Concrete Mix Design
Concrete Mix Design
Concrete Mix Design
Apparatus used for testing of agg. i.e. AIV, ACV,LAAV, sieve analysis, 10% fine
value, and specific gravity according to BS standards
Apparatus used for testing of cement i.e. soundness, setting time,
Apparatus for concrete mix preparation
Concrete testing apparatus such as slump test, compressive strength apparatus
Stage 1;
-Sieve analysis for both coarse aggregate and fine aggregate were carried out and checked
with the specimen given in Table 1701 -1 (SSCM) for the suitability.
-The results given by the sieve analysis of fine aggregates was checked with Table 1701-2
(SSCM) and it fell into the zone 1.
-combined analysis of both coarse and fine aggregates use for the mix design was considered
having the normal maximum size of 19mm and the results was checked with the Table 1703-
3 for the suitability.
-The results given for the other mentioned tests were checked with 1701-2 (SSCM)
-According to Fig. 3 the standard deviation (s) can be varied between 4.0 and 8.0 N/mm2.
Hence for this particular design, s was considered as 6.0 N/ mm2.
-Generally the variations in concrete strength follow the normal distribution as shown in Fig.
1. Hence there is always the probability, that a result will be obtained less than the specified
strength often called “defective”. In this particular design the characteristics strength is
defined to have 8% defectives. Mean strength
Specified characteristic
8% defectives
1.41 s
-As a result of the variability of concrete in production it is necessary to design the mix to
have a mean strength greater than the specified characteristic strength by an amount termed
the margin.
M =kxs
Where, M = the margin
k = a value appropriate to the ‘percentage defectives’ permitted below the
characteristic strength
s = the standard deviation
k = 1.41 for 8% defective level
Hence, M = 1.41 x 6 = 8.46
= 8 N/ mm2
Target mean strength (fm) =fc + M
fm = 30 + 8 = 38 N/ mm2
-A value was obtained from Table 2 for strength of a mix made with a free water / Cement
ratio of 0.5 according t the specified age. The type of cement and the type of coarse aggregate
to be
-Type of cement used = Ordinary Portland Cement
Type of coarse aggregate used = Crushed
Compressive strength of Age 28 days = 47
-The above compressive strength value was plotted on Fig.4 and curve was drawn from this
point and parallel to the printed curve until it intercepts a horizontal line passing through the
ordinate representing the target mean strength. The corresponding value for the free water/
cement ratio was read.
According to the Fig. 4, the free water/ cement ratio = 0.58
Determination of free water content from table 3 depending upon the type and maximum size
of aggregate to give a concrete of the specified slump
The expected slump = 60- 180 mm
Maximum size of aggregate = 20mm
Since the coarse and fine aggregate of different types were used. The free water content was
estimated by the expression,
Free water content, w = 2/3 wf + 1/3 wc
Where, wf = free water content appropriate to fine agg.
wc = free water content appropriate to coarse agg.
From Table 3, wf = 195 kg/m3
wc = 225 kg/m3
w = 2/3 x 195 + 1/3 x 225 = 205 kg/m3
Fig. 6 shows recommended ranges for the proportion of fine aggregate depending on the
maximum size of aggregate, the workability level, the grading zone of the fine agg. and free
water /cement ratio.
Max. size of aggregate = 20 mm
Free/water / cement ratio =0.58
Fine agg. grading zone = zone 1
slump = 60- 180 mm
From fig. 6,
proportion of fine agg.(%) = 0.54
Hence, proportion of coarse agg.(%) = 0.46
Determination of the relative density of the nominal agg. in surface saturated (SSD) condition
Relative density = 100
% C.A./SSD of C.A + % F.A./ SSD of F.A.
= 100
0.46/ 2.793 + 0.54/ 2.652
= 2.716
Workability; the test results given by the slump test is in the specified range.
Hence no need to make adjustments to the water content.
Strength; when compare the test results given by the strength test with target mean strength,
the compressive strength of the test cube at 28 days is much lower than the target mean
28 days strength = 22 N/mm3
Target mean strength = 38 N/ mm3
Hence it is necessary to make an adjustment to water/ cement ratio by using the curves of
Fig. 4 as follows,
The adjusted to the free/ water cement ratio = 0.44
Since it is a large adjustment it is necessary to make a second trial mix using the revised
proportions and recalculate batch weights based on the updated value for density of the mix.
The mix design can be defined as the process of selecting suitable ingredients of concrete and
determining their relative quantities for producing the concrete of desired properties
(strength, durability and consistency etc.) as economically as possible. The object of mix
design is to decide the proportion of materials, which will produce concrete having the
required properties. The mix proportion should be selected in such a way that resulting
concrete is of desired workability while fresh and it could be placed and compacted easily for
the intended purpose. The fresh concrete should be fluid enough to fill the formwork and
surround the reinforcement fully and the hardened concrete should develop required strength
and durability. In specifying the proportions of the ingredients, following information should
be collected before hand.
Grade designation.
Type cement to be used.
Maximum nominal size of aggregate to be used.
Maximum water/cement ratio to be allowed.
Workability of concrete desired.
Type of aggregate to be used.
Concrete is composed of water, cement and aggregate. in some cases an admixtures is added.
When the sources of ingredients vary, concrete strength and durability may differ appreciably
even though the water cement ratio is held constant. Hence, laboratory tests are desirable in
advance to establish the properties of concrete. Proportion of ingredients for concrete should
be selected to make the most economical use of available materials that will produce concrete
for requirements. If too much coarse aggregate is used the individual aggregate particles are
so close together that the concrete mix has no workability. Separation is accomplished by use
of sufficient motar and in general the greater volume of motar the plastic or workable the
mix. The more sand in the motar the more water is required. Thus just enough sand to
accomplish the desired workability.
The most important consideration affecting concrete strength is the relationship between the
water cement ratio and strength. A nearly linear relationship exists in the range of water
cement ratios normally used. This relationship exists only when the same materials are used
in the same proportion and only variation in the mix is the amount of water. Different brands
of cement will give different results. Other factors that affect the water cement ratio on
strength relationship are the type, size, gradation and proportion of aggregates.
The requirements of concrete quality are stated in terms of adequate durability and strength.
For a given water requirement, quality of concrete is proportional to cement content. The
minimum amount of mixing water and the maximum strength will result for given aggregate
is used consistent with job requirements.
Essential physical requirements of concrete are high quality, low permeability and low
porosity. Contributing factors to these characteristics are.
1. Mixes that are proportioned for maximum density and have an increased content of
cement, which must comply with standard specification at the time of use.
2. Placing without segregation followed by through and uniform compaction.
3. Reconsolidation by high-frequency revibration and refloating operation near the time
of initial set of the cement.
The reduction in water/cement ratio increases the potential strength of the concrete; the
entrained air may cause a net reduction in strength of about 10%. The average target strength
must be increased by this amount. If advantages were not taken of the increases in
workability due to air-entrainment, by reducing the water/cement ratio, the strength of
concrete would be reduced by about 5% for each percent of entire air.
The more cement, up to certain proportion, may give stronger concrete but not necessarily
better concrete. This is often not realized, when simply increasing the amount of cement
rather than improving the quality and gradation of the aggregates and a fighter water/cement
ratio control. No amount of cement alone can improve the overall quality of concrete if the
aggregates are reactive, dirty, unwashed, highly absorptive, and flaky and above all under
Any site factor affecting the compressive strength must accordingly influence the standard
deviation, and variations in test compressive strengths will have the effect of increasing the
standard deviation.
-Concrete for Construction, Facts and Pradice, by. Dr. V.K. Raina.
-Concrete Roads, Design and Construction, Ministry of transport, Road Research Laboratory