I Practiced The Following During Childbirth. 4 3 2 1 F WV WM QD
I Practiced The Following During Childbirth. 4 3 2 1 F WV WM QD
I Practiced The Following During Childbirth. 4 3 2 1 F WV WM QD
Took a bath before delivery. This will hasten the birth of the baby, as 83 2 1 14 100 354 3.54 PHE
well as of the placenta.
Believing all windows and doors should be wide close for the 14 3 6 77 100 154 1.54 NPA
laboring mother’s easy delivery.
Avoiding touching others while in labor. This will cause my pain to 11 8 10 68 100 156 1.56 NPA
be transferred to them.
Drinking coconut water to lessen labor pains. 35 7 5 53 100 224 2.24 PSE
Placing squash leaves on my abdomen to lessen labor pains. 10 2 4 84 100 138 1.38 NPA
Applying ginger to the stomach or boiled in water to drink to help 22 4 7 67 100 181 1.81 PSE
ease the pain.
Perform sexual intercourse to stimulate the womb and induce labor. 4 3 4 89 100 122 1.22 NPA
Do not allow guests at the birth standing too near the door. This could 33 6 10 51 100 221 2.21 PSE
create complications in labor.
Placing the baby skin-to-skin prone on my abdomen after drying after 86 5 0 9 100 368 3.68 PHE
Traditional home birth or ‘hilot’ is preferred for easier labor and 39 5 8 48 100 235 2.35 PSE
‘Suob at banyos’ is also done by the albolaryo after birth to prevent 31 4 4 61 100 205 2.05 PSE
stretch marks.
Using a sharpened bamboo-like material for cutting the umbilical 5 0 3 92 100 118 1.18 NPA
Choosing to birth at a hospital or in a facility with trained and 69 6 4 21 100 323 3.23 PME
qualified midwives.
Using pain medication during hospital delivery. 49 8 10 33 100 273 2.73 PME
3.26 - 4.00 Practiced to a High Extent (PHE)
2.51 - 3.25 Practiced to a Moderate Extent (PME)
1.76 - 2.50 Practiced to Some Extent (PSE)
1.00 - 1.75 Never Practiced at All (NPA)
the findings, it reveals that the respondents performed theses practices to some extent.
As evident on the total average mean weight of 2.14. Out of the 100 respondents, 3.23
chose to birth at a hospital or in a facility with trained and qualified midwives while
some mothers did not and preferred to give birth traditionally at home (2.35). The
above data indicated that the mothers only practice to some extent most traditional
delivery practices.
The same findings relate to the study conducted by Palacio et. al (2014) wherein
the mothers mostly practice delivery in a health facility or birthing clinic and always
places the baby skin-to-skin on mother’s abdomen prone after drying the baby.
Table 6
Shows the Significant difference between pregnancy and childbearing practices
according to religion
The same findings relate to the study conducted by Aziato et. al (2016) wherein
pregnancy and delivery have strong religious connotation where a new life is born but it
does not influence the practices performed by mothers.