) 2010 4) 2011 5) None of these
Q. 2: The minimum percentage increase in the sale of the Company XYZ is achieved in
1) 2008 2) 2009 3) 2010 4) 2011 5) None of these
Soln: 1; Apply the Quicker Method as mentioned in the previous question. It can also be solved by Method I,
but this method is rather difficult because quantities are very close, indeed.

From the above diagram it is clear that the percentage increase in the sale of the Company XYZ is the
maximum in the year 2010 (5 less than 2 times corresponds to the greatest percentage increase of type
 100,
 100, .... )
The minimum percentage increase in the sale of the Company XYZ is in the year 2008, because 9 less
than 2 times for the base 38 is less than 9 less than 2 times for the base 45, so their corresponding percent-
age increases.
Now, if we have still any doubt in our mind regarding the above comparison of percentage value, we may
confirm from the actual value.
67 81 101 101
 100  17.67%,  100  18.16%,  100  19.16%,  100  19.16%,
379 446 527 527
Sometimes this method may not work. If we have any doubt then either do it by method I or by actual
calculation, expressing each of the fractional values corresponding to percentage increase as decimal
(iv) In which part per cent fluctuation is maximum or minimum
Here we are interested only in the comparison of per cent change. Whether it is percentage increase or
decrease it does not matter.
The method described in (iii) is also applicable here.
Ex. 25: The following table shows the population of a town X in census 1921, 1931, 1941, 1951,
1961 and 1971 (figures in ’000).

1921 1931 1941 1951 1961 1971

Town X 276 303 269 297 328 363
Basics of Data Interpretation 17
Q. The minimum percentage fluctuation in the population of the town X with respect to the
previous census is achieved in
1) 1931 2) 1951 3) 1961 4) 1971 5) None of these
Soln: 1; By Method I (mentioned in (iii)):
We have to compare the percentage fluctuations of the following type:
27 34 28
 100,  100,  100, ... and so on.
276 303 269

27 34 28 31 35
ie , , , ,
276 303 269 297 328
All percentage fluctuations except for the census 1921 to 1931 are more than 10.
Hence the minimum percentage fluctuation is achieved in the census 1931 with respect to the
previous census.
Hence, option (1) is the correct answer.
Aliternative Method:

Hence, option (1) is the correct answer.

(v) To find the overall percentage increase or decrease
1 1 1
If x part is increased or decreased by r1 % , x part is increased or decreased by r2 % , x part is
1 2 3

increased or decreased by r3 % , .... x part is increased or decreased by rn % , then overall percent-

 1 1 1 1 
age increase or decrease =  x  r1  x  r2  x  r3  ....  x  rn 
 1 2 3 n 
‘+’ve sign is used for percentage increase.
‘–’ve sign is used for percentage decrease.
If the ove rall value is (+ve ) the n the re is ove rall pe rce ntage incre ase , otherwise overall
percentage decrease.

Ex. 26: The following pie-chart shows the percentage share of expenditure of Company X in its
four units: Unit I, Unit II, Unit III and Unit IV.


15% 20%
The following bar graph shows the percentage profit or loss earned by a company in its four units.

Value in per cent 50
Unit I Unit II Unit III Unit IV

Q. Find the overall percentage profit earned by a company in all its four units.
1) 22.5% 2) 30% 3) 27.5% 4) 29.5% 5) None of these
Soln: 3; We calculate the profit on expenditure.
Therefore, first of all find the ratio of expenditure invested in the four units: units I, II, III
and IV.
Required ratio = 35 : 20 : 15 : 30 = 7 : 4 : 3 : 6
Sum total of ratios = 7 + 4 + 3 + 6 = 20
7 4 3 6
ie part is invested in Unit I, part is in Unit II, part is in Unit III, and part is in
20 20 20 20
Unit IV.

7 4 3 6
 Overall percentage profit = 20  40  20  30  20  60  20  45  14  6  9  13.5  27.5%
[Since per cent earned by Unit I is 40, per cent loss incurred by Unit II is 30, and per cent profits
earned by units III and IV are 60 and 45 respectively, from the given Bar Graph]
Ex. 27: In a district, there are three Sub-Divisions X, Y and Z. The ratio of the populations in 1991
was 5 : 7 : 4 respectively. The percentage increase in the population of Sub-Divisions X, Y
and Z from 1991 to 2001 is 24%, 32% and 12% respectively. Then the percentage increase
in the population of the whole district from 1991 to 2001 is
1) 19% 2) 27% 3) 24.5% 4) 21.5% 5) None of these
Soln: 3; According to the formula mentioned above, we have
5 7 4
overall percentage increase =  24   32   12  7.5  14  3  24.5%
16 16 16

Multiplying Fraction (MF)

Whenever we have to find the final quantity with the help of initial quantity where percentage increase/
decrease, percentage profit/loss and/or percentage appreciation/depreciation is/are involved, we use the term
multiplying fraction, ie MF.
 r  100  r 
MF = 1  100  or  100 
   
‘+’ sign is used for increase, profit or appreciation
‘–’ sign is used for decrease, loss or depreciation.
FQ = IQ × MF; where ‘FQ’ stands for ‘Final Quantity’ and ‘IQ’ stands for ‘Initial Quantity’.
Again, if we have to find the initial quantity (IQ) where final quantity (FQ) and percentage change are given,
apply the formula given below.
IQ = FQ ×
Basics of Data Interpretation 19
Ex. 28: If the income of a company in the year 2010 is ` 512 million and the percentage increase
in income from the previous year is 14 % , what was the income of the company in the
year 2009?
2 100 8
Soln: MF for 14 % increase = 1  
7 700 7

 1 
Income of the company in 2009 = (Income of the company in 2010) ×  MF 
 

= 512  = ` 448 million
The following are some of the multiplying fractions (MF) for percentage increase and decrease corre-
sponding to the given percentage. (This may be treated as ready reference or for the sake of practice of
identifying multiplying fraction for percentage increase or decrease.)
Percentage  MF (Increase)  MF (Decrease)
 r   100 + r   r   100  r 
r%  1 +  or   1   or  
100  100  100  100 

51 49
2% 
50 50
1 31 29
3 % 
3 30 30
26 24
4% 
25 25

30 28
3.45% 
29 29
24 22
4.35%  23 23
1 25 23
4 % 
6 24 24
21 19
5% 
20 20
18 16
5.88% 
17 17
1 17 15
6 % 
4 16 16
1 15 13
7 % 
7 14 14
1 13 11
8 % 
3 12 12
14 12
7.69% 
13 13
1 12 10
9 % 
11 11 11
11 9
10% 
10 10

1 10 8
11 % 
9 9 9
1 9 7
12 % 
2 8 8
1 17 13
13 % 
3 15 15
2 8 6
14 % 
7 7 7
23 17
15% 
20 20

2 7 5
16 % 
3 6 6

1 41 29
17 % 
7 35 35

3 19 13
18 % 
4 16 16

4 43 29
19 % 
9 36 36
6 4
20%  5 5
1 49 31

22 % 
2 40 40
5 3
25% 
4 4
13 7
30%  10 10
1 4 2
33 % 
3 3 3
27 13
35% 
20 20
7 3
40%  5 5
3 1
50%  2 2
8 2
60%  5 5
2 5 1
66 % 
3 3 3
.... and so on.
Basics of Data Interpretation 21
Ex. 29: The following line-graph shows the percentage increase/decrease in the sale of the com-
panies A and B in the years 1999-2004 with respect to the previous year.

Company A Company B
33 1/3

Value in per cent

14 2/7 13 1/3
15 15
8 1/3
-7 1/7 -6.25

-20 -18¾

1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004

Q. 1: If the ratio of sale of the companies A and B in the year 2004 is 3 : 5, what was the ratio of
sale of the companies A and B in the year 2003?
Soln: Let the sale of the companies A and B be 3K and 5K in 2004.
20  20 23 
 Sale of the company B in 2003 = 5K × 23  23 is reciprocal of 20 , ie MF for 15% increase

12 36K
Sale of the company A in 2003 = 3K  
13 13
 12 13 1 
 is reciprocal of , ie MF for 8 % increase
13 12 3 
Sale of company A in 2003 36K  23 828 207
 Required ratio = Sale of company B in 2003  13  100K  1300  325  207 : 325.
Q. 2: If the companies A and B have equal sales at the end of the year 2001, find that the sale
of the company A is what percentage more/less than that of B in year 1998?
Soln: Let the sale of the companies A and B at the end of the year 2001 be K.
Companies A and B have three successive increases/decreases in the sale, viz 1998 to 1999,
1999 to 2000, 2000 to 2001. First of all, we have to find the overall multiplying fractions for each
of the companies A and B for three successive increases/decreases.
8 9 13
Overall multiplying fraction of company A =  
7 8 14
8 2 9 1 13 1 
 for 14 % increase, for 12 % increase and for 7 % decrease

7 7 8 2 14 7
13 21 23 6279
Similarly, overall multiplying fraction of the company B =  
16 20 20 6400
 13 3 21 23 
 for 18 % decrease, for 5% increase and for 15% increase
16 4 20 20 
 Sale of the company A in 1998
 Sale of the company at   Reciprocal of overall multiplying 
=  
 the end of the year 2001  fraction of the company A 

98 98K
K    0.84K
117 117

6400 6400K
Similarly, sale of company B in 1998 = K ×  = 1.02K
6279 6279
 Sale of company A in 1998 is less than that of B.

1.02K  0.84K 1800

 required % =  100   21.4%
0.84K 84
Overall multiplying fraction for successive increase or decrease
If any quantity increases or decreases n times successively at the rate of r1 %, r2 % , r3 % , .... rn %, then
the overall multiplying fractions is the product of all individual multiplying fractions, ie MF1, MF2 ,
MF3 , ..., MFn and so on.

 r1 
Where MF1 = 1  
100 

 r2 
MF2 = 1  
100 

 r3 
MF3 = 1  100 
... ... ...
... ... ...
 r 
MFn  1  n 
 100 
Overall Multiplying Fraction = MF1  MF2  MF3  .... MFn .

Ex. 30: If the population of a state in census 1961-1971 is increased by 22 % and percentage
increase in population in census 1971-81 is 18 % , then the population in the year 1981
is increased by ______% with respect to 1961.
Soln: Method I:
49 1
MF1  (MF for 22 % increase)
40 2
19 3
MF2  (MF for 18 % increase)
16 4
49 19 931
Overall MF = MF1  MF2 =  
40 16 640

 r  931 r 931 291

 1     1 
 100  640 100 640 640

r   100  45.47
 Population of the state in 1981 is increased by 45.47% with respect to 1961.
Method II:
If there is a successive increase/decrease at r1 % and r2 % , then overall per cent increase/

 r1r2 
decrease is given by  r1  r2  % .
100 
Note: Use (+ve) sign for increase and (–ve) sign for decrease
Sign is effective in the product also.
Basics of Data Interpretation 23

 1 3 45 75 1 
Overall % increase of population in 1981 with respect to 1961 =  22  18    
2 4 2 4 100 

  41.25  4.22  45.47%

Again, consider another problem that will further illustrate our point. If the population of the
state in year 1981 is 18.62 million, what was the population in 1961?
As we know, IQ = FQ ×
Here, IQ = Population of state in 1961.
FQ = Population of state in 1981.
MF = Overall multiplying fraction for two successive increases.
 49 19 931
ie    
40 16 640 

 Population of the state in 1961 = 18.62 × 931  12.80 million
Clearly, Method II is complicated. Students are advised to use the technique mentioned in
Method I.
Income-Expenditure Related Problems
Some of the Data Interpretation questions involve expenditure, income, per cent profit, per cent loss etc.
However, relation between expenditure, income and per cent profit is usually mentioned in headnotes as given
Income  Expenditure
Per cent profit =  100
Earlier, when the above relationship is not mentioned, there has been a lot of controversy regarding what

should be the denominator — income or expenditure — while calculating the profit percentage. Even experts
differ on the issue. But after going through various exams questions, we have come to the conclusion that
examiners have the above formula in mind. Hence, readers are advised to follow the above formula when the
above formula is not mentioned in the question.
From the above formula we can conclude that the ‘Expenditure’ is the ‘Cost Price’ (The amount paid to
purchase an article) and ‘Income’ is the ‘Selling Price’ (The price at which an article is sold.) Because when
we purchase something, we pay or expend some amount so we can consider the ‘Cost Price’ as ‘Expendi-
ture’. The same logic can be applied with ‘Selling Price’ and ‘Income’.
Therefore, we calculate profit and loss on expenditure. If expenditure is less than income, there is a profit.
If the expenditure is more than income, there is a loss. To solve these types of problems in the least possible
time, we have to go through the formula that is different from the formula mentioned in the headnotes.
Here, we are going to discuss two methods. Both follow the same logic. It is upto you which method you
should apply to solve such questions.
Method I:
In this method, Expenditure is treated as IQ (Initial Quantity) and Income is treated as FQ (Final Quantity)
Multiplying Fraction (MF) is associated with per cent profit or loss.
If there is a profit of r% on Expenditure ‘E’ and Income ‘I’, then
 r 
(i) I = E × MF; where MF = 1  
100 
(ii) E = I 
(iii) Profit = E + % Profit
I  1 
(iv) Profit = I – E = I –[Since, I = E × MF] = I 1  
Now, let us consider the example given below that will further illustrate our points:
Ex. 31: The following bar graph shows the percentage profit of the companies A and B during
60 Company A Company B 50
Value in per cent

40 35
30 30
30 25 25
20 15


2000 2001 2002 2003 2004

Q. 1: The income of Company B in 2002 is ` 1080 million. Find the expenditure of Company B in
Soln: As we know,
1 20
Expenditure = Income × = 1080   800 million
MF 27
 20 27 35 135 27 
 is reciprocal of , MF = 1+ = = for 35% profit
27 20 100 100 20 
Q. 2: If the income of Company B is 20% more than the income of Company A in 2003, find the
ratio of the expenditure of Company A to that of Company B in 2003.
Soln: Let the income of Company A = K

120 6K
 income of Company B = K × 100  5
5 5K 5 7 
Expenditure of Company A = K ×   is reciprocal of , ie MF for 40% increase

7 7 7 5
6K 4 24K
Similarly, expenditure of Company B =  
5 5 25
4 5 
 is recprocal of , ie MF for 25% increase

5 4
7 125
 required ratio = 24K  168 = 125 : 168.
Method II:
In this method, Expenditure is considered as Cost Price and Income is considered as Selling Price. Now, by
using the rule of fraction, we have following formulae (formulae are given for the % profit):
 100  % Profit 
(i) Selling Price (or Income) = Cost Price (or Expenditure) ×  

 To make profit Income should be more than the Expenditure. Hence our multiplying fraction is

 100  % Profit 
more than one ie   .
 100 
Cost Price (or Expenditure) = Selling Price (or Income) ×  
100  % Pr ofit 

 To make Profit, Expenditure should be less than Income. Therefore our Multiplying Fraction (MF)
 100 
is less than one, ie   .
100  % Pr ofit 
Let us consider the example given below that will illustrate our points:
Basics of Data Interpretation 25
Ex. 32: Study the following graph carefully and answer the questions given below:
Per cent net profit of two companies over the years
Profit = Income – Expenditure
Income – Expenditure
Per cent Profit =  100

Q. 1: If the total income in 1992 for Company B was ` 140 crores, what was the total expenditure in
that year?
1) ` 100 cr 2) ` 110 cr 3) ` 98 cr 4) Data inadequate 5) None of these
Soln: Total income of Company B in 1992 = ` 140 crores
Per cent profit for Company B in 1992 = 45%

 100 
 Total Expenditure = Income  
100  % Profit 

 100   140  100 

= ` 140   crores = `    96 crores
 100  45  145 
[Here expenditure is less than income hence, multiplying fraction is less than one]
Q. 2: If the total expenditure of Company B in 1994 was ` 200 crores, what was the total income in
that year?
1) ` 160 cr 2) ` 280 cr 3) ` 260 cr 4) Data inadequate 5) None of these
Soln: Total expenditure of Company B in 1994 = ` 200 crores
Per cent profit = 40%
Here, we have to find income and income is more than expenditure, hence, multiplying fraction will
be more than one.
 100  %Profit   100  40 
 Income = Expenditure   = ` 200   crores
100 100 

 200  140 
= `   280 crores
100 

Detail Method for Income – Expenditure Based Questions Using Rule of Fraction
In this method, we change the supplied value into required value by using the concept of Rule of
To solve the question based on Income – Expenditure, we use the concept of Rule of Fraction. Therefore,
we firstly try to understand what the ‘Rule of Fraction’ is. You must have read this in the ‘Profit and Loss’
chapter in Arithmetic section.
Rule of Fraction:
(i) If our required value is greater than the supplied value we should multiply the supplied value with
a fraction which is more-than-one.
(ii) If our required value is lesser than the supplied value we should multiply the supplied value with a
fraction which is less-than-one.
Generally, a formula is given in the question as given below:
Income  Expenditure
Per cent Profit =  100
Selling Price - Cost Price
=  100
Cost Price
In Profit and Loss chapter, we have learnt that the per cent profit is calculated on the base of Cost
Price. Similarly, here, profit has been calculated on the base of Expenditure and this is in 100. Therefore,
Expenditure will always be 100 irrespective of the value of the per cent profit. It is to be noted that the
Profit is the part of the Income. Profit cannot be equal to the Income. It is always less than the
From the above discussion we can see that we have three elements viz. Expenditure, Income and
Profit. Now, we construct a table to change the supplied value into the required value as given

Expenditure Income % Profit

100 100 + P P

Here, we assume the value of per cent profit as P.

Case I : When value of Income (supplied value) is given for a particular company in a particular year
in the question, then we discuss the method to find the Expenditure and Profit as given

(i) Expenditure:

From the table it is clear that the Expenditure will be less than the Income, therefore, the
Multiplying Fraction will be less-than-one. Here Income (100 + P) and Expenditure (100) are
involved, hence calculating figures will be (100 + P) and (100)
 100 
 Expenditure = Income ×  
100  P 
(ii) Profit:

It is clear from the table that the Multiplying Fraction will be less-than-one. Here calculating
figures are Income (100 + P) and Per cent Profit (P).
 P 
 Profit = Income ×  
100  P 
Basics of Data Interpretation 27
Case-II : Whe n the value of Ex penditure (supplied value) is give n, then we can find the
Income (required value) as given below:

Clearly, here Multiplying Fraction will be more-than-one and the calculating figures are
Expenditure (100) and Income (100 + P).

 100  P 
 Income = Expenditure ×  
100 
Case-III: When the value of Profit (supplied value) is given, then we can find the Income (required
value) as given below:

Clearly, here Multiplying Fraction will be more-than-one and the calculating figures are
Income (100 + P) and Per cent Profit (P).

 100  P 
 Income = Profit ×  
100 
Note: No definite relationship between Expenditure and Per cent Profit can be established. There
can be two cases, either
(i) Expenditure > Per cent Profit or (ii) Expenditure < Per cent Profit
(a) If Expenditure is given Profit can be directly calculated by using unitary method as
given below:

 P 
Profit = Expenditure ×  
100 
(b) If Profit is given Expenditure can be directly calculatd by using unitary method as given
 100 
Expenditure = Profit ×  
P 

Important Tips To Solve Income-Expenditure Question:

To solve such problems observe the following steps:

Step-I : Firstly, we have to change the supplied value into the required value.
Step-II : Secondly, we have to find whether we have to increase or decrease the supplied value to get the
required value.
Step-III : Lastly, find the Multiplying Fraction whether it will be less-than-one or more-than-one.
Now, let us see the example given below that will better illustrate our points:
Ex. 33: Study the following graph carefully and answer the question given below it:
Per cent Profit earned by the two companies A and B over the given years
Income  Expenditure
Per cent Profit =  100

45 Company A Company B
40 40 40
Per cent profit

25 25
20 20
15 20

10 10
10 10
2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006
Q. 1: Income of Company A in 2002 is ` 60 crores.
(i) What is the Expenditure of Company A in 2002?
(ii) What is the Profit of Company A in 2002?
(iii) What is the Expenditure of Company A in 2003?
(iv) What is the Expenditure of Company B in 2002?
Soln: (i) Per cent Profit of Company A in 2002 = 20%

K KUNDAN Clearly, Expenditure will be less than the Income. Therefore, Multiplying Fraction will be
less-than-one and the calculating figures are Expenditure (100) and Income (100 + 20).
 100 
 Expenditure of Company A in 2002 = ` 60   crores = ` 50 crores
100  20 


Clearly, the Profit will be less than Income. Therefore, Multiplying Fraction will be less-than-
one and the calculating figures are Income (100 + 20) and Per cent Profit (20).
 20 
 Profit of Company A in 2002 = ` 60   crores = ` 10 crores
100  20 
(iii) Cannot be determined, because here change of year has been given.
(iv) Cannot be determined, because company cannot be changed.
Q. 2: Income of Company A in 2003 is equal to the Income of Company B in 2004 and Expenditure
of Company B in 2004 is ` 44 crores.
(i) What is the Expenditure of Company A in the year 2003?
Basics of Data Interpretation 29
(ii) What is the Profit of Company A in the year 2003?
Soln: Here, year and company both have been changed, therefore, the supplied value cannot be changed
directly to get the required value. It can be changed in the following ways:
(i) Per cent Profit of Company B in the year 2004 = 25%

Clearly, Income is greater than the Expenditure, therefore, the multiplying fraction will be
 100  25   125 
 Income of Company B in 2004 = ` 44   crores = ` 44   crores
100  100 
Again, from the question, the above value is equal to the Income of Company A in the
year 2003.
Per cent profit of Company A in the year 2003 = 10%

Clearly, Expenditure is less than the Income, therefore, the Multiplying Fraction will be
 125   100 
 Expenditure of Company A in 2003 = ` 44     crores = ` 50 crores
100   110 


 125 
 Income of Company B in 2004 = ` 44   crores = Income of Company A in 2003
100 

 125   10 
Profit of Company A in 2003 = ` 44     crores = ` 5 crores
100   110 
Q. 3: Ratio of Income of Company A in 2003 to the Income of Company B in 2004 is 3 : 4 and
Expenditure of Company B in 2004 is ` 44 crores.
(i) What is the Expenditure of Company A in 2003?
(ii) What is the Profit of Company A in 2003?
Soln: This question is similar to the Q.No. 2. In the previous question, the Income of Company A in 2003
is equal to the income of Company B in 2004. That is, the ratio is 1 : 1.
Here, value is reducing

 125  3  100  1
(i) Expenditure of Company A in 2003 = ` 44      crores = ` 37 crores
100  4  110  2

 125  3  10  3
(ii) Profit of Company A in 2003 = ` 44      crores = ` 3 crores
100  4  110  4
Note: Here, the relationship in ratio has been given. It can be per cent, fraction or decimal.
Calculation can be easier in ratio.
3 
 4  75%  0.75 etc 
Q. 4: Expenditure of Company A in 2005 is ` 40 crores and Income of Company B in 2006 is
` 56 crores. Profit of Company B in 2006 is what per cent more than the profit of Company A
in 2005?
Soln: Expenditure of Company A in 2005 = ` 40 crores
Per cent profit of Company A in 2005 = 10%
 10 
 Profit of Company A in 2005 = ` 40   crores
100 

 40 
Profit of Company B in 2006 = ` 56   crores
140 

 40   10 
56   40 
 140   100  16  4
 Required % =  100 =  100 = 300%
 10  4
40  
 100 
Q. 5: Sum of the Expenditure of Company A and Company B in 2002 is ` 50 crores. What is the sum
of incomes of companies A and B in 2002?
Soln: Let the Expenditure of companies A and B in 2002 be x and y.
 x + y = ` 50 crores
Per cent profit of the companies A and B in 2002 = 20%
Here, per cent profit for both the companies is same.

 120   120 
 Sum of incomes of companies A and B in 2002 = x   + y  
100  100 

 120   120 
= (x + y)   = ` 50   crores = ` 60 crores
100  100 
Note: Here Multiplying Fraction is common.
Basics of Data Interpretation 31
Q. 6: Sum of Income of Company A in 2003 and Income of Company B in 2004 is ` 50 crores. Find
the sum of Expenditure of Company A in 2003 and the Expenditure of Company B in 2004.
Soln: Per cent profit of Company A in 2003 = 10%
Per cent profit of Company B in 2004 = 25%
Here per cent profit is not the same, therefore, Multiplying Fraction is not common. Here,
‘Cannot be determined’ is the correct answer.
Note: When some conditions are given, then it can be determined. See the following:
(a) If the ratio of Income of Company A in 2003 to the Income of Company B in 2004 is given as
2 : 3, then find the sum of expenditures of Company A in 2003 and company B in 2004.
Soln: In A03 : In B04 = 2 : 3
 50 
 Income of Company A in 2003 = `   2 crores = ` 20 crores
23 

 50 
Income of Company B in 2004 = `   3 crores = ` 30 crores
23 
 Sum of expenditures of Company A in 2003 and Company B in 2004

  100   100  
= ` 20    30   crores
 100  10 100  25  

  100   100  
= ` 20    30   crores
 110 125  
(b) If the ratio of Expenditure of Company A in 2003 to the Expenditure of Company B in 2004 is
1 : 2. Then, find the sum of expenditures of company A in 2003 and company B in 2004.
Soln: Ex A03 : Ex B04 = 1 : 2
Let the Ex A03 and Ex B04 be x and 2x respectively.
We have to find (x + 2x =) 3x

 110   125 
 In A03 + In B04 = x   + 2x  
100  100 
Now, according to the question,
 110   125 
x   + 2x   = ` 50 crores
100  100 
 x (1.1) + 2x (1.25) = ` 50 crores
 3.6x = ` 50 crores
x=` crores
 50  3 
 3x = `   crores = ` 41.67 crores
3.6 
Q. 7: Income of company A in 2004 is equal to the Expenditure of Company B in 2006.
(i) What is the ratio of Expenditure of Company A in 2004 to the Income of Company B
in 2006?
(ii) What is the ratio of profit of Company A in 2004 to the profit of Company B in 2006?
Soln: Since In A04 = Ex B06, we take any equal value. Suppose we take x.
(i) Now,
Per cent profit of Company A in 2004 = 5%

 100   100 
 Expenditure of Company A in 2004 = x   = x  
100  5  105 
Per cent profit of Company B in 2006 = 40%

 100  40   140 
 Income of Company B in 2006 = x   = x  
100  100 

 100   140 
 Required ratio = x   : x  
105  100 

100 140
= : = 100 : 147
105 100

 5   5 
(ii) Profit of Company A in 2004 = x   = x  
100  5  105 

 40 
Profit of Company B in 2006 = x  
100 

 5   40 
 Required ratio = x   : x  
105  100 

5 40
= : = 5 : 42
105 100
Q. 8: Ratio of Income of Company A in 2004 to the Expenditure of Company B in 2006 is 3 : 5. What
is the ratio of Expenditure of Company A in 2004 to the Income of Company B in 2006?
Soln: We solve this question as the previous question.
Here, we put the value of ratios directly instead of x
 100   140 
Required ratio = 3   : 5  
105  100 

= : 7 = 20 : 49
Q. 9: In which year Profit of the Company A was the maximum?
Soln: In the graph, only per cent profit has been given. From percentage value we cannot find the abso-
lute amount of profit.
Q. 10:In which year Income of Company A was minimum?
Soln: It also cannot be determined as per cent value of profit has been given
Q. 11:In which year the ratio of Expenditure to the Income for Company A is the lowest?
Soln: We solve such kind of questions by an example as given below:
% Profit Expenditure : Income
10% 100 : 110
20% 100 : 120
Here, we take arbitrary values of per cent profit irrespective of the values given in the graph. We
100 100
know that  .
120 110
Basics of Data Interpretation 33
Clearly, there is higher percentage for lower ratio. Therefore, the highest percentage for the lowest
ratio. From the graph, the highest percentage for Company A is 30%. Hence, it is the required
Q. 12:In which year ratio of profit to income for the Company A is the highest?
Soln: This can also be solved by Example Method.
% Profit Profit : Income
10% 10 : 110
20% 20 : 120
10 20
Clearly,  . Therefore, for higher percentage value the ratio is the higher. Similarly, for the
110 120
highest percentage value the ratio is the highest. From the graph, the highest percentage value for
Company A is 30%. Hence, it is the required answer.

Average Related Problems

We know that the average value (or average or mean) of a number of quantities of the same kind is their
sum divided by their number.
Hence, the sum of a number of quantities = their average × their number
(i) Finding average or arithmetic mean of certain number of quantities
Let there be n quantities of magnitude x1, x 2 , x 3 , .... , xn 1, x n
Sum of magnitude of all quantities x1  x 2  x 3  ...  xn 1  xn
Average or x = =
Number of quantities n
Alternative Method (Deviation Method):
First of all, consider an Assumed Mean (AM), which lies between the smallest and the greatest
values of all given n quantities. Thereafter, find the deviation with each of the n quantities.

Average = AM +
 di where,  di = Summation of deviations;

AM = Assumed Mean;
n = Number of quantities.
For example, suppose we have to find the average weight of 6 persons having weights 73 kg, 91 kg, 87
kg, 68 kg, 86 kg and 93 kg.
From the deviation method:
Let AM = 80
Deviations from each of the weights are 73 - 80, 91 - 80, 87 - 80, 68 - 80, 86 - 80 and 93 - 80,
ie –7, 11, 7, –12, 6 and 13.

Average = AM +
 di  80 
 7  11  7   12  6  13
= 80 
 83 kg
n 6 6

(ii) If average or mean of f1 numbers is m1 , f 2 numbers is m2 , .... fk numbers is mk , then the

f 1m1  f 2m 2  ...  f km k
average or mean of all the numbers = f1  f 2  ...  f k
Let us see the example given below:
Out of 100 numbers, 20 were 4’s, 40 were 5’s, 30 were 6’s and the remaining were 7’s. Find the
arithmetic mean of the numbers.
 20 4   405   30 6  10 7  530  5.3
Arithmetic mean =
100 100
(iii) Weighted Arithmetic Mean or Weighted Average
Sometimes we attach to the numbers X1, X 2 , ..., X K certain weighing factors or weights W1, W2 ,..., WK
depending upon the significance or importance of the numbers.
W1X1  W2 X 2  ...  WK X K
Weighted Arithmetic Mean or Average = W1  W2  ...  WK
Ex. 34: A student’s final marks in Mathematics, Physics, English and Hygiene are 82, 86, 90 and
70 respectively. If the respective credits received for these courses are 3, 5, 3 and 1,
determine the approximate average marks.
 3 82  5 86   3 90  1 70
Soln: X   85
3  5  3 1
Alternative Method (Deviation Method):
If A is any assumed arithmetic mean (which may be any number that lies between minimum and
maximum values) and if di = X i  A is the deviation of X i from A. Then the above Weighted
Arithmetic Mean can be expressed as

i 1
i i
X A K

i 1

Ex. 35: In a class there are 75 students. The following table shows the number of students and
corresponding weights.

Number of students W eight (in per kg)

5 61
7 72
12 86
19 76
10 69

Find the average weight of all 75 students.

Soln: We can find the average weight either directly from the formula or from the deviation method.
Here we use deviation method
Let our assumed mean = 85

Number of students (f i) W t (in pounds) Deviation (di) (fidi)

5 61 –24 –120

7 72 –13 –91

12 86 1 12

19 76 –9 –171

10 69 –16 –160

6 92 7 42

16 89 4 64

f i= 75 f idi = –424

X A
fd i i 424
 85   85 
 85  5.65 = 79.35 pounds
f i 75 75
Note: Weighted average with absolute value of weight or frequency is equal to weighted average with
ratio of frequency (if any).
Basics of Data Interpretation 35
Ex. 36: Out of 170 students in a classroom, 34 students have 85 marks in Maths, 85 students have
72 marks in Maths, and the remaining 51 students have 90 marks in Maths. Find the
average marks obtained by all 170 students in Maths.
Soln: As per the above, weights or frequencies are the number of students, ie 34, 85 and 51 students.
Ratio between weights or frequencies is 2 : 5 : 3.
 34 85   85 72   51 90  2 85   5 72  3  90  80.
Weighted average = or
34  85  51 253
(iv) One average is what per cent of the other average
The average of one group of quantities is the same percentage of the average of the other group as its
Av A Sum A
sum is that of the sum of the other group. That is, Av  Sum . There is no need to find the average
of each of the groups.
Let us consider an example.
Ex. 37: Sale of the companies A and B is given below for the years 2000 to 2004. (figures in

2000 2001 2002 2003 2004

A 379 426 482 529 571

B 423 497 513 571 628

Q. Find that the average sale of the company A is what per cent of the average sale of the
company B for the years 2000 to 2004.
Soln: Method I:
Total sale of the company A for 2000 to 2004 = 2387
Total sale of the company B for 2000 to 2004 = 2642

Required % =  100  90.5%
Alternative Method:
Convert each of the three-digit figures to two-digit figures.
Total sale of the company A = 38 + 43 + 48 + 53 + 57 = 239
Total sale of the company B = 42 + 50 + 52 + 57 + 63 = 264
 Required % = 264  100  90.5%
Note: (i) The Alternative Method is easier to solve such type of problems. Sometimes alternative method
may give an answer different from that through Method I. But for finding approximate value
Alternative Method is suggested.
(ii) If we have to find that the average of one group is what percentage more/less than the
average of another group, then there is no need to find the average of each of the groups. We
have to find only the sum of one group is what percentage more/less than that of the other
(v) Difference between averages
Suppose there are two groups of n quantities each. The first group contains x1, x 2 , x 3 , ..., xn quanti-
ties and the second group contains y1, y2 , y3 , ..., yn . We have to find the difference of averages of the
first group and the second group.

 x1  x 2  x 3  ...  xn   y1  y 2  y 3  ...  yn 
Required difference =     
n n

 x1  y1    x 2  y 2    x 3  y3 
...   x n  yn 
= = Average of differences
 Difference of averages = Average of differences
Note: Here we take only the magnitude of the value, ie positive value. Let us consider an example.
Ex. 38: The following table shows the sale of the companies A and B for the years 2000 to 2004
(figures in million).

2000 2001 2002 2003 2004

A 478 536 649 682 724

B 496 524 597 692 736

Q. Find the difference between average sales of companies A and B for the years 2000 to 2004.
 478  496   536  524   649  597   682  692   724  736
Soln: Required difference =
18  12  52  10  12 24
   4.8
5 5

Alligation Based Problems

Wherever data are given in the form of weighted mean of two quantities, we can apply alligation rule.
Let there be two quantities x1 and x 2 . Weights or frequencies of x1 and x 2 are f 1 and f 2 , ie x1 appears f 1
times and x 2 appears f 2 times.

f1x1  f 2 x 2
Arithmetic Mean or X = f1  f 2 ... (1)

Here X is weighted mean of x1 and x 2 . If X , x1 and x 2 are given, then we can find the ratio of weights or

frequencies involved with x1 and x 2 .

(1) can be written as

 
  f1  f 2  X  f1x1  f 2 x 2  f 1 X  x1  f 2 x 2  X

  
f1 x 2  X

f 2 X  x1
... (2)

Equation (2) gives the ratio of f 1 and f 2 . The above equation may also be expressed by the diagram given

x 2 X  : X  x  1  f1 : f 2
(cross-difference (cross-difference
of x 2 and X ) of X and x1 )
The above diagram can be alternatively expressed as given below. X is the weighted mean of x1 and x 2 .

 1 :  2  f 1 : f 2

Ex. 39: A person travels the distance of 405 km in 9 hours. He travels a certain distance at 25 km/hr and
the remaining distance at 90 km/hr. Find the distance that he travelled at 90 km/hr.
Soln: Average speed = = 45 km/hr
Basics of Data Interpretation 37
45 km/hr is the weighted mean of 25 km/hr and 90 km/hr.
Here weight is time spent with each of the speeds.
25 km/hr 90 km/hr
45 km/hr
45 20
9 : 4
 9  36
Time taken with the rate of 90 km/hr =   4
 hours
94 13
36 3240
 Distance travelled = 13  90  13 km
Ex. 40: In an objective exam of 100 questions, 4 marks is allotted for every correct answer and 1 mark
is deducted for every wrong answer. After attempting all the 100 questions, a student got the
total of 270 marks. Find the number of questions that he attempted wrong.
Soln: Average marks obtained per question =  2.7
It means that 2.7 is the weighted mean of 4 and –1. Here, weights or frequencies are number of ques-
tions associated with correct and wrong answers.
4 –1
3.7 1.3
37 : 13
 100 
 Number of questions attempted wrong by the student =  37  13   100 = 26 questions.

Ex. 41: In the following bar graph, percentage increase in sales of companies A, B, C, D and E for the
year 2011 is given:

70 60
Percentage increase in sale

40 30
Name of company
Q. 1: The companies A and B together have 35% increase in sale at the end of 2011. Find the ratio of
sale of the companies A and B at the beginning of 2011.
Soln: Overall percentage increase in the sale of the companies A and B together is 35%. It means that 35% is
the weighted mean of 30% and 45% and the weight is the sale of companies A and B at the beginning of
the year 2011.
30% 45%
10 5
2 : 1
 Ratio of the sale of the companies A and B at the beginning of the year 2011 is 2 : 1. Because cross-
difference in the above diagram gives the ratio of weights.
Again, suppose we have to find the ratio of sale of the companies A and B at the end of the year 2011.
Let K be present in the ratio of sale of the companies A and B at the beginning of the year 2011.
130 26K 13K
Sale of the Company A at the end of 2011 = 2K   
100 10 5
145 29K
Sale of the Company B at the end of 2011 = K × 
100 20
13K  20 52
 Required ratio = 5  29K  29
Q. 2: Percentage increase in the sale of the companies A and B together and the companies B and C
together is 38% and 22% respectively at the end of the year 2011. Find the ratio of sale of the
companies A, B and C at the beginning of the year 2011.
Soln: First of all find the ratio of sale of the company A and the company B
38%, the overall increase in the sale of the companies A and B together, is the weighted mean of 30%
and 45%.
30% 45%
7 8  7:8

Now, we have to find the ratio of sale of the Company B and the Company C in a similar fashion.
45% –15%
37 23  37 : 23
Now, by the method of finding compound ratio, we have
A : B : C
7 : 8

37 : 23
 259 : 296 : 184 (ratio of the sale of the companies A, B and C at the beginning of the year 2011)
Ratio Based Problems
The number of times one quantity contains another quantity of the same kind is called the ratio of the two
The ratio 4 to 5 is written as 4 : 5 or . 4 and 5 are called terms of the ratio.
If the ratio of a to b is 1.75, then a : b  1.75 :1 :1  7 : 4
If ‘a’ and ‘b’ are the first and second terms respectively of a ratio of certain quantity, for whom only
integral value exists and (a, b) are coprime numbers or prime to each other, then the minimum number
of items in that quantity is (a + b).
Let us consider an example.
If the ratio of two brands X and Y of television sets sold by a agency is 37 : 59, the minimum number of
brands X and Y sold by the agency is (37 + 59) = 96, because 37 : 59 can’t be simplified further. (Fractional
part of television set does not exist.)
If the ratio of the first quantity to the second is N1 : D1 and the ratio of the second quantity to the third
is N 2 : D2 , then the ratio between first, second and third quantities is N1N 2 : D1N 2 : D1D2
The above ratio can be represented diagrammatically as given below:
1st quantity : 2nd quantity : IIIrd quantity
N1 : D1
N2 : D2
 N1N 2 : D1N 2 : D1D2
Basics of Data Interpretation 39
Ex. 42: If the ratio between the first and the second numbers is 2 : 3 and that between the second and the
third numbers is 5 : 8, and the sum of the three numbers is 98. Find the second number.
Soln: First of all find the combined ratio of all the three numbers
First Second Third
2 : 3
5 : 8
10 : 15 : 24
15 15
 Second number = 10  15  24  98  49  98  30.
In General:
Let A : B  N1 : D1
B:C N 2 : D2
C : D  N 3 : D3
D : E  N 4 : D4
A : B : C  N1N 2 : D1N 2 : D1D2
A : B : C : D  N1N 2N 3 : D1N 2N 3 : D1D2N 3 : D1D2D3
A : B : C : D : E  N1N 2N 3N 4 : D1N 2N 3N 4 : D1D2N 3N 4 : D1D2D3N 4 : D1D2D3D4
and so on.
Note the pattern in which the above ratios are compounded.
Ex. 43: The following bar graph shows the average annual package (salaries) offered by a company to
the IIM Graduates passing out from IIM A, IIM B, IIM K and IIM L in three streams: Finance,
Marketing and System.

Finance Marketing System
800 725
700 645 640
600 543 550
(in thousands)

490 495
387 410 440

Q. 1: The number of marketing graduates passing out from IIM B, IIM K and IIM L is 39, 52 and 26
respectively. Find the average salary of marketing graduates from IIM B, IIM K and IIM L.
Soln: Ratio between marketing graduates passing out from these three institutes  39 : 52 : 26
 3:4:2
 3 387  4  495  2  440 
1161  1980  880 4021
  446.8
 Average salary = 342 9 9
Q. 2: If the average salary of System graduates passing out from IIM K and IIM L is ` 6.93 lakhs per
annum, find the minimum number of System graduates passing out from IIM L.
Soln: 6.93 lakhs  ` 693 thousand
Average salary of System graduates passing out from IIM K and IIM L is 640 and 725 respectively.
It means that 693 is the weighted mean of 640 and 725 and weight is the number of System graduates
passing out from each of the institutes.
640 725
32 : 53
 Ratio of System graduates passing out from IIM K to those from IIM L is 32 : 53. We have to find the
minimum number of System graduates passing out from IIM K.
As 32 and 53 are prime to each other, therefore the minimum number of System graduates from IIM K
is 32.
We can’t find either the exact number or the maximum number of System graduates passing out from
IIM K and IIM L in this particular condition.
Q. 3: If the average salary of Finance graduates passing out from IIM B and IIM K together and that of
those from IIM K and IIM L together is ` 5 lakhs 30 thousands per annum, find the ratio of finance
graduates passing out from IIM B, IIM K and IIM L.
Soln: ` 5 lakhs 30 thousands  530 thousands.
530 is the weighted mean of 490 and 550.
490 550
20 40
1 : 2 (Ratio of Finance graduates from IIM B and IIM K)
Again, 530 is the weighted mean of 550 and 410.
550 410
120 20
6 : 1 (Ratio of Finance graduates from IIM K and IIM L)

1 : 2
6 : 1
 6 : 12 : 2  3 : 6 : 1.
Ex. 44: The following line chart shows the ratio of export to import of the companies A and B from the
years 2000 to 2004.

2 1.75 Company A Company B

1.25 1.25 1.25 1.5
0.8 1 1 0.75
0.6 0.75
0.2 0.25
2000 2001 2002 2003 2004

Q. 1: In which year does Company A have the maximum export?

Soln: We can’t find the export and import of Company A only with the help of the ratio of export to import of the
company. It depends upon the constant involved in each of the given ratios.
Q. 2: In which year does Company A have the maximum difference between export and import?
Soln: Since the constant present in each of the ratios is not given, we can’t find the difference between export
and import of the company.
Q. 3: In which year does Company A have the minimum difference between export and import?
Soln: We can’t find the minimum difference between export and import of Company A, unless the difference is
Basics of Data Interpretation 41
zero (ie export = import). It will happen when ratio of export to import is 1.
Hence, minimum difference between export to import of company A is in the year 2002.
Q. 4: Value of Import of Company A in 2004 is ` 20 crores. What is the value of Export of that company
in the same year?
Soln: Ratio of Export to Import of Company A in 2004 = 0.75 = =3:4
Here, we have to change the value of Import into the value of Export by using the given ratio. To get the
required value, do as given below:

 3
 Required answer = ` 20   crores = ` 15 crores

Q. 5: Value of Import of Company A in 2001 is ` 16 crores. What is the value of Export of that company
in the same year?
Soln: Ratio of Export to Import of Company A in 2001 = 1.25 = =5:4
Here also, we have to change the value of Import into the value of Export by using the given ratio. See
the method given below:

 Required answer = ` 16   crores = ` 20 crores

Q. 6: If the ratio of export to import of Company A and Company B together in the year 2004 is 9 : 8, find
the ratio of total transaction (sum of export and import) of Company A and Company B in the year
Soln: Method I:
Let the total transaction of Company A and Company B be K 1 and K 2 respectively.
Ratio of export to import of Company A is 0.75  3 : 4
Ratio of export to import of Company B is 1.5  3 : 2
3 3
Total export of Company A = K1  K 2
7 5
4 2
Total import of Company B = K1  K 2
7 5

3 3
K1  K2
7 5
Ratio of total export to total import = 4 2
K1  K2
7 5
According to the question,
3 3
K1  K2 9
7 5 
4 2
K1  K2 8
7 5

24 24 36 18
 K1  K2  K1  K2
7 5 7 5

6 12 K1
 5 K 2  7 K1  K

 Required ratio = 7 : 10.

Quicker Method:
9 8
Ratio of export to import of the companies A and B together = 9 : 8, ie part export and part import.
17 17
3 4
Similarly, Company A has part export and part import.
7 7
3 2
Company B has part export and part import.
5 5
9 3 3
It means that is the weighted mean of and .
17 7 5
Company A Company B
3 3
7 5
6 12
7 : 10
85 119 

We can find the ratio of total transaction of the companies A and B by taking part of import in the above
alligation diagram.
Q. 7: The trade deficit of the Company B in the year 2000 is 60% lower than that in the year 2001. Find
the ratio of export of the Company B in the year 2002 to that in 2001. (Trade deficit = Import –
Soln: Let K 1 and K 2 be the constants present in the ratio of export and import of the Company B in the years
2000 and 2001 respectively.
Trade deficit of the Company B in the year 2002 = 4K 1  K1  3K 1
Trade deficit of the Company B in the year 2001 = 4K 2  3K 2  K 2
According to the question,
 60 
3K 1  K 2 1 
 100 

 4
 3K 1  K 2  
 5

K1 4
 15K1  4K 2  
K 2 15

Suppose K1  4t and K 2  15t

Export of the Company B in 2002

Required ratio =
Export of the Company B in 2001

K1 4t 4
= 3K  3  15t  45 = 4 : 45
Basics of Data Interpretation 43

Set Theory Based Problems

Let A, B and C be three sets. n(A), n(B) and n(C) denote the number of elements in the sets A, B and C
respectively. Now, consider the following:

n  A  B = number of elements in set A or B

n  A  B = number of elements in set A and B both
n  A  B´ = number of elements in set A but not in B
n  A  B  C = number of elements in set A or B or C
n  A  B  C = number of elements in set A and B and C
n  A  B  C´ = number of elements in set A and B but not in set C
n  A  B´  C´ = number of elements in set A only, ie number of elements in set A but not in B or C
n  A Δ B = No. of elements which belong to exactly one of the sets A or B
Some useful results on number of elements in sets
n  A  B  n  A   n  B   n  A  B 
n  A  B ´  n  A   n  A  B 
n  A B   n  A  B    n  B  A   = n  A   n  A  B   n  B   n  A  B   n  A   n  B   2n  A  B 
n  A  B  C   n  A   n  B   n C   n  A  B   n  B  C   n  A  C   n  A  B  C 
n  A  B  C   n  A  B   n  A  B  C 
n  A  B   C   n  A   n  A  B   n  A  C   n  A  B  C 

Ex. 45: If A and B be two sets containing 3 and 6 elements respectively, what can be the minimum
number of elements in A  B ? Find also the maximum number of elements in A  B .
Soln: We have,
n  A  B   n  A   n B   n  A  B 
This shows that n  A  B  is minimum or maximum according as n  A  B  is maximum or minimum
Case I: When n  A  B  is minimum, ie n  A  B  = 0
This is possible only when A  B  

In this case, n  A  B   n  A   n  B   0  n  A   n  B   3  6  9
So, the maximum number of elements in nA  B  9.
Case II: When n  A  B is maximum:
This is possible only when A  B. In this case,
n  A  B  3

 n  A  B   n  A   n B   n  A  B   3  6  3  6
So, minimum number of elements in n  A  B is 6.
Ex. 46: The following table shows the marks obtained by 100 students in the school examination in
Maths and Science and the Average of the two subjects:

Marks obtained out of 100

Subjects 
0-20 20-40 40-60 60-80 80-100

Maths 7 13 21 38 21

Science 6 11 14 42 27

Average of the two

9 14 23 39 15

Q. 1: If to qualify in the exam one has to secure a minimum of 60% marks in either of the subjects, find
the least number of students who have qualified the examination.
Soln: Let set A denote the number of students who got 60% or more marks in Maths and set B the number
of students who got 60% or more marks in Science.
Thus, n(A) = 59
n(B) = 69
We have to find the least value of n  A  B and n  A  B  n  A   n  B  n  A  B
n  A  B is minimum when n  A  B is maximum.
This is possible only when A  B . In this case n  A  B   59
So, the least number of students who have qualified the exam = 59 + 69 – 59 = 69.
Q. 2: In the above problem, find the maximum number of students who have qualified the examina-
Soln: n  A  B is maximum when n  A  B is minimum.

The minimum value of n  A  B  is n  A   n  B   100  59  69  100  28
So, maximum number of students who got 60% or more marks in either subject
= n  A   n  B   n  A  B   59  69  28  100
Ex. 47: In a town of 10,000 families it was found that 40% buy newspaper A, 20% buy newspaper B, 10%
buy newspaper C. 5% buy A and B, 3% buy B and C, and 4% buy A and C. If 2% buy all the three
Q. 1: Find the number of families which buy newspaper A only.
Soln: Let A, B and C be the set of families buying newspapers A, B and C respectively. Let u be the universal
se t.
n(A) = 40% of 10000 = 4000; nA  C   400
n  B   2000 ; n  A  B  C   200
n(C) = 1000 ; n(u) = 10000
n  A  B   500
n  B  C   300

 Required number = n  A  B   C    n  A   n  A  B   n  A  C   n  A  B  C 
 4000  500  400  200  3300
Q. 2: Find the number of families which buy none of the papers A, B and C.
 
Soln: Required number = n  A   B   C    n  A  B  C    n u   n  A  B  C 
 
Also, n  A  B  C   n  A   n  B   n C   n  A  B   n  B  C   n  A  C   n  A  B  C 
= 4000 + 2000 + 1000 – 500 – 300 – 400 + 200 = 6000
Therefore, the required number of students = 10000 – 6000 = 4000.

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