Progress Report Directions

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Progress Report Directions

Start the “new” year doing progress reports with the

children. This will give you a visual on what the children
already know, and what they would need to learn before
entering kindergarten.

Check with your local school district and see what

requirements are needed for each child to enter
kindergarten. This will give you the guidelines on what to
work on with each child.

Print up the following sheets. 1 set per child. Take a few

days to test the children and mark down the information.
This would be good to do every 6 months. Below are a few
ideas in storing the children’s progress reports.

• Store the papers in a small vanilla envelope

• 3 ring binder with page protectors
• File folders

You can send the information home with the children so

parents can view their progress, or hold a conference with
the parents.
Note: If you send home with parents, send the forms home in a
vanilla envelope. Make sure parents know that everything needs to
be returned. Holding a conference ensures that paperwork will stay
in your procession.

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Easing the Transition from Preschool to Kindergarten
If you have ever made a move from one location to another or separated from friends,
you know how hard a transition can be. Going from a known, comfortable environment
to one that is different and unfamiliar can be very stressful. This is often how young
children feel as they move from preschool to kindergarten. The purpose of this
information is to help parents ease this transition.

For young children, the transition from preschool to kindergarten may be met with a
mixture of delight and concern. On the one hand, there is the pleasure of
accomplishment as they move on to something new. On the other hand, there may be
some anxiety over leaving friends and teachers that they know and love, for
something less familiar.³

For parents, there is the pride that comes with seeing their child grow to meet new
challenges, yet there is also a concern for how their child will cope with the change
and what this situation may bring to their role as parents.

When early childhood educators take the time to help facilitate transition, there
are benefits for children, parents, and teachers.

For Children
When preschool and kindergarten teachers help children move more easily into a new
environment, the results for the children may include:

• continuity with earlier educational experiences;

• increased motivation and openness to new experiences;
• enhanced self-confidence;
• improved relations with other children and adults; and,
• a greater sense of trust between teachers and children.

For Parents
If parents are involved with teachers in providing a smooth transition for their children,
the parents gain:

• increased confidence in their children's ability to achieve in the new setting;

• improved self-confidence in their own ability to communicate with educational
staff and to effectively influence the educational system;
• a sense of pride and commitment in their ongoing involvement in the education
of their children; and,
• a greater knowledge and appreciation of early childhood programs and staff.
Child Care
Ready for Kindergarten


What is School Readiness?

• School readiness means having the ability to learn and cope with the
school environment without undue stress.
• A child’s intelligence plays only a minor role in his or her ability to cope
with the school day.

Characteristics of Child Ready for Kindergarten

Social Emotional

• Ready to separate from family.

• Ready to trust adults in school
• Ready to learn how to share
• Ready to learn how to wait
• Ready to assume responsibility and independence
• Ready to handle situations, emotions, fears
• Ready to follow teacher’s agenda


• Interested in print, alphabet letters

• Interested in listening to stories and music
• Eager to learn and engage in new activities
• Interested in talking about ideas
• Interested in math concepts – numbers, comparisons, shapes


• Ready to hold writing tools

• Ready to use scissors
• Ready to button, zip own clothing
• Ready to attend to tasks for 15-20 minutes
Observation 3 – Ring Binder Covers Sheets

The following 2 sheets are cover sheets for

infants – 2, and 3 – 5 year olds. These can be
printed up and placed in the front sleeve of a 3
ring binder. Some 3 ring binders come with the
clear cover over the front. This is where you can
place these covers. Print up on white card stock
to make easier to slip into the front pocket.

Note: There are observation cover sheets in the

School Daze Templates folder. These are in
Microsoft format for you to add your child care name,
to personalize the form.

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Observing and
Child Care

Ages Infant – 2 Years

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Observing and
Child Care Name

Ages 3 Years – 5 Years

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Conference Form

The following sheet is to use if you hold

conference with parents. This will give you
written records of what was discussed and any
During each conference, have some finished
work of each child that you can give to the
parents to bring home. Samples can include
scissor skills, coloring, writing, etc.

Note: There is a conference sheet in the

School Daze Templates folder. These are in
Microsoft format for you to add your child care name,
to personalize the form.
You need to have a Microsoft program to open these

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Parent-Provider Conference Record

Child’s Name

Initial Conference (Interview) Date:

Date of Enrollment:

At least two conferences are offered annually. The initial interview counts as a conference.

Date Date
Time Remarks
Offered Held

Record each conference offering and indicate if not accepted.

Progress Report Forms

The following 7 sheets are to be used to record

children’s progress. The 1st 4 sheets are to be
printed up on white card stock – back to back.
Making sure the 1st sheet is the front sheet.
Fold in ½ and place sheets together. These are
a perfect size for a small vanilla envelope.

The 2nd set of sheets is to record the children’s

letter, colors, numbers and shape knowledge.
When recording information, each time use a
different color pen and write the date and what
information they know. This will show you at a
glance what the children knew at the 1st testing,
2nd testing, and so on.

Note: The 2nd testing sheets give you the option of

testing the children for beginning sounds.

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Parent’s Comments
(Please date)




______________________________________ PROGRESS REPORT


Please acknowledge your inspection of this report
by signing. Your signature does not indicate Child’s Name
approval or disapproval of the contents of this
progress report.

Signature of Parent or Guardian

1. ________________________________ Date
2. ________________________________

3. ________________________________ _____________________
4. ________________________________

1 – 2 – 3 Learn Curriculum
s Physical Development’s
Auditory Perception 1 2 3 4

Large Muscle 1 2 3 4 same/different sounds
Coordination Recognizes rhyming
Bounces a ball and
Repeats a rhythmic
catches it

Follows basic oral

Walks in a straight line directions

Attentive in a large group

Skips in rhythm

Visual Perception 1 2 3 4
Manipulates stairs,
alternating feet Matches basic colors

Hops Matches basic colors and


Names basic colors

Walks a balance

Recognizes like objects

Method of Reporting Recognizes printed name

VG – Very Good NI – Not Introduced Yet

G – Good Progress NE – Not Expected

L – Limited Progress
Language 1 2 3 4

Speaks clearly

Uses spoken
language for a variety
of purposes

Small muscle 1 2 3 4
Follows and gives coordination
simple directions and
instructions Holds and uses a crayon
Ask and answers
questions Holds and uses a pencil

Uses appropriate Holds and uses scissors

volume and speed
when they talk
Traces a line accurately
Uses language to
express and describe
their feelings and Strings beads
Dominant hand

_____Right _____ Left

Social 1 2 3 4 Development 1 2 3 4
Aware of feelings of
Shares with

Has a sense of humor

Take turns with
Not excessively shy
Respects property of
Tries to solve
Good relationship with
adults Assumes
Takes part in group
activities Makes decisions

Helpful to others
Speaks in front of a

Seeks adult help

when needed
For use by Child Care Provider /
Name __________________ Preschool

Date of 1st testing _________________

Color of pen _____________________

Recognizes Colors Date of 2nd testing _________________

Color of pen _____________________

Date of 3rd testing _________________

White Color of pen ______________________

Black Recognizes Shapes










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Name __________________ Recognizes Number of
Number Objects

Recognizes Alphabet

Aa Nn
Bb Oo
Cc Pp
Dd Qq
Ee Rr
Ff Ss 7

Gg Tt 8

Hh Uu 9

Ii Vv 10
For use by Child Care Provider /
Jj Ww Preschool

Date of 1st testing _________________

Kk Xx Color of pen _____________________

Ll Yy Date of 2nd testing _________________

Color of pen _____________________
Mm Zz Date of 3rd testing _________________
Color of pen ______________________
1 – 2 – 3 Learn Curriculum
Name __________________ Recognizes Number of
Number Objects
Recognizes Alphabet – Column 1
Beginning Sounds – Column 2
1 2 1 2 1

Aa Nn 2

Bb Oo 3

Cc Pp 4

Dd Qq
Ee Rr
Ff Ss
Gg Tt
Hh Uu
Ii Vv For use by Child Care Provider /

Jj Ww Date of 1st testing _________________

Color of pen _____________________
Kk Xx
Date of 2nd testing _________________
Color of pen _____________________
Ll Yy
Date of 3rd testing _________________
Mm Zz Color of pen ______________________
1 – 2 – 3 Learn Curriculum
For use by Child Care Provider /
Name __________________ Preschool

Date of 1st testing _________________

Words That Start with the Letter:
Color of pen _____________________
A - ________________________
Date of 2nd testing _________________

B - ________________________ Color of pen _____________________

Date of 3rd testing _________________

C - ________________________
Color of pen ______________________

D - ________________________
Q - _________________________
E - ________________________
R - _________________________
F - ________________________
S - _________________________
G - ________________________
T - _________________________
H - ________________________
U - _________________________
I - _________________________
V - _________________________
J - _________________________
W - ________________________
K - _________________________
X - _________________________
L - _________________________
Y - _________________________
M - ________________________
Z - _________________________
N - _________________________

O - ________________________

P - ________________________
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Parent Survey

Parent survey’s are a great way to find out how

you are doing, and if there are any changes
needed in your child care / preschool
The following sheet, print up and give to the
parents along with an envelope. Have them fill
out, and return the envelope.
When you receive all the surveys back, read
and decide what improvement’s you will like to
make to your child care based on the feed back.
There is also a “Parent Survey Improvement
Plan sheet” for you to print up and use.

Note: There is a parent survey and parent survey

improvement plan form in the school daze templates.
This is for you to add your own child care / preschool
name. You need to have a Microsoft program to
open these files.

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Child Care
Parent Survey
~Coloring your Child’s World all the Colors of the Rainbow~

Needs improvement good very good

1 2 3 4 5

Please rate our playroom environment. Please rate our learning environment.

_______ Playroom space / arrangement. _______ Curriculum provides developmentally

appropriate activities.
_______ Learning tools, books, toys.
_______ Activities include a variety of learning
_______ Bathroom. materials/choices.

_______ General cleanliness. _______ Books and language activities are

offered and encouraged.
_______ Safety.
_______Children receive preparation for
Please rate my social environment.
Misc. rating.
_______ Welcoming to children.

_______ Welcoming to parents / caregivers. _______ My child enjoys being in the program.

_______ Show respect and affirmation for each _______ My child can choose from a variety of
Child. activities.

_______ Children are learning social skills. _______ There is adequate daily communication.

Overall, I would rate my experience as a ___________________

I would recommend this child care to others YES NO

Thank you for taking the time to fill out this survey. Please put any additional comments on back.
Child Care
Parent Survey Improvement Plan For __________
~Coloring your Child’s World all the Colors of the Rainbow~

Number of Families _________ Number of Survey’s Returned ____________

Classroom Environment 1 2–3 4–5

Playroom space / arrangement _______ _______ _______

Learning tools, books, toys _______ _______ _______

Bathroom _______ _______ _______

General cleanliness _______ _______ _______

Safety _______ _______ _______

Improvement Plan: ____________________________________________________________________


Social Environment 1 2–3 4–5

Welcoming to children _______ _______ _______

Welcoming to parents _______ _______ _______

Shows respect for each child _______ _______ _______

Children are learning social skills _______ _______ _______

Improvement Plan: ____________________________________________________________________

Learning Environment 1 2–3 4–5

Curriculum appropriate activities _______ _______ _______

Variety learning materials _______ _______ _______

Books and Language offered _______ _______ _______

Kindergarten preparation _______ _______ _______

Improvement Plan: ____________________________________________________________________


Misc. Rating 1 2–3 4–5

Child enjoys program _______ _______ _______

Variety of activities for child _______ _______ _______

Adequate communication _______ _______ _______

Improvement Plan: ____________________________________________________________________


Plans for additional comments: __________________________________________________________



Child Care Accident Log

Print up form and use to keep track of accidents.

Note: There is a accident log form in the school daze

templates. This is for you to add your own child care
/ preschool name. You need to have a Microsoft
program to open these files.

1 – 2 – 3 Learn Curriculum
Child Care
Accident Log
(For tracking accident occurrences over time. This form should be kept confidential.)

Child Child
Child’s Date of Time of Parent Doctor Kept at
Child’s Name Where Accident Occurred Type of Injury Released Released
Age Accident Accident Notified Notified Child
to Parent to EMT

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