Poulshot Village News - March 2018
Poulshot Village News - March 2018
Poulshot Village News - March 2018
Village News
March 2018
Also available online at http://www.scribd.com (search for “Poulshot Village News”)
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From the Editor
Please send in your information for the upcoming events and other news for the next
edition before the 15th of the month to [email protected] or call us on 828206.
Poulshot magazine sends its thanks for continued support and warm wishes to all!
Contribu4ons for next issue by 5pm on the 15th of the month please - or earlier!
Poulshot Village News is happy to accept adverts, indeed relies on them to fund produc9on
costs. Publica9on of an advert does not cons9tute endorsement for that product or service.
Adverts may be taken as full, half or quarter page, standard or colour, to run for the full year of
the magazine (12 issues) or for individual issues.
Issue 247
Holiday Let
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Trevor Hale
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Covering All Aspects including Chipping Stump
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Village Hall
Available for meetings, functions, clubs
and private parties
Booking fees
Residents - £6 an hour
email [email protected]
The Tranquil Moment
Health and Beauty clinic
Visit our website for other offers. All Credit & Debit
cards accepted.
You can now book online by visiting either the website or our facebook page..
Follow us on Facebook.
For readers who are not aware of the Community Fund Panel, it is made up of eleven
resident villagers, including 2 members of the Parish Council. The Panel membership seeks
to best represent the demographic balance in the Village. The Panel meets every quarter,
unless an applica9on for funding is received earlier at which point the panel will convene at
the earliest opportunity. The Panel consider all applica9ons in open forum reques9ng
further informa9on if considered necessary. The applica9on is then scored, and voted on,
for a proposal to go forward to the Parish Council for considera9on on funding
The next mee9ng will take place in the Village Hall on 12th April 2018. If you are interested
in taking part in this important group please come along then.
Prestige Painting
March is a great month in the church year. This year most of Lent falls in March , and Holy week the last
week of March and then Alleluia, Easter Day fall s on April 1st .I know I say it every year , but its good to
remind ourselves that the meaning of the word Lent, is Spring, so its not just about giving things up, but
taking things up, maybe nurturing the plants that are emerging in the garden and clearing away the
rubbish, or visi9ng people who have been tucked away most of the winter and encouraging them to look
around and see what a beau9ful world we all live in. Its easy to forget that, when we hear so much
depressing news. We can be tempted to think its all hopeless and doom and gloom.
In this season in this country its hard to imagine Jesus up there on the stony hillside above Jerusalem, as
he faced his tempta9ons (which Lent also reminds us of). Forty days without food, tempted to turn the
stones into bread, and tempted to throw himself down from the top of the temple, to prove to everyone
that it was a magic trick that counted, and tempted to turn away from God and worship all the other
things in life such as money or power. We all know another old saying , “power corrupts and absolute
power corrupts absolutely” ; except for one power and that is the power of love, for with that goes
compassion, empathy ,understanding and unselfishness and all those other things which a good and
civilised society is based on.
So some of you will be giving up things in Lent, maybe chocolate or alcohol or whatever, and good luck in
your abs9nence, but I hope all of us can iden9fy with and try to be more aware of the power of love .
Maybe the money we save from not ea9ng or drinking whatever can go towards helping someone who
has less; maybe we can learn to look on the homeless, not as trash un9dying our streets , but real
human people who have fallen on hard 9mes, and who need our help. My training vicar used to say,
“You never know when you might be mee9ng with Jesus”
Jane Knowles
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in the Village; and underpin the preserva9on, protec9on, development and improvement of Poulshot,
Through the use of public consulta9on, by organising interes9ng and s9mula9ng presenta9ons, together
with encouraging close rela9onships with statutory bodies it’s aim is to help the Parish Council deliver
If you are interested in joining please email either Tim Jalland: [email protected] or Ray Josey:
There are Five theory meetings in Bishops Cannings village hall on Wednesdays 7.30 –
9.30pm – February 21st., March 7th., 21st., April 11th., 25th. Two practicals are at the Club
apiary nearby on Saturdays around mid-day for 2 hours on May 5th and May 12th ( with May
19th as a reserve in case of inclement weather).
The Cost is £36.00 for existing Full or Country members OR £72.50 for the Course with
Country membership OR £84 with Full Club membership, giving a variety of benefits locally
and nationally
During the course of 2018 we are planning a few events to raise some much needed funds. The first
significant fund raising event will be a Sponsored Bike Ride from Lord’s (the home of cricket) to Spye Park
(the field of dreams) our target is £5,000. The plan is that the money will go towards the purchase of a
new roller for the Club with whatever might be leA over going into the coffers to pay for new kit and
equipment for our junior sec9on.
If you can, please do support us this year, we’re keen to ensure that there is cricket played at Spye Park for
the next 135 years. There will be many opportuni9es to watch some cricket in one of the most beau9ful
grounds in the county, you would be very welcome to come along and get involved.
There is a wheelchair in the Village Hall for the use of Poulshot parishioners.
Should you wish to borrow it please contact Malcolm Nixon 828355
Poulshot Parish Council - 2018/2019 Budget
The Parish Council has now set its budget for the coming year (starting April 1st). Band D
Council Tax will rise by £5.28 (+7%) to cover the cost of services.
The planned spend has decreased by £470 (-3.5%) since last year, but lower VAT refunds and
receipts mean we have to ask for slightly more from Wiltshire Council for the coming year.
There are a number of tree pruning and cutting projects planned for the trees around the Green
and the Green Gardens this coming year. The Council is now progressing well on a rolling five-
year plan for maintaining various areas of the village.
The table shows the increase for each of the Council Tax bands for the coming year. The chart
below shows how the budget is spent.
If you have any questions on the budget, please email the parish clerk on
[email protected]
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