Elementary Education Bs

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UCF Degree Programs

Elementary Education (B.S.) Select 1:

Prefer STA 2014C Principles of Statistics
3 hrs
3 hrs
College of Education and Human Performance D: Social Foundations (6 hrs)
School of Teaching, Learning, and Leadership, Prefer POS 2041 American National Government 3 hrs
Education Complex, Room: 209 Prefer PSY 2012 General Psychology 3 hrs
http://education.ucf.edu/elemed/ E: Science Foundations (6 hrs)
Education Track: Dr. Michele Gill, [email protected], Prefer PSC 1121 Physical Science 3 hrs
407-823-1771 Prefer BSC 1005 Biological Principles 3 hrs
Lifelong Learning Track: Dr. Valerie A. Storey,
2. Common Program Prerequisites (CPP) (9 hrs)
[email protected], 407-823-1761  See “Common Prerequisites” in the Transfer and
The Elementary Education program offers students the option of Transitions Services section for more information.
two tracks: Elementary Education - Education track (K-6 certification EDF 2005 Introduction to the Teaching Profession 3 hrs
1 EDF 2085 Introduction to Diversity for Educators 3 hrs
with ESOL and Reading Endorsements) and Elementary Education EME 2040 Introduction to Technology for Educators 3 hrs
- Lifelong Learning track (non-certification). The Education track is
appropriate for students interested in opportunities for employment In addition to this course, a minimum of 6 hours with an international or
with formal K-6 schools that require certification. The Lifelong diversity focus is required. The foreign language admission requirement
Learning (LLL) track is appropriate for students seeking opportunities may be used to meet this requirement.
for employment outside formal, K-12 schools that do not require 3. Core Requirements: Basic Level (12 hrs)
certification.  Education Track requires 15 hours
 Lifelong Learning Track requires 12 hours
Admission Requirements  Both the Education Track and Lifelong Learning Track
 Complete the University General Education require successful completion of EDF 2130 and EDE 2280
requirements or its equivalent, i.e., an AA degree from 1 EDF 2130 Child and Adolescent Development for 3 hrs
an approved Florida College System or State University Educators
2 EDE 2280 Arts and Wellness in Elementary 3 hrs
System institution.
 Have a minimum 2.5 overall GPA. Classrooms
 Complete all Education Common Program Prerequisite 1
Courses taken at Florida College System institutions may substitute for
courses with a minimum letter grade of “C-” (1.75) or better.
select courses in Other Program Requirements with the permission of
 Meet the Gordon Rule Requirement.
the department.
 Meet the Foreign Language Admission Requirement. 2
Courses taken at a Florida College System institution may substitute for
Education Track select courses in Other Program Requirements with the permission of
 Pass all four parts of the General Knowledge Test (no
the department.
alternatives or waivers are accepted).
Education Track 3 hrs
Lifelong Learning Track 1 EDF 2720 Children in Schools: Legal, Ethical and 3 hrs
 Complete all LLL Track Core Requirements: Basic Level Safety Concerns
courses with a minimum letter grade of “C-” (1.75) or better.
 The Lifelong Learning Track is a non-certification 1
Courses taken at a Florida College System institution may substitute for
program and does not require the General Knowledge Test select courses in Other Program Requirements with the permission of
(GKT). the department.
Degree Requirements Education Track: Lower Division Electives 6 hrs
 Students should see an advisor prior to registering for  Education track students may select other electives but
classes. are advised to take the following courses to improve their
 The courses designated in 1 (UCF General preparation for the Subject Area Examination portion of the
Education Program) and 2 (Education Common Program Florida Teacher Certification Examination: * MAC 1105 or
Prerequisites) should be completed prior to admission to the MGF 1106 (if not taken for the General Education Program)
major and upper division education courses. * A second course from the preferred courses listed in the
 The Education track (K-6) is a state-approved, initial UCF General Education Program Section B2 above (ARH
teacher preparation program designed in compliance 2050, ARH 2051, or MUL 2010) or an additional science
with Florida Statutes and State Board of Education Rule course.
6A-5.066. Degree requirements are subject to change Lifelong Learning Track 6 hrs
based on state mandates. EDG 2949 Experiential Learning in Education 3 hrs
1. UCF General Education Program (GEP) (36 hrs) MHS 2330 Career Planning 3 hrs
 Students are advised to take the preferred courses.
A: Communication Foundations (9 hrs) 4. Core Requirements: Advanced Level (60 hrs)
Required ENC 1101 Composition I 3 hrs  Education Track requires 60 hours
Required ENC 1102 Composition II 3 hrs  Lifelong Learning Track requires 63 hours
Prefer SPC 1608 Fundamentals of Oral 3 hrs  The following recommended sequence of required
Communication upper division courses may vary at regional campus
B: Cultural & Historical Foundations (9 hrs) locations.
General Education Program course from section B1 3 hrs  Students must complete the Advanced Level courses
chosen meet Gordon Rule requirement required for their selected track (Education Track or Lifelong
General Education Program course: Prefer a second 3 hrs Learning Track) .
course from GEP section B1. Education Track: Semester I 15 hrs
1 EDG 4410 Teaching Strategies and Classroom 3 hrs
Select 1: 3 hrs
Prefer THE 2000 Theatre Survey or 3 hrs Management
1 MAE 3310 Elementary Mathematics for Teaching I 3 hrs
Prefer PHI 2010 Introduction to Philosophy or 3 hrs
Prefer MUL 2010 Enjoyment of Music 3 hrs LAE 3414 Literature for Children 3 hrs
1 RED 3012 Basic Foundations of Reading 3 hrs
C: Mathematical Foundations (6 hrs) 1 TSL 4080 Theory and Practice of Teaching ESOL 3 hrs
Select 1: 3 hrs
Students in Schools
Suggested MAC 1105C College Algebra or 3 hrs
Suggested MGF 1106 Finite Mathematics or 3 hrs 1
Suggested MGF 1107 Explorations in Mathematics 3 hrs Required prior to Internship I

UNIVERSITY OF CENTRAL FLORIDA Undergraduate Catalog 2017-2018

UCF Degree Programs
Education Track: Semester II 15 hrs TSL 4080 Theory and Practice of Teaching ESOL 3 hrs
SCE 3310 Teaching Science in Elementary School 3 hrs Students in Schools
SSE 3312 Teaching Social Science in the Elementary 3 hrs
School Lifelong Learning Track: Semester II 15 hrs
LAE 4314 Language Arts in the Elementary School 3 hrs SCE 3310 Teaching Science in Elementary School 3 hrs
1 RED 4519 Diagnostic and Corrective Reading 3 hrs SSE 3312 Teaching Social Science in the Elementary 3 hrs
Strategies School
1 MAE 3311 Elementary Mathematics for Teaching II 3 hrs LAE 4314 Language Arts in the Elementary School 3 hrs
1 RED 4519 Diagnostic and Corrective Reading 3 hrs
Required prior to Internship I
Education Track: Summer 6 hrs EDF 4467 Learning Theory and Assessment 3 hrs
EDF 4467 Learning Theory and Assessment 3 hrs
TSL 4240 Issues in Second Language Acquisition 3 hrs Lifelong Learning Track: Summer 6 hrs
EDF 4603 Analysis and Application of Ethical, Legal, 3 hrs
Education Track: Semester III (Internship I 12 hrs
and Safety Issues in Schools
Block) TSL 4240 Issues in Second Language Acquisition 3 hrs
 Prior to Internship I, the student must have completed
each of the prerequisite courses indicated above with a Lifelong Learning Track Specialization
letter grade of “C-” (1.75) or better. However, a minimum Requirements
GPA of 2.5 is required in the professional, specialization and  Twenty-one (21) hours of Lifelong Learning
overall for admission to Internship I. Specialization coursework should be completed during
 Passing score on the General Knowledge Test portion Semester III and Semester IV of your Senior Year.
of the Florida Teacher Certification Examination (FTCE) is  Students pursuing the Lifelong Learning track (non-
required before application to Internship I. certification) must select preferred specialization courses
 Passing score on the Professional Education Test with advisor approval. A minimum of nine (9) hours must
portion of the Florida Teacher Certification Examination be taken in the content area. Substitutions are allowed with
(FTCE) is strongly recommended as soon as possible after advisor approval.
completing the following courses: EDG 4410 Teaching  A grade of “C-” (1.75) or better is required.
Strategies and Classroom Management, EDF 4467 Learning  Students must have a total of 48 or more hours of upper
Theory and Assessment and TSL 4080 Theory and Practice level courses to graduate.
of Teaching ESOL Students in Schools. ARE 4356 Teaching Art Appreciation & Criticism in the 3 hrs
 Students must apply and be approved for Internship I. Classroom
Deadline dates and applications are available through the ARE 4250 Art for Exceptionalities 3 hrs
PET 2081 Wellness, Children and Schools 1 hr
Office of Clinical Experiences at
EEC 4402 Cultural and Family Systems 3 hrs
http://www.education.ucf.edu/clinicalexp/Prerequisites for EEC 4414 Parent-Child Relations 3 hrs
Internship I: EDG 4410, RED 3012, TSL 4080, MAE 3310, EDG 4941 Directed Field Experience 1 hr
MAE 3311, RED 4519 EDG 4948 Service Learning 3 hrs
RED 4942 Practicum for Assessment and Instruction 3 hrs MAE 3311 Elementary Mathematics for Teaching II 3 hrs
of Reading DIG 3118 Digital Tools and Technologies: Graphic 3 hrs
MAE 4326 How Children Learn Mathematics 3 hrs Design
1 EDE 3942 Internship I 3 hrs DIG 3554 Digital Tools and Technologies: Web 3 hrs
EEX 4070 Teaching Exceptional Students 3 hrs Design
1 DIG 3525 Digital Media Production I 3 hrs
RED 4942, MAE 4326, and EEX 4070 are taken concurrently with EDE DIG 2000 Introduction to Digital Media 3 hrs
3942 Internship I. Students should not plan to take additional courses DIG 2030 Digital Video Fundamentals 3 hrs
with Internship I block because of the intensity of the Internship I DIG 2109 Digital Imaging Fundamentals 3 hrs
semester. DIG 2500 Fundamentals of Interactive Design 3 hrs
Education Track: Semester IV (Internship II 12 hrs DIG 3811 User-Centered Design 3 hrs
Block) DEP 2004 Developmental Psychology 3 hrs
 Passing scores on all sections [General Knowledge, EEX 2090 Exceptional Populations in School and 3 hrs
Professional, and Subject Area (Elementary Education K-6)] Society
EXP 3604 Cognitive Psychology 4 hrs
of the Florida Teacher Certification Examination (FTCE) are EXP 3250 Principles of Human Factors Psychology 3 hrs
required prior to entry into Internship II. EEX 4601 Introduction to Behavior Management 3 hrs
 All methods/specialization/foundations courses must be MAN 3025 Management of Organizations 3 hrs
completed with a letter grade of “C-” (1.75) or better before MAR 3023 Marketing 3 hrs
registering for Internship II. However, a minimum GPA of ECT 4184 Curriculum Development Techniques for 3 hrs
2.5 is required in the professional, specialization and overall Industry Training
for admission to Internship II. HFT 1000 Introduction to the Hospitality and Tourism 3 hrs
 Students must apply and be approved for Internship II. Industry
Deadline dates and applications are available through the HFT 2750 The Event Industry 3 hrs
HFT 3798 Fairs and Festivals 3 hrs
Office of Clinical Experiences at HFT 4754 Exhibit and Trade Show Operations 3 hrs
 Satisfactory completion of Internship II requires the Lifelong Learning Track: Semester III 15 hrs
student to demonstrate proficiency in all 12 Florida Educator EDG 4949 Experiential Learning in Education 3 hrs
Accomplished Practices at the pre-professional level in MAE 3310 Elementary Mathematics for Teaching I 3 hrs
accordance with State Board of Education Rule 6A-5.066. Choose Lifelong Learning Specialization courses 9 hrs
EDE 4943 Internship II (Elementary) 9 hrs Lifelong Learning Track: Semester IV 12 hrs
EDE 4301 Seminar in Elementary Education 3 hrs Choose Lifelong Learning Specialization courses 12 hrs
Lifelong Learning Track: Semester I 15 hrs 5. Restricted Electives
EDG 4410 Teaching Strategies and Classroom 3 hrs
 None
EEX 4070 Teaching Exceptional Students 3 hrs 6. Capstone Requirements
LAE 3414 Literature for Children 3 hrs  None
RED 3012 Basic Foundations of Reading 3 hrs

UNIVERSITY OF CENTRAL FLORIDA Undergraduate Catalog 2017-2018

UCF Degree Programs
7. Foreign Language Requirements Plan of Study
Admissions  None
 State University System foreign language admission Elementary Education - Education Track (K-6) Plan of
requirement: two years in high school or one year of college Study
instruction in a single foreign language. (This requirement  This recommended sequence may vary at selected
applies to those students admitted to the University without regional campus locations. Consult with your Education
the required two units of foreign language in high school.) advisor and review your degree audit for more recent
Graduation information.
 None Freshman Year - Fall 12 hrs
8. Electives EME 2040 Introduction to Technology for Educators 3 hrs
 None ENC 1101 Composition I 3 hrs
9. Additional Requirements MAC 1105C College Algebra 3 hrs
 None Select 1: 3 hrs
10. Required Minors MUL 2010 Enjoyment of Music or 3 hrs
 None THE 2000 Theatre Survey or 3 hrs
PHI 2010 Introduction to Philosophy 3 hrs
11. Departmental Exit Requirements
 Achieve a minimum overall 2.5 GPA within the major. Freshman Year - Spring 12 hrs
 In courses throughout the program, you must upload 1 EDF 2130 Child and Adolescent Development for 3 hrs
key assignments into your LiveText Dashboard. These key Educators
assignments are then assessed by faculty. The resulting ENC 1102 Composition II 3 hrs
data provides evidence of your demonstrated professional PSY 2012 General Psychology 3 hrs
growth, reflection, and proficiency in all Florida Educator PSC 1121 Physical Science 3 hrs
Accomplished Practices. Together these assignments 1
Courses taken at a Florida College System institution may substitute for
provide potential employers with a snapshot picture of select courses in Other Program Requirements with the permission of
the skills attained in your academic program. All teacher the department.
education candidates, Lifelong Learning majors, and Early Freshman Year - Summer 6 hrs
Childhood Development and Education majors (all ECDE POS 2041 American National Government 3 hrs
tracks) are required to complete all LiveText requirements in MGF 1106 Finite Mathematics 3 hrs
order to be cleared for graduation. See
Sophomore Year - Fall 15 hrs
http://livetext.education.ucf.edu/. GEP B1 Elective 3 hrs
BSC 1005 Biological Principles 3 hrs
Education Track EDF 2005 Introduction to the Teaching Profession 3 hrs
 Complete ESOL standards assessment tracking SPC 1608 Fundamentals of Oral Communication 3 hrs
requirements in LiveText for the ESOL endorsement ARH 2050 History of Western Art I 3 hrs
 Pass all applicable sections of the Florida Teacher
Sophomore Year - Spring 15 hrs
Certification Examination. See http://www.fldoe.org for GEP B3 Elective (Prefer course from section B1) 3 hrs
test dates and test sites. Effective January 1, 2015, only STA 2014C Principles of Statistics 3 hrs
examination results earned by educators within 10 years EDF 2085 Introduction to Diversity for Educators 3 hrs
prior to the date of application for a new Florida Educator’s 1 EDE 2280 Arts and Wellness in Elementary 3 hrs
Certificate with the Florida Department of Education may be Classrooms
1 EDF 2720 Children in Schools: Legal, Ethical and 3 hrs
acceptable for certification eligibility requirements (SBE Rule
6A-4.002) Safety Concerns
12. University Minimum Exit Requirements 1
Courses taken at a Florida College System institution may substitute for
 A 2.0 UCF GPA select courses in Other Program Requirements with the permission of
 60 semester hours earned after CLEP awarded the department.
 48 semester hours of upper division credit completed
Junior Year - Fall 15 hrs
 30 of the last 39 hours of course work must be EDG 4410 Teaching Strategies and Classroom 3 hrs
completed in residency at UCF. Management
 A maximum of 45 hours of extension, correspondence, MAE 3310 Elementary Mathematics for Teaching I 3 hrs
CLEP, Credit by Exam, and Armed Forces credits permitted. LAE 3414 Literature for Children 3 hrs
 Complete the General Education Program, the Gordon RED 3012 Basic Foundations of Reading 3 hrs
Rule, and nine hours of Summer credit. TSL 4080 Theory and Practice of Teaching ESOL 3 hrs
Total Semester Hours Required Students in Schools
 120
Junior Year - Spring 15 hrs
Honors In Major SCE 3310 Teaching Science in Elementary School 3 hrs
 None SSE 3312 Teaching Social Science in the Elementary 3 hrs
Related Programs School
 None LAE 4314 Language Arts in the Elementary School 3 hrs
Certificates RED 4519 Diagnostic and Corrective Reading 3 hrs
 None Strategies
Related Minors MAE 3311 Elementary Mathematics for Teaching II 3 hrs
 None
Junior Year - Summer 6 hrs
Advising Notes
EDF 4467 Learning Theory and Assessment 3 hrs
 None TSL 4240 Issues in Second Language Acquisition 3 hrs
Transfer Notes
 None Senior Year - Fall 12 hrs
Acceptable Substitutes for Transfer Courses RED 4942 Practicum for Assessment and Instruction 3 hrs
 None of Reading
MAE 4326 How Children Learn Mathematics 3 hrs
EEX 4070 Teaching Exceptional Students 3 hrs
EDE 3942 Internship I 3 hrs

UNIVERSITY OF CENTRAL FLORIDA Undergraduate Catalog 2017-2018

UCF Degree Programs
Senior Year - Spring 12 hrs Equipment Fees
EDE 4943 Internship II (Elementary) 9 hrs  Part-Time Student: $6 per term
EDE 4301 Seminar in Elementary Education 3 hrs  Full-Time Student: $12 per term
Elementary Education - Lifelong Learning Track Plan of
Freshman Year - Fall 12 hrs
EME 2040 Introduction to Technology for Educators 3 hrs
ENC 1101 Composition I 3 hrs
Select 1: 3 hrs
MUL 2010 Enjoyment of Music or 3 hrs
THE 2000 Theatre Survey or 3 hrs
PHI 2010 Introduction to Philosophy 3 hrs
Select 1: 3 hrs
MAC 1105C College Algebra or 3 hrs
MGF 1106 Finite Mathematics or 3 hrs
MGF 1107 Explorations in Mathematics 3 hrs
Freshman Year - Spring 12 hrs
1 EDF 2130 Child and Adolescent Development for 3 hrs
ENC 1102 Composition II 3 hrs
PSY 2012 General Psychology 3 hrs
PSC 1121 Physical Science 3 hrs
Courses taken at a Florida College System institution may substitute for
select courses in Other Program Requirements with the permission of
the department.
Freshman Year - Summer 6 hrs
POS 2041 American National Government 3 hrs
EDE 2280 Arts and Wellness in Elementary 3 hrs
Sophomore Year - Fall 15 hrs
GEP B1 Elective 3 hrs
BSC 1005 Biological Principles 3 hrs
EDF 2005 Introduction to the Teaching Profession 3 hrs
SPC 1608 Fundamentals of Oral Communication 3 hrs
MHS 2330 Career Planning 3 hrs
Sophomore Year - Spring 12 hrs
GEP B3 Elective (Prefer course from section B1) 3 hrs
STA 2014C Principles of Statistics 3 hrs
EDF 2085 Introduction to Diversity for Educators 3 hrs
EDG 2949 Cooperative Education 3 hrs
Junior Year - Fall 15 hrs
EDG 4410 Teaching Strategies and Classroom 3 hrs
EEX 4070 Teaching Exceptional Students 3 hrs
LAE 3414 Literature for Children 3 hrs
RED 3012 Basic Foundations of Reading 3 hrs
TSL 4080 Theory and Practice of Teaching ESOL 3 hrs
Students in Schools
Junior Year - Spring 15 hrs
SCE 3310 Teaching Science in Elementary School 3 hrs
SSE 3312 Teaching Social Science in the Elementary 3 hrs
LAE 4314 Language Arts in the Elementary School 3 hrs
RED 4519 Diagnostic and Corrective Reading 3 hrs
EDF 4467 Learning Theory and Assessment 3 hrs
Junior Year - Summer 6 hrs
EDF 4603 Analysis and Application of Ethical, Legal, 3 hrs
and Safety Issues in Schools
TSL 4240 Issues in Second Language Acquisition 3 hrs
Senior Year - Fall 15 hrs
EDG 4949 Cooperative Education 3 hrs
MAE 3310 Elementary Mathematics for Teaching I 3 hrs
Choose Lifelong Learning Specialization courses 9 hrs
Senior Year - Spring 12 hrs
Choose Lifelong Learning Specialization courses 12 hrs
Program Academic Learning Compacts
 Program Academic Learning Compacts (student learning
outcomes) for undergraduate programs are located at:

UNIVERSITY OF CENTRAL FLORIDA Undergraduate Catalog 2017-2018

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