GER1000 Quantitative Reasoning Tutorial 1
GER1000 Quantitative Reasoning Tutorial 1
GER1000 Quantitative Reasoning Tutorial 1
Please work on the problems before coming to class. In class, you will engage in group work.
Question 1
Imagine that you are an intern at a tuition centre. Your employer wants to know if it is
worthwhile to invest in iPads to improve students’ proficiency in English. He asks you to
research more about the matter, and gives you resources and authority to run experiments in
the centre or to purchase data from other centres.
(a) Being prudent in the use of resources, you purchase data on classroom iPad usage from
other tuition centres, and scores from a standardised English test given to the students at the
end of the school year. Your colleague suggests categorising students as either Satisfactory (S)
or Unsatisfactory (U) according to a threshold score of 50 points. Below are the results.
Fill in the blanks of the remaining missing data, and calculate the satisfactory rates within each
group of students.
(b) Did the study find an overall association between iPad usage and test results? When your
employer hears of this finding, he concludes and says to you, “Therefore, iPad usage cause poor
English test results.” How could you reply?
(c) Is there an association between iPad usage and test results within the males, and within the
females? Are these findings surprising compared with the overall association in (b)? Discuss
whether the findings refute the conclusion made by your employer in (b).
(d) Your employer compares the findings in (b) and (c) and asks if they imply that iPad usage is
associated to sex. Substantiate your answer with calculations based on a suitable 2×2
contingency table.
(e) A threshold score of 50 points was used to categorise test result as Satisfactory (S) or
Unsatisfactory (U). Does the association in (b) depend on the choice of threshold score? How
can you do better? Discuss how students can be categorised as iPad users and non-users.
(f) How would you conduct an experiment to answer your employer’s question? Provide brief
reasons for your recommendations. Will you measure English proficiency twice (before and
after the intervention), or will it be sufficient to just measure once (after the intervention)?