Introduction To Work Study George Kanawaty 4ed
Introduction To Work Study George Kanawaty 4ed
Introduction To Work Study George Kanawaty 4ed
Edited by George Kanawaty
Fourth (revised) edition
Kanawaty, G. (ed.)
Introduction to work study (fourth edition)
Geneva, International Labour Office, 1992
/Tfextbook/, /Work study/, /Theory/, /Technical aspects/s. 12.04.5
ISBN 92-2-107108-1
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to the fourth (revised) edition
During the 12 years that have passed since the third (revised) edition of this
book was published, many developments have taken place. Technology has
brought about profound changes in methods of operation, whether at the
factory or in the office. Innovations in production management have brought to
the fore a whole array of new and promising approaches to methods of work.
There has been a continued growth in the services sector, mostly at the expense
of the industrial and agricultural sectors. Simultaneously, new and different
arrangements of working time were introduced in a multitude of enterprises.
Work study could not remain indifferent or aloof to such changes. If one
of its aims is to improve methods of work, it cannot achieve that goal in
isolation from current thinking and future trends that relate to operations
technology. Furthermore, advances in technology, particularly in the field of
information systems, can be harnessed to become a powerful tool of work
With this in mind, the present edition was prepared. Six new chapters
dealing with production management approaches and their relation to work
study were added (Part Three), as well as a new chapter on method study at the
office. The part dealing with work measurement (Part Four) was revised so as
to encompass the whole spectrum of techniques ranging from macroscopic
systems such as structured estimations to micro approaches such as
predetermined time standards. Sections on the use of information systems and
computerization in work study were incorporated in the text alongside more
traditional approaches. The chapters on working conditions and new forms of
work organization were also revised in line with current thinking in these areas.
We hope that with this new orientation the book will continue to enjoy the
wide popularity and success with which it met in developing and industrialized
countries alike. In fact, to date and since it was first published in 1957 over
300,000 copies have been sold, so that Introduction to work study easily heads
the list of best-selling books published by the ILO. The previous editions were
also translated into many languages.
The original 1957 edition was intended mainly as a training manual for
use by people attending courses in work study at management development
and productivity centres in the numerous countries to which ILO technical
cooperation missions were attached. It also aimed at providing basic teaching
material for members of the staff of these centres. This original edition was
prepared by the late C. R. Wynne-Roberts, at the time Chief of the v
9. Climatic conditions 55
10. Exposure to toxic substances 60
11. Personal protective equipment 61
12. Ergonomics 62
13. Working time 65
14. Work-related welfare facilities 70
29. Combining methods and tasks: New forms of work organization 443
1. Method study and work measurement: Basic tools for job design 443
2. Design of individual work roles 445
3. Design of group work in production 452
4. Design of product-oriented organizations 464
5. Design of enterprise-oriented organizations 466
6. Criteria of good work organization: Some concluding remarks 471
index 507
12. Factors influencing the degree of glare produced by a given diffusing fitting (or
a bare fluorescent lamp unit) 48
13. Relativecost of incandescent and fluorescent lighting 49
14. Recommended ranges of reflection factor for main interior surfaces 50
15. Distance at which the normal voice can be heard against background noise 52
15. Temporary hearing threshold shift in dB as a function of duration of exposure to
wide-band noise 53
17. Limits of heat exposure 56
18. The operator/machine interface 53
19. Ergonomie display design 64
20. Ergonomie design of controls 56
21. Method study symbols 85
22. Switch rotor assembly 86
23. Outline process chart: Switch rotor assembly 88
24. Some charting conventions 90
25. Flow process chart: Engine stripping, cleaning and degreasing 92
26. Flow process chart — Material type: Engine stripping, cleaning and degreasing
(original method) 93
27. Flow diagram: Engine stripping, cleaning and degreasing 98
28. Flow process chart — Material type: Engine stripping, cleaning and degreasing
(improved method) 100
29. Flow diagram: Inspecting and marking incoming parts (original method) 103
30. Flow process chart: Inspecting and marking incoming parts (original method) 104
31. Flow diagram: Inspecting and marking incoming parts (improved method) 106
32. Flow process chart: Inspecting and marking incoming parts (improved
method) 107
33. A string diagram 110
34. A simple movement study sheet 111
35. String diagram: Storing tiles (original method) 114
36. String diagram: Storing tiles (improved method) 115
37. Flow diagram: Serving dinners in a hospital ward 118
38. Flow process chart — Worker type: Serving dinners in a hospital ward 119
39. Multiple activity chart: Inspection of catalyst in a converter (original method) 121
40. Multiple activity chart: Inspection of catalyst in a converter (improved
method) 123
41. Multiple activity chart — Worker and machine: Finish mill casting (original
method) 124
42. Multiple activity chart — Worker and machine: Finish mill casting (improved
method) 125
43. Combined team work and machine multiple activity chart: Crushing bones
(original method) 128
44. Crushing bones: Layout of working area 129
45. Combined team work and machine multiple activity chart: Crushing bones
(improved method) 131
46. Travel chart: Movements of messenger in office 133
47. A simple study sheet 135 XIII
2. What is productivity?
Productivity may be defined as follows:
In this case his productivity expressed in monetary gain has not improved
since, while originally he was producing only 400 pots, he sold them for
$2 each — arriving at the same financial figure.
D However, our potter may wish to argue that as a result of the new kiln his
quality has improved, that he will have fewer rejects returned and that the
users' satisfaction will increase over time so that he may be able to
increase his price again. Furthermore, his own sense of satisfaction at
work has improved, as it has become much easier to operate the new kiln.
Here, the definition of the output has been enlarged to encompass quality
and a relatively intangible factor, that of consumer satisfaction. Similarly,
the input now encompasses another intangible factor, that of satisfaction
at work. Thus productivity gains become more difficult to measure
accurately because of these intangible factors and because of the time lag
that needs to be estimated until users' satisfaction will permit an increase
in prices of the pots produced in the new kiln.
This simple example helps to show that the factors affecting productivity
in an organization are many, and often interrelated. Many people have been
misled into thinking of productivity exclusively as the productivity of labour,
mainly because labour productivity usually forms the basis for published
statistics on the subject. It also becomes evident how, in a community or a
country, improving productivity or extracting the best possible yield from
available resources does not mean exploitation of labour but the harnessing of
all available resources to stimulate a higher rate of growth that can be used for
social betterment, a higher standard of living and an improved quality of life.
In this book, however, we will be restricting ourselves to productivity issues
and more specifically to work study as it applies to the individual enterprise.
this may be the number of customers or tons of cargo per kilometer carried.
In a travel agency it could be value of tickets sold or average value of tickets
per customer, and so on. Both manufacturing and service enterprises should
equally be interested in consumers' or users' satisfaction, such as number of
complaints or rejects.
On the other hand, the enterprise disposes of certain resources or inputs
with which it produces the desired output. These are:
D Land and buildings
Land and buildings in a convenient location.
D Materials
Materials that can be converted into products to be sold, both as raw
materials or auxiliary materials such as solvents or other chemicals and
paints needed in the process of manufacturing and packaging material.
D Energy
Energy in its various forms such as electricity, gas, oil, or solar power.
D Machines and equipment
Machines and equipment necessary for the operational activities of the
enterprise, including those intended for transport and handling, heating or
air conditioning, office equipment, computer terminals and the like.
D Human resources
Men and women trained to perform the operational activity, to plan and
control, to buy and sell, to keep track of accounts and to perform other
operations such as maintenance or administrative and secretarial jobs.
Another factor of production or input is that of capital which, while not
explicitly defined here, is implicitly included since it is used to finance the
purchase of land, machinery, equipment, materials and labour, and to pay for
the services rendered by human resources.
The use which is made of all these resources combined determines the
productivity of the enterprise.
in order to
Work study then aims at examining the way an activity is being carried
out, simplifying or modifying the method of operation to reduce unnecessary or
excess work, or the wasteful use of resources, and setting up a time standard
for performing that activity. The relation between productivity and work study
is thus obvious. If work study results in cutting down the time of performing a
certain activity by 20 per cent, merely as a result of rearranging the sequence or
simplifying the method of operation and without additional expenditure, then
productivity will go up by a corresponding value, that is by 20 per cent. To
appreciate how work study acts to cut down costs and reduce the time of a
certain activity, it is necessary to examine more closely what that time consists of.
of product
Basic work and/or
content operation
Total time content
of added by
operation poor product
under design or
existing materials
conditions utilization
added by
inefficient methods
Total of manufacture or
ineffective time operation
resulting from
human resources
.. *
. „ Incorrect quality
M.O standards
Poor layout
B.I and utilization
of space
R „ Inadequate
ti ¿
- materials handling
Frequent stoppages
R „ as production changes
b :j Work content added by
- from one product
to another inefficient methods of
manufacture or
_ . Ineffective
ti 4
' method of work
R Poor planning
- of inventory
Frequent breakdown
B.6 of machines and
C.I Absenteeism
and lateness
Work content
C.2 Poor workmanship resulting mainly from
the contribution
of human resources
_ „ Accidents and
14 ^ occupational hazards
Product development
A.I reduces work content due
to poor design
Proper materials
A.2 utilization
reduces and utilizes waste
Materials handling
À 8.2 adapted to activity reduces
Ineffective time time and effort
totally eliminated
if all techniques
perfectly applied Production planning and
B.3 control reduces ineffective
Methods study of an
g , activity reduces work
' content due to poor
methods of work
Inventory control defines
g 5 appropriate and most
economical inventory
Preventive maintenance
• g ensures longer life and
' continuous run of
machines and equipment
Proper management and
personnel policy can
C-1 create a satisfying working
Better working
^ C.3 conditions
improves morale and
reduces absenteeism
have been trained. It is not enough for work study to be systematic. To achieve
really important results it must be applied continuously, and throughout the
organization. It is no use work study practitioners doing a good job and then
sitting back and congratulating themselves, or being transferred shortly
afterwards by management to something else. The savings achieved on
individual jobs, although sometimes large in themselves, are generally small
when compared with the activity of the company as a whole. The full effect is
felt in an organization only when work study is applied everywhere, and when
everyone becomes imbued with the attitude of mind which is the basis of
successful work study: intolerance of waste in any form, whether of
material, time, effort or human ability; and the refusal to accept without
question that things must be done in a certain way "because that is the way
they have always been done".
Method study
simplify the job
develop more economical
methods of doing it
Work measurement
how long it should
take to
carry out
to use one of the techniques of work measurement, such as work sampling (see
Chapter 19), in order to determine why ineffective time is occurring and what
is its extent, so that management can take action to reduce it before method
study is begun. Again, time study may be used to compare the effectiveness of
20 alternative methods of work before deciding on the best method to install.
the job to be studied
by collecting data or
by direct observation
by challenging purpose, place,
sequence and method of work
new method, drawing on
contributions of those concerned
results of different
alternative solutions
new method and present it
new method and
train persons in applying it
and establish control procedures
motion and movement. Because of that it was called time and motion study.
Later on, it began to encompass other aspects of observing and analysing work,
and the earlier term was abandoned in favour of "work study". Simultaneously,
in the late 1940s and later on in the 1960s, other disciplines were developed,
namely industrial engineering and production management respectively. These
disciplines differed from work study in the sense that they were devoted to
increasing the efficiency of a production operation as a whole, not just the
methods of work. Thus modern production management looks at various
aspects of production such as product design, quality control, layout and
materials handling, production planning and control, maintenance management
and invariably work study. These techniques may be applied, singly or in
combination, in the enterprise. Furthermore, with time many of them began to
rely increasingly on sophisticated quantitative methods such as operations
research to solve ever more complicated operational problems. Advances in the
fields of computers and information systems helped to boost production
management techniques to the level attained at present.
While work study has continued to be a relatively simple and cheap
method of rationalizing methods of work, it has also continued to develop.
Thus, many work study trained specialists realize that several of the existing
production management techniques can also be used advantageously by them
to help develop improved methods of work. In a sense they provide an array of
techniques that cannot and need not be ignored. For this reason. Part Three of
this fourth (revised) edition of Introduction to work study explains in a simple
manner the various new techniques that are now at the disposal of work study
specialists to assist them with their analysis and development of improved
methods of work. It can also be seen that the career of a work study practitioner
can now evolve in two directions: first, a more professional path where he or
she can continue to develop knowledge and skills in these new operational
fields to become a production management specialist or, second, a managerial
path where he or she can acquire a high-level position by virtue of specialized
or she will find that they will combine to put obstacles in the way, possibly to
the point where the task is made impossible.
If the application of work study in an enterprise is to succeed, it must
have the understanding and the backing of management at all levels, starting at
the top. If top management, the managing director, the managing agent or the
president of the company do not understand what the work study person is
trying to do and are not giving him or her their full support, it cannot be
expected that managers lower down will lend their support either. If the work
study person then comes into conflict with them, as he or she may do in such
circumstances, he or she may well lose the case, however good it may be, if an
appeal is made to the top. Do not forget that in any organization people lower
down tend to take their attitudes from the person at the top.
The first group of people to whom the purpose and techniques of work
study must be explained is therefore the management group, the managing
director or managing agent and, in large companies or organizations, the
departmental heads and assistant heads. It is the usual practice in most
countries to run short "appreciation" courses for top management before
starting to apply work study. Most work study schools, management
development institutes, technical colleges and work study organizations also
run short courses for the managers of companies who are sending staff to be
trained as specialists.
Here it is necessary to give a word of warning. Running even the simplest
and shortest course in work study is not easy, and newly trained work study
specialists are strongly advised not to try to do so by themselves. They should
seek advice and assistance. It is important that an enterprise's work study staff
take an active part in the course, but they must know their subject and be
able to teach it.
If a course for management is to be run, however, the work study
specialist must try as hard as possible to persuade the person at the top to
attend and, if possible, to open the proceedings. Not only will this show
everyone that he or she has the support of top management, but departmental
and other managers will make efforts to attend if they think their "boss" is
going to be there.
Before the work study practitioner starts work, the whole purpose of work
study and the procedures involved must be very carefully explained to the
supervisor, so that he or she understands exactly what is being done and why.
Unless this is done, the supervisor is likely to be difficult, if not actually
obstructive, for many reasons. Among them are the following:
(1) Supervisors are the people most deeply affected by work study. The work
for which they may have been responsible for years is being challenged;
if, through the application of work study methods, the efficiency of the
operations for which they are responsible is greatly improved, they may
feel that their prestige in the eyes of their superiors and of the workers
will be lessened.
(2) In most firms where specialists have not been used, the whole running of
a certain operation — planning programmes of work, developing job
methods, making up time sheets, setting piece rates, hiring and firing
workers — may have been done by the supervisor. The mere fact that
some of these responsibilities have been taken away is likely to make him
or her experience a loss of status. No one likes to think that he or she has
"lost face" or "lost ground".
(3) If disputes arise or the workers are upset, supervisors are the first people
who will be called upon to clear matters up, and it is difficult for them to
do so fairly if they do not understand the problem.
The sources from which supervisors are recruited differ widely in
different parts of the world. In some countries supervisors are frequently
selected on a basis of seniority from among the best-skilled persons in the
enterprise. This means that they are often middle-aged and may be set
in their ways. Because most supervisors have practised their occupation or
skills for many years, they find it difficult to believe that they have anything to
learn from someone who has not spent a very long time in the same
Supervisors may therefore resent the introduction of work study
specialists into their departments unless they have had some training to prepare
them for it. Since supervisors are nearer to the practical side of the job than
management, and so are more intimately connected with work study, the work
study course that they take should be longer and more detailed than that given
to management. Supervisors should know enough to be able to help in the
selection of jobs to be studied and to understand the factors involved, should
disputes arise over methods or time standards. This means that they should be
acquainted with the principal techniques of method study and work
measurement, and the particular problems and situations in which they should
be applied. Generally speaking, courses for supervisors should be full time and
of not less than one week's duration. The trainees should be given
opportunities of making one or two simple method studies and of measuring
the time of an operation. The value to the work study person of a supervisor
who understands and is enthusiastic about what he or she is trying to do
28 cannot be overemphasized. He or she is a powerful ally.
The work study practitioner will only retain the supervisors' friendship
and respect by showing from the beginning that he or she is not trying to usurp
their place. The following rules must be observed:
(1) The work study person must never give a direct order to a worker. All
instructions must be given through the supervisor. The only exception to
this is in matters connected with methods improvements where the
worker has been asked by the supervisor to carry out the instructions of
the work study person.
(2) Workers asking questions calling for decisions outside the technical field
of work study should always be referred to their supervisor.
(3) The work study person should take care never to express opinions to a
worker which may be interpreted as critical of the supervisor (however
much he or she may feel like it!). If the worker later says to the
supervisor: "... but Mr/Ms .. . said ...", there will be trouble!
(4) The work study person must not allow the workers to "play him or her
off against the supervisor or to use him or her to get decisions altered
which they consider harsh.
(5) The work study person should seek the supervisor's advice in the
selection of jobs to be studied and in all technical matters connected with
the process (even if he or she knows a great deal about it). The work
study person should never try to start alone.
This list of "Do's" and "Don't's" may look frightening but is mainly
common sense and good manners. The workers in any working area can only
have one boss — their supervisor — and everything must be done to uphold
his or her authority. Of course, once the work study person and the supervisor
have worked together and understand one another, there can be some
relaxation; but that is a matter of judgement, and any suggestion for relaxation
should come from the supervisor.
A great deal of space has been given to the relationship between the work
study practitioner and the supervisor because it is the most difficult of all the
relationships, and it must be good. One of the best methods of ensuring that
this is so is to provide both parties with the proper training.
In practice, most people satisfy some of these needs in part and are left
with some that are unsatisfied. In developing countries people are probably
preoccupied more with their basic needs. In developed countries, on the other
hand, where physiological and security needs are normally met in large part,
people would seem to be motivated more by needs at the upper end of the
One of the interesting results of the research carried out in this area, and
which should be of concern to us here, is the discovery that, in order to satisfy
affiliation needs, workers associate with each other to form various types of
informal group. Thus a worker is usually a member of a task group, that is a
group composed of workers performing a common task. He or she may also be
a member of various other groups, such as a friendship group composed of
fellow workers with whom he or she has something in common or with whom
he or she would like to associate.
This means that every organization has a formal and an informal
structure. The formal structure is defined by management in terms of authority
relationships. Similarly, there also exists an informal organization composed of
30 a great number of informal groups which have their own goals and activities
and which bear the sentiments of their members. Each group, it was found,
expects its members to conform to a certain standard of behaviour, since
otherwise the group cannot achieve its goal, whether this be accomplishing a
task or providing a means for friendly interaction. It was found, for example,
that a task group tends to establish among its members a certain quota for
production which may or may not be in line with what a supervisor or a
manager wants. In a typical situation, a worker will produce more or less
according to this informally accepted quota. Those who are very high or very
low producers, and who thus deviate substantially from that norm, will be
subjected to pressure from the group to conform to the norm.
Disregarding or ignoring such basic and elementary notions of behaviour
has often created resentment and outright hostility. It is now easy to understand
that a work study person who makes a unilateral decision to eliminate an
operation, resulting in the loss of a job for a worker or a number of workers, is
in fact undermining the basic need for security; a negative reaction can
therefore be expected. Similarly, the imposition of an output quota on a worker
or a group of workers without prior consultation or winning their cooperation
can yield resentment and breed resistance.
How, then, should a work study person act? The following are some
useful hints:
(1) The problem of raising productivity should be approached in a balanced
way, without too great an emphasis being placed on productivity of
labour. In most enterprises in developing countries, and even in
industrialized countries, great increases in productivity can generally be
effected through the application of work study to improve plant utilization
and operation, to make more effective use of space and to secure greater
economy of materials before the question of increasing the productivity of
the labour force need be raised. The importance of studying the
productivity of all the resources of the enterprise and of not confining the
application of work study to the productivity of labour alone cannot be
overemphasized. It is only natural that workers should resent efforts being
made to improve their efficiency while they can see glaring inefficiency
on the part of management. What is the use of halving the time workers
take to do a certain job or of imposing a production output on them by
well-applied work study if they are held back by a lack of materials or by
frequent machine breakdowns resulting from bad planning by their
(2) It is important that the work study person be open and frank as to the
purpose of the study. Nothing breeds suspicion like attempts to hide what
is being done; nothing dispels it like frankness, whether in answering
questions or in showing information obtained from studies. Work study,
honestly applied, has nothing to hide.
(3) Workers' representatives should be kept fully informed of what is being
studied, and why. They should receive induction training in work study so
that they can understand properly what is being attempted. Similarly,
involving the workers in the development of an improved method of 31
operation can win them over to the new method and can sometimes
produce unexpected results. Thus, by asking workers the right questions
and by inviting them to come forward with explanations or proposals
several work study specialists have been rewarded by clues or ideas that
had never occurred to them. After all, a worker has an intimate knowledge
of his or her own job and of details that can escape a work study person.
One tried and tested practice is to invite the workers in a section to be
studied to nominate one of their number to join the work study specialist
and, together with the supervisor, to form a team that can review the work
to be done, discuss the results achieved and agree on steps for
(4) Although asking for a worker's suggestions and ideas implicitly serves to
satisfy his or her need for recognition, this can be achieved in a more
direct way by giving proper credit where it is due. In many instances a
supervisor, a worker or a staff specialist contributes useful ideas that assist
the work study person to develop an improved method of work. This
should be acknowledged readily, and the work study person should resist
the temptation of accumulating all the glory.
(5) The work study person must make it clear that it is the work, and not the
worker, that is being studied. This becomes much easier if the workers
have had a proper introductory course explaining the principles and
outlining the techniques of work study.
(6) In some circumstances it may be possible to involve the workforce in
work study investigations even more directly (for example, by training
them in some of the basic techniques and allowing them to contribute to
discussions through the establishment of a "productivity circle", set up for
the duration of a project or on a longer-term basis). Through such a
process the workers can see more clearly that the techniques are used to
study the work and not the workers themselves.
(7) It is important that the work study person should remember that the
objective is not merely to increase productivity but also to improve job
satisfaction, and that he or she should devote enough attention to this
latter issue by looking for ways to minimize fatigue and to make the job
more interesting and more satisfying. In recent years several enterprises
have developed new concepts and ideas to organize work to this end and
to attempt to meet the workers' need for fulfilment. These are treated
briefly in the last chapter of this book.
The very minimum standard of education for anyone who is to take charge of
work study application in an enterprise is a good secondary education with
matriculation or the equivalent school-leaving examination, or better still a
university education, preferably in the engineering or business fields.
Practical experience
It is desirable that candidates for posts as work study specialists should have
had practical experience in the industries in which they will be working. This
experience should include a period of actual work at one or more of the
processes of the industry. This will enable them to understand what it means to
do a day's work under the conditions in which the ordinary workers with whom
they will be dealing have to work. Practical experience will also command
respect from supervisors and workers, and an engineering background enables
one to adapt oneself to most other industries.
Personal qualities
Anyone who is going to undertake improvements in methods should have an
inventive turn of mind, be capable of devising simple mechanisms and devices
which can often save a great deal of time and effort, and be able to gain the
cooperation of the engineers and technicians in developing them. The type of
person who is good at this is not always so good at human relations, and in
some large companies the methods section is separated from the work
measurement section, although both could be under the same chief.
The following are essential qualities:
D Sincerity and honesty
The work study person must be sincere and honest; only if this is the case
will he or she gain the confidence and respect of those with whom he or
she will work.
D Enthusiasm
He or she must be really keen on the job, believe in the importance of
what he or she is doing and be able to transmit enthusiasm to the people
round about.
D Interest in and sympathy with people
The person must be able to get along with people at all levels. It is
necessary to be interested in them, to be able to see their points of view
and to understand the motives behind their behaviour.
D Tact
Tact in dealing with people comes from understanding them and not
wishing to hurt their feelings by unkind or thoughtless words, even when
these may be justified. Without tact no work study person is going to get
very far.
D Good appearance
The person must be neat and tidy and look efficient. This will inspire
confidence among the people with whom he or she has to work. 33
D Self-confidence
This can only come with good training and experience of applying work
study successfully. The work study practitioner must be able to stand up
to top management, supervisors, trade union officials or workers in
defence of his or her opinions and findings, and to do so in such a way
that will win respect and not give offence.
These personal qualities, particularly the ability to deal with people, can
all be further developed with the right training. Far too often this aspect of the
training of work study specialists is neglected, the assumption being that, if the
right person is selected in the first place, that is all that needs to be done. In
most work study courses more time should be given to the human side of
applying work study.
It will be seen from these requirements that the results of work study,
however "scientifically" arrived at, must be applied with "art", just like any
other management technique. In fact, the qualities which go to make a good
work study person are the same qualities as go to make a good manager. Work
study is an excellent training for young men and women destined for higher
management. People with these qualities are not easy to find, but the careful
selection of persons for training as work study specialists will repay itself in
the results obtained, in terms both of increased productivity and of improved
human relations in the workplace.
Having described the background against which work study is to be
applied, we can now turn to the question of applying it, starting with method
study. Before we do so, however, attention must be given to some general
factors which have considerable bearing on its effect, namely the conditions
under which the work is done in the area, factory, workshop or office
1. General considerations
The interdependence between working conditions and productivity is
increasingly recognized. The first move in this direction came when people
began to realize that occupational accidents had economic as well as physical
consequences, although at first only their direct costs (medical care,
compensation) were perceived. Subsequently, attention was paid to
occupational diseases as well. As a final step it was realized that the indirect
costs of occupational accidents (working time lost by the injured person, the
witnesses and the accident investigators, production stoppages, material
damage, work delays, possible legal and other costs, reduced output when the
injured person is replaced and subsequently when he or she returns to work,
and so on) are usually far higher — as much as several times higher in some
cases — than the direct costs.
The reduction in productivity and the increase in production rejects and
manufacturing waste that result from fatigue due to excessively long working
hours and bad working conditions — in particular, lighting and ventilation —
have shown that the human body, in spite of its immense capacity for
adaptation, is far more productive when working under optimal conditions.
Indeed, in certain developing countries it has been found that productivity can
be improved merely by improving the conditions under which people work.
Generally speaking, occupational safety and health and ergonomics have
not been given sufficient consideration in modern management techniques, in
spite of the modern tendency to consider an industrial enterprise as a total
system or a combination of subsystems.
These problems have been seen in a different light since public opinion
and, in particular, the trade unions became aware of them. It has been possible
to detect in the stresses imposed by modern industrial technology the source of
those forms of dissatisfaction which occur, in particular, among workers
employed on the most elementary type of repetitive and monotonous jobs that
are lacking in any interest whatsoever.
Thus, not only may a hazardous working environment be a direct cause of
occupational accidents and diseases, but workers' dissatisfaction with working
conditions which are not in line with their current cultural and social level may
also be at the root of a decline in production quality and quantity, excessive
labour turnover and increased absenteeism. Obviously, the consequences of 35
3. Safety criteria
Studies of occupational hazards in modern industry have revealed the
extremely complex nature of the possible causes of occupational accidents or
Occupational accidents
The causes of occupational accidents are never simple, even in an apparently
commonplace accident; consequently, the number and variety of classifications
are great. Statistics show that the most common causes of accidents are not the
most dangerous machines (circular saws, spindle moulding machines, power
presses, for example) nor the most dangerous substances (explosives, volatile
flammable liquids, chemicals), but rather quite ordinary actions like stumbling,
falling, the faulty handling of goods or use of hand tools, or being struck by a
falling object.1 Similarly, those who have accidents most frequently are not the
disabled but, on the contrary, those who are the best equipped from the
physical and psycho-sensorial point of view, i.e. young workers.
It should be kept in mind that in modern industry there are a variety of
both visible and invisible hazards at the workplace. Visible hazards include
unfenced scaffolds, openings in the floor, dripping or leaking chemicals or the
unlocked working zone of a robot. Invisible hazards are now becoming more
and more common and dangerous. They include inert gases, welding fumes,
noise, vibration or unforeseen effects of a mixture of chemicals.
Technical progress has created new health hazards while at the same time
making the prevention of occupational accidents achievable in practice. It
greatly reduces the severity of conventional hazards and significantly improves
safety standards. In addition, since in many countries commuting accidents
have now been brought under the heading of occupational accidents, the
demarcation line between occupational and non-occupational hazards has
become less distinct and the role of the human factor and the importance of the
circumstances attending an accident have become increasingly clear. An
accident is often the result of a combination of technical, physiological and
psychological factors: it depends on both the machine and the environment
(lighting, noise, vibration, vaporizing substances, oxygen deficiency), as well
as the worker's posture and work-induced fatigue; but it is also conditioned by
commuting circumstances and other activities outside the plant and by ill-
temper, feelings of frustration, youthful exuberance and other specific physical
or mental states. In the developing countries, in addition, malnutrition, endemic
diseases, lack of adaptation to industrial work and the immense changes that
industry has brought to the worker's individual and family life and customs
also play a part. It is therefore not surprising that, nowadays, increasing
ILO: Accident prevention, A workers' education manual (Geneva, second éd., 1983). 37
Source; Adapted from E. Gniza: "Zur Théorie der Wege der Unfallverhütung", in Arbeitsokonomik und Arbeitsschutz (Berlin), Vol. 1,
1957, No. 1.
Work-related diseases
The situation relating to the causes of occupational diseases and ways of
preventing them is equally complex. Technical progress has been so rapid that
it has often created new and totally unrecognized hazards which have resulted
in occupational diseases even before the disease was recognized as such. Yet
this same technical progress has provided extremely effective tools for the
early detection of signs or symptoms of occupationally induced morbidity, and
even methods for assessing exposure levels before they have any biological
effect. The study and monitoring of the working environment have, in this way,
38 assumed a fundamental importance in the prevention of occupational diseases.
Industrial hygiene measures are similar to those that have already been
mentioned for accident prevention. One important point needs to be made,
however. Industrial hygiene has been a subject of study for a much shorter
period than occupational safety. It is a discipline which involves both medical
and technical knowledge. It is therefore essential that the management of an
enterprise comes to grips with the problem and adopts the most suitable
approaches for its solution; such approaches are not, however, of universal
application since they have to be matched to the individual circumstances of
the enterprise and its workers.
A number of basic general criteria in industrial hygiene can nevertheless
be put forward. First of all, as has been found in the field of mechanical safety,
in industrial hygiene too the most effective means of prevention is that which
occurs at the design stage — be it of a building, plant or work process — since
any subsequent improvement or modification may perhaps be too late to
protect workers' health and will certainly be more expensive. Dangerous
operations (for example, those resulting in environmental pollution or
producing noise or vibration) and harmful substances which may contaminate the
atmosphere at the workplace should be replaced by harmless or less harmful
operations or substances.
Priority should be given to technical preventive measures with an
emphasis on the effective use of control technologies. Where it is impossible to
provide group safety equipment, use should be made of supplementary work
organization measures which, in certain cases, may include a reduction of the
duration of exposure to risk. Where group technical measures and
administrative measures do not reduce exposure to acceptable levels, workers
must be provided with suitable personal protective equipment. However, other
than in exceptional cases or for special types of work, reliance should not be
placed on personal protective equipment as the basic means of safety. This is
not only for physiological reasons but also a matter of principle, since the
worker may, for a wide range of reasons, fail to make use of this equipment.
and, with the facilities and measures available, reducing the possibility of the
fire growing and spreading to other parts of the workplace. It is therefore
important that the choice of materials used in the process or in support of the
process should be those with the lowest risk of contributing to a possible fire or
explosion. Good housekeeping also considerably reduces the risk.
The second principle is to eliminate or reduce sources of heat or
ignition, thus limiting the rise in temperature. Measures such as restricting
open flames, for example welding torches, and banning the smoking of
cigarettes should be taken. The process heat should also be carefully controlled
so as not to pose a risk.
Preparedness for fire emergencies should always be organized by
management along the following lines:
D every workplace should have an emergency plan with information
detailing the role of every worker in case of a fire or other emergency;
G there should be at least two clear, properly marked, unobstructed exits
leading to areas of safety;
D there must be a way of notifying personnel of a need to evacuate, such
as an alarm system. This should produce a sufficiently loud signal for all
workers to hear the alarm. In some applications, for example where there
is a high level of noise, visual signals such as flashing or revolving lights
are also frequently used;
D the right type of fire extinguisher should always be provided in
adequate numbers for the given risk, and placed accordingly. Different
types of fire extinguisher exist for different fire risks and there are
national codes for the different types of risk. Each extinguisher should be
labelled with easy-to-read instructions and an indication of which fire
extinguisher to use for which risk;
D every worker should have hands-on training concerning the proper use
of the extinguisher, including both when and when not to use it. The
training should also cover safety considerations in using an extinguisher;
D the provision of automatic fire protection such as sprinklers has proved
to be very effective in protecting escape routes for workers, as well as in
rapidly controlling fire. This is especially true in certain high-risk
industries such as chemicals and textiles.
Fire can strike a workplace on any day at any time. Adequate preparation
can greatly reduce the extent of injury or damage to property. The six essential
features for preparedness are as follows:
(1) A way to notify all workers to evacuate to a safe area.
(2) An emergency plan detailing what should be done by whom during a fire
or other emergency.
(3) A trained firefighting team which carries out regular firefighting and
evacuation drills.
(4) Periodic inspection of evacuation routes, including emergency exits,
firefighting equipment, alarm systems, automatic fire protection systems
40 and fire hazards.
(5) A method of rapidly notifying the fire brigade and assuring its familiarity
with the facilities, processes, and fire protection schemes and equipment.
(6) Periodic fire alarm and evacuation exercises.
For further details, see ILO: Prevention of major industrial accidents. An ILO code of practice
(Geneva, 1991), and idem: Major hazard control, A practical manual (Geneva, 1988). 41
5. Working premises
It would be inappropriate to deal here with the technical details of plant
location and construction, but certain basic principles need to be appreciated
and applied if management is subsequently to obtain viable results. This point
should be borne in mind by the work study specialist, especially when plant
installation is being studied.
In developing a layout, emphasis should be placed on the principle of
isolating any operation which is hazardous or constitutes a nuisance. Wherever
possible, work premises should be above ground level and equipped with
windows having a surface area of not less than 17 per cent of the floor area.
Minimum ceiling height should not be less than 3 metres and each worker
should have at least 10 cubic metres of air (or more where temperatures or the
level of atmospheric pollution are high). For the purposes of accident pre-
vention, it is important to ensure that each worker has an adequate minimum
free-floor area which should not be less than 2 square metres per person.
Walls and ceilings should have a finish which prevents the accumulation
of dirt, avoids moisture absorption and, where necessary, reduces noise
transmission; floor coverings (table 1) should be of the non-slip, non-dust-
forming and easy-to-clean type and should, where necessary, have good
electrical and thermal insulation properties.
Finally, the principles of good housekeeping should be applied.
6. Good housekeeping
Building work premises in accordance with safety and hygiene regulations is
not enough, however, if the plant or workshop is not kept clean and tidy. Good
housekeeping, which when used with reference to a factory or workplace is a
general term embracing tidiness and general state of repair, not only
contributes to accident prevention but is also a factor in productivity. In fact, it
is by looking at such things as how material and equipment are stored, whether
aisles and gangways are kept free of obstructions and the cleanliness of
working areas that a person can even form an idea of the whole attitude of
42 management to productivity and to safety.
Abrasion Very Very Very Medium Poor Good Medium Good Good
resistance good good good3 to good to good
Compressio n Very Very Very Medium Medium Good Medium Medium Good
resistance good good good3 to good
Impact Medium Medium Depen- Good Good Very Good Good Good to
resistance dent good. to very very
on type good good
Thermal Bad Bad Bad3 Bad to Medium Very Very Medium Medium
insulation medium good good
Shrinkage, Depen- None Poor Poor Depen- Depen- Depen- None None
stretching dent on dent on dent on dent on
type moisture moisture moisture
content content content
Acid Bad Very Good Usually Bad Good Good Poor4 Medium
resistance good good tobad
Alkali Good Very Poor Usually Bad Medium Medium Good Good
resistance good to very good to good to good
ing on
Water Good Very Good Good Bad Bad Bad Very Good
resistance good good
Oil and fuel Unsuit- Very Good Medium Unsuit- Good Good Unsuit- Good
resistance able un- good2 to good able able
less spe-
Solvent Good Very Certain Good Unsuit- Good Good Bad Medium
resistance good types able
Dust Yes No No No Yes Yes No No No
Ease of Satis- Good Very Good Satis- Rela- Satis- Good Medium
cleaning factory good factory tively factory to good
bad to good
Fire Very Very Bad Medium Good Bad Bad Medium Quite
resistance good good good
Dielectric Bad Good Good Good Depends Good Good Good Quite
properties on atmo- (if dry) (if dry) good
Friction Yes Yes No No No No No No Yes
Determined by the Swiss Federal Materials Testing Laboratory and Research Institute (Laboratoire fédéral d'essai des matériaux et Institut de
2 3
recherches), Dübendorf, August 1969. Except perhaps the joints. In these cases in particular, the characteristics depend on the filler
employed. 4 The "acid-resistant" type is unaffected by non-oxidizing inorganic acids.
Source: Office fédéral de l'industrie, des arts et métiers et du travail (Suisse): Hygiène et prévention des accidents dans les entreprises
industrielles, ordonnance 3 relative à la loi sur le travail (Berne, 1975).
| V » V V V Ml
"VVW » ' innr
Source: J. E. Thurman et al.: Higher productivity and a better place to work. Action manual {Geneva, ILO, 1988), figure 8.
7. Lighting
It is estimated that 80 per cent of the information required in doing a job is
perceived visually. Good visibility of the equipment, the product and the data
involved in the work process is an essential factor in accelerating production,
reducing the number of defective products, cutting down waste and preventing
visual fatigue and headaches among the workers. It may also be added that
both inadequate visibility and glare are frequently causes of accidents.
Visibility depends on a number of factors. These are the size and colour of
the workpiece, its distance from the eyes, the persistence of the image, the
lighting intensity, and contrasts of colour and lighting levels with the
background. All these factors should be studied, especially in the case of
precision work, work in a dangerous environment or where there are other
reasons for dissatisfaction or complaint. Lighting is probably one of the more
important physical factors and the one which is easiest to correct.4
In principle, lighting should be adapted to the type of work. However, the
level of illumination, measured in lux, should be increased not only in relation
to the degree of precision or miniaturization of the work (table 2), but also in
relation to the worker's age, since older people require a higher level of
illumination than young ones, especially if they are to recognize details and to
maintain a sufficiently rapid visual reaction. Moreover, older people are highly
susceptible to glare since their recovery time is longer. The accumulation of
dust and the wear of the light sources cut down the level of illumination by
10-50 per cent of the original level. This gradual drop in the level should
therefore be compensated for when designing the lighting system. Regular
cleaning of lighting fixtures is obviously essential.
In general, the light should be uniformly diffused (figures 9, 10 and 11);
slight shadows help to distinguish objects, but shadows that are too pronounced
should be avoided. Excessive contrasts in lighting levels between the worker's
For further details, see Abu Bakar Che Man and David Gold: Safety in the use of chemicals at work
(Geneva, ILO, forthcoming).
"For further information on visual ergonomics and the parameters that influence visual performance,
see International Organization for Standardization: Principles of visual ergonomics: The lighting of indoor
worfei^ierai, ISO 8995 (Geneva, 1989). 45
Casual seeing 100 Boilerhouse (coal and ash handling); dead storage of
rough, bulky materials; locker rooms
Ordinary rough tasks 150 Rough, intermittent bench and machine work;
rough inspection and counting of stock parts;
assembly of heavy machinery
Moderately critical tasks 300 Medium bench and machine work, assembly and
Inspection; ordinary office work such as reading,
writing, filing
Critical tasks 700 Fine bench and machine work, assembly and
inspection; extra-fine painting, spraying; sewing
dark-coloured goods
Very critical tasks 1500 Assembly and inspection of delicate mechanisms;
tool- and die-making; gauge inspection; fine
grinding work
Exceptionally difficult 3 000 or more Fine watchmaking and repairing
or important tasks
' These figures refer to the mean value of illumination obtained during the life of the installation and averaged over the work plane or specific
task area (i.e. the so-called "service value of illumination").
Source: ILO, International Occupational Safety and Health Information Centre (CIS): Artificial lighting in factory and office, CIS Information
Sheet No. 11 (Geneva, 1965), table 1.
task and the general surroundings should also be avoided. Table 3 shows the
maximum intensity ratios that should be observed in order to prevent the
development of visual fatigue and health disorders such as conjunctivitis and
The use of natural light should be encouraged. This can be achieved by
installing windows that open, which are recommended to have an area equal to
at least one-sixth of the floor area. However, daylight varies with the season,
the time of day, the distance of workstations from the windows and the presence
or absence of blinds. For this reason it is essential to have artificial lighting
available all the time should the need to use it arise. The use of artificial light-
ing will enable people to maintain proper vision and will ensure that the lighting
intensity ratios between the task, the surrounding objects and the general
46 environment are maintained.
is better than
Some general lighting is always needed even when tasks are locally lit. (1) Uniform general lighting
(2) Local supplementary lighting.
Source: ILO, CIS: Artificial lighting..., op. cit., figure 21.
Measurements are to the centre point of the unit in all cases, and are expressed as a multiple of the
mounting height h above the work plane (I). The % h figure applies when there is a gangway next to
the wall, whilst the V2 h figure is used when people work close to the wall. For louvred units,
maximum spacing between fittings should be reduced to VU h.
Source: ILO, CIS: Artificial lighting..., op. cit., figure 19. 47
Figure 12. Factors influencing the degree of glare produced by a given diffusing
fitting (or a bare fluorescent lamp unit)
Use of colours
Experience shows that the careful choice of interior colour schemes makes a
valuable contribution to good lighting (figure 14). The colours used at the
workplace have psychological effects which should not be overlooked. When
the time comes to repaint workshops and offices it costs little to select pleasing
rather than drab colours. The workers will see in this a clear sign that the
48 management is attempting to make working conditions more pleasant.
Control of lighting
In order to make the best use of lighting in the workplace, the following points
should be taken into account:
D for uniform light distribution, install an independent switch for the row of
lighting fixtures closest to the windows. This allows the lights to be
switched on and off depending on whether or not natural light is
D to prevent glare, avoid using highly shiny, glossy work surfaces;
D use localized lighting in order to achieve the desired level for a particular
fine job;
• clean light fixtures regularly and follow a maintenance schedule so as to
prevent flickering of old bulbs and electrical hazards due to worn out
D avoid direct eye contact with the light sources. This is usually achieved by
positioning them properly. The use of diffusers is also quite effective;
D for work with visual display units (VDUs):5
For further information on this subject, see ILO: Working with visual display units. Occupational
Safety and Health Series, No. 61 (Geneva, 1989). 49
Figure 14. Recommended ranges of reflection factor for main interior surfaces
95 White
Ceilings 90
750/c'a min. t near-white
75% max. 70
Walls 65 Light
50% min.
equipment, Medium
dados colours
(if required)
20% min. |
Floors 5 — Dark
the general lighting level should be relatively low, not to exceed 500
lux (blinds or curtains may be used to prevent excessive daylight);
avoid glare by suitable positioning of the VDU or other means;
ensure that there are no reflected light sources seen by the user on
the screen;
the luminance and contrast of the screen must be adjustable and the
characters must remain sharp;
if additional lighting is needed, it must be adjustable and positioned
in such a way as to avoid glare.
100 ^ '^
No voice communication
90 h-.
^ Partial
V ^
80 ^
70 r\
60 ^
^<s \
Easy comrr unication
50 ^
^ 1 ^ <=> ^ ^
0.05 0.1 0.25 0.5 10 20 40 70 100
Distance from talker to listener in metres
Source: From J. C. Webster: "Speech interfering aspects of noise", in D. Lipscomb (éd.): Wo/se and auc//o/ogy (Baltimore, Maryland, University Park Press, Copyright 1978), pp. 200-201.
Threshold shift in dB
^38dBJ i
10 20 50 100
Exposure in minutes
Source: A. Glorig et al.: "Damage risk criteria and noise-included hearing loss", in Archives of Otolaryngology (Chicago, Illinois), Vol. 74,
1961, p. 413, Copyright 1961, American Medical Association.
16 80
8 85
4 90
2 95
1 100
v2 105
v. 110
v8 115
Source: American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH): Threshold limit values for chemical substances and physical
agents In the workroom environment adopted by the ACGIH for 1987-88 (Cincinnati, Ohio).
Although only a limited number of workers are exposed to vibrations which
constitute a health hazard, the necessary protective measures should not be
neglected. The possibility of reducing vibration levels (e.g. dynamic balancing
of rotating parts, use of vibration-absorbing mountings, providing heavy
foundations) and reducing the effect of vibrations (e.g. use of vibration-
damping handles for hand-held machines) should be explored first. Where this
is not possible the period of exposure should be controlled. Persons exposed to
vibrations should be subjected to periodic medical examinations.
9. Climatic conditions
Control of the climatic conditions at the workplace is paramount to the
workers' health and comfort and to the maintenance of higher productivity.
With excess heat or cold, workers may feel very uncomfortable, and their
efficiency drops. In addition, this can lead to accidents.
The human body functions in such a way as to keep the central nervous
system and the internal organs at a constant temperature. It maintains the
necessary thermal balance by continuous heat exchange with the environment.
The extent of this exchange depends, on the one hand, on air temperature,
ventilation, humidity and radiant heat and, on the other, on body metabolism.
During physical activity, metabolic values may be up to ten times as much as
those encountered at rest. Under normal climatic conditions, in order to avoid
over-heating (which sooner or later proves fatal), the heat that the body is
continually producing must be dissipated in larger quantities when work is
being done and in still larger quantities again if it is absorbing heat from a
high-temperature environment. It is essential to avoid excessive heat or cold,
and wherever possible to keep the climatic conditions optimal so that the body
can maintain a thermal balance.
35. ,95
O 75
75 per cent work - 25 per cent rest each hour
50 per cent work - 50 per cent rest each hour
25 per cent work - 75 per cent rest each hour
100 200 300 400 500
400 800 1,200 1,600 2,000
Rate of wo rk
Exposure to cold for short periods of time can produce serious effects,
especially when workers are exposed to temperatures below 10 0C. The loss of
body heat is uncomfortable and quickly affects work efficiency. To maintain a
normal temperature in a cool or cold environment, the body tries to limit heat
loss by shivering and slowing down the circulation of blood to the skin and
extremities. Long exposures or extreme cold endanger survival owing to a drop
in body temperature.
Work periods in cold environments should, where necessary, be alternated
with work periods in normal temperature. Workers who must remain in the
open in cold weather, such as construction workers, electrical line workers or
fishermen, should always be provided with sheds or other facilities where they
can re-warm themselves, sheltered from the weather. Workers should
frequently take hot drinks. In non-heated cold locations, some degree of
comfort can be achieved by localized heat, such as that provided by infra-red
heaters, directed at the workers. This can increase the amount of time a worker
can remain in cold premises without negative consequences to health and
without loss of production.
Workers in cold climates and refrigerated premises should be well
protected against the cold by wearing suitable clothes, including footwear,
gloves and, most importantly, a hat. Normally, dressing in layers traps dead air
and serves as an insulation layer, thus keeping the worker warmer.
Type of work
the workplace climate, production technology, which is often the source of heat
or cold, and varying conditions of the work premises as well as work methods
and schedules. Personal factors such as clothing, nutrition, personal habits, age
and individual differences in response to the given thermal conditions also need
to be taken into account in the attempt to attain the thermal comfort of workers.
In controlling the thermal environment, one or more of the following
principles may be applied:
D regulating the workroom temperature by preventing outside heat or cold
from entering (improved design of the roof, insulation material or
installing an air-conditioned workroom. Air-conditioning is costly,
especially in factories, but it is sometimes a worthwhile investment if an
appropriate type is chosen);
D provision of ventilation in hot workplaces by increasing natural
ventilation through openings or installing ventilation devices;
D separation of heat sources from the working area, insulation of hot
surfaces and pipes, or placement of barriers between the heat sources and
the workers;
D control of humidity with a view to keeping it at low levels, for example
by preventing the escape of steam from pipes and equipment;
• provision of adequate personal protective clothing and equipment for
workers exposed to excessive radiant heat or excessive cold (heat-
protective clothing with high insulation value may not be recommended
for jobs with long exposure to moderate or heavy work as it prevents
evaporative heat loss);
D reduction of exposure time, for example by mechanization, remote control
or alternating work schedules;
D insertion of rest pauses between work periods, with comfortable, if
possible air-conditioned, resting facilities;
EJ ensuring a supply of cold drinking-water for workers in a hot environment
and of hot drinks for those exposed to a cold environment.
Experience shows that, among the workers in a given work area, some
would prefer more ventilation and others less, and some tend to feel cold while
others feel at ease. Such differences often occur because the jobs being done by
certain workers demand greater physical effort than those being done by others,
or because some work in a draught and others in a confined work area.
58 Improved layout of work premises and workstations can often help provide
The cubic volume of working premises can never be large enough to make
ventilation unnecessary, since ventilation is the dynamic parameter that
complements the concept of air space: for a given number of workers, the
smaller the work premises the more intense should be the ventilation.
Ventilation must not be confused with air circulation: the first replaces
contaminated air by fresh air, whereas the second merely moves the air without
renewing it. Where the air temperature and humidity are high, merely to
circulate the air is not only ineffective but, beyond certain limits, increases heat
absorption by convection.
Workplace ventilation:
D disperses the heat generated by machines and people at work;
consequently, where machines or workers are grouped together,
ventilation should be intensified;
• dilutes atmospheric contamination (it is easy to calculate the quantity of
air to be admitted, on the basis of the quantity of substances being released
into the air and the maximum concentration that should be observed);
D maintains the feeling of air freshness.
In all, adequate ventilation should be looked upon as an important factor in
maintaining the worker's health and productivity.
Except for confined spaces, all working premises have some minimum
ventilation. However, to ensure the necessary air flow (which should not be
lower than 50 cubic metres of air per hour per worker), air usually needs to be
changed between four and eight times per hour in offices or for sedentary
workers, between eight and 12 times per hour in workshops and as much as 15
to 30 or more times per hour for public premises and where there are high
levels of atmospheric pollution or humidity.
The air speed used for workplace ventilation should be adapted to the air
temperature and the energy expenditure: for sedentary work it should exceed
0.2 metre per second, but for a hot environment the optimum speed is between
0.5 and 1 metre per second. For arduous work it may be even higher. Certain
types of hot work can be made tolerable by directing a stream of cold air at the
workers. Ventilation, correctly used, is one of the most important technical
means of making tolerable certain types of extremely arduous working
conditions as encountered in deep mines and tropical countries, i.e. anywhere 59
When the measures suggested above are not possible, the last resort
should be to protect the worker through appropriate personal protective
equipment adequate to the task.
Whenever there is a possibility of a toxic substance contaminating the
work environment, steps should be taken to assess the levels of exposure.
Instruments, equipment and standard methods are available for detection,
sampling and evaluation of contaminants in the work environment. It is
necessary to ensure that the exposure limits specified are not exceeded by
implementing one or more of the methods described above. Exposure limits are
derived from animal experiments, epidemiological data and field trials, and are
specified by governments, research institutions and recognized bodies such as
the American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH).
They are expressed in terms of time-weighted average (TWA), ceiling values
(which must not be exceeded at any time) or short-term exposure levels (STEL,
i.e. the highest concentration which should not be exceeded beyond 15 minutes
during any shift). Periodic monitoring of the work environment is essential. It
may be also necessary, in some cases, to confirm or supplement the findings by
biological monitoring, for example by examination of blood or body fluids, and
by medical examinations.
Apart from airborne contaminants (which enter the human body through
inhalation), certain substances can-enter the body through ingestion (food or
drink contaminated with toxic substances — mainly attributable to poor
personal hygiene practices) or through skin absorption. Mineral oils and
solvents handled by workers can cause dermatitis of the skin by prolonged
contact. Certain chemicals reach the blood through the skin and cause systemic
disorders. Aniline causes cyanosis and benzene is known to affect blood cells
through skin absorption.
Workers exposed to toxic substances should be subjected to periodic
medical examinations. Records of medical examinations should be maintained
and reviewed, to detect any changes or deterioration in the health status of
workers and to ensure that effective measures are taken to protect their health.
the workers in its correct use and ensure that it is worn. The choice of
equipment should be made with the assistance of specialists, since advice is
required both on the equipment's effectiveness and on its ergonomie
characteristics, i.e. its adaptation to the worker's physical and functional
12. Ergonomics
The effects of health and safety on productivity cannot be properly discussed
without touching on the concept of ergonomics. This term covers a field which
in recent years has expanded to an extraordinary degree and whose boundaries
overlap with other disciplines concerned with the study of work and its
consequences for human beings. Ergonomics is concerned with: (a) the study
of the individual operator or working team, and (b) the provision of data for
design. The aims of ergonomics are, therefore, to enhance functional
effectiveness while maintaining or improving human welfare. Ergonomie
measures may also be defined as those that go beyond the mere protection of
the workers' physical integrity and aim at ensuring their well-being through
appropriate working conditions and the most suitable use of their physical
characteristics and physiological and psychological capabilities. Thus,
ergonomics is human centred. While the ergonomist has always in mind the
people involved in the operation of any system, other professionals may well
be interested in the object being produced or used (industrial designer); the
method of work (work study practitioner); the productivity implications
(industrial engineer); or the safety aspects (safety engineer).
For ergonomics, then, the task is to develop the most comfortable
conditions for the worker as regards lighting, climate and noise level, to
reduce the physical workload (in particular in hot environments), to facilitate
psycho-sensorial functions in reading instrument displays, to make the
handling of machine levers and controls easier, to make better use of
spontaneous and stereotyped responses, to avoid unnecessary information
recall efforts, and so on.
The interaction between operator and machine deserves particular
attention, as this is an important aspect of work study. The so-called "interface"
between the worker and the machine is symbolized in figure 18 by a dotted
line. One relevant characteristic of any machine is the way that it conveys
information to the operator. This information is provided through displays.
There is an enormous variety of visual and auditory displays (see figure 19).
Many ergonomie design aspects of these devices should be considered by the
work study practitioner when studying the current working method. One
important point is that the main aim of the displays is to establish a
communication link between the machine and the worker and that this process
can be enhanced or degraded depending upon the quality of the displays
selected. While they can provide alternative ways of conveying information,
new technologies can bring new problems and pose new constraints in the use
62 of displays. Electronic displays require specific guidelines for their selection.
Source: Reproduced, by permission, from W. T. Singleton: Introduction to ergonomics (Geneva, WHO, 1972), p. 87.
' See W. T. Singleton: Introduction to ergonomics (Geneva, World Health Organization, 1972), p. 77. 63
A. Types of display
Speed Setting
11 AGH
15 BJi
5 0 7 6 3
B. Scale patterns
Good designs i—i—i—i
Poor designs I ! ! -I
-\ M i i i I
Poor designs
C. Dial patterns
Superior design Reasonable alternatives
Poor designs
D. Display stereotypes
Expected Unexpected
0 12 3 4 5 5 4 3 2 10
Hours of work
The length of working time is of great importance to both workers and
employers. There seems little doubt that where hours of work are very long, a
shortening of these hours is accompanied by substantial productivity gains. In
fact, the main hindrance to reductions in working time in such cases may be the
illusion that workers can maintain a rapid pace of work throughout the shift.
For further details, see Hans W. Jiirgens et al.: International data on anthropometry, Occupational
Safety and Health Series No. 65 (Geneva, ILO, 1990). 65
ON ON ON related dials
Label clearly and controls
what should be
operation is grouped
meant together
Actual case studies with careful controls have almost always shown that
average productivity rises rapidly as excessive hours are reduced. Long hours
of work also increase the risks of occupational accidents, which are costly and
lead to losses in productivity. At the same time, the exhaustion due to long
hours prevents workers from participating in non-work activities and ultimately
threatens their health, in particular if work involves heavy physical or mental
strain or health risks.
In 1962 the International Labour Conference adopted the Reduction of
Hours of Work Recommendation (No. 116), which promotes the progressive
reduction of normal hours of work and establishes the standard of the 40-hour
week. Indeed, normal hours have been steadily falling in industrialized
countries and have reached 35 hours in some countries and industries. In many
cases collective bargaining has had a greater influence than legislation on
normal working hours.
The issue of reducing long hours of work is directly related to attempts to
curtail overtime, which are in turn based on arguments citing employment
promotion as well as social or health grounds. Legislation varies considerably
in the extent to which it allows normal hours of work to be exceeded in the
66 form of overtime, which is remunerated at a higher rate than normal hours of
Night work
Numerous studies have shown that night work can be harmful to the health of
workers, especially those who adjust poorly. Two major risks to the health of
workers on night shifts have been identified: harmful effects on sleep and
gastro-intestinal and other disorders related to changes in eating habits.
Furthermore, continuous or frequent night work puts workers at a disadvantage
with regard to participation in family life and social activities. Thus two
instruments for the protection of night workers were established by the ILO in
1990: the Night Work Convention (No. 171) and Recommendation (No. 178).
They call for specific measures to be taken for night workers relating to hours
of work, rest periods, financial compensation, safety and health and social 67
services to protect their health, help them to meet their family and social
responsibilities, provide opportunities for occupational advancement and
compensate them appropriately. Special provisions are also made for women
workers during at least 16 weeks before and after childbirth.
matters during working hours; overtime costs are reduced; and, in addition, it
facilitates recruitment, as flexitime is attractive to potential candidates.
However, a number of management problems may arise with regard to internal
communication and coordination. It may be difficult to provide proper
supervision at all times of the day. Furthermore, problems of staffing may
occur at certain times of the day or week. An investment in time-monitoring
equipment may have to be made.
Compressed work-weeks. Under the compressed work-week system,
working days are longer, but weeks are shorter. A 38-hour week, for example,
could be worked as four nine-and-a-half-hour days. By rotating the days of
work, it is possible to extend operating time to five or six days a week, without
any employee working for more than four days a week, or part-time workers
can be hired to cover the one or two extra days of the week. With longer
working days, employers save on overhead costs and starting-up time.
However, the long working day may cause a decline in performance in terms of
quality and quantity at the end of the day, especially if work is monotonous and
intense, and the risk of accidents is increased. Scheduling overtime is also
difficult under such circumstances.
Shift work. Shift work is the most widespread means of extending
operating hours. The main types of shift systems are discontinuous (morning
and afternoon shifts only, on five or six days per week), semi-continuous
(continuous during the week with a break at weekends) and continuous. In
order to reduce night work as much as possible, some semi-continuous
schedules eliminate the night shift on Friday evening. A few schedules provide
for longer morning and afternoon shifts and shorter night shifts, or increase the
number of shifts per 24-hour cycle.
Many scheduling possibilities exist for continuous shift systems. The
classic example is the four-crew, three-shift system, in which three crews work
eight hours each while the fourth crew is at rest, with rotation at regular
intervals over a four-week period. This schedule averages out to a 42-hour
work-week. In many countries normal weekly hours of work are now well
below 42, and in some countries continuous shiftworkers are entitled to special
reductions in hours; hence other shift systems are now often used. For example,
in several countries five-crew systems are now common. These divide the 168
hours of the week among five crews, each working eight-hour shifts according
to various rotation schedules. Three crews are at work while two are at rest,
and consequently the average hours of work over a five-week period are
lowered to 33.6.
The rotation of shifts is particularly important in continuous operations.
On the basis of relatively recent studies of the circadian rhythm of the human
body (occurring about once daily) and the social impact of different shift
schedules, it is generally recommended that shifts should be rotated rapidly,
every two or three days, and that the longest period of rest should follow the
night shift.
For workers, continuous shift work is particularly arduous and disruptive
for family and social life. For this reason restrictions on shift and night work 69
Many practical ideas are given in J. E. Thurman et al.: Higher productivity and a better place to
70 work, Action manual (Geneva, ILO, 1988).
Method study
These eight steps (figure 6) constitute the logical procedure that a work
study specialist could normally apply. In practice, however, the procedure is
not as straightforward as it is presented here. For example, when measuring the
results achieved by the new method one may find that the resulting cost-
effectiveness may be negligible and does not warrant the added investment in
time and effort to develop the perceived method. In this case the work study
person may have to go back to the drawing-board to examine the job once
more and try to develop another improved method.
In other circumstances experience with a new improved method may
bring to the surface new problems, in which case the process of examination,
development and subsequent steps has to be repeated again.
In the following chapters we will deal with each of the steps involved in
studying the methods of work. The remaining part of this chapter will be
devoted to the first step, namely selection of the work to be studied.
economist who noted that often a small number of items among a range of
products account for the highest value. The same observation can be extended
by saying that among all the operations in a given plant a small number
account for the largest share of cost or of profit, or for that matter the largest
percentage of waste.
To illustrate the point we will consider the following example.
Let us assume that a certain enterprise produces 20 different products.
Each of these products generates a certain profit. By listing the annual
production and profit contribution one obtains the results shown in table 6.
The next step consists of rearranging these items in descending order of
importance according to profit. The result would then appear like the one
shown in table 7.
From table 7 it can be seen that three products only, listed as "A items",
account for 60 per cent of the profit. These are the most profitable and any
improvement in methods of producing these particular products would reflect
highly on profits. They would be a priority for study. Products listed under
"B", which are seven in number, contribute 25 per cent of the profit. They
could then assume a second importance, while products "C" would command
the last priority since their contribution to profit is minimal. The same type of
analysis can be conducted to determine "the most costly products or processes"
or "the products or processes that yield the highest waste". Those would then
become a priority for study by the work study specialist. 77
50 000
1 4 200 "C" items
16 4 000 Ten items contribute
18 4 000 15% of the profit
6 3 600
10 3 600
13 3 600
8 2 400
20 2 000
5 1 600
7 1 000
$30 000
Record, examine,
Table 8. The most commonly used method study charts and diagrams
It will be seen that the symbol for an operation is also used when charting a
procedure, as for instance a clerical routine. An operation is said to take place
when information is given or received, or when planning or calculating takes place.
The symbols used throughout this book are those recommended by the American Society of
Mechanical Engineers and adopted in BSI: Glossary of terms used in management services, BSI 3138
82 (London, 1991).
In an outline process chart, only the principal operations carried out and
the inspections made to ensure their effectiveness are recorded, irrespective of
who does them and where they are performed. In preparing such a chart, only
the symbols for "operation" and "inspection" are necessary.
In addition to the information given by the symbols and their sequence, a
brief note of the nature of each operation or inspection is made beside the
symbol, and the time allowed for it (where known) is also added.
An example of an outline process chart is given in figure 23. In order that
the reader may obtain a firm grasp of the principles involved, the assembly
represented on the chart is shown in a sketch (figure 22) and the operations
84 charted are given in some detail below.
A large circle
Indicates an
such as
Drive nail Drill hole Type letter
An arrow
such as
Move material by truck
Move material
by hoist or elevator
Move material by
carrying (messenger)
A square
an inspection,
such as Examine material for Read steam gauge Examine printed form
quality or quantity on boiler for information
The letter D
indicates a
delay, Material in truck or on
such as floor at bench waiting Employee waiting Papers waiting
to be processed for elevator to be filed
A triangle
indicates a
such as Bulk storage > Finished product Documents and records
of raw material in warehouse in storage vault
Source: Ralph M. Barnes: Motion and time study (New York, © John Wiley, 7th éd., 1980) p. 52, figure 29. Reproduced by permission of r>c
John Wiley & Sons, Inc. O-3
This example is adapted from W. Rodgers: Methods engineering chart and glossary (Nottingham
86 (United Kingdom), School of Management Studies Ltd.).
(0.080) I /
(0.022) ( 8
No time
(0.0015) (12
(0.006) (13
No time
(0.045) ( 14
No time
Once this has been done the assembly is ready for the insertion of the stop
pin (made from 5 mm diameter steel rod) which has been made as follows:
Operation 10 Turn 2 mm diameter shank, chamfer end and part off on a
capstan lathe (0.025 hours).
Operation 11 Remove the "pip" on a linisher (0.005 hours).
The work is then taken to the inspection department.
Inspection 5 Inspect for dimensions and finish (no time).
After inspection the work goes to the plating shop for:
Operation 12 Degreasing (0.0015 hours).
Operation 13 Cadmium plating (0.006 hours).
The work now goes back to the inspection department for:
88 Inspection 6 Final check (no time).
Subsidiary Main
component component
Change in size
or condition Now assembly
shown thus
Figure 25. Flow process chart: Engine stripping, cleaning and degreasing
v In old-engine stores
i [Zj> Picked up engine by crane (electric) Non-productive
24 2 [^> Transported to next crane
31^> Unloaded to floor
4 [^> Picked up by second crane (electric)
30 s [^)> Transported to stripping bay
O Unloaded to floor
© Degreased Productive
ii \^y Lifted out of degreaser by crane Non-productive
i2 [^> Transported away from degreaser
is C^> Unloaded to ground
Li) To cool
12 ii \^> Transported to cleaning benches
Figure 26. Flow process chart — Material type: Engine stripping, cleaning and
degreasing (original method)
Flow process chart Worker /Material/Equipmont type
Chart No. 7 Sheet No. 1 of 1 Summary
Subject charted: Activity Present Proposed Saving
Used bus engines Operation o 4
Transport o 27
Activity: Delay D 3
Stripping, cleaning and degreasing Inspection a 7
prior to inspection
Storage v 7
Distance (m) 237.5
Location: Degreasing shop Time (work-min.) — — —
Operative{s): Clock Nos. 7234 Cost
577 Labour —
Charted by: Date: Material
Approved by: Date: Total — — —
Dist- Symbol
Description Qty. ance Time Remarks
(m) (min.) o D D D V
Stored in old-engine store ___
Engine picked up - Electric crane
Transported to next crane 24 Electric crane
Unloaded to floor
Picked up Electric crane
Transported to stripping bay 30 Electric crane
Unloaded to floor X
Engine stripped f
Main components cleaned and laid out L '^
Components inspected for wear; ^
inspection report written >
Parts carried to degreasing basket 3 ^
Loaded for degreasing
Transported to degreaser 7.5 Hand crane
Unloaded into degreaser S
Degreased <
Lifted out of degreaser N. Hand crane
Transported away from degreaser 6 Hand crane
Unloaded to ground k
To cool >
Transported to cleaning benches 12 S By hand
All parts cleaned completely <
All cleaned parts placed in one box 9 \ By hand
Awaiting transport >
All parts except cylinder block and heads /
loaded on trolley
Transported to engine inspection section 76 Trolley
Parts unloaded and arranged on
inspection table
Cylinder block and head loaded on trolley
Transported to engine inspection section 76 Trolley
Unloaded to ground V
Stored temporarily awaiting inspection S
Total 237.5 4 27 3 7 7
(Adapted from an original) 93
supervisor. This confirmation has two aims. First, it ensures that the facts
are correct. Second, it strengthens the bond between the work study
person and the supervisor, who appreciates that his or her opinion is
valuable to the investigation.
(4) A high standard of neatness and accuracy should be maintained in
preparing fair copies of charts constructed from direct observation. The
charts will be used in explaining proposals for standardizing work or
improving methods. An untidy chart will always make a bad impression
and may lead to errors.
(5) To maintain their value for future reference and to provide as complete
information as possible, all charts should carry a heading giving the
following information (see figure 26):
(a) the name of the product, material or equipment charted, with
drawing numbers or code numbers;
(b) the job or process being carried out, clearly stating the starting-point and
the end point, and whether the method is the present or proposed one;
(c) the location in which the operation is taking place (department,
factory, site, etc.);
(d) the chart reference number, sheet number and the total number of sheets;
(e) the observer's name and, if desired, that of the person approving the chart;
(f) the date of the study;
(g) a key to the symbols used. This is necessary for the benefit of
anyone who may study the chart later and who may have been
accustomed to using different symbols. It is convenient to show
these as part of a table summarizing the activities in the present and
proposed methods (see figure 26);
(h) a summary of distance, time and, if desired, cost of labour and
material, for comparison of old and new methods.
(6) Before leaving the chart, check the following points:
(a) Have the facts been correctly recorded?
(b) Have any over-simplifying assumptions been made (e.g. is the
investigation so incomplete as to be inaccurate)?
(c) Have all the factors contributing to the process been recorded?
So far we have been concerned only with the "record" stage. We must
now consider the steps necessary to examine critically the data recorded.
The five sets of activities recorded on the flow process chart fall naturally
into two main categories, namely:
D those in which something is actually happening to the material or
workpiece under consideration, i.e. it is being worked upon, moved or
examined; and
D those in which it is not being touched, being either in storage or at a
standstill owing to a delay.
Activities in the first category may be subdivided into three groups:
D MAKE READY activities required to prepare the material or workpiece
and set it in position ready to be worked on. In the example in figure 25
these are represented by the loading and transporting of the engine to the
degreasing shop, transporting it to the cleaning benches, etc.
D DO operations in which a change is made in the shape, chemical
composition or physical condition of the product. In the case of the
example these are the dismantling, cleaning and degreasing operations.
Some "do" operations may be further classified as "key" operations. For
example, deburring a machined part is a "do" operation but not a "key"
one since it would not be performed if no machining were carried out.
• PUT AWAY activities during which the work is moved aside from the
machine or workplace. The "put away" activities of one operation may be
the "make ready" activities of the next — as, for example, transport
between operations from the degreaser to the cleaning benches. Putting
parts into storage, putting letters into an "Out" tray and inspecting
finished parts are other examples.
It will be seen that, while "make ready" and "put away" activities may be
represented by "transport" and "inspection" symbols, "do" operations can only
be represented by "operation" symbols.
The aim is obviously to have as high a proportion of "do" operations as
possible, since these are the only ones which carry the product forward in its
progress from raw material to completion. ("Do" operations in non-
manufacturing industries are those operations which actually carry out the
activity for which the organization exists, for example the act of selling in a
shop or the act of typing in an office.) These are "productive" activities; all
others, however necessary, may be considered as "non-productive", including
storages and delays which represent tied-up capital that could have been used
to further the business.
An alternative approach is to first examine the necessity of "key"
operations. If these can be removed, associated "do" (but non-"key") and non-
productive operations will automatically be removed.
study person goes on to inquire: What else might be done? And, hence: What
should be done? In the same way, the answers already obtained on place,
sequence, person and means are subjected to further inquiry.
Combining the two primary questions with the two secondary questions
under each of the headings "purpose, place", etc., yields the following list,
which sets out the questioning technique in full:
Original method
1 = Store
2 = Stripping
3 = Degreaser
4 = Cooling
5 = Cleaning
6 = Locker
7 = Tool cabinet
8 = Paraffin wash
9 = Charge hand
Proposed method
A = Store
B = Engine stand
C = (stripping)
U = Basket
E = Degreaser
F = Cleaning
G = Motor
H = Locker
1 = Charge hand
Figure 28. Flow process chart — Material type: Engine stripping, cleaning and
degreasing (improved method)
Total 150 3 75 2 - 7
"This example has been taken, with some adaptation, from Simplification du travail (the French
version of a handbook produced by the North American Aviation Company Inc., Texas Division) (Paris,
Editions Hommes et Techniques, 2nd éd., 1950). 101
another to await opening. They are then unstacked and the lid removed. The
delivery notes are taken out and the cases are loaded one at a time on a hand
truck, by which they are taken to the receiving bench. They are placed on the
floor beside the bench. After a short delay they are unpacked; each piece is
taken out of its carton and checked against the delivery note. It is then replaced
in its carton; the cartons are replaced in the case and the case is moved to the
other side of the receiving bench to await transport to the inspection bench.
Here the case is again placed on the floor until the inspectors are ready for it.
The parts are again unpacked, inspected, measured and replaced as before.
After a further short delay the case is transported to the marking bench. The
parts are unpacked, numbered and repacked in the cartons and the case, which
after another delay is transported by hand truck to the stores and there placed in
bins to await issue to the assembly shops. The complete sequence has been
recorded on a flow process chart (figure 30).
D EXAMINE critically
A study of the flow diagram (figure 29) shows immediately that the cases
take a very long and roundabout path on their journey to the bins. This could
not have been seen from the flow process chart alone. The chart, however,
enables the various activities to be recorded and summarized in a manner not
conveniently possible on the diagram.
A critical examination of the two together, using the questioning
technique, at once raises many points which demand explanation, such as:
Q. Why are the cases stacked to await opening when they have to be
unstacked in 10 minutes?
A. Because the delivery truck can be unloaded faster than work is
Q. What else could be done?
A. (a) The work could be cleared faster.
(b) Space could be provided to leave the cases unstacked.
Q. Why are the reception, inspection and marking points so far apart?
A. Because they happen to have been put there.
Q. Where else could they be?
A. They could be all together.
Q. Where should they be?
A. Together at the present reception point.
Q. Why does the case have to go all round the building to reach the stores?
A. Because the door of the stores is located at the opposite end from the
delivery point.
No doubt the reader who examines the flow diagram and the flow process
chart carefully will find many other questions to ask. There is evidently much
room for improvement. This is a real-life example of what happens when a
series of activities is started without being properly planned. Examples with as
102 much waste of time and effort can be found in factories all over the world.
Figure 29. Flow diagram: Inspecting and marking incoming parts (original method)
^Inclined plane
Figure 30. Flow process chart: Inspecting and marking incoming parts
(original method)
. . W. ..,-. | ...
Figure 31. Flow diagram: Inspecting and marking incoming parts (improved method)
Figure 32. Flow process chart: Inspecting and marking incoming parts (improved
•-VIUII^••»•••. i»h>«- 1
Chart No. 4 Sheet No. 7 of 7 Summary
Subject charted: Activity Present Proposed Saving
Case of SX 487 tee-pieces (W per case in Operation o 2 2
cartons) Transport o 77 6 5
Activity: Delay D 7 2 5
Receive, check, inspect and number tee- Inspection • 2 1 7
pieces and store in case Storage v 1 1
Distance (m) 56.2 32.2 24
Location: Receiving Dept. " Time (work-h) 1.96 1.16 0.80
Operative(s): Clock No. • Cost per case
See Remarks column Labour $10.19 $6.03 $4.16
Charted by: Date: Material
Approved by: Date: Total $10.19 $6.03 $4.16
Qty. Dist- Symbol
Description 7 ance Time Remarks
case (m) (min.) o D D D V
Total 32.2 55 2 6 2 1 7
many cases, however, the solution is not all that obvious and further
investigation may be needed elsewhere. It is therefore unwise to rush into
solutions before investigating these other related areas. For example, a
simplification in the design of the product or proper use of raw material can
save considerably on times of operations. Other issues related to proper layout
or to materials handling can also produce the same effect. It is for this reason
that work study specialists should be aware of the range of techniques that are
available to them in developing a new improved method. These are referred to
in Part Three of this book.
Eventually, and with practice in using the questioning technique, the work
study person develops an inquisitive attitude which is constantly pursuing
Once the step of developing a new method is accomplished, it is recorded
on a corresponding chart. In our two previous examples this would be a flow
process chart, so that it can be compared with the original method and checked
to make sure that no point has been overlooked. This will enable entries to be
made in the "summary" of the total number of activities taking place under
both methods, the savings in distance and time which may be expected to
accrue from the change and the possible cost savings which will result (fig-
ures 28 and 32).
Movement of workers in
the working area
The string diagram (figure 33) is thus a special form of flow diagram, in
which a string or thread is used to measure distance. Because of this it is
necessary that the string diagram be drawn correctly to scale, whereas the
ordinary flow diagram will probably be drawn only approximately to scale, 109
// m
#• ' :
/ ::Po*il
^T ^^
/ 1
s 1 L N ^
f \
^^ Pt
to Bin 4
The form of study sheet required is very simple. A sample of the headings
required is given in figure 34. Continuation sheets need only give columns 1, 2,
3, 4 and 5.
The recording of movements will continue for as long as the work study
person thinks is necessary to obtain a representative picture of the worker's
movements, which may be a few hours, a day, or even longer. The study person
must be sure that he or she has noted all the journeys made by the worker and
has seen them made enough times to be sure of their relative frequency.
Insufficient study may produce a misleading picture, since the work study
person may only have watched the worker during a part of the complete cycle
of activities while using only a few of his or her various paths of movement.
Later in the cycle he or she may not use these at all but use others a great deal.
Once the study person is satisfied that he or she has a true picture — which
should be checked with the worker concerned to make sure that there is
nothing else which is usually done that has not been observed — the string
diagram may be constructed.
A scale plan of the working area similar to that required for a flow
diagram must be made (the same plan may be used so long as it has been 111
accurately drawn). Machines, benches, stores and all points at which calls are
made should be drawn in to scale, together with such doorways, pillars and
partitions as are likely to affect paths of movements. The completed plan
should be attached to a softwood or composition board, and pins driven into it
firmly at every stopping point, the heads being allowed to stand well clear of
the surface (by about 1 cm). Pins should also be driven in at all the turning-
points on the route. A measured length of thread is then taken and tied round
the pin at the starting-point of the movements (the inspection bench (I) in
figure 33). It is then led around the pins at the other points of call in the order
noted on the study sheet until all the movements have been dealt with.
The result is an overall picture of the paths of movement of the operative,
those which are most frequently traversed being covered with the greatest
number of strings, the effect being as in figure 33.
It will be seen from the sketch that certain paths — in particular those
between A and D, A and H, and D and L — are traversed more frequently than
the others. Since most of these points are at a fair distance from one another,
the diagram suggests that critical examination is called for, with a view to
moving the work points which they represent closer together.
It will be remembered that the thread used was measured before the study
person started to make the diagram. By measuring the length remaining and
subtracting this from the total length, the length used can be found. This will
represent, to scale, the distance covered by the worker. If two or more workers
are studied over the same working area, different coloured threads may be used
to distinguish between them.
The examination of the diagram and the development of the new layout
can now proceed on the same lines as with a flow diagram, with templates
being used and the pins and templates being moved around until an
arrangement is found by which the same operations can be performed with a
minimum movement between them. This can be ascertained by leading the
thread around the pins in their new positions, starting from the same point and
following the same sequence. When the thread has been led around all the
points covered by the study, the length left over can again be measured. The
difference in length between this and the thread left over from the original
study will represent the reduction in distance travelled as a result of the
improved layout. The process may have to be repeated several times until the
best possible layout (i.e. the layout with which the minimum length of thread is
used) is achieved.
The string diagram is a useful aid in explaining proposed changes to
management, supervisors and workers. If two diagrams are made, one showing
the original layout and one the improved layout, the contrast is often so vivid
— particularly if brightly coloured thread is used — that the change will not be
difficult to "sell". Workers especially are interested in seeing the results of such
studies and discovering how far they have to walk. The idea of reducing one's
personal effort appeals to almost everyone!
The following example shows this technique as applied to the movements
112 of labourers storing tiles after inspection.
40 32 > 16 8
20 x 20 r 10x5
ie+corner Re
39 31 23 15 7
20x20 10x5
Plain Plain
38 30 22 14 í 6 .
10 cm strip c
29 21 f is ; 5
36 28 20 12 2 4
15x8 / i
35 27
• (
34 26 18 10 2
33 25 17 9 1
Bullnose 15x15 ^
O JoL o o
Inspection bench
40 32 24 16 8
Special Special Special Special Special
39 31 23 15 7
Special Bullnose 20x20 10 cm Strip Special
Re + corner
38 30 22 14 6 .
10x5 10x5 20x20 15x10 15x8 /
Re Plain Plain » Re Re <
37 29 13 5
15x 15 15x 15 15x 10 15x8
Corners Re Re Plain
36 28 12 4
10x10 15x 15 15x15 10x10
Corners Re Plain • Plain Re
35 27 IS 11 3
10x10 15x15 15x15 • 15x15 10x10 *
Corners Plain Plain Plain Re ^
26 18 10 2
10x10 10x10 k 10x10 10x10^
Plain Plain Plain Re 1
25 17 9 1
10x10 10x10 » lOx 10 10x10
Plain Plain ' Plain Re
n r
O JoL o O
Inspection bench
The same techniques as have been used to follow materials through the
operations and movements which they undergo can be used to record the
movements of a person. Worker-type flow process charts are frequently used in
the study of jobs which are not highly repetitive or standardized. Service and
maintenance work, laboratory procedure and much of the work of supervisors
and executives can be recorded on charts of this type. Since the charts follow
one individual or a group performing the same activities in sequence, the
standard flow process chart forms can be used. It is usually essential to attach
to the worker-type flow process chart a sketch showing the path of movement
of the worker while he or she is carrying out the operation charted.
The charting procedure used in compiling a worker-type flow process
chart is almost exactly the same as that used on material-type flow process
charts. There is one slight difference, however — a useful charting convention
which helps to distinguish worker-type charts from the other two flow process
charts, and which will be found quite natural in practice.
The definition of the worker-type chart given above states that it records
what the worker does. The definitions of the other two flow process charts,
however, state that they record (material type) how material is handled or
treated, and (equipment type) how the equipment is used. The definitions thus
reflect the charting practice, which is to use mainly the active voice on worker-
type charts, and mainly the passive voice on the other two. The convention,
which has been followed on all the flow process charts illustrated in this book,
116 will be clear from the following examples of typical entries:
Original method
Improved method
V To kitchen 12 metres from door
Figure 38. Flow process chart — Worker type: Serving dinners in a hospital ward
one plate at a time? How many could she carry?" The answer is almost
certainly: "At least two." If she carried two plates at a time, the distance she
would have to walk would be almost halved. One of the first questions asked
would almost certainly be: "Why is the serving table there, in the middle of the
ward?" followed, after one or two other questions, by the key questions: "Why
should it stand still? Why can it not move round? Why not a trolley?" This
leads straight to the solution which was adopted.
D DEVELOP the new method
It will be seen from the broken line in the diagram (representing the
revised path of movement of the nurse when provided with a trolley) and from
the flow process chart that the final solution involves the nurse serving and
carrying two plates at a time (which also saves a small amount of serving
The result, as will be seen from the process chart, is a reduction of over
54 per cent in the total distance walked in serving and clearing away the
dinners (the saving is 65 per cent if the distance walked in removing the
second-course plates, which is the same in both the old and the new methods, is
What is important here in this very simple example is not so much the
reduction in cost, which is very small, as the fact that the nurse's fatigue,
resulting from the considerable distance which she had to walk within the ward
and while carrying the loaded tray to and from the kitchen, is lessened.
Electrician and mate Fitter and mate Rigger Process workers
Workshop Fix tackle
Remo1 /e top
or adjust
Replac ;e top
Remove tackle
Working Ineffective
time time
' Adapted from an example in Method study, a handbook issued by Imperial Chemical Industries Ltd.,
122 Work Study Department.
Electrician and mate Fitter and mate Rigger Process workers
heaters Release top
Fix tackle
Remove top
-2 or adjust
Replac;e top
Remove tackle
Secure top
-5 Time saved
32 pe r cent
The multiple activity chart can also be used to present a picture of the
operations performed simultaneously by a worker and one or more machines.
The chart may be drawn in the manner shown in figure 41, with the vertical
activity bars close to each other down the middle of the sheet. In this way the
beginning and end, and hence the duration, of every period of activity of either
worker or machine are clearly seen in relation to one another. By a study of
these activities it is possible to determine whether better use can be made of the
operative's time or of the machine time. In particular, it offers a means of
determining whether a worker minding a machine, whose time is only partly
occupied, can manage to service another machine, or whether the increase in
ineffective time of the two machines will offset any gain to be obtained from
employing the worker's time more fully. This is an important question in those 123
Figure 41. Multiple activity chart — Worker and machine: Finish mill casting
(original method)
S »/i u-
Machme Time
— 1.4
E W/e
Finish mill second face
ie —
— 1.6
— 1.8
— 2.0 H 2.0 —
— 2.2 2.2 —
— 2.4 2.4 —
— 2.6 2.6 —
— 2.8 2.8 —
— 3.0 3.0 —
— 3.2 3.2 —
— 3.4 3.4 —
— 3.6 3.6 —
— 3.8 3.8 =
Figure 42. Multiple activity chart — Worker and machine: Finish mill casting
(improved method)
— 0.6
Breaks edge of machined casting with file;
H 0.8 cleans with compressed air
Gauges depth on surface plate
— 1.0 Places casting in box; picks up new casting
1 Working
0.6 =
0.8 —
1.0 —
— 1.2
and places by machine
• Finish mill second face
1.2 =
— 1.4 • „.i
— Idle
— 1.6 1.6 ^
— 1.8 1.8 —
— 2.0 2.0 ^
— 2.2 2.2 =
— 2.4 2.4 —
2.6 2.6 —
2.8 2.8 ^^
3.0 3.0 —
3.2 3.2 —
= 3.4 3.4 =
— 3.6 3.6 —
— 3.8 3.8 =
countries where human resources are more readily available than machines and
other capital equipment.
Figure 43. Combined team work and machine multiple activity chart: Crushing bones
(original method)
80 broken belt-
Bones tibias
Heap of selected
bones ^
Brook Brook
allowed for the job (for the treatment of relaxation allowances see Chapter 23).
If the two trolley operatives took their relaxation allowances, the productivity
of the crusher would be still lower.
A study of the diagram of the working area and of the information given
above shows that the workers sorting the bones at the dumps labelled "Bones"
have to carry the sorted bones from the points where they are working to the
"Heap of selected bones", so that they can be loaded into the trolley. This raises
the question: "Why cannot the bone sorters load the sorted bones straight into
the trolley?"
The answer is that they could do so, if the rails were extended another
20 metres to the bone dumps.
This eliminates the loaders but still leaves the problem of the 4 minutes of
idle time of the crusher, while it is waiting for the trolley to return with a load.
There are more bone sorters than loaders and they can load the trolley more
quickly; if each trolley load were reduced, it would take less time to load and
would require less effort to push. In this way it might be possible to keep up
with the cycle of the crusher. The load was therefore reduced to 175 kilograms.
Waiting time was eliminated.
D DEVELOP the improved method
The line of crosses in figure 44 shows the extension of the rails to the
bone dumps. The loaders who were eliminated were transferred to other work
in the factory. This was probably made possible by the fact that, as will be
seen, the crusher output rose substantially as a result of the change of method.
Figure 45 is the multiple activity chart showing the improved method. It
will be seen from this that the percentage running time of the crusher has
considerably improved.
Performance figures are now:
Trolley loading time 1 min.
Trolley to crusher, empty and return 6 min.
Trolley load 175 kg
Weight transported in 117.5 minutes 15 X 175 = 2,625 kg
Crusher waiting time 6 min.
The crusher waiting time will be seen from the chart to include 3 minutes
for clearing hard bones — an abnormal occurrence. If this time is excluded to
enable the original and improved performances to be compared, the overall
time during which the crusher is available for action is 112.5 minutes. The
increase in output from the crusher over almost identical periods is
625 kilograms; the increase in productivity of the crusher is 29.5 per cent.
Two labourers out of eight have been released for other work; the labour
productivity has therefore increased by
1 7
\2,000 x 6 - )/ X iOO = 5 ^per cent.
The space formerly occupied by the "Heap of selected bones" is now
130 available for other uses.
Figure 45. Combined team work and machine multiple activity chart: Crushing bones
(improved method)
= 1l ^H
*• 1.0 min. loading —
-•— 6.0 min. work
I 6.0 min. per trip
— 20
1 3>0 1
^H 20 =
14.50 1
Load not emptied -»- 3.0 —- 3.0 waiting
30 =
— 1.0 E
— 40 40 =
— 14.50
Ë 50 - 50 =
i E
— „„ Delay 1.0 1.0
60 =
— 60 ^H
— 70
45.0 •
I 70 =
De/a^Q 10 1.0
= 80
i Delay
L 1.0 1.0
80 —
= 90 90 =
E 0.5
= 100 H 100 ~
= 110 •
110 zz
111.0 min.
— 115.b min. -*- ^ ' ' ' ' „, ' .^ J , „ —
Note: During delays to trolley —
— 120 sorting continues 120 —
Movement FROM ^7
Station 10
'i 1
§ 6 ^ ^ ^ ^ 5 6
7 4 4 '* \ ^ 7
< •^ \ -i 4 3 8
^ 7 9
'* 4 ^ 44 \
5 10
¿ >» ¿ 3 i 5 V- 3 7 5
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Layout sketch - -
of office "1 Fl
showing location
of stations
io| »
edge. Of course, the study person does not actually trace in the path over which
the pencil moves but just places a small tick or other mark in the terminal
square to record the journey.
To make the recording method completely clear, let us suppose that the
messenger travelled the following route: 2 to 9 to 5 to 3 and back to 2. The
journey from 2 to 9 will be marked by a tick as described above. To enter the
journey from 9 to 5, the study person will return to the top of the chart, select
square 9, move down the column below this until he or she reaches the square
opposite 5 on the left-hand edge, and record the movement by a tick there. To
the top again to select square 5, down from there to that opposite 3; another
tick for that journey. Finally, up to the top once more to select square 3, and
down to that opposite number 2 for the recording of the final leg of the
messenger's walk.
7Z*m 7 4 é V- 9 e Z 5 9 7 ¿ 5 9
71 À i V- 9 e 2, 5 ? 7 l 5 9 ¿
Jli' ¿¿cm** 40 LO - 30 •o ¿0 30 vo 40 ¿0 40 30 •O
7t*M( i 4 9
7S- 4 1 i 1 '
Jti' «¿cm** - 30 30 ^^
D EXAMINE critically
An examination of the chart shows that ten journeys have been made into
station 2, seven into station 9 and six into station 5. These are the. busiest
stations. A scrutiny of the body of-the chart helps to confirm this: there were
six journeys from station 2 to station 9, and five from station 5 to station 2. The
busiest route is 5-2-9. This suggests that it would be better to locate these
stations next to each other. It might then be possible for the clerk at station 5 to
place finished work directly into the in-tray at station 2, and the clerk there to
pass his or her work on to station 9, thus relieving the messenger of a good deal
of travelling.
\ ¿ ¿0
^ Z vo
• iO
/ JO
/ M 5 -fód
2 \ / 30
/ -
/ - 3 40
< •*,
-# »o
• JO • . • 30
/ - /30 * 470
No. of
trips 3V-2.2.ZV-3-**
of cans SO BO - 94 70 LO 50 ¿O 490
Movements were recorded on the shop floor on a study sheet of the type
shown in figure 47. The entries show not only the journeys made but also the
number of cans carried on each trip. In the travel chart shown in figure 48 there
are nine stations, the eight mixing machines and the inspection bench. The travel
chart was made exactly as in the previous example, except that in this instance
the number of cans delivered was also entered in the destination squares,
beside the ticks for the journeys, and both journeys and cans delivered have
been summarized. It will be seen that, for instance, two journeys were made
from station 5 to station 9, one with a load of 40 cans and the other with 30.
D EXAMINE critically
Not much can be learned from the study sheet, except that seven of the 29
trips made were run without any load, and that the size of load varied from ten
to 40 cans. The travel chart, however, shows at once that stations 6 and 9 are
busy ones. Five trips were made to station 6, with a total of 150 cans being
delivered. (Station 6 was the inspection bench.) Four of these trips were from
station 9, bringing in a total of 130 cans. The largest number of trips, and the
greatest quantity of cans, was from station 9 to the inspection bench,
suggesting that this route might be laid out so that it would be as short as
possible. It might be possible to install a roller conveyor between these points,
thus relieving the lift truck of a great deal of work.
Eight trips were made into station 9, to deliver 170 cans. The cans came
from stations 1,2, A and 5, one trip without load being made from station 3.
Stations 1, 2, 4 and 5 appear to feed station 9, which sends its work on to the
inspection bench (longer study might be necessary to confirm this). If so, there
would be a case for modifying the layout of the shop in order to bring these
stations closer together, when roller conveyors might allow gravity to do most
of the transporting between them. In this example there is no sketch of the shop
layout or table of distances between stations, both of which are essential
complements to a travel chart.
It is interesting to note that four trips were made from station 2, but only
three into the station; and that only four were made from station 6, although
five were made into it. This is because the study started at station 2 and
finished at the inspection bench.
Methods and
movements at the
1. General considerations
In this book we have gradually moved from the wide field of the productivity
of industry as a whole to considering in a general way how the productivity of
workers and machines can be improved through the use of work study. Still
moving from the broader to the more detailed approach, we have also
examined procedures of a general nature for improving the effectiveness with
which complete sequences of operations are performed and with which
material flows through the working area. Turning from materials to workers,
we have discussed methods of studying the movements of persons around the
working area and the relationships between men or women and machines or
workers working together in groups. We have done so following the principle
that the broad method of operation must be put right before we attempt
improvements in detail.
The time has now come to look at one worker working at a workplace,
bench or table and to apply to him or her the principles which have been laid
down and the procedures shown in the examples given.
In considering the movements of workers and materials on the larger
scale, we have been concerned with the more efficient use of existing plant and
machinery (and, where possible, materials) through the elimination of
unnecessary idle time, the more effective operation of processes and the more
efficient use of the services of labour through the elimination of unnecessary
and time-consuming movement within the working area of factory, department
or yard.
As our example (Chapter 8) of the trolley operative's need for relaxation
shows, the factor of fatigue affects the solution of problems even when we are
dealing with areas larger than the individual workplace. But when we come to
study individuals at the workplace, the way in which they apply their effort and
the amount of fatigue resulting from their manner of working become primary
factors affecting their productivity.
Before embarking on a detailed study of an operative doing a job at a
single workplace, it is important to make certain that the job is in fact
necessary and is being done as it should be done. The questioning technique
must be applied as regards:
To ensure that the job is necessary. 139
To ensure that it is being done where it should be done.
To ensure that it is in its right place in the sequence of operations.
To ensure that it is being done by the right person.
Once these have been verified and it is certain that the job cannot be
eliminated or combined with another operation, it is possible to go on to
determine the
by which the job is being done
and to simplify them as much as is economically justified.
Later in this chapter we shall consider the recording techniques adopted to
set out the detailed movements of an individual at his or her workplace in ways
which facilitate critical examination and the development of improved
methods, in particular the two-handed process chart, as well as the PTS
chart which will be referred to in Part Four of this book. Before doing this,
however, it is appropriate to discuss the principles of motion economy and a
number of other matters which influence the design of the workplace itself, so
as to make it as convenient as possible for the worker to perform his or her job.
(4) Hand and body motions should be made at the lowest classification at
which it is possible to do the work satisfactorily (see section 3 below).
(5) Momentum should be employed to help the worker, but should be
reduced to a minimum whenever it has to be overcome by muscular
(6) Continuous curved movements are to be preferred to straight-line motions
involving sudden and sharp changes in direction.
(7) "Ballistic" (i.e. free-swinging) movements are faster, easier and more
accurate than restricted or controlled movements.
(8) Rhythm is essential to the smooth and automatic performance of a
repetitive operation. The work should be arranged to permit easy and
natural rhythm whenever possible.
(9) Work should be arranged so that eye movements are confined to a
comfortable area, without the need for frequent changes of focus.
B. Arrangement of the workplace
(1) Definite and fixed stations should be provided for all tools and materials
to permit habit formation.
(2) Tools and materials should be pre-positioned to reduce searching.
(3) Gravity feed, bins and containers should be used to deliver the materials
as close to the point of use as possible.
(4) Tools, materials and controls should be located within the maximum
working area (see figure 49) and as near to the worker as possible.
(5) Materials and tools should be arranged to permit the best sequence of
(6) "Drop deliveries" or ejectors should be used wherever possible, so that
the operative does not have to use his or her hands to dispose of the
finished work.
(7) Provision should be made for adequate lighting, and a chair of the type
and height to permit good posture should be provided. The height of the
workplace and seat should be arranged to allow alternate standing and sitting.
(8) The colour of the workplace should contrast with that of the work and
thus reduce eye fatigue.
C. Design of tools and equipment
(1) The hands should be relieved of all work of "holding" the workpiece
where this can be done by a jig, fixture or foot-operated device.
(2) Two or more tools should be combined wherever possible.
(3) Where each finger performs some specific movement, as in typewriting,
the load should be distributed in accordance with the inherent capacities
of the fingers.
(4) Handles such as those on cranks and large screwdrivers should be so
designed that as much of the surface of the hand as possible can come
into contact with the handle. This is especially necessary when
considerable force has to be used on the handle. 141
(5) Levers, crossbars and handwheels should be so placed that the operative
can use them with the least change in body position and the greatest
"mechanical advantage".
These "principles", which reflect those discussed in Chapter 5, can be
made the basis of a summary "questionnaire" which will help, when laying out
a workplace, to ensure that nothing is overlooked.
Figure 49 shows the normal working area and the storage area on the
workbench for the average operative. As far as possible, materials should not
142 be stored in the area directly in front of him or her, as stretching forwards
involves the use of the back muscles, thereby causing fatigue. This has been
demonstrated by physiological research.
3. Classification of movements
The fourth "rule" of motion economy in the use of the human body calls for
movements to be of the lowest classification possible. This classification is
built up on the pivots around which the body members must move, as shown in
table 9.
1 Knuckle Finger
Work surface
5 cm maximum
Work surface Leg clearance: 20 cm minimum
height should 40 cm at knee level
be around 60 cm for the feet
elbow level Seat height:
36-45 cm
(adjustable to each
(6) Hand tools should be picked up with the least possible disturbance to the
rhythm and symmetry of movements. As far as possible the operator
should be able to pick up or put down a tool as the hand moves from one
part of the work to the next, without making a special journey. Natural
movements are curved, not straight; tools should be placed on the arc of
movements, but clear of the path of movement of any material which has
to be slid along the surface of the bench.
(7) Tools should be easy to pick up and replace; as far as possible they should
have an automatic return, or the location of the next piece of material to
be moved should allow the tool to be returned as the hand travels to pick
it up.
(8) Finished work should be:
(a) dropped down a hole or a chute;
(b) dropped through a chute when the hand is starting the first motion of
the next cycle;
(c) put in a container placed so that hand movements are kept to a
(d) if the operation is an intermediate one, placed in a container in such
a way that the next operative can pick it up easily.
(9) Always look into the possibility of using pedals or knee-operated levers
for locking or indexing devices on fixtures or devices for disposing of
finished work. 145
Rotating bin
Double bins
in the same relative position to the operative, on either side of him or her.
It will be noted that the trays come almost in front of the operative, but this is
not very important in this case as the length of reach is not excessive and
will not involve much play of the shoulder and back muscles.
A jig holds parts in an exact position and guides the tool that
works on them
A fixture is a less accurate device for holding parts which would other-
wise have to be held in one hand while the other worked on them
found; if they are all charted, they can be compared easily. The best method is
generally that which requires the fewest movements.
The two-handed process chart can be applied to a great variety of
assembly, machining and clerical jobs. In assembly operations, tight fits and
awkward positioning present certain problems. In the assembly of small parts
with close fits, "positioning" should be shown as a separate movement
("Operation") apart from the actual movement of assembly (e.g. fitting a
screwdriver in the head of a small screw). Attention can thus be focused on it
and, if it is shown against a time scale, its relative importance can be assessed.
Major savings can be made if the number of such positionings can be reduced.
Figure 54. Two-handed process chart: Cutting glass tubes (original method)
6 Jig
7/ /
Location: General shop \
Glass tube Position for mark
Charted by Date:
Left-hand description (D O D V o o D V Right-hand description
Holds tube ^ •-« ^ Picks up file
To Jig S > Holds file
Inserts tube to jig / < File to tube
Presses to end > Holds file
Holds tube >• •<c^ Notches tube with file
Withdraws tube slightly > Holds file
Rotates tube 12CP/18CP J Holds file
Pushes to end ¡ig ^ Moves file to tube
Holds tube > < Notches tube
Withdraws tube < \ Places file on table
Moves tube to R. H. > / Moves to tube
Bends tube to break
Holds tube
fI, Bends tube
Releases cut piece
Changes grasp on tube "" \ To file
Method Present Proposed
L H. R. H. L. H. R. H.
Operations 8 5
Transports 2 5
Delays - -
Holds 4 4
Inspections - -
Totals 14 14
In the original method the tube was pressed to the stop at the end of the
jig, marked with the file and then eased back for notching. It was then taken
out of the jig for breaking. The chart goes into great detail in recording the
movements of the hands, because in short cycle work of this kind fractions of
seconds, when added together, may represent a large proportion of the total
time needed for the job.
D EXAMINE critically
An examination of the details of the original method, using the
questioning technique, at once raises certain points. (It is not considered
necessary to go through the questions in sequence at this stage in the book: it is
assumed that the reader will always do so.)
(1) Why is it necessary to hold the tube in the jig?
(2) Why cannot the tube be notched while it is being rotated instead of the
right hand having to wait?
(3) Why does the tube have to be taken out of the jig to break it?
(4) Why pick up and put down the file at the end of each cycle? Can it not be held?
A study of the sketch will make the answers to the first three questions plain.
(1) The tube will always have to be held because the length supported by the
jig is short compared with the total length of the tube.
(2) There is no reason why the tube cannot be rotated and notched at the
same time.
(3) The tube has to be taken out of the jig to be broken because, if the tube
were broken by bending against the face of the jig, the short end would
then have to be picked out — an awkward operation if very little were
sticking out. If a jig were so designed that the short end would fall out
when broken, it would not then be necessary to withdraw the tube.
The answer to the fourth question is also obvious.
(4) Both hands are needed to break the tube using the old method. This might
not be necessary if a new jig could be devised.
D DEVELOP the new method
Once these questions have been asked and answered, it is fairly easy to
find a satisfactory solution to the problem. Figure 55 shows one possible
solution. It will be seen that, in redesigning the jig, the study person has
arranged it in such a way that the notch is cut on the right-hand side of the
supporting pieces, so that the short end will break away when given a sharp tap
and it will no longer be necessary to withdraw the tube and use both hands to
break off the end. The number of operations and movements has been reduced
from 28 to six, as a result of which an increase in productivity of 133 per cent
was expected. In fact this was exceeded, because the job is now more
satisfactory following the elimination of irritating work such as "position tube
in jig". The new method can be carried out without looking closely at the work,
so that workers can be trained more easily and become less fatigued. 153
Figure 55. Two-handed process chart: Cutting glass tubes (improved method)
Method Present Prop(jsed
L. H. R. H. L. H. R. H.
Operations 8 5 2 2
Transports 2 5 - -
Delays - - - •-
Holds 4 4 7 7
Inspections - - - -
Totals 14 14 3 3
8. Micromotion study
In certain types of operation, and particularly those with very short cycles
which are repeated many times over, it may be worth while going into much
greater detail to determine where movements and efforts can be saved and to
develop the best possible pattern of movement, thus enabling the operative to
perform the operation repeatedly with a minimum of effort and fatigue. The
techniques used for this purpose are known collectively as micromotion study.
In the earlier periods of work study special types of chart such as the simo
chart, as well as special micromotion symbols known as therbligs, were used
for micromotion study. These have now been replaced by the use of
Predetermined Time Standards charts (PTS charts), which will be explained in
Part Four of this book, as well as by the use of film and video.
Both film and video cameras can be used to record activities at the
workplace. Although film provides greater flexibility in terms of filming and
playback speeds, video is generally cheaper and easier to use. With a good-
quality video playback unit, it is possible to have high-quality slow motion and
still-frame facilities.
The advantages of film and video over direct observation are that they:
(a) permit greater detailing than eye observation;
(b) provide greater accuracy than pencil, paper and watch techniques;
(c) are more convenient;
(d) provide a positive record;
(e) help in the development of the work study persons themselves.
groups often decide on the division and allocation of work as well as other
related functions such as the control of quality.
Some of these groups are known as "productivity circles" or "quality
circles". Their task is to meet regularly to try to see how they can improve the
efficiency of their operation. Prior training by a specialist in elementary
approaches to method study can yield high dividends. Apart from that, a work
study specialist can always be available as a resource person if the group calls
on him or her.
include such entries as direct cost savings, improved safety, greater labour
flexibility and so on. A relative weighting is assigned to each factor to indicate
its relative importance to the organization. This weighting must be achieved by
discussion with the managers or supervisors involved in the work area. (One
advantage of this method is that it requires those responsible for the decision-
making process to think carefully about their priorities.)
Each potential method is then "scored" against each factor (normally on a
simple 1 to 5 or 1 to 10 scale). This scoring can be based on quantitative data,
where this is available, or on subjective judgement.
Finally, the score of each factor is multiplied by the weighting for that
factor and the resultant sum gives an overall score for that particular potential
method, as shown in the example below.
Weighting Score Factor
Cost reduction 4 14
Labour flexibility 2 4 8
Increased output 14 4
Total 16
style" within the organization. Where this is not the case, the practitioner
should simply follow the simple "A-B-C " rule by ensuring that the report is:
Discussions that have taken place during the method study should ensure
that the findings contained within this report are no surprise to the readers —
the purpose of the report is to summarize the investigation, to present the
findings, to produce evaluation data and to make recommendations supported
by the material in the report.
Where the recommendation to proceed with a particular new method is
very strong and the resulting decision to proceed is clearly anticipated, the
report may include a detailed implementation plan for the changes to be
adopted. Where this is not the case, the detailed plan may be left until after the
decision has been taken — but an outline plan will have been constructed so
that implementation costs could be included in the valuation of alternative
If the investigation has been carried out in a structured and systematic
manner, and the report has been soundly constructed, the manager is best able
to make a rational decision, and the practitioner should ensure that his or her
reputation is enhanced.
Working conditions:
r -~ •
- ——
"T— b- —
by chute |
Box underneath
1 1 1 1 1
Light good - 1 1
i r i i i
Location: Fitting shop Ref. studies Nos. 12, 13
Operative: Clock No. 54 Charted by: Date:
Approved by: Date:
EL Left hand Right hand EL
1 Take tube between thumb and first Hold file: wait for LH. 1
two fingers: push forward to stop
2 Rotate tube between thumb and fingers Notch tube all round with edge 2
of file hard up against face of jig
and social relationships which are often very important in determining job
satisfaction. Any changes to these established relationships will be resented.
In the case of team or group working, the bonds are far stronger; and
breaking up such a team may have serious, adverse effects on productivity, in
spite of improved methods. Allegiance of group members to their working
group is often stronger than their allegiance to the organization. Failure to take
this into account may lead the workers to resist changes which they would
otherwise accept.
It is in carrying out the first three steps of installation that the importance
of preliminary education and training in work study for all those likely to be
concerned with it — management, supervisors and workers' representatives —
becomes evident. People are much more likely to be receptive to the idea of
change if they know and understand what is happening than if they are merely
presented with the results of a sort of conjuring trick. Where work groups are
involved in the work under review, it is often advantageous to hold discussions
with the group, rather than separately with individual members. This allows
group views and fears to be expressed and dealt with.
0.09 -
0.06 _
The procedure for maintaining a new method may depend on the nature
of the relationship between the work study person and the part of the
organization in which the method has been implemented. Some work study
specialists are permanently assigned to work in a particular part of the
organization and will be able to keep methods constantly under review. Where
this is not the case and the work study person moves from location to location,
it may be necessary to establish a formal method review or method auditing
procedure when all methods introduced within a given time span are subjected
to a review examination after the lapse of a specified period. The advantage of
this formal review process is that it signals to the workers and their supervisors
that the review will be carried out according to the predetermined schedule.
They are therefore more likely to be motivated to adhere to the specified
7. Conclusion
In this and the preceding chapters an attempt has been made to explain and
illustrate some of the more common methods of improving productivity
through the saving of wasted effort and time, and by reducing the work content
of the process. Good method studies will do more than this, because they will
draw attention to waste of material and waste of capital invested in equipment.
Chapter 11 shows that these methods can be applied not only in production but
also in office work.
In Part Three we shall explain briefly some of the important techniques
used in production management. These can constitute a valuable set of tools
that may be used by the work study person in carrying further the investigation
of the methods of work.
Selection of the area or activity to be studied follows the same basic principles
as for shop-floor work study. Selection consists of two components: finding
170 those areas which represent significant problems or opportunities, and then
giving priority to them. In the office we shall be looking for areas or activities
D account for a significant proportion of office labour costs (Pareto analysis
can be used to good effect here);
D are producing large numbers of errors or serious errors;
D are creating high levels of dissatisfaction;
D need to change in response to some external change (e.g. the introduction
of new technology such as computerization).
In addition, it may be felt necessary to have some form of regular review
of operations. Situations change over time. People also change. Short cuts will
be found in working methods, new techniques will be found, new equipment
installed. At the same time, less efficient ways of working may be introduced.
Even if no alterations take place, there may be changes in levels of
dissatisfaction on the part of either management or workers as their
expectations change. Changes in procedures may take place for the best of
reasons and may in fact increase productivity at a local level. However, it is
possible that such unplanned or uncoordinated changes may have repercussions
elsewhere in a wider system that are unforeseen by those making the change.
Increasing throughput of one section, for example, may create a bottleneck in a
procedure at a subsequent stage in the overall system. For all these reasons,
some form of structured programme of review is advisable. This may take the
form of a procedural audit, a departmental review or a system study, as long as it
is a regular review of clerical activity to maintain and improve office efficiency.
Another source of projects to be studied is the employees themselves.
Projects could arise out of an employee suggestion scheme or out of such
structures as quality circles, implemented as part of an organization-wide
attempt to improve the way activities are carried out. Often issues raised by
such circles require additional work or study before changes can be suggested
and/or evaluated; these investigations may be suitable work study projects
where the work study practitioner works on behalf of the quality circle.
It is the RECORD stage that the most obvious changes are seen when
comparing shop-floor with office work study. This is because we are usually
recording something that is fundamentally different. On the shop-floor, we
record the progress or activity of one of three things — workers, materials or
equipment. Materials are normally those that make up the final end product of
the activity.
In the office, there is no end product. The important material objects in
use are normally forms or documents, and thus there are a number of
techniques aimed at recording the content of and progress of documents as they
move through clerical systems and procedures.
Most office work can be placed on a hierarchy which includes systems,
procedures, activities and methods (figure 58). The system is the overall
scheme that links different departments and sections together in pursuit of a
final aim or objective. Procedures are subunits of the system, often relating to 171
1 1
1 1
O stamped
Pick p)
order ^
When recording office work, there is often little that can be directly
observed. Much of the information comes from interviews or by asking
questions to elicit the detail of what is observed. The practitioner thus needs
well-developed interpersonal and communication skills.
Install, maintain
Installation of a revised method is always important. If the installation is
handled badly, the new method stands little chance of being a success.
However, the principles involved in installing and then maintaining a new
method within an office environment are exactly the same as for installing
changed methods on the shop-floor.
Training and support of those involved in the change are very important.
The first task is to ensure that they know exactly what is expected of them.
Some organizations have manuals of formal procedures in which all clerical
routines are recorded. When a new system or procedure is first implemented, it
may be necessary to supplement the formal description with specific training or
instruction sheets and/or with training courses. It is useful to construct some
kind of change-over sheet so that workers can look up what they did under the
old system or procedure and see immediately what their action should be under
the new one.
Where procedures manuals do exist, it is vital that they are kept up to
date. There must be some way of ensuring that, whenever a change is made to
a system or procedure, all copies of the manuals are updated and all those
involved, however remotely or occasionally, are made aware of the change and
its implications for them.
Whenever a system or procedure changes there will be some teething
troubles. These may be minor in themselves, but if there are a number of them
they may accumulate to present a major problem or to lower confidence in the
changes. It is therefore important that the implementation is carefully
monitored and that minor modifications, if necessary, can be made before any
problems become severe.
forms arrive on the scene but very few forms are ever deliberately
discontinued. There is thus an equal need for the control of forms.
The objectives of form design are the same as that of method study itself
— to eliminate activity, and where this is not possible to combine or simplify.
In terms of forms, this can mean eliminating (and then combining or
simplifying) whole forms, or eliminating (and then combining or simplifying)
particular entries on forms. The design and control of forms is therefore a
specialized form of method study rather than an alternative activity.
Design of forms
Naturally, a document or form should be examined together with the procedure
in which it is used. Changing a system or procedure may have automatic
implications for forms used. Forms themselves should be examined when the
procedure itself has been examined and improved or validated. Examination of
a form follows the basic critical examination process, asking:
Why is the form necessary?
What information does it convey?
Who uses it?
When do they use it?
Where is it used?
How is it used? (Is the form produced by a computer, are entries typed on
to the form, is it filled in manually, etc.?)
and then examining and evaluating alternatives.
In addition, we need to gather information about the frequency and
volume of use, the methods of filing, the length of time that the form is to be
kept, and the relation to other forms in this or other procedures.
Once we are clear that a particular form (which may be a combination of
two or more existing forms) is necessary, we can start to (re-)design it.
When designing forms we are trying to make the form:
D compatible with its intended use: For example, a form that has a long
expected length of use or that has to be used in an outdoor environment,
and perhaps in adverse weather conditions, needs different quality paper
from a form which is used internally or has a short lifespan.
D easy to complete: This means that the form should be clear and
unambiguous. Entries should be compatible with the source of the data —
if data are copied from another form, they should be in the same sequence
— or in some logical sequence. (Transcription errors are very common.
They are minimized when the data have a structure and a context which
enables errors to be easily identified.) There should be sufficient space for
each entry, allowing for the method of entry (printing, typing, etc.).
Multiple-choice and abbreviated-entry formats should be used where
possible both to save time and to minimize the number of errors.
D easy to use: This refers to the part the form plays in a procedure after it
has been completed. Generally the information it carries must be read and
acted upon by another person, and the design must therefore depend on 177
what this action is. It may be that the only action is for the form to be
filed, and occasionally retrieved for the information to be accessed. In
such a case, the prime requirement is that the reference identity (form
number or identifying entry — employee number, department name, or
whatever) is clear and positioned as appropriate to the filing method. If
the form is to be posted, it should be designed to fit into a standard-sized
envelope with the minimum of folding. Further considerations are
discussed under "Detail design", below.
These criteria may conflict with one another. For example, when
considering ease of use, it may be necessary to place the information on a
given form in a particular sequence since some of it will later be copied on to
another form which already contains the data in a given sequence. This may,
however, be different from the sequence of data on the source document. In
such a case, it may be necessary to extend the scope of the exercise to take in
all the forms that are affected, even at one or two stages removed. If this is not
possible, some form of compromise design must be reached.
If it is necessary to examine a number of forms involved in the same
procedure, the X-chart provides a useful means of summarizing the entries on
the different forms and highlights overlap between the forms. An X-chart is
simply a matrix which shows all the forms against all the entries on each
form. An X in a matrix cell indicates that a particular form has a given entry
(figure 61). This chart is useful in helping to identify overlap and duplicate
entries so that forms can be combined with one another.
The design of the detail of the form should be based on practical rather
than aesthetic considerations, although often the most practical forms are the
most aesthetically pleasing.
Consideration must be given to:
• paper size;
D paper weight;
D shape;
D colour;
D maintaining any house style or corporate identity;
and balancing these with the cost involved.
Data ¡tern Customer name Address Contact name Sales record Sale terms
Order X x X
Delivery note X X
Invoice x X X
Customer card X X X X X
Detail design
We have also referred to the fact that detail design is dependent on the way in
which the form will be used. Details that affect design are:
D the filing/retrieval process;
D the routeing of the form throughout the organization (and the degree to
which additional entries are made on the form at subsequent stages);
D the nature of data entered on the form and the degree to which they can be
Grouping of data is one of the first considerations when designing a form.
Often data can be split into two or more basic categories. A personnel record
form, for example, may contain personal data about the member of staff,
departmental data about the job to which the person is appointed and its place
in the organization, and salary data about rates of pay and conditions of work.
A simple example of such a form is shown in figure 62. In this form, the
name and address have been placed as they would be on an envelope (since
they will almost certainly be copied from this form on to envelopes in the
future). The employee number is placed at the top right-hand side to fit in with
the filing method. The entries for employee number, department, section,
salary scale and point on scale are pre-fixed since codes are used for
department and section, and boxes have been provided to guide the user to fill
in the correct number of characters.
Similarly, the start-date box has been included to ensure that the date is
entered in the correct format. The form reference number is included at the
bottom so that the form can be easily reordered and the name of the form is
included clearly at the top so that it can be easily verified that the right form is
being used.
Multi-part form sets can be useful in certain circumstances, but this must
be balanced by the additional costs of production. When such forms are not
used but multiple copies are required, people often revert to photocopying
Start date i I
Telephone: _
Next of kin: Form AZ/124
forms. This is expensive, not so much in terms of photocopying costs but in the
cost of the staff time involved.
It is always worth producing a "mock-up" of the form and talking through
the design with those who are going to have to use it.
Many forms, these days, are produced in-house using special-purpose
packages or desktop publishing software for the design of forms. There is a
danger, with the proliferation of such software, that forms design will be
carried out by many people within the organization, many of whom will not
have appropriate training, expertise or experience. The danger with desktop
publishing is the range of facilities and design options it provides — there is a
tendency among the untrained user to make use of too many in any one
publication. This is one of the reasons why the control of forms is important.
Control of forms
The most important part of controlling forms is to undertake regular audits to
discover if each form is still necessary to serve a particular business function
(in effect, the MAINTAIN stage of method study applied to the design and
control of forms). This is best served by having a central register of all forms in
use, together with a review schedule for each form in the register. Where the
purpose of the form is still valid, questions must be asked about the
environment in which the form operates and whether changes here — for
example, in technology or filing methods — require changes to be made to the
Other items to be considered are:
D the production method:
How is the form produced and are there now better or cheaper ways?
D stocks:
How much stock of each form is held, and where is it held?
Is this appropriate to the use of the form?
(Is the minimum stock dictated by use or by the economics of production?
If the latter, is there an alternative production method?)
How are supplies to users reordered?
How is stock issued to users?
How is issued stock tracked? (For example, if a form is discontinued, how
'do we trace all copies of it so that they can be destroyed?)
D the nature of disposal:
What is the useful life of information on the form?
Are there any legal constraints on disposal?
How do we ensure that forms are disposed of, after their useful life is
ended (to release valuable space)?
Are there security restrictions on disposal (should forms be shredded or
4. Office layout
Office layout is another specialized form of method study in the office — in
effect, it is an extension of plant layout, the principles and the approach
remaining the same. All types of layout except layout by fixed position, which
will be referred to in Chapter 14, are valid in an office environment. In
addition, there is often a debate about the relative merits of open-plan or
cellular offices (see below). In reality, most offices combine the two, the choice
often depending as much on such factors as the constraints of existing
buildings and the organizational culture as on practical design considerations.
Planning office layout should follow the hierarchy of the system. The overall
system will dictate the broad layout, the procedural breakdown will determine
the detailed layout and the nature of working methods will dictate the
workstation design.
The differences then relate to the overall type of layout selected. A layout
built around particular procedures will obviously be different from one built
around specific office functions.
As with all method study investigations, we need information on which to
base any decisions as to type of layout. The RECORD stage of the investigation
must provide details of equipment in use, volumes and flows of documents,
numbers of staff, communication flows and so on. Such devices as travel charts
may be used to supplement the data from procedure flowcharts and provide
information on communication and contact between workstations.
The increasing use of office technology means that office layout must pay
strict attention to power and service requirements, to proper lighting and to the
avoidance or reduction of noise. Additionally, there is a strong need for the
appropriate arrangement of cables — a workstation may have a computer, a
printer, an answering machine, a facsimile machine, a telephone and perhaps
other devices, all with power and connecting cables. If not handled correctly,
these are unsightly and constitute a safety hazard.
rails. The document transport system should be designed alongside the storage
and retrieval system as part of the materials handling study. It is normally much
easier to design and develop automated document handling systems when the
office is being located in a new building, but it is often possible to fit a system
into an existing building with all the inherent constraints.
Selected production
1. Product design
Before discussing the various aspects of production management that could
benefit from work study techniques, in this chapter we first consider the
characteristics of the products to be manufactured.
The way a product is designed greatly affects production costs. For
example, in investigating production costs the Japanese company Hitachi
estimated that 75 per cent of these costs were already determined in the design
and development phase, while further costs such as handling or layout and
other operations combined determined the remaining 25 per cent of the cost
of a product.1 This is because product design determines the number of
component parts, the sequence of production and whether the various stages of
making a product can be accomplished by existing machinery and equipment
or require new capital investment.
The relation between work study and product design is evident. It is not
uncommon that a method study specialist, while investigating a lengthy
operational sequence, would do better to think in terms of simplifying product
design rather than simplifying the existing process. However, modifying
product design is a shared responsibility between various partners. The work
study person cannot alone take initiatives on product design, but he or she can
certainly call attention to his or her findings and act as a resource person for
production engineers during the development of the prototype or the pilot run
of a product.
A product has aesthetic requirements which are usually highly
emphasized by the marketing personnel, and production requirements in terms
of the material, equipment and skills needed to make it, as viewed by the
production manager; it also generates a certain return on investment given the
various costs involved in its production, and this is how it is seen by the
financial manager. In addition, new products and services are the driving force
for the survival and growth of an enterprise in an increasingly competitive
business environment. The continuous development of new products has
become an essential function of an enterprise. As existing products continue to
sell, new products are being prepared to replace them before their life-cycle
decays; and modem-day product development is in fact a shared responsibility
•Johnson A. Edosomwan (éd.): People and product management in manufacturing (Amsterdam,
Elsevier Science Publishers, 1990), p. 26. 187
Market assessment
Desk study
Technical feasibility
Preliminary cost
Placement test
Pilot production
Manufacturing cost
Marketing plan
Final specification
Value engineering
All these points can be systematically taken into account by applying value
engineering (also known as value analysis) techniques for increasing product
value by improving the relationship between the function of a product and its
cost. As up to two-thirds of production costs are often determined at the design
190 stage of a product, the contribution of value engineering to productivity
79 parts 29 parts
2. Utilization of materials
A great variety of materials normally enter into the "making" of a product.
These may be direct materials such as component parts, or indirect materials
such as energy, lubricants, catalysts, solvents, packaging materials and so on.
Manufacturing costs can be reduced through a more efficient utilization of
these materials. Proper materials utilization seeks two goals: improving the
yield (or reducing waste) and the salvage of waste.
Salvage of waste
Irrespective of the time and effort expended in reducing waste, it will still
result and a good part of it will be unavoidable. There are two options here:
D Use the waste to manufacture other products. For example, waste from a
192 saw-mill can be used to make compressed wood. Similarly, in producing
Quality control
total quality control, extended to all the activities of the enterprise. We explain
these approaches briefly below.
Length (mm) 7 10 9 10 8 9 12 7 9 9
- 90
that is X = —=9 mm
and the range = difference between the highest and lowest reading or
R=12 —7 = 5mm.
Several references dealing with quality control or with production management can be consulted.
See, for example, Elwood S. Buffa and Rakesh K. Sarin: Modern production operations management (New
York, John Wiley, 8th éd., 1987), Ch. 13. See also Ch. 19 of this book on determination of sample size for
various levels of confidence. 197
Measurement in mm
Sample No.7 to be
Upper control limit
-• •-
9 10
Sample No.
Measurement in mm
• •
Upper control limit
• •
8 9 10
Sample No.
members develop, they in turn seek to make systematic improvements and not
just isolated experiments. As the QC movement began to spread from Japan to
various developing and industrialized countries, some variations in the
operation of QC were introduced. For example, QC groups in Japan meet after
working hours, which is not the case in many industrialized countries. Reward
for successful achievements in Japan is given in terms of recognition (say, a
trophy), lecturing to other organizations on achievements or attendance at
conventions, and for outstanding achievements a visit abroad may also be
organized. In other countries the use of direct financial rewards is considered in
many cases to be a more appropriate form of compensation.
The advantage of QC is that it involves employees in quality and
productivity programmes and as such reinforces the approach to total quality
control schemes. Nevertheless, not all QC movements have been successful.
Some circles have become inactive almost from their inception or declined in
activity after initial enthusiasm; some produced marginal results, while others
continued their activities with remarkable success.2
For an analysis of the reasons for success and failure in the United States and the United Kingdom
see, respectively, E. E. Lawler III and S. A. Mohrman: "Quality circles after the fad", in Harvard Business
Review, Jan.-Feb. 1985, pp. 65-71; B. G. Dale: "The extent of and reasons for quality circle failures", in
200 Management Research News, Vol. 7, No. 2, 1984, pp. 4-9.
Layout, handling
and process planning
1. Layout
The way in which machinery, equipment and material are arranged in a
working area determines the layout in that area. Layout is often determined at
the outset of operations, i.e. when a plant or even an office starts operating.
Even if the initial layout was well thought out, a re-examination of the
utilization of space is often called for because of various factors, among them
the following:
D New products are added or product design changes introduced. Both types
of action may necessitate a different sequence of operations.
D New equipment or machinery or a different shape and size of materials
are introduced.
D Materials-handling equipment that has different space requirements from
the original equipment is acquired.
D Modifications are made to the building to increase space.
D Temporary arrangements may have been made to cope with an upsurge of
demand for a certain product, but these then remain semi-permanent.
D Moves are made by management towards advanced technologies such as
the use of robotics, automation, computer networking or flexible
manufacturing systems.
When situations like these arise, it is said that the plant or a working area
has outgrown its present layout. Operations become cumbersome with either
congestion or lengthy and unnecessary movements of products-in-progress or
operators, often with criss-crossing lines of production resulting in loss of time
and energy.
To rethink a layout one has to start by distinguishing among four basic
types: (1) layout by fixed position; (2) layout by process or function; (3) layout
by product or line layout; and (4) group layout (figure 68). In practice a
combination of two types or more of layout may exist in a working area.
(1) Layout by fixed position. This arrangement is used when the material to
be processed does not travel around the plant but stays in one place: all
the necessary equipment and machinery are brought to it instead. This is
the case when the product is bulky and heavy and when only a few units
are made at a time. Typical examples are shipbuilding or aircraft
construction, and the manufacture of diesel engines or large motors. 201
Work in progress
on stationary product
Q DU Equipment and tools
O Workers
Raw material
Groups of workers
working on a product
(2) Layout by process or function. Here all operations of the same nature
are grouped together: for example, in the garment industry all the cutting
of material is carried out in one area, all the sewing or stitching in
another, all the finishing in a third, and so on. This layout is usually
chosen where a great many products which share the same machinery are
being made and where any one product has only a relatively low volume
of output. Other examples are textile spinning and weaving, and
maintenance workshops.
(3) Layout by product or line layout, sometimes popularly referred to as
"mass production". In this layout all the necessary machinery and
equipment needed to make a given product are set out in the same area
and in the sequence of the manufacturing process. This layout is used
mainly where there is a high demand for one or several products that are
more or less standardized. Typical examples are soft drinks bottling, car
assembly and some canning operations.
(4) Layout making possible group production methods, or group layout.
Recently, in an effort to increase job satisfaction, several enterprises have
arranged their operations in a new way, with a group of workers working
together on a given product or on a part of a product and having at hand
all the machinery and equipment needed to complete their work. In such
cases the workers distribute the work among themselves and usually
interchange jobs. Further details of this method of production are given in
Chapter 29.
With these various kinds of layout in mind, we may now analyse the flow
of materials in a working area. In some situations, rapid changes in output may
be realized by switching from one type of layout to another. This is particularly
true when a shift is made from a layout by function to a line layout for one or
more products whose output has been increased significantly.
In most cases, however, a careful analysis of the flow is called for before
any decision is taken to change a given layout, since this is usually a costly
process, and management has to be convinced that real savings will result
before authorizing the change.
Figure 69. Developing the flow for a number of products, using the cross chart
Machine III II II 1 8
3 2 2 1
4 1 3 2
1 usam 000 00 III II
HII 19 46
1 H 13 2
II 22
Coat II 22 22
ii 0000 1
Polish 0 0 III 36
2 1
Wrap 000 mi 39
Total 0 18 8 10 46 22 22 36 39 70
Source: Taken from Richard Muther: "Plant layout", in H. B. Maynard: Industrial engineering handbook (New York and London, McGraw-Hill, 3rd éd., 1971), and used by kind permission of the McGraw-Hill Book Company.
(5) Once the dimensions and the relative position of machinery, storage
facilities and auxiliary services have been determined, it is advisable to
make a visual presentation of the proposed layout before proceeding with
the actual rearrangement of the workplace, which may be a costly
operation. This can be done by the use of "templates", or pieces of
cardboard cut out to scale. Different coloured cards may be used to
indicate different items of equipment, such as machines, storage racks,
benches or material-handling equipment. When positioning these
templates, make sure that gangways are wide enough to allow the free
movement of material-handling equipment and goods-in-progress.
Alternatively, scale models may be used to provide a three-dimensional
display of the layout. Various types of model for many well-known items
of machinery and equipment are readily available on the market and are
particularly useful for training purposes.
sizes and shapes of material. There are many types of truck — petrol-driven,
electric, hand-powered, and so on. Their greatest advantage lies in the wide
range of attachments available; these increase the trucks' ability to handle
various types and shapes of material.
D Cranes and hoists
The major advantage of cranes and hoists is that they can move heavy
material through overhead space. However, they can usually serve only a
limited area. Here again, there are several types of crane and hoist, and within
each type there are various loading capacities. Cranes and hoists may be used
both for intermittent and for continuous production.
D Containers
These are either "dead" containers (e.g. cartons, barrels, skids, pallets)
which hold the material to be transported but do not move themselves, or "live"
containers (e.g. wagons, wheelbarrows or computer self-driven containers).
Handling equipment of this kind can both contain and move the material, and is
usually operated manually.
D Robots
Many types of robot exist. They vary in size, and in function and
manoeuvrability (figure 70). While many robots are used for handling and
transporting material, others are used to perform operations such as welding or
spray painting. An advantage of robots is that they can perform in a hostile
environment such as unhealthy conditions or carry on arduous tasks such as the
repetitive movement of heavy materials.1
The choice of material-handling equipment among the various
possibilities that exist (figure 71) is not easy. In several cases the same material
may be handled by various types of equipment, and the great diversity of
equipment and attachments available does not make the problem any easier. In
several cases, however, the nature of the material to be handled narrows the choice.
Among the most important factors to be taken into consideration when
choosing material-handling equipment are the following:
(1) Properties of the material. Whether it is solid, liquid or gas, and in what
size, shape and weight it is to be moved, are important considerations and
can already lead to a preliminary elimination from the range of available
equipment under review. Similarly, if a material is fragile, corrosive or
toxic this will imply that certain handling methods and containers will be
preferable to others.
(2) Layout and characteristics of the building. Another restricting factor is
the availability of space for handling. Low-level ceilings may preclude
the use of hoists or cranes, and the presence of supporting columns in
awkward places can limit the size of the material-handling equipment. If
the building is multi-storeyed, chutes, or ramps for industrial trucks, may
be used. Finally, the layout itself will indicate the type of production
operation (continuous, intermittent, fixed position or group) and can
' Several references deal with robots. Those interested may refer to Sherif D. El Wakil: Processes
208 and design for manufacturing (Englewoods Cliffs, New Jersey, Prentice Hall, 1989), pp. 422-445.
already indicate some items of equipment that will be more suitable than
(3) Production flow. If the flow is fairly constant between two fixed
positions that are not likely to change, fixed equipment such as conveyors
or chutes can be successfully used. If, on the other hand, the flow is not
constant and the direction changes occasionally from one point to another
because several products are being produced simultaneously, moving
equipment such as trucks would be preferable.
(4) Cost considerations. This is one of the most important considerations.
The above factors can help to narrow the range of suitable equipment,
while costing can help in taking a final decision. Several cost elements
need to be taken into consideration when comparisons are made between
various items of equipment that are all capable of handling the same load.
There is the initial cost of the equipment, from which one can derive the
investment cost in terms of interest payment (i.e. if the company has to
borrow money to buy the equipment) or opportunity costs (i.e. if the
company possesses the funds and does not have to borrow, but the
purchase of the equipment would deprive it of an opportunity to invest the
funds at a certain rate of return). From the cost of the equipment one can
also calculate the depreciation charges per year, to which will be added
other charges such as insurance, taxes and additional overheads. Apart
from these fixed charges, there are also operating costs, such as the cost
of operating personnel, power, maintenance and supervision. By
calculating and comparing the total cost for each of the items of
equipment under consideration, a more rational decision can be reached
on the most appropriate choice.
• •
^^ ,,_
I \L \ i \
1 1 1 1 1
Manual work, Mechanization Automation CNC, FMS
steam power CAD, CIM
and CAM,
simple machines
Traditional ®
(complete spraying and hand traverse)
T r
Mechanized (D
(apportioned hand spraying)
non COD nnin rrnn nrm cnn nm nrm anD
primer-coat spraying anti-noise spraying varnish spraying
(robotized and hand spraying)
i^ nUD nm ron nrnn
T Ï V<
il •&& ^© i .Qse fe)
J 1.
semi-automated robotized and hand robotized and hand
primer-coat spraying anti-noise spraying varnish spraying
Source: Reproduced by courtesy of ENFAPI, Sistemi Formativi Confindustria; La fabrica camminando con I'innovazione [The factory in
conjunction with innovation] (Rome, Editore SIPI, 1987), p, 90.
Figure 74. Computer-integrated manufacturing (CIM)
Manufacturing o
Finished o
: operations -— Delivery c
(FMS) goods
::::: HI
) \
t Mainframe
. j
4. Process planning
Process planning aims at developing a comprehensive plan for manufacturing a
part or a product. The starting-point is the product design, from which one can
determine in a chronological order:
(1) The number of parts needed to make the product.
(2) Whether to make or buy some of these parts using financial estimations of
the costs involved for each alternative, as well as other value judgements;
for example, availability of raw material, the skill needed, use of available
space for existing production machinery and equipment, and so on.
(3) Once a decision is made on those parts that will be made, then the
sequence of operations may be determined using block or operations
(4) If new equipment and machinery has to be bought, then a decision needs
to be taken as to the type of manufacturing technology that can be used
(refer to section 3, above).
(5) A further decision is then made concerning the by-products of the process
of manufacturing; for example, the use of effluent gases, excess heat,
waste disposal and treatment.
(6) A decision is also made on the handling equipment and on the type, skill
and number of operators to be assigned to the operation.
(7) Finally, a decision is taken on the type of information that needs to be
designed and generated for the control of the operation, including quality
While the above seven steps apply essentially to processes that are
planned for a new product or part, they can also be applied with some
adaptation to the modification of existing processes, to cope with a new
product or design change. We shall restrict our discussion to the application of
steps 3 and 4 with respect to two types of operations: functional operations
and line operations. As indicated earlier in this chapter, functional operations
are those where all similar machinery is arranged together and the products
move from one machine to another in a sequence depending on the type of 215
operation that needs to be performed, whereas line operations are those where
the raw material or part moves continuously through a number of sequential
operations that end up with the finished product. The remaining steps in
process planning referred to above were dealt with earlier, with the exception
of step 7 which will be discussed in the next chapter, and step 2, the "make or
buy" decision, the explanation of which falls outside the scope of this book.
Original layout
Types of machinery
Modified layout
Types of machines'
A ^
1 1
Finished A
Oxidize - Preheated
Solvent recovery
Solvent Finished
recovery product
Preheated oxygen
Product B
Gas to stack
Production planning
and control
Figure 78. Planning and control for line production: Master production plan
Monthly targets
Compare weekly
actual production
with weekly estimated
Product A Product B
Overproduction Underproduction
Weekly schedule
adjustment Deduct from Increase next
next week's week's target or
demand work overtime
Daily schedule
adjustment Produced but not
Deduct from
master plan
relating them to a time scale (in months, weeks, days or hours as the need may
be) until one can determine the starting-point for every operation.
While Gantt charts offer management an easy readable and visual
demonstration of a work plan and the position regarding implementation at a
certain date, they become cumbersome to use once the products or parts are
many and varied and if there are a number of constraints such as capacity
utilization, rejection, margins, uncertainty of delivery dates of raw materials or
changing priorities for finished products. In such cases more sophisticated tools 223
Mon. Tues. Wed. Thurs. Fri. Mon. Tues. Wed. Thurs. Fri.
A mm
= i
D m
E naiillM^llfcî
CPM (Critical Path Method) was developed by DuPont together with the Rand
Corporation in 1957. Both systems are similar, and the extended use of both
PERT and CPM over the years eliminated some of the differences that
originally distinguished one from the other. Because of that we will try to
explain briefly the CPM method and the networking planning technique
associated with it.
The planning sequence consists of the following steps:
(1) Identify the activities needed to complete a certain project.
(2) Determine which activities can run concurrently and which can only be
started after another activity is terminated.
(3) Draw the network diagram, using the principles shown in figure 80.
(4) Calculate the time required to complete each activity, and indicate this on
the diagram.
(5) Determine the total time for completing the project; this is the longest
path on the network and is called the critical path (figure 81).
(6) Calculate the costs needed for each activity if it were to be carried out at a
normal pace, or at a crash or accelerated pace (say by using more people,
overtime or more resources).
(7) Balance the use of resources to even out upsurges in their use.
The example in figure 81 shows a network composed of 11 activities. The
figures in bold-faced type indicate the time in days needed to complete each
activity. Note that the length of the arrows bears no relation to the time it takes
to undertake the particular activity.
To get from starting-point A to finishing-point I there are several paths.
Each consists of several activities with time allocations. These are:
A to B to G to F to I or 3 + 2 + 4 + 3 = 12 days
A to B to C to E to F to I or 3 + 5 + 2 + 8 + 3 = 21 days
A to B to D to E to F to I or 3 + 3 + 8 + 8 + 3 = 25 days
A to B to H to F to I or 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 = 12 days
From this analysis one can conclude that the project cannot possibly
finish before 25 days have elapsed. This is the longest path, known as the
critical path, consisting of activities A to B to D to E to F to I.
® © ©
There are several uses that can be made of CPM. The line of reasoning
goes as follows:
(1) Activities B to G and G to F require six days to finish. What is important
is that they reach point F three days before the end of the project.
Therefore they can start at any time before that and need not start
immediately after activity A to B is finished. If they do, they will reach
point F on the ninth day and will have to wait to day 22. They could start
for example, on day 15 or 20 and still would not affect the time needed
for completing the project. Since they are not activities on the critical
path, they are said to be activities that can float forwards and backwards
as we wish, with the proviso that they can begin any time after three days
from the start of the project and finish three days before the end of the
This floating phenomenon of non-critical activities is very useful as
it allows the best allocation of resources. For example, the same personnel
working on activities B to G and G to F can after they finish be
redeployed to perform activities B to H and H to F or vice versa, if the
skills needed are the same or similar. Having two teams working
simultaneously on activities B-G-F and B-H-F would represent a waste of
resources. We can therefore use CPM to reduce project costs.
(2) If these activities were performed, say, by subcontractors, one could by
proper planning of non-critical activities use their float to make the
optimum schedule of payment to the contractors. This would also help to
solve cash flow problems.
(3) CPM can also be used to balance project duration with cost, allowing a
project manager to make a decision in line with the situation he or she
226 faces. Let us assume that some of the activities mentioned above can be
Table 10. Critical path method: Normal and crash times and costs for performing
Days $ $
accelerated, say, by employing more people (or using more trucks or other
equipment) but obviously at a higher cost. Others cannot be changed. A
new table is then constructed (table 10).
From this table one can now draw a new network using crash times.
Figure 82 shows a new critical path of 15 days. Thus the project duration could
be reduced from 25 to 15 days at a cost of $36,700 instead of the original
$25,750. There are obviously options in between.
For example, activities 9 and 10 could start after day 1 and could finish
any time before day 14. It would therefore be a waste of funds to accelerate
their execution by compressing their times to crash times and spending an extra
$1,050 in the process.
As the number of activities increase and the options for decision-making
are taken more and more into consideration, it becomes cumbersome to draw
network diagrams for CPM. Instead good project management software exists
which allows the processing of all the desired information for planning, as well
as for control purposes.
should constitute the building blocks of the planning process. It also follows
that each time a work study practitioner changes the sequence of operations
and its timing, this can play havoc with planning unless the results of his or her
work feed into the established system for production planning.
On the other hand, through production control, operations managers are
able to detect trouble spots, too lengthy set-up times or lead times, frequent
shortages of materials, or uneven utilization of resources resulting in delays.
These are all pointers to the work study person, who can usefully be called in
to improve the situation.
Inventory control
Figure 83. The relationship between total costs to order and to carry and the
number of orders placed
Total costs
Total costs to
order and to carry
economic order quantity (EOQ); and when to order this quantity or the
reorder point.
To determine the EOQ, three figures are needed: the first two are the
average inventory for the item in monetary terms, and the ordering costs,
taken as the incremental cost per order or the cost of each additional order. If
an enterprise places more orders, there is an increased cost consisting mainly of
the salaries of the extra staff that will be required, as well as extra stationery
and supplies. The third figure that is needed is the carrying costs (the nature of
these costs were explained in section 1). The carrying costs are estimated in a
similar way to the ordering charge, i.e. at two different inventory levels from
which the incremental cost per order is deduced. This is usually expressed as a
percentage of average inventory value. By using the following equation one
can determine the EOQ for the item in question:
I;OQ = A/^
where A = the total number of units used per year, P = the ordering cost per
order, R = the price of each unit and C = the carrying cost expressed as a
percentage of average inventory.
To take a simple example, an enterprise uses $10,000 worth of a certain
item (assuming 10,000 units at $1 each), the ordering costs are $5 per order and
the carrying costs are 10 per cent of the average inventory :
No. of units
\ Reorder
\ / points
\/ \ /
200 — — — —
Buffer st ock
Time 6 days
Smoothing Standardi-
of zation
production of jobs
Movement of
material in
Movement of
Kanban (job
order card)
See, for example, L. A. Martin-Vega et al.: "Applying just-in-time in a wafer fab: A case study", in
Johnson A. Edosomwan (éd.): People and product management in manufacturing (Amsterdam, Elsevier
Science Publishers, 1990), pp. 121-135. 235
point can also mean lengthy repairs, and sometimes costly and more
lengthy overhauls.
D Preventive maintenance: This approach is based on the well-known
wisdom that prevention is better than cure. It consists of diagnosing
machine maintenance needs ranging from simple lubrication and greasing
to more complicated preventive repairs. Factors that are taken into
consideration are noise emission, vibration, temperature change and
defective production, as well as an analysis of past performance and
maintenance records to predict when failure is imminent. A schedule is
then drawn up to plan systematic interventions of maintenance and repair
to pre-empt breakdowns.
Most enterprise maintenance programmes are based on a combination of
both preventive and breakdown maintenance, although it has been shown that
an emphasis on preventive maintenance can considerably reduce the need for
breakdown maintenance.
2. Organization of maintenance
The organization of maintenance involves two key issues:
D the organization of the maintenance function that is performed by the
maintenance specialists; and
D changing attitudes in an enterprise to develop a maintenance-conscious
and supportive attitude.
Each of these will be dealt with briefly.
See, for example, ILO: Improving maintenance in developing countries: The ILO approach.
Management Development Programme technical paper Man Dev 44 (Geneva, 1987).
For an explanation of UMS, see H. B. Maynard (éd.): Industrial engineering handbook (New York,
240 McGraw Hill, 1971).
Work measurement
General remarks
on work measurement
1. Definition
In Chapter 3 it was said that work study consists of two complementary
techniques — method study and work measurement. In that chapter both were
defined; before we go on to discuss work measurement it is worthwhile
repeating the definition of that technique given there.
work harder? Let management put its own house in order first." It is an
argument that can hardly be countered.
Just as method study should precede work measurement in any
reorganization that takes place, so must the elimination of ineffective time due
to management shortcomings precede any attack on the ineffective time within
the control of the workers. Indeed, the mere fact of reducing the hold-ups and
stoppages within the control of management will tend to reduce the waste of
time by the operatives, because they will find themselves faced with proper
supplies of work and of material, and will have the general feeling that the
management is "on its toes". This will in itself have a beneficial effect without
the application of incentive schemes or of any form of coercion.
Work measurement may start a chain reaction throughout the
organization. How does this come about?
The first thing to realize is that breakdowns and stoppages taking effect at
the shop-floor level are generally only the end results of a series of
management actions or failures to act.
Let us take an example of excessive idle time of an expensive machine in
a batch production type of operation. This excessive idle time was revealed by
a study taken over several days. The piece of plant is very productive when
operating but takes a long time to set up. It is found that a great deal of the idle
time is due to the fact that the batches of work being put on this machine are
very small, so that almost as much time is spent in resetting it to do new
operations as is spent in actual production. The chain of reactions resulting
from this discovery may be something like this:
D The work study department
reports that work measurement reveals that the machine is idle for
excessively long periods because of small orders coming from the
planning department. This is substantially increasing the cost of
manufacture. It suggests that the planning department should do some
proper planning and either combine several orders for the same product
into one large order or make more for stock.
D The planning department
complains that it has to work on the instructions of the marketing
department, which never seems to sell enough of any one product to make
up a decent-sized batch and cannot give any forecast of future orders so
that more can be made for stock.
• The marketing department
says that it cannot possibly make forecasts or provide large orders of any
one product as long as it remains the policy of top management to accept
every variation that customers like to ask for. Already the catalogue is
becoming too large: almost every job is now a "special".
D The managing director
is surprised when the effect of marketing policy (or lack of it) on the
production costs is highlighted and says that the aim was to prevent
orders going to competitors by being as obliging to customers as possible. 245
One of the principal purposes of work study will have been served if the
original investigation leads the managing director to think again about
marketing policy. Enthusiastic work study persons may, however, find it well to
pause a moment and think about the fact that such chains of reaction tend to
make someone ask: "Who started this, anyway?" People do not like being
"shown up". This is one of the situations in which a good deal of tact may have
to be used. It is not the task of a work study specialist to dictate marketing
policy, but merely to bring to the attention of management the effect of that
policy on the company's costs and hence on its competitive position.
Thus it can be seen that the purposes of work measurement are to reveal
the nature and extent of ineffective time, from whatever cause, so that action
can be taken to eliminate it; and then to set standards of performance of such a
kind that they will be attainable only if all avoidable ineffective time is
eliminated and the work is performed by the best available method and by
appropriately trained and capable personnel.
We can now go on to discuss in greater detail the uses and techniques of
work measurement.
It will be necessary to take the full range of steps listed above only if a
time is to be published as a standard. When work measurement is being used
only as a tool of investigation of ineffective time before or during a method
study, or to compare the effectiveness of alternative methods, only the first four
steps are likely to be needed.
Compile Compile
with appropriate allowances to to establish
get standard time of operations standard data banks
D work sampling;
D structured estimating;
D time study;
D predetermined time standards (PTS);
D standard data.
In the next few chapters we shall describe each of these techniques in
some detail.
Figure 88. Proportional distribution of "heads" and "tails" (100 tosses of five coins
at a time)
Number of
_ 5
l—l 1 1
P o 1 2 3 4 5
250 q 5 4 3 2 1 0
Table 11. Proportional distribution of "heads" and "tails" (100 tosses of five coins
at a time)
Heads Tails
(P) (q)
5 0 3
4 1 17
3 2 30
2 3 30
1 4 17
0 5 3
_40 _•-i
_30 r
_20 r 1
_io r
^rrrnfT T^n-rr
Combinations of p and q
(from, say, p=0,c?= 100top= 100,(7=0)
/ « B8 71% m \
cent of all our observations will fall within x ±2 op and 99.73 per cent of all
our observations will fall within x±3 ap.
This is in fact the degree of confidence we have in our observations. To
make things easier, however, we try to avoid using decimal percentages; it is
more convenient to speak of a 95 per cent confidence level than of a 95.45 per
cent confidence level. To achieve this we can change our calculations and obtain:
D 95 per cent confidence level or 95 per cent of the area under the curve
= 1.96 op;
D 99 per cent confidence level or 99 per cent of the area under the curve
= 2.58 op;
D 99.9 per cent confidence level or 99.9 per cent of the area under the curve
= 3.3 op.
In this case we can say that if we take a large sample at random we can
be confident that in 95 per cent of the cases our observations will fall within
±1.96 op.
In work sampling the most commonly used level is the 95 per cent
confidence level.
Let us now return to our example about the productive time and the idle
time of the machines in a factory. There are two methods of determining the
sample size that would be appropriate for this example: the statistical method
and the nomogram method.
Statistical method
The formula used in this method is:
«"-y f
op = standard error of proportion
p = percentage of idle time
q = percentage of working time
n = number of observations or sample size we wish to determine.
Before we can use this formula, however, we need to have at least an idea
of the values ofp and q. The first step is therefore to carry out a number of random
observations in the working area. Let us assume that some 100 observations
were carried out as a preliminary study and at random, and that these showed
the machine to be idle in 25 per cent of the cases (p = 25) and to be working 75
per cent of the time (q = 75). We thus have approximate values for p and q; in
order now to determine the value of n, we must find out the value of ap.
Let us choose a confidence level of 95 per cent with a 10 per cent margin
of error (that is, we are confident that in 95 per cent of the cases our estimates
will be ± 10 per cent of the real value).
At the 95 per cent confidence level:
1.96 op = 10
ap= 5 (approx.).
We can now go back to our original equation to derive n :
op- ' ' p(l
5= 25x75
n= 75 observations.
If we reduce the margin of error to ± 5 per cent, we have
1.96 ap= 5
op= 2.5 (approx.)
2.5 = A/25x75
300 observations. 253
In other words, if we reduce the margin of error by half, the sample size
will have to be quadrupled.
Nomogram method
An easier way to determine sample size is to read off the number of
observations needed directly from a nomogram such as the one reproduced in
figure 91. Taking our previous example, we draw a line from the "percentage
occurrence" ordinate p (in this case 25-75) to intercept the "error (accuracy
required)" ordinate (say, 5 per cent) and extend it until it meets the "number of
observations" ordinate n, which it intercepts at 300 for the 95 per cent
confidence level. This is a very quick way of determining sample size.
3 .. 97 700
1500 _
1300 _-
96 1200 _
_ 2.0 1100
5 _. 95
900 400
6 -- 94
3.0 700
93 _ 300
- 92 6p0•' _
91 1 4.0
10 .. 90 500
- •
11 -- 89
^'5.0 200
H_ 88
13 ._ 87 400 -
14 -- 86
15 -- 85 6.0
16 __ 84
18 _- 82 _ 7.0
300 _-
20 80 8.0
25 ^5 9.0
30 100
70 10
11 200 90
40 _. 60
50 50 12 80
14 70
99.8% 95%
49 54 43 54 82 M 37 93 23 78 87 35 20 96 43 84 26 34 9164
57 24 55 06 88 77 04 74 47 67 2176 33 50 25 83 92 12 06 76
16 95 55 67 19 98 10 50 7175 12 86 73 58 07 44 39 52 38 79
78 64 56 07 82 52 42 07 44 38 15 5100 13 42 99 66 02 79 54
09 47 27 96 54 49 17 46 09 62 90 52 84 77 27 08 02 73 43 28
44 17 16 58 09 79 83 86 19 62 06 76 50 03 10 55 23 64 05 05
8297777799 8311463224 2014858845 1093728871
82 97 77 77 81 07 45 32 14 08 32 98 94 07 72 93 85 79 10 75
50 92 26® 97 00 56 76 31 38 80 22 02 53 53 86 60 42 04 53
83 39 50 08 30 42 34 07 96 88 54 42 06 87 98 35 85 29 48 39
40 33 20 38 26 13 89 5103 74 17 75 37 13 04 07 74 2119 30
96 83 50 87 75 97 12 25 93 47 70 33 24 03 54 97 77 46 44 80
88 42 95 45 72 16 64 36 16 00 04 43 18 66 79 94 77 24 2190
33 27 14 34 09 45 59 34 68 49 12 72 07 34 45 99 27 72 95 14
50 27 89 87 19 20 15 37 00 49 52 85 66 60 44 38 68 88 1180
55 74 30 77 40 44 22 78 84 26 04 33 46 09 52 68 07 97 06 57
59 29 97 68 60 719138 67 54 13 58 18 24 76 15 54 55 95 52
48 55 90 65 72 96 57 69 36 10 96 46 92 42 45 97 60 49 04 91
66 37 32 20 30 77 84 57 03 29 10 45 65 04 26 1104 96 67 24
68 49 69 10 82 53 75 9193 30 34 25 20 57 27 40 48 73 5192
22 35 85 15 33 92 03 5159 77 59 56 78 06 83 52 9105 70 74
09 98 42 99 64 617152 99 15 06 5129 16 93 58 05 77 09 51
54 87 66 47 54 73 32 08 1112 44 95 92 53 16 29 56 24 29 48
58 37 78 80 70 42 10 50 67 42 32 17 55 85 74 94 44 67 16 94
87 59 36 22 41 25 78 63 06 55 13 08 27 0150 15 29 39 39 43
71416150 72 12 4194 96 25 44 95 27 36 99 02 96 74 30 83
23 52 23 33 12 96 93 02 18 39 07 02 18 36 07 25 99 32 70 23
3104 49 69 96 10 47 48 45 88 13 4143 89 20 97 17 14 49 17
31 99 73 68 68 35 81 33 03 76 24 30 12 48 60 18 99 10 72 34
94 58 28 4135 45 37 59 03 09 90 35 57 29 12 82 52 54 55 60
11 05 7.50 a.m.
38 11 8.50 a.m.
45 14 9.20 a.m.
20 15 9.30 a.m.
25 20 10.20 a.m.
05 22 10.40 a.m.
14 26 11.20 a.m.
15 38 1.20 p.m.
47 45 2.30 p.m.
22 47 2.50 p.m.
' Multiply each number by ten minutes and start from 7 a.m.
i " i
Machine working Machine idle
We can, however, extend this simple model to try to find out the cause of
the stoppage of the machine:
i i
Machine working Machine idle
i i
Waiting Waiting Personal Id]
for for needs of
repairs supplies workers
Machine working Machine idle
i ' 1
Cutting Boring Filing 257
running mmmmmmw 62 82.7
idle 00/11 13 17.3
Figure 93. Work sampling record sheet showing machine utilization and distribution
of idle time
II 2 2.7
0 6 8.0
Personal 1 1 1.3
Idle mi 4 5.3
Figure 94. Work sampling record sheet showing distribution of time on ten elements
of work performed by a group of four workers
Number of observations: 75
Elements of work
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Worker No. 1
Worker No. 2
Worker No. 3
Worker No. 4
delays, to analyze the reasons for ineffective time and to ascertain the
percentage time spent by a worker, groups of workers or a machine on a given
work element. These, in themselves, provide useful information in a simple and
reasonably quick way.
9.00 85 90 80
9.005 90 85
9.01 90 90
9.02 95
685 x 87
Conversion to basic time = = 596 basic min.
If rating is not taken into consideration then group sampling results would be = = 11.04 min.
Analytical estimating
Analytical estimating is a combination of estimating and synthesis from
standard data. The technique is based on the fact that if jobs are broken down
into constituent elements and individual elements are measured or estimated,
errors in those individual times will be random and will compensate for one
another to leave an overall time that will be within acceptable limits. Similarly,
when a number of jobs are combined into a larger time accumulation (such as
the workload for a given week), individual errors in job times will be random
and compensated by one another, leaving an overall time that is acceptable.
The estimating is normally carried out by a worker who is skilled in the
area of work being measured and who has been trained in work study
techniques. The estimator then:
D breaks a job into elements;
D applies any standard or synthetic data that are available;
D carries out measurement on elements which are considered to warrant
such effort and expenditure;
D estimates any remaining elements using his or her experience and
knowledge of the working conditions, safety factors, etc.
Element times which are estimated may then be incorporated into the
standard data for future use, although such data should be revalidated at intervals.
Comparative estimating
Comparative estimating relies on the identification and measurement of
"benchmark" jobs of known work content against which all other jobs to be
262 measured are compared. The benchmark jobs are selected to represent the
Time study:
The equipment
The stop-watch
There are two main types of watch in general use for time study — the
mechanical and the electronic. Mechanical watches can again be subdivided
into the flyback and non-flyback types, with a third type — the split-hand stop-
watch — in less common use. Electronic stop-watches may be part of a
specially designed study board or data capture device.
Electronic Mechanical
I 1 i 1 1
Stand-alone Electronic Flyback Non-flyback
stop-watch study board Split-hand
Mechanical-type watches may be obtained with any one of three
graduated scales:
D recording one minute per revolution by intervals of one-fifth of a second,
with a small hand recording 30 minutes;
D recording one minute per revolution calibrated in 1/lOOths of a minute,
with a small hand recording 30 minutes (the decimal-minute watch);
D recording 1/lOOth of an hour per revolution calibrated in l/10,000ths of
an hour; a small hand records up to one hour in 100 divisions (the
decimal-hour watch).
It is also possible to obtain watches with the main scale in decimal
minutes and an auxiliary scale outside it, usually in red, graduated in seconds
and fifths of a second.
A flyback decimal-minute stop-watch — probably the type in most
general use today — is shown in figure 95. The hand of the small dial makes
l/30th of a revolution for each revolution of the main hand, and thus makes a
complete turn every 30 minutes.
In this type of watch the movement is started and stopped by a slide (A) at
the side of the winding-knob (B). Pressure on the top of the winding-knob
causes both the hands to fly back to zero without stopping the mechanism,
from which point they immediately move forward again. If the slide is used,
the hands can be stopped at any point on the dial and restarted without
returning to zero as soon as the slide is released. This type of watch can be
used for either "flyback" or "cumulative" timing (see Chapter 21, section 9).
The non-flyback type is controlled by pressure on the top of the winding-
knob. The first pressure starts the watch; the second pressure stops it; the third
pressure returns the hands to zero. This watch is suitable only for cumulative
In the split-hand type of watch, pressing a secondary knob causes one of
the hands to stand still while the other continues to measure time. When the
knob is pressed a second time, the stopped hand returns to the moving one and
the two go on together. In this way, when a reading is taken, a stopped hand is
266 read instead of a moving one, giving greater accuracy of reading.
The split-hand watch is easier to read, but is heavier, more expensive and,
because of its complexity, more troublesome to repair. With properly trained
time study persons, equally good results can be obtained with a simpler, lighter
and less expensive watch. Unless there are special reasons for preferring one of
the other types, the single-pressure, centre-sweep hand, flyback watch with the
main dial graduated in 1/lOOths of a minute and the smaller dial recording 30
minutes will be found most serviceable for time study. This is the type
illustrated in figure 95.
Whatever type of watch is used, it should always be remembered that it is
a delicate instrument which must be treated with care. Watches should be
wound fully before each study, and should be allowed to run down overnight.
At regular intervals they should be sent to a watchmaker for cleaning and
routine overhaul.
forefinger or middle finger of the left hand used to press the winding knob
when resetting the watch (figure 96). Some work study persons prefer to attach
their watches with strong rubber bands or leather thongs around the two middle
fingers of their left hands and to hold them at the top of the board in that way.
It is largely a matter of individual preference, provided that the watch is
securely held and can be easily read and manipulated. A strong spring clip
should also be fitted to the board to hold the forms on which the study is
A study board which is either too short or too long for the study person's
arm soon becomes tiring to use. Most study persons prefer therefore to have
their own individual boards made up to fit their own arm lengths, after they
have had sufficient practice to know which size will be most comfortable.
are generally easier to use for time study recording. For example, they may
have keys labelled "OC" for occasional element, "FE" for foreign element, and
so on.
An example of an electronic study board is shown in figure 98.
One of the advantages of electronic data capture is that, because the time
is never visible to the observer, it becomes impossible to "clock rate", in other
words to be tempted to adjust the rating as will be referred to later in Chapter
21, section 9. Another important advantage is that the observer is required to
carry out less writing (if any at all) and can pay more attention to the work
being measured. (Notes may have to be made about foreign elements,
frequencies, abnormal occurrences, and so on, and thus the electronic study
board normally has space for a writing pad.)
Source: GP-1 Time Study Board supplied byTectime Data Systems, Newcastle-under-Lyme, Staffordshire, United Kingdom.
There are numerous designs of forms; most work study practitioners have
their own ideas on the ideal layout. The examples shown in this book represent
designs which have been proved in practice to be satisfactory for general work.
The principal forms used in time study fall into two groups: those used at
the point of observation while actually making the study, and which should
therefore be designed or selected to fit the study board in use; and those which
are used after the study, as part of the analysis process, in the study office.
Electronic study boards and data-capture devices eliminate most of the
need for time study forms. However, it is still important to record notes which
relate to the work being observed, especially where it is seen to deviate from
normal practice or conditions, and a simple form which has as a minimum the
recording of the date, time, observer and operator will suffice. Similarly, when
it comes to the analysis stage, many of the forms used in the analysis of studies 271
Note: Sketch the workplace laycut/set-up/part on the reverse, or on a separate sheet and attach.
taken with a conventional stop-watch will not be required since the analysis
may be carried out by computer. The forms described here are therefore those
which would be used by an observer taking conventional time studies with a
mechanical or electronic stop-watch and recording the data by hand.
Studied by:
DWG No.: Material: Date:
Figure 103. Short cycle study form (back]
Date of study Time finished Study No.
Time started Short cycle study sheet
Elapsed time Sht. of Shts.
Element No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Name of operative
Standing D / y/ y^ y^ y^ y/ y^ y/ y/ /^ /Clock No.
Sitting • / / / / / / / y / / /Observed by
ivioving U/ / / / / / / / / /
abOUt >/ /^ yS y' yS yS /^ yS y^ yS ^^Approved by
/ Foreign elements
No. Symbol Description
1 A
2 B
3 C
4 D
5 E
6 F
7 G
8 H
9 I
10 J
11 K
12 L
13 M
14 N
15 0
16 P
17 Q
18 R
19 S
20 T
Total c
No. of
Average o
Unacc. time:
Quality: Working conditions: UT as %
Studied by:
Operative: M/F Clock No.: Checked :
Sketch and notes on back of sheet 1.
Note: BT = Basic time. F = Frequency of occurrence per cycle. Obs. = No. of observations.
Figure 105. Analysis of studies sheet
Analysis of studies
Details of machine, materials, etc.: Study No.:
Date made:
Clock No.:
Machine No.;
the time study top sheet. The completed study summary sheet is clipped
on top of all the other study sheets and is thus filed with them. The
summary sheet should therefore be of the same size as that chosen for the
study sheets. An example is shown in figure 104, from which it will be
seen that the main body of the sheet has space for the ruling of additional
columns, should these be needed for the particular study being
D Analysis of studies sheet on which are recorded, from the study
summary sheets, the results obtained in all the studies made on an
operation. The analysis of studies sheet records the results of all the
studies made of a particular operation, no matter when they were made or
by whom. It is from the analysis of studies sheets that the basic times for
the elements of the operation are finally compiled. The sheet is often
much larger than the ordinary study forms. See figure 105 and figure 127
in Chapter 25.
D A specially ruled sheet for the compilation of relaxation allowances is
also often used.
The use of all these forms, both those employed when actually making the
study and those used afterwards to analyse and record it, will be described in
detail in subsequent chapters.
4. Other equipment
The stop-watch or electronic data capture device provides the necessary
accuracy for all general-purpose work. Where this is not so, for example in
highly repetitive, very short-cycle work, then some other measurement
technique is more appropriate than time study. Time study can be extended into
such areas using films or videos of work (see Chapter 9). With film, the
number of frames can be counted for a very short sequence of work to give an
accurate time duration — as long as it is validated that the projection of the
film is at precisely the same speed as that of the camera that took the film. An
alternative, for both film and video, is to record the work with an accurate and
detailed timing device kept "in shot" while the recording is taking place. Times
can then be read off this timing device when the film or video is replayed at
slower speeds.
Until the best method has been developed, defined and standardized, the
amount of work which the job or process involves will not be stable. Planning
of programmes will be thrown out and, if the time standard is used for
incentive purposes, the payment made to the operative may become
uneconomic for the job. The workers may find the time unattainable, or, in the
opposite case, may find that the work can be completed in a much shorter time
than that set as the standard. If so, they will very probably restrict their output
to the maximum which they think the management will tolerate without
starting to make inquiries into the validity of the time standard which has been
set. Although, in collective agreements introducing work study, it is customary
to include a clause permitting the retiming of jobs when the work content is
altered in either direction (and the management would, in theory, be justified in
invoking this clause where a reduction in work content has been made, whether
by worker or management), the retiming of jobs in such circumstances always
tends to cause resentment, and if it is done frequently it will quickly shatter the
confidence of the workers in both the competence of the work study staff and
the honesty of management. Therefore make sure first that the method is
right. Remember, too, that any one time should refer only to one specified
There are problems in the selection of jobs to be studied which have
nothing to do with the importance of the jobs to the enterprise or the abilities of
the operatives. One difficult problem which may arise in factories where a
piece-work system is already in operation is that the existing piece-work times
on certain jobs, fixed by bargaining or estimation, may be so liberal that the
workers have been earning high bonuses which cannot possibly be maintained
if the jobs are properly reassessed. Attempts to alter the methods, which should
automatically bring about a reassessment of the times allowed, may meet with
such resistance that it is unwise to proceed with the studies. If this is the case, it
is better, in an initial application, to tackle a number of jobs where it is evident
that the earnings of the workers can be increased by the application of time
study, even though these jobs may be less important to the performance of the
working area as a whole. When the rest of the jobs in the working area have
been studied and confidence in the integrity of the work study person has been
established, it may be possible to return to the "problem" jobs. It will almost
certainly be necessary to negotiate on these problem jobs with the workers'
representatives, and it may be necessary to compensate the workers concerned.
It is nevertheless possible to carry through such negotiations successfully, if the
purpose of the change is fully understood by all concerned.
within a fairly narrow range of speeds close to that which is normal for a
qualified worker. The study of slow or unskilled workers or of exceptionally
fast workers will tend to result in the setting of time standards that are either
unduly large (known as "loose" times), and hence uneconomic, or unduly short
(known as "tight" times), in which case they are unfair to the worker and will
probably be the subject of complaints later.
When the worker whose work is to be studied first has been selected, he
or she should be approached in company with the supervisor and the workers'
representative. The purpose of the study and what is required should be
carefully explained. The worker should be asked to work at his or her usual
pace, taking whatever rest is normally taken, and should be invited to explain
any difficulties which may be encountered. (This procedure becomes
unnecessary as soon as work study is firmly established and its purpose well
understood. It should, however, be carried out with new workers, and new
members of the work study staff should be introduced to supervisors and
workers when they start studies.) It is important to impress on the supervisor
that the worker is then to be left alone. Some workers are liable to become
apprehensive if one of their direct supervisors is standing over them and
watching them.
If a new method has been installed, the worker must be allowed plenty of
time to settle down before timing starts. It takes quite a long time for an
operative to adapt and to reach a maximum steady speed. Depending on the
duration and intricacy of the operation, it may be necessary to allow a job to
run for days or even weeks before it is ready to be timed for the purpose of
setting standards. In the same way, the work done by new operatives should
never be used for timing until they have grown thoroughly accustomed to their
The observation position, in relation to the operative, is important. The
study person should be so placed that everything the operative does can be seen
(especially hand movements), without interfering with free movement or
distracting his or her attention. The study person should not stand directly in
front of the worker, nor in such close proximity that the worker has the feeling
of "having someone standing over him or her" — a frequent complaint made
against time study. The study person's exact position will be determined by the
type of operation being studied, but the position generally recommended is to
one side of the operative, slightly to the rear and about 2 metres away. In this
position the operative can see the study person by turning his or her head a
little, and they can speak if it is necessary to ask a question or explain some
point in connection with the operation. The study board and watch should be
held well up in line with the job, to make reading the watch and recording easy
while maintaining continuous observation.
On no account should any attempt be made to time the operative
without his or her knowledge, from a concealed position or with the watch
in the pocket. It is dishonest and, in any case, someone is sure to see and the
news will spread like wildfire. Work study should have nothing to hide.
It is equally important that the study person should stand up while making
284 a study. There is a tendency on the part of workers to regard themselves as
having to do all the work while the study person simply stands around and
watches them. The workers' respect will quickly be lost if the study person
looks too comfortably positioned while making the study. It should be
remembered though that, during the study, a position should be adopted which
can be maintained, if necessary, over a long period. Time study demands
intense concentration and alertness, especially when timing very short
"elements" or "cycles" (defined later in this chapter), and it is generally agreed
that this is better attained when standing.
Most operatives will quickly settle down to their normal working pace,
but nervous workers have a tendency to work unnaturally fast, which will
cause them to fumble and make errors. If this happens, the study person should
stop the study and have a chat with the operative to put him or her at ease, or
even leave him or her to settle down for a bit.
On repetitive work it is generally easy to detect operatives who are
deliberately working at a pace which is not natural to them because, if they are
working naturally, there will be very little variation in the times of the different
cycles once they have got going, whereas it is difficult for them to control these
times when they are not. When there are wide variations in successive cycle
times, and when these are not due to variations in the material being worked on
or to the tools or machine (in which case the study person should report the
variations to the proper authorities), the differing cycle times must be due to
action on the operative's part. If this is the case, the study person should
discontinue the study and see the supervisor. As a matter of practical
diplomacy it may be wiser not to report the operative for the attempted "leg
pulling", but to ask the supervisor to come and look at the job as it does not
seem to be running quite right. This is the sort of human situation that must be
dealt with according to its merits if the study person is not going to risk
unnecessary unpopularity and is one of the reasons why the personal qualities
of the study person listed in Chapter 4 are so essential.
When technical considerations have a considerable influence on the job
being studied, it may be much less easy to detect attempts to stretch the time of
the job, unless the study person is an expert in the process. This is especially so
where craft skill is involved (as in some sheet-metal work, or turning and
screw-cutting operations to fine tolerances and high finish on centre lathes),
even where speeds and feeds have been specified by the process planning
department. It is difficult to argue with a skilled craftsman if you are not one
yourself! This is one of the reasons why it is so important to establish precisely
the method and conditions of an operation before attempting to time it. A really
good method study before the job is timed simplifies immensely the task of
setting time standards.
In the foregoing paragraphs an effort has been made to suggest some of
the practical problems the study person will have to face in obtaining
representative times; but there are many others which can be learned only in
the hard school of experience, in the atmosphere of the working area, among
the men and women who work there. They cannot be translated into print. The
human-hearted person will delight in them; the other sort should not take up a
career in work study. 285
Study number.
Sheet number and number of sheets.
Name or initials of the study person making the study.
Date of the study.
Name of the person approving the study (head of the work study
department, production manager or other appropriate executive).
B. Information to enable the product or part being processed to be
accurately identified
Name of product or part.
Drawing or specification number.
Part number (if different from drawing number).
Quality requirements.2
C. Information to enable the process, method, plant or machine to be
accurately identified
Department or location where the operation is taking place.
Description of the operation or activity.
Method study or standard practice sheet numbers (where they exist).
Plant or machine (maker's name, type, size or capacity).
Tools, jigs, fixtures and gauges used.
Sketch of the workplace layout, machine set-up and/or part showing
surfaces worked (on the reverse of the time study top sheet, or on a
separate sheet attached to the study if necessary).
Machine speeds and feeds or other setting information governing the rate
of production of the machine or process (e.g. temperature, pressure, flow,
etc.). It is good practice to have the supervisor initial the study form
beside the record of information of this sort, as an endorsement of its
D. Information to enable the operative to be identified
Operative's name.
Clock number.3
E. Duration of the study
The start of the study ("Time on").
The finish of the study ("Time off).
Elapsed time.
In the case of some engineering products, parts may be modified from time to time and the
drawings reissued. It may therefore also be necessary to note the issue number. For "Quality requirements"
it may simply be sufficient to put a standard specification number or "Good finish". In engineering practice,
tolerances and finish are generally specified on the drawing.
In the case of new jobs or new operatives, it may be desirable to note the amount of experience the
operative has had on the particular operation at the time of the study, so that the point reached in learning
the job can be assessed. 287
F. Working conditions
Temperature, humidity, adequacy of the lighting, etc., as a supplement to
the information recorded on the sketch of the workplace layout.
Where an electronic study board is being used, it is still important to
record the same kinds of identifying data. If the software being used for the
study does not allow such data to be keyed into the board, the data must be
recorded on a separate study top sheet, designed for this purpose. This sheet
will be similar to a normal time study top sheet but will include a cross-
reference to an identifying code which is part of the data recorded on the board
(such as the study reference).
A work cycle starts at the beginning of the first element of the operation
or activity and continues to the same point in a repetition of the operation or
activity. That is the start of the second cycle. This is illustrated in the fully
worked-out example of a time study in Chapter 25.
A detailed breakdown into elements is necessary:
(1) To ensure that productive work (or effective time) is separated from
unproductive activity (or ineffective time).
(2) To permit the rate of working to be assessed more accurately than would
be possible if the assessment were made over a complete cycle. The
operative may not work at the same pace throughout the cycle, and may
tend to perform some elements more quickly than others.
(3) To enable the different types of element (see below) to be identified and
distinguished, so that each may be accorded the treatment appropriate to
its type.
(4) To enable elements involving a high degree of fatigue to be isolated and
to make the allocation of fatigue allowances more accurate.
(5) To facilitate checking the method so that the subsequent omission or
insertion of elements may be detected quickly. This may become
necessary if at a future date the time standard for the job is queried.
(6) To enable a detailed work specification (see Chapter 28) to be produced.
(7) To enable time values for frequently recurring elements, such as the
operation of machine controls or loading and unloading workpieces from 289
Types of element
Eight types of element are distinguished: repetitive, occasional, constant,
variable, manual, machine, governing, and foreign elements. The definition of
each is listed below, together with examples:
D A repetitive element is an element which occurs in every work cycle of
an operation.
Examples: the element of picking up a part prior to an assembly
operation; the element of locating a workpiece in a holding device;
putting aside a finished component or assembly.
D An occasional element is an element which does not occur in every work
cycle of an operation but which may occur at regular or irregular
Examples: adjusting the tension, or machine setting; receiving
instructions from the supervisor. The occasional element is useful work
and a part of the job. It will be incorporated in the final standard time for
the job.
D A constant element is an element for which the basic time remains
constant whenever it is performed.
Examples: switch on machine; gauge diameter; screw on and tighten nut;
insert a particular cutting tool into machine.
D A variable element is an element for which the basic time varies in
relation to some characteristics of the product, equipment or process, e.g.
dimensions, weight, quality, etc.
Examples: saw logs with handsaw (time varies with hardness and
diameter); sweep floor (varies with area); push trolley of parts to next
shop (varies with distance).
D A manual element is an element performed by a worker.
D A machine element is an element performed automatically by any
process, physical, chemical or otherwise that, once started, cannot be
influenced by a worker except to terminate it prematurely.
Examples: anneal tubes, fire tiles; form glass bottles; press car body shell
to shape; most actual cutting elements on machine tools.
D A governing element is an element occupying a longer time within a
work cycle than that of any other element which is being performed
Examples: turn diameter on a lathe, while gauging from time to time; boil
kettle of water, while setting out teapot and cups; develop photographic
negative, while agitating the solution occasionally.
D A foreign element is an element observed which does not form a part of
290 the operation(s) being studied.
fixed speeds can be calculated and used as a check on the stop-watch data.
Hand time is normally completely within the control of the operative.
D Constant elements should be separated from variable elements.
D Elements which do not occur in every cycle (i.e. occasional and foreign
elements) should be timed separately from those that do.
The necessity for a fine breakdown of elements depends largely on the
type of manufacturing, the nature of the operation and the results desired.
Assembly operations in the light electrical and radio industries, for example,
generally have short cycle operations with very short elements.
The importance of the proper selection, definition and description of
elements must again be emphasized. The amount of detail in the description
will depend on a number of factors, for instance:
D Small batch jobs which occur infrequently require less detailed element
descriptions than long-running, high-output lines.
D Movement from place to place generally requires less description than
hand and arm movements.
Elements should be checked through a number of cycles and written
down before timing begins.
Examples of element descriptions and of various types of element are
shown in figures 120 and 122.
8. Sample size
Much of what was said in Chapter 19 on sampling, confidence levels and the
application of random tables applies here also. In this case, however, we are
not concerned with a proportion but with finding out the value of the
representative average for each element. Our problem, therefore, is to
determine the sample size or number of readings that must be made for each
element, given a predetermined confidence level and accuracy margin.
Here again, we can apply a statistical method or a conventional method.
For the statistical method, we have first to take a number of preliminary
readings (n'). We then apply the following equation4 for the 95.45 confidence
level and a margin of error of ± 5 per cent:
V Zx )
n = sample size we wish to determine
n' = number of readings taken in the preliminary study
£ = sum of values
x = value of the readings.
The explanation of the derivation of this formula falls outside the scope of this book. See Raymond
Mayer: Production and operations management (New York and London, McGraw-Hill, 3rd éd., 1975),
292 pp. 516-517.
An example will make the point clear. Let us suppose that we take five
readings for a given element, and find that the value of the elapsed time in
1/lOOths of a minute is 7, 6, 7, 7, 6. We can then calculate the squares and the
sum of the squares of these numbers :
X X2
7 49
6 36
7 49
7 49
6 36
Ex = 33 Ex2 = 219
n' = 5 readings.
By substituting these values in the above formula, we obtain the value
of n:
n = ^40V5(219)-(33) V = QC1
8.81 or Q9 readings.
v J ,.
I —^—^-1
Since the number of preliminary readings n' that we took is less than the
required sample size of nine, the sample size must be increased. However, we
cannot simply say that four more observations are needed. When we add the
values obtained from these four additional observations, the values of x and x2
will change, and this may affect the value of n. Consequently it may be found
either that a still larger sample is required, or that the sample taken was in fact
adequate or more than adequate.
If we choose a different confidence level and accuracy margin, the
formula changes as well. Normally, however, we choose either the 95 or the
95.45 confidence level.
The statistical method of determining the sample size is valid to the extent
that the assumptions made in deriving the formula are valid — in other words,
that the observed variations in the readings are due to mere chance and are not
made intentionally by the operative. The statistical method can be
cumbersome, since a given work cycle is composed of several elements. As the
sample size will vary with the readings for each element, we can arrive at
different sample sizes for each element within a given cycle, unless of course
the elements have more or less the same average. As a result, we may have to
calculate the sample size, in the case of cumulative timing, by basing it on the
element that will call for the largest sample size.
Some authors, and companies such as General Electric, have therefore
adopted a conventional guide for the number of cycles to be timed, based on
the total number of minutes per cycle (table 15).
It is also important that the readings be continued over a number of cycles
in order to ensure that occasional elements (such as handling boxes of finished
parts, periodical cleaning of machines or sharpening of tools) can be observed
several times.
In conducting the study the table of random numbers (see Chapter 19)
may be used to determine the times at which the readings are to be taken. 293
Number of
recommended 200 100 60 40 30 20 15 10 8 5 3
Source: A. E. Shaw: "Stop-watch time study", in H. B. Maynard (ed,): Industrial engineering handbook (New York 5nd London, McGraw-Hiii,
3rd éd., 1971). Reproduced by kind permission of the McGraw-Hill Book Company.
are known as "check times". The clock reading at the beginning of the study is
subtracted from the clock reading at the end of the study to give the "elapsed
time", which is entered on the form.
The sum of the times of all the elements and other activities noted in the
study plus ineffective time plus the check times is known as the "recorded
time" and is also noted. It should in theory agree with the elapsed time, but in
practice there is usually a small difference owing to the cumulative loss of very
small fractions of time at the return of the hand to zero and, possibly, bad
reading or missed elements. In certain firms it is the practice to discard any
study in which the elapsed time differs from the recorded time by more than
± 2 per cent.
When the same practice is followed using cumulative timing, the elapsed
time and recorded time should be identical since the stop-watch is only read
and not snapped back.
Cumulative timing has the advantage that, even if an element is missed or
some occasional activity not recorded, this will have no effect on the overall
time. It is strongly favoured by many trade unions, especially in the United
States, since it is regarded by them as more accurate than flyback timing and
gives no opportunity for altering times in favour of the management by
omitting elements or other activities. Its disadvantage is, of course, the amount
of subtraction which has to be done to arrive at individual element times, which
greatly increases the time taken in working up the study afterwards.
Flyback timing is still widely used. In competent hands it is almost as
accurate as cumulative timing. There is reason to suppose that people being
trained in the use of the stop-watch attain a fair degree of accuracy more
quickly when using the cumulative method than when using the flyback
The experience of ILO missions in training in and applying time study
has in fact shown that, generally speaking, cumulative timing should be taught
and used, for the following reasons:
(1) Experience suggests that trainees achieve reasonable accuracy in the use
of the stop-watch more quickly if they use the cumulative method.
(2) It does not matter if element times are occasionally missed by
inexperienced observers; the overall time of the study will not be affected.
Foreign elements and interruptions are automatically included since the
watch is never stopped.
(3) In assessing the working pace of the operative ("rating"), it is less easy to
fall into the temptation to adjust the rating to the time taken by the
element than with the flyback method, since only watch readings and not
actual times are recorded.
(4) Workers and their representatives are likely to have greater faith in the
fairness of time studies as a basis for incentive plans if they can see that
no time could have been omitted. The introduction of time study into an
enterprise or an industry may be made easier.
In the flyback method, errors in reading the watch may be added to the
slight delay which occurs when the hand is snapped back to zero. The 295
In section 3 of the previous chapter the making of a time study was broken
down into eight steps or stages, the first four of which were discussed in that
chapter. We now come to the fifth step, namely "assessing the effective speed
of working of the operative relative to the observer's concept of the rate
corresponding to standard rating".
The treatment of rating which follows has been selected because
experience in the use of this book for training purposes by ILO management
and productivity missions suggests that this approach to the subject is best
suited to the conditions in most of the countries for which the book is primarily
Rating and "allowances" (dealt with in the next chapter) are the two most
controversial aspects of time study. Most time studies in industry are used to
determine standard times for setting workloads and as a basis for incentive
plans. The procedures employed have a bearing on the earnings of the workers
as well as on the productivity and, possibly, the profits of the enterprise. Time
study is not an exact science, although much research has been and continues
to be undertaken to attempt to establish a scientific basis for it. Rating (the
assessment of a worker's rate of working) and the allowances to be given for
recovery from fatigue and other purposes are still, however, largely matters of
judgement and therefore of bargaining between management and labour.
Various methods of assessing the rate of working, each of which has its
good and bad points, have been developed. The procedures set out in this
chapter represent sound current practice and, properly applied, should be
acceptable to management and workers alike, particularly when used to
determine standards for medium-batch production, which is the most common
type in industry all over the world outside the United States and a few large or
specialized enterprises elsewhere. They will certainly provide the reader with a
sound basic system which will be suitable for most general applications, and
one which can later be refined if the particular nature of certain special
operations requires a modification of the system, so as to rate something other
than effective speed.
be avoided, at least while making the first few studies of an operation. What is
a "qualified worker"?
Different jobs require different human abilities. For example, some
demand mental alertness, concentration, visual acuity; others, physical
strength; most, some acquired skill or special knowledge. Not all workers will
have the abilities required to perform a particular job, though if the
management makes use of sound selection procedures and job training
programmes, it should normally be possible to arrange that most of the workers
engaged on it have the attributes needed to fit them for the task. The definition
of a qualified worker given in the previous chapter is repeated here:
298 ' W. D. Seymour: Industrial training for manual operations (London, Pitman, 1966).
No. of workers
2 (0.4%)
Time group (sec.) Number of workers {out of 500) Percentage of total workers
30-34 4 0.8
34-38 16 3.2
38-42 38 7.6
42-46 104 20.8
day or even from minute to minute. The work study person has to have some
means of assessing the rate of working of the operative he or she is observing
and of relating it to standard pace. This process is known as rating.
The rate of working most generally accepted in the United Kingdom and
the United States as corresponding to the standard rating is equivalent to the
speed of motion of the limbs of a man of average physique walking without
a load in a straight line on level ground at a speed of 4 miles an hour
(6.4 kilometres per hour). This is a brisk, business-like rate of walking, which a
man of the right physique and well accustomed to walking might be expected
to maintain, provided that he took appropriate rest pauses every so often. This
pace has been selected, as a result of long experience, as providing a suitable
benchmark to correspond to a rate of working which would enable the average
qualified worker who is prepared to apply himself to his task to earn a fair
bonus by working at that rate, without there being any risk of imposing on him
any undue strain that would affect his health, even over a long period of time.
(As a matter of interest, a man walking at 4 miles an hour (6.4 km/hr.) appears
to be moving with some purpose or destination in mind: he is not sauntering,
but on the other hand he is not hurrying. People hurrying, to catch a train for
instance, often walk at a considerably faster pace before breaking out into a trot
302 or a run, but it is a pace which they would not wish to keep up for very long.)
Worker B
locker beside them. If they have no particular reason to hurry, they may turn
the whole body round every time they wish to pick up the gauge, turn back to
the lathe, gauge the workpiece and turn again to put the gauge down, each of
these movements being carried out at their natural pace. As soon as they have
reason to speed up their rate of working, instead of turning the whole body they
will merely stretch out an arm, perhaps glancing round to check the position of
the gauge on the locker, pick up the gauge, gauge the workpiece and replace
the gauge on the locker with a movement of the arm, without bothering to look.
In neither case would there be a deliberate stopping of work, but in the second,
some movements — effective from the point of view of furthering the
operation — would have been eliminated.
The effect of putting a whole working area or a plant (such as the 500
workers in figure 106) on an incentive is shown in figure 108.
Offering an incentive in the form of payment in proportion to output will
not make the unskilled or slow worker as fast or as skilled as the skilled or
naturally fast worker; but if everyone in the working area is put on a well-
designed incentive plan, other conditions remaining the same, the result will be
that everyone will tend to work more consistently. The short periods of
ineffective time discussed above will disappear, and everyone's average time
for the job will be reduced. (This is an over-simplification but true enough for
purposes of illustration.) The normal distribution curve shown in figure 106
will move to the left while retaining approximately the same shape. This is
quite clearly shown in figure 108, where the peak of the curve (the average
time) now comes at 36 seconds instead of 48 — a reduction of 25 per cent.
It should be added that, although the standard rate of working is that at
which average qualified workers will naturally perform their movements when
motivated to apply themselves to the task, it is of course quite possible and
304 indeed normal for them to exceed this rate of working if they wish to do so.
Seconds 36 48
Workers on Workers not
incentive on incentive
5. What is rated?
The purpose of rating is to determine, from the time actually taken by the
operative being observed, the standard time which can be maintained by the
average qualified worker and which can be used as a realistic basis for
planning, control and incentive schemes. What the study person is concerned
with is therefore the speed with which the operative carries out the work, in
relation to the study person's concept of a normal speed. In fact, speed of
working as recorded by the time taken to carry out the elements of the
operation is the only thing which can be measured with a stop-watch. Most
authorities on time study agree on this point.
Speed of what? Certainly not merely speed of movement, because an
unskilled operative may move extremely fast and yet take longer to perform an
operation than a skilled operative who appears to be working quite slowly. The
unskilled operative puts in a lot of unnecessary movements which the
experienced operative has long since eliminated. The only thing that counts is
the effective speed of the operation. Judgement of effective speed can only be
acquired through experience and knowledge of the operations being observed.
It is very easy for an inexperienced study person either to be fooled by a large
number of rapid movements into believing that an operative is working at a
high rate or to underestimate the rate of working of the skilled operative whose
apparently slow movements are very economical of motion.
A constant source of discussion in time study is the rating of effort.
Should effort be rated, and if so, how? The problem arises as soon as it
becomes necessary to study jobs other than very light work where little
muscular effort is required. Effort is very difficult to rate. The result of exerting
effort is usually only seen in the speed.
The amount of effort which has to be exerted and the difficulty
encountered by the operative is a matter for the study person to judge in the
light of experience with the type of job. For example, if an operative has to lift
a heavy mould from the filling table, carry it across the working area and put it
on the ground near the ladle, only experience will tell the observer whether the
speed at which it is being done is normal, above normal or subnormal. Those
who had never studied operations involving the carrying of heavy weights
would have great difficulty in making an assessment the first time they saw
306 such an operation.
the worker should have been suitably trained in the patterns of movement
appropriate to each element.
The optimum pace at which the worker will work depends on:
D the physical effort demanded by the work;
D the care required on the part of the worker;
D training and experience.
Greater physical effort will tend to slow up the pace. The ease with which
the effort is made will also influence the pace. For example, an effort made in
conditions where operatives cannot exert their strength in the most convenient
way will be made much more slowly than one of the same magnitude in which
they can exert their strength in a straightforward manner (for instance, pushing
a car with one hand through the window on the steering-wheel, as opposed to
pushing it from behind). Care must be taken to distinguish between slowing up
due to effort and slowing up due to fatigue.
When the element is one in which the workers are heavily loaded, so that
they have to exert considerable physical effort throughout, it is unlikely that
they will perform it at anything other than their natural best pace. In such
circumstances rating may be superfluous: it may be sufficient to determine the
average of the actual times taken during an adequate number of observations.
This was very strikingly shown during an ILO study of manual earth-moving
operations carried out in India. The workers — men, women and youths —
carried loads of earth up to 38 kg (84 lb) in weight on their heads, in wicker
baskets. People with 38 kg on their heads do not dawdle. They are anxious to
get to the end of the walk and get rid of the load, and so perform the task at the
best rate that they can naturally achieve. In doing so they shorten their stride,
taking very short paces very quickly so that it looks almost as though they are
going to break out into a trot at any moment. In point of fact, the stop-watch
showed that the time taken for the loaded walk was a good deal longer than
that needed for the apparently more leisurely return unloaded, so that the study
person without experience of the effort involved in the operation could very
easily be led into making false ratings. In fact, for the loaded walk, ratings
were not necessary, except when contingencies occurred. Similar heavily
loaded elements occur in factories, as in carrying sacks, picking them up, or
throwing them down on to stacks. These operations are most likely to be
carried out at the best natural pace which the worker can manage.
An increased need for care in carrying out an element will reduce the
pace. An example is placing a peg with parallel sides in a hole, which requires
more care than if the peg is tapered.
Fumbling and hesitation on the part of the worker are factors which the
study person must learn to recognize and cope with. A worker's natural skill
and dexterity combined with training and experience will reduce the
introduction of minor method variations (fumbling), and also the foreign
element "consider" (hesitation). Very slight deviations from the standard
method can be taken into account by assigning a lower rating, but fumbling and
hesitation usually signal a need for further training.
308 The study person should be careful not to rate too highly when:
7. Scales of rating
In order that a comparison between the observed rate of working and the
standard rate may be made effectively, it is necessary to have a numerical scale
against which to make the assessment. The rating can then be used as a factor
by which the observed time can be multiplied to give the basic time, which is
the time it would take the motivated, qualified worker to carry out the element
at standard rating.
There are several scales of rating in use, the most common of which are
those designated the 60-80, 75-100 and 100-133 scales, and the British
Standard scale used in this book (essentially a restatement of the 75-100 scale),
which is termed the 0-100 scale.
Table 17 shows examples of various rates of working on the scales
In the 60-80, 75-100 and 100-133 scales, the lower figure in each instance
was defined as the rate of working of an operative on time rates of pay; and the
higher, in each case one-third higher, corresponded to the rate of working we
have called the standard rate, that of qualified workers who are suitably
motivated to apply themselves to their work, as for instance by an incentive
scheme. The underlying assumption was that workers on incentive perform, on
average, about one-third more effectively than those who are not. This
assumption has been well substantiated by practical experience over many
years, but it is largely irrelevant in the construction of a rating scale. All the
scales are linear. There is therefore no need to denote an intermediate point
between zero and the figure chosen to represent the standard rating as we have
defined it. Whichever scale is used, the final time standards derived should be
equivalent, for the work itself does not change even though different scales are
used to assess the rate at which it is being carried out. 309
Table 17. Examples of various rates of working on the principal rating scales
Description Comparable
walking speed1
0 0 0 0 No activity
The newer 0-100 scale has, however, certain important advantages which
have led to its adoption as the British Standard. It is commended to readers of
this book and is used in all the examples which follow. In the 0-100 scale, 0
represents zero activity and 100 the normal rate of working of the motivated
310 qualified worker — that is, the standard rate.
Any error should be investigated and corrected before the work of extension is
On the body of the study summary sheet the study person next lists all the
repetitive elements observed, in order of their occurrence, noting the break
points used on the reverse of the sheet.
Some of these repetitive elements may be variable elements, which will
have to be treated in a different way from the constant elements. These variable
elements are therefore listed again in a fresh tabulation below the full list of
repetitive elements. Below the variable elements the study person next lists any
occasional elements observed, including with them any contingency elements
of work which actually occurred during the study. Below these again are listed
any foreign elements and ineffective time. When these entries have been made,
the sheet should provide for a summarized record of everything that has been
observed during the study.
Enter frequencies
The next step is to enter against each element listed on the study summary
sheet the frequency with which that element occurred. Repetitive elements, by
definition, occur at least once in every cycle of the operation so the entry to be
made against a repetitive element will read 1/1, or 2/1, etc., indicating that the
element concerned occurs once in every cycle (1/1), twice (2/1), or whatever
may be the case. Occasional elements (for example, the element "sharpen
tools") may occur only once every ten or 50 cycles, when the entry would be
1/10, 1/50 or as appropriate. The entries are made in the column headed "F" on
the study summary sheet.
Frequencies are normally derived from observations undertaken during
the study. However, for occasional elements which occur at long intervals, the
study may not be long enough to include a representative sample of
occurrences that offers a true picture of the frequency of occurrence. Although
this can be considered unimportant, in terms of its effect on the overall
standard time that will be developed — since the time for such an element will
be a very small proportion of the overall time — it is important in gaining the
confidence of the workers. If, when examining a study, they see a frequency
which they know from experience to be incorrect, they will lose confidence in
the study and may use that small point as the basis of a challenge of the entire
study. For such elements, it is necessary to confirm the frequency with the
supervisor or by analysis of historical records. For example, with an element
such as "Replace tool", it should be possible to find the number of tools issued
from the stores in a given time period and to relate this to the number of
components produced in the same period. A frequency of occurrence of the
element "Change tool" can then be determined.
necessary) made a clear sketch of the workplace layout on the reverse of the
sheet (when appropriate, the use of a simple instant-print-type camera can save
a great deal of time and money; it is usually necessary to include in the
photograph a simple scale, such as a square rod painted in 1 cm bands). The
study person must turn next to the calculations which have to be made on the
time study sheets themselves before proceeding any further with the study
summary. The results of the calculations will be entered on the time study
sheets in ink or pencil of a different colour from that used when recording
observations at the workplace. If an electronic study board is used, the
calculation will be indicated as shown in section 6 of this chapter.
When flyback timing has been used, the study person may proceed
directly to extension. When using cumulative timing, however, it is first
necessary to subtract each watch reading from the one following it, in order to
obtain the observed time for each element. The entries obtained in this way
should properly be styled "subtracted times" rather than "observed times"; they
are entered in the third column on the time study sheets, that headed "ST". The
subtracted times derived when using cumulative timing are of course exactly
equivalent to the observed times entered directly at the workplace when using
flyback timing, so for the sake of simplicity the single term "observed time" is
used during the rest of this chapter to mean both directly observed and
subtracted times.
The next step is to convert each observed time to a basic time, entering
the result in the column headed "BT" on the time study sheets.
Basic time is the time for carrying out an element of work at stan-
dard rating, i.e.
observed time x observed rating
standard rating
Extension is the calculation of basic time from observed time
The effect of extending an observed time for an element to the basic time
is shown graphically in figure 109.
Observed time 100
Basic time
Observed time
Basic time
Constant elements
In theory the results of all the calculations of the basic time for any single
constant element should be the same, but for the reasons given in Chapter 21
this is rarely so. It is necessary to select from all the basic times which have
been entered on the time study sheets a representative time for each element.
This will be recorded against the element description on the study summary
sheet and will later be transferred to the analysis of studies sheet as the end
result of the study, at least in so far as that particular element is concerned.
The calculations necessary to arrive at the selected basic time are carried
out on the working sheet. As was noted in Chapter 20, it is quite common to
use simple lined sheets for making the analysis (or, for variable elements,
squared paper), without having any special forms printed. The working sheets,
when completed, are stapled to the time study sheets and filed with them.
Much time can be saved and accuracy can be greatly improved by using a
small calculator or computing equipment, such as a personal computer.
There are various methods of examining and selecting the representative
basic time for a constant element. Perhaps the most common, and in many 317
ways often the most satisfactory, is by making a straight average of the element
times arrived at, adding all the calculated basic times together and dividing the
total by the number of occasions on which the element was recorded. Before
doing this, however, it is usual to list all the basic times for the element and
scrutinize the list, ringing out any times which are excessively high or low,
well outside the normal range. These ringed times are sometimes styled
"rogues"; they should be examined carefully.
An exceptionally high time may be due to an error in timing. If
cumulative timing is being used, an error of this sort will be revealed by
examining the study, because an excessively long time for one element will
cause shortening of the recorded time for the next. A high time may also be due
to an error having been made in extension. But perhaps the most common
cause, apart from errors, is that there has been some variation in the material
being worked on or in some other aspect of the working method, which has
caused a higher work content on the particular occasion recorded. If so, it is
necessary to establish the cause and to consider whether it is likely to recur
frequently or only very rarely. If the latter, it is usual to exclude the element
basic time from the total from which the average is derived and then, having
calculated the average time for the element, to carry the excess-over-average
time contained in any ringed times down to contingencies, adding it to any
other contingency time which may have been observed and recorded during the
study. In this way the extra time is fully accounted for, but it is treated as an
exceptional event or contingency, which it properly is. On the other hand, if
minor variations in the work content of an element are at all common, it will be
much better not to exclude any calculations at all when calculating the average.
Frequent minor variations should always be treated as signals to alert the study
person. If they are unavoidable they at least indicate that time study will have
to be continued until a large number of observations have been taken on the
element concerned, so that the resulting average of all the basic times may be
sufficiently representative. Very often, however, they indicate that a further
study should be made of the operation to find out the reason for the variations,
and, if possible, to eliminate it.
Exceptionally short times should also be examined with great care. They
too may be due to the study person's error. On the other hand, they may
indicate that a minor method improvement was adopted on the occasion during
which the much shorter time than usual was noted. If so, it will be well to study
the job again, giving special and more detailed attention to the working
methods used.
The approach outlined above is valid so long as the exceptional times are
either very infrequent or, if frequent, only minor in character. Frequent large
variations indicate that the element is not constant but variable, and it must be
treated as such.
During a time study made on the operation of inspecting and jacketing a
book, one element was described as: "Pick up one book, inspect, initial back
end paper (break point: book closed)". This element was observed 31 times,
318 and the basic minutes calculated were as shown below:
Basic minutes
27 26 28
26 25 25
27 29 27
27 28 27
26 28 26
27 27 25
26 27 26
25 26 26
26 27 @
27 26 26
It will be seen that one figure has been ringed — the basic time of 0.49 minutes
which arose when a faulty book was encountered, examined and rejected.
Excluding this figure, the total of the remaining 30 basic times is 7.97 minutes,
which yields an average of 0.266 minutes per occasion. At this stage in the
studywork the figure 266 would be entered on the study summary sheet and be
carried to the analysis of studies sheet; but at the end of the calculations for the
element, the basic time finally selected would be rounded off to the nearest two
figures — in this case 0.27 minutes. The excess work observed in the ringed
observation (0.49-0.27 = 0.22) would be carried down to the contingencies record.
Selection by averaging in this way is simple to teach and to understand,
and is readily accepted by both work study practitioners and workers. When
the total number of observations made on an element is relatively small,
averaging usually gives a more accurate result than is obtainable with other
methods of selection. It does, however, give rise to a great deal of clerical work
when many observations have been recorded, particularly when short elements
have been observed very many times. Consequently, other methods of selection
have been devised to reduce the calculation effort required.
One method, which obviates the necessity for extending observed times to
basic times, is to tabulate the observed times for the element under the ratings
recorded as corresponding to each observation, so as to form a distribution
table against ratings. The table can be compiled direct from the entries made on
the time study sheets at the workplace. For the element in the example above,
the distribution table would appear as follows:
Rating 80 85 90 95 100 705
31 32 30 28 28 27
31 30 30 27
30 30 27 27
31 26 28 26
31 27 27 27
28 26 28
29 29 27
31 155 258 195 190 27 Total of observed times
Basic times 25 132 232 185 190 28 Total = 792 319
In the tabulation above, all the 30 observed times from which the basic
times shown in the earlier example were calculated are listed, the one ringed
observation having been excluded. The observed times are then totalled under
each rating, and these totals are then extended by multiplying by the
corresponding ratings, to yield the basic times (totals) shown in the line below.
The grand total of all these basic times comes to 7.92 minutes, which, when
divided by 30 (the number of observations) given the selected basic time for
the element — 0.264 minutes. This may be compared with the result of 0.266
minutes achieved by averaging the individual basic times.
A third method also avoids the need to extend each observed time, the
selection being made by constructing a plot as shown in figure 110. In this
method there are two sections to the plot, and two entries are made for each
observation, but the entries are crosses or dots. The left-hand axis contains the
time scale and shows the range of times observed for the element, in this case
from 26 to 32. The scale at the top of the right-hand part of the plot shows the
ratings observed, from 80 to 105. To make the plot, the study person runs down
the study, and each time the element is recorded a cross is made against the
time observed, followed by a second cross, also against the observed time but
under the rating observed, on the right-hand side of the plot.
When all these entries are made, the left-hand side of the diagram will
exhibit a frequency distribution of observed times. On the right-hand side, the
best straight line is through the points plotted. The selected basic time for the
element can then be read off by entering the right-hand plot under 100 rating,
going vertically down until the line through the points is reached, and then
reading on the scale at the left the time which corresponds to the intersection.
It is essential that the plot on the left-hand side be completed, in order to
check whether the distribution follows the normal pattern. If it does not, the
method should not be used. Distributions which are irregular — lopsided,
skewed, or having two humps — should be treated as signals that the method
will not be reliable, at any rate in the simple form here described. The different
distribution patterns which can be produced each have significant meanings,
indicating different variations in the work itself, in the operative's rate of
working, or in the study person's rating efficiency; but it will be better not to
get involved in sophisticated analyses of this sort until considerable experience
has been gained. The method is illustrated briefly here because it is typical of
several which make use of graphical means to select representative basic times
without extending each observation. Most of them are valid only when the
distribution is normal or when the precise significance of any abnormality is
thoroughly understood. It is recommended that the graphical methods be
avoided unless expert guidance is available. The first two methods described
will suffice for all normal needs, and have the merit that they are more easily
understood by workers or their representatives.
Before leaving the subject of constant elements, the reader may like to
refer again to the comments made in Chapter 22 about certain manual elements
when the worker is heavily loaded, so that in all probability he or she normally
performs the element at the best natural pace. Such elements are comparatively
320 rare, but when they occur it may be sufficient to calculate the selected basic
. X ' /
xxx SelecTed basic •fciine = 0.26^ mrn. X ^/
X /X X
/X X
ï .28 X X X X x ><
/x x
|.29 X X x x x^/
/ x
.30 X X X X X X / X X
•3Í X X X x x /x
.3Z X / x
Variable elements
The analysis of variable elements presents more difficulty. It is necessary to
find out what it is that causes the basic time to vary, and quite often there may
be several variables to take into account at once. For example, consider the
operation of cross-cutting wooden planks with a handsaw. The basic time
needed to make the cut will vary with the width of the plank, which establishes
the length of cut that has to be made, and also with the thickness of the planks
and the hardness of the wood being cut. If the saw needs sharpening, the cut
will take longer; however, this would be considered to be the use of an
incorrect method, and any observations made while the operative is using a
blunt saw would therefore be disregarded.
The first step in the treatment of variable elements is almost always to
extend observed times to basic times. The basic times will then be plotted on
squared paper against the known variables. Thus for variable elements the
analysis of studies sheet takes the form of graph paper, and the graph
constructed at the time of summarizing the study will probably be attached to
the analysis of studies sheet, in place of the entries made on this sheet for
constant elements.
Whenever possible, the basis chosen for the plot should be some variable
which yields a straight line when the basic times are entered. Sometimes this 321
validated. Equally, the system should ensure that the basic computerized record
is tamper-proof, especially before this first printout of data is taken.
Most electronic systems offer additional functions and take the user
through subsequent stages of extension, frequency allocation, and so on.
Although much of this is automatic (such as the extension of observed times to
basic times), the system must offer the analyst the opportunity to identify and
ring out "rogue times" referred to earlier in section 4, and omit them from
subsequent analysis. The analyst will also need to input element frequencies
and allowances if the calculation of a standard time is to be carried out.
Electronic time study systems take the drudgery out of analysis but the
responsibility for that analysis and the results of it rests with the study person.
Many systems transfer the data from the recording device to a personal
computer for this analysis stage. This has the advantage of releasing the study
board for further studywork. It also allows the transfer of data over telephone
lines so that studies taken at a remote site can be transmitted to "base" for the
analysis and reporting stages to be carried out. (A second advantage is that the
analysis software has to be provided only once — if it were part of the study
board itself, the analysis facility would be duplicated in each device.) This
allows the situation to be established where a team of study persons can take a
large number of studies in a relatively short space of time and have those
studies analysed by a separate analysis team or support officer. It is important
though that the person taking the study should examine any such analysis
before final results are derived from it and issued, and "signs off the analysis
as being validated.
The final result of this process will be a study summary sheet containing
the same data as for a manually taken study. This sheet may be produced
directly by the system, after the input of all relevant data by the analyst, or by
the analyst using data output from the system.
An example of such a summary sheet, produced by the Tectime system in
the United Kingdom, is shown in figure 111.
When the system in use is a full-time study system, it will also allow the
continuation of support into other areas such as the merging of several studies
of the same job and the establishment of work content and standard times for
such work. The principles to be followed are exactly the same as those for
manually derived study data. Further computer support, in the area of standard
data systems, is discussed in Chapter 27.
Figure 111. An example of a study summary sheet produced using electronic capture
Tectime Data Systems Ltd. Summary to standard time for study Singleman V5
Demonstration Package MANUFACT/SOCK1 by cycles System
Study name: Sockl Job Ref: Socks Second Ref: A Analyst: P.S. Operator: K. Hayes
Date: 01/02/91 Start time: 06.00:00 Finish time: 15.31:00 Elapsed time: 571.70
Site: Number 3 Section: CÓRTESE Dept: Area: CÓRTESE
Remarks: 315 dozen produced 1 3/24 damages/grades.
Source: Reproduced by courtesy of Tectime Data Systems, Newcastle-under-Lyme, Staffordshire, United Kingdom. 325
The study person must be prepared to study all the work involved in
starting up at the beginning of a shift and in shutting down at the end of it.
Start-up and shut-down times are part of the work and may need a separate
work value, or they may be taken into account (if appropriate) by making an
allowance for them when calculating the standard times for individual jobs. In
industries such as printing, presses are not normally left inked up overnight, as
the ink would dry before morning. Time may have to be allowed for cleaning
machines and the workplace, and for changing clothes in industries where
special clothing is required. Activities of this sort are not usually taken into
account in the calculation of standard times for individual jobs but are more
often dealt with by time allowances. Allowances are discussed later in this
chapter: at this point it is sufficient to note that studies will have to be made on
all the ancillary and incidental activities which are undertaken during the
working day before the matter of allowances can be properly considered.
A simple method of determining when enough cycles of a constant
element have been observed — enough, that is, to permit a representative basic
time for the element to be selected — is to plot the cumulative average basic
time for the element each time a study is made on it and summarized. The plot
is started with the basic time derived from the first study. When the second
study comes in, the figure then plotted is the average, calculated by adding the
basic time from the first study multiplied by the number of observations during
the first study to the product (basic time x observations) from the second study,
and then dividing by the total number of observations made during both
studies. Further plots are made in the same fashion as successive studies are
worked up. When the line on the graph ceases to "wag" and settles down at a
constant level, enough studies have been made on this element. An example is
shown in figure 112.
Figure 112. Cumulative average basic times for a constant element
9. Work content
In the chapters at the beginning of this book, the term "work content" was used
frequently to describe what the words themselves suggest: the amount of work
which has to be done to complete a job or operation, as distinct from any
ineffective time which may occur. In time study practice, however, the word
"work" is accorded a meaning which is slightly different from its usual
meaning in ordinary English usage. An observer who was familiar with the
word only in its usual sense would say, when watching operatives at their jobs,
that when the workers were actually doing something they were working, and
that when they were resting or doing nothing they were not working. In time
study practice, however, we are concerned with measuring work in-numerical
terms, and for this purpose the word "work" is extended to include not only the
physical labours performed but also the proper amount of relaxation or rest
necessary to recover from the fatigue caused by those labours. We shall see
later that relaxation allowances are made for other purposes besides recovery
from fatigue; but for the moment the important point is that, when in time
study we speak of "work" and set out to measure it, we define work to include
the appropriate relaxation allowance, so that the amount of work in a job is
taken to be not only the time needed at standard performance to do whatever
the job requires but also the additional time which is considered necessary for
10. Allowances
We have seen that, during the method study investigation which should be
carried out before any job is timed, the energy expended by the worker in
performing the operation should be reduced to a minimum through the
development of improved methods and procedures, in accordance with the
principles of motion economy and, wherever practicable, by mechanization.
Even when the most practical, economic and effective method has been
developed, however, many jobs will still require the expenditure of human
effort, and some allowance must therefore be made for recovery from fatigue
and for relaxation. Allowance must also be made to enable a worker to attend
to personal needs; and other allowances (e.g. contingency allowances) may
also have to be added to the basic time in order to give the work content.
The determination of allowances is probably the most controversial part
of work study. For reasons that will be explained later, it is very difficult to
determine precisely the allowances needed for a given job. What should
therefore be attempted is an objective assessment of the allowances that can be
consistently applied to the various elements of work or to various operations.
The fact that the calculation of allowances cannot be altogether accurate
under all circumstances is no excuse for using them as a dumping ground for
any factors that have been missed or neglected in making the time study. We
have seen how the study person can go to great lengths to arrive at fair and
accurate time standards. These should not be spoilt by the hasty or ill-
considered addition of a few percentage points here and there "just in case".
Above all, allowances should not be used as "loosening" factors.
The difficulty experienced in preparing a universally accepted set of
precise allowances that can be applied to every working situation anywhere in
the world is due to various reasons. The most important among them are:
(1) Factors related to the individual. If every worker in a particular
working area were to be considered individually, it might well be found
that a thin, active, alert worker at the peak of physical condition required
a smaller allowance to recover from fatigue than an obese, inept worker.
Similarly, every worker has a unique learning curve or a rate of learning
which can affect the manner in which the work is conducted. There is also
some reason to believe that there may be ethnic variations in the response
to the degree of fatigue experienced by workers, particularly when
engaged on heavy manual work. Undernourished workers take a longer
time than others to recover from fatigue.
(2) Factors related to the nature of the work itself. Many of the tables
developed for the calculation of allowances give figures which may be
acceptable for light and medium work in industry but which are
inadequate when applied to operations involving very heavy and
strenuous work, such as work beside furnaces in steel mills. Moreover,
every working situation has its own particular attributes which may affect
the degree of fatigue experienced by the worker or may lead to
unavoidable delay in the execution of a job. Examples of these factors
are: whether a worker has to perform the work standing up or sitting 329
down, and posture during work; whether force has to be exerted to move
or carry loads from one place to another; whether the work itself results in
undue eye or mental strain, and so on. Other factors inherent in the job
can also contribute to the need for allowances, although in a different way
— for example, when protective clothing or gloves have to be worn, or
when there is constant danger, or when there is a risk of spoiling or
damaging the product.
(3) Factors related to the environment. Allowances, in particular relaxation
allowances, have to be determined with due regard to various
environmental factors such as heat, humidity, noise, dirt, vibration,
lighting intensity, dust, wet conditions, and so on. Each of these will
affect the amount of relaxation allowances needed. Environmental factors
may also be seasonal in nature. This is particularly so for those who work
in the open air, such as workers in the construction industry or in
It should now be more clear to the reader why it is so difficult to devise an
internationally accepted scheme of allowances to meet every working situation
in the world. It should also be stated here, in very clear terms, that the ILO has
not adopted, nor is it likely to adopt, any standards relating to the
determination of allowances. In fact, over the years, the ILO has received a
great number of queries about its stand with respect to allowances. The answer
has always been that it does not specifically endorse a particular standard
which can be universally applicable. The following discussion quotes examples
of the calculation of allowances under different conditions. They are quoted
here as examples for training purposes and not as an ILO stand on the matter.
It should also be mentioned that this particular aspect of work study has
been the subject of extensive research by various organizations which have put
forward their own recommendations for the calculation of allowances. Of the
more important research carried out, mention should be made of the work of
the Max Planck Institut für Arbeitsphysiologie ' and of REFA Verband für
Arbeitsstudien,2 in Germany, of G. C. Heyde in Australia,3 and more recently of
the British Standards Institution, which summarizes some past research on the
subject and proposes a methodology.4
^ allowances
fatigue Relaxation Total
allowances allowances
Stress Variable
and strain, allowances
Contingency Basic
environmental allowances time
Policy Work
allowances content
working shift or working day rather than to the element or job, in such a way
that the amount of work which the worker is expected to produce over the day
or the shift is reduced. The standard time for the job remains the same, whether
the job is performed in summer or winter, since it is intended to be a measure
of the work that the job contains.
Relaxation allowances have two major components: fixed allowances
and variable allowances.
Fixed allowances are composed of:
(1) Allowances for personal needs. This allowance provides for the
necessity to leave the workplace to attend to personal needs such as
washing, going to the lavatory or fetching a drink. Common figures
applied by many enterprises range from 5 to 7 per cent.
(2) Allowances for basic fatigue. This allowance, always a constant, is given
to take account of the energy expended while carrying out work and to
alleviate monotony. A common figure is 4 per cent of basic time. This is
considered to be adequate for a worker who carries out the job while
seated, who is engaged on light work in good working conditions and
who is called upon to make only normal use of hands, legs and senses.
Variable allowances are added to fixed allowances when working
conditions differ markedly from those stated above, for instance because of
poor environmental conditions that cannot be improved, added stress and strain
in performing the job in question, and so on.
As was mentioned above, a number of important studies have been
carried out by various research organizations to try to develop a more rational
approach to the calculation of variable allowances. There are an enormous
number of relaxation allowance tables in existence. Most management
consultants in all countries have their own tables. In Appendix 3, we give an
example of relaxation allowances tables using a points system. This is an
example quoted for illustration purposes. It should not be taken as a relaxation
allowance set of tables that are endorsed by the ILO. Many of these tables
appear to work satisfactorily in practice; however, recent evidence indicates
that, although many of the fatigue allowance scales established empirically in a
laboratory are satisfactory on physiological grounds for work involving normal
or moderately intensive effort, they provide inadequate allowances when
applied to very heavy operations such as those connected with furnaces.
For the various reasons mentioned earlier in the chapter, when using one
of the standard scales it is always preferable to check the amount of relaxation
time they yield by carrying out whole-day studies at the workplace, noting the
amount of time which the workers actually spend in relaxation (in one form or
another) and comparing this with the calculated allowance. Checks of this sort
do at least show whether the scale is, in general, too tight or too loose.
Relaxation allowances are given as percentages of the basic time. As
mentioned earlier, they are normally calculated on an element-by-element
basis. This is particularly the case when the effort expended on different
elements varies widely (for example, where a heavy workpiece has to be lifted
332 on or off a machine at the beginning and end of an operation). If, on the other
hand, it is considered that no one element of a job is any more or any less
fatiguing than any of the other elements, the simplest course is to add up all the
elemental basic time first and then add the allowance as a single percentage to
the total.
Rest pauses
Relaxation allowances can be taken in the form of rest pauses. While there is
no hard and fast rule governing rest pauses, a common practice is to allow a
ten- to 15-minute break at mid-morning and mid-afternoon, often coupled with
facilities for tea, coffee or cold drinks and snacks, and to permit the remainder
of the relaxation allowance to be taken at the discretion of the worker.
Rest pauses are important for the following reasons:
D They decrease the variation in the worker's performance throughout the
day and tend to maintain the level nearer the optimum.
D They break up the monotony of the day.
D They give workers the chance to recover from fatigue and to attend to
personal needs.
D They reduce the amount of time off taken by workers during working
Where workers are working in conditions of heat, cold, noise or vibration
it may be necessary to introduce mandatory rest pauses as part of a work-rest
regime to ensure the health and safety of the workers.
Contingency allowances
Policy allowances
Policy allowances are not a genuine part of time study, and should be used
with the utmost caution and only in clearly defined circumstances. They should
always be dealt with quite separately from basic times and, if used at all,
should preferably be arranged as an addition to standard times, so as not to
interfere with the time standards set by time study.
The usual reason for making a policy allowance is to line up standard
times with the requirements of wage agreements between employers and trade
unions. In several enterprises in the United Kingdom, for example, the
incentive performance is generally set at such a level that the average qualified
worker, as defined, can earn a bonus of 33 ll-i per cent of the basic time rate if
standard performance is achieved. There is no need to apply a policy allowance
to achieve this state of affairs; it is simply necessary to arrange for the rate paid
per standard minute of work produced to be 133 Vs per cent of the basic time
rate per minute, and in general it is better to accommodate any special wage
requirements in this way, by adjusting the rate paid per unit of work rather than
the standard time.
There are, however, certain employer-union agreements under which
higher bonuses can be earned, and it may not be opportune to seek a revision of
the terms of these agreements to permit the achievement of their terms by
modifying the rates paid rather than the times set. In these circumstances a
policy allowance is given to make up the difference. It may be applied as a
334 factor to the work content or to the standard time.
Special allowances
Special allowances may be given for any activities which are not normally part
of the operation cycle but which are essential to the satisfactory performance of
the work. Such allowances may be permanent or temporary; care should be
taken to specify which. Wherever possible, these allowances should be
determined by time study.
When time standards are used as the basis for a payment-by-results
scheme, it may be necessary to make a start-up allowance to compensate for
time taken by any work and any enforced waiting time which necessarily
occurs at the start of a shift or work period before production can begin. A
shut-down allowance may similarly be given for work or waiting time
occurring at the end of the day. A cleaning allowance is of much the same
character: it is given when the worker has to give attention from time to time to
cleaning his or her machine or workplace. Tool allowance is an allowance of
time to cover the adjustment and maintenance of tools.
It would be possible, after the time necessary to perform any or all of
these activities has been studied, to express the result as a percentage of the total
basic time for the operations expected to be performed during a day and to give
the allowance as an increment included in the compilation of standard times.
Indeed, this is sometimes thought to be the better course with tool allowance;
but, in general, it is preferable to give all these allowances as periods of time
per day rather than embodying them in the standard times. Usually this is fairer
to the operatives, and it has the signal advantage of bringing to the attention of
the management the total amount of time which has to be devoted to these
activities, thus prompting thoughts about how it could be reduced.
Some allowances are normally given per occasion or per batch. One such
allowance is set-up allowance, given to cover the time required for preparing a
machine or process for production, an operation which is necessary at the start
of production on a batch of fresh products or components. Set-up time is
sometimes called make-ready time: its opposite is tear-down or dismantling
time, for which a dismantling allowance may be given, to cover the time
needed for making alterations to machine or process settings after completing a
run of production. Very similar is change-over allowance, usually given to
operatives who are not actually engaged in setting-up or dismantling, to
compensate them for time on necessary activities or waiting time at the start
and/or the end of a job or batch. These allowances should be denoted as "job
change-over allowance" or "batch change-over allowance", as appropriate.
A reject allowance may be included in a standard time when the
production of a proportion of defective products is inherent in the process, but 335
336 The standard time may be represented graphically as shown in figure 114.
Figure 114. How the standard time for a simple manual job is made up
WSêêêêêêê^^KÊÊÊIXWÊÊÊ ':'-:it-:U 1
Basic time
Work content
Standard time
In a case where the observed time is rated at less than standard pace, the
rating factor will, of course, be shown inside the observed time. The
contingencies and relaxation allowances, however, are still percentages of the
basic time. The standard time is expressed in standard minutes or standard hours.
In Chapter 24 we shall discuss the application of time study to operations
involving the use of machinery, in which part of the operation time is taken up
by work done by the machine while the operative stands by. An example of a
fully worked time study is shown in Chapter 25.
Self-recording techniques
As the name suggests, these are techniques which rely on the workers
themselves maintaining some form of record of their own workloads and the
time they spend on various activities. There are two basic forms of record. The
first asks each worker to record each activity together with the time he or she
started the activity, and then, on completion, to record the time that he or she
finished (and presumably started the next activity). Where the activity produces
a definite output, such as invoices passed for payment, the count of this output
will also be added to the record. It is then a simple matter of working out
elapsed times and dividing this into the count, to get an average time per unit of
output. The second version is to ask the workers to record what they are doing
at fixed intervals throughout the time of the study — say, every 15 minutes.
This is then a sampling study and can be dealt with accordingly.
It is important that the recording process extends over a "representative"
period, especially where a job has particular peak periods such as at the end of
a week or the end of a month. If such periods are not covered in the study, the
workers will feel aggrieved that their work is being devalued.
One common objection to self-recording is that the recording itself
interferes with the work and adds an additional burden to the workers. This is
often not a real problem and can normally be overcome by the same process of
careful communication and explanation that accompanies the introduction of
the measurement programme itself.
Self-recording can now be carried out using computer assistance. There is
now available a hand-held, bar-code reader which incorporates an electronic
timing device. This reader is about the size of a large fountain pen and is used
by the workers to record their activities. A sheet containing bar codes is given
to the operator and each activity is assigned to one of the bar codes. At the start
of the day, the reader (which is battery operated) is started and the timer starts
running. Whenever the worker changes activity, he or she simply has to run the
reader over the bar code for the new activity and the reader automatically
assigns a time to the old activity and starts timing the new one. At the end of
the work period, the data from the reader are transferred to a microcomputer
for analysis.
Setting time standards
for work with machines
Plant and machine control is the name given to the procedures and
means by which efficiency and utilization of units of plant and
machinery are planned and checked
Machine available time
Working day / week I Overtime I
1 !
Machine running , Low .
time at standard performance
Source: Based on a diagram contained in British Standards Institution: Glossary of terms used in work study {London, 1959).
2. Restricted work
-1.20 min.
• 0.80 min.-
h— -1.12 min.
After Opera-
Operative working tive
method study
h— -0.80 min.
In this example the machine element remains the same in both cases
and takes 0.80 minutes but the cycle time has been reduced from 2 minutes to
1.36 minutes, a reduction of 32 per cent. In the improved method the operative
needs 1.12 minutes at standard pace to perform the manual elements of the job,
but some of these are carried out while the machine is working. Even if the
operative were to do all the manual work at twice the standard pace, this would
not reduce the cycle time by half, but only by some 20 per cent. Thus the
output of the worker is limited by factors outside his or her control: the work is
Other examples of restricted work occur when:
D one or more operatives are running several machines under conditions
similar to those described above;
D operatives are in control of processes, their principal duties being to
observe the behaviour of the processes or instruments recording their
behaviour and to take action only in response to changes in behaviour,
state or reading;
D two or more operatives are working as a team, dependent on one another,
and it proves impossible to balance the workload of each completely, with
the result that some workers are left with periods of idleness within the
work cycle. 347
Team working can give rise to restricted work even when no machines are
used. This can also occur in assembly work carried out in conjunction with
moving conveyors or semi-automated processes. Even if the conveyor is used
simply to transport pieces from one workstation to the next, with each
operative taking a component off the belt to work on it and returning it when it
is finished, a restriction may be imposed by having to wait for the next piece.
Again, when assembly operations are carried out directly on the moving
conveyor, as is done in motor vehicle manufacture, the conveyor produces
conditions equivalent to those imposed by a static production machine.
It will be convenient to examine first the simpler case of one worker
operating one machine, before considering multi-machine operation.
It will be seen that the operative carries out part of the manual work while
the machine is stopped, and part while it is running. These parts are called
"outside work" and "inside work", respectively.
Finally, there is the time during which the operative is waiting for the
machine to complete the cut, i.e. "unoccupied time".
Outside work: 0.56 min. inside work: 0.56 min. —I - time —i
0.24 min.
+ + -f- +
.10 .20 .30 .40 .50 .60 .70 .80 .90 1.00 1.10 1.20 1.30 1.36
Time scale in minutes
Machine working
Operative working
Operative not working
In diagrams of this sort the periods of time during which the operative is
working (and hence the periods of outside and inside work) are calculated and
drawn at standard performance. In figure 117 no account has so far been taken
of relaxation or other allowances: manual work has been calculated at standard
pace and is thus shown in basic minutes. Machine-controlled time is of course
shown in actual minutes, and so, using the 0-100 rating scale advocated in this
book, basic minutes for manual work and actual minutes of machine operation
are comparable and can be drawn to the same scale.
When unoccupied time is calculated, the working time must first have
been calculated at standard performance, that is at standard pace and with
proper allowance made for relaxation (the calculation of relaxation allowances
is discussed below). In special circumstances the work elements associated
with machine operation may be calculated at some defined rate other than
standard, but we shall not be concerned with these in this book.
The diagram in figure 117 looks rather like a schematic representation of
a bicycle pump, and indeed work study specialists often refer colloquially to
such drawings as "pump diagrams". When seeking to improve the method the
work study person follows two main approaches. First, he or she tries to "push
the handle down into the pump" — that is, to arrange for some of the manual
elements which are being performed outside the machine-controlled time to be
carried out as inside work, thus shortening the work cycle (this has been done 349
(4) AU the personal needs allowance and all the fatigue allowance can be
taken within the working cycle.
The effect of these four cases for four different operation sequences is
illustrated in figure 118. All the four operations have the following
characteristics in common.
PNAand FA taken FA
outside working cycle
;;;;;:;•;;•;••; —
Part of
P'^ ^"~ -l-i-B-B-1-B-l-l-í-B-B H
PNA and part of FA taken Part
outside, remainder of FA inside of
working cycle FA
kjffiOjiiâaa •li— i^z z BHB
PNA and FA taken inside cycle FA
Overall Anticipated
cycle time daily output
(min.) (units)
Casel 27.75 17.3 say, 17
Case 2 26.25 18.3 say, 18
Case 3 27.00 17.7 with overtime, 18
Case 4 25.00 19.2 say, 19
The overall cycle time is the total time in which the job should be
completed at standard performance, and is made up (in the case of operations
of the types so far discussed) of outside work at standard pace, machine-
controlled time, and any portion of the relaxation allowance which has to be
allowed outside the machine-controlled time. If there are no other allowances
to be taken into account (e.g. contingency allowance), and an allowance is
made for unoccupied time in actual minutes, the overall cycle time will be
numerically equal to the standard time for the operation.
Before the allowance is made, the work study person must first be
satisfied that the unoccupied time is truly unavoidable and cannot be reduced
further by method improvement or by a reallocation of work or machines. It
was noted earlier that it may be sound management practice to accept a certain
amount of unoccupied time if, by so doing, costly machines can be kept more
fully employed, because in restricted work machine utilization is often more
important than labour productivity.
Unoccupied time allowance is made in actual minutes.
Thus, in the example cited above, the standard time (100 minutes in each
instance) would be shown as being made up of 100, 85 and 55 work credits
plus 0, 15 and 45 idle time credits respectively. It may be noted in passing that
idle time credits included in a standard time may be allocated for reasons other
than unoccupied time as discussed above. Idle time credits may sometimes be
necessary to compensate for delays caused by waiting for work or for
instructions, or by machine breakdowns.
The scheme to be adopted to make differential payments for work and for
idle time in a particular enterprise is properly a matter of wages administration,
rather than of time study practice, and is thus outside the scope of this
introductory book. It may be noted, however, that any such scheme should be
simple to understand, so that the workers may readily comprehend why jobs
taking the same time to complete attract different payments. The scheme
should be negotiated and agreed with the workers' representatives before it is
applied. In a typical scheme, idle time credits amounting in total to less than
5 per cent of the work credits may be paid for at the same rate as work
credits ; idle time amounting to 40 per cent or more of the work credits at three-
quarters of the rate of working; and idle times between 5 and 40 per cent at
varying rates in between.
The scheme which will be most appropriate for a particular organization
will depend on local circumstances, and especially on whether jobs with large
amounts of unoccupied time are exceptional or common. Sometimes variable
rates which have to be read off a curve are adopted, but in general a linear
relationship is to be preferred, and always one which is simple.
The time study person is concerned primarily with measuring the amount
of time needed to complete a job or operation, rather than with whatever
arrangements are agreed for making payment for that time. It is common in
industrial wage agreements to take account of different levels of skill required
for different operations, by paying differing rates per minute or per hour of
work. Other factors may also be taken into account in setting payment rates.
None of these matters will affect the calculation of any unoccupied time
allowance which may be necessary to compile the standard time for a job. The
time allowance will be in minutes or hours: payment for those minutes or hours
will be negotiable quite separately.
In the scheme mentioned above, relatively long periods of unoccupied
time are paid for at lower rates than those paid for working. In some
circumstances, however, it may be appropriate to pay for both working time
and unoccupied time at very high rates indeed, in which case the payment
actually made to a particular operative for a minute of unoccupied time may be
greater than that paid to another for a minute spent working.
An example is the final machining of a shaft for a turbine-driven
electricity generating set. Such a shaft may be several metres in length, and by
the time the last stages of machining are undertaken the component will
represent a large investment, in terms of both labour and the costly materials of
which it is made. A faulty cut may result in a diameter becoming undersize,
with the result that the whole shaft would have to be scrapped. The operative is
thus burdened with a very heavy responsibility, although the actual operation 355
itself is not particularly complex. Because of this responsibility the rates paid
to the operative, both for working and for any necessarily unoccupied time,
may be higher than those for the general run of turning operations. Similar
"key" operations or tasks occur in many industries and working situations.
In section 3 of this chapter the simple case of one worker and one
machine was examined. Frequently, however, workers are called upon to look
after more than one machine — perhaps many machines — and this poses
special problems in time study work. A common example is that of the
weaving shed in a textile mill, where a worker may attend anything from four
to 40 looms (perhaps even more), depending on the type of loom installed and
the characteristics of the cloth being woven. Similar circumstances are often
encountered in engineering industries, for example when workers operate
batteries of screw-making or coil-winding machines. It is usual in work
situations of this sort for the machines to be equipped with automatic cut-out
devices which bring them to a standstill when their tasks are completed or
when breaks or malfunctioning occur.
Tasks of this sort are all examples of restricted work, as the output of the
worker may be limited by factors outside his or her control. So too are team
operations, whether the team of workers is concerned with the operation of a
single machine, with several machines or indeed with no machines at all, since
restrictions can be imposed by lack of balance in the amounts of manual work
which have to be performed by different members of the team.
Load factor
The load factor is the proportion of the overall cycle time required
by the worker to carry out the necessary work at standard
performance, during a machine- (or process-) controlled cycle
Machine interference
Machine A = N
J tf=at
switch themselves off at the end of their respective operations and then have to
wait a while before the operative can get to them. The interference is indicated
on the cycle diagrams for machines A and B by grey arcs.
Interference allowance
In the next chapter an example of a fully worked time study is shown. The
study is one taken on the operation of milling a casting, which was the subject
charted on a multiple activity chart on Chapter 8, and for which a cycle
diagram appears in section 3 of the present chapter.
In discussing the making of a time study throughout the previous four chapters
we referred to the example based on the milling of a casting which was the
subject of the multiple activity chart described in Chapter 8. The complete time
study is shown in this chapter. A careful study of the forms shown in the
illustrations should enable the reader to follow in detail the processes by which
a time study is worked up and a standard time is compiled.
This particular example has been chosen because:
D it is simple;
D it has already been the subject of a method study;
D it includes both manual and machine elements;
D it is typical of the sort of operation met everywhere in the engineering
industry and in other industries using machines and semi-automatic
The forms used are simple general-purpose forms such as those illustrated
in Chapter 20. Although all the entries made on the forms in this particular
example will be handwritten, it is usual to space the lines for use with a
typewriter because occasions may arise on which it is required to produce fair
copies of original studies for discussion or circulation.
The study illustrated in this chapter was not the first one on this operation.
The elements and break points were defined at the time the method study was
undertaken, and were then set out on a card prepared and filed by the work
study department. This is a useful practice when it is expected that an operation
will be studied several times, perhaps by different study persons. It ensures that
the recordings made on all the studies are comparable. The elements and break
points are shown in figure 120. Figure 121 shows a sketch of a part and the
workplace layout.
Although the example which has been studied in detail is a simple one for
a manufacturing industry, exactly the same procedure is carried out for non-
manufacturing operations or for any other work which is time-studied for the
purpose of setting time standards. Entirely manual operations, such as
assembly, would be treated in exactly the same way.
A. Pick up casting, locate in fixture, lock two nuts, set guard, start machine and auto feed. Depth
of cut 2.5 mm. Speed 80 r.p.m. Feed 40 cm/min.
Break point: Machine commences cut.
B. Hold casting, break milled edge with file, clean with compressed air.
Break point: Air gun dropped on to hook.
C. Move depth gauge to casting, check machined surface, move gauge away.
Break point: Left hand releases gauge.
D. Pick up machined casting, carry to finished parts box and place aside, pick up next part and
position on machine table.
Break point: Casting hits table.
F. Stop machine, return table, open guard, unlock fixture, remove machined casting and place on
surface plate.
Break point: Casting hits surface plate.
Note: Elements B, C and D are inside work, and are performed on a casting which has already been machined while the milling machine is
cutting the next casting. Element D includes bringing up into a handy position a fresh casting which will be machined after the one now in the
Milling machine
45 cm 45 cm
min. min.
castings Work
Surface Working
plate -1.5 m- 2 m
All the information in the heading block at the top of the time study top sheet — figure
122 — (except time off and elapsed time) was entered before the stop-watch was started and
study commenced.
If the study had been the first one on this operation, the study person would have entered
in full the element descriptions and break points in the column headed "Element description" on
the left-hand side of the page. In the present instance this was not necessary, as the card shown
in figure 120 listed all the details. The study person should watch a few cycles of the operation
to make sure that the listed method is being used, and to become familiar with the break points,
before starting to record. The elements were identified simply by the letters A to G.
At exactly 9.47 a.m. by the study office clock (or the study person's wrist-watch) the
stop-watch was started. It ran for 1.72 minutes before element A of the first cycle started, so this
time is entered at the beginning of the study as the "Time before". Since this was a study using
cumulative timing, the watch ran continuously throughout. When the study was broken off after
observing 18 cycles, the study person allowed the stop-watch to run on until the study office
clock reached the next full minute (at 10.25 a.m.), noted the "Time after", and stopped the stop-
watch. These terminal entries will be found at the end of the recordings in figure 124.
The four columns used in cumulative timing are respectively "Rating" (R), "Watch
reading" (WR), "Subtracted time" (ST) and "Basic time" (BT). The placing of the rating column
first is logical and encourages the observer to rate while the element is in progress and not to
wait for the watch reading. If flyback timing had been used, the WR column on the form would
not be necessary.
Only the entries in the two columns headed R and WR were made during observations at
the workplace. The other two columns were completed in the study office after observations had
been discontinued. In practice, the "Rating" and "Watch reading" entries would be made in
pencil while those in the "Subtracted time" and "Basic time" columns would be made in ink or
with a pencil of a different colour from that used for the observations.
The study person numbered the cycles observed, from 1 to 18, with ringed figures at the
left of the "Element description" column.
When entering watch readings there is no need to use decimal points. The first entry
(Time before, 172) indicates a time of 1.72 minutes. The next watch reading was made 1.95
minutes after the watch was started, but it is only necessary to enter 95. The third entry of 220
indicates that the reading was made at 2.20 minutes after starting; the entries then revert to two
figures only until the next minute is passed. During cycle number 15 (recorded on figure 124)
the total study time passed 30 minutes, which is the time taken by the hand on the small inner
dial on the watch to complete one revolution. As the study continued into a further revolution of
the small hand, subsequent watch readings revert to 1 again. It will be seen that the recording
against element F of cycle 15 was 106, which of course means 31.06 minutes after the watch
was started.
Element E — "Wait for machine to complete cut" — is not work, and was therefore not
rated. It will be seen that there is no entry against this element in the "Basic time" column.
Note: Sketch the workplace layout/set-up/part on the reverse, or on a separate sheet and attach.
47S 440
The recordings covered three sheets in all. Figure 123 shows the first of the two
continuation sheets, and it will be seen that it is numbered in the top right-hand comer: Sheet
No. 2 of 5. The analysis sheet and study summary sheet eventually completed the set of five
sheets, all of which were stapled together after the study was worked up.
Besides the element ratings and timings, continuing as on the top sheet, two interruptions
were recorded on this sheet: "Talk to supervisor", and "Break for tea". Neither of these was
rated, of course. The first was taken account of when considering contingencies, while the
second was covered by the relaxation allowance made when the standard time for the operation
was compiled.
® A 705 55 25 26 ® A 775 86 25 29
B 775 78 23 26 B 95 1713 27 26
C 95 91 13 12 C 75 28 15 11
D 85 1113 22 19 D 85 50 22 19
E — 36 23 — E — 68 18 —
F 80 68 32 26 F 115 90 22 25
G 95 80 12 11 G 80 1803 13 10
® A 75 1218 38 28 ® A 95 30 27 26
B no 40 22 24 B 95 55 25 24
C 105 52 12 13 C 100 67 12 12
D 100 70 18 18 D 95 87 20 19
E — 1300 30 — E — 1902 15 —
F 115 25 25 29 F 95 30 28 27
G 105 35 10 10 G 75 42 12 09
® A 105 1400 25 26 ® A 85 86 32 27
B 100 25 25 25 B 80 2618 32 26
C 95 38 13 12 C 85 33 15 13
D 95 56 18 17 D 100 53 20 20
E — 81 25 — E — 68 15 —
F 100 1509 28 28 F 85 96 28 24
G 85 21 12 10 G 95 2708 12 11
® A 95 43 22 21 © A 80 40 32 26
B 80 75 32 26 B 100 65 25 25
C 95 88 13 12 C 85 80 15 13
D 95 1608 20 19 D 95 2800 20 19
E — 25 17 — E — 22 22 —
F 105 48 23 24 F 80 54 32 26
G 85 61 13 11 G 105 64 10 10
631 1203
The first entry on the second continuation sheet (figure 124) recorded another interruption
— the patrol inspector, having checked three workpieces, drew the operative's attention to some
feature of them and discussed them. The time taken to do this, like that recorded on the previous
sheet against "Talk to supervisor", was later entered as a contingency.
After cycle number 16, a fresh element of work occurred — helping the labourer to move
boxes of work off and onto the truck. This was an occasional element, in contrast with elements
A to G which are repetitive. The study person rated and timed the element, and it will be noted
that, since the element ran on for rather over a minute in all, the study person made a rating and
a watch reading at the end of each of the first two half-minutes, as well as during the last part of
the element. This practice, which makes for greater accuracy, was referred to in section 9 of
Chapter 21.
Back in the study office after breaking off observations, the study person first completed
the "Time off and "Elapsed time" entries in the heading block on the top sheet, and then set
about calculating the subtracted times, by deducting each watch reading from the one which
follows it and entering the result in the third column, headed ST. It will be seen that these
subtracted times were totalled at the foot of each page, and the subtotals were carried forward to
the sheet shown opposite, where they were added up to yield 35.20 minutes. When the time
before and the time after were added to this figure, the result was 38.00 minutes, which agreed
with the elapsed time and thus afforded a check that the work of subtraction had been done
The next step was "extension": multiplying each subtracted time by the percentage rating
recorded against it to yield the basic time, entered in the fourth column. Extension is easily and
quickly done with the aid of a pocket calculator. The calculation is made to the nearest second
decimal place: that is, to the nearest one-hundredth of a minute. Thus 0.204 would be shown as
20, and 0.206 minutes as 21 — which leaves the problem of what to do with 0.205. Evidently,
in this study office the standing rule was to take half-hundredths of a minute down rather than
up, as can be seen by the entry against element G of cycle 15. Here, the rating was 105 and the
subtracted time 10, so that the extension yields 0.105 minutes to three places. This has been
shown as 10, the half-hundredth having been taken down. Other instances will be found in the
study. Most study offices apply the reverse rule: that is, taking middle times up.
Elapsed 3800
The repetitive elements A, B, C, D, F and G were all constant elements, and selected
basic times for them were obtained by averaging, as shown on the working sheet (figure 125).
As was noted in Chapter 20, study analyses take several forms and for this reason it is not usual
to have specially printed sheets for them. Ordinary lined or squared paper serves very well, and
when the time study top sheet has been printed on the reverse as squared paper (to facilitate
sketching), it will do well enough to use the back side of a top sheet, entering at the top the
study and sheet numbers. For a simple study the analysis is often made straight on to the study
summary sheet, a few extra columns being ruled in the space headed "Element description".
Methods of obtaining the selected basic times are discussed in Chapter 23. In this
instance, inspection of the basic times tabulated under elements A, B, C, D, F and G showed no
anomalies, and therefore no need to ring out "rogue" times. For each of these elements the basic
times have been totalled, and the selected basic time was calculated by dividing the total by the
number of observations (18).
No figures were listed under element E, "Wait for machine to complete cut". This was
unoccupied time, which was not rated in the study. The actual length of unoccupied time
experienced in the various cycles observed depended on the speed with which the operative
carried out the inside work which was performed on another casting while the machine was
cutting automatically.
The time the machine took to make the cut, while on automatic feed, did not vary from
cycle to cycle because it was determined by the rate of feed at which the machine was set and
the length of cut to be made. It could thus be calculated quite easily. In this study the machine-
controlled time started at the end of element A and ended with the conclusion of element E. The
machine-controlled time can therefore be obtained from the study sheets by subtracting the
watch reading against element A from that against E. This has been done, the results being
tabulated under "MCT" at the right-hand side of the working sheet. These times are of course
actual minutes, not basic times.
It will be seen that two of the MCT entries have been ringed out. The study person did not
enter any explanation of unusual events on the record, and inspection of the observations for the
cycles in which these rogue times occurred does not provide any conclusive explanation.
Possibly the explanation for the shorter time is to be found in the fact that the operative can start
the cut on hand-feed before locking on the auto-feed, and on this occasion, unnoticed by the
study person, a longer time was spent on hand-feed than usual. The explanation for the longer
time in cycle 17 may be that the operative failed to switch the machine off quite as quickly as
usual on this occasion, and again this escaped notice. The two ringed times were excluded from
the total of 13.05 actual minutes for the machine-controlled times, so that this total was divided
by 16 instead of 18 to derive the average MCT of 0.816.
Element E, the unoccupied time, was dealt with by subtracting the total of the selected
basic times for elements B, C and D, the inside work elements, from the average MCT. The
resulting figure for the average unoccupied time was 0.257 minutes.
At this stage in the calculations, it is usual to make use of three decimal places for the
selected basic times, and to retain the third place on the study summary sheet and the analysis of
studies sheet.
Element: A B C D E F G MCT
Cycle No.
1 25 25 12 19 25 09 82
2 25 26 12 18 26 10 81
3 26 26 12 20 25 11 81
4 26 24 11 17 24 10 81
5 26 23 11 17 24 10 83
6 26 26 13 18 22 10 82
7 26 26 12 19 26 11 81
8 28 24 13 18 29 10 82
9 26 25 12 17 28 10 81
10 21 26 12 19 24 11 82
11 29 26 11 19 25 10 82
12 26 24 12 19 27 09 (72)
13 27 26 13 20 24 11 82
14 26 25 13 19 26 10 82
15 26 24 13 20 26 10 81
16 26 24 13 18 26 11 81
17 27 27 13 19 25 10 (92)
18 27 25 12 19 25 11 81
Occasions 18 18 18 18 18 18 16
The study summary sheet (figure 126), when completed, was stapled on top of the other
four study sheets and was eventually filed with them. The sheets which have been used for
recording observations at the workplace often become somewhat dirty as a result of the
conditions in which they have to be used. Moreover, because of the speed with which the
observations have to be written down, the study person may have used many abbreviations, and
perhaps the hurried writing may be difficult for anyone except the writer to read. The study
summary sheet therefore not only presents concisely all the results obtained from the study but
also records in the heading block, in ink and neatly written, all the information about the
operation which was originally entered on the time study top sheet.
The repetitive elements A to G, excluding E, were entered first, and it has been noted that
three of these were inside work and the other three outside work. The entries in the column
headed "BT" are the basic times per occasion, and were taken from the working sheet shown in
figure 125. For each of these elements the frequency of occurrence is shown as 1/1, indicating
that each occurred once in every cycle of the operation. The time calculated for the machine
element, and hence the unoccupied time (element E), is shown below. The column headed
"Obs." shows the number of observations of the element which have been taken into account in
deriving selected basic times. This information will be carried to the analysis of studies sheet
where it will be of use when the final selected basic times are derived for the compilation of the
standard time.
Under the heading "Occasional elements and contingencies" is shown the basic time for
the element of helping the labourer to load and unload boxes of castings. It is noted that this
element was observed once only, and that its frequency ought to be 1/30 since three boxes of ten
fresh castings were brought, and three boxes of finished castings loaded. The other two non-
repetitive occurrences observed were "Talk to supervisor", and "Inspector checks three pieces
and discusses". Neither of these periods was rated, so the times are shown in actual minutes
Finally, the study person recorded, in actual minutes, the amount of relaxation taken
during the period of the study.
Basic times were entered to the third decimal place, and have been carried forward in this
form to the analysis of studies sheet (figure 127). It may be thought that this is a degree of
refinement which is not warranted in view of the accuracy of the data on which the entries are
based. There is a good reason for the practice, however. If it is eventually decided to make the
final selection of basic times, on the analysis of studies sheet, by the process of averaging, each
of the entries from this study will be multiplied by the corresponding number of observations to
yield the total basic minutes observed for the element. The totals from all the studies taken on
this operation will be added, and an average obtained by dividing by the aggregate number of
observations. At that stage, when the whole chain of arithmetical calculations has been
completed, the final selections will be expressed to the nearest second decimal place only, that
is to the nearest one-hundredth of a minute.
Tools and gauges: Fixture F.239 Gauge 239/7 Surface plate Elapsed time: 38.00
Check time: 2.80
Product/Part: H239 gear case No.:
Net time: 35.20
DWG No.: B.239/1 Material: Cast iron Obs. time: 35.20
to ISS2
Unacc. time: —
Quality: as dwg Working conditions: UT as % —
m/c 9 cutter OK: light good
Studied by:
Operative: M/F Clock No.: 7234 Checked:
Sketch and notes on back of sheet 1.
As each time study on the operation was worked up and summarized, the entries from the
study summary sheet were transferred to an analysis of studies sheet as illustrated in figure 127.
These sheets are often printed on paper of A3 or double foolscap size or larger, and so only a
portion of the whole sheet is reproduced.
It will be seen that five studies were made in all on this operation, a total of 92 cycles
being observed. The work of three different operatives was studied by four different study
persons. Standard times for regular machine shop operations are usually compiled from
predetermined time standards (see Chapter 26), and when a considerable body of data has been
built up it is often possible to derive accurate time standards with fewer studies, or by observing
a smaller number of cycles of the operation.
Inspection of the study results for the elements A, B, C, D, F and G indicated normal
consistency, with no reading suggesting a need for further investigation. The work of
proceeding to the final selected basic times for the elements was therefore undertaken next. The
selection was made by taking the weighted average for each element. All the repetitive elements
were constant elements, so that there was no need for graphical presentation. In the first of the
four columns in the block at the right-hand side of the sheet, the total basic time was entered
against each element. Dividing these totals by 92, the aggregate number of cycles, yielded the
figures for basic minutes per occasion, entered in the next column. These are now shown to the
second decimal place only; that is, to the nearest one-hundredth of a minute.
The third column records the frequency of occurrence per cycle — for all the repetitive
elements 1/1 — and thus the entries in the last column, which show the basic minutes per cycle,
are for this operation the same as those in the second column of the right-hand block. The
unoccupied time, element E, has been arrived at in the same manner as on the study summary,
by deducting the sum of the inside work basic minutes from the machine-controlled time.
Usually the unoccupied time would not be evaluated until after relaxation allowance had been
added to the work elements, but in this instance, as is indicated when discussing these
allowances on page 376 (figure 128), there was no need for such a refinement.
The occasional element "Help labourer" was observed on three occasions only, in three
different studies. Since it is known that the truck carries three boxes each containing ten
castings, it is clear that the frequency with which this element will occur is once every 30
castings, or cycles. The average basic time per occasion was therefore divided by 30 to yield the
basic time per cycle of 0.04 minutes.
"Talk to supervisor" was dealt with by dividing the total time observed by the 92 cycles
observed, giving a time of 0.01 minutes per cycle. The "Inspector checks" element was treated
similarly, though in this instance as it was learned from the supervisor that the inspector's duty
was to check three castings in every 100 the frequency has been taken as 1/100. These two very
small periods of time, both entered in actual minutes, were eventually considered to be best
dealt with as contingencies and were covered by the contingency allowance given.
Study No.: 17 25 28
Date: 27/4 1/5 4/5 7/5 11/5
Operative: CAA TEN CAA TBN CRW a £
<D o
Clock No.: 1234 1547 1234 1547 1846 o
c 0
0 Q.
Machine No.: 26 34 26 127 71
0) c CD
Ü m
Study taken by: BDM CEP MN DPS BDM
Cycles if)
No. of cycles studied: 15 26 18 13 20 92
El. BT
Elements Basic time per occasion BM BM
C Gauge 0,774 0.727 0.122 0.128 0.111 77.039 0.72 7/7 0.72
Wait m/c (actual minutes) 0.264 0.222 0.257 0.253 0.275 7/7 0.26
Stop m/c, unlock, aside part 0.277 0.270 0.254 0.250 0.245 23.820 0.26 7/7 0,'26
Clear swarf 0.096 0.772 0.104 0.090 0.092 9.240 0.70 7/7 0.70
Talk to supervisor
(actual minutes) 7.740 0.400 0.870 2.470 0.80 7/92 0.07
A form such as that shown in the figure reproduced below is often used for the
compilation of relaxation allowances. It provides a convenient way of ensuring that no item of
relaxation allowance is omitted. The derivation of the allowances is based on the data given in
the tables reproduced in Appendix 3. In this example the weight in kg has been converted into
lb. so that the points can be derived from these tables. The total figure for relaxation allowances
(which represents both fixed and variable allowances) has also an added 5 per cent personal
needs allowance. By deducting this figure for each element from the total allowances figure, one
can arrive at fatigue allowances alone.
Since this is an example of restricted work the fatigue allowance has been calculated
Operation: Finish-mill second face
8 Ü
Working conditions: Good t
1 £
C c c ¡a c Í2
c c
El. No. Element description
55 £
55 '£ 1 '£
C Gauge L L i — —
D Pick up casting, place in box, pick up M 20 L i
new casting and place near machine
The percentages of total allowances, as derived from the points conversion table in Appendix 3, cover both basic and variable allowances
and a built-in personal needs allowance of 5 per cent.
Severity of strain: L = low; M = medium; H = high.
The only period of unoccupied time during the machine-controlled time totalled 0.26
actual minutes. This was considered to be too short a period for recovery from fatigue (see
Chapter 23, section 12), so the whole of the relaxation allowance, both the personal needs part
and the fatigue allowance, was considered as an addition to outside work and was added to the
cycle time.
The personal needs allowance of 5 per cent was calculated on the sum of the outside work
plus the machine-controlled time. Fatigue allowance was calculated on the work elements only.
It will be seen from table 18 that the total relaxation allowance amounted to 0.21 minutes.
This is less than the period of unoccupied time (0.26 minutes), but is nevertheless to be added
outside the machine-controlled time as periods of 0.50 minutes or less of unoccupied time are
ignored for fatigue allowance purposes.
1c <D
o o O E 3
o 2 LU -z. (32 S- £ û b LL CO
c c c c c
'ro 1 C c
'co 1 'ro i3
c 1 C
'co i
55 55 55 55 £ 55 £ 55 £ 55 ¡£
L i M 1 L 2 L i M 6 L i 33 16 11
L i M 1 L 2 L i M 6 L i 13 11 6
L i M 1 L 2 L i M 6 L i — —- 13 11 6
L i M 1 L 2 L i M 6 L i — 33 16 11
— —
L i M 1 L 2 L i M 6 L i — — — 33 16 11
L i M 6 L i 11 11 6
L i M 6 L i 109 74 69
0.56 0.0429
Contingency allowance —
2.5 per cent of total basic time,
inclusive of relaxation allowance 0.03
0.70 0.0919
The allowance which resulted from applying the percentage figures built up in figure 128
is shown above. It will be seen that a contingency allowance of 2.5 per cent, inclusive of
relaxation, was included under the heading of outside work, to cover the periods spent in
discussions with the supervisor and the inspector.
Outside work 0.70 basic min.
Machine-controlled time 0.82 min.
Relaxation allowance 0.21 min.
0) 15
E° Ü
c «
<» >, 5o CD
.is ©
Ú~ J I
Predetermined time
1. Definition
Predetermined time standards (PTS), also referred to as predetermined motion
time systems (PMTS) or synthetic time standards, are advanced techniques
which aim at defining the time needed for the performance of various
operations by derivation from pre-set standards of time for various motions and
not by direct observation and measurement. These techniques are not normally
considered suitable for trainees to use until they have gained a real
understanding of, and considerable experience in, work study practice. They
will also require specialized PTS training. The essential nature of these
standards will be explained in this chapter.
Motion Description
2. Origins
The pioneer of motion classification was Frank B. Gilbreth, whose "therblig"
subdivisions of hand or hand and eye motions were the key concept in the
development of motion study. Two main ideas underlying Gilbreth's approach
were that the act of making a detailed critical analysis of work methods
stimulates ideas for method improvement; and that the evaluation of alternative
work methods can be achieved by a simple comparison of the number of
motions, the better method being the one requiring fewer motions.
The credit for adding the time dimension to motion study is attributed to
A. B. Segur, who in 1927 stated that "within practical limits the time required
for all experts to perform true fundamental motions is a constant".1 Segur
developed the first predetermined time standards, calling his system Motion
Time Analysis. Little is known publicly about the system since he exploited it
as a management consultant and bound his clients to secrecy.
The next important development was the work of J. H. Quick and his
associates, who originated the Work Factor system in 1934. Like Segur's
system, this was exploited on a management consultancy basis and little
information was published about it. However, it was eventually adopted by a
large number of companies and is now in active use.
A considerable number and variety of PTS systems were produced during
and following the Second World War. Among these was a system which has
become very widely used throughout the world, Methods-Time Measurement
(MTM). Because of its importance MTM will be used here to illustrate the way
in which predetermined time standards are arrived at.
MTM was first developed by three men working on the system at the
Westinghouse Electric Corporation in the United States: H. B. Maynard, G. J.
Stegemerten and J. L. Schwab. Their findings were published, and thus, for the
first time, full details of a PTS system were made freely available to everyone.
MTM has also set up, in various countries, independent non-profit-making
MTM associations to control the standards of training and practice and to
continue research into and the development of MTM. These associations have
established an international coordinating body, the International MTM
Directorate. In 1965 a simplified form of MTM known as MTM-2 was
A. B. Segur: "Labour costs at the lowest figure", in Manufacturing Industries (New York), Vol. 13,
382 1927, p. 273.
developed, and this led to a rapid increase in the use of the system. In addition,
a number of other systems were also derived for particular categories of work
such as maintenance work or office work which were intended to permit a
faster and easier derivation of standard times.
give simple
HANDLE and complex
Data levels
Figure 130 illustrates data levels by means of the official international MTM
systems: MTM-1, MTM-2 and MTM-3.
The first level comprises the motions RELEASE, REACH, GRASP,
MOVE, POSITION, RELEASE. At the second level these motions are
combined: in MTM-2, for instance, the motions are GET and PUT. At the third
level, the motions have been further combined as HANDLE, to give a
description of the complete work cycle. Beyond the third level there are as yet
no completely clear-cut rules, and methods of classification vary according to
the work area for which the data are intended.
Motion classification
PTS systems provide information about manual work cycles in terms of basic
human motions. There are differences between the criteria adopted for the
classification of these motions. Broadly speaking, there are two main sets:
D object-related classification;
D behaviour-related classification.
The object-related classification is employed in the majority of PTS
systems (including Work Factor, Dimensional Motion Times and MTM-1) and
virtually all the data systems relating to main occupational groups or
specifically designed for use within a plant. In an object-related system,
reference may be made to characteristics of parts (such as grasping a 6 x 6 x 6
mm object), or to the nature of the surrounding conditions (such as reaching
out to an object which is jumbled with other objects, or reaching out to an
object which is lying flat against a surface). The classification is, however, not
entirely object-related since motions such as Release Load or Disengage have
behavioural definitions.
Unlike most systems, MTM-2 employs exclusively behavioural concepts.
This is also true of MTM-3, Master Standard Data and a few less well-known
systems. The behaviour-related systems classify motions according to what
they look like to an observer: for example, a movement of the empty hand for a
distance of between 5 and 15 cm followed by a grasping action made by a
simple closing of the fingers defines the GET motion in the MTM-2 system
(see below).
Time units
No two PTS systems have the same set of time values. This is partly due to the
fact that different systems have different motion classes and the time data
therefore refer to different things. Again, the choice of the basic unit (fractions
of a second, minutes, hour) may vary, and some systems follow the practice of
adding contingency allowances to motion times, whereas others do not. A final
major cause of variations arises from the differences in the performance level
implied in the time data. The methods adopted for standardizing, normalizing
386 or averaging the motion times are not uniform. Consequently, PTS time data
are divided into one of two sets: Work Factor systems, which express their data
in minutes; and MTM systems, expressed in time measurement units (tmu)
which represent one hundred-thousandth of an hour or about one twenty-eighth
of a second. The MTM time values, which were derived mainly from film
analysis of a variety of industrial operations (the method was to count the
number of "frames" occupied by each motion), were standardized using the
well-known "Westinghouse" or "Levelling" system. The times are stated to be
those which are achieved by an experienced operative of average skill, working
with average effort and consistency under average conditions. The performance
level, MTM 100, is therefore somewhat less than BSI 100. A public statement
on this by the United Kingdom Institute of Management Services and the
MTM Association suggests that MTM 100 equals BSI 83.2
Other considerations
Some important properties of PTS systems are much less easy to establish and
to compare than the aspects discussed in the previous subsections. Examples of
these are the precision and accuracy of the time data, speed of application,
methods description capability, and learning time. The lack of reliable, detailed
information and, to some extent, the lack of agreed design criteria hamper
comparison of these properties.
"MTM and BSI rating scale", in Work Study and Management Services (London), Feb. 1969, p. 97. 387
- 5 3 7 14 3 10 21
-15 6 10 19 6 15 26
-30 9 14 23 11 19 30
-AS 13 18 27 15 24 36
-80 17 23 32 20 30 41
GW: 1 per 1 kg PW: 1 per 5 kg
14 15 18 9 61
Warning: Do not attempt to use these data unless you have been trained and qualified under a scheme approved by the International MTM Directorate.
MTM-2 Categories
GET is an action with the predominant purpose of reaching out with the
hand or fingers to an object, grasping the object and subsequently releasing it.
The scope of GET starts : with reaching out to the object ;
includes : reaching out to, gaining control and sub-
sequently releasing control of the object;
ends : when the object is released.
Selection of a GET is done by considering three variables :
(1) case of GET— distinguished by the grasping action employed ;
(2) distance reached ;
(3) weight of the object or its resistance to motion.
Cases of GET are judged by the following decision model :
Are any
grasping No
motions >GA
Is it enough
to close hand No
or fingers with >GC
one motion?
388 GB
0.0 5.0 — 5
5.0 15.0 — 15
15.0 30.0 — 30
30.0 45.0 — 45
45.0 — — 80
Is it a Are there
continuously No ^ obvious No
smooth W correcting -•PB
motion? motions ?
Yes Yes
T •
390 REGRASP is a hand action with the purpose of changing the grasp on an object.
either : a leg motion with the purpose of moving the body ;
or : a leg motion longer than 30 cm.
The scope of STEP starts: with the leg at rest ;
includes :
either: a motion of the leg where the purpose is
to achieve displacement of the trunk;
or : a leg motion longer than 30 cm ;
392 ends : with the leg at a new location.
Is the purpose of
the motion to No Is the leg No
^ motion longer >F
achieve displacement W
of the trunk? than 30 cm?
Yes Yes
To evaluate walking, count the number of times the foot hits the floor.
An example of F is depressing a foot pedal in a car.
An example of S is making a single step to the side to enable the arm to
reach further.
BEND AND ARISE is a lowering of the trunk followed by a rise.
The scope of BEND AND ARISE starts : with motion of the trunk
forward from an upright
posture ;
includes : movement of the trunk
and other body members
to achieve a vertical
change of body position
to permit the hands to
reach down to or below
the knees and the sub-
sequent arise from this
position ;
ends: with the body in an
upright posture.
The criterion for BEND AND ARISE is whether the operative is able to
reach to below the knees, not whether he or she actually does so.
Kneeling on both knees should be analysed as 2B.
CRANK is a motion with the purpose of moving an object in a circular
path of more than half a revolution with the hand or finger.
The scope of CRANK starts : with the hand on the object ;
includes : all transporting motions necessary
to move an object in a circular path ;
ends: with the hand on the object when
one revolution is completed.
There are two variables to consider in applying the CRANK motion :
( 1 ) the number of revolutions ;
(2) weight or resistance. 393
The time value of 15 tmu per revolution may be used for any crank
diameter and applies to both continuous and intermittent cranking. CRANK
applies to motions in a circular path whether or not the axis of cranking is
perpendicular to the plane of rotation.
The number of revolutions should be rounded to the nearest whole
The weight or resistance influences the time for moving an object. The
rules of adding GW and PW to PUT motions also apply to CRANK. PW
applies to each revolution, whether continuous or intermittent. GW is applied
once only to a continuous series of revolutions, but to each revolution where
these are intermittent.
No correcting motions as applied to PUT are included in CRANK. If
correcting motions occur in putting the object at the intended place an extra
PUT must be allowed.
An example of C is turning a hand wheel through one revolution.
Training requirements
In the preceding subsection the essentials of the MTM-2 system were outlined.
To obtain an adequate understanding of the system, however, a trainee will
require at least two weeks of formal training in MTM-2 theory and practice,
followed by guided application on the shop floor with an MTM instructor. A
trainee who is already competent in work study practice should reach a
reasonable standard in the use of MTM-2 after about a month of guided
application. MTM-1 will require a longer training period. It is helpful if part of
this training can be carried out in a plant where MTM standards are already in
use. When trainees find that their own analyses compare closely with
established standards their confidence is rapidly built up. Without guidance it is
very difficult for a trainee to learn how to use MTM adequately.
Most PTS training courses end up with an examination in which the
trainee carried out a measurement study of a real or simulated job, sometimes
on film. Only if a specified pass mark is obtained in this examination is the
trainee validated to apply the PTS in question at the place of work as a
consultant in that particular PTS system.
(GC30, PC30, PA5) and time (56 tmu) can easily be removed from the
analysis. Finger turns can also be readily separated from spanner turns and,
indeed, from the fitting actions and subsequent turns.
When the work study person does not have the opportunity of observing the
396 work cycle, for example when designing a new work method or constructing
Measurements in millimetres
Pin Stud
10 deep
handling. With this knowledge it will become evident, for example, that in
designing the workplace for the parts to be kept in tote pans, a separate GC
with either hand will be required. It will also be apparent that even expert
operatives cannot perform these motions simultaneously, since each motion
involves a kind of minute searching and selecting activity, because the objects
are jumbled together. Similarly, the work study specialist will know that
putting loose-fitting round plugs into round holes can be done with both hands
simultaneously, provided that the workplace is designed so that the targets are
within the area of normal vision as defined above under EYE ACTION. The
rules provide many such guidelines.
1. REACH — R
A B CorD E A B
18 13.4 1.41
60 22.1 20.4 25.2 18.2 C. Move object to
65 23.6 21.6 26.9 19.5 exact location
70 25.2 22.8 28.5 20.9 20 14.9 1.46
75 26.7 24.0 30.3 22.3
80 28.3 25.2 32.0 23.7
22 16.4 1.51
30° 45° 60° 75° 90° 105° 120° 135° 150° 165° 180°
Small (0) to (1) 2.8 3.5 4.1 4.8 5.4 6.1 6.8 7.4 8.1 8.7 9.4
Medium (1) to (5) 4.4 5.5 6.5 7.5 8.5 9.6 10.6 11.6 12.7 13.7 14.8
Large (5.1) to (16) 8.4 10.5 12.3 14.4 16.2 18.3 20.4 22.2 24.3 26.1 28.2
1A 2.0 Pick up grasp — small, medium or large object by itself, easily grasped
IB 3.5 Very small object or object lying close against a flat surface
ICI 7.3 Interference with grasp on bottom and one side of nearly
cylindrical object. Diameter larger than 12 mm
1C2 8.7 Interference with grasp on bottom and one side of nearly
cylindrical object. Diameter 6 to 12 mm
1C3 10.8 Interference with grasp on bottom and one side of nearly
cylindrical object. Diameter less than 6 mm
2 5.6 Regrasp
4A 7.3 Object jumbled with other objects so search and select occur.
Larger than 25x25x25 mm
4B 9.1 Object jumbled with other objects so search and select occur.
5x6x3 mm to 25x25x25 mm
4C 12.9 Object jumbled with other objects so search and select occur.
Smaller than 6x6x3 mm
S 5.6 11.2
1. Loose — No pressure required ss 9.1 14.7
NS 10.4 16.0
S 16.2 21.8
2. Close — Light pressure required SS 19.7 25.3
NS 21.0 26.6
S 43.0 48.6
3. Exact — Heavy pressure required SS 46.5 52.1
NS 47.8 53.4
Contact release
Sidestep— Case 1 — Complete when leading SS-C1 Less than 30 cm Use REACH
leg contacts floor orMOVEtme
30 cm 17.0
Each extra cm 0.2
W 0 W 0 W 0 w 0 W 0 W 0 E D E D E D E D
X X• X• •• X • • •• • X •• C,D
A, Bm
X • X • • •• • X C
G1A, G2, G5
•• X •• • GIB, G1C GRASP
• •• • G4
X• • PIS
Standard data
Many operations in a given plant have several common elements. The element
"walking", for example, is a component of many different jobs. Diverse
activities such as painting, handling or working on a site invariably involve an
element of "walking". When these activities are timed, the same common
element is in fact timed again and again. The job of a work study person would
therefore be made much easier if a set of data were to be available from which
standard times could readily be derived for these common work elements
without necessarily going into the process of timing each one. If, for instance, a
standard time could be derived for the particular element "walking" and could
be read directly from a table, this would not only reduce effort and cost but also
lead to greater consistency in time estimation.
One can therefore see that there is an advantage in building up a standard
data bank for various elements which occur repeatedly at the workplace. If
such data existed for a wide range of elements and were reliable, there would
be no need to carry out a time study for a new job. Instead, by breaking down
the job into elements and referring to the data bank to derive the normal times
for each element, one could calculate the total time needed to perform this new
job and determine its standard time by adding the appropriate allowances in the
usual way.
1. Major considerations
It is, however, difficult to visualize a situation where all the possible elements
making up any and every job could be timed and stored for future retrieval. We
may therefore conclude that in practice it is better to restrict the number of
jobs for which standard data are derived — normally to one or more depart-
ments in a plant, or to all the processes involved in manufacturing a certain
product. In this way the coverage becomes more manageable and less costly.
The reliability of the data can be increased if as many common elements
as possible that are performed in the same way are grouped together for
analysis, and if a sufficient amount of accumulated or collected data on each
element has been analysed by a trained study person.
Reliability can be further increased by making sure that all the factors
affecting a certain element have been taken into consideration. For example,
the time taken to move a sheet of a given size will vary depending on whether
it is a solid sheet (of metal, for instance) or a malleable one (of rubber, for 409
instance). The weight will also be an important factor. The time taken to move
an iron sheet will be different from the time taken to move one of foam or
cardboard. Again, the thickness will affect the timing in each case.
Consequently, the description of the element must be as precise as possible and
the various factors affecting the timing (in this case, nature of material,
thickness and weight) will also have to be indicated.
Another basic consideration concerns the source of the time data.
Should this be observed time based on stop-watch readings (what might be
called "macroscopic" timing systems) or "microscopic" systems such as
predetermined time standards? The first alternative may be more acceptable to
the factory personnel in certain cases, and is sometimes cheaper. However, for
certain elements it is not always possible to have on record enough readings to
enable reliable data to be derived. Several months or even a year or more may
elapse before sufficient data are accumulated in this way. The choice of a
microscopic system such as MTM may make for better coverage, but its use
also depends on whether sufficient experience has been acquired in using the
system and on its applicability. Even in this case, one has to decide whether to
use detailed systems such as MTM-1 (which can be more precise but are
expensive), or MTM-2 or MTM-3 (which are less expensive but less precise).
Again, standard data have to be built up with due regard to users' needs.
They are indeed invaluable for a variety of purposes, among them production
planning, cost estimation, incentive payments and budgetary control. However,
the "level of confidence" in the developed database which can be tolerated by
those who use standard data for these purposes varies considerably: for
example, the requirements for production planning allow for much greater
potential deviation in the standards than the requirements for individual bonus
schemes. Since one cannot produce a different set of data for each user, it is
necessary to build a data system that produces the maximum benefit for each
user at the same time.
C. Decide on type of reading, i.e. whether you will use readings based
on stop-watch time study (macroscopic systems) or derived from PTS systems
such as MTM (microscopic systems). As explained earlier, the nature of the job
and the cost of applying each system will be the major determining factors. If
stop-watch time study is chosen, sufficient time must be allowed to collect the
readings necessary to produce statistically reliable data.
D. Determine the factors that are likely to affect the time for each
element, and classify them into major and minor factors. Let us take a simple
example: the case of a worker walking. If the time for this activity is
calculated, it will be found that there is always a variation in the readings. This
is due to several factors, some major and others which may be considered
minor. In this particular case the factors may be indicated as follows:
Restricted walking starting at dead point and ending at a dead stop
Factors influencing the time
Major Minor
Distance covered Physical make-up of worker
External attraction
Variation due to time study person
It is clear here that the time for walking will be affected mainly by the
distance covered; nevertheless, other minor factors will exert a small influence
as well, and these may cause slight variations from reading to reading.
E. When using macroscopic systems, measure the time taken to
perform the activity from actual observations. Here the study person can
choose arbitrary distances and time the worker for each distance. If it is found
that in most cases a worker walks either 10, 20, 30 or 40 metres, readings for
these distances can be timed and entered in standard tables. However, this is
rarely the case. A worker may walk any distance between 10 and 40 metres.
The study person will then find it more appropriate to draw a curve to indicate
the relationship between time and distance covered. Let us proceed with our
example of walking and assume that the readings reproduced in table 25 were
It is now possible to plot base time against distance. The curve using the
line of best fit will appear as shown in figure 134. For greater accuracy one
may also use the method of least squares to determine the slope and the line of
best fit for the curve. From the curve it will now be possible to derive standard
times for values lying anywhere between 10 and 40 metres. Occasionally the
relationship between the two variables may be curvilinear rather than linear; in
such cases logarithmic graph paper should be used.
10 0.13 85 0.1105
0.13 90 0.1170
0.13 85 0.1105
0.11 95 0.1045
0.12 90 0.1080
0.15 80 0.1200 0.1118
In several cases, however, the work study person may be faced with a
problem where more than one major factor affects the time of operation. Let us
therefore assume that we have a case where a motor-driven circular saw is used
for cross-cutting wood (of the same type). When we analyse the major and
minor factors as we did in the previous example, we may reach the following
conclusions :
Factors influencing the time
Major Minor
Variation in the Physical make-up of worker
thickness of the wood Temperature
Variation in the width Humidity
of the wood Lighting
Method of holding wood
Degree of physical force applied
Machine in good working order
Experience of worker 413
Time (mln.)
30 40
Distance (metres)
We are assuming here that we are dealing with skilled workers. After a
period of time, it proves possible to calculate the base time for some, but not
all, thicknesses and widths of wood. The results are shown in table 26.
The first step consists in plotting the time against the width of wood for
each thickness (2, 4, 6, 8 cm) (figure 134). From the resulting curves the
missing values in the table (say, for a thickness of 4 cm and a width of 12 cm)
may be derived.
A problem arises, however, if we want to derive standard times for other
thicknesses and widths, say 3 cm thick and 8 cm wide. Neither of these
dimensions is represented in the table. There are two ways to solve this
(1) By calculation. We draw a perpendicular ordinate from the point
representing the required width (in this case, 8 cm) and let it intercept the
appropriate lines of thickness at points «i and ai respectively (figure 135). By
"appropriate" we mean the thickness curves representing the lower and upper
values on either side of the desired thickness. In our example, the required
thickness is 3 cm ; therefore the two appropriate curves are those representing a
414 thickness of 2 and 4 cm.
Table 26. Base times for cross-cutting wood of varying width and thickness
Thickness (cm)
2 4 6 8
Figure 135. Base times for cross-cutting wood of varying width and thickness
Time (min.)
8 cm thickness, 6 cm thickness
0.16 - /
// /K cm thickness
/ //
0.12 - /\x* / /
y/l cm thickness
0.10 /XV X
/ A* /
0.08 - 2 \/
a, !
J 1 1 I i i
6 8 10 12 16 20
Width (cm)
From these figures it is now possible to plot the factor curve (figure 137).
The time can be readily calculated from both the base curve and the factor
curve, using the following equation:
total time = base time x factor
to calculate the time needed for cutting a piece of wood 8 cm wide by 3 cm
r= 0.072X1.1 =0.079 min.
In this case, the time needed for a width of 8 cm (read from the base
curve) is multiplied by the factor for a thickness of 3 cm (read from the factor
416 curve).
Figure 136. Base curve for cross-cutting wood of 2 cm thickness and of varying width
Time (min.
0.16 _
0.14 _
0.12 _
0.10 _
0.08 _
0.06 _
Width (cm)
It can be seen, therefore, that the data required to derive standard times
can be obtained from either tables or graphs. To these data the work study
person can then add any allowances in the usual way. If a firm decides that the
same allowance factor is applicable to every job in a given class of work, it can
then express its standard data in terms of the standard time for each element,
instead of using the normal times as we did.
A word of caution is necessary here. The data collected usually cover a
certain range of readings. It is not advisable to extrapolate these data for values
that fall outside this range. For example, in our previous example the readings
covered pieces of wood ranging from 6 to 20 cm wide and from 2 to 8 cm
thick. We know what happens within this range; but there is no way of
knowing whether the same type of linear relationship will continue if we go
beyond this range by exceeding the widths and thicknesses actually studied and
by projecting our curves beyond the points for which we have time study data.
Figure 137. Factor curve for cross-cutting wood of varying width and thickness
Thickness (cm)
PTS systems such as MTM, Work Factor, General Sewing Data (GSD) or
Clerical Work Data (CWD).
In case PTS is used, the data derived for each element take into account
the normal variations that are likely to arise in the execution of the job when
other products, processes, equipment or materials are used. These variations
result from size, capacity, method of operation, type of tool (which may be
simple or elaborate, few or many) and nature of the work (which can range
from jobbing or small batch work to virtually continuous production).
The use of PTS in deriving standard data is illustrated in table 27, which
gives a list of the most common elements in light engineering and assembly
work, with details of their possible variations. The definition of each element is
also given.
Table 27. Standard data elements in light engineering and assembly work
ASIDE Automatic AA
Tool to bench ATB
Bench to stillage ABS
Tool to stillage ATS
Element definitions
GET Covers picking up and moving an object, or handful of objects, to a
POSITION IN TOOL Covers positioning an object, or handful of objects, in a tool fixture,
etc.; or between electrodes.
CLAMP AND UNCLAMP Covers all the motions necessary to close and later open a clamp of
the type that operates by pressure on the object held; or to hold an
object in a tool or fixture, by a clamping action of the fingers.
OPERATE Covers all the time and all the manual motions necessary to:
— close and later open a guard (OCG);
— grasp or contact an operating control, and later return the hand to
the working area, or the foot to the ground;
— operate the controls and initiate the machine cycle (OMT).
REMOVE FROM TOOL Covers removing an object from a tool, fixture, etc.; or a part,
component or fixture from under a drill; or from between electrodes.
TURN (IN) TOOL Occurs when two "Operate" elements follow each other, and the
object must be removed from the tool, turned, and repositioned in the
tool; or the fixture or jig must be turned or moved, in or under the
ASIDE Covers moving and putting down an object or handful of objects,
already held.
Word definitions
Object Any object handled; such as parts, hand-tools, subassemblies or
completed articles. Also, any jig, fixture or other holding device.
Handful The optimum number of objects which can be conveniently picked
up, moved and placed as required.
Bench The term "bench" includes any table, tote pan or other storage area,
convenient to the tool or workplace,
Stillage A storage box or container on legs, for moving by a hand-lifting or
fork-lift truck. The term "stillage" includes a pallet, the floor or any
other storage device at floor level.
Tool A general term to cover any fixture, jig, electrode press or other tool
used to hold or operate on an object or objects. One tool can be
positioned in another — for example, a parts-holding fixture under a
drill or a welding electrode.
(a) etc.
in tool P
box on floor
Figure 139.
Basic elements of
power press work
Close guard
Figure 140.
Power press work:
Example of TRANSPORT
422 elements and distances
Figure 141. Power press work: Example of standard data determined by MTM-2
(tabular presentation)
Figure 142. Power press work: Example of standard data determined by MTM-2 (algorithmic presentation)
GET (pick up) part TRANSPORT to or from tool, etc. POSITION in tool
\ 1 (and withdraw hand 30 cm)
(OW or IW) (Some OW Rest OW or IW)
I (OW)
"I I I I
Flat Shaped Preparatory Outside guard Guard to tool Inside guard Flat Shaped
or guard no
I 1 I 1
Get Tool to Get Tangle
separate allowance (OW or IW) (OW or IW) (OW) (OW) (OW) (OW)
Pallet Pallet Bench Pallet I I Guard Store Hand Tooll
|| H H |j Bend Step || Stops 2Pins Moulded Stops 2Pins
il 11 I
Bench In guard Guard Guard Tool Tool Tool Tool2 (Sides) (Sides)
store I (Back) (Back)
20 20 61 91 10 61 46 20 10 30
tmu 21 19 20 32 42 4 18 61 18 18 11 4 14 27 31 31 38 31
tmu 31 15 28 20 32 42 4 18 61 18 18 11 14 30 33 39 41 35
Standard minutes
E12 E13 E14 E15 E16 El 7
E = work element.
Periodic re-evaluation ensures accuracy and integrity of the data and maintains
confidence in the measurement process.
element data
On-screen build-up
of operation or Operation/job
job times Save specifications
1 Recall existing
Add allowances operation/job
Standard time
from the individual element times and frequencies, from the stored information
on the various elements and cycle or operation times.
The use of such a system to develop a standard time for an operation or a
job is illustrated in figure 145.
Several software packages exist for developing standard data, and for their
use in deriving standard times for various operations. Examples are CPD90
from Sweden, Timebuilder from Ireland, Micromatic Methods and
Measurement developed in the United States, Tectime developed in the United
Kingdom, and Meza and Plazet packages from Germany. An example of the
type of information that can be obtained using Meza and Plazet is shown in
figures 146 and 147.
A list of computerized work measurement application systems is also
available from the European Federation of Productivity Services as part of their
management guide to work measurement.
The manufacturing
nEZft - Selection of Hanufacturing Process
process is selected
from the standard
B3 Prill pith upright drilling uchine
The time-
registration form
Inf I. qunatitlBS Rotarhs
is printed
FoMlbls Tinosorts
Data of I.S
_^ The clock-time
TMinsforiMtionen of Influence quftntlty XI
formulae are
Tr«nsf orwit Ion
1 / X power 4
Correlation Detemiln.Mei ure
6.996 99.6 i
Choice calculated by linear
or non-linear
- ForauU mmagiiMnt regression
ul« lo*àmi <S«ws t)
The work specification thus represents the basic data on which the
contract between employer and employee for the operation of an incentive
scheme rests.
The amount of detail necessary in a work specification varies greatly
according to the nature of the operation concerned. In machine shop work in
the engineering industry, where a large number of different jobs are done on
machines whose methods of operation are broadly similar, general conditions
governing all jobs can be established for the whole shop and only variations in
detail need be specifically recorded.
On the other hand, where an operation involves a whole plant or
department and will run for an indefinite period substantially unchanged, as is
the case in continuous production, the work specification may be lengthy and
detailed. For instance, it may include specifications for the alternatives of types
of materials used.
Generally speaking, the following points should be covered by a work
specification, which should, of course, embrace the standard method laid down
as a result of the method study:
A. Details of the workpieces or products, including:
D drawing, specification or product number and title;
D material specification;
432 • sketches, where necessary, of parts or surfaces to be treated.
The manner in which the time standards are made known to the
operatives depends largely on the nature of the work. If the job is one that is
done only by a single worker (the one who was timed), it is usually enough for
the worker to be informed by work study person, in the first instance. When
work study has been accepted, workers do not usually want lengthy
explanations: what they are interested in are the targets at which they must aim
in order to earn a reasonable bonus. Time standards are likely to be better
understood if they are put in the form "You will need to do 12 pieces an hour
for time-and-a-third", or "17 hanks a shift for time-and-a-third", than in the
form "13 standard minutes per piece". If anything appears to be wrong with the
time standard, further details will very soon be sought. If a whole shop is on
the same type of work, as is often the case in certain process industries,
including textile spinning, summaries of time standards should be posted on the
notice boards in the department. It may also be desirable to read relevant parts
of the work specification at a departmental meeting. This will have to be done
where most of the people affected by the time standards are illiterate. In batch
production the standard time is generally written or printed on the work ticket,
job card or process layout.
This must be matched against the total time available on each type of
plant and with each type of labour necessary to perform the operations.
When a programme is being planned, only the actual times which the
operations may be expected to take are of interest. These will depend, among
other things, on whether the general conditions in the plant — including the
state of labour-management relations and the system of remuneration in use —
are such that the workers are working at their best rate. Where this is the case
and the work study application has had time to settle down, these times should
be those of the average performance of the shop or department as given by the
production records over a period. This may even apply to an individual
machine or process. It is the only realistic basis for such calculations. The
times are arrived at by multiplying the standard times by
Average performance 435
7. Incentive schemes
Direct incentive schemes based on output do not necessarily follow on an
application of work measurement. There are many enterprises where time
studies are made but direct incentives are not employed. One of the reasons
why a good deal of attention has been paid in previous chapters to features of
time study particularly related to its use in connection with incentives is that no
discussion of time study would be complete without them.
The merits of work measurement as a basis for incentive schemes lie in
several features inherent in the techniques, namely:
(1) The times are generally based on direct observation and on recording by
the most accurate practicable means.
(2) Enough observations are taken of all elements of work, both repetitive
and occasional, to ensure that the times finally selected to make up the
standard time are truly representative and that random occurrences are
taken into account.
(3) Full records are made and retained so as to be available for examination
by either management or workers, should the occasion arise.
(4) The recorded times and associated data give a factual basis to any
management-labour negotiations on performance standards, as opposed to
the bargaining based on opinion which must take place when times are
(5) Properly applied method study followed by work measurement enables
management to guarantee the time standards with reasonable assurance
that it is not exposing itself to the risks of perpetuating uneconomic rates.
It is important for the success of any incentive scheme that the workers
should know as quickly as possible the bonus they have earned. Wherever
possible, this information should be made available the day after the one to
which it refers. It may be shown in money units, as a percentage of the
standard performance, or as the average number of standard minutes produced
per hour. In these latter ways the figures can be posted on the notice board 437
Table 28. Minimum data required for work measurement and labour control
Information Source
2. Standard time for each operation Job card or work study compiled
standard data
6. Waiting time and non-productive time Waiting time slips or daily work
sheet of actual performance
confined to some general notes and to the basic data required together with
their probable source.
The sheets or printouts on which output and performance information is
summarized and reported to the management are known as control statements.
In a fully developed control system there will probably be three different
control statements, prepared at different intervals and for different purposes. A
daily statement may be prepared, separately for each section of the
organization, to indicate to the supervisor in charge of the section the results of
the previous day's working. Once a week the weekly control statement will be
compiled, usually on a departmental rather than a section-by-section basis. The
weekly statement will go to both the supervisor and departmental heads. A
single sheet frequently has space for the record of 13 weeks of work, a fresh
line being used each week, so that the current week's results can be compared
with those of earlier weeks during the same quarter. The control statement
which goes to the top management is usually made up monthly, on either a
departmental or a whole-plant basis.
In any system of recording associated with work measurement and an
incentive system, the minimum data given in table 28 must be recorded and
eventually transmitted for incentives and wages calculations.
It should be noted that the rapid proliferation of mini-computers and the
availability of suitable software packages have rendered the establishment of a
control system quick, less cumbersome and less costly. In addition, it has also
enabled management to gain an insight into ineffective times and their causes,
and the productivity of various departments or of the plant as a whole.
This concludes the part of the book devoted to work measurement.
From analysis to
Combining methods
and tasks: New forms
of work organization
With this point clear in our minds, let us now turn to the question of how
the basic "building blocks" of method study and work measurement can be put
together in designing jobs, and how work organization can best be shaped in
other respects. We shall divide this discussion into four parts, corresponding to
four organizational levels:
D Design of individual work roles.
D Design of group work in production.
• Design of product-oriented organizations.
D Design of enterprise-oriented organizations.
A detailed examination of these topics falls outside the scope of this
introductory book, and we shall limit ourselves here to a discussion of some of
their basic features.
Variety at work
If work is to be done well, there must be a reasonable correlation between the
job and the person doing that job. A job that consists of only a few simple
movements and takes only a few seconds to do can certainly be easy to learn.
At first sight, it may seem that this is an efficient way of organizing the work.
But this type of job is hardly efficient from a more practical viewpoint. It will
rapidly become monotonous and tiring, and such extreme specialization
requires long runs, plus a degree of structural stability and production volume
that is not often found in reality. It is much better to create work roles that
display a reasonable amount of variety, that require something from the worker
in terms of learning and that are adapted to reality in terms of the true length of
runs, a stable product mix and infrequent production disturbances.
There is no complete, clear answer to the question of how a task cycle
that gives just the right amount of variety should be designed. However, a
study of the following factors offers some guidance in bringing about
D the basic structure of the technical system;
D the pattern of the physical load;
D the information content of the task;
D the balance between physical and intellectual task components;
D the demand for learning and the need for individual development
In many production technologies the basic structure of the technical
system is an important determining factor. By way of example, we can consider
final assembly in a car factory. In such systems, the content of an individual
operative's work cycle is often determined by the technical system. If 500 cars
are to be assembled in 500 minutes, the work cycle at each individual
workstation must be one minute long. The most usual arrangement in European
and American car factories has been to allocate a work volume of
approximately one minute to each workstation, and to have one assembly
worker at each station. With such an arrangement, each individual at the
allotted workstation will perform assembly work equivalent to approximately
one minute, and this will be repeated over and over again a few hundred times
a day. To ensure that everyone will have time for a complete work cycle each
time, it is impossible to allot a volume of work to each station equivalent to a
full minute, and a safety margin of 10-15 per cent is often allowed. Since the
assembly line runs at a fixed speed, any operation which is not completed at a
446 particular workstation will result in quality defects in the finished car.
it exemplifies the efforts that have been made in recent years to limit monotony
in jobs and to achieve a practical balance of working conditions.
One important point in an analysis of this kind is the fact that people are
different. At any one time the people at the same workplace will present quite
different characteristics. And if we study the same person at different times
during his or her working life, we shall find significant differences in
performance. This is an important, indeed fundamental element in the design of
individual work roles. Jobs should be varied, and should present different
degrees of complexity to those who execute them. Thus people can find a work
role and a level of difficulty that match their own aptitudes and preferences. In
addition, an individual can begin working in a certain job that has a certain
level of difficulty, and can then move steadily to more challenging jobs as he or
she develops further.
Decoupling worker/machine systems
The rigidity of the links on a worker in a worker/machine system may be due
to several factors. The person can be tied to the workplace in a geographical
sense — it may be impossible to be absent from the station for even a short
time. The worker can also be tied by the method — it may be impossible to
vary the order in which operations are carried out. And there can also be a
restriction in terms of time — it may be necessary to carry out certain
operations at fixed times.
The degree of rigidity with which the worker is tied can be "planned" —
that is, the operative and the machine are consciously and deliberately tied
together in a worker/machine system — but in many cases the rigidity is quite
"unplanned". In some cases this unplanned rigidity arises from a fault in the
technical system; the operational stability of the machines may be so poor that
the machines must be continuously tended, usually with only simple
movements. Unplanned rigidity can, however, be reduced through the use of
more operationally reliable technology.
Three different types of solution may be offered for this problem of rigid
worker/machine links:
D complete decoupling through increased mechanization;
D use of technical auxiliary equipment to free the operative from the
D decoupling through contact and cooperation among operatives.
Let us examine more closely each of these three choices.
Complete decoupling through mechanization
Decoupling of this kind requires heavy capital investment. Therefore,
production processes that are to be handled in this way must be characterized
by mass production, extremely short cycles and severe rigidity and monotony.
In such cases mechanization means the complete elimination of all human
However, new technology has markedly increased the scope for what may
be automated. It is, in particular, the much improved resetting features of
448 machines and handling equipment which have made it possible to employ
automated solutions, even for short series production. In many cases, it might
be said that it has become possible to employ mass production methods on a
small scale.
One example of this is the industrial robot. Automated handling of
workpieces in production equipment at earlier stages of industrial development
took the form of advanced mechanical systems which had been designed
specifically for the production equipment and the products that were to be
handled. These installations were unable to cope with variations in products,
and the high cost of such installations made very long series necessary. The
industrial robot, on the other hand, is a flexible piece of equipment for handling
tasks, and it can be reprogrammed relatively easily and quickly for new
movements, new objects or new grips. Thus, production equipment served by
an industrial robot can deal with considerable variations within a product
range, and the series length for each variation within the range need not be
especially great.
The industrial robot has therefore opened up promising new automation
potential, both within production (such as grinding, polishing and spot-
welding) and for materials handling. In the same way, modern information
technology has influenced the development of production and handling
equipment within many areas, and the potential for automation of working
tasks in mixed production has greatly increased. In general, this development
has meant that the role of the worker is becoming more and more supervisory
in character.
Even the actual assembly work, which is perhaps the most difficult area,
has to a certain extent been mechanized. To date, this is mostly a matter of
certain simple assembly tasks, such as positioning and tightening of screws.
However, developments are progressing relatively rapidly, and new
opportunities are constantly being opened up as a result of technological
advances. "Seeing" robots, which are now being brought into use in industrial
applications, are expanding greatly the potential ares of use since the objects
which are to be handled no longer need to be positioned in exactly the same
location each time; the robot can "see" where the object is.
3 800
Sketch of a high-stacking
machine used as a buffer
thus able to handle the traditional job as well as the programming of the
machine tool's computer equipment. They therefore work both as programmers
and as machine operators. This example shows that even moderately difficult
and specialized tasks can sometimes be integrated into a normal production
Regarding the possible integration of material-handling work near the
workstation, the following factors are some of the more decisive:
D character of the product;
G volume of materials to be handled;
D design of the transport system;
D degree of rigidity in the production operation.
Quality activities can also be integrated to a varying extent in the
production process. This applies to both inspection and measurement tasks, as
well as action to correct any faulty products that might be produced. Recently
in industry, and as mentioned in Chapter 13, we have seen a dramatic upswing
in interest in developing quality-consciousness on the part of all employees in
the production organization and in involving all employees in efforts to
produce fault-free products directly in the production organization. Known as
zero-defect strategies, these are an important aspect of current management
strategies. This development affects the work organization in that the separate
quality organization which used to be responsible for quality inspection after
production and correction of faults is now tending to become smaller and
quality work is instead being integrated into production.
These are some examples showing how direct production jobs can be
supplemented with various auxiliary and service tasks. There are no simple,
standard solutions in this area; each case must be examined in the light of its
special characteristics. However, the guiding principle in making these
decisions is that a practical and smoothly functioning arrangement must be
feasible, that jobs can be broadened sufficiently to include everyday variations
and that they must not be excessively monotonous.
' These models are taken from Hans Lindestad and Jan-Peder Norstedt: Autonomous groups and
payment by result (Stockholm, Swedish Employers' Confederation, 1973). For further details see also
George Kanawaty (éd.): Managing and developing new forms of work organisation (Geneva, ILO, 2nd éd.,
1981). 453
\ Operatives
\ Operational
¿^ limits
controlled material-handling
years ago this was the only assembly arrangement used in situations where a
high volume of materials was the rule.
The disadvantage of this system is that the individual's work role tends to
be strictly limited and the pace of the work is in all essentials controlled by the
technical system. The most important disadvantage of such production systems
is the way in which the operatives experience their work. Other disadvantages
include the extreme sensitivity of such production lines to disturbances. A
promising approach to overcoming this sensitivity can be seen in those
methods, often applied in Japan, which permit any operative to stop the
assembly line. Experience shows that the number of times these systems are
stopped is still low. Since everyone is aware of the drastic effects of stopping
the entire system, they do everything within their power to avoid having to use
their "red button".
But production systems of this type nevertheless always remain sensitive
to disturbances. These production chains are only as strong as their weakest
link, and it requires only a small influenza epidemic in the region where the
factory is located to upset the whole system. Moreover, it is difficult to make
changes in such production lines.
The advantages are short through-put times, the efficient utilization of
space, machines and auxiliary equipment and, consequently, the efficient
operation that is achieved through the extreme division of work. This far-
reaching specialization also makes it worthwhile to push the development of
methods and hand tools as far as possible. Specialization also creates the best
possible conditions for automation of tasks, whereas a work organization in
which the work is more varied, on the other hand, makes automation more
During recent years a considerable number of attempts to "loosen up" the
assembly line have been made with the help of different innovative
454 arrangements — a point to which we shall return later.
Material stockpiles^ •
Manually controlled •
material-handling —•
system .^^.
production workers there are; but the number of maintenance workers normally
increases at almost the same rate as the number of production workers
Functional layout
A constant element in the three types of system that we have discussed up to
now is the grouping together of production equipment along the production
flow so that different types of machines are placed in the correct order along
the direction of flow. However, if we group the machines in such a way that all
machines of a certain type are concentrated in one department, all machines of
another type in another department, and so on, we obtain a concentration of
each type of operation in one place (this is the "functional layout" referred to
earlier in the book), as illustrated by figure 152. In this layout the product to be
worked is sent through the various departments in turn — the drilling
department, the turning department, the milling department, and so forth.
This type of concentrated operation often occurs in batch production,
where series are short and the products varied.
In this type of production system it is extremely difficult to organize
meaningful group work. In everyday reality each individual is bound to his or
her own individual job and workstation. Genuine group work with spontaneous
interaction between different roles and role occupants is virtually impossible to
bring about. For several decades, this work organization represented the
dominating approach to mixed production with moderately long series. More
recently, however, it has become less common, often being replaced by
product- and flow-oriented organizational systems.
(8) minis' ®
"Lighter" components
are distributed
direct to assembly
Assembly groups /
Engine blocks,
crankshafts and \ /^ /\ / \ / \ i Output of finished
similar engines
components are
placed on the
trolleys which
move along the
track i - i Oo
Uo i i i
L llillt J.
(c^ _— 3) Jj
Assembly trolleys
Line grouping
Parallel grouping
controlled lathe
Station for
Station for
150 types of axle are produced; however, these are based on about ten general
methods, of which the most widely used account for about 65 articles.
The simplest components are manufactured from pre-cut metal pieces
during a single trip through the group. The most complicated components must
go through the group three times. Operatives can easily return parts to the
incoming station with the help of roller conveyor tracks. Two people work in
this group; their work is delineated by the shape of the conveyor.
However, flow-oriented manufacturing in short series requires certain
definite conditions and cannot be used in all situations. For example, a
systematic structuring of the product mix must be made, to make it possible to
channel certain main types of product in a homogeneous flow. Moreover,
production must be of such a nature that an "unbroken flow principle" can be
applied. If it is necessary to break the material flow within the flow group at a
certain operational step and to send components outside the group for working,
the planning will naturally become substantially more complicated.
A key issue in the formation of flow-oriented groups is the degree of
utilization of equipment that can be attained, especially in the case of more
expensive production machinery. Here it is necessary to weigh machine costs
against the costs of tying up capital in everyday work. Recently, the clear trend
is towards a recognition of the fact that tying up capital in goods-in-process
inventories has reached such proportions that the order of priorities has had to
be modified in favour of the use of flow groups.
A further factor of decisive importance is of course the stability of the
product mix. Flow grouping of machinery has to be based on the assumption
that it is possible to foresee that a certain product or product component will be
manufactured in a certain form and according to certain methods. In cases
where there is some uncertainty about these factors, flow grouping is not
In conclusion, we may again emphasize the fact that, in batch production,
there are often excellent reasons for choosing flow grouping of machinery and
operatives rather than functional grouping. The main reasons are that, in
practice, functional grouping is difficult to cope with from an administrative
point of view, that substantial amounts of goods-in-process tie up considerable
working capital and that jobs in a functional shop tend to be boring and
monotonous for workers.
Raw materials
w C/)
0) ai
o 1
3 0)
CD 3'
Finished goods
Here we will discuss three subsystems within the enterprise system which
are all of importance to the work organization of the production system:
D system for product design;
D system for subcontractors and suppliers;
D system for marketing, sales and customer contact.
These three components in the enterprise system are closely connected to
the production system, first because they affect the conditions of the work
organization in the production system, and second because different work
organization alters the conditions affecting these subsystems. In the following
section we intend to examine these subsystems and their relationship to the
work organization.
established, this will influence the conditions affecting the way the work can be
organized. And, conversely, experience and views from product use can affect
the methods of working and judgements in the production system. It is
therefore important to ensure that product design and the work organization in
production interact effectively and work closely together.
Here we examine two aspects of product design which have attracted
considerable attention in recent years:
D design for manufacturing;
D modularization of complex products.
Design for manufacturing
As explained earlier, product design is always an important consideration in
production planning. It has always been part of the preparation and work
planning for industrial production to try to take account of production. For
example, attempts have always been made to select those qualities which not
only satisfy the product requirement, but are also suitable from the point of
view of machining and processing. Selection of materials can affect the work
organization in such areas as which machine in a processing group should be
used, for example.
Recently, more and more attention has been devoted to how complex
products should be designed to make production and assembly easier. An
example of this may be taken from the car industry where in recent years
attempts have been made to adapt the design of the car so that the assembly
work can be organized in a more efficient manner. By adopting this approach,
some Japanese car manufacturers have been able to improve the organizational
efficiency of their assembly plants by changing the sequence of the operations
involved and by modifying the assembly work, for example, to include more
pre-assembly of components. In many of these cases, a more production-
friendly car design has turned out to be an important factor influencing the
design of the work organization in the car factory.
Modularization of complex products
In principle, modularization means that a large number of different products
can be offered to the customer by combining a limited number of standardized
modules in different ways. Modularization was referred to briefly in Chapter
12. As explained earlier, modularization is a means of meeting widely varying
customer demands in a way that enables the manufacturer to improve
production efficiency at low cost. An example may be drawn from the industry
that manufactures prefabricated houses; modularization has been pushed a long
way in the companies' efforts to offer a wide range of choices to the customer
within the framework of relatively standardized production. Wall units, roof
designs, kitchen modules, bathroom modules, garage modules — these are all
examples of structural units which help individual customers to design their
own dream house. But for the manufacturer, modularization means that
effective production groups can be built up which can specialize in the
production of a certain type of module at low cost by using efficient methods.
468 Each team can also be given responsibility for checking the quality of its own
output and, where necessary, carrying out tests of the various systems. A
further consequence of specialization is that highly advanced tools and
mechanical aids can be used.
If product design were not modularized in this way, production of a house
would largely become a matter of handcraft. In the past, these houses were of
course often built on site by a team of building workers who demarcated their
tasks in accordance with the strict craft traditions of earlier times (and it could
take months before the house was built).
With today's production methods, the house can largely be produced
indoors in factories where the work environment is satisfactory. The houses are
then transported in building blocks to the site and erected so quickly that they
can be roofed over in a day or two, or even within hours.
A second example comes from the electrical engineering industry. One
product is an electric control box where circuit breakers, relays, measuring
devices and components for adjusting, measuring and controlling electrical
installations, for example in an industrial enterprise, are all kept together. These
control boxes used to be manufactured according to the specifications laid
down by an individual customer in a specific situation. The manufacturer
produced what the customer wanted and the result was a wide variety of
different products which were manufactured in the relatively old-fashioned
craft tradition. With modularization, however, it became possible to offer
customers almost the same freedom of choice as in the past, but at considerably
lower cost since production could now be organized using efficient production
groups, each producing its own type of module. Another advantage of this
arrangement was that delivery dates were reduced from several months to a
few days.
Both these factors, design for manufacturing and modularization, are
examples of situations where close interaction between production and product
design is important as a means of creating conditions that will improve the
efficiency of the work organization.
Customer-specific products
In many areas of industrial production earlier methods of mass producing
standardized products have been replaced by production of versions
specifically designed for the customer. Even in the car industry much of the
manufacturing is of specific cars for given customers in accordance with
specifications drawn up by this customer. Of course, these specifications are
composed of a number of standardized model and equipment options, but the
combination as such is specific to the customer. This was also made possible
by the adoption of the just-in-time methods mentioned above. Consequently,
delivery dates for a customer-specific car could in fact be reduced to a few weeks.
The customer-specific production naturally brings new and difficult
demands within both the organization of production systems and the sales
The organization of production has to be able to make reliable forecasts of
the mix of different models and equipment options, and it should be able to
revise these plans at frequent intervals. Within the framework of these plans it
must also be capable of producing a mixture of models on the same production
Corresponding demands are made on the ability of the sales organization,
when a model or equipment mix which has been expected in production
deviates noticeably from the actual sales mix, to respond actively and attempt
to influence sales so that they do not deviate too far from the model mix that
the production organization is capable of producing.
Customization of products has therefore brought noticeably more rigorous
demands on the interaction between the production organization and sales
470 organizations. This is the case in many different industrial production contexts.
not only those producing capital goods and consumer goods but also in the
production of services.
Attractive jobs
It is important to be able to offer people jobs that they find attractive and in
which they can feel personally involved. Personal aspirations vary from
individual to individual and from situation to situation, and depend not only on
a person's ambitions and desires but also on his or her abilities, knowledge and
capacity to develop. A production organization must therefore offer a variety of
jobs, so that the desires of as many people as possible can be satisfied and so
that a particular individual can progress from simple jobs to more complex
work roles.
Among the factors that should be considered in any endeavour to create
sufficiently attractive jobs are the following:
(1) The creation of jobs with different degrees of difficulty through flow
orientation, different degrees of subdivision of work and different degrees
of integration of auxiliary tasks. Variations of this kind make it possible to
offer to different individuals at different times jobs that correspond to
their abilities and wishes.
(2) The creation of individual jobs and group arrangements that bring about a
degree of independence in work, through finished manufacturing of entire
products, self-sufficiency of production service functions and buffering
vis-à-vis adjacent systems. This independence is of value both in terms of
the production results obtained and for the way the work is experienced
by individuals in the group. 473
We have briefly touched on some of the trends leading towards new forms of
work organization. We have given some principles and general guidelines. We
have provided some examples and emphasized certain current lines of
development. Finally, we have given some criteria to be borne in mind when
designing good working environments.
It is important, however, to stress the fact that there are no standard
solutions to these problems. Our aim has been merely to put forward a few
ideas, tendencies and general indications of solutions to problems. It must be
remembered that the best solution to a problem can be found only in the
specific circumstances of the particular case — when the actual conditions are
known, when local values are considered and when the persons involved are
able to find their own solutions.
Flow process chart A process chart setting out the sequence of the flow of a product or a
procedure by recording all events under review using the appropriate process chart
Equipment type A flow process chart which records how the equipment is used.
Worker type A flow process chart which records what the worker does.
Material type A flow process chart which records how material is handled or treated.
Flyback timing See Timing.
Idle time That part of attendance time when the worker has work available but for various
reasons does not do it.
Ineffective time That portion of the elapsed time, excluding the check time, spent on any
activity which is not a specified part of a job.
Inside work Elements which can be performed by a worker within the machine- (or process-)
controlled time.
Inspection Indicates an inspection for quality and/or check for quantity.
Interference allowance An allowance of time for production unavoidably lost through
synchronization of stoppages on two or more machines (or processes) attended by one
worker. Similar circumstances arise in teamwork.
Interference time The time when the machine (or process) is idle awaiting attention, while
the worker attends to another machine (or process). Similar circumstances arise in
Jig Holds parts in an exact position and guides the tool that works on them.
Job breakdown A listing of the content of a job by elements.
Load factor The proportion of the overall cycle time required by the worker to carry out the
necessary work at standard performance, during a machine- (or process-) controlled
Machine ancillary time The time when a machine is temporarily out of productive use owing
to change-overs, setting, cleaning, etc.
Machine available time The time during which a machine could work based on attendance
time — i.e. working day or week plus overtime.
Machine capacity The potential volume of a machine, usually expressed in physical units
capable of being produced in any convenient unit of time, e.g. tons per week, pieces per
hour, etc.
Machine-controlled time The time taken to complete that part of the work cycle which is
determined only by technical factors peculiar to the machine.
Machine down time The time during which a machine cannot be operated on production or
ancillary work owing to breakdown, maintenance requirements, or for other similar
Machine effective utilization index
The ratio of: Machine running time at standard
to: Machine available time.
Machine efficiency index
The ratio of: Machine running time at standard
to: Machine running time.
Machine-hour The running of a machine or piece of plant for one hour.
Machine idle time The time during which a machine is available for production or ancillary
work but is not used owing to shortage of work, materials or workers including the time
that the plant is out of balance.
Machine interference The queuing of machines (or processes) for attention — e.g. when one
worker is responsible for attending to more than one machine. Similar circumstances arise
478 in teamwork where random delays at any point may affect the output of the team.
Machine maximum time The maximum possible time during which a machine or group of
machines could work within a given period, e.g. 168 hours in one week or 24 hours in
one day.
Machine running time The time during which a machine is actually operating, i.e. the
machine available time less any machine down time, machine idle time or machine
ancillary time.
Machine running time at standard The running time that should be incurred in producing
the output if the machine is working under optimum conditions.
Machine utilization index
The ratio of: Machine running time
to: Machine available time.
Method study The systematic recording and critical examination of ways of doing things in
order to make improvements.
Methods-time measurement (MTM) A system of predetermined time standards (q.v.).
Multiple activity chart A chart on which the activities of more than one subject (worker,
machine or item of equipment) are each recorded on a common time scale to show their
Multiple machine work Work which requires the worker to attend two or more machines (of
similar or different kinds) running simultaneously.
Observed time The time taken to perform an element or combination of elements obtained by
means of direct measurement.
Operation Indicates the main steps in a process, method or procedure. Usually the part,
material or product concerned is modified or changed during the operation.
Outline process chart A process chart giving an overall picture by recording in sequence
only the main operations and inspections.
Outside work Elements which must necessarily be performed by a worker outside the
machine- (or process-) controlled time.
Permanent storage Controlled storage in which material is received into or issued from a
store under some form of authorization, or an item is retained for reference purposes.
Personal needs allowance A subdivision of the relaxation allowance intended to cater for
attention to personal needs.
Plant and machine control The procedures and means by which efficiency and utilization of
units of plant and machinery are planned and checked.
Policy allowance An increment, other than bonus increment, applied to standard time (or to
some constituent part of it, e.g. work content) to provide a satisfactory level of earnings
for a specified level of performance under exceptional circumstances.
Predetermined time standards (PTS) A work measurement technique whereby times
established for basic human motions (classified according to the nature of the motion and
the conditions under which it is made) are used to build up the time for a job at a defined
level of performance.
Primary questions The first stage of the questioning technique, which queries the
fundamental purpose, place, sequence, person and means of every activity recorded, and
seeks a reason for each reply.
Principles of motion economy Characteristics which, when incorporated in the methods
adopted, make for easier working.
Process charts Charts in which a sequence of events is portrayed diagrammatically by means
of a set of process chart symbols to help a person to visualize a process as a means of
examining and improving it.
Process-controlled time The time taken to complete that part of the work cycle which is
determined only by technical factors peculiar to the process.
Qualified worker One who is accepted as having the necessary physical attributes, who
possesses the required intelligence and education, and who has acquired the necessary 479
skill and knowledge to carry out the work in hand to satisfactory standards of safety,
quantity and quality.
Questioning technique The means by which the critical examination is conducted, each
activity being subjected in turn to a systematic and progressive series of questions.
Random observation method See Work sampling.
(1) The assessment of the worker's rate of working relative to the observer's concept of the
rate corresponding to standard pace.
(2) The numerical value or symbol used to denote the rate of working:
(a) loose rating: an inaccurate rating which is too high;
(b) tight rating: an inaccurate rating which is too low;
(c) inconsistent ratings: a mixture of loose, tight and accurate ratings;
(d) flat ratings: A set of ratings in which the observer has underestimated the variations
in the worker's rate of working;
(e) steep ratings: A set of ratings in which the observer has overestimated the
variations in the worker's rate of working.
Rating scale The series of numerical indices given to various rates of working. The scale is
Ratio-delay study See Work sampling.
Relaxation allowance An addition to the basic time intended to provide the worker with the
opportunity to recover from the physiological and psychological effects of carrying out
specified work under specified conditions and to allow attention to personal needs. The
amount of the allowance will depend on the nature of the job.
Representative worker A worker whose skill and performance is the average of a group
under consideration. He or she is not necessarily a qualified worker.
Restricted work Work in which the output of the worker is limited by factors outside his or
her control.
Secondary questions The second stage of the questioning technique, during which the
answers to the primary questions are subjected to further query to determine whether
possible alternatives of place, sequence, persons and/or means are practicable and
preferable as a means of improvement upon the existing method.
Selected time The time chosen as being representative of a group of times for an element or
group of elements. These times may be either observed or basic and should be denoted as
selected observed or selected basic times.
Setting-up time The time required to prepare a machine for work. It includes the removal of
tools used for the previous tasks, any necessary cleaning of the machine, and the fixing of
tools and fixtures for the new job.
Standard data Tables and formulae derived from the analysis of accumulated work
measurement data, arranged in a form suitable for building up standard times, machine
process times, etc., by synthesis.
Standard performance The rate of output which qualified workers will naturally achieve
without over-exertion as an average over the working day or shift, provided that they
know and adhere to the specified method and provided that they are motivated to apply
themselves to their work. This performance is denoted as 100 on the standard rating and
performance scales.
Standard time The total time in which a job should be completed at standard performance,
i.e. work content, contingency allowance for delay, unoccupied time and interference
allowance, where applicable.
String diagram A scale plan or model on which a thread is used to trace and measure the path
of workers, material or equipment during a specified sequence of events.
Temporary storage or delay A delay in the sequence of events, for example, work waiting
between consecutive operations, or any object laid aside temporarily without record until
480 required.
Time study A work measurement technique for recording the times and rates of working for
the elements of a specified job carried out under specified conditions, and for analysing
the data so as to obtain the time necessary for carrying out the job at a defined level of
Timing The practice of observing and recording, by the use of a watch or other device, the
time taken to complete each element. Three alternative methods of timing with a stop-
watch are:
Cumulative timing A method in which the hands of the stop-watch are allowed to
continue to move without returning them to zero at the end of each element, the time for
each element being obtained subsequently by subtraction.
Differential timing A method for obtaining the time of one or more small elements.
Elements are timed in groups, first including and then excluding each small element, the
time for each element being obtained subsequently by subtraction.
Flyback timing A method in which the hands of the stop-watch are returned to zero at
the end of each element and are allowed to restart immediately, the time for the element
being obtained directly.
Tool allowance An allowance of time, which may be included in a standard time, to cover
adjustment and maintenance of tools.
Transport The movement of workers, materials or equipment from place to place.
Travel chart A tabular record for presenting quantitative data about the movements of
workers, materials or equipment between any number of places over any given period of
Two-handed process chart A process chart in which the activities of a worker's hands (or
limbs) are recorded in their relationship to one another.
Unoccupied time The periods during machine- (or process-) controlled time when a worker is
engaged neither on inside work nor in taking authorized rest, the time for carrying out the
work being calculated at a defined performance.
Unoccupied time allowance An allowance made to a worker when there is unoccupied time
during machine- (or process-) controlled time.
Unrestricted work Work in which the output of the worker is limited only by factors within
the control of the worker.
Work content Basic time + relaxation allowance + any allowance for additional work — e.g.
that part of contingency allowance which represents work.
Work cycle The sequence of elements which are required to perform a job or yield a unit of
production. The sequence may sometimes include occasional elements.
Work factor A system of predetermined time standards (q.v.).
Work-hour The labour of one person for one hour.
Work measurement The application of techniques designed to establish the time for a
qualified worker to carry out a task at a defined rate of working.
Work sampling A method of finding the percentage occurrence of a certain activity by
statistical sampling and random observations. (Work sampling is also known as ratio-
delay study; observation ratio study; snap-reading method; random observation method;
and activity sampling.)
Work specification A document setting out the details of an operation or job, how it is to be
performed, the layout of the workplace, particulars of machines, tools and appliances to
be used, and the duties and responsibilities of the worker. The standard time or allowed
time assigned to the job is normally included.
Work study The systematic examination of the methods of carrying on activities so as to
improve the effective use of resources and to set up standards of performance for the
activities being carried out.
Workplace layout A convenient term used to describe the space and the arrangement of
facilities and conditions provided for a worker in the performance of a specified job. 481
Most of the questions listed below apply generally to method study investigations. They
amplify the questioning procedure described in Chapter 7 and may be of service in suggesting to
study persons aspects of the method which might otherwise be overlooked. The questions are
listed under the following headings:
A. Operations F. Materials handling
B. Products and parts design G. Work organization
C. Quality requirements H. Working conditions
D. Materials utilization I. Job enrichment
E. Workplace layout
A. Operations
1. What is the purpose of the operation?
2. Is the result obtained by the operation necessary? If so, what makes it necessary?
3. Is the operation necessary because the previous operation was not performed
4. Is the operation instituted to correct a condition that has now been corrected
5. If the operation is being carried out to improve appearance, does the additional cost
give extra saleability?
6. Can the purpose of the operation be obtained in another way?
7. Is the operation being performed to satisfy the requirements of all users of the
product, or is it made necessary by the requirements of one or two customers only?
8. Does a subsequent operation eliminate the necessity for this operation?
9. Was the operation established to reduce the cost of a previous operation, or a
subsequent operation?
10. Would adding a further operation make other operations easier to perform?
11. Is there another way to perform the operation and maintain the same or even better
12. Have conditions changed since the operation was added to the process?
13. Could the operation be combined with a previous or a subsequent operation?
14. Can the operation analysed be combined with another operation? Can it be
15. Can it be broken up and the various parts of the operation added to other
16. Can a part of the operation being performed be completed more effectively as a
separate operation?
17. Is the sequence of operations the best possible or would changing the sequence
improve the operation?
18. Could the operation be done in another department to save the cost of handling?
19. If the operation is changed, what effect will it have on the other operations? On the
finished product? 483
20. If a different method of producing the part can be used, will it justify all the work
and activity involved?
21. Can the operation and inspection be combined?
B. Products and parts design
1. Can the design be changed to simplify or eliminate the operation?
2. Can the number of component parts be reduced?
3. Can certain component parts be standardized?
4. Can a standard part be substituted by another cheaper or better material?
5. Has Pareto analysis been used to detect the products or parts that are most
C. Quality requirements
1. Has an agreement been reached by all concerned as to what constitutes acceptable
2. What are the inspection requirements for this operation?
3. Can the operative inspect his or her own work?
4. Are tolerance and other standards appropriate?
5. Can standards be raised to improve quality without unnecessary cost?
6. Will lowering standards reduce cost considerably?
7. Can the finished quality of the product be improved in any way above the present
8. Can the quality be improved by using new processes?
9. Are the same standards necessary for all customers?
10. Will change in standards and inspection requirements increase or decrease the
defective work and expense in the operation, shop or field?
11. What are the main causes of rejections for the part?
12. Would a change in the composition of a product render it less susceptible to quality
D. Materials utilization
1. Is the material being used really suitable for the job?
2. Could a less expensive material be substituted and still do the job?
3. Could a lighter-gauge material be used?
4. Is the material purchased in a condition suitable for use?
5. Could the supplier perform additional work on the material that would improve
usage and decrease waste?
6. Is the material sufficiently clean?
7. Is the material bought in amounts and sizes that give the greatest utilization and
limit scrap, offcuts and short ends?
8. Is the material used to the best possible advantage during cutting, processing?
9. Are indirect materials used in connection with the process — oils, water, acids,
paint, gas, compressed air, electricity — suitable, and is their use controlled and
10. How does the cost of material compare with the cost of labour?
11. Can the design be changed to eliminate excessive loss and scrap material?
12. Can the number of materials used be reduced by standardization?
13. Can the part be made from scrap material or offcuts?
14. Can the scrap be salvaged for further processing?
15. Can the scrap be sorted out for sales at higher price?
16. Is the supplier of the material performing operations on it which are not necessary
for the process?
484 17. Is the material supplied of consistent quality?
18. Could a more careful inspection of incoming materials decrease difficulties now
being encountered in processing?
19. Is the material free from sharp edges and burrs?
20. What effect does storage have on material?
21. Could sampling inspection combined with supplier rating reduce inspection costs
and delays?
22. Could the part be made more economically from offcuts in some other gauge of
E. Workplace layout
1. Does the plant layout aid efficient material handling?
2. Does the plant layout allow efficient maintenance?
3. Does the plant layout provide adequate safety?
4. Is the plant layout suitable for appropriate sequencing of operation? Can parts of an
intermittent operation be changed to a line operation layout for major products or
5. Does the plant layout help social interaction between the operatives?
6. Are materials conveniently placed at the workplace?
7. Are tools pre-positioned to save mental delay?
8. Are suitable jigs and fixtures available at the workplace to facilitate work,
particularly in assembly operations?
9. Are adequate working surfaces provided for subsidiary operations, e.g. inspection
and deburring?
10. Are facilities provided for the removal and storage of scrap and waste?
11. Is adequate provision made for the comfort of the operative, e.g. fan, duckboard or
12. Is the lighting adequate for the job?
13. Has provision been made for the storage of tools and gauges?
14. Has provision been made for the storage of the operatives' personal belongings?
F. Materials handling
1. Is the time spent in bringing material to the workstation and in removing it large in
proportion to the time used to handle it at the workstation?
2. If not, could material handling be done by the operatives to provide a rest through
change of occupation?
3. Should hand, electric or fork-lift trucks, or conveyors or chutes be used?
4. Should special racks, containers or pallets be designed to permit the handling of
material with ease and without damage?
5. Where should incoming and outgoing materials be located in the work area?
6. Can material be dispatched from a central point by means of a conveyor?
7. Is the size of the container suitable for the amount of material transported?
8. Can a container be designed to make material more accessible?
9. Could a container be placed at the workstation without removing the material?
10. If an overhead travelling crane is used, is the service prompt and accurate?
11. Can gravity be utilized by starting the first operation at a higher level, and using
suitable chutes or conveyors?
12. Are truck loading and unloading stations located appropriately?
13. Would a turntable eliminate walking?
14. Can incoming raw material be delivered at the first workstation to save double
15. Could operations be combined at one workstation to save double handling?
16. Would a container of standard size eliminate weighing? 485
17. Are containers uniform to permit stacking and eliminate excessive use of floor
18. Could material be bought in a more convenient size for handling?
19. Would signals, i.e. lights, bells, etc., notifying workers that more material is
required, save delay?
20. Can the location of stores and stockpiles be altered to reduce handling and
G. Work organization
1. How is the job assigned to the operative?
2. Are things so well controlled that the operative is never without a job to do?
3. How is the operative given instructions?
4. How is material obtained?
5. How are drawings and tools issued?
6. Is there a control on time? If so, how are the starting and finishing times of the job
7. Are there many possibilities for delays at the drawing-room, tool-room and store-
8. Is the material properly positioned?
9. If the operation is being performed continually, how much time is wasted at the
start and end of the shift by preliminary operations and cleaning up?
10. What clerical work is required from operatives for filling in time cards, material
requisitions and the like? Can some of these operations be computerized?
11. How is defective work handled?
12. How is the issue and servicing of tools organized?
13. Are adequate records kept on the performance of operatives?
14. Are new employees properly introduced to their surroundings and do they receive
sufficient instruction?
15. When workers do not reach a standard of performance, are the details investigated?
16. Are suggestions from workers encouraged?
17. Do the workers really understand the incentive plan under which they work?
H. Working conditions
1. Is the lighting even and sufficient at all times?
2. Has glare been eliminated from the workplace?
3. Is the proper temperature for comfort provided at all times? If not, can fans or
heaters be used?
4. Would installation of air-conditioning equipment be justified?
5. Can noise levels be reduced?
6. Can fumes, smoke and dirt be removed by exhaust systems?
7. If concrete floors are used, are duckboards or matting provided to make standing
more comfortable?
8. Can a chair be provided?
9. Are drinking fountains with cool water provided and are they located nearby?
10. Has due consideration been given to safety factors?
11. Is the floor safe, smooth but not slippery?
12. Has the operative been taught to work safely?
13. Is the clothing suitable from a safety standpoint?
14. Does the plant present a neat and orderly appearance at all times?
15. How thoroughly is the workplace cleaned?
16. Is the plant unduly cold in winter, or stuffy in summer, especially on the first
morning of the week?
486 17. Are dangerous processes adequately guarded?
I. Job enrichment
1. Is the job boring or monotonous?
2. Can the operation be made more interesting?
3. Can the operation be combined with previous or subsequent operations to enlarge
4. What is the cycle time?
5. Can the operative do his or her own setting?
6. Can the operative do his or her own inspection?
7. Can the operative deburr his or her own work?
8. Can the operative service his or her own tools?
9. Can the operative be given a batch of tasks and do his or her own scheduling?
10. Can the operative make the complete part?
11. Is job rotation possible and desirable?
12. Can group work be encouraged?
13. Are flexible working hours possible and desirable?
14. Can buffer stock be provided to allow variations in work pace?
15. Does the operative receive regular information about his or her performance?
This appendix is based on information supplied by Peter Steele and Partners (United
Kingdom). Similar tables have been developed by various institutions such as REFA (Germany)
and by other consulting firms.
Relaxation allowances may be determined by means of the tables of comparative strains
and the points conversion table reproduced in this appendix. The analysis should proceed as follows :
(1) For the element of work under consideration, determine the severity of the strain imposed
under each subheading of the table of strains below, by reference to the tables of
comparative strains.
(2) Allocate points as indicated and determine the total points for the strains imposed by the
performance of the element of work.
(3) Read off from the points, conversion table the appropriate relaxation allowance.
B. Me/ita/sira/ns
1. Concentration/anxiety 0-4 5-10 11-16
2. Monotony 0-2 3-7 8-10
3. Eye strain 0-5 6-11 12-20
4. Noise 0-2 3-7 8-10
The number of points allocated for the average force exerted will depend upon the type of
stress involved. Stresses are classified as follows:
(a) Medium stress
(i) where the work is primarily concerned with carrying or supporting loads;
(ii) shovelling, swinging hammers and other rhythmical movements.
This category covers most operations.
(b) Low stress
(i) where the weight of the body is transferred in order to exert force, e.g. foot-pedal
operation, pressing an article, with the body, against a buff;
(ii) supporting or carrying well-balanced loads strapped to the body or hung from the
shoulders; arms and hands free.
(c) High stress
(i) where the work is primarily concerned with lifting;
(ii) exerting the force by continued use of certain muscles of fingers and arms;
(iii) lifting or supporting loads in awkward attitudes, manipulation of heavy weights
into awkward positions;
(iv) operations in hot conditions, hot metalworking, etc.
Relaxation allowances should be awarded in this category only after every endeavour has
490 been made to improve facilities which will make the physical task lighter.
Table 11. Med urn stress Points for average force exerted
lb. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
0 0 0 0 0 3 6 8 10 12 14
10 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
20 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 32 33
30 34 35 36 37 38 39 39 40 41 41
40 42 43 44 45 46 46 47 48 49 50
50 50 51 51 52 53 54 54 55 56 56
60 57 58 59 59 60 .61 61 62 63 64
70 64 65 65 66 67 68 69 70 70 71
80 72 72 72 73 73 74 74 75 76 76
90 77 78 79 79 80 80 81 82 82 83
100 84 85 86 86 87 88 88 88 89 90
110 91 92 93 94 95 95 96 96 97 97
lb. 0 i 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
0 0 0 0 0 3 6 7 8 9 10
10 11 12 13 14 14 15 16 16 17 18
20 19 19 20 21 22 22 23 23 24 25
30 26 26 27 27 28 28 29 30 31 31
40 32 32 33 34 34 35 35 36 36 37
50 38 38 39 39 40 41 41 42 42 43
60 43 43 44 44 45 46 46 47 47 48
70 48 49 50 50 50 51 51 52 52 53
80 54 54 54 55 55 56 56 57 58 58
90 58 59 59 60 60 60 61 62 62 63
100 63 63 64 65 65 66 66 66 67 67
110 68 68 68 69 69 70 71 71 71 72
120 72 73 73 73 74 74 75 75 76 76
130 77 77 77 78 78 78 79 80 80 81
140 81 82 82 82 83 83 84 84 84 85
Table IV. H igh stress: Points for average force exe rted
lb. 0 1 2 3 3-4 4 5 6 7 8 9
0 0 0 0 3 6 8 11 13 15 17 18
10 20 21 22 24 25 27 28 29 30 32
20 33 34 35 37 38 39 40 41 43 44
30 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 54 55
40 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65
50 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75
60 76 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84
70 85 86 87 88 88 89 90 91 92 93
80 94 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 101
90 102 103 104 105 105 106 107 108 109 110
100 110 111 112 113 114 115 115 116 117 118
110 119 119 120 121 122 123 124 124 125 126
120 127 128 128 129 130 130 131 132 133 134
130 135 136 136 137 137 138 139 140 141 142
140 142 143 143 144 145 146 147 148 148 149
A study should be made of the elements in relation to low, medium and high stress
conditions. The points to be allocated, according to the type of stress and the average force
applied, are set out in tables II to IV.
Example: If the weight carried is 25 lb.:
(i) determine the type of the stress involved (medium, low or high);
(ii) in the left-hand column of the table for the type of stress (tables II, III or IV), find
the line for 20 lb.;
(iii) on this line, move across the table to the right, to column 5;
(iv) read off the points allocation for 25 lb. carried, which is:
table II, medium stress: 30 points;
table III, low stress: 22 points;
table IV, high stress: 39 points.
Grinder's goggles 3
B. Mental strains
Humidity Temperature
(per cent)
Up to 75 0 6-9 12-16
76-85 1-3 8-12 15-26
Over 85 4.6 12-17 20-36
Office work
Normal assembly operations 0
Office duplicators 1
Refuse collection 2
Stripping internal combustion engine 4
Work under old motor vehicle 5
Unloading bags of cement 7
Chimney-sweep with brushes
Points 0 i 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
0 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 11 11 11
10 11 11 11 11 11 12 12 12 12 12
20 13 13 13 13 14 14 14 14 15 15
30 15 16 16 16 17 17 17 18 18 18
40 19 19 20 20 21 21 22 22 23 23
50 24 24 25 26 26 27 27 28 28 29
60 30 30 31 32 32 33 34 34 35 36
70 37 37 38 39 40 40 41 42 43 44
80 45 46 47 48 48 49 50 51 52 53
90 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63
100 64 65 66 68 69 70 71 72 73 74
110 75 77 78 79 80 82 83 84 85 87 497
Points 0 i 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
120 88 89 91 92 93 95 96 97 99 100
130 101 103 105 106 107 109 110 112 113 115
140 116 118 119 121 122 123 125 126 128 130
Example: If the total number of points allocated for the various strains is 37:
(i) in the left-hand column of table V, find the line for 30;
(ii) on this line, move across the table to the right, to column 7;
(ill) read off the relaxation allowance for 37 points, which is 18 per cent.
A. Physical strains
1. Average force (lb.) — — M 50 — —
2. Posture L 4 M 5 L 2
3. Vibration L 2 L — — —
4. Short cycle H 10 L — — —
5. Restrictive clothing — — — — — —
B. Mental strains
1. Concentration/anxiety M 6 L 1 H 10
2. Monotony M 6 L 1 L 2
3. Eye strain L 3 — — L 2
4. Noise M 4 L — L 1
C. Working conditions
1. Temperature/humidity — — LA 1 LVL 3
2. Ventilation — — — — — —
3. Fumes — — — — — —
4. Dust — — H 9 — —
5. Dirt M 3 L — — —
6. Wet — — L — — —
Total points 38 68 20
Relaxation allowance, including tea
498 breaks (per cent) 18 35 13
Conversion factors
Yards Feet 3
Yards Metres 0.914
Poles Yards 5.502
Poles Metres 5.029
Furlongs Miles 0.125
Furlongs Kilometres 0.201
Liquid measure
Selected bibliography
Agurén, S. et al. The Volvo Kalmar plant: The impact of new design on work organization
(Stockholm, Rationalization Council-Swedish Employers' Confederation-Swedish Trade
Union Confederation, 1976).
Alie, J.A. "Who designs work?", in Technology in Society (Newark, New Jersey), 12 (1990),
pp. 301-312.
Apple, James M. Plant layout and materials handling (London, John Wiley, 3rd éd., 1977).
Banks, J. Principles of quality control (London, John Wiley, 1989).
Barnes, Ralph M. Motion and time study: Design and measurement of work (New York and
London, John Wiley, 7th éd., 1980).
Biemans, F.P.M. Manufacturing planning and control: A reference model (Amsterdam,
Elsevier, 1990).
British Standards Institution. Glossary of terms used in work management services, BS 3138
(London, 1991).
Buffa, Elwood S,; Sarin, Rakesh K. Modern production operations management (New York,
JohnWiley, 8thed., 1987).
Burbridge, John L. Production flow analysis for planning group technology (Oxford, Clarendon
Press, 1989).
Butera, F.; Thurman, J.E. (eds.). Automation and work design (Amsterdam, North-Holland,
Carpentier, J.; Cazamian, P. Night work: Its effects on the health and welfare of the worker
(Geneva, ILO, 1977).
Carson, G.B. (éd.) et al. Production handbook (New York, Ronald Press, 3rd éd., 1972).
Cerato, Luigi et al. La fabrica: Camminando con l'innovazione (Rome, ENFAPI, 1987).
Clerc, J.-M. (éd.). Introduction to working conditions and environment (Geneva, ILO, 1985).
Crossan, R.M.; Nance, H.W. Master standard data: The economic approach to work
measurement (New York and London, McGraw-Hill, 2nd éd., 1972).
Currie, R.M. Financial incentives based on work measurement, revised J.E. Faraday (London,
British Institute of Management, 2nd éd., 1971).
. Work study, revised J.E. Faraday (London, Pitman, 4th éd., 1977).
Dehmand, Khosrow. Quality control, robust design, and the Taguchi method (London,
Wadsworth, 1988).
Del Mar, D. Operations and industrial management: Designing and managing for productivity
(New York, McGraw-Hill, 1985).
Eastman. Materials handling (New York, Dekker, Marcel Inc., 1987).
Ebel, Karl H. Computer-integrated manufacturing: The social dimension (Geneva, ILO, 1990).
Edosomwan, Johnson (éd.). People and product management in manufacturing (Amsterdam,
Elsevier Science Publishers, 1990).
Edwards, G.A.B. Readings in group technology (Brighton, Sussex, Machinery Publishing Co.,
El Wakil, Sherif D. Processes and design for manuacturing (Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey,
Prentice Hall, 1989). 503
Note : Illustrations and tables are indicated by italic page numbers; major text sections by bold
contingency allowances 327, 333-334 cycle diagrams (for restricted work) 349,
definition of 333,477 349-350, 352, 379
maximum percentage 327, 334 cyclegraph 82, 156
misuse of 334
continuation sheet (for time study) 273,
274 daily rest periods 67
example of use 366-369 data capture devices 268
continuous production see also electronic study boards
examples 222,225 daylight
meaning of term 222, 223 supplementation with artificial lighting
production planning and control in 46
222, 223 decentralization of production 472-473
see also line production
decimal-minute stop-watch 266, 267
control charts 197
decoupling of worker-machine systems
control statements 439 448-451
controls auxilary equipment used 449-451
ergonomie design of 66, 149 cooperation for 451
conversion factors mechanization used 448-449
area units 499-500 definition of new method 21, 22,161-162
length units 499 delay activities
liquid measures 500-501 definition of 83, 480
MTM rating 387 examples S5
rating scales 310 symbol for 83, 85,150
volume units 500
weight units 501 design changes/faults
excess work content caused by \\, 14
conveyors 207,210 see also product design
cost considerations designers
inventory control 229,230, 231 discussion with 156
material-handling equipment 209
networking planning 227 desktop publishing
selection of work to be studied 76-77 misuse of 180
cost savings development of new/improved layout/
summary on flow process chart 707, method 21, 22,75,105-108,156-158
108 aircraft-parts-inspection example 105,
courses on work study 27, 28, 31 catalyst-inspection example 122-123
craft skill finish-milling example 125, 126
timing affected by 285 glass-tube-cutting example 153,154
cranes and hoists 208,210 glue-bone-crusher example 130,131
CRANK moúon 393-394 hospital-dinner example 120
time standard for 388 office work 174-175
critical examination of data 94-105 tile-storage example 113,115, 116
see also examination of data diagrams showing movement 82,109-137
Critical Path Method (CPM) 225-227 see also chronocyclegraph; cyclegraph;
crash times used 227, 227 flow; string diagram; travel chart
floating activities in 226 dial displays 149
network diagrams 225, 226,228 ergonomics of 64
cross chart 204, 205 differential timing 296, 481
cumulative timing dirty conditions
accuracy of 296 relaxation allowance affected by 496-
advantages of 295, 312 497
calculation of basic time 316 diseases
meaning of term 294,481 work-related 38-39
customer DISENGAGE action (MTM-1)
integration into production system 471 time standards for 405
customer service programmes 184 dismantling allowance 335
customer-specific production 470-471 displays 509
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