FHWA Dynamic Compaction Manual PDF
FHWA Dynamic Compaction Manual PDF
FHWA Dynamic Compaction Manual PDF
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PublicationNo. FHWA-SA-95-037
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Technical Report Documentation Page
1. Report NO. 2. Government Accession No. 3. Recipient's Catalog No.
I 4. Title and Subtitle I WonOat@ March,1995 I
Geotechnical Engineering Circular No. 1
DYNAMIC COMPACTION I 6. Performing Organization Code
8. Performing Organization Report No.
'. Author(s) Robert G. Lukas
I 10.Work Unit No. (TRAIS)
( 9. Performing Organizaaon Name and Address
Ground Engineering Consultants, Inc.
1 1. Contraa or Grant No.
350 Pfingsten Road, Suite 106
DTFH6 1-93-C-00072
Northbrook, Illinois 60062
13. Type of Repon and Penod Covered
12 Sponsoring Agency Name and Address
Federal Highway Administration Final Manual
Office of Technology Applications
400 Seventh Street, SW
14. Sponsoring Agency Code
Washington, D.C. 20590
15. Supplementary Notes
FHWA Project Manager: Chien-Tan Chang, HTA-22
FHWA Technical Consultant: Jerry DiMaggio, HNG-3 1
16. Abstract
This manual provides state-of-the-practice methods and techniques to assist the highway
engineer in the planning, design, and construction monitoring of dynamic compaction to improve
the load supporting capacity of weak foundation soils. Guidelines are presented for:
1 Dynamic compaction. 2
3 Square tamper with low contact pressure used for ironing pass.
12 Observed trend between limit pressure and applied energy for granular soils.
13 Observed trend between limit pressure and applied energy for cohesive soils.
16 Effects of time on the relative improvements in CPT tests values in sandy soil
in depth range of 2 to 8 m. 22
18 Trend between apparent maximum depth of influence and energy per blow. 29
Load test.
Sand boil formed from dissipation of pore water pressure in a silty sand.
Preliminary evaluation guidelines.
Design guidelines.
Construction monitoring.
Florida project.
AE = Applied energy
W = Mass of tamper
V = Velocity of tamper
Approximate conversion:
This document provides guidelines for evaluation, design and contracting procedures for the use
of dynamic compaction to produce ground improvement in unstable or compressible soil deposits.
Although guidelines are usefbl in planning and implementing dynamic compaction, it cannot
replace good judgment. Frequently during site densification, adjustments must be made to the
planned program based on how the ground responds to impact. The design engineer must always
use good judgment to supplement or alter the guidelines.
Highways and interchanges are fiequently required to be constructed on land with poor support
conditions. This is particularly true in or near urban areas where land with good ground support
conditions has already been developed for commercial or other purposes, and the remaining space
is undeveloped land due to deficient subsoils.
In the past, poor support areas have been avoided or structures with deep foundations such as a
bridge supported roadway have been constructed over the top of the loose deposits. Many types
of site improvement techniques are now available that allow embankments and interchanges to be
constructed directly on densified ground. One form of site improvement is dynamic compaction.
Dynamic compaction consists of using a heavy tamper that is repeatedly raised and dropped with
a single cable &om varying heights to impact the ground. The mass of the tampers generally
ranges fiom 5.4 to 27.2 Mg, and drop heights range fiom 12.2 to 30.5 m. The energy is generally
applied in phases on a grid pattern over the entire area using either single or multiple passes.
Following each pass, the craters are either levelled with a dozer or filled with granular fill material
before the next pass of energy is applied.
All of the energy is applied from existing grade and the degree of improvement is a fbnction of the
energy applied: i.e., the mass of the tamper, the drop height, the grid spacing, and the number of
drops at each grid point location. Lighter tampers and smaller drop heights result in depths of
improvement on the order of 3.0 to 4.6 m. Heavier tampers and greater drop heights result in
improvements on the order of 6.1 to 9.1 m. Figures 1 to 3 illustrate the dynamic compaction
process and the equipment that has been used on a regular basis. References 7,26,32,35,38,
39,46,54, and 60 describe the dynamic compaction procedure.
Figure 2. Typical dynamic compaction grid patt~:rn with 13.6 Mg tamper in bac:kground.
Figure 3. Square tamper with low contact pressure used for ironing pass
The chapters are presented in the sequence that is normally followed in the planning process for
dynamic compaction projects.
Chapter 2 covers preliminary considerations including the design constraints such as sensitivity
of the new embankment or facility relative to settlement and bearing capacity. The types of
deposits at the site also need to be evaluated to determine if dynamic compaction is appropriate.
Finally, the cost for dynamic compaction versus the cost of other alternatives needs to be
evaluated. If an alternate form of ground improvement is more attractive, then this option could
be pursued.
Chapter 3 presents guidelines for the specific use of dynamic compaction. This includes
selections of the tamper size and drop height, the amount of energy to apply, the drop pattern,
and the number of passes. This information can then be used to refine the cost estimate.
Chapter 5 discusses field monitoring, which is normally undertaken during the dynamic
compaction operations. This includes the observations of ground displacements during the site
improvement as well as borings and in situ testing after completion of the work.
Possible adjustments during dynamic compaction are discussed in chapter 6. Case histories and
design examples are presented in chapter 7.
Dynamic compaction has been successfblly used to improve many types of weak ground deposits
Loose naturally occurring soils such as alluvial, flood plain, or hydraulic fill
deposits. (See references 2,9,10,20,37,47,55,61.)
Landfill deposits both recent and old. (See references 5,17,25,33,34.)
Building rubble and construction debris deposits.(31)
Strip mine spoil. (3*56)
Partially saturated clay fill deposits that are elevated above the water table.(42)
Collapsible soils including loess. (See references 4,36,48,49,50,53.)
Formations where large voids are present such as karst topography or sinkholes
that are located close to grade.
Loose sands and silts to reduce liquefaction potential. (See references
Special wastes. (See references 27 to 30.)
An estimated 500 dynamic compaction projects have been completed in the U.S. Most were for
commercial purposes. The actual number may be much greater because many projects are not
reported in the literature.
A list of highway-related dynamic compaction projects completed in the U.S. was compiled in
1992.(13)Twenty-five projects were identified where dynamic compaction was used on at least a
part of the project site. Figure 4 indicates where these projects are located and the type of deposit
that was densified.
Landfills 14
Collapsible Soils 5
Mine Spoil 3
Loose Flls 3
The greatest use of dynamic compaction has been to stabilize former landfills. This is attributed
to the need for routing highways through or adjacent to urban sites where the land is at a premium
and frequently the only spaces available are sites such as former landfills that have been bypassed
for commercial development.
Dynamic compaction has been frequently used to densifl collapsible soils present in the western
part of the United States. The purpose of densification is to reduce settlement of the pavements
that occurs as the soils become wetted after the highways are constructed.
Mine spoil deposits consisting of reworked shales and sandstones plus soil overburden have also
been densiied by dynamic compaction. The soil and rock mixture is usually in a medium-dense
condition, but often there are pockets of very loose deposits within an otherwise more stable
formation. Dynamic compaction has been found to be effective in making the subgrade more
The following steps are suggested for conducting a preliminary evaluation to determine the
suitability of using dynamic compaction at a specific project site. These steps are listed in the
order in which they should be evaluated. However, some steps may be eliminated while other
steps may require additional information or be expanded for a more thorough evaluation
depending upon the site and soil conditions.
1. Categorize soil type: The properties, thicknesses, and extent of the weak ground must be
known. This is usually determined by soil borings with Standqd Penetration Tests
(SPT), Cone Penetrometer Tests (CPT), or Pressuremeter tests ( P M T ) . ( ~ ~Other
* ~ ~ tests
such as the dilatometer, Becker Hammer, geophysical measurements, or deceleration
measurements have also been used. (See references 6,11,18,45.) The site history such as
when fill deposits were placed or the geologic origin of natural soils is also important.
Test pits might be necessary to further explore erratic deposits.
Based upon the types of soils that are in need of improvement at the site, the deposits can
be rated as favorable, unfavorable, or intermediate for dynamic compaction.
2. Assess site restraints The project site should be examined to determine if the ground
vibrations or lateral ground displacement could have an effect on adjacent properties.
This would be especially important in urban areas where roadways or buildings might be
situated in very close proximity to the area to be densified.
4. Estimate costs A preliminary estimate of costs for dynamic compaction should be made.
The cost estimate can be refined later, but a quick cost estimate is necessary to compare
with alternate site improvement techniques.
Table 1 lists parameters for rating each of these factors. This table can be used as a decision
tree.If an unfavorable rating is obtained for any of the evaluation steps, other forms of site
improvement should be considered. To permit the use of dynamic compaction, alterations or
adjustments can sometimes be made to the item that produced an unfavorable rating. In this case,
the additional cost for these adjustments or alterations needs to be considered. The next sections
discuss the evaluation steps in more detail.
Table 1. Preliminary evaluation guidelines.
Steps Favorable for Dynamic Favorable with Restrictions* Unfavorable for Dynamic
Compaction Compaction
Zone 2: Semipervious ------- Apply energy in phases to allow for dissipation of --------
zone 3 : Impervi0~ ------- Partially saturated impervious soils with deep water Saturated or nearly saturated impervious soils
2. Assess Site Restraints
Vibrations Adjacent to: modem constwction ,< 19 mm per 19 to 51mm per sec allowable if adjacent to Adjacent to: modem construction, > 19 mm per
Lateral Ground Displacements Dynamic compaction > 7.6 m from buried utilities Most buried utilities can tolerate 76 to 127 mm per ~mmediatelyadjacent to easily damaged
Water Table > 2 m below grade < 2 m below grade, with drainage provided to lower < 2 m below grade
I Presence of Hard or JNOhard or soft layers 1 1. Hard surface layer: loosen prior to dynamic 1~ n eabsorbing
r ~ ~ layer that limits depth of 1
Energy-Absorbing Layer compaction 2. ~nergy-absorbings u r h w layer: improvement such as Zone 3 soil of tm or mote
remove or stabilize with aggregate in thickness at a depth that is impractical to
3. Determine Design
settlement < 0.3 to 0.6 m for embankments > 0.3 to 0.6 m if site conditions preclude large Settlement > design engineer can tolerate
Minimum Soil Property Can usually achieve relatively high SPT,CPT, and May need wick drains in saturated Zone 2 soils to -----
Surface Stabilization Frequently not required ---- lm layer could cost more than dynamic
'Judgment must be used in assessing the applicability of dynamic compaction for these cases. For further explanation, see text. Also, consult a dynamic compaction specialist.
Site Investigation
Before soils can be grouped into categories ranging from suitable to unsuitable for dynamic
compaction, it will be necessary to evaluate the subsurface ground and water table conditions.
Ordinarily this is accomplished by a site investigation consisting of borings with SPT, CPT, or
PMT tests.
The type of field exploration undertaken is dependent upon the characteristics of the soil at the
site as well as local practice. In formations containing large boulders or broken concrete CPT
testing would not be appropriate because of the chance of not being able to penetrate these
obstructions. The SPT results also can be affected in a deposit where a large obstruction that
influences the driving record is encountered. If the proper size borehole can be formed, PMT
testing is appropriate in these formations. In heterogeneous deposits that are smaller in size than
gravel, CPT testing is appropriate because of the near continuous record of penetration resistance
in the vertical direction. In addition, the speed of CPT testing allows a larger number of tests to
be done and provides some additional information on lateral variation in properties.
The type of testing chosen will also depend on what is currently in use in the area, the
availability of equipment, and the experience of the designer with that type of in situ testing.
Samples of the various soils should also be obtained for the performance of laboratory index tests
consisting of water content, grain size distribution, and Atterberg limits. This is especially
important for fine-grained soil deposits. Organic content tests may also be appropriate,
depending on the soil deposit.
Extended water level readings should be obtained in all the boreholes. If necessary, an
observation well can be installed to obtain variations in water levels with time. The position of
the water table affects the dynamic compaction operations. Soils below the water table are
considered fully saturated, and excessive pore water pressures developed during dynamic
compaction could influence the grid spacing and number of drops that can be made at each
specific drop point location. In addition, if the water table is close to the ground surface,
dewatering wells might be required to temporarily lower the water table to at least 2 m below the
working surface.
The site history at man-made fill sites is also important. The age of the fill and the source of the
fill are important considerations in planning and designing dynamic compaction and for
estimating settlements. Older fill deposits have usually consolidated under their own weight,
while newer fill deposits can still have a significant amount of voids present.
In extremely variable deposits such as landfills, examination of soil samples from either SPT
testing or auger cuttings can be misleading. For this reason, test pits are frequently dug to obtain
a better understanding of the composition and relative state of packing of the landfill deposits.
Some idea of the age of the landfill can be obtained from visual observations, methane gas
readings, and ground temperature readings. In newer landfills, a significant amount of methane
is generally emitted, and the ground temperature is generally elevated above the prevailing
average ground temperature for the region.(32)
The site history can also be established by talking with adjacent land owners, reviewing
permitting records at local government agencies, and reviewing topographic maps and air photos
taken at different times. In natural soil deposits, the available geologic mapping should be
reviewed to provide further insight into the origin of the soil deposits.
During dynamic compaction, the soils are densified at the prevailing water content. At many
sites, the soils being densified are fully saturated, being below the water table. For densification
to be effective, the deposit should be relatively permeable so excess pore water pressures that
develop during densification can dissipate relatively quickly thereby allowing the soil particles to
move into a denser state of packing. Following this reasoning, the most favorable soil deposits
for dynamic compaction would be those where the permeability of the soil mass is high and
drainage is good. Likewise, deposits with a very low permeability and poor drainage would be
unfavorable for dynamic compaction. Figure 5 shows the range of soil gradation over which
dynamic compaction is appropriate.
90 10
80 *O
% 80 40 &
b ZONE 1
40 Ixlo" mlsec
0 SO
10 RANGE of 1x1Oa to 1xlO~m/sec 90
s -
074 mm
0.001 Inrn
Figure 5. Grouping of soils for dynamic c~rnpaction!'~)
Most Favorable Soil Deposits - Zone 1
Dynamic compaction works best on deposits where the degree of saturation is low, the
permeability of the soil mass is high, and drainage is good. Deposits considered most
appropriate for dynamic compaction include pervious granular soils. If these deposits are
situated above the water table, densification is immediate as the soil particles are forced into a
denser state of packing. If these deposits are situated below the water table, the permeability is
sufficiently high, excess pore water pressures generated by the impact of the tamper dissipate
almost immediately, and densification is nearly immediate. Pervious granular deposits include
not only natural sands and gravels but also fill deposits consisting of building rubble, some mine
spoil, some industrial waste fill such as slag, and decomposed refuse deposits.
Dynamic compaction extends the range of compactable soils beyond that which is ordinarily
undertaken by conventional compaction. Ordinary roller compaction would be very dimcult on
some of the coarser grained pervious deposits such as boulders and cobbles, building rubble, or
slag deposits.
Deposits in which dynamic compaction is not appropriate would clayey soils, either natural or
fill, that are saturated. In saturated deposits, improvements cannot occur unless the water content
of the deposit is lowered. Generally, clayey soils have permeabilities of less than lo-' to 10-9d s ,
so dissipation of excess pore water pressures generated during dynamic compaction cannot
occur, except perhaps over a lengthy period of time. This makes dynamic compaction
impractical for these deposits. Furthermore, the degree of improvement is generally minor.
Some improvements have been achieved in clayey fill deposits that are only partially saturated.
This includes fills elevated well above the water level and with good surface drainage. In this
case, improvement occurs as the particles are compacted before the deposits become fully
saturated. After saturation occurs, no further improvement will be realized regardless of the
amount of energy applied. Generally, the water content of the clayey soils prior to dynamic
compaction should be less than the plastic limit of the deposit.
Intermediate Soil Deposits Zone 2
There is a third zone of soils, labeled Zone 2 on figure 5, that is intermediate between the most
favorable soils and the unfavorable soils for dynamic compaction. Silts, clayey silts, and sandy
silts fall into this category. Normally, the soils in Zone 2 have a permeability on the order of 10-5
to 1Omsd s . Dynamic compaction works in these deposits, but because of the lower than desired
permeability, the energy must be applied using multiple phases or multiple passes. Sufficient
time should be allowed between the phases or passes to allow excess pore water pressures to
dissipate. Sometimes, the excess pore water pressure takes days to weeks to dissipate. On some
projects, wick drains have been installed in these formations to facilitate
Ground Vibrations
When a tamper strikes the ground, vibrations are transmitted off site. The vibrations are largest
when heavier tampers and higher drop heights are used. If dynamic compaction is undertaken in
a congested area, some off-site structures could be affected by the ground vibrations.
.- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - r - - - -, - - - T - - T - . , - - , - - , - - - - - - -
------ - -1--r---,
_ - - - - -L - - - A - - - L - - L --I-- !_-I-- - - - - - - - - - - - I - - - - A - - L - L - L -
... -- - - - - - - - - TI - - - - - - r - - I- 7 - - - !
- - -l- l
-,- - - - - --- ----- I
I- -- I ,
- 1 - - r - - - 7 -
.- - - - - - - - - - -
I I I , ,
.- - - - - - - - - - -
I I l l I
I I I , I
l l l l I I 1 I l l
-0 10 -.
- -, - -I _ _ , . _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -
I I I l l !
3 1--r-r-r-
T - - - - - - - - - -
1 I I 1 I I
I /
/ :
I I , , I /
I I I t , ,
I I I I I I 4 I I C I I
I I I I l l
I I I I l l I / , I
1 mdsec
1 10 100
Frequency, Hz
The particle velocities that will develop as a result of dynamic compaction should be predicted in
advance of construction to determine if threshold vibration levels will be exceeded. Figure 7 has
been developed from measurements taken on numerous projects and can be used to predict
particle velocities.(32)The scaled energy factor incorporates the energy imparted into the ground
from a single drop plus the distance from the point of impact to the point of concern. The chart is
entered with the calculated scaled energy factor and a line projected vertically to the most
appropriate soil type. A horizontal line is then extended laterally and the predicted particle
velocity read off the vertical axis. This chart is based on records taken &om many sites and
provides a good estimation of ground vibration levels for planning purposes.
1 I
I Distinctly
, : Perceptible
I I I 0
I I 0
, I
I Perceptible
I I 1
1 I
1 H:; ++it I
1 1 ' 1
If dynamic compaction must be performed near an existing facility and the ground vibrations
need to be minimized, some success has been obtained with digging a trench to a depth of
approximately 3.0 m between the point of impact and the structure of concern. The trench
should be installed at a location where it will not undermine the foundations of the structure or
lateral support of a buried utility. An open trench is the most effective in reducing vibrations.
However, open trenches which could cause undermining or other concerns should be filled with
some loosely placed soil or compressible material. The purpose of the trench is to cut off the
Rayleigh wave, which is a surface wave that travels off site from the point of impact. At some
sites, off-site ground vibrations have been reduced by reducing the thickness of the loose deposit
by excavation and then using a lighter tamper and smaller drop height to densifjr the remaining
soils. Afterwards, the upper portion of the excavated soil can be replaced and densified in a
similar manner.
Some lateral displacements occur in the ground following the impact. Unfortunately an
established procedure has not been developed to predict lateral ground movements. Reliance is
placed on experience and measured data reported in the literature. As part of the FHWA study
on dynamic compaction(32), three project sites were instrumented with inclinometers located at
distances of 3.0 m and 6.1 m from the point of impact. Lateral ground displacements were
measured at both of these locations, and the results are shown in figures 8 and 9. At a distance of
3.0 m from the point of impact, lateral displacements ranging from 152 to 3 18 mm were
measured within the zone of 6.1 m below grade. At 6.1 m from the point of impact, the lateral
ground displacements were only on the order of 19 to 76 mm within the upper 6.1 m of the soil
mass. Less displacement would occur for sites where a smaller tamper and reduced drop height
were used.
If there are roadways or buried utilities located close to the point of impact, the likelihood of
permanent ground displacements should be considered. Field measurements of lateral
displacement or ground vibrations can be used to assess potential damage at structure locations.
Particle velocity measurements have been made with a seismograph on the ground over buried
utilities.'63) Particle velocities of 76 mrn/sec have not damaged pipes and mains. Pressure
pipelines have withstood 250 to 500 mmlsec without distress.
Water table levels within approximately 2 m below the level of dynamic compaction often cause
problems. During impacting, crater depths are frequently on the order of 0.6 to 1.2 m, and high
pore water pressures generated in the soil mass generally cause the ground water table to rise.
This could result in water filling into the craters. Additional drops could cause intermixing of the
soil and water with subsequent softening of the upper portion of the soil mass.
- 83
- 9.0
- 93
on cohesive mine spoil - IOA
B - 12 drops of 27.2 Mg at 30.5 m -- I03
on silty fine sand - I20
- 12.5
C - 15 dropsof 15.0Mgat 18.3m - 13.0
-80 -70 -60 -50 -40 -30 -20 -10 0
. . I I I I I I
Dm (m)
- 0.0
- 0.1
- 1.0
- 1.5
- LO
- 2.5
- 5.0
- 1.1
- Id
- 4.5
- 5.0
- 5.5
- 6.0
- LO
- 1.1
- 9.0
- 9.5
A - 15dropsof16.3Mgat21.3m - 10.0
on cohesive mine spoil - 10.5
- 11.0
The depth of improvement from dynamic compaction can be affected by the presence of a hard
surface layer overlying a weak deposit or the presence of a soft and compressible layer within an
otherwise stiffer deposit.
Hard surface layers can form as a result of aging, cementation, or compaction fiom surface
traffic. If this hardened layer is relatively thick (1 to 2 m), the energy from impact can be
distributed throughout +is layer and transmitted at a much lower intensity to the underlying
weak deposits thereby resulting in less depth and degree of improvement. Thick hardened layers
either have been removed or loosened prior to dynamic compaction so that the energy is
transmitted to the deeper formations.
If this hardened layer is relatively thin the tamper will likely penetrate through the hardened crust
and still deliver the proper energy to the underlying layers.
Soft energy absorbing soils at grade can be excavated or stabilized by adding granular soil that is
driven into the soft soil during impact. Soft clays or organic deposits at depth within the
formations can absorb the energy from dynamic compaction. In this case, very little energy will
be transmitted below these layers so the lower lying layers will not be improved as much as
desired. The effect that the soft layer will have on the densification is dependent to a large extent
upon the thickness of the layer and its position below the ground surface. Test sections will be
required to evaluate the depth and degree of improvement that can be attained.
Tolerable Settlement
When planning a new embankment or other facility, the settlement under new loading should be
estimated. This includes:
Settlement prediction under loading without site improvement. This helps to justify the
need for the site improvement.
Predicting settlement before and after dynamic compaction can be done using the test results of
conventional procedures such as the SPT, CPT, or PMT tests. In very loose deposits such as
recent landfills, SPT, CPT, or PMT test procedures for estimating settlement can be misleadingly
low. Settlement predictions in recent and mid-age landfills based upon SPT and PMT tests have
been found to underestimate the settlement that was measured by actual load tests on landfills
before dynamic compaction.e4) Large objects within the loose fill matrix cause misleadingly
high SPT values that result in low settlement predictions. The pressuremeter is inappropriate in
deposits that are still consolidating under their own weight. Except for these recent-age landfills,
conventional settlement predictions made for other sites provide reasonable estimates of
settlement and differential settlement.
The value of making a settlement prediction in advance of site improvement is to compare the
estimated movement with the tolerable movement. Excessive movement is justification for site
The amount of tolerable movement depends on the sensitivity of the new facility to total and
differential settlement. Post-construction settlements during the economic life of a roadway of as
much as 0.3 to 0.6 m are generally considered tolerable provided:(44)
If a building, bridge, or more sensitive facility is to be constructed on the loose deposit, other
guidelines have been pre~ented.(~~"~)
The amount of settlement following dynamic compaction is difficult to predict in advance of the
actual work since the improvement depends to a large degree upon the amount of energy applied.
Table 2 shows the maximum amount of improvement that can generally be achieved following
dynamic compaction in terms of SPT, CPT, and PMT tests.
Landfills -
20 40* NIA 0.5 - 1.0
*Higher test values may occur due to large particles in the soil mass.
The average improvement will be less than the maximum amount. The maximum improvement
generally occurs at a depth of 112 to 113 of the maximum depth of improvement as shown in
figure 10. Figures 1 1 to 14 also show typical SPT, CPT, and PMT values that were measured
following dynamic compaction as related to soil type and applied energy.
0 1
' \ f NOTE
- AROUND D/3 TO D/2.
\ /
b/3 TO 012
sim WI 1.0mm l /
0 3 SMM / .
1 5 m
- D
/ a
a te ILLIW~S /
9l 0 ~ a,
0 / O
4 0 34 MI0
1. 0
4 91 BA~GLAOLSM Q 4' a
O 22 SlrrGA#m l
5MP. - D
115 5 C. 0
/' a MI: Clam 10 r11ty wn4r
q m $3.5 MPa
0.5 1 2 5
3 m . I I I I I 1
W 0
pu 2-.
":@@om -
3: P
"@ooE @
l gf
Q4 0 B El
$1 1- Q Ea -
@ 0, 8
o m , I I I I I I
0.5 1 2 3 5 8
Figure 12. Observed trend between limit pressure and applied energy for granular s0ils.0~
(See ref- 38 for details of the numbers included in this figure.)
1 2 MPa' I 8 I I I
$ 0.8 ,
W I 027
. .
0 4
E a 0 4
_ -
O2MPa- -
0 MPa
Borings with SPT, CPT, or PMT tests should be completed when dynamic compaction is
underway and after completion to determine if the required properties of the soils are being met
as a result of the site densification. If the desired improvement has not been achieved, additional
energy could be applied to result in greater ground improvement.
In most deposits, the engineering properties of the soil improve with additional time following
dissipation of the excess pore water pressures. (See references 3 1,32,40,5 1.) Figure 15
illustrates the gain in PMT values with time in a fill deposit consisting of a mixture of clay,
shale, limestone, ash, sand, and pottery fragments. Figure 16 illustrates the gain in strength in
CPT tests in a sandy soil deposit. Thus, borings with tests made immediately after dynamic
compaction should take into account that the soils will gain in strength with time, so something
less than the desired SPT, CPT, or PMT test results could suffice if the borings are made shortly
after dynamic compaction is completed in that area.
In some cases, the goal of densification is to reach a minimum soil property that will satisfy a
criteria other than settlement. An example would be a site where earthquakes could cause
liquefaction of the soil deposit. An initial engineering analysis must be undertaken to determine
what minimum value of SPT would be required to render the soils nonliquefiable for a design
magnitude earthquake. Dynamic compaction would then be planned to impart enough energy to
reach this minimum desired SPT value.
In areas where loessial soils are present, the goal of densification might be to achieve a minimum
in place unit weight that renders the soil noncollapsible. Figure 17 shows the relationship
between the collapse potential and unit weight for loess deposits.(19)Sufficient energy should be
applied during dynamic compaction to achieve the minimum desired unit weight.
In collapsible alluvial soils, the single oedemeter-collapse test is the primary method for
characterizing the collapse potential of these deposits.(4)Other index tests such as changes in
void ratio and unit weight as a result of dynamic compaction have also been proposed to evaluate
the effectiveness of stabilizing these deposits.(36)
The depth of improvement is primarily a function of the mass of the tamper and the drop height.
Other factors which enter into the predicted depth of improvement are discussed in more detail in
400 800
--- 2nd
-.-.- + extended recovery period
Figure 15. Housing development; comparison of improvements in a fill consisting
- of clay, shale.
limestone, ash, sand, and fragments. i42)
2 2
Time after dynamic compaction (days)
Figure 16. Effects of time on the relative improvements in CPT test values in sandy soil
in depth range of 2 to 8 m.
10 20 30
40 50 60 70
- 80 90
lo Natural
Density -
14 kN/m3
Y I I I I I 1 1
Figure 17. Criteria for evaluating looseness and probability of soil collapse. (I9)
chapter 3. Using tampers in the range of 18.1 to 22.7 Mg and drop heights on the order of 22.9
to 30.5 m, the maximum predicted depth of improvement would range from about 9.1 to 12.2 m.
For most projects, this is an adequate depth of improvement. Even if loose deposits extend
below these levels, the pressure increase relative to the existing overburden pressure is generally
very small, so the contribution of settlement from these deeper unimproved deposits may not be
If ground improvement must be attained at depths greater than 9.1 to 12.2 m, dynamic
compaction in combination with other systems is discussed in the next section.
The costs for dynamic compaction depend upon the type of equipment required to complete the
work. Lighter tampers and smaller drop heights require a smaller crane size, and dynamic
compaction can be done at a lower cost per unit area than for the heavier tampers that require a
much larger crane. Equipment requirements for different size tampers are listed in table 3.
A cost for the owner's quality assurance. For projects using a method specification, the
owner is responsible for providing the monitoring during construction plus any borings or
tests taken after dynamic compaction.
A cost for granular fill, if required, to fill craters or provide a surface stabilizing layer. At
sites where there is a weak surface layer such as a landfill, granular fill is imported to
construct a working platform to allow for travel of the equipment across the site and to
fill craters. The aggregate particle size generally ranges from 10 to 150 mm and the
thickness ranges from 0.3 to 1.0 m. Local aggregate prices should be obtained to estimate
At sites where stable materials are present at grade, granular materials are not needed. At these
sites the ground is levelled following dynamic compaction by blading the soil from between the
centers into the crater depressions. The loosened surface layer is then compacted with either
normal compaction equipment or an ironing pass.
For projects undertaken using a performance specification (see chapter 4), the contractor will
plan and engineer the job, provide field control, and assume more risk. The cost for dynamic
compaction will increase depending upon the complexity of the job and the risk level. High-risk
jobs will include projects where the specifications require a performance that is difficult to
achieve. An example would be an unrealistic maximum allowable deflection under load. A
lower risk job would be one where the contractor only has to meet a reasonable minimum value
of SPT, CPT or PMT. The additional costs will vary for each project depending upon the factors
listed above. A dynamic compaction contractor could provide an estimate for a project after
provided with project details.
The costs for dynamic compaction relative to other forms of site improvement are shown in
table 5. As can be seen, the cost for dynamic compaction is generally significantly less than for
other forms of site improvement.
Slurry grouting
Chemical grouting
Compaction grouting
Jet grouting
*Plus $2 to $10.75 per sq. meterlweek to maintain frozen zones.
A more refined cost estimate can be prepared if dynamic compaction is selected as being suitable
for the site and a dynamic compaction plan is developed based upon considerations given in
chapters 3 and 4. The weekly or monthly rate for rental of equipment to repeatedly raise and
drop the tamper selected for the project can be obtained from local suppliers.
In the case of the lighter tampers such as 3.6 to 9.1 Mg, the operator should be able to achieve
500 to 600 drops per day depending, of course, upon the number of moves or standby time
involved. For the tampers in the range of 9.1 to 18.1 Mg, the tamper can be repeatedly raised and
dropped approximately 300 to 400 times per day. Based upon an initial mobilization charge plus
an estimated length of time for the project, a better idea of the costs for dynamic compaction can
be obtained. If there are other costs such as earth moving equipment for leveling of the ground
or for importation of granular materials, this would have to be added into the estimate. The costs
for monitoring can be calculated based upon the estimated duration of dynamic compaction and
the unit rate for the person.
Alternate Ground Improvement Techniques
An overview describing various methods of site improvement except for surcharging is presented
in summarized form in the AGC-ARTBA Joint Committee Task Force 27 report.") Dynamic
compaction has been used in combination with some of these alternate methods of ground
improvement. Dynamic compaction was used at a building site(20)to densify the upper soil
deposits and compaction grouting used to improve the deep-seated deposits. A similar technique
was used for an electric power plant.(") Dynamic compaction in combination with stone
columns was used to improve a loose clayey sand deposit beneath a dam.(8941)
The removal of soft surface deposits and replacement with more suitable material has been
undertaken either prior to or during dynamic compaction at numerous project sites. Unsuitable
material generally consisted of soft clay or an organic deposit overlying a more favorable deposit
for improvement by dynamic compaction.
Wick drains have been used in combination with dynamic compaction to allow for more rapid
pore water pressure dissipation. ('2,58) The wick drains were installed in silty soil deposits. If the
wick drains had not been installed, a significantly longer period of time would have been
required between successive passes for the pore water pressures to dissipate and ground
improvement to occur.
A combination of wick drains and surcharge plus dynamic compaction have been used on some
Vziriations in the normal dynamic compaction procedures have been used with success for special
situations. In fine-grained soils a process called "select fill displacement" was used to form short
granular columns that penetrated 5 to 7 m into the loose deposits.(14)This was accomplished by
imparting as many as 70 to 150 high energy drops at each drop point location using multiple
phases and passes and filling the craters with a select granular material. The granular columns
improved the transmission of energy to greater depths than would otherwise occur with
conventional dynamic compaction. In silty deposits with a high water table, the granular
columns aided in dissipation of excess pore water pressures.(")
Granular columns have also been driven into soft saturated cohesive soils and organic
deposit^.(^,^^) The term "Dynamic Replacement and Mixing" has been applied to this method of
ground treatment.
If the preliminary evaluation discussed in chapter 2 indicates that dynamic compaction will be
appropriate, a more detailed dynamic compaction plan must be prepared. Items that need to be
addressed include:
1. Selection of the tamper mass and drop height to correspond to the required depth of
2. Determination of the applied energy to be used over the project site to result in the
desired improvement.
3. Selection of the area to densify.
4. Determination of the grid spacing and number of phases.
5. Establishing the number of passes.
6. 'The need for a surface stabilizing layer.
These six steps should be addressed regardless of whether the project will be completed with a
method or a performance specification(see chapter 4). If the project will be undertaken with a
method specification, the design agency or their consultant will determine the dynamic
compaction procedure incorporating an evaluation of these six items. If the project will be
undertaken with a performance specification,the specialty contractor will address these items
based upon the level of improvement required. However, the design agency or their consultant
should review the specialty contractor's plan to determine if these items have been adequately
The design evaluation process is summarized in table 6. A detailed discussion of each step is
presented in the remainder of this chapter.
Usually the thickness of the loose deposit and hence the required depth of improvement is known
from the subsurface exploration. The relationship between the depth of improvement and the
tamper mass and drop height is as follows:
B. Use Equation 1 and select n value from Table 7 for soil type.
Equation 1: D = n(WH)".'
C. Use Figure 21 as a guide in selecting tamper mass and drop height
for dynamic compaction equipment currently in use.
Step 2: Determine applied energy to achieve A. Use Table 8 to select the unit e n e r a for the proper deposit
required depth of improvement
B. Multiply the unit energy by the deposit thickness to obtain the
average energy to apply at ground surface.
Step 3: Project area to densifl A. For level sites, use a grid spacing throughout the area in need of
improvement plus a distance beyond the project boundaries equal
to the depth of improvement.
Step 4: Grid spacing and drops A. Select a grid spacing ranging from 1.5 to 2.5 times the diameter of
the tamper .
Equation 2: AE N/W)(H)fP)
= B,Enter Wand H from step 1 and applied energy from step 2 into
Equation 2.
(grid sPacind2
Where: N = number of drops C. Use Equation 2 to calculate the product of N and P. Generally 7 to
15 drops are made at each grid point. If the calculations indicate
P = number of passes significantly more than 15 or less than 7 drops, adjust the grid
W = mass of tamper
H = drop height
Step 5: Multiple Passes
A. Crater depths should be limited to the height of the tamper plus
0.3 m.
Prediction of crater depths or ground
B. Energy application should stop if ground heave occurs.
heave in advance of dynamic
compaction is difficult. The contract C. If items A or B occur before the required number of drops are
applied, multiple passes should be used to:
should provide for multiple passes * permit ground leveling if item A occurs
where very loose deposits like landfills * allow pore pressure dissipation if item B occurs
are present or where silty deposits are
nearly saturated.
Step 6: Surface stabilizing layer A. Not needed for Zone 1 soils. May be required for Zone 2 soils if
nearly saturated. Usually required for landfills.
100 - I I I 1
50 - /
/ '7
t Maxtmum obsrrvod drpth at influmncr / /
0 lnflurnce grroter than depth tasted
-t 20- /
/ -
3 s- -
2 - -
Dmor 0.W WH)'.'
r I - -
* 0.5 - -
0.2 -/ / y2r -
/ I I 1 I
O'1 10 100 1000 10,000 100,000
The first three variables listed above have been investigated previously(32)The efficiency of the
drop mechanism using a single cable for lifting and dropping of the tamper was found to be
approximately 80 percent of the maximum potential energy of the mass of the tamper times the
drop height. This efficiency was found to be the same for different pieces of lifting equipment
and for raising and dropping tampers in the range of 5.4 to 18.1 Mg. Thus, even though there is
some energy loss in using the single cable for raising and dropping the tamper, the variable is
approximately the same for different pieces of equipment thereby resulting in approximately the
same percentage of energy delivered.
There is less energy loss when the tamper is raised and then allowed to free fall. However, the
cycle time for 1 impact is approximately 5 to 10 times longer than for a tamper with a single
cable attached. For this reason, the free fall method of dynamic compaction is rarely used.
The total amount of applied energy at a site has some influence on the depth of improvement.
Figures 19 and 20 illustrate the measured depth of improvement for the number of drops of the
tamper. In the case of the sandy deposits, approximately 90 percent of the maximum depth of
improvement is achieved after only 2 to 4 drops at one location. In the case of the clayey soils,
there is still an increasing depth of improvement even after 14 drops at one location. On most
projects, the tamper is dropped on the order of 7 to 15 times at one specific grid point location. In
the sandy soils, the maximum depth of improvement would be reached, but in the case of the
clayey soils, some additional depth of improvement could occur with additional applied energy.
For the conditions where the energy is applied with a tamper that is raised and dropped with a
single cable and where the average applied energy is in the range of 1 to 3 MJ/m2,the coefficient,
n, was found to be related to soil type as shown in table 7. These values can be used in equation
1 as a first step in estimating the depth of improvement. For most projects, this is all that is
Table 7. Recommended n value for different soil types.
I Soil Type Degree of Saturation Recommended n Value*
1 Pervious Soil Deposits - High 0.5 I
I Oranular soils Low 0.5 - 0.6
*For an applied energy of 1 to 3 M4m2and for a tamper drop using a single cable with a free spool drum.
0 Fine to Medium Sand
C,Silty Fine Sand
0 Clayey Mine Spoil
E 8
$ Legend
0 Fine to Medium Sand
Cl A Silty Fie Sand
2 0 Clayey Mine Spoil
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
- Number of Drops
Figure 20. Depth of improvements as measured by lateral deflection obtained at
inclinometer located 6.1 m from center of drop point.(32)
The other three variables previously listed could have an effect on the depth of improvement, but
there is no quantitative method of taking these variables into account. Some judgment needs to
be exercised on a case-by-case basis. This includes:
If there is an energy absorbing layer such as a weaker saturated clay within the soil mass,
the depth of improvement will be reduced to an extent that is dependent upon the
thickness of the layer and the position within the soil deposit. If the energy absorbing
layer is relatively thick and located within the center of the loose deposit, the depth of
improvement will not extend below the depth of the weak layer. If the weak layer is near
the surface of the deposit and is not very thick, it is possible that the tamper will penetrate
through the layer and deliver the energy to the underlying loose deposits wherein
equation 1 would be a relatively valid prediction of depth of improvement. Borings
should be made after completion of dynamic compaction to determine the influence of the
weak layer on the depth and degree of improvement.
A hard layer present at ground surface could restrict the amount of energy transferred to
the deeper layers. On projects where a thick crust of densified material is present, it will
be necessary to loosen the surface layer to allow the energy to be transmitted to greater
depths. A hard layer located below the loose deposit has a favorable effect in reflecting
energy back upward into the deposit resulting in either a greater degree of improvement
in the lower portion or a greater depth of improvement.
Most tampers have a flat bottom with a contact pressure on the order of 40 to 75 kN/m2.
If the tamper falls within this range, there is no need to consider adjusting the depth of
improvement by equation 1. However, it has been found by experience that if the contact
pressure is significantly less than the lower bound value, the energy is distributed over
too wide an area and a hard surface layer develops without the depth of improvement.
Contact pressure significantly higher than the typical values could result in a tamper
plunging into the ground.
After selecting the required depth of improvement and the most appropriate n value for the
deposit, the product of WH is calculated from equation 1. Figure 21 shows the relationship
between the tamper mass and drop height for various dynamic compaction equipment currently
in use. This figure can be used to select values of Wand H.
500 I I I I I '
wWg) A fGl(s1
loo -
lo -
O O 3
0 0 00
0 0
I - 0 0
0 0 0
a H (meters)
I I I 1 I
0.1 1 10 100
Figure 21. Relationship between size of tamper and drop height. (38)
A sufficient amount of energy must be applied during dynamic compaction to cause ground
compression to result in property improvements that are necessary for design. The applied
energy is generally given as the average energy applied over the entire area. It can be calculated
as follows:
AE = J V M W j m
(grid s p a ~ i n g ) ~
AE = applied energy
N = number of drops at each specific drop point location
W = tamper mass
H = drop height
P = number of passes
If different size tampers and drop heights are used, the total applied energy would be the sum of
both levels of effort. The high level energy is applied first with a heavy tamper and a higher drop
height. High energy application could result in craters of 1 to 1.5 m. Afier ground levelling this
will result in a loosened surface layer. This loosened layer is densified, by an ironing pass using
a smaller size tamper and a lesser drop height. The total applied energy would be the sum of the
energy applied during the high energy pass plus the ironing pass. Where crater depths are
shallow, the ironing pass can be omitted and surface densification is attained with conventional
compaction equipment.
On typical projects, the average applied energy ranges from about 1 to 3 MJIm2. However, the
amount of energy for any specific project should be varied taking into account the:
Table 8 can be used as a starting point to calculate the required average applied energy. This
table takes into account the initial three factors listed above. The soil types are grouped into
three broad categories in table 8. The range in applied energy accounts for the initial relative
density of the deposit. More energy should be applied to the looser deposits and less to the
denser deposits. The thickness of the deposit being densified is incorporated into table 8 by
listing the applied energy in terms of a unit volume. The average energy to be applied at the
surface of the deposit can be obtained by multiplying the suggested values by the thickness of the
deposit being densified.
In table 8, the recommended unit energies range from about one-third standard proctor energy for
the pervious coarse grain soils to about one-half this energy for the semipervious fine grain soils
and clay fills above the water table. Less than full proctor energy is sufficient to densifj these
deposits as long as they have been in place for more than 3 to 5 years. Older fills have
experienced compression under their own weight and are at least normally consolidated. If these
soils have just been recently placed, a higher unit applied energy would be appropriate.
Landfills are usually in an extremely loose condition because of the low unit weight of the debris
at the time of placement plus the creation of additional void spaces due to decomposition of the
organic components. These deposits are usually underconsolidated. Applied unit energies of 1
to 1.8 standard proctor are needed to densify these deposits.
To illustrate the use of table 8, consider the case of a building rubble fill deposit that is on the
order of 4 m thick in one area and 8 m thick in another. This deposit has been in place for 10
years and it is considered to be in a medium dense condition. Building rubble would fall into the
category of a pervious coarse grain soil. Because the deposit is in a medium dense condition and
apparently consolidated under its own weight, the appropriate unit applied energy would be 200
Wm3. For the 4 m thick deposit, this would require an average applied energy of 800 kJ/m2,
while the 8 m thick deposit would require an average applied energy of 1.6 MJ/m2. If soil
borings indicate the fill to be in a loose condition or if voids are present within the fill, the higher
unit energy of 250 kJlm3 should be used for determining the energy application. In this case, the
average applied energy at the ground surface would be on the order of 1 M ~ l m for~ the 4 m thick
deposit and 2 MJlm2for the 8 m thick deposit.
The guidelines given in table 8 are to be used as a starting point and adjustments may be
necessary in the field to attain the minimum desired property values. If densification is taking
place to reduce liquefaction, the minimum SPT or CPT value will govern when sufficient energy
has been applied. If densification is undertaken to reduce settlement, the design might call for a
minimum pressuremeter modulus or minimum SPT value, and sufficient energy will need to be
applied to reach these values. The manner in which the energy will be applied, whether in single
or multiple passes, will be discussed in the following sections.
Dynamic compaction is generally completed over an area larger than the plan area of the
embankment or the loaded area. This is to induce densification of the below ground area that
will be subjected to stress increase due to the pressure distribution resulting fiom the new
On many projects, dynamic compaction is undertaken beyond the edge of the loaded area for a
distance equal to the depth of the weak deposit. This would include projects where heavy loads
are applied near the edges of the plan area such as retaining walls or building footings. In the
case of an embankment constructed over weak ground where slope stability is a concern, it might
be necessary to densify the entire zone of soil beyond the toe that would lie within the predicted
deep-seated failure zone.
The energy is generally applied at a relatively tight grid spacing over the entire area to be
densified. The high energy drop point locations do not have to be contiguous since some of the
energy distributes laterally into the soil mass. A drop point spacing of 1% to 2% times the
diameter or width of the tamper is common. In the frne grain soils where there is a concern with
pore water pressures developing in the soil, the work plan should provide for two or more phases.
The first phase would involve dropping the tamper at every second or third drop point location.
After a period of time to allow dissipation of pore pressures, the intermediate drop point
locations could be densified as part of the second or third phase.
The number of drops at each grid point location can be calculated using equation 2. The input
Normally, 7 to 15 drops of high level energy are applied at each drop point. If significantly less
than 7 or more than 15 drops are calculated, consider adjusting the grid spacing.
If there are concentrated loads at isolated locations, such as from a retaining wall or building
footing, an additional phase of energy could be applied at these locations.
The upper surface of the soil mass is generally loosened to a depth equal to the crater depth
following the high energy level application. The loosened zone should be densified by a low
level energy pass called an ironing pass. A square tamper, figure 3, with a low contact pressure
is frequently used for this purpose. The area is densified on a contiguous or even overlapping
grid. Generally a low drop height and only a few drops are needed to densify the surface soils.
If the depth of craters is less than 0.5 m, the upper loosened soils could be densified by
conventional compactors after levelling.
The number of drops that can be applied at a grid point location at one time could be limited by
the depth of the crater. In extremely loose deposits, the initial drops may result in crater depths
greater than the height of the tamper. This is undesirable for a number of reasons including:
Extracting the tamper from a deep crater is dificult and could result in cable breakage.
Sometimes a suction force develops as the tamper is lifted from the deep crater, and at
other times loose debris falls in on top of the tamper, increasing the extraction force.
After the tamper is extracted from a deep crater, the sides may cave into the crater,
providing a cushioning effect for the next impact. In addition, the caving that occurs
could cause the tamper to strike the base irregularly with some of the energy being
absorbed as the tamper strikes the side walls of the crater.
Applying the energy at a fairly deep level below ground surface could result in the tamper
becoming closer to the ground.watertable and generating high pore water pressures.
The loosened zone of soil above the base of the crater presents a problem for densifying
the upper layer. A higher than normal level of energy may be required for the ironing
pass to densify this relatively thick, loose deposit.
The crater depth should be limited to about the height of the tamper plus 0.3 m. If the full
amount of energy has not been delivered at this time, either fill the craters with good material or
level the ground and then apply the remaining energy during a subsequent pass.
The number of drops that can be applied at a grid point location at one time would also be
limited if excess pore water pressures develop during impacting. In the finer grain deposits such
as Zone 2 of figure 5, excess pore pressures may require days to weeks to dissipate following
impact with the tamper. When high pore water pressures develop, the energy does not result in
densification but rather in volumetric displacement of the soil mass. In this case, apply the
energy in multiple passes to allow the excess pore water pressure to dissipate between passes. In
the highly pervious deposits, pore water pressures generated in the soil mass as a result of
tamping will dissipate between impacts. In this case, grain-to-grain contact is established very
rapidly between the soil particles, and the energy can be applied all in one pass. In deposits
consisting of building rubble, coarse sands, and gravels, or in some of the partially saturated
deposits, the energy can usually be applied in one pass. It is more efficient for the contractor to
apply the energy in one pass because there are fewer moves with the equipment.
If more than one pass is required to apply the energy, the number of drops per pass decreases
proportionally. In equation 2, the product of number of drops and number of passes must remain
the same. For example, if 12 drops are required at each grid point location (as per equation 2)
but only 6 drops can be completed before the crater depth becomes excessive or excessive pore
water pressures develop, two passes of 6 drops per pass will be required.
The required number of passes is very diMicult to determine in advance of the actual site work.
In fully saturated soils, more passes will be required than for partially saturated soils. Ideally, a
pore water pressure measuring device should be installed in the ground at the start of
construction to measure the rise and decay in pore water pressure following each drop of the
tamper. The initial few drops might not cause a significant increase in pore water pressure, but
repeated drops could result in very high values that could take a long time to dissipate. The
information generated from the field readings would be helpful in planning both the proper
number of drops at each location and the waiting period before additional energy can be applied.
When writing the specification, it is preferable to specify multiple passes or phases for deposits
classified as Zone 2 or Zone 3 soils. The contractor can then plan accordingly.
Ground heave measurements represent an indirect measurement of excess pore water pressure.
Figure 22 illustrates ground heaving. Ground heaving is an indication that the soils are
displacing plastically at no volume change rather than compacting. The energy is being
transmitted through the pore water and, at this time, dynamic compaction is ineffective in
causing densification. Ground heave measurements can be obtained at occasional drop point
locations by installing settlement monitoring devices adjacent to the point of impact and
measuring the change in elevation following each drop of the tamper. If enough observation
points are established, the ground heave adjacent to the crater can be calculated. This can then be
compared to the volumetric displacement within the crater itself, which is also determined fiom
elevation readings. When the peripheral ground heave equals the change in crater volume,
plastic deformation without densification is occurring. No additional energy should be applied if
this condition occurs until there is a rest period to allow excess pore water pressures to dissipate.
At sites where the surface is in an extremely loose condition, such as an old landfill, it might be
necessary to add a stabilizing surface material of granular soil to form a working mat. The
purpose of the working mat is to provide a stable platform for the dynamic compaction
equipment as well as to limit crater depth penetration. Working mats ranging fiom 0.3 to 1.2 m
in thickness have been used at some project sites.
The most favorable type of material to use for a working mat is a coarse-grain granular deposit
such as gravel, crushed rock, or building rubble.
In most cases, thick working mats should be avoided because a stiffened surface deposit tends to
limit the energy penetration to greater depths. For very heavy tampers, working mats of 0.5 to
lm do not appear to be a limiting factor since there is so much energy applied that the tamper
easily penetrates through these relatively thick deposits. However, if lighter tampers are used,
the tamper may not penetrate the working mat and the depth of improvement is limited.
Unfortunately, the cost of importing a granular working mat adds significantly to the expense of
dynamic compaction. For this reason, a granular stabilizing blanket may not be specified.
However, granular material can be imported as dynamic compaction is underway to fill the
Two basic types of specifications are used for dynamic compaction projects: method
specifications and performance specifications. The decision as to which type of specification to
use will depend on the experience of the design agency and their consultants with dynamic
compaction, the complexity of the job, the proximity of specialty and non-specialty contractors
to the site, the time available for test sections, and experimentation plus the department or agency
Table 9 highlights the differences between these two types of specifications. Details are
provided in the next two sections.
In this type of contract, the contractor assumes very little, if any, risk related to the improvement
that occurs as a result of dynamic compaction. The contractor's primary duties under this type of
contract include:
Providing a tamper of the prescribed size and with the proper contact pressure at the base.
Providin the proper equipment with a single cable to raise and drop the tamper on a
repeated asis through the specified drop height.
Providing sufficient cables, swivels, and other equipment to keep the operation
progressing on a continuous operation.
.Maintainingsafety at the job site includin a safe working distance fiom the point of
impact for working personnel; barriers, w ere necessary, to prevent debris fiom going off
site; and maintenance of the swivels that connect the cable and the tamper.
Keeping records of the number of drops, the number of passes, and any imported material
that is required for a working mat.
Maintaining production to meet the schedule assigned for the project.
Table 9. Contracting for dynamic compaction.
- Providing adequate equipment to complete the work in a - Only experienced dynamic compaction contractors to bid
timely manner - Submittal of work plan for review and comment
- Safety of personnel and equipment - A method for adjusting differences of opinion between
- Work plan subject to approval of designer designer and contractor
In addition to preparing the specifications, the responsibility of the owner is to provide:
With a method specification, different types of contractors can bid the work. Frequently, this
work has been completed by earth moving contractors, wrecking contractors, or specialty
contractors. The local contractors would have the advantage of lower mobilization and general
knowledge of the area and can be very competitive. This is especially true for the tampers in the
low to moderate range of generally less than 14 Mg and for moderate drop heights where
conventional lifting equipment is not over-stressed. For the higher tamper weights or the large
drop heights, specialty contractors have experience with strengthening of the lifting drums and
using heavy-duty equipment to minimize field breakdowns.
The general requirements to be included in a method specification are listed as follows. Typical
specifications are included in appendices A and B.
• Reqxhd - The tamper mass and the drop height should be calculated in
advance to match the depth of required improvement and the soil type and not left up
to the contractor. The range in contact pressure of the tamper should be specified. It
should also be pointed out that the tamper must be raised and dropped with a single
cable with a free spool drum or by free fall methods.
In order to complete the job on a timely schedule, either the number of pieces of
equipment should be specified or a starting and completion date should be given so
that the contractor can plan the proper number of pieces of equipment to complete the
work within the time frame.
. .
~ l i c -mThe amount of energy to apply at ground surface should be
specified. If different energy levels are to be specified for different areas, these areas
should be clearly delineated on the drawings.
The grid spacing, number of drops at each grid point, and number of passes required
should be specified. A maximum crater depth that can be tolerated for each pass
should be specified. If this crater depth is reached before the desired number of blows
is reached, either the crater must be filled before applying additional blows or an
additional pass or passes are required after ground levelling, so that the specified
applied energy is imparted.
After the primary energy has been applied, the amount of energy to apply during the
ironing pass to compact the surface of the deposit should be specified. If the surface is
to be compacted with conventional compaction equipment instead of an ironing pass,
this should also be specified.
On most projects fill is not required either in advance or during dynamic compaction.
In this case, the contract should state that ground leveling be undertaken after each
pass using a dozer to blade the ground from the high areas into the craters and to track
roll the surface. This is necessary to form a smooth surface fiom which the equipment
can work for the next pass as well as to obtain ground surface elevations.
e c o r u - Records should be kept of amounts of fill brought onto the site, the
number of drops per day, the number of drops at each grid point, the number of passes
completed to date, plus other general field records. The specification should point out
who will keep these records and to whom they will be made available.
If the design agency andlor their consultant do not have expertise in dynamic compaction, a
performance type contract should be selected for the work. In this method, the design agency
specifies the required degree and depth of improvement and the contractor selects the proper
equipment to achieve this goal. The responsibility of the design agency in this case includes:
Providing subsurface information including the geotechnical report to the bidders.
Defining the extent of the area to be improved.
Specifying the end product to be achieved. For instance, if the oal is to increase the SPT
value, the minimum value at varying depths below grade shoul be specified.
Listing the minimum prequalification requirements since the goal of this method of
contracting is to obtain an experienced contractor to do the work.
The contractor assumes a greater risk with this type of a contract. If the equipment selected to do
the work does not achieve the desired end product, the contractor must alter his field procedures
and perhaps even use a heavier tamper or a larger drop height to achieve the goals. Normally,
this work is undertaken on a lump sum basis and the contractor absorbs the additional costs.
Under this type of contract, the contractor is responsible for:
Selecting the tamper and drop height to achieve the depth of improvement required.
Selecting the proper energy to apply to reach the required degree of improvement.
Determining whether a stabilizing layer is necessary for a working mat.
Selecting the grid spacing and number of passes.
Providing sufficient equipment to complete the work within the required time schedule.
Maintaining a safe operation to prevent accidents.
Keeping records of the rate of progress and submitting monthly reports as well as a final
Performing their own independent tests as a check on the de th and degree of
improvement and comparing them with the owner's test resu ts.
Only specialty contractors can undertake performance-based work because of the specialized
nature of this work and the expertise required in dynamic compaction. Four or five specialty
contractors experienced in dynamic compaction are based in the United States.
Guidelines for preparing a performance specification are included below. A typical performance
specification is included in appendix C.
Work Area - The extent of the area to be improved by dynamic compaction should be
outlined on a drawing or set of plans. This would include the entire area of the
embankment or building plus the extension beyond the limits of the new facility that is
also to be improved. Any utilities or subsurface features should be shown on these
drawings because they could affect the dynamic compaction operations. If a different
amount of improvement is to be achieved in different areas, these areas should be
differentiated on the drawings. The total square footage of area to be dynamically
compacted should be shown on the drawings.
On projects where conventional soils are being densified, such as natural or fill
deposits of sand or silt or mine spoil, conventional soil sampling techniques consisting
of SPT, CPT, or PMT could be used to evaluate the stability and settlement of these
deposits with and without dynamic compaction. Minimum values of SPT, CPT, or
PMT following dynamic compaction could then be specified.
• red Testing - To confirm that the minimum value of improvement has been
achieved, certain tests must be performed. This would include SPT, CPT, or PMT
tests in boreholes or monitoring of test embankments with settlement plates to
determine the amount of ground deformation under load. Whatever method is selected
for evaluating the improvement should be clearly spelled out in the specifications.
One test method should be selected as the acceptance criteria to avoid confusion in the
event that two or three different test methods all show different degrees of
improvement. It should also be clearly stated who will perform these tests.
Verification testing is generally done by the contractor. A representative of the owner
should be present during the testing to provide quality control and interpret the tests.
The specification should also detail how many tests will be performed and at what
time intervals during the course of the project.
Exceptions to undertaking the work totally on a lump sum basis include landfill sites,
since the quantity of granular material required to stabilize the surface of the landfill is
usually unknown. Such contracts should be written for a lump sum for the dynamic
compaction work with a unit rate for granular material to be brought in and placed
over the area as required to maintain a stable ground surface.
Close coordination between the design engineer and the person writing the specifications is
essential. The designer has become familiarized with the project site by studying the subsurface
conditions from the borings or test pits and has used guidelines and judgment in determining the
proper approach and equipment required to successfully complete the dynamic compaction. This
information needs to be conveyed via the specifications to the contractors, who are usually
unfamiliar with the site but must prepare a proper bid.
Information gaps between the designer and the specification writer will result in information
either not properly conveyed or understood by the contractor. Many times, the specifications
contain standard language information that is not meaningful for a particular project site. This
only tends to confuse the bidders and increase the bid price.
Consequently, the designer should work closely with the specification writer as a team so that a
meaningful and clear specification can be produced to avoid confusion by the bidders. A
commentary prepared by the designer indicating the intent or objective of the densification
program would provide the bidders a better understanding of the designers' concerns. This
commentary would be a non-binding part of the specification but would solicit cooperation
between the designer and the contractor to work as a team to accomplish the goals of the
Monitoring of dynamic compaction should be undertaken to confirm that the work is completed
in accordance with the specifications. Furthermore, a trained observer can determine if
adjustments in the energy application or the total applied energy need to be made while the work
is underway. Normally, dynamic compaction is undertaken on fill deposits that are quite erratic
in composition. For example, field adjustments may be required if unusually loose pockets or
soils that won't densify by dynamic compaction are present.
Table 10 lists the type of monitoring to be undertaken and the action item pertinent to each
observation or measurement. Details are presented in the following sections.
Ground heave was discussed in chapter 3, but a few additional comments relative to construction
monitoring of ground heave and pore water pressure measurements are appropriate. Field
personnel should observe the change in the surface of the land mass adjacent to the craters
following the application of energy in any given area. A rise in ground swface between drop
point locations is an indication of plastic soil deformation associated with high pore water
pressures. Multiple passes with enough delay time allowed between passes can reduce the
detrimental effect of heave on the ground improvement. Pore water pressure measuring units can
be used to ascertain when the pressures dissipate sufficiently to allow for resumption of tamping.
Rapid response piezometers should be used because the time between drops is less than 1 minute
and it is essential to know the change in pore water pressure with each drop.
Heave which cannot be controlled even by delayed time between passes is an indication of a very
saturated soft material that is not suitable for improvement by dynamic compaction. This deposit
may need to be excavated and replaced with a more suitable material. Alternatively, if the weak
deposit is not too thick, stabilization may be possible by the addition of a granular material that is
driven into this deposit to intermix, resulting in a more favorable densified deposit. Figure 23
illustrates a ground heave between the drop point locations.
Table 10. Construction monitoring.
Type of Monitoring I Action Item
L. Site Observations
1. Crater depths If greater than height of tamper plus 0.3 m, stop energy
application, level ground, and resume drops.
2. Ground heave This is a sign of excess pore water pressure in deposit.
Take site measurements (item B) and adjust drops.
).Site Measurements
1. Standard penetration test (SPT) Compare SPT, PMT, and CPT values after dynamic
Pressuremeter test (PMT) compaction with values before dynamic compaction to
Cone penetrometer test (CPT) check depth and degree of improvement. If data is
Other in situ tests obtained while the dynamic compaction equipment is
on site, additional energy can be applied if needed.
Before dynamic compaction begins, surface elevation readings should be obtained on a grid basis
to establish the approximate ground surface. Following application of the energy, the ground
should be levelled using a dozer to blade the soil between the craters into the craters. Elevations
should be obtained on the same grid basis to determine how much the ground has compressed.
For most projects, the induced ground settlement generally ranges from 6 to 10 percent of the
thickness of the deposit being densified. In recent landfill deposits, the ground compression can
be on the order of 20 to 25 percent of the thickness of the landfill.
Field personnel will have an idea of how well dynamic compaction is proceeding if readings of
induced settlement are taken as the work is underway. In addition, if elevation readings indicate
the ground has depressed significantly more in one area versus the remainder of this site, this
could be an indication of a looser than normal deposit. Further exploration with test pits or even
borings will determine whether additional energy needs to be applied.
In an urban area or if off-site facilities are located nearby, vibration readings should be taken
using a seismograph. The vibration readings should be monitored at varying distances from the
point of impact to determine the peak particle velocity occurring in the ground adjacent to the
facility of concern. As long as the particle velocity measurements are below the permissible
values, dynamic compaction can proceed as planned. However, if the values exceed the
minimum, alterations in the dynamic compaction process would have to be made either by
reducing the drop height or by constructing a trench to reduce the transmission of vibrations off
Communication with persons in adjacent areas is important. It is helpful to meet with the people
to discuss the proposed monitoring to put them at ease. Even if the vibration readings are well
below danger levels, -people
- will feel the vibrations and become concerned. Sufficient vibration
readings should be obtained and recorded in the event adjacent property owners file a complaint.
The recorded information would be useful to allay suspicions and fears of the adjacent property
Condition surveys should be made of nearby structures to observe and record existing cracks or
distress prior to dynamic compaction. Additional observations should be made after completion
of the work. Dated photo$ or videos should be made of the most crucial structures.
Complete some of the soil borings with in situ tests before the dynamic compaction equipment
leaves the site to determine if the required depth and degree of improvement has been attained.
A decision can be made at this time as to whether the improvement has essentially been
achieved. It has been found by numerous investigators that the soil properties improve with
**"? \, e,f<
i -,. -,, %
1 .
. !
. _ .,... _...,.
.. - .,.
6, . .,.. .
time. '31~42~5" TOmeasure the delayed improvement, additional soil borings and in situ testing
should be taken approximately one month after dynamic compaction is finished.
On some sites such as loose underconsolidated landfill deposits, especially of recent origin,
conventional soil sampling and in situ testing may be meaningless. In these deposits, load tests
have been performed to evaluate the effectiveness of dynamic compaction. Generally, . load tests ~
are performed before and after dynamic compaction to determine the reduction in settlement as a
result of densification. Figure 24 shows a load test set up at a field site. The vertical pipe
extending above the top of the stockpile is connected to a steel plate buried within the loose
deposit. Figure 25 shows the results of one load test performed before and after dynamic
Time Days
2 4 6 8
* C a 7Bmm*7d.y.
ARer Dynamic C m p m 3 a
FiuDopm=Q.l htm
5 Q 57dmm~t8dap
compaction at a project site. Ordinarily, the readings are taken for a period of at least 7 days or
at least until the settlement readings stabilize.
At sites such as minespoils or landfills, the SPT values after dynamic compaction are frequently
the same order of magnitude or only slightly better than the SPT values before dynamic
compaction. However, the ground subsidence has reached reasonable values such as 5 to 10
percent of the original thickness of the formation, which indicates that densification has taken
place. At these same sites, pressuremeter tests have frequently shown significant improvements.
The reason for the discrepancy between the different methods of field testing is that the
pressuremeter test measures the stiffness of the soil deposit, which is one of the primary reasons
for dynamic compaction. The increase in stiffness results in the reduction in compressibility of
the soil mass. In the standard penetration test, the sampling method is insensitive to the stiffness
because of the remolding of the soil as the sampler is being driven.
Deposits that are more granular generally exhibit a marked increase in the SPT value following
dynamic compaction because of the interlocking of the soil grains as a result of densification.
Another verification measurement that can be undertaken is to record the actual velocity of the
tamper just prior to impact. From the velocity measurement, the energy delivered from a single
drop can be calculated. Measurements of efficiency of a single drop have been made as part of
the FHWA study. (32) Subsequent to this investigation, additional measurements of tamper
velocity have been made. Table 11 summarizes these results. For a tamper with a single cable,
the measured velocity at the point of impact is about 90 percent of the theoretical velocity for a
tamper falling in a vacuum. The results are fairly consistent for different size tampers and
different geographic locations. However, measurements can be made at any specific project site
using a radar gun to measure the velocity of the falling tamper to see if the equipment is
performing satisfactorily.
Table 11. Velocity of Tamper Prior to ~mpact.'~~)
Note: 1.) The laser device extends 0.6 m above grade so the drop heights were adjusted accordingly.
2.) The tampers at all the sites except the Georgia site were lifted by the cranes using a single cable and a free
spool drum. The tamper at the Georgia site was lifted by cables but then allowed to drop free fall.
3.)The energy of impact can be calculated as 0.5(W)(@ where g = acceleration of gravity.
- -
The responsibility for the monitoring will depend to some degree on whether the job is structured
as a method or a performance specification.
If a method specification is selected, the owner should provide the monitoring services to
ascertain that the intent of the owner's design objectives and the intent of the specifications are
being fulfilled. Depending upon ground response, adjustments in the field operation may also be
necessary so the owner's field representative can communicate this information through the
proper channels and get field changes authorized.
If a performance specification is selected, the contractor generally provides field monitoring and
the verification borings to confirm that the minimum design value of SPT, CPT or PMT is met.
The contractor will adjust the field densification program as necessary to obtain the desired
result. For these projects, it is still useful to have an owner's field engineer on the project to
monitor, record, and interpret the dynamic compaction operations in case questions or disputes
arise later.
During the design stage it is difficult to determine if it will be necessary to use multiple phases or
passes. If the soils are highly permeable or have a low degree of saturation, one phase and one
pass of energy application should be sufficient. If the soils have a moderate to low permeability,
such as the zone 2 or 3 soils of figure 5, and the deposits are near full saturation, high pore water
pressures will develop during impacting. Sometimes the high pore water pressures cause surface
boils as seen in figure 26. This will result in water rising into the craters or ground heave
adjacent to the craters. Whenever this occurs, dynamic compaction should cease until the high
pore water pressures dissipate. In these deposits, multiple phases and multiple passes should be
Figure 26. Sand boil forn~edfrom dissipation of pore water pressure in silty sand.
In between these two extremes of high and low saturation and field permeability, judgement
coupled with some field experimentation will be required to plan the proper phase sequence and
number of passes. The initial portion of the dynamic compaction field work should be planned
as a test section to refine the best sequence of energy application.
If the surface soils at a site are very soft, the tamper could plunge into the ground to a depth
- - of the tamper. When this occurs. the tarnver will be difficult to extract
than the height
from the ground because soils could cave on top of the tamper and suction forces may develop as
the tamper is extracted. This can result in cable damage and a reduced production rate.
Whenever sites are very soft at the ground surface, a working mat of granular material should be
used. The purpose of the granular material is to prevent the sticking of the weight and deep
penetrations of the tamper into the deposit. The thickness of the stabilizing layer should be
limited so that the tamper does not lose its effectiveness for deep densification. A thick granular
layer also increases the costs. The thickness of the granular mat could be adjusted as the work is
At sites where the ground water table is closer than about 2 m from ground surface, the depth of
the craters might approach the water table, and the effectiveness of dynamic compaction will be
reduced. At some sites, drainage ditches have been dug along the perimeter to lower the ground
water table. At other sites, the grade has been raised by the placement of fill to provide a greater
distance between the water table and the working surface.
If raising the grade or dewatering in advance of dynamic compaction is not possible, then water
must be pumped from the craters as the work is underway. Stone or other granular material must
also be added as the craters are being formed so that the dynamic compaction is always being
undertaken from a higher level.
Frequently fill deposits contain a layer of a softer fine-grain deposit such as clays or organic
materials that are nearly saturated. These deposits act as energy absorbing layers and do not
transmit the full energy to the underlying deposits. A thorough subsurface exploration in
advance will generally reveal the presence of these layers. However, isolated pockets may be
present at the site and may have to be dealt with only after the work is underway. Additional
energy could be applied in these locations. If the weak deposits are close to the ground surface,
they can be undercut and replaced with a more suitable material. Alternatively, coarse granular
material can be introduced into these deposits and stabilized by intermixing the coarse granular
materials with the fine-grain soils.
Two case histories are presented in this chapter to illustrate the dynamic compaction design and
planning and also to indicate the results obtained. Each case history follows a certain format.
First, the type of project is described along with the structural loading and design requirements.
In addition, the typical soil profile is shown.
The second portion of the example uses the guidelines suggested in this manual to determine the
anticipated depth of improvement for the tamper and drop height selected, the amount of energy
to apply to achieve the improvement, and the anticipated degree of improvement.
The third portion of the example shows the actual energies used at the job site plus the measured
Finally, there is a commentary at the end illustrating the lessons to be learned fiom that particular
case history.
A highway embankment was constructed over a landfill that had been closed approximately 13
years. The thickness of the landfill typically ranged from 7.3 m to 8.2 m but was found to be as
deep as 9.1 m at one location. The landfill was operated from 1965 to 1975 and then covered
with 0.6 m of clay. Methane gases were still exiting fiom vent pipes installed in the landfill at
the time the initial soil boring investigation was made. However, the majority of the highly
organic materials had already decomposed. The landfill was described as a mixture of soil that is
primarily silts and clays with wood, cinders, glass, and brick fragments. Figure 27 is a
generalized profile through a portion of the area.
106.68 I I
40s 47 $09 411
415 417
Figure 27. Cross section of highway embankment over landfill, Indiana.
Standard penetration tests performed prior to site improvement indicate SPT values ranging from
about 5 to 25 with an average of 13. A typical SPT profile is shown in figure 28.
116 -.
I a-'
Q- --- x ,
115 - - - -\; =o
- \p
d 0-' -/
S 114- c
-/- ' 7
J 113-
- -- - -
ii 112, - - - - -- -- ---= 4
lll- \
% Landfill
All standard penetration test
values over 60 were not included
on this plot. KEY
0-----0 Initial
w..-Q After 2nd Pass
)b---X After 4th Pass
- PI
114 -
I I I 1
2500 5000 7500 10000
Pressuremeter Modulus kPa
I loo.
4 4
10 40 200
I I t 1
90 .-
80 .-
70 .- I I I I
60 - I I I I
50 - I I I I
40 - O = Borlng 1, Depth 1.5 - 1.8m I I
0= Boring 4,Depth 1.5 - 2.0m I I
30 - I I I
20 -. I
I 1 I
0 -500 100
5 I
Figure 30. Gradation of landfill deposits, Indiana site.
For a desired depth of improvement of 8.2 m and an empirical n value of 0.35, the required
energy per blow (WH) computes to 5.4 MJ. The contractor had an 18.2 Mg tamper so the drop
height was selected at 29.9 m. This provides an energy per blow of 5.35 MJ.
Using table 8 for applied energy requirements as a guide, the suggested applied energy for a
landfill would be in the range of 600 to 1100 Wm3. Because this deposit is of middle age, and
not in a loose condition except in local areas, the unit applied energy was selected at 735 k ~ / m ~ .
For an 8.5 m depth of improvement, the suggested total applied energy comes to 6.25 M J / ~ ~ .
This energy should be applied in increments to allow for pore water pressure dissipation during
energy application. Two phases with two passes per phase was selected.
The work pattern followed at this site is shown in table 12. Two phases of energy application
labelled drop points 1 and 2 were made throughout the area. Two passes were also made at each
point. The total applied energy was 6.7 M J / ~ The ~ . measured ground compression after
dynamic compaction calculated to be 10 percent of the thickness of the landfill. The contractor
placed a 0.9 m thick working mat of crushed stone prior to dynamic compaction. Figure 3 1 is an
aerial view of the site illustrating the widely spaced drop point locations of phase 1 plus the
working blanket of crushed stone.
Table 12. Work pattern at Indiana landfill site.
E = 6.66MJ / mZ
SPT and PMT tests were performed at approximately the same location as the tests prior to
dynamic compaction, and the results are shown on figures 28 and 29. The pressuremeter
modulus after dynamic compaction was approximately 3 to 5 times larger, and the limit pressure
also experienced a similar increase. However, the SPT results after the fourth pass of dynamic
compaction were only slightly higher than the initial values. The SPT after the second pass was
higher than after the fourth pass, which is unusual. This is attributed to the variability of landfill
Three static load tests were performed before and after dynamic compaction using a 10.7 m high
conical pile with a settlement plate embedded at the original ground surface. Readings were
taken prior to placement of the fill and for 7 days after placement. One of the load test results
has previously been presented in figure 25. Before dynamic compaction, the ground
compression ranged from 0.37 m to 0.58 m. After dynamic compaction, load tests taken at an
area immediately adjacent to the initial tests indicated ground compressions ranging from 0.07 m
too. 14 m. This represents a reduction on the order of 4 to 5 times in settlement, which agrees
with the approximate increase in pressuremeter modulus and limit pressure.
Figure 3 1. Aerial view of dynamic compaction operation.
Settlement readings taken while the landfill was constructed and immediately thereafter indicate
a movement on the order of 180 mm where the embankment height was 6.4 m, 117 mm where
the embankment height was 3.4 m, and 66 mm where the embankment height was less than 1.5
m. Unfortunately, long-term readings were not obtained at this site because some secondary
compression of the landfill was anticipated for a period of years after construction.
The depth of improvement of 7.6 m to 9.1 m was reached with the 18.2 Mg tamper and
drop height of 29.9 m. This was confirmed by the increase in limit pressure and modulus
of the pressuremeter test.
The energy that the contractor used for densification was almost the exact value given in
the guideline table 8. The upper bound PMT limit pressure value of 1 MPa was reached
or even slightly exceeded following dynamic compaction. However, after the fourth pass,
the SPT showed only slight improvement. The SPT after the second pass showed more
Prediction of settlement based upon SPT and PMT tests before dynamic compaction was
misleadingly low. In underconsolidated deposits such as landfills, the use of
conventional settlement prediction procedures not appropriate because the deposits are
still consolidating under their own weight.'24' The prediction of post densification
settlement by the PMT agreed with the load test and measured settlements.
A three-story structure was planned over an 8000 m2 site in Florida. The structural loads were
relatively light; but the initial subsurface exploration indicated the presence of sinkholes and
voids due to dissolution of the limestone formations. In addition, there was a large amount of
heterogeneity in the subsurface profile throughout the site, which led to large predicted
differential settlements.
A typical boring log is shown in figure 32. The predominant soil type is a silty fine sand grading
to a fine sand with seams of sandy clay. The low SPT values are indicative of either a void or a
soil that has collapsed into a void. Other soil borings that are not shown indicate a relatively
dense soil profile especially where the calcareous materials within the silty sand have caused
some cementation. Thus, the foundation support would range from very good load support on
the cemented materials to very poor load support in the cavernous areas.
The initial soil profile led to settlement predictions ranging from 23 rnrn to 74 mrn assuming no
large collapse of voids. The resulting 5 1 mm differential settlement was considered too large for
the structure to tolerate. In addition, the presence of a cavity a short distance below foundation
level would result in a very risky design.
The designer indicated that shallow foundations could be used for this project provided the soils
were made more homogeneous as far as load support and no voids were present within the depth
range of 7.6 m to 9.1 m below ground surface.
The soils at this site are predominantly a silty sand formation that would place them into the
Zone 2 category according to figure 5. This means that the soils would be suitable for dynamic
compaction, but that multiple phases andlor passes would need to be made throughout the area
since the generation of pore water pressures takes time to dissipate.
For a depth of improvement of 7.6 m, the use of equation 1 and an empirical n value of 0.4, the
energy per blow (WH) computes to 3.56 MJ. The local contractor doing dynamic compaction had
a 15 Mg tamper, available and for this size tamper the required drop height computes to be 24 m.
Using table 8 for applied energy requirements as a guide, the average applied energy would
calculate to be approximately 300 kJ/m3multiplied by the required depth of improvement of
7.6 m,resulting in an average applied energy at the surface of 2.28 MJ/m2. This energy should be
applied with two phases and two passes per phase to allow pore water pressures to dissipate
between each pass. Because of the possibility of voids or caverns at any location, additional
energy might need to be applied where large ground depressions would occur.
Figure 32. Soil boring log - Florida site.
The maximum degree of improvement following dynamic compaction according to table 2 would
be an SPT value on the order of 35 and a maximum limit pressure of a pressuremeter test of 1.4
to 1.9 MPa. These are upper-bound values, and the degree of improvement would be less than
this depending on the amount of energy applied.
The site improvement was undertaken using a performance specification with a specialty
contractor. The contractor selected a 15 Mg tamper and a drop height of 20 m. The energy was
applied in 2 phases with 3 passes in the first phase and 2 passes in the second phase. Additional
drops were made at sinkhole locations. The energy application is summarized in table 13. The
average energy application was 1.6 MJ/m2. The induced ground compression calculated to be
9.1 percent of the anticipated depth of improvement of 7.6 m.
A comparison of average SPT values taken before and after dynamic compaction is shown in
figure 33. Although some improvement occurred in the standard penetration resistance values,
the improvement is still less than one would predict. The specialty contractor felt the SPT values
were somewhat misleading for this project. For this reason, pressuremeter tests were also
performed before and after dynamic compaction. Figure 34 indicates the average limit pressure
and presswemeter modulus values before and at two time intervals after completion of the
dynamic compaction. The limit pressure and the modulus show a relatively uniform degree of
improvement with depth, which was one of the desired results, and the limit pressure is also in
accordance with the predicted value shown in table 2.
Figure 33. SPT values before and after dynamic compaction..
During dynamic compaction, settlements were taken on a grid basis throughout the project site.
Figure 35 shows the induced settlement contours following the first three phases of dynamic
compaction. These contours indicate that there are two locations where the settlement is much
greater than normal. This would correspond to approximate column locations K-6and C-6. The
greater settlement in these areas indicates the presence of cavities or very loose deposits. For this
reason, additional energy was applied in these areas.
The depth of improvement of 7.6 m was reached even though the energy per blow was
slightly less than recommended by equation 1.
The energy that the contractor used for densification was slightly less than suggested by
table 8. The pressuremeter test shows good improvement was reached, but the SPT
values show that there could have been more improvement if additional energy had been
Plotting of the settlement pattern following different phases of energy application was
very helpll in determining where cavities or sinkholes were present. In these areas,
additional energy was applied.
The increase in pressuremeter properties with time is clearly demonstrated by figure 34.
This phenomena of strength increase following rest periods has been measured at many
sites ranging fiom sandy soils to fine grain soils. Borings with tests made during
dynamic compaction or immediately thereafter will therefore not measure the total
(Settlement contours retained
in inches from original drawing.)
100 FEET
- - -
Figure 35. Induced settlement contours. Note the two locations of potential cavities at column lines K-6and (2-6.
2. Atukorala, U.D., Wijewickreme, D. and Butler, R., Ground Improvement and Testing of
Random Granular Fills and Alluvial Soils, Transportation Research Board, Washington,
DC, 1991.
3. Bayuk, A.A., and Walker, A.D., "Dynamic Compaction: Two Case Histories Utilizing
Innovative Techniques," ASCE Geotechnical Special Publication No. 45, In-Situ Deep Soil
Improvement, pp. 55-67, October 1994.
4. Beckwith, G.H., and Hansen, L.A., "Identification and Characterization of the Collapsing
Alluvial Soils of the Western U.S.," Proceedings of the ASCE Conference on Foundation
Engineering: Current Principles and Practices, Evanston, Illinois, pp. 143-160, June, 1989.
6. Briaud, J.L., Liu, M.L., and Lepert, P.H., "The WAK Test to Check the Increase in Soil
Stiffhess Due to Dynamic Compaction," ASTM STP 1070, Geotechnics of Waste Fills -
Theory and Practice, pp. 107-122, October 1990.
7. Butler, R.C., "Ground Improvement Using Dynamic Compaction," Geotechnical News, pp.
21-27, June 1991.
8. Castro, G.V., Keller, T.O., and Rogers, J.H., Ground Modification Test Program for Steel
Creek Dam, ASCE Geotechnical Special Publication No. 12, Soil Improvement - 10-year
Update, pp. 136-166, April 1987.
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Certain words or terms unique to dynamic compaction are used in the text and are described as
CRATER Depression in the ground at the drop point location that results
from energy application.
IMPROVEMENT Maximum depth to which measurable improvement is attained.
PHASES Describes the pattern in which the energy will be applied. For
example, every other drop point of the grid pattern could be
selected to be densified as Phase 1. After completion of Phase 1,
the intermediate drop points could be densified as Phase 2. Some
projects use only one phase but others have been undertaken with
five phases.
The existing fill deposits that are present below the proposed alignment of the mainline between
approximate Stations 435 q ~ 445,d as well as the existing fill along the southeast ramp between
approximate Stations 435 and 447 will be densified in place by dynamic compaction. The
dynamic compaction operations will be undertaken prior to any embankment filling for the
Along the mainline, the thickness of the fill is typically on the order of 1.5 to 4.5 m in thickness,
and consists primarily of clayey fill that was presumably placed as part of the railroad
embankment construction. The thickness of the fill along the southeast ramp is typically on the
order of 4.5 to 9 m and is a former landfill which contains miscellaneous types of fill deposits.
Soil borings have been made throughout this area and the logs are included on Drawings -.
Dynamic compaction is a process whereby a heavy tamper is repeatedly raised and dropped from
a specified height to impact onto the ground surface, thereby transmitting high compaction
energy into the soil mass. The depth of improvement depends upon the tonnage of the weight
and the height of the fall. The degree of improvement depends upon the amount of energy
applied per unit area. The tamper shall be raised and dropped by a single cable with a free spool
hoisting drum.
The tamper weight shall be constructed to resist the high impact stresses. The high energy
compaction shall be applied in two phases which is designated on the drawings as the primary
(first phase) and secondary (second phase) locations. After energy application at any primary
location, there shall be a minimum waiting period of three days before energy application at the
immediately adjacent secondary location. Multiple passes may be required to deliver the full
energy. One pass is described as either of the following, whichever occurs first:
After the last pass has been completed, the ground surface shall be levelled and a low-level
energy pass called an ironing pass shall be applied. The ironing pass consists of dropping the
tamper from heights of 4.5 m to impact the surface at a tight spacing.
The high energy dynamic compaction shall be undertaken with an 18.2 Mg tamper with a
minimum 18 m drop height. The contractor shall provide the equipment capable of raising and
dropping this tamper on a repeated basis without a significant amount of down time. The
contractor shall also provide equipment to level the ground surface between passes.
The contractor shall provide a minimum of two cranes and two tampers for the dynamic
compaction operations. Each tamper shall be 18.2 Mg and the contact pressure which is the
weight of the tamper divided by the base area shall be in the range of 38 to 72 kPa.
The contractor shall stake (with wood lathe or wire markers with flags) all of the grid point
locations as shown on figures. The tamper will be dropped with the staking accurate to the
nearest + 0.3 m. Following each pass and after the ground is level, the stakes or wire markers
with flags shall be replaced for the next pass.
The site has been cleared of trees and surface vegetation. However, there is some surface debris,
including chunks of concrete that may not be able to be broken up by the dynamic compaction
operations that will have to be removed. The existing grade shall also be smoothed such that
dynamic compaction takes place fiom an essentially level surface. This does not mean that
ravines such as adjacent to the railroad shall be filled prior to dynamic compaction, since the
intent of the dynamic compaction is to apply the energy fiom the existing grade. However, sharp
vertical drops shall be flattened to provide access for the cranes for lifting and dropping of the
weights. Small hills or stockpiles of miscellaneous rubble should be smoothed out and bladed to
a more nearly level surface.
Drawing -indicates the limits of the dynamic compaction operation. Dynamic compaction is
proposed along the mainline from Station 435 to Station 445, and along the southeast ramp fiom
Station 434+75 to Station 447. The proposed drop point locations are shown on a grid spacing of
4.6 m center to center. The open circles or squares represent the primary drop points and the
solid circles or squares are the secondary drop point locations.
The total area for dynamic compaction can be divided into smaller work sections with one
section completed before another section is started. However, the contractor will level the
ground at the end of each work day for safety reasons and to prevent ponding of water within the
craters if rain were to occur. Within any one portion of the overall dynamic compaction area, the
construction sequence shall consist of one pass of dynamic compaction at all primary drop point
locations, followed by ground levelling and then one pass at the secondary drop point locations
followed by ground levelling.
The proposed dynamic compaction work is divided into two portions, i.e., Area A and Area B.
Different amounts of compactive energy will be applied in each area as discussed below.
Area A - Within this area, the fill depths range from 1.5 to 4.5 m and the fill is primarily clayey
and is presumed to have been placed as part of the original railroad embankment construction.
Within this area, 1.6 MJ/m2of energy will be applied exclusive of the ironing pass. This energy
application can be achieved with a total of five drops at each grid point location using the 18.2
Mg tamper and 18 m drop. It is anticipated that this amount of energy can be applied in one
pass. However, energy application will stop if the depth of the crater exceeds 1.5 to 2 m as
measured from the ground surface. Whenever this occurs the ground wi 1be levelled and an
additional pass or passes will be applied to administer the remaining drops. I
After five total drops have been applied at each grid point location, an ironing pass will be used
to densify the upper portion of the land mass. The ironing pass will consist of three drops from a
height of 4.6 m, with an 18.2 Mg tamper at a grid spacing of 3 m center to center. This will
result in an additional 270 kJ/m2 of energy application, raising the total amount of energy for
Area A to 1.9 MJ/m2.
Area B - Within Area B, the depth of the fill is on the order of 6 to 9 m and this is the site of a
former landfill. The amount of energy that will be applied to this area is 5.4 MJ/m2exclusive of
the ironing pass. This amount of energy can be achieved by a total number of 17 drops at each
grid point location using the 18.2 Mg tamper and a drop height of 18 m. It will be necessary to
apply this energy using multiple passes because of the crater depth limitation of 1.5 to 2.0 m per
pass. At least two passes are anticipated. Between each pass, the ground shall be levelled and
trackrolled to allow for passage of the construction equipment to apply the dynamic compactive
After all 17 drops have been applied at all the grid point locations, an ironing pass will be used to
densify the upper portion of the -fill. The ironing pass shall consist of three drops from a height
of 4.6 m with the 18.2 Mg tamper at a grid point spacing of 3 m center to center. This will result
in an additional energy application of 270 kJ/m2 for a total energy application of all energy
within Area B of 5.7 ~ J l m ~ .
Because of the varying subsurface conditions of the existing fill deposits, some additional energy
application may be required at select locations. This decision will be made in the field as the
work is underway by the field engineer who is monitoring the operation. This additional work
will be paid at a pro-rated rate based upon the bid item for energy application.
It may also be necessary to import granular fill such as coarse gravel, rubble, or broken rock to
stabilize the upper portion of the soil mass in poor ground support areas. The need for additional
fill will not be known until the project is underway. A pay item should be provided for granular
backfill in the event granular fill is needed.
As the work is underway, the dynamic compaction operations will be monitored and the
monitoring will be paid for by the State Highway Department. The monitoring will include, but
not be limited to observations of crater depths, monitoring ground vibrations adjacent to
building, determining if heave is occurring adjacent to certain craters, deciding on the need for
additional tamping at select locations or the need for importation of granular fill to stabilize weak
ground. The monitoring will also include soil borings at select locations to determine the depth
and degree of improvement.
B. By the Contractor
The contractor shall be responsible for obtaining ground elevations on a 30 m grid pattern.
These ground elevations shall be made immediately prior to dynamic compaction and additional
elevation readings will be taken following ground levelling after each pass of the dynamic
compaction. The elevations shall be obtained at the same locations to determine how much
ground loss was induced by the dynamic compaction. The contractor shall also be responsible
for counting the number of drops at each grid point location to be sure that the proper energy is
applied. If any additional tamps are requested by the field engineer, these shall also be recorded
by the contractor. If granular fill is brought in at select locations, the contractor shall record the
amount of fill that was hauled onto the site.
A detailed safety program will be required to provide protection for job site personnel, off-site
personnel, and adjacent properties. This safety program should be submitted prior to
commencement of the work for review by the State Highway Department. The safety program
should include required setback distances from the point of impact from the weight for personnel
so that they are not within range of flying particles that may occur from impact of the weight into
the ground. It should also include the manner in which the cable is attached to the tamper and
the frequency of safety checks on the cable and associated equipment to prevent failure during
dynamic compaction operations. Photographs should also be made of nearby structures that
might be affected by the dynamic compaction operations and included with the safety plan
submittal. All items associated with the safety program shall not be paid for separately, but shall
be included in the cost of the dynamic compaction operations.
The contractor shall keep accurate records of the construction operation, i.e., the locations where
the drops have been made, the number of drops per location, depth of crater penetration, the pass
number, ground surface elevations following each pass, and these results shall be available in the
contractor's trailer on a daily basis. On a weekly basis, this information shall be submitted to the
field engineer representing the State Highway Department.
Any circumstances affecting the work or intended improvement as a result of dynamic
compaction should be brought to the attention of the field engineer.
The work to be paid for shall be the measured quantity in square yards of dynamic compaction as
shown on the drawings. If additional work is necessary based upon field observations or borings
made as the work is underway, this additional work will be paid for at the prorated energy rate
per square yard basis as per the bid item.
The work shall consist of increasing the density of the soil by Dynamic Compaction to the area
and extent shown on the drawings. No compaction work shall be done on this project unless the
water table is at least 2 m below the grade of the working areas. A 0.6 m thick layer of rock
backfill shall be placed over the portion of the site to be densified.
Prior to beginning dynamic compaction operations, the contractor shall level the terrain. Rock
backfill shall then be placed over the landfill area to a thickness of 0.6 m. This material shall be
graded and compacted to support the construction equipment during dynamic compaction. This
work platform shall be graded to drain and shall be suitable for movement of large crawler cranes
and other equipment. Rock backfill shall consist of quarry limestone or dolomite conforming to
Class E or better requirements as set out in 903.02(b). The maximum size shall be 300 mm. The
material shall not have more than 15 percent passing a 41 mm sieve and not more than five
percent passing a 20 mm sieve.
After each pass, additional rock backfill shall be placed in the craters to raise the grade to
prevailing level.
Dynamic compaction is a process whereby a heavy tamper is repeatedly raised and dropped from
specified heights to impact into the ground surface thereby transmitting high compaction energy
into the soil mass. The depth of improvement depends upon the mass of the tamper and the
height of the fall. The degree of improvement depends upon the amount of energy applied per
unit area. The tamper is raised and dropped by either of two methods:
The tamper is generally constructed of solid steel to resist the high impact stresses, however it
could be constructed of another approved material.
The work area is shown on the drawings. It is identified as the BFI Landfill. In this area,
municipal landfill extends to depths ranging from 6 to 9 m below present grade, except at the
very edges of the landfill.
The contractor shall employ an 18.2 Mg tamper with a minimum drop of 23 m or as directed by
the Engineer. The energy shall be applied on a grid system in two phases. The primary phase
shall be completed with a grid spacing of 4.5 m. The secondary phase will also be undertaken at
a grid spacing of 4.5 m but at locations intermediate to the primary locations. At least one week
of time niust elapse between energy application of the primary and secondary phases. The
average energy to be applied to this area exclusive of the ironing pass is 6.3 M J / ~ This
~ . will
require 16 drops at each grid point location. Energy application will cease if the depth of the
crater exceeds 1.5 m. It is anticipated that eight blows can be applied at each grid point location.
If a crater depth greater than 1.5 m occurs before the application of this energy, additional passes
will be required. Following each pass, the craters will be filled with additional rock backfill and
the ground levelled. Care should be taken to minimize the amount of material falling into craters
fiom areas adjacent to the craters. After the 6.3 MJ/m2energy is applied, the ground shall be
levelled and the upper soil mass densified with an ironing pass which is a low-level energy
application applied over the entire surface. The average energy applied during the ironing pass
shall be 450 kJ/m2. Thus, the total energy applied from the primary through the ironing passes
will be 6.75MJ/m2.
For the area designated as the Lambert fill site which is located south of the levee, the dynamic
compaction shall be undertaken with a minimum 13.6 Mg tamper and a minimum 23 m drop or
as directed by the Engineer. The energy shall be applied on a grid basis with a grid spacing of
4.5 m. The energy will be applied in three phases to result in an average applied energy of 3.6
MJ/m2. This is exclusive of the ironing pass. No further energy will be applied at a grid point
when the crater depth exceeds 1.5 m. Care should be taken to minimize the amount of material
falling into craters from areas adjacent to the craters. This may require multiple passes to apply
the full required energy.
The first phase of energy will be applied at 4.5 m centers, and the second phase at the same grid
spacing at points intermediate to the first phase. The third phase will be applied at the same
location as the first phase. Following application of this energy, the surface materials will be
leveled and the upper soils compacted with an ironing pass. A minimum energy of 400 Wm2
shall be applied during the ironing pass. Thus, the total energy applied to this area will be 4
The unit contact pressure of the base of the tamper applying this high energy shall be in the range
of 42 to 60 kPa. The unit contact pressure at the base of the tamper used for the ironing pass
shall be in the range of 19 to 38 kPa.
As the work progresses, soil borings will be made as a check on the degree and depth of
improvement achieved. The depth of the borings will be equal to the thickness of the existing fill
plus 1.5m. Samples will be obtained at 0.8m intervals using split barrel sampling procedures in
accordance with ASTM D-1557.Approximately twenty-five (25)borings will be
made on five separate occasions to check tm t b w d i 1 ~ 1 8the work pmgrewes. The contractor
shall be responsible for completing the bosingr iud the find results to the owner.
While the borings are being made, press- tests will be P t g f i W n the boreholes at
selected intervals by a representative of the Highway Depmment. A stmdby time of three hours
per boring will be required to allow the pre- 40 be peafamed while the crew is
standing by.
Payment for the borings will be ma& at the u&t pice per each &x"Boring," as set out
in the Itemized Proposal.
Based upon the results of the boring tests, or kmd teets as described in a subsequent section, or
information obtained from ground sub- r e d k g s , it may be mcesaary to apply additicmal
energy to certain areas. This a d d i t i d work will be piid bbr as ptn extra to the basic contract but
will be paid at the pro-rated rate on a per square meter hsk as per the bid item. It is anticipated
that not more than ten percent of a d d i t i d erser~ywer that a i g h d l y specifred will be applied
as an extra.
Monitoring of ground elevations a d the aanoarmff of .a&m Qrargk into the dynamically
compacted areas shall be maintained by the -&. C h t d elevations shall be obtained on a
30 m grid pattern immediately prior to start of the m i ecmpction in that area. Additional
elevation readings will be taken after each pass of the d y e compaction at the same locations
to determine how much settlement was iardu@ed by tiaE hyrrsrnic c o m ~ t t o n .The amount of
stone placed in the area shall also be estimated on tke I d s of the m d m of trucks used to haul
the stone into the area.
Four static load tests shall be conducted b e h e and fiorr sOrrtic load te&s after the dynamic
compaction at locations directed by the Engineer. Tke prrvlrose of these W s is to assist in
demonstrating how much settlement has been renmve4 frmrn the landfill by dynamic compaction.
The contractor shall construct a pile of material apprah&ety 21 m in diameter at the base and
11 m high with one to one side slopes, exerting a presswe of 98 Ha on a steel plate 1.2 m by 1.2
m by 130 mm placed on the surface of the existing g& with a 75 to 100 mm diameter PVC
pipe extending up through the center. An individual readiag shaH he taken when fill commences,
and readings every 1.5 m interval as materid is placed up to the maximum height. The
contractor shall supply and utilize this pipe and flak for testing over a period of seven days.
Settlement readings shall be made every four hours fer the first day and every eight hours for the
remaining six days of each load test. After completion of the individual load test, the loading
material must be removed by the contractor. The contractor will be allowed to utilize the rock
backfill used in dynamic compaction for the initial test loading and "B" borrow in the final test
loading. However, no direct payment will be allowed for the construction and removal of the test
load and payment of these materials will be allowed only if these materials are used in the final
completed roadway structure.
A detailed safety program will be required to verify that job site personnel, off-site personnel and
adjacent properties are protected. The safety program will require the contractor to perform, by a
specialist approved by the Department who is qualified in seismic testing, measurements before,
during and after the Dynamic Compaction. Seismic readings shall be obtained at locations
determined by the Engineer.
The safety program will address the proposed barriers, fences, etc., to be utilized in protecting
off-site personnel. The safety program shall include a complete discussion of the special
programs utilized to assure the crane safety. This will include, but not be limited to, the before
modification to all parts of the crane affected by Dynamic Compaction, i.e. the crane boom,
cables, drums, brakes, clutch, outriggers, etc., and the daily, weekly, and monthly maintenance
program. A detailed safety program shall be submitted prior to the commencement of work
outlining how the Contractor intends to protect his personnel, other personnel on the site, the
safety of the adjacent structures, and the maintenance program required to assure the safe
operation of the crane. The Contractor will be required to photograph all immediately adjacent
structures before starting this work. All items needed for the safety program shall not be paid for
separately, but shall be included in the cost of "Dynamic Compaction." If the seismic specialist
determines that unacceptable conditions occur, the Engineer shall be notified immediately and all
compaction work shall cease until such time as the Contractor takes all necessary precautions
needed to meet safety requirements. Such precautions shall be approved by the Engineer.
The contractor shall keep adequate records of the construction operations, i.e. the locations where
drops have been made, number of drops per location, depth of penetration of the tamper, the pass
number, etc., and submit these daily. Any circumstances affecting the work or intended
improvement as a result of dynamic compaction should be brought to the attention of the
The work to be paid for shall be the measured quantity in square yards of "dynamic deep
compaction." If additional work is necessary based upon the borings or load tests, the work will
be paid for at the pro-rated energy rate per square meter basis as per bid item.
The work shall consist of densifying the landfill by Dynamic Compaction (DC) to the area and
extent shown on the drawings. The work shall be performed by a Specialty Contractor who can
meet the requirements as outlined below. The Specialty Contractor shall furnish all supervision,
equipment (including cranes), labor and materials necessary or incidental to the completion of
the DC for this project.
DC is a process whereby a large tamper is raised above the ground and allowed to fall from
heights up to 36 m impacting with high compactive energy. The depth of compaction
improvement depends upon the mass of the tamper and the height of the fall.
The Specialty Contractor shall be regularly engaged in DC work and shall document that they
have performed a minimum of the following work in the United States:
Contractor shall submit specialty contractor's qualifications to the Engineer for approval prior to
the preconstruction conference.
Construction fills, sanitary landfills, and mine spoils do not lend themselves to in-place testing
such as standard penetration, cone penetrometer and dilatometer tests, due to their
non-penetrability, non-homogeneity, etc. These strata can be best tested by before and after load
tests. The contractor shall install a settlement plate 460 by 460 mm approximately 0.3 m beneath
the existing ground with a 50 mm diameter steel pipe extending from the settlement plate to 4.5
m above the existing ground. The ground shall then be filled to a height of 3 m with soil in a
conical shape approximately 9 m in diameter at a location over the landfill selected by the
engineer. Settlement shall be monitored for seven days. After Dynamic Compaction a similar
settlement test shall be conducted adjacent to the first test. If settlement has not been reduced 75
percent, additional compactive effort shall be applied until a 75 percent reduction can be
obtained. This testing shall be the responsibility of the contractor and performed under the
observation of an independent registered Professional Engineer who shall submit six (6) copies
of certified test reports to the Owner.
The City will furnish full time inspection; however, this shall not relieve the Specialty Contractor
fiom keeping adequate records of the operations, including but not limited to, location number,
number of drops, rate of penetration of weight, pass number, and submit these daily.
A detailed safety program will be required to verify that job site personnel, off-site personnel and
adjacent properties are protected. The safety program will require the contractor to perform by a
qualified specialist a detailed monitoring and documentation before, during and after the DC of
all structures within 90 m of the densification and structures noted on the plans outside this zone.
The safety program will address the proposed barriers, fences, etc., to be utilized in protecting
off-site personnel. The safety program shall include a complete discussion of the special
programs utilized to assure the crane safety. This will include, but not be limited to, the before
modification to all parts of the crane affected by Dynamic Compaction, i.e., the crane boom,
cables, drums, brakes, clutch, outriggers, etc., and the daily, weekly and monthly maintenance
Provide equipment, materials and personnel required to achieve the results shown on the
Crane shall be rigged so that at least 75 percent of potential energy is realized at the point of
The Specialty Contractor shall submit a detailed work plan showing impact layout, schedule, etc.
Prior to beginning the DC, a mat of stone, crushed concrete, earth, sand or other suitable material
shall be placed over the site where required to assure 1.2 m of cover over the top of the landfill.
The DC shall then be performed in a minimum of four passes across the site. It may be necessary
at the completion of each pass to fill the resulting craters with material fiom the mat. This shall
be the responsibility of the Specialty Contractor.
On this project the depth of the densification required varies in general from 3 to 6 m, and a
minimum weight of 13.6 Mg shall be dropped from a minimum height of 20 m. The minimum
applied energy required for this project is 750 kJ/m2.
In order to ensure compaction of loose material between grid points, an ironing pass shall be
applied over the entire treatment area on a 2 m x 2 m grid or less.
The quantity to be paid shall be based on the plan quantity in square meters of DC regardless of
the number of passes needed to meet the energy requirements specified herein.
The publications listed below form a part of this specification to the extent referenced. The
publications are referred to within the text by the basic designation only. American Society for
Testing and Materials (ASTM):
The work includes the provision of impact densification procedures to improve the strength and
compressibility characteristics of surface and subsurface soils. The soils existing to a depth of 6
m below the existing ground surface shall be modified by impact densification to accept the
indicated shallow foundation. The shallow foundation design is based on allowable soil bearing
capacity of 145 kPa and associated settlements not to exceed 25 rnm (total), or 12.5 mrn
(differential settlement between adjacent foundations). The Contractor shall perform quality
control testing (test borings using Standard Penetration Test (SPT) procedures) to verify the
success of the compaction/densificationeffort. All impact densification work shall be based
upon the shallow foundation and soil boring logs presented in the contract drawings and
supplemental geotechnical data presented herein.
1.2.2. Special Requirements
The Contractor shall utilize the services of a Specialty Geotechnical Contractor (SGC) to
accomplish all ground modification using impact densification.
Improvement of the foundation soils by impact densification shall be done only by a Contractor
who is normally engaged in specialty foundation work and who can furnish proof of having done
satisfactory work of this specific nature for a minimum of five years. Certification shall be
submitted, listing the proposed Specialty Geotechnical Contractor's training, experience, a
minimum of ten satisfactorily completed jobs using impact densification and facilities and
equipment available to do the work. The Contractor shall provide experienced, competent, and
quality personnel to continuously observe the densification procedures and furnish daily logs
which include the data specified herein to the Contracting Officer.
Except for inspections and approvals specified to be performed by the Contracting Officer,
provisions of the section entitled "Quality Control" shall apply. Unless otherwise specified
herein, requirements for supervision, inspection, sampling, testing approval, directing,
authorizing, and other requirements of similar import shall be the responsibility of the
Contractor's Quality Control manager. The SGC shall commission the services of a Geotechnical
Consulting Engineer (a registered Professional Engineer) to prepare and implement the
requirements and recommendations (as set forth by the compaction~densification plan) for
ground modification using impact densification, provide required records, supervise and provide
recommendations for compactionldensificationprocedures and acceptance of completed work,
evaluate monitoring and impact densification test data, and meet and consult with the
Contracting Officer and/or the Contractor when requested to do so, either during the course of
the work or subsequent thereto for purposes of discussing recommendations andlor results. The
Contractor's Quality Control manager and the Geotechnical Consulting Engineer shall not be the
same individual. Provide services of the SGC and Geotechnical Consulting Engineer, and any
associated personnel, and provide equipment and materials to satisfy the requirements specified
herein for impact densification. Approvals, except those required for field installations, field
applications, and field tests, shall be obtained before delivery of materials or equipment to the
project site.
At least two weeks prior to beginning the impact densification work, the Geotechnical
Consulting Engineer shall submit for approval two copies of a Compaction/DensificationPlan
describing the equipment (details and dimensions, including description of tampers) and
techniques to be employed in the impact densification program. The plan shall include an outline
detailing the compaction effort to be used, drop height, number of drops, sequence of drops, the
spatial distribution of the compaction energy to be applied and the chronological sequence of its
application, methods to be used in order to maintain a working platform throughout the work,
and the manner and method in which the surface soil shall be prepared to receive foundations
prior to construction of the structure. The format for recording and maintaining both field and
final records as specified herein shall be set forth. The plan shall address any potential effects of
the compactionldensification effort on adjacent structures or utilities and shall describe the
instrumentation to be employed in monitoring ground vibration levels and any enforced ground
Keep a complete and accurate record of the location of compaction imprints, depth of imprints,
energy applied, measurement of enforced settlement of the ground surface, and all required
pressuremeter, standard penetrometer, and/or cone penetrometer test results. Submit records of
ground modification progress and final results to the Contracting Officer within 15 calendar days
after successful completion of the ground modification. Daily field records of the ground
modification process shall be made available to the Contracting Officer within 24 hours after
completion of any compaction/densificationeffort.
Strip site of topsoil 3 m outside of building limits. Excavate the site to 100 rnrn above the top of
subgrade or bottom of capillary water barrier.
The Contracting Officer shall stop the compaction process if compaction is detrimental to site.
Granular fill with a thickness of 150 to 200 mm may be required during compaction for working
platform, drainage and to prevent sticking. Confirm the soil improvement by drilling at least 14
soil b~rings6 m deep in accordance with ASTM D-1586 except the initial 3 m shall be
continuously sampled and standard penetration test performed, the use of the cone penetration
test in accordance with ASTM D-3441 may be used with a minimum of five ASTM D-1586 6 m
borings and 6 m cone penetrometer tests. The contractor shall submit the results of these tests for
Contracting Officer approval prior to commencing any other work on the site improvement area.
The Contracting Officer will take ten days to evaluate the results.
3.1.3 Ikwatering
Dewatering measures such as trenching, ditching and sump/purnping will be required during the
grading and foundation construction phase of the project.
Contractor shall provide compacted select fill as required to reestablish new top of subgrade
during and after dynamic compaction.
The Contractor shall use machines or combinations of machines and equipment that are in good,
safe working condition and that will produce the results specified herein.
Procedural specifications are left to the Geotechnical Consulting Engineer to achieve the results
specified herein.
Use the following general guidelines. After required demolition is complete on the site to be
compacted/densified, the site shall be levelled and rough graded. A layer of granular material
may be required prior to, or during, the impact densification to relieve a sticking problem with
the weights used in compaction, and/or maintain an adequate working platform for men and
equipment. The Dynamic Compaction technique involves the dropping of a heavy weight (7 to
18 Mg), free fall, from a height of 15 to 30 m. The high energy levels which are developed
produce a deep compaction of the underlying materials. Two or more passes shall be made over
the designated area according to a predetermined impact grid pattern. The impact grid pattern,
fiee fall distance, tonnage, and size of tamper shall be determined by the SGC and Geotechnical
Consulting Engineer. During the final compaction pass, as much of the surrounding loose
granular material as possible shall be utilized to level out the impact craters. After the final
compaction pass is completed, and prior to beginning construction of any foundations, the
compacted area shall be levelled and rough graded such that truck mounted testing equipment ,
(drill rigs) may access and accomplish the required testing.
Exercise care and take necessary precautions to avoid damage to existing structures, utilities, or
any new work. Protect surrounding work and individuals fiom excessive vibration, noise, and
debris originating fiom the area of work. Vibrations resulting fiom compaction operations shall
be monitored and controlled. A total peak particle velocity of 50 mmlsec shall not be exceeded
in order to avoid any disturbance to structure or utilities on or adjacent to the site. The
monitoring, recording, and interpreting of vibrations shall be performed by qualified personnel.
Any damage to structures or utilities (both existing or new resulting from the Contractor's
operations shall be repaired to the Contracting Officer's satisfaction at the Contractor's expense.
The Contractor shall provide all necessary equipment and labor for performing quality control
testing. Contractor shall provide drilling equipment to perform test borings using SPT
procedures prior to and following the compaction~densification process.
Standard penetration tests shall be performed in accordance with ASTM D-1586 except as
specified herein. Casing and Records
If casing is used to advance the borehole, a continuous record shall be kept of the blows per 0.3
m required to drive the casing. The same weight of hammer and the same drop shall be used for
driving all casing. The mass of hammer shall be 136 kg and the height of the free fall 457 mm,
using a rope and cathead.
A positive hydrostatic pressure shall be maintained in the borehole to prevent instability due to
upward flow of water before or during testing. Additional water or drilling mud shall be added
to the hole as necessary.
A detailed visual description shall be made of each standard penetration test sample in
accordance with ASTM D2487 and D2488, and the description shall be entered on the boring
log. Storage of samples will not be required unless requested by the Contracting Officer.
If quality control tests indicate the densification in any area doesn't meet the requirements
specified herein, the area affected, as determined by the Geotechnical Consulting Engineer, shall
have the densification procedure repeated (with the procedure revised when required) and the
quality control tests then repeated. All quality control tests shall be accomplished, the results
assessed by the Geotechnical Consulting Engineer, and the Geotechnical Consulting Engineer's
evaluation and recommendations approved by the Contracting Officer prior to the Specialty
Geotechnical Contractor's equipment leaving the project site. The Contracting Officer reserves
the right to take up to three working days to approve the Geotechnical consulting Engineer's
evaluation and recommendations from the time quality control test field records and the
Geotechnical Consulting Engineer's evaluation and recommendations are in the possession of the
Contracting Officer. Further work on the structure or utilities within an area not achieving the
compaction/densificationrequirements specified shall not commence until the requirements are
complied with as verified by quality control tests.
If the results of on-site testing are determined by the Contracting Officer to not satisfy the
requirements for acceptance as specified herein:
Design and provide a revised shallow foundation for those new buildings or structures
situated within (totally or partially) the area not achieving the degree of
compaction/densification required. The design shall be based on 1) a reduced allowable
bearing value which reflects that actually developed by the impact densification as
recommended by the Geotechnical Consulting Engineer, and 2) associated potential
settlements (both total and differential) being within the parameters acceptable to the
designer or record. The reduced allowable bearing value shall be determined by mutual
agreement between the Geotechnical Consulting Engineer and the revised foundation
designer of record and must be approved by the Contracting Officer. Any revised design
shall be subject to the requirements of the contract specifications and submitted to the
original foundation designer of record for approval.
All design, construction and incidental costs associated with the options specified herein shall be
borne by the Contractor.
The Contractor shall notify the Contracting Officer of the intent to employ an impact .
densification program at least 14 days prior to commencement of the program so that the
Contracting Officer may observe the program. The Contracting Officer reserves the right at any
time to observe and inspect the compaction/densificationoperations.
All costs associated with and incidental to providing ground modification using impact
densification and preparation of the resulting ground surface to receive the foundations indicated
shall be included in the lump sum contract bid price.