Useful Expressions: Collocations Functional Language Idioms Miscellaneous
Useful Expressions: Collocations Functional Language Idioms Miscellaneous
Useful Expressions: Collocations Functional Language Idioms Miscellaneous
Useful expressions
Debate phrases
Sentence openers Contrast and Conclusión Vocabulary Miscellaneous
comparison and summary
It never compare Now Controversial Arguing for
ceases to d to because Debatable (names)
amaze me how All the of this. Disputed Arguing against
More often same .. we Viewpoint (names)
than not It is have to Far from The floor is
When it comes doubtful support certain yours
to Equally this Perspective Stimulating
The question It motion Contentious commentators
of whether... contradic And for Generate a lot X is not a matter
is quite ts flatly.. all of of het of debate
(simplistic) even to this Go beyond X is not without
It's probably the reasons, completely (its problem)
safe/true to extent of the miss the point The question of
say that motion irrespective of whether.. is
must quite obvious.
Useful expressions
To support my X is bad, no
view doubt; but not
The evidence quite as bad as
clearly shows How can..?/ Is it
Despite... it not..? I'll tell
clear to see you why
I'm sure you Behind... is the
will agree denial of
that/ with me As if it wasn't
when I say bad enough
It's generally I don't know
believed about you but
Without a I'd like to
shadow of a this is simply a
doubt missinterpretati
Unquestionabl on of
y/ Mr X ignores...
Mr X ignores..
Useful expressions
than a moral
What would X
think of ( self
But until that
day I will not