Poulshot Village News - March 2018

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Village News

March 2018
Also available online at http://www.scribd.com (search for “Poulshot Village News”)
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From the Editor

A welcome to the month of Spring, although it doesn’t

feel like it right now!

In this month’s magazine, find out about the new event

dates for 2018 in Poulshot to include some exciting
events coming up at the Village Hall. Meet Hamish in
Pet’s Corner.

There is also some information from the Parish Council

on its 2018/19 budget and also read about our coming series commemorating those
who gave their lives in the First World War, which sees its 100 year anniversary in

Please send in your information for the upcoming events and other news for the next
edition before the 15th of the month to [email protected] or call us on 828206.

Poulshot magazine sends its thanks for continued support and warm wishes to all!

Poulshot Village News

The PVN is put together and distributed free to all houses in the village. Contribu9ons,
reports, opinions and ar9cles are very much welcomed. While we will always aim to
include all shades of opinion and interest, we reserve the right to select and edit where
appropriate. Please let us know of anything that you would like publicised in advance
or reported on aAerwards..

e-mail – [email protected] pop in to Ivy House, 72 The Green or call 01380


Contribu4ons for next issue by 5pm on the 15th of the month please - or earlier!

Poulshot Village News is happy to accept adverts, indeed relies on them to fund produc9on
costs. Publica9on of an advert does not cons9tute endorsement for that product or service.
Adverts may be taken as full, half or quarter page, standard or colour, to run for the full year of
the magazine (12 issues) or for individual issues.

Issue 247
Holiday Let
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Tree Surgery
Covering All Aspects including Chipping Stump
Grinding & Hedging
Professional Reliable Service
Village Hall
Available for meetings, functions, clubs
and private parties

Booking fees

Residents - £6 an hour

Non-Residents - £10 an hour

All bookings for the hall are taken by

Elizabeth or Jon Martin on 01380 828206

email [email protected]
The Tranquil Moment
Health and Beauty clinic

The Tranquil Moment health and beauty clinic

is set in the beautiful village of Poulshot, just 2 miles from Devizes.
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The Tranquil Moment Health and Beauty Clinic

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Poulshot, Devizes SN10 1RY
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Page 7

It is now just over three years since the

Poulshot solar panel park was completed
and out of which the village was provided
with £150,000 in order to benefit it over the
coming years in support of village ameni9es and ac9vi9es.

For readers who are not aware of the Community Fund Panel, it is made up of eleven
resident villagers, including 2 members of the Parish Council. The Panel membership seeks
to best represent the demographic balance in the Village. The Panel meets every quarter,
unless an applica9on for funding is received earlier at which point the panel will convene at
the earliest opportunity. The Panel consider all applica9ons in open forum reques9ng
further informa9on if considered necessary. The applica9on is then scored, and voted on,
for a proposal to go forward to the Parish Council for considera9on on funding

The next mee9ng will take place in the Village Hall on 12th April 2018. If you are interested
in taking part in this important group please come along then.

Prestige Painting

Kitchen and furniture painting specialists

Local professional service
Free Estimate - Call Chris 07985 790578
Page 9
The Parishes of Holy Cross, Seend,
Christ Church, Bulkington
and St. Peter’s, Poulshot
part of the Wellsprings Benefice


You are welcome to worship at any of the services in any of the churches in the Benefice.There
is something for everyone!

Sunday 4th March 2018 (3rd Sunday of Lent)

8.00 am Holy Communion (Book of Common Prayer) at Seend
9.15 am Parish Eucharist at Poulshot
11.00 am Morning Praise at Seend
6.00 pm Evensong at Bulkington

Sunday 11th March 2018 (Mothering Sunday)

NB There is also a service of Holy Communion today at Potterne at 8.00 am
10.00 am Mothering Sunday Service at Seend (please note change of service and time)
11.00 am Morning Praise and Baptism at Bulkington (please note change of service)
6.00 pm Evensong at Poulshot

Sunday 18th March 2018 (5th Sunday of Lent)

8.00 am Holy Communion (Book of Common Prayer) at Seend
9.15 am Parish Eucharist at Bulkington (please note change of service)
11.00 am Parish Eucharist at Poulshot
6.00 pm Evensong at Seend

Sunday 25th March 2018 (Palm Sunday)

9.15 am Matins at Poulshot
11.00 am Parish Eucharist at Seend
6.00 pm Parish Eucharist at Bulkington

Monday 26th March

6.30 pm Compline at Bulkington Saturday 31st March (Easter Eve)
10.00 am Easter Garden creation at
Tuesday 27th March Bulkington
6.30 pm Compline at Potterne 7.30 pm Celebration of light at
Wednesday 28th March
6.30 pm Compline at Seend Sunday 1st April (Easter Day)
8.00 am Holy Communion (BCP) at
Thursday 29th March (Maundy Thursday) Seend
7.30 pm Foot washing service at Seend 9.15 am Festal Eucharist at Bulkington
9.15 am Festal Eucharist at Poulshot
Friday 30th March (Good Friday) 11.00 am Festal Eucharist at Seend
9.30 am Good Friday Litany at Poulshot
10.00 am Children’s Easter Workshops at Seend
Every Tuesday at 9.00 there is a short
Benefice service of Matins (BCP) at
Poulshot church
A View From My Window
Will it come in with a lamb or a lion.? (March that is ) You know that old tale “
March comes in like a lion and out like a lamb” or the other way round. By the 9me
you read this you will know the answer. At the 9me of wri9ng it is very cold, with
rain and snow in the air and the promise of Spring is just a promise, although the
snowdrops are looking beau9ful. They are as good a weather forecaster as
anything on the television, for when it is cold and wet they stay curled up 9ght ,
but when it is sunnier and drier they unfold to accept the light. There’s a metaphor. They unfold to
accept the light!

March is a great month in the church year. This year most of Lent falls in March , and Holy week the last
week of March and then Alleluia, Easter Day fall s on April 1st .I know I say it every year , but its good to
remind ourselves that the meaning of the word Lent, is Spring, so its not just about giving things up, but
taking things up, maybe nurturing the plants that are emerging in the garden and clearing away the
rubbish, or visi9ng people who have been tucked away most of the winter and encouraging them to look
around and see what a beau9ful world we all live in. Its easy to forget that, when we hear so much
depressing news. We can be tempted to think its all hopeless and doom and gloom.

In this season in this country its hard to imagine Jesus up there on the stony hillside above Jerusalem, as
he faced his tempta9ons (which Lent also reminds us of). Forty days without food, tempted to turn the
stones into bread, and tempted to throw himself down from the top of the temple, to prove to everyone
that it was a magic trick that counted, and tempted to turn away from God and worship all the other
things in life such as money or power. We all know another old saying , “power corrupts and absolute
power corrupts absolutely” ; except for one power and that is the power of love, for with that goes
compassion, empathy ,understanding and unselfishness and all those other things which a good and
civilised society is based on.

So some of you will be giving up things in Lent, maybe chocolate or alcohol or whatever, and good luck in
your abs9nence, but I hope all of us can iden9fy with and try to be more aware of the power of love .
Maybe the money we save from not ea9ng or drinking whatever can go towards helping someone who
has less; maybe we can learn to look on the homeless, not as trash un9dying our streets , but real
human people who have fallen on hard 9mes, and who need our help. My training vicar used to say,
“You never know when you might be mee9ng with Jesus”

Con9nued on next page…..

As we remember the story of Holy week and Easter I hope we can empathise with Jesus as he faced
even more tempta9ons . “My God, my God , why have you forsaken me? “ and like him manage to turn
that around and say “Father forgive them for they know not what they do”. Its such a wonderful story
and re enacted in all our churches in one way or another; I do hope that you will come along and
share with us; maybe on Palm Sunday as the fickle crowd shouted hosanna, and then changed that into
“crucify him” , or maybe come and share in the last supper on Maundy Thursday, when we have a real
meal amongst friends which evolves into the re enactment of Jesus washing his disciples feet and then
sharing with them in holy communion ; or maybe the horror of Good Friday, and the bleakness of Holy
Saturday, and then Easter Day, when all over the world people will be celebra9ng in the best way that
they can. Churches will be full of flowers and families will get together and have a feast, and of course
there will be chocolate. And why? Because the love of God overcame death. Jesus rose from the dead ,
and was seen by over 500 people on 11 different occasions in the weeks following his crucifixion , and
so now we know that death is not the end. We have hope. We have a future, and as St Paul says, “three
things remain, faith , hope and love but the greatest of them all is love.”

Have a good Lent and a very Happy Easter .

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POULSHOT VILLAGE TRUST seeks new members
The Poulshot Village Trust, a charity, set up in 1972 to support

the Parish Council, is seeking new members.

If you have an interest in the Village and wish to support the

Parish Council in bemer s9mula9ng public interest in Poulshot;

bemer promo9ng high standards of planning and architecture

in the Village; and underpin the preserva9on, protec9on, development and improvement of Poulshot,

then the Village Trust is looking for members like you.

Through the use of public consulta9on, by organising interes9ng and s9mula9ng presenta9ons, together

with encouraging close rela9onships with statutory bodies it’s aim is to help the Parish Council deliver

for the present and the future.

If you are interested in joining please email either Tim Jalland: [email protected] or Ray Josey:

[email protected].

Or come to the Village Trust AGM on Mon 23 Apr 2018 at 1930.

Introduction to Beekeeping 2018

A 14 hour course which aims to help those wanting to:
- Discover more about beekeeping OR/&
- Decide whether beekeeping is a suitable hobby OR/&
- Start beekeeping

There are Five theory meetings in Bishops Cannings village hall on Wednesdays 7.30 –
9.30pm – February 21st., March 7th., 21st., April 11th., 25th. Two practicals are at the Club
apiary nearby on Saturdays around mid-day for 2 hours on May 5th and May 12th ( with May
19th as a reserve in case of inclement weather).

The Cost is £36.00 for existing Full or Country members OR £72.50 for the Course with
Country membership OR £84 with Full Club membership, giving a variety of benefits locally
and nationally

For details please: Visit our website www.kennet-beekeepers.co.uk or contact Dick

Church: 01380 828597 or email [email protected] . Early application is advised
since numbers are strictly limited.
Spye Park CC is a proper “old fashioned” village Cricket Club blessed with one of the most beau9ful
grounds in the fine County. The Cricket Club has been around since 1882 and over the years has been the
venue for some excellent cricket, as well as an eclec9c mix of characters and supports. However, we find
ourselves needing to ask for help! Funds and player numbers might be a bit down at the moment but we
are commimed to the long term success of the Cricket Club and have already secured some new members
for 2018 – there is always room for more though, so if you fancy a game, please do get in touch or visit our
website (www.spsyepark.co.uk) for more informa9on. This year we’ve decided to do something proac9ve
about securing our long term future. It’s not the first 9me the club has struggled and it won’t be the last
but it’s up to us to do something about it.

During the course of 2018 we are planning a few events to raise some much needed funds. The first
significant fund raising event will be a Sponsored Bike Ride from Lord’s (the home of cricket) to Spye Park
(the field of dreams) our target is £5,000. The plan is that the money will go towards the purchase of a
new roller for the Club with whatever might be leA over going into the coffers to pay for new kit and
equipment for our junior sec9on.


About 10 of our players and club members will be cycling the c110 miles from Lord’s to Spye Park on
Thursday 12th April arriving back at Spye Park on Friday 13th April. If you can support us in this endeavour
then please visit our Just Giving page where you can make a dona9on - hmps://www.justgiving.com/


The Cricket Club runs a “100 Club” that pays out 4 9mes year – for £1/month you could enter and put
yourself in with a chance of winning. As an added incen9ve we offer a discounted Family Membership – if
you buy 4 9ckets we’ll give you one of them for free.

If you can, please do support us this year, we’re keen to ensure that there is cricket played at Spye Park for
the next 135 years. There will be many opportuni9es to watch some cricket in one of the most beau9ful
grounds in the county, you would be very welcome to come along and get involved.

Tom Mornement. [email protected] 07815 865 415

Did You Know?

There is a wheelchair in the Village Hall for the use of Poulshot parishioners.
Should you wish to borrow it please contact Malcolm Nixon 828355
Poulshot Parish Council - 2018/2019 Budget
The Parish Council has now set its budget for the coming year (starting April 1st). Band D
Council Tax will rise by £5.28 (+7%) to cover the cost of services.

The planned spend has decreased by £470 (-3.5%) since last year, but lower VAT refunds and
receipts mean we have to ask for slightly more from Wiltshire Council for the coming year.

There are a number of tree pruning and cutting projects planned for the trees around the Green
and the Green Gardens this coming year. The Council is now progressing well on a rolling five-
year plan for maintaining various areas of the village.

The table shows the increase for each of the Council Tax bands for the coming year. The chart
below shows how the budget is spent.

If you have any questions on the budget, please email the parish clerk on
[email protected]
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Poulshot Village Hall Events
St George’s
Day Quiz
Friday April 20th
at 7:30pm

Bar & Snacks

Per Table/Team of 4

Gather up a team of 4 and pit yourself against the brave knight, Sir Alan of Poulshot

For Tickets to these and other forthcoming events contact

[email protected] or Call 01380 828206

Visit our box office at


or on our facebook page www.facebook.com/poulshotvh/

Follow us on Facebook for news on what’s happening at the hall

Come along for a fun-filled evening of water-

colour painting with local artist, Stephen
Pierce-Smith, and enjoy a cocktail or two!!

Canvas, Cocktail, Paint, Nibbles and Music

all included in the £10 ticket price- a social
evening for getting that first experience,
picking up the passion again or just having
some fun.
One hundred years on, we are all connected to the First World War, either through our
own family history, the heritage of our local communities or because of its long-term
impact on society and the world we live in today.

We in Poulshot are no exception.The war memorial at St Peters church which was

installed in 1953 records the deaths of ten men from this village who never came back.

Three of those men were brothers.

Over the next few months we will be publishing articles on each of those men who
before signing up led ordinary lives in and around our lovely village.The information has
been put together by Denise Josey our Village Trust Archivist.

If you have further information or stories of these brave souls, please either contact us
here at the magazine or contact Denise. We would love to do a follow-up
Birth 1889 in Poulshot
Death 26.10.1914 in Belgium, Age 26
No known grave. Remembered on the Le Touret Memorial

Regular soldier Albert arrived in France with the 1st Bamalion Wiltshire Regiment on the 14th
of August 1914. On the 26th of October 1914 the Wiltshires were in trenches at Neuve
Chapelle, France and had been under intense enemy bombardment, this caused the
regiment on their leA to quit the trenches. At 4.30pm Germans were heard moving through
the Bri9sh lines to the leA of the Wiltshires. The Germans got within 200 yards as it was
geung dark and started digging trenches. Three platoons of Wiltshires were organized and
bayonet charged the Germans driving them back into Neuve Chapelle which was burning;
killing and wounding a number and taking six prisoners.

At about 6pm the Wiltshires formed part of a general advance to retake Neuve Chapelle but
the advance was described as having limle coordina9on and no senior officers were present.
The Wiltshires managed to retake much of the village but to the north of Neuve Chapelle
they were met by heavy German machine gun fire and it was decided no further advance
should be made without ar9llery support. The Wiltshires suffered over 20 men killed and
one of these was Albert.

He is remembered on the Le Touret Memorial and has no known grave. The Commonwealth
War Grave Commission lists Albert’s surname as Trimmell.

Key Messages From Poulshot Parish Council

Mr Ian Gillies has been sworn in as the new Parish Councillor following the elec9on in February.

Everyone is encouraged to come along and help with the “Get Picked Up In Poulshot”, the annual
village 9dy-up. Lunch will be provided in the Village Hall. Meet at 9:30am at the Village Hall

Poulshot Friends & Neighbours

Ten of us went for lunch at The Greyhound in Bromham.  I think everyone had a good time
and the menu was very good.  Our choices ranged from Hunters Chicken, Roast, Scampi,
Sausage and Mash etc and some of us had some very nice desserts.  Lots of chat  and
laughter as usual.  Anyone is welcome to join us.

Our next meeting will be at the Chapel of Ease (Hunloke Hall) on the 21st March at 7.30. 
We do hope that many of you will attend the talk by The Wiltshire Wildlife Trust.  If you
could let me know by, e-mail [email protected] or by phone 828151, to give me an
indication of how many to cater refreshments for that would be wonderful.

If you have any ques4ons. please contact Pam Gillies on 828151 or Kate Hunloke on 828333

Farming Club - Season Events

March 3rd Salisbury Plain Tim Jalland

April 9th My Experience On The Mrs Dowsett

Weakest Link

The Farming Club meetings at 2:15pm on the first Monday of the

month at Poulshot Village Hall.

Just come along or call Cristabel Francis on 01380 828232

March Draw of the 100 Club

1st Prize £25 - Nancy McGregor

2nd Prize £15 - MG Brothers

3rd Prize £10 - Pam Gillies

The Village Hall Committee thank all members for their invaluable support

We have a few places open on the 100 club. If you would like to enter for
the half-year (£7.50) to September please see a committee member before
the next draw on March 20th.
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Page 24
Have you got a stool Work on your own project
or chair Upholstery tools provided
Materials provided to purchase
that needs some (not top fabrics)
TLC ? Beginners Welcome
Learn Upholstery at
Poulshot Village Hall Contact Mary on
Weekly Sessions For more information
Weekend workshops


Julia Pusker and Renata Konyicska will be performing a lovely

programme of violin and piano solos and sonatas in Edington
Priory Church on Saturday 14th April starting at 7.30pm, the first
Edington Arts concert of 2018.

These two outstandingly talented young Hungarian musicians will play works by J.S.Bach,
Beethoven and Schubert, including solos both for solo piano and violin, and violin sonatas for
both instruments. We are in for a seriously lovely evening’s music!

Tickets are £20 (front nave), £15 (rear nave) and £10 (sides); Edington Angels have a 10%
discount, and 18 and under come free. Ring Chrissy on 01380 831256, or email
[email protected]. Full programme details are on the website, www.edingtonarts.org/
Local Buses To Devizes

WILTSHIRE through the eyes of a MOONRAKER

Michael Gamble’s beau9ful presenta9on of Wiltshire through the seasons at
Seend Pavilion, Rusty Lane, Seend SN12 6NS - Thursday April 19th at 7.30 pm
Tickets £10 including a Ploughman’s Supper, available from Liz Fumer 828485 or Anne Saywell
There will be a BAR and RAFFLE
Proceeds to Christ Church Bulkington
Dates For The Diary
March 5th 2:15pm Poulshot Farming Club. Village Hall

6th 7:30pm Parish Council Meeting. Village Hall

8th 3pm-6pm Nicky’s PopUp Tea Room at the Village Hall

11th 10am Mothering Sunday Service at the Hunloke Hall

12th 7:30pm Village Trust Meeting. Village Hall.

17th 12 - 1:30pm Lent Lunch. Village Hall

22nd 3pm-6pm Nicky’s PopUp Tea Room at the Village Hall

7:00pm Village Hall AGM. Village Hall.

24th 7:00pm Canvas and Cocktails - Poulshot Village Hall (Tickets On Sale)

April 14th 7:30pm Edington Arts. Priory Church, Edington.

10th 7:30pm Parish Council Meeting. Village Hall

20th 7:30pm St Alan’s George’s Day Quiz - Village Hall

May 1st 6:00pm Annual Parish Meeting and Parish Council Meeting Village Hall

June 2nd 7:30pm Summer Concert, St Peter’s Church

5th 7:30pm Parish Council Meeting. Village Hall

20th 6:00pm Lackham Vintage Society Vintage Vehicle Gathering on The Village Green,

23rd Village Fete

July 3rd 7:30pm Parish Council Meeting. Village Hall

17th 7:00pm Defibrillator Class / Training. Village Hall.

21st 7:30pm Summer Garden Party (venue tbc)

September 4th 7:30pm Parish Council Meeting. Village Hall

7th 7:30pm IAN McMILLAN + LUKE CARVER GOSS Between You And Me. Poulshot
Village Hall (Tickets Now On Sale)
October 2nd 7:30pm Parish Council Meeting. Village Hall

6th 7:30pm Harvest Supper. Village Hall

November 6th 7:30pm Parish Council Meeting. Village Hall

17th 10-noon Festive Coffee Morning (venue tbc)

23rd 7:30pm Autumn Quiz Night - Village Hall

March 13th World of Italian Style 2 Maura Rossini

Held on the second Tuesday

of each month at 8pm in the
Worton-Marsden Village
New members are very
Sing with All Your Heart and Feel Alive!
We Meet Each TUESDAY • Everyone Welcome! - Especially
Men No payment needed until
Baptist Church in Sheep Street, Devizes • 10am-12 Midday the third visit if anyone
Nothing too difficult and nothing would like to give it a try.  
too serious; just fun, uplifting songs that
everyone loves to sing. To register your interest and have a Just come along or call me
on Jane Fisher on 01380
friendly chat, please call
726489 or email
Lee on 01373 825058 or 07766 244321
[email protected]


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Steeple Ashton Film Club - 2018
March 24th The Audience

April 14th Murder On The Orient Express

Tickets £6 available at the Steeple Ashton Village Shop or

can be reserved by ringing Alison Wilson on 01380 871345

The next Wiltshire Mobile Library visit is 12:40pm on

March 5th at the Raven Car Park (the following visit will
be March 26th) see http://services.wiltshire.gov.uk/





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Pet’s Corner: Meet Hamish Boddington
This earnest face belongs to Hamish, a three year old
smooth collie who came to live with me in
December. Not to be confused with the border collie,
the smooth collie is a similar height and shape to the
rough [Lassie] collie but lighter in build and without
the long, luxuriant coat. They were once regarded as
a variant of the same breed and oAen inter-bred
un9l this was forbidden by The Kennel Club in the
1990s. His character seems to be part way between
the rough collie and the border- not so dignified and
serene as the rough , but not so perpetual mo9on as
the border. They are fast becoming a rare breed.

AAer many years of sharing my life with rough collies

whose coats needed much regular amen9on,
removing burrs, twigs and brambles entangled in
various parts of it, I find Hamish very low
maintenance. He has a double coat but it is short and
smooth. A brush over once a week is adequate and if
wet a thorough rub with kitchen towel does the trick
in a trice.

He is a blue merle, hence a mixture of four different colours, black, grey, white and tan. He
came from a remote farm and kennels in the hills of County Durham. Housed in kennels with
other dogs clearly he did not get much individual amen9on. He had never been on a lead but
picked up the principle of that within a few days and he had a limited knowledge of human
vocabulary. This too he is learning fast, par9cularly words related to food. He has also come to
the conclusion that the sofa was a splendid inven9on.

He is affec9onate and loves a game- has a passion for tearing up cardboard boxes. I have been
forced to put the cardboard recycling bag out of his reach, but I toss him a box now and then
to keep him happy. He has bonded with me very quickly and is surprisingly obedient for a dog
who has had limle training. If he disappears out of sight when we are across the fields and I call
him, he comes back to me like a rocket and boy is he fast! He certainly makes me feel my age
and my rheuma9sm. However he is very 9mid when confronted with people or situa9ons
unfamiliar to him. He shrinks back from being touched by strangers, par9cularly if they are not
accompanied by other dogs. He seems to assume anyone out walking without a dog may be
up to no good.

So if you come across us on our walks and he will not let you pat him, don’t be affronted. He is
the same with everyone. I am hoping to change that over the coming months.
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The Garden Barn, Chimoe
01380 850314

Page 31
Poulshot Parish Council St Peter’s Church
Chairman Priest in Charge
Geoff Collem (828465) The Revd Alison (Ali) Bridewell (739064)
[email protected]
Elizabeth Mar9n (828206) Re4red Priest:
email: [email protected] The Revd. Jane Knowles (870325)
[email protected])
Council Members
Adrian Baber Churchwardens
Steve Housby Joyce Arnold, Kate Amery
Sam Wright-Hurn
Ben Hamilton PCC Members
Tim Jalland Nicholas Hunloke (Treasurer)
*vacancy* Lady Kate Hunloke (Secretary - 828333)
Angela Bullen, Brian Arnold, Dankay Cleverly (Deanery Synod)
Local Wilshire Councillor
Cllr Jonathan Seed (850696) e-mail:
[email protected] Village Trust
Other Village Contacts
Nicholas Hunloke (828333)
Farmers Club Secretary
Richard Francis (828232) Ray Josey (827010)
Poulshot Cricket Club
Declan Gaule (Chairman - 07779 303849)
Jon Weeden (Secretary 07769 696026)
O email: [email protected]

Trust Members

Tim Jalland (Vice-Chair)
email: [email protected] Ben Hamilton (Treasurer)
Phil Ireson (Captain 07802 756465) Denise Josey (Archivist)

Poulshot Friends and Neighbours Club

Lady Kate Hunloke (828333)
Pam Gillies (828151)
T Village Hall
Neighbourhood Watch
Tim Coleman 827095
A Sam Wright-Hurn (828183)


Karl Shumleworth
Devizes and District Link
01380 721775 Bookings
Elizabeth Mar9n (828206)
Poulshot Readers
Philip Piper 828326 T email: [email protected]

Commiaee Members
Ladies Book Club

Alan Weber (Vice-Chair)
Jackie Pohnert 827046 Jon Mar9n (Treasurer)
Giles Morgan, Malcolm Nixon, Lucy
Wiltshire Numisma4c Society Russell, Adrian Griffiths
Richard Jeffery 01225 703143
jeff[email protected]
Poulshot Website
Police Community Support Officer hap://poulshot.org.uk
Maggie Ledbury Contact Parish Clerk for edits - 828206 or
0747 102 8939
[email protected]
[email protected]
Closed on Mondays
Open Tuesday to Saturday for Lunch from 12-2pm &
Dinner from 6:30 - 9pm
Sundays Lunch only from 12noon - 2:30pm
Closed Sunday Evenings

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