Figure M 39 Ethanol Water Mixture

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Coker, 2009 ©



Temperature oC




0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
Mole fraction of ethanol in liquid/vapor
Figure Phase diagram for ethanol and water mixture at 1.013 kPa
Mole fraction of ethanol in vapor, y
Coker, 2009 ©




0.6 x-y






0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
Mole fraction of ethanol in liquid, x
Figure M-39. VLE diagram for the mixture ethanol and water at 1.013 kPa.
Vapor-Liquid equilibrium data for ethanol and water at 1 atm, y and x in Mole fraction by A.K. Coker
R.H. Perry, C.H. Chilton and S.O. Kirkpatrick (Eds.), Chemical Engineering Handbook, 4th ed. New York McGraw-Hill, p 13-5,

xEtoh xw yEtoh yw T, oC
0 1 0 1 100
0.019 0.981 0.17 0.83 95.5
0.0721 0.9279 0.3891 0.6109 89
0.099 0.9034 0.4375 0.5625 86.7
0.1238 0.8762 0.4704 0.5296 85.3
0.1661 0.8339 0.5089 0.4911 84.1
0.2337 0.7663 0.5445 0.4555 82.7
0.2608 0.7392 0.558 0.442 82.3
0.3273 0.6727 0.5826 0.4174 81.5
0.3965 0.6035 0.6122 0.3878 80.7
0.5198 0.4802 0.6599 0.3401 79.7
0.5732 0.4268 0.6841 0.3159 79.3
0.6763 0.3237 0.7385 0.2615 78.74
0.7472 0.2528 0.7815 0.2185 78.41
0.8943 0.1057 0.8943 0.1057 78.15
1 0 1 0 78.3

Temperature composition diagram (T-x-y diagram)

xEtoh T, oC Figure 10- Temperature composition diagram for ethanol-water

0 100
Temperature oC

0.019 95.5 100

0.0721 89
0.099 86.7
0.1238 85.3 95
0.1661 84.1
0.2337 82.7
0.2608 82.3 90
0.3273 81.5
0.3965 80.7 T-x-y
0.5198 79.7 Minimum boiling azeotrope
0.5732 79.3
0.6763 78.74
0.7472 78.41
0.8943 78.15 80
1 78.3

0 100 75
0.17 95.5 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
0.3891 89 xE or yE
0.4375 86.7
0.4704 85.3
0.5089 84.1
0.5445 82.7
0.558 82.3
0.5826 81.5
0.6122 80.7
0.6599 79.7
0.6841 79.3
0.7385 78.74
0.7815 78.41
0.8943 78.15
1 78.3

Vapor-Liquid equilibrium diagram (x-y)

M o le fractio n o f eth an o l in v ap o r, y E

xEtoh yEtoh
0 0
0.019 0.17
0.0721 0.3891
0.099 0.4375
0.1238 0.4704
0.1661 0.5089 Figure 10- Vapor-Liquid Equilibrium diagram for ethanol-water at 101.3 kPa
0.2337 0.5445
0.2608 0.558 1

0.3273 0.5826 0.9

0.3965 0.6122 0.8
0.5198 0.6599
0.5732 0.6841 0.7

0.6763 0.7385 0.6

0.7472 0.7815 0.5
0.8943 0.8943
1 1
0 0 0.2
0.17 0.17
0.3891 0.3891
0.4375 0.4375 0
0.4704 0.4704 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
Mole fraction of ethanol in liquid, xE
0.5089 0.5089
0.5445 0.5445
0.558 0.558
0.5826 0.5826
0.6122 0.6122
0.6599 0.6599
0.6841 0.6841
0.7385 0.7385
0.7815 0.7815
0.8943 0.8943
1 1
York McGraw-Hill, p 13-5, 1963


9 1
M o le f r a c tio n o f a c e to n e in v a p o r y E
T [K] x1 [mol/mol]y1 [mol/mol]
351.45 0 0
349.55 0.033 0.111
347.15 0.078 0.216
at 101.3 kPa 343.95 0.149 0.345
342.25 0.195 0.41
338.75 0.316 0.534 Vapor-Liquid Equilibrium d
336.55 0.414 0.614
334.45 0.532 0.697
332.15 0.691 0.796 0.8

330.45 0.852 0.896 0.7

329.25 1 1 0.6
0 0
0.111 0.111
0.216 0.216 0.4

0.345 0.345 0.3

0.41 0.41 0.2
0.534 0.534
0.614 0.614
0.697 0.697 0
0 0.1 0.2 0.3
0.9 1 0.796 0.796 Mole fra

0.896 0.896
1 1
por-Liquid Equilibrium diagram for acetone-ethanol at 101.3 KPa

.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1

Mole fraction of acetone in liquid xE
M o le fra c tio n o f a c e to n e in v a p o r Y E
T [K] x1 [mol/mol]
y1 [mol/mol]
351.45 0 0
349.55 0.033 0.111
347.15 0.078 0.216
Vapor-Liquid Equilibrium diagram for acetone-ethanol at 101.3 KPa
343.95 0.149 0.345 1
342.25 0.195 0.41
338.75 0.316 0.534
336.55 0.414 0.614 0.8
334.45 0.532 0.697
332.15 0.691 0.796
330.45 0.852 0.896 0.6
329.25 1 1





0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
Mole fraction of acetone in liquid XE
0.9 1
M o le fractio n o f eth an o l in v ap o r, y E
xEtoh yEtoh T, oC
0 0 100
0.019 0.17 95.5
0.0721 0.3891 89
0.099 0.4375 86.7
Figure 10- Vapor-Liquid Equilibrium diagram for ethanol-water at 101.3 kPa
0.1238 0.4704 85.3
0.1661 0.5089 84.1
0.2337 0.5445 82.7
0.2608 0.558 82.3 0.9
0.3273 0.5826 81.5 0.8
0.3965 0.6122 80.7
0.5198 0.6599 79.7 0.7
0.5732 0.6841 79.3 0.6
0.6763 0.7385 78.74
0.7472 0.7815 78.41
0.8943 0.8943 78.15 0.4
1 1 78.3



0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
Mole fraction of ethanol in liquid, xE

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