Pohick Post, April 2018
Pohick Post, April 2018
Pohick Post, April 2018
This monthly report is part of the Vestry’s ongoing effort to in- bias in the diocese in favor of adults in positions of
form and update the Parish about the ongoing controversies power and authority. This has led to an unwillingness
within The Episcopal Church (TEC) and the Anglican Com- to take allegations of sexual abuse made by children or
munion. These controversies largely involve the blessing of by adults sufficiently seriously,” he testified
same-sex unions, ordination of non-celibate homosexuals, in-
Addressing the commission on its final day of tes-
terpretation of Scripture, and breakdown of traditional bound-
timony, Abp. Justin said, “To read the transcripts, to
ary lines between Provinces.
read the evidence, to meet the survivors, is horrifying
“I am ashamed of the church.” – Archbishop of to a huge degree, because you see
Canterbury Justin Welby this extraordinary and atrocious
An independent commission held three weeks willingness to turn a blind eye
of hearings in March into how the Church of Eng- to things going very seriously
land responded to allegations of child sexual abuse by wrong and entirely damaging
priests and bishops. The hearings focused on the Dio- human beings for their whole
cese of Chichester, using it as a case study of failures lifetimes.”
by the church as a whole. At least 15 priests from the Newspaper reports said he fought back tears.
diocese have been jailed for crimes related to sexual He added: “I want to put on record again - I don’t
abuse. know how to express it adequately - how appalled I
An attorney representing survivors summed up the am and how ashamed I am of the Church for what
testimony as a “catalogue of lamentable failures” by the it did to those who are survivors and are coping with
Church of England, including cover-up, conspiracy this.”
and the burning of documents. He said evidence had Abp. Justin also warned that “tribalism” within the
Church of England had allowed pedophile priests to
thrive. He noted that after he disciplined one of his
predecessors, Abp. George Carey, for his role in al-
lowing a bishop who had been accused of abuse to
continue in active ministry, theologically conservative
groups said that an attack on Abp. Carey “would be
an attack on us all.” Abp. Justin pointed to this as an
example of the “factionalism” leads to a “failure to deal
with atrocious behavior, because it becomes ‘my cause
been given of “collusion and cover-up among clergy”, right or wrong’.”
and called the abusers a “tribe” who looked out for one Former Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Wil-
another. liams told the commission that “awkwardness” about
The Very Rev. Peter Atkinson, who formerly the church’s views on homosexuality 30 or 40 years
served at Chichester Cathedral, said a retired dean ago may have led to a desire not to be “judgmental
came back into the cathedral after his retirement, took about people’s sexual activities.”
a batch of files into the cathedral’s garden, and burned “At a time when people were beginning to feel
them. There is no way of knowing what was in them, awkward about traditional closeted attitudes, there
but Dean Atkinson said they were suspected of being was perhaps an overcompensation, [people] saying,
sensitive personnel files. ‘Well, we don’t want to be to be judgmental about
The current bishop of Chichester, Martin Warner, people’s sexual activities … We must therefore give
told the commission the diocese was described to him people a second chance and understand the pressures,’
as a “basket case” when he was appointed its bishop
in 2010. “It is clear to me there had been a historic Continued on page 7
Pohick Episcopal Church April 2018 • Page 7
9:00 Vestry M/M Davis Sessums M/M Greg Wise Armstrong/Turner TBD
7:45 S. Remaly E. Bartlett R. Stankwitz M/M Biddlecomb J. Byrne
9:00 M/M Kullstam M/M Derbes M/M Herbert M/M Godley M/M Thurston
11:15 B. Atkinson A. Poad C. Hodge L. Aqueron S. Kanu
9:00 H. Parker C. Knipling E. Pitcock F. Crawford
11:15 H. Foresman D. Hamly J. Egan D. McHugh
7:45 Sunderland (R) Thorson (P) TBD TBD TBD
Foresman (P) Marsico (R)
9:00 S. Harding (R) Ayorinde (P) TBD TBD TBD
M. Harding (P) Cockroft (R)
11:15 Faber (R) Walden (P) TBD TBD TBD
Arning (P) Edgeman (R)
The Sunday Service Volunteers Schedule is also available at Pohick Church’s website, www.pohick.org, under “Ministries.”
Pohick Episcopal Church April 2018 • Page 11
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