NHSBSP Equipment Report 0702
NHSBSP Equipment Report 0702
NHSBSP Equipment Report 0702
Sarah Cush
NHS Cancer Screening Programmes
Email: [email protected]
Published by:
The contents of this document may be copied for use by staff working in the public sector but may
not be copied for any other purpose without prior permission from the NHS Cancer Screening
This report is available in PDF format on the NHS Cancer Screening Programmes website
Page No
Preface v
This document is the first guidance for mammography practitioners on routine quality control tests for digital
mammography systems. It is expected that the guidance will be updated as the use of digital equipment in
breast screening becomes more widespread.
The NHSBSP is grateful to the following for help in developing and writing these guidelines:
Sarah Cush
Anna Burch
Patsy Whelehan
Kenneth Young
Direct digital radiography (DR) and computerised radiography (CR) systems are now being used routinely
for mammography in the NHS Breast Screening Programme (NHSBSP). Routine quality control (QC) is
essential to ensure that the equipment is performing as expected and meets NHSBSP standards. This guide
describes the recommended routine QC tests which should be undertaken by radiographic staff. It is based on
the European protocol for the quality control of the physical and technical aspects of mammography screen-
ing1 and on current knowledge and understanding of digital systems.
Guidance on commissioning and the routine testing of full field digital mammography systems is given in
NHSBSP Equipment Report 0604.2 These tests are undertaken by physicists. Baseline values need to be estab-
lished at installation in conjunction with the local physicist and again if conditions are changed.
Routine tests recommended by the manufacturer of the x-ray set, workstation or printer for the calibration or
maintenance of systems should be added to this test protocol. Some systems have built-in tests for the detector
and/or display, and it is hoped that manufacturers will continue to develop such automated QC systems. The
local physicist should be asked to advise whether any built-in tests are suitable for use in place of the tests
described in this document.
All quantitative and qualitative data generated by routine tests and observations should be recorded.
Examples of data recording forms are given on the NHS Cancer Screening Programmes website
The routine QC tests for DR and CR systems are summarised in Tables 1 and 2.
The only CR system so far evaluated by the NHSBSP that meets the European guidelines for quality
assurance in breast cancer screening and diagnosis is the Fuji Profect/5000MA.3 The recommended tests
for CR systems therefore relate only to this system. Future revisions of the guidelines will include other
accepted CR systems.
Monitor checks should be performed on both the acquisition and reporting* monitors under recommended†
working conditions. It should be noted that cathode ray tube (CRT) and flat panel displays (FPD) may have
different types of problems.
* The term ‘acquisition monitor’ is used here to denote a monitor used by the mammographer when performing the mammogram
(also known as a review or secondary monitor). The term ‘reporting monitor’ is use to denote a monitor in the workstation used by
the film reader when reporting the mammogram (also known as a diagnostic or primary monitor).
Ambient light should be less than 10 lux for primary display devices.
• Check for obvious faults such as flicker, gross distortion, artefacts (see Appendix 1).
• Check general condition.
• Clean if necessary (follow the supplier’s instructions).
• Look at the text and lines on the screen – are they sharp and straight?
• Optional – display a test pattern or standard clinical mammogram and check that its appearance has not
changed significantly.
• Keep a record of all checks, note any problems and take action to get them corrected.
The test uses the TG18-QC or SMPTE test patterns shown in Figures 1 and 2.4 Refer to the supplier or local
physicist for advice on how to display these.
• Check that the room brightness is as recommended‡, with no glare from other monitors, light boxes or
• Clean the monitors (follow the supplier’s instructions).
• Display the TG18-QC or SMPTE pattern on each reporting monitor in turn.
• Examine the image carefully under working conditions, and check that:
– there are no significant reflections on the monitor
– borders are completely visible
– lines are straight
– the active display area is centred on the screen
– the 5% square is visible within the larger 0% square (area A)
– the 95% square is visible within the larger 100% square (area B)
– each grey scale step from 0% to 100% can be distinguished from the adjacent squares (see dotted
– the text on the pattern is sharp and in focus
– the vertical and horizontal lines in the high contrast line pair images at the centre and corners of the
pattern are all distinguishable.
• Record the results for each monitor.
Ambient light should be less than 10 lux for primary display devices.
Remedial level
If the system fails any of the above checks then take action to correct the problem.
Area A Area B
Area A Area B
These tests will detect changes in the performance of the x-ray set or the image receptor. Full size Perspex
blocks are preferable for these tests so that the uniformity of the whole field of view can be checked. See
Appendix 2 for details of test object design.
For Fuji CR systems, use the TEST/CONTRAST read program and change the EDR mode to Semi-X
2 before reading the image plate.
• Position test object on unit (see Appendix 2) – alternatively, a plain Perspex block can be used for this
• Compress to 100 N (10 kg).
• Expose using clinical settings.
• Record post exposure factors (kV, target/filter, mAs).
• Record system-dependent indicator of dose to detector (eg mean pixel value, exposure index, S value).
• Inspect image for artefacts and variations in the noise pattern using a narrow window setting (high contrast)
(see Appendix 1 for a discussion on the type of artefacts seen with different systems).
• Draw ROI as shown in Figure 3 and record the mean (M) and standard deviation (SD) of the pixel
• Divide M by SD to calculate the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR).
M (see Appendix 3 for example of the calculation)
24 cm
Al square ROI
18 cm chest
wall edge
6 cm
Figure 3 ROI for SNR measurement (if plain Perspex is used for this test, the aluminium square is not
present and the ROI can be positioned on the mid-line if preferred, but care needs to be taken to
ensure consistent positioning of the ROI from day to day).
Remedial levels
mAs baseline ± 10% (provided kV and filter are the same as for the baseline
Detector dose indicator baseline ± 10%
SNR baseline ± 20%
If any of the levels are exceeded then take action to correct the problem.
• Use the image of the test object from the daily test (see 3.1).
• Draw two ROIs as shown in Figure 4.
• Record the mean (M1) and standard deviation (SD) of the pixel value in ROI 1.
• Record the mean (M2) of the pixel value in ROI 2.
• Subtract M2 from M1 and divide by SD to calculate the signal-to-noise ratio (CNR):
M1 − M 2
CNR = (see Appendix 3 for example of the calculation)
Remedial level
CNR baseline ± 20%
If this level is exceeded then take action to correct the problem.
24 cm
Al square ROI 1
18 cm chest
wall edge
ROI 2 6 cm
Uniformity should be visually checked on a weekly basis using the image of the test object or plain Perspex
from the daily test. By setting a narrow grey scale window areas of non-uniformity will be seen. Magnify or
zoom the image electronically and inspect it in a systematic fashion to look for artefacts such as faulty clusters
of pixels or areas of unusually low noise (where the background mottle appears blurred or smoother than other
areas of the image). This is particularly important for some DR systems.
• Draw ROIs as shown in Figure 5 (DR) or Figure 6 (CR).
• Record the mean pixel value (Mcentre) in the central ROI.
• Record the mean pixel values in the other ROIs and find the one that is most different from Mcentre – call
this Medge.
• Calculate the maximum percentage deviation from the central value as follows:
Mcentre − Medge
MaxDev = × 100
Refer also to the European protocol1 which provides details of weekly flat field checks for CR and DR systems
(pages 128 and 129, section 2b. and 2b.
Remedial level
> 10% maximum deviation from the value at centre.
Central ROI
(avoiding aluminium
square if present)
Midway between
chest wall and chest
nipple edges
wall edge
Central ROI
(avoiding aluminium
square if present) chest
wall edge
• Position 2 cm, 4/4.5 cm and 6/7 cm Perspex blocks in turn on unit.
• Compress to 100 N (10 kg).
• Expose using clinical settings.
• Record post exposure factors (kV, target/filter, mAs).
• Record system-dependent indicator of dose to detector (eg mean pixel value, exposure index, S value).
• Inspect image for artefacts and variations in the noise pattern using a narrow window setting (high contrast)
– see Appendix 1.
Remedial levels
Detector dose indicator baseline for that thickness ± 10%
SNR baseline for that thickness ± 20%
CNR baseline for that thickness ± 20%
No disturbing artefacts should be visible.
If any of the levels are exceeded then take action to correct the problem.
Special test objects for routine checks of digital mammography systems are under development and may be
recommended in the future. Pending the availability of such test objects, image quality should be tested with
one or both of the following:
• TOR(MAM) test object on 3 cm Perspex. Use exposure factors typical of those used clinically, under
AEC control if available. Since this test object has features similar to a breast, a clinical image processing
algorithm should be used.
• TOR(MAS) test object on 4 cm Perspex. Use exposure factors typical of those used clinically, under AEC
control if available. Since this test object contains ‘non breast-like’ features, the image should preferably
be unprocessed (consult the manufacturer).
For Fuji CR systems, use the TEST/CONTRAST read program and a SEMI-X2 read mode for TOR(MAS)
test object.
• Examine each image in the format used for clinical reporting (soft copy reporting monitor or hard
• Use standard window and level and image processing and view under standard conditions.
• Check by comparison with the baseline image.
For digital systems the TOR(MAM) is preferable to the TOR(MAS). A study undertaken by Pascoal5 showed
that the TOR(MAM) performed better with digital systems.
Remedial level
The image should be scored and compared with the baseline image.
Some DR detectors may have a non-uniform response (due to variations in sensitivity, faulty pixels etc). Also,
there are non-uniformities in the x-ray beam due to the anode heel effect and x-ray beam divergence. Some
DR systems correct for these inherent non-uniformities by a process of flat-fielding. Flat-field correction maps
are obtained using a standard beam attenuator (usually a Perspex block) for one or more exposure conditions
(eg different target/filter combinations and focal spot sizes). Some systems require the user to carry out this
flat-fielding process periodically, and it is therefore included here although it is not strictly a QC test. On other
systems this is carried out by the service engineer at routine service visits.
• Carry out the flat field calibration according to manufacturer’s protocols.
• Record and initial that the procedure has been performed.
Fuji recommends that any cassettes left in the x-ray room, or left un-used for a few days (eg over a weekend)
should be erased using the image reader ‘secondary erasure’ cycle before use, to remove any ‘fog’ from the
Under normal environmental conditions, Fuji does not recommend routine cleaning of image plates. If clean-
ing is required, it should be performed according to the current Fuji protocol.
This procedure should also be carried out on new image plates. Image plates and cassettes should be matched
in both their sensitivity (S value per unit exposure) and in the mAs derived under automatic exposure control.
Full size Perspex blocks are preferable for these tests so that the whole IP can be checked for artefacts.
Using each IP in turn:
Remedial levels
mAs value mean ± 5%
S value mean ± 10% (this allows for variation due to mAs and variation in IP sensitivity).
Plates showing scratches or marks should be cleaned and the test repeated. Plates with permanent scratches
or marks should be removed from service.
Check the safety and function of the system. It is recommended that a local checklist is drawn up for each
system to identify relevant features to be checked (eg items that are safety-critical or areas known to be prone
to faults). This should be based on the guidance in NHSBSP Publication 63,6 plus additional items specific to
the local system, for example:
• environmental checks (some digital systems are particularly sensitive to environmental conditions such
as temperature and humidity)
• checks relating to the reporting workstation (ergonomics).
Keep a record of all checks, note any problems and take action to get them corrected.
The need for repeat images is usually reduced with digital systems but a log of repeat examinations still needs
to be kept. The design of the PACS/digital system should allow for repeat/reject analysis. These should be
flagged and held with the patient records.
Relevant data should still be collected and input on the breast screening IT system (NBSS). Guidance on
collecting, monitoring and reporting repeat examinations (NHSBSP Good Practice Guide No 4, Version 27)
should be followed.
The NHSBSP minimum standard for repeat examinations for film screen mammography is < 3% of total
examinations: this may need to be reduced for digital mammography.
The printer is set up on installation when the engineer should ensure that the hard copy matches the soft copy
image. Hard copy quality can be checked subjectively by using a standard mammography test object, such
Printer checks should be carried out using standard viewing conditions each day that the printer is used. Print
the TG18-QC or SMPTE test pattern (see section 2.2) or the manufacturer supplied test pattern and perform
the following checks:
• Geometrical distortion – check image is printed without geometrical distortion; borders should be
completely visible and straight lines should be straight.
• Contrast visibility – in the TG18-QC or SMPTE test pattern, the 5% and 95% squares should be clearly
• Printer artefacts – check test pattern for printer artefacts (see Appendix 1); no disturbing artefacts should
be visible.
• If a densitometer is available, measure densities and compare with baseline values.
After software changes or an upgrade, it may be advisable to print both a test pattern and a clinical image to
confirm that the hard copy remains similar to the soft copy display.
The desirable features for film digitisers for mammography images are:
Digitised image quality should be checked using the TOR(MAM) as with the printer testing.
Data held on hard drives on mobiles must be secure. This means that the drive needs to be removable or pass-
word protected. It is therefore important that a written protocol is developed which covers the safe transfer of
images from digital imaging systems placed on mobiles onto the diagnostic workstation or PACS.
The medical physics service should perform tests on small field digital systems (including Faxitrons) accord-
ing to NHSBSP Report 01/098 on a six-monthly basis and whenever a new digital detector is installed. These
include tests of the detector, the display monitor and the hard copy system as per the tests for full field systems.
It is recommended that local protocols should be developed for more frequent testing by mammographers in
conjunction with the medical physics service. Such protocols should include tests of:
1 AEC performance (eg record pixel value and mAs for exposure of Perspex block)
2 uniformity and artefacts (eg inspect image of Perspex block)
3 contrast (eg between different thicknesses of Perspex).
1. European protocol for the quality control of the physical and technical aspects of mammography screening. Part B: Digital
mammography. In: European Guidelines for Quality Assurance in Breast Cancer Screening and Diagnosis, 4th edition.
Luxembourg: European Commission, 2006.
2. Commissioning and Routine Testing of Full Field Digital Mammography Systems. NHS Cancer Screening Programmes, 2006
(NHSBSP Equipment Report 0604, Version 2, available at www.cancerscreening.nhs.uk).
3. Evaluation of the Fuji Profect Computerised Radiography System. NHS Cancer Screening Programmes, 2006 (NHSBSP
Equipment Report 0605).
4. Assessment of Display Performance for Medical Imaging Systems. American Association of Physicists in Medicine (AAPM).
Online report 03, 2005 (available at www.aapm.org/pubs/reports/OR_03.pdf).
5. Pascoal A. European Radiology, 2006, Supplement 1 to Vol. 16; 255.
6. Quality Assurance Guidelines for Mammography Including Radiographic Quality Control. NHS Cancer Screening
Programmes, 2006 (NHSBSP Publication No 63).
7. Collecting, Monitoring and Reporting Repeat Examinations. NHS Cancer Screening Programmes, 2006 (NHSBSP Good
Practice Guide No 4, Version 2).
8. Commissioning and Routine Testing of Small Field Digital Mammography Systems. NHS Cancer Screening Programmes,
2001 (NHSBSP Occasional Report 01/09, being revised).
Inspect an image of a uniform test object on a monitor – adjust the window width (WW) to about 10% of
the window level (WL) and use magnification if required. To determine whether an artefact arises from the
detector or display, rotate or pan it – if the artefact moves with the image it arises from the detector, if it stays
in the same place it arises from the monitor.
• Faulty individual pixels, clusters of pixels or lines of pixels – may be always black, always white, or
randomly fluctuating. May or may not disappear after ‘flat fielding’. Significance depends on how many
pixels are involved and where they are located.
• In scanning-type DR systems, faulty pixels may give rise to linear artefacts perpendicular to the scan
• Loss of resolution (blurring) in one or both directions, in one part of the detector or all over – may be seen
as a subtle change in the background noise pattern, the image will appear smoother (less noisy) where it
is blurred.
• Faulty pixels.
Printer artefacts
Perspex block 4.5 cm thick with 0.2 mm aluminium foil to provide contrast. The aluminium should be a square
approximately 2 cm × 2 cm with one edge on the mid-line and its centre 6 cm from the chest wall edge. It
needs to be fixed to prevent movement. The height of the aluminium above the breast platform is not critical
so it can be sandwiched between Perspex layers. Glue or tape should not be used as they will show up and
distort the measurements.
24 cm
Al square
18 cm chest
wall edge
6 cm
SNR example
24 cm
Al square ROI
18 cm chest
wall edge
6 cm
Measurement 1:
Mean pixel value in ROI = M = 397.1
Standard deviation of pixel values in ROI = SD = 8.1
M 397.1
SNR = = = 49.0
SD 8.1
This is between the lower and upper remedial levels, so this measurement PASSES the test.
Measurement 2:
Mean pixel value in ROI = M = 405.2
Standard deviation of pixels values in ROI = SD = 6.3
M 405.2
SNR = = = 64.3
SD 6.3
This is above the upper remedial level, so this measurement FAILS the test.
CNR example
24 cm
Al square ROI 1
18 cm chest
wall edge
ROI 2 6 cm
Measurement 1:
Mean pixel value in ROI 1 (Perspex) = M1 = 386.7
Standard deviation of pixel values in ROI 1 = SD = 7.5
Mean pixel value in ROI 2 (Perspex plus aluminium) = M2 = 328.3
Measurement 2:
Mean pixel value in ROI 1 (Perspex) = M1 = 386.7
Standard deviation of pixel values in ROI 1 = SD = 7.5
Mean pixel value in ROI 2 (Perspex plus aluminium) = M2 = 341.2