Icsce Class 10 Periodic Classification

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Ammonia can be obtained adding water to : [select the correct word]

A: Ammonium chloride B: Ammonium nitrate
C: Magnesium nitride D: Magnesium nitrate.

Q. 2. Name: An alkaline gas ‘A’ which gives dense white fumes with hydrogen chloride.

Q.3. Write the equation for the following reaction: Aluminium nitride and water.

Q.4. Copy and complete the following table relating to an important industrial process. Output
refers to the product of the process not the intermediate steps.

Name of Inputs Catalyst Equation for Output

process catalyzed reaction
Haber Hydrogen
process +

Q. 5.

i. Write an equation for solutions of ammonium chloride and sodium hydroxide are heated.
ii. Ammonium salts decompose on heating. What other property do ammonium salts have in
iii. Choose the correct word from the bracket and write a balanced equation for the same :
Heating ammonium chloride with sodium hydroxide produces ______ [ammonia /
iv. Name [formula is not acceptable] the gas produced on warming ammonium sulphate with
sodium hydroxide solution.
v. Write the equation for the preparation of NH3 from ammonium chloride and calcium
vi. Write the equation for the reaction when a mixture of ammonium chloride and slaked
lime is heated.
vii. From the list of substances given – Ammonium sulphate, Lead carbonate, Chlorine,
Copper nitrate, Ferrous sulphate – State : A compound which on heating with sodium
hydroxide produces a gas which forms dense white fumes with hydrogen chloride.

Q. 6. (i) How is ammonia collected? Why is ammonia not collected over water ?
(ii) Which compound is normally used as a drying agent for ammonia ?
(iii) Name a substance used for drying ammonia.

Q. 7. (i) The following reactions are carried out :

A : Nitrogen + Metal → Compound X.
B : X + Water → Ammonia + Another compound.
C : Ammonia + Metal oxide → Metal + Water + N2.
(1) One metal that can be used for reaction A is magnesium.
(a) Write the formula of the compound X formed.
(b) Write the correctly balanced equation for reaction B where X is the compound formed.
(c) What property of ammonia is demonstrated by reaction C.
(ii) Write the equation for the formation of ammonia by the action of water on magnesium
(iii) Write the equation for the reaction of Aluminium nitride and water.

Q. 8.

i. What is the purpose of Haber’s Process.

ii. Name the gaseous inputs of the Haber’s process and state the ratio by volume in which
the gases are mixed.
iii. What is done to increase the rate of the reaction in the Haber’s Process.
iv. Give two different ways by which the product can be separated from the reactant.
v. Write the equation for the reaction in the Haber’s Process that forms ammonia.
vi. State the purpose of liquefying the ammonia produced in the process.
vii. With reference to Haber’s Process for the preparation of ammonia, write the equation and
the conditions required.

Q. 9. (i) How soluble is ammonia in water.

(ii) Give two reasons to show that the solution of ammonia in water contains hydroxide
(iii) Is ammonia more dense or less dense than air.

Q. 10. (i) Write equation for the following:

(a) Burning of ammonia in oxygen
(b) Catlytic oxidation of ammonia.
What do you observe in (a)?
Name the catalyst used in (b).
In the reaction referred to in (b), the catalyst glows red hot. Why? What is the name of
the industrial process which starts with the reaction referred to in (b).
(ii) From the gases – ammonia, hydrogen chloride, hydrogen sulphide, Sulphur dioxide –
Select the following:
(a) When this gas is bubbled through copper sulphate solution, a deep blue coloured
solution is formed.
(b) This gas burns in oxygen with a green flame.

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