Neonatal Diabetes:: Current Trends in Diagnosis and Management
Neonatal Diabetes:: Current Trends in Diagnosis and Management
Neonatal Diabetes:: Current Trends in Diagnosis and Management
Current Trends in Diagnosis and Management
Melissa Andrews Rearson, MSN, CRNP • Heather McKnight-Menci, MSN, CRNP • Linda Steinkrauss, MSN, CRNP
The purpose of this article is to describe diabetes diagnosed during the first 6 months of life.
Neonatal diabetes, also known as congenital diabetes, presents a unique set of challenges for the
pediatric healthcare provider. Neonatal diabetes is not type 1 diabetes. While the etiology of type
1 diabetes is multifactorial and includes genetic and environmental factors, neonatal diabetes is
strictly a genetic condition. Management of children with neonatal diabetes, treatment of the dis-
ease, psychosocial considerations for the family, and nursing care required for this population are
all included in this article. Unique issues related to the diagnosis of a genetic mutation resulting
in a defect in the potassium channel are also discussed.
Key words: Diabetes mellitus; Genetic diseases; Inborn; Infant; Insulin.
Copyright © 2010 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
eonatal diabetes is defined as uncontrolled hyper- 200 mg/dl are diagnostic of diabetes in an infant (DeLeon
glycemia that requires treatment with insulin and & Stanley, 2008).
has an onset in the first 6 months of life (Vaxil-
laire, Bonnefond, & Froguel, 2009). It occurs in
approximately 1 in 300,000 to 500,000 live births
Differentiating Type 1 Diabetes
(Cave, Polak, Drunet, Denamur, & Czernichow, and Neonatal Diabetes
2000; Sagen et al., 2004) and can be either permanent or Although most infants who present with diabetes have
transient. Some have proposed the term “congenital dia- congenital diabetes, the diagnosis of type 1 diabetes must
betes” because some of these cases occur after the be explored to be excluded (Murphy, Ellard, & Hatters-
4-week neonatal period, but “neonatal diabetes” remains the ley, 2008). Type 1 diabetes is an autoimmune condition
conventional term. A vast majority of cases of neonatal that is typically diagnosed after the neonatal period in
diabetes are genetically determined by a gene mutation children and young adults. Autoimmune conditions
and are, therefore, not autoimmune (Craig, Hattersley, & occur because antibodies attack the islet cells (insulin-
Donaghue, 2009). Type 1 diabetes, the more familiar form producing cells) of the pancreas. Although the etiology
of diabetes, is an autoimmune disease determined by of type 1 diabetes is multifactorial and includes ge-
both genetic and environmental factors and is not termed netic and environmental factors, neonatal diabetes is
neonatal diabetes. Although it is possible that a child un- strictly a genetic condition. Children or adults who de-
der 6 months of age could have type 1 diabetes, this is velop type 1 diabetes have a genetic predisposition that
extremely rare, and less than 1% of children with type 1 is exacerbated by associated, yet unproven, environmen-
diabetes present in infancy (Hattersley, Burining, Shield, tal factors that include viruses, cow’s milk, and nitrosa-
Njolstad, & Donaghue, 2009). This article focuses on the mines (Borchers, Uibo, & Gershwin, 2010). Many genes
diagnosis, classification, and treatment of children with are involved in type 1 diabetes, making this a polygenic
neonatal diabetes. Caring for a child with neonatal dia- condition; type 1 diabetes cannot be tied to a specific
betes presents unique challenges to the healthcare team gene mutation or mutations. Type 1 diabetes is differen-
and the caregiver. Based on the type of genetic mutation, tiated from other types of diabetes by the presence of
many children with neonatal diabetes can be treated with autoantibodies including GAD 65, insulin antibodies,
an oral hypoglycemic agent. The identification of infants and ICA 512.
who are candidates for treatment with oral agents will also
be discussed. Neonatal Diabetes
Neonatal diabetes may take one of two forms, depending
on the permanence of hyperglycemia: transient neonatal
Diagnosis of Diabetes in Infancy diabetes mellitus (TNDM) or permanent neonatal dia-
The majority of the cases of neonatal diabetes present betes mellitus (PNDM).
with intrauterine growth restriction, failure to thrive,
decreased subcutaneous fat, and low or undetectable Transient Neonatal Diabetes
C-peptide levels—a marker of insulin reserve (Fösel, TNDM is thought to be a result of a combination of mu-
1995). Babies with neonatal diabetes are small for gesta- tations on chromosome 6 (Temple & Mackay, 2010). It
tional age (SGA) because of insulin deficiency in utero; is characterized by an early onset and remission of insulin
insulin is an important growth factor without which op- requirement by 18 months of age. Babies with PNDM
timal growth cannot occur. Additional presenting signs and TNDM share the characteristic of being SGA. In
of neonatal diabetes include increased thirst, polyuria, TNDM, however, once catch-up growth has occurred,
dehydration, and failure to thrive (DeLeon & Stanley, insulin is no longer required (DeLeon & Stanley, 2008).
2008). Parents often report that their child is “soaking TNDM most commonly presents with hyperglycemia in
the crib” or “soaking through diapers suddenly.” Parents the first week of life.
may initially not seek medical attention for what they Most infants with TNDM will not have diabetes auto-
think may be a normal occurrence in an infant; parents antibodies, but will have a low C-peptide at diagnosis,
may attribute increased urination to overhydration or indicating that their pancreas is not able to secrete insulin
may think it is a variation of normal. In addition, because (endogenous insulin) (Temple, Gardner, Mackay, Barber,
of the rarity of this disorder, healthcare providers may Robinson, & Shield, 2000). Infants having TNDM will
not suspect diabetes during infancy; diabetes in very have resolution of hyperglycemia in infancy, but may
young children is often misdiagnosed, and babies are need insulin again during adolescence or pregnancy
significantly more likely to present with severe diabetic (Greeley Tucker, Worrell, Skowron, Bell, & Philipson,
ketoacidosis because of a delayed diagnosis (Pawłowicz, 2010). This is most common during a time of physical
Birkholz, Niedz´wiecki, & Balcerska, 2009). change or stress when the body demands more insulin to
Diagnosis of diabetes may initially be suspected based keep blood glucose levels in a normal range (DeLeon &
on signs of polydipsia, polyuria from parent report but Stanley, 2008). The potential for recurrence of diabetes
ketones may or may not be present (Ozlu, Tyker, & later in life makes long-term follow-up essential for babies
Yuksel, 2006). A metabolic panel will show elevated with transient neonatal diabetes. If there is a recurrence,
glucose levels; persistent blood glucose levels of >150 to diet management can initially be used, but most children
Copyright © 2010 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
will then go on to require insulin with then progress normally for successful
uncertain response to oral hypoglycemic insulin secretion: Figure 1 details these
agents (Hattersley et al., 2009). five steps (Sperling, 2006). A genetic mu-
tation on the KCNJ11 or ABCC8 genes
Permanent Neonatal leads to an inability of the potassium
channel to properly close in response to
Diabetes glucose influx. This interference in the
Diagnosis and management of PNDM, β-cell pathway prevents the appropriate
characterized by hyperglycemia that de- secretion of insulin and causes PNDM
velops during the first 6 months of life (Aguilar-Bryan & Bryan, 2010; Sagen
and does not resolve, present further et al., 2004). Sulfonylureas are effec-
challenges because of the ongoing need tive in treating this type of diabetes as
for insulin therapy. Insulin is required they prevent the KATP channel from per-
daily, with doses ultimately increasing manently staying open, allowing se-
rather than decreasing. Diabetes auto- Because of the rarity cretion of the insulin normally made by
antibodies and C-peptide levels will be the body.
absent in infants with PNDM. PNDM
of this disorder, nurses
results from a mutation in the potassium may not suspect Treatment Options for
(KATP) channel of the insulin-producing
cells. The specific mutation prohibits in- diabetes during Neonatal Diabetes
sulin secretion in the β cells (Murphy et Insulin
al., 2008). Murphy et al. (2008) state infancy; diabetes in Treatment with insulin therapy should
that while most infants with PNDM will begin immediately after diabetes is diag-
have only diabetes from this gene muta-
very young children is nosed by an elevated hemoglobin A1c
tion, up to 20% will also have neurologi- often misdiagnosed, (normal <5.9%) or persistent hypergly-
cal complications such as Developmental cemia (blood glucose >150). Insulin is
delay, Epilepsy, and Neonatal Diabetes and babies are often delivered initially by an insulin in-
(collectively termed “DEND”). DEND can fusion that gives healthcare providers
occur along a spectrum of severity, from significantly more the ability to titrate doses depending on
mild developmental delay to more severe likely to present blood glucose levels. Once transitioned
(Hattersley & Ashcroft, 2005). Infants from the initial insulin infusion, injec-
with mutations in KCNJ11 and ABCC81 with severe diabetic tions of a basal insulin (Lantus/insulin
(genes that encode the KATP channel) can be glargine—Aventis or Levemir/insulin
treated successfully with oral sulfonyl- ketoacidosis because detemir—Novo Nordisk) or Neutral
ureas that will manage hyperglycemia Protamine Hagedorn (NPH) insulin may
without an increase in hypoglycemia
of a delayed diagnosis. be started. Basal insulin, which can often
(Pearson et al., 2006). last 24 hours in adults, is often divided
into twice-daily dosing in young chil-
dren and infants to provide an adequate basal effect
Genetics of Neonatal Diabetes (DeLeon & Stanley, 2008). The pharmacological action
When diabetes is diagnosed in the first week of life, it is of NPH is variable in different individuals, and with a
not possible to determine whether the infant has TNDM peak time of 4 to 6 hours; this makes dosing this type
or PNDM by clinical evaluation. Genetic testing is of insulin with feedings difficult. Humalog (insulin
therefore imperative for making a diagnosis. Testing for lispro—Eli Lilly) and Novolog (insulin aspart—Novo
gene mutations in IPF1, GCK, KCNJ11, INS, and ABCC Nordisk) should be used cautiously, as peak action can
should be done as part of the initial laboratory evalua- cause significant hypoglycemia even in very small doses
tion (Murphy et al., 2008). There is a commercially avail- (DeLeon & Stanley, 2008). Similar to insulin use in older
able panel of these specific tests for DNA sequencing to children with type 1 diabetes, insulin to carbohydrate
identify gene mutations for neonatal diabetes. Compa- ratios can be used by caregivers to calculate a bolus in-
nies that perform this testing typically test one gene at a sulin dose. Additionally, a ratio of insulin dose to blood
time and continue to test additional genes until a muta- glucose level can be used for high blood glucose correc-
tion is identified. Because this testing can cost more tion. These ratios, when used for small infants requiring
than $5,000, prior authorization from the insurance little insulin per day translate into very small doses that
company is often required (Athena Diagnostics Client can be difficult to measure in a standard insulin syringe
Price List, 22 February, 2010). (Casella, Mongilio, Plotnick, Hesterberg, & Long,
The physiology of KATP channel mutation in patients 1993). Caregivers can only reliably measure in half-unit
with PNDM is important for nurses to understand. First, increments using a BD Ultra-Fine II Insulin Syringe 3/10
in normal β-cell function, glucose influx into the β cell cc with half-unit markings. Some families report the abil-
stimulates insulin release. A cascade of five steps must ity to affect blood sugars by giving a “heavy” or “light”
Copyright © 2010 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
half, based on lesser or more amounts of carbohydrate U-100 preparations and the dilute U-10 preparation.
and blood correction factor. Blood glucose is affected by In addition to documenting the insulin dilution used,
a great variety of variables, however, and hyperglycemia families can help to improve safety by carefully inform-
and hypoglycemia are both difficult to control. Casella et ing any provider working with them that their child is
al. (1993) suggest using diluted insulin if doses required using dilute U-10 insulin and that each “mark on the
are less than 2 units to avoid dosing error. syringe” is 1/10 unit.
Orders concerning dilute insulin should clearly state
Dilute insulin the dose to be given (0.2 units), that dilute insulin is to be
Dilute insulin may be utilized to ease measurement of in- utilized, and the amount of dilute insulin to be drawn
sulin doses for small children (Stickelmeyer, Graf, Frank, up in the syringe (2 units). Dilute insulin should be pre-
Ballard, & Storms, 2000). The usual dilution used for pared by a pharmacist who is familiar with the dilution
insulin is a 1:10 concentration, allowing for more speci- technique. Due to instability issues, dilute insulin loses its
ficity with measurement. Although dilute insulin does al- potency more quickly than standard insulin, and should
low for exact measurement, it can also lead to confusion be discarded 30 days after preparation (Stickelmeyer et
for healthcare providers about dosing. The utilization al., 2000). For this reason, parents cannot obtain a sup-
of 1 unit/10 ml allows for greater ease in drawing up the ply for longer than 1 month at a time. Along with insulin
small doses required by infants. For example, an infant use, caregivers can be shown how to carefully monitor
may be prescribed 0.2 units of insulin. A standard U-100 blood glucose levels and be taught to respond to chang-
insulin preparation (100 units/1 ml) would require that ing levels with problem solving about feeding and insulin
0.2 units be measured into an insulin syringe, a virtually administration. Caregivers should monitor blood glucose
impossible task when the smallest marking on an insulin levels through the night and frequently through the day,
syringe is 0.5 units. When using dilute U-10 insulin, how- being aware that most infants do not exhibit symptoms
ever, 0.2 units of standard U-100 insulin may be obtained of hypoglycemia. The risk of hypoglycemia, which may
by drawing up to the 2-unit line on an insulin syringe. affect the developing brain, is frightening for families
Although this provides better accuracy, it can also lead to and healthcare providers alike. In the future, continuous
dosing errors. Many healthcare providers are not famil- glucose monitors, now only approved for use in children
iar with dilute insulin, and communicating with the 7 and older, may provide caregivers with another way to
caregiver requires clear differentiation between standard frequently monitor changes in blood glucose levels.
Copyright © 2010 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
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Copyright © 2010 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.