Astm A 820

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lOOB~HdCZ7Dr.W64 -en. PA 19428

Repnted (rwn the Amud Book d ASTM Slsndards. COP@@ AS’fM
If not bsted m the current canbred ndex. wi4 appear YI the next edth

Standard Specification for

Steel Fibers for Fiber-Reinforced Concrete’
This standad ia i5ucd under the &al designation A 820; the number immdiatcly foUowing the designation indicate3 the year of
original adoption or, in the CBfc of revision. the year ohst revision. A number in parenthcas indicates the year of last reapprod A
supaxcript qzsilan (f] indicates a0 editorial change 5ina the last revision or fcapproval.

1. scope 4. Classification
1.1 This specification covers minimum requirements for 4.1 Four general types of steel libers are identified in this
steel fibers intended for use in fiber reinforced concrete. Steel specification based upon the product used as a source of the
fibers for this purpose are defined as pieces of smooth or steel fiber material.
deformed cold drawn wire; smooth or deformed cut sheet; 4.1.1 Type I, cold drawn wire.
melt-extracted fibers; or other steel fibers that are sufficiently 4.1.2 Type II, cut sheet.
small to be dispersed at random in a concrete mixture. 4.1.3 Type III, melt-extracted.
1.2 This specification provides for measurement of di- 4.1.4 Type IV, other fibers.
mensions, tolerances from specified dimensions, and re- 4.2 Fibers may he straight or deformed.
quired minimum physical properties, and prescribes testing
procedures to establish conformance to these requirements. 5. Ordering Information
1.3 The values stated in inch-pound units are to be 5.1 Orders for material under this specification shall
regarded as the standard. The values given in parentheses are include the foIIowing:
for information only. 5.1.1 ASTM designation and year of issue,
a 5.1.2 Quantity in pounds or tons (kg or Mg),
2. Referenced Documents 5.1.3 Type or types permissible (4.1),
5.1.4 Diameter or equivalent diameter (8. 1), or range of
2.1 The following documents, of the issue in effect on the equivalent diameters (8.1 S),
date of material purchase, form a part of this specification to 5.1.5 Length or nominal length (8. l),
the extent referenced herein. 5.1.6 Deformations, if required, and
2. I. 1 ASTM St andark 5.1.7 Whether certification by the manufacturer is re-
A 370 Test Methods and Definitions for Mechanical Test- quired including whether a report is to be furnished ( 15.1).
ing of Steel Products* Ncrr~ l-For information on satisfactory sizea and aspm ratios, see
C 1116 Specification for Fiber-Reinforced Concrete and and contact manufactunn rq@ing availability.
AC1 544.1 R,
Shotcrete 6. Material and Manufacture
2.1.2 ACI Document:
544.1 R State-of-the-Art Repon on Fiber-Reinforced 6.1 The materials and manufacturing methods used shall
Concrete4 be such that the fibers produced conform to the require-
ments in this specification.
3. Terminology 7. Responsibility for Quality Assurance
3.1 Symbols-The following symbols used in this specifi- 7.1 Responsibility fur Inspection-Unless othetise spec-
cation are defined as: ified in the contract or purchase order, the manufacturer is
3.1.1 A-cross-sectional area, in.’ (mmz). responsible for the performance of alI inspection and test
3.1.2 d-diameter, in. (mm). requirements specified herein. Except as othetise specified
3.1.3 /,--ultimate tensile strength, psi (MPa). in the contract or order, the manufacturer may use his own
3.1.4 I-length, in. (mm). or any other suitable facility for the performance of the
3.1.5 x--l/d = aspect ratio. inspection and test requirements specified herein unless
3.1.6 The subscript n on dimensional units indicates disapproved by the purchaser. The purchaser shall have the
“nominal” and the subscript e indicates *equivalent.” right to perform any of the inspections and tests set forth in
“Nominal” and “equivalent” dimensions are calculated from this specification where such inspections are deemed neces-
other measurable dimensions or average weights (masses). sary to assure that material conforms to prescribed require-
~This~cctionbuadnthcjuridictionof~CommittaA-IooStctL 8. Dimensions and Tolerances
Stain& St&, ad Rdatal Allop and is the dkt tespotibitity of Subamhti
A0 1.05 011 Steel &iafonealCnr
8.1 Dimensions:
Current edition appmvsd May IO, 1996. Published July 1996. Originally 8.1.1 Straight colddrawn wire fibers are specified by
puL?hheduA820-85.LUtpreviws cditioa A 820 - 90. diameter (d) or equivalent (d,) and length (0, that establish a
2 Ad Book qf.4sT.M SLandmdr. Vd 01.03. specified aspect ratio [I/d) or (l/d,).
’ Annwd Bock lfAsT.44 StaMimis, vol04.02.
’ Avhbk hum Aawian Coocrete Institute. P.O. Fka 19150. Redford 8.1.2 Deformed cold-drawn wire fibers are specified by
Station. Detroit, M148219. the diameter (b, or equivalent diameter (d,) and length

(out-to-out) after bending (1,). Nominal aspect ratio (X,) is
established as (I,,/d) or (I,&). See Fii. 1.
8.1.3 Cut sheet fibers are specified by thickness ( I), width
(w), and length
computed as l/ SL
Nominal aspect ratio (X,) can be
4Ajr = l/d, where A = cw and d, =
equivalent diameter. See Fig 2.
8. I .4 Deformed cut sheet fibers are specified by thickness
(t), width (WI), and out-to-out length after deformation I,,).
Nominal aspect ratio (A,) can be computed as l,,f J1
l,Jd,. See Fig. 3.
4A/z =

8.1.5 Melt-extracted or other fibers are specified by a


FIG. 2 Cut Sheet Fibers

spec$icxj tolerances for length, diameter or equivalent diam-

eter, and aspect ratio.
range of equivalent diameters, (d,), and length (I). Equiva- 12.2 At least one test shall be performed for each 5 tons
lent diameter is computed from measured average length (4.5 Mg) of material or each shipment if less than 5 tons (4.j
and the weight (mass) of a known quantity of fibers, based
upon 0.2836 Ib/in.3 (7850 ks/m)). See Fig. 4. Mg).
8.2 Tolerances: 13. Tests
8.2.1 The length shall not vary from its specified value 13.1 At least one tensile test, consisting of IO randomly
more than &lo %. selected finished libers, shall be performed for each 5 tons
8.2.2 The diameter or equivalent diameter shall not vary (4.5 Mg) of material or each shipment if less than 5 tons (4.5
from its specified value more than t 10 %. Mg). The average value off, in these tests must not be less
8.2.3 The aspect ratio shall not vary from its specified than 50 000 psi (345 MPa). The tensile strength of any one of
value more than f 15 95. the ten specimens shall not be less than 45 000 psi (3 10
MPa). Where the parent source material consists of sheet or
9. Tensile Requirements wire, tensile tests by the manufacturer may be performed on
9.1’ The average tensile strength, f,, shalI not be less than larger samples of source material. One sample of each
50 000 psi (345 MPa). different source material used shall then be tested for each 5
tons (4.5 Mg) of material or each shipment if less than 5 tons
10. Rending Requirements (4.5 Mg). The tensile strength of a single sample of source
material shall not be less than 50 000 psi (345 MPa).
10.1 Fibers shall withstand being bent around a 0.125~in. 13.1.1 The cross-sectional area used to compute/, shall be
(3. I8-mm) inside diameter to an angle of 90’ at temperatures carried out to live decimal places, in units of square inches
not less than 60-F ( 16’C) without breaking. (square millimetres), and shall be: (1) for drawn wire jiberr,
Nwre Z-The bending requirements of this specification provide a the area calculated from the actual diameter of the parent
general indication of fiber ductility, as may be important in resisting source material or finished fibers: (2) for cut sheetjibers, the
breakage during handling and mining opcraatious. Ductility measures of area calculated from the actual thickness and width of the
fiber-reinforced U)ncrctc arc outside the scope of this specification; see parent source specimen, or if fibers are tested, the area of
AC1 544.1 R. each individual fiber calculated from the measured length
and weight (mass) of the fiber, measured to the nearest 2.2 x
11. Surface Condition lo-’ lb (0.0001 g), based on a density of 0.2836 lb/in.3 (7850
11.1 Seams and surf’ irregularities shall not be cause for kgjm3); and (3) fur melt-extraction fibers or other jbers
rejection provided that tensile properties are not less than spec$ed by equivalent diameter, the area calculated from the
requirements of this specification and mixing performance equivalent diameter of the fibers. See 8.1.5. The ultimate
in concrete is not adversely affected. tensile load in pounds-force (newtons) for individual iibers
11.2 Rust, mill scale, or other coatings shall not be cause shall be measured to at least three significant figures. Testing
for rejection provided that the individual fibers separate shall be in accordance with Test Methods and Definitions
when mixed in concrete in accordance with Specification A 370, where applicable.
C 1116, and tensile and bending properties are not less than 13.2 Bend tests in accordance with 10. I shall be con-
the requirements of this specifkation. ducted on ten randomly selected specimens of finished
fibers. It shall be permissible to perform bend tests manually.
12. Measurement of Dimensions At least one test consisting of 10 specimens shall be made for
each 5 tons (4.5 Mg) of material or each shipment if less than
12.1 Measurement of dimensions shall be performed on 5 tons (4.5 Mg). At least 90 % of the specimens must pass the
not less than 10 randomly selected specimens for each test to test.
establish the average for conformance to specified tolerances.
At least 90 % of the specimens in each test shall meet the 14. Rejection and Retest
14.1 If any test fails to conform to the requirements of this

specification, it shall be cause for rejection of the material
represented by the test. When any test fails to meet the
requirements of tension, bending, or dimensional tolerances,
a retest shall be allowed. This retest shall be performed on
FIG. 1 Debnned C&d-Drawn Fibers twice the number of randomly selected specimens originally

FIG 3 Defommd Cut Shoot Fibon



FIG. 4 Melt-Extracted and Other Fiberr

tested. The results of the retest shall meet the requirements of 16. Packaging and Package Marking
the specification or the lot shah he rejected. 16.1 The material shall be packaged to provide adequate
14.2 Rejection of fibers shah be reported to the manufac- protection during normal handling and transpottation and
turer promptly and in writing. Rejected fibers shah be each package shah contain only one type and size of material
preserved for a period of at least two weeks from the date of unless otherwise agreed upon. The type of packaging and
inspection, during which time the manufacturer may make gross weight of containers shall, unless otherwise agreed
claim for a rehearing and retesting. upon, be at the manufacturer’s discretion provided that they
are such as to ensure acceptance by common or other
carriers for safe transportation at the lowest rate to the
15. Certification deliverv uoint.
15.1 The manufacturer shall on request furnish to the 16.2 Each shipping container shall be marked with the
purchaser a certificate stating that each lot has been sampled, material, size, type, specification designation, net weight
tested, and insoected in accordance with this soeci- (mass), and the manufacturer’s name or trademark.
tic&n and has-met the requirements. When specified in 17. Keywords
thepurchase order or contract, a report of the test results shah 17.1 acceptance testing; classification; fiber-reinforced
be furnished. concrete; steel fibew; tensile strength; testing procedures
The Amrk~ Swlety lw Twflng and Matedakz rakes m posith mspctlng the valfdlty of any patent dghts asserted In connectlun
w&h any item rrmntMsd in this standard. Users of fh& standard are expressly rdvtasd fhat fMerm~natlon of thd validily ol any such
pslent righta, and the risk of infrkgemwt of such rfghts. are entPe/y their own respw?sibMy

This standard ia subject to revise at any t/me by the raspelsible techMa/ wmmktee and m& be reviewed every fMe years @xl
M not revised, elther reapproved or withdmwn. Your camments are invited &th# for rwlsion of this standard or Ior addkfa%t standmds
and shautd be addressed to ASTM Heedquarters. Your cumments will recetve careful consider&on at .a mating d the responsible
technical ccmmlttw, which you mry sttead, If you feel th5t ywr comments hem not fec8hd 0 fak hedIg you Shuti make yaw
views known to the ASTM Commmea on Standards. 100 Ben Harbor Drive, West Conshohccken, PA 1%?8.

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