Sridhar 2013
Sridhar 2013
Sridhar 2013
49 CATCON2013
2013 IEEE 1st International Conference on Condition Assessment Techniques in Electrical Systems
Since the negative sequence varies predominantly under state region are zero and one per unit respectively, which
broken rotor bar fault and unbalanced under voltage supply indicates that it is a healthy machine with balanced supply.
condition, the stator current analysis is done for the negative
sequence component which gives a clear indication of both
unbalance and broken rotor bar fault. Since zero sequence
voltages do not produce any net torque, they are not considered
for the analysis in this paper. The nature of variation in the
torque is investigated for the following cases.
• Healthy machine with balanced supply.
• Healthy machine with unbalanced supply.
• Faulty machine with balanced supply.
• Faulty machine with unbalanced supply.
50 CATCON2013
2013 IEEE 1st International Conference on Condition Assessment Techniques in Electrical Systems
frequency of variation in the magnitude of the torque is twice
the supply frequency with a peak magnitude of 1.4A as seen in
Fig.7. The FFT of the stator current in Fig. 8 indicate the
presence of additional frequency component at 5 Hz along with
the fundamental due to unbalance.
case 3: Faulty machine with balanced supply
Fig. 9. Stator current waveforms of IM with balanced supply and fault from
0.3 sec onwards.
51 CATCON2013
2013 IEEE 1st International Conference on Condition Assessment Techniques in Electrical Systems
Magnitude of Magnitude of
positive negative
sequence sequence THD
(pu) component component
(pu) (pu)
1.05 1.4 0 0.01
1.4 1.47 0.436 0.84
52 CATCON2013
2013 IEEE 1st International Conference on Condition Assessment Techniques in Electrical Systems
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