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S SEWON Q&TECH CO.,LTD. | HEAD OFFICEFACTORY “4036-2. CHUNCOK-MI, UCHON-MVUN, KIMHAE, KVEONGNAMKOREA62-540 Teli + 8355335:5894~7 Fax: 1935553233098 jw seworrindco kr Ere opeaamececale 1m SEOUL OFFICE KARAK-DONG, SONGPA-CU, 3-960 Fax: 83406-7022 Emuilhelpdesigangecolr BSEWON A FLAME (CoS Deflagration Flame Arrester * a4 ac} Naa ail SFO cae Detonation Flame Arrester * ——— FD Ra) Flame Check * ca FLAME ARRESTER Se Ua Uae Lie Flame Arrester ‘The flame arrester is a device fitted to the opening of an enclosure or to the connection pipework of a system of ‘enclosures and whose intended functon is to allow gas flow but prevent the transmission of lame propagation, Sewon flame arresters can be used to prevent flame propagation in the presence of explosive atmospheres, ¢. piping, breathers and fling and emptying tines that are not full of liquid at all times. If the formation of a hazardous oxplosive atmosphere cannot be avoided, 0.9. in a non-explosion proof container for flammable liquids, arrangements to arrest flame transmission must be made at Permanent openings communicating with places where sources of ignition can be expected to occur and allowing an explosion to be transmitted to the container. ‘Sewon crimped ribbon arrester slop the propagation of a flame by absorbing and dissipation heat through the surface area ofthe flame element by lowering the gas temperature below its ignition temperature. Deflagration & Detonation Flame Arrester Flame arresting devices are classified as defiagration proof and detonation proof. Deflagration Flame Arrester Flame arrester designed to prevent the transmission of a detlagration |__ A dettagration is the most common mode of flame propagation in accidental gas | explosions. lis defined as an explosion whore the combustion wave propagatos at subsonic velocities relative to the unburned gas immediately ahead of the flame. The explosion pressure will range from a few mbar to several bar, depending on the flame speed. For strong deflagrations, shock waves may propagate ahead of the | deflagration, Detonation Flame Arrester Flame arrester designed to prevent the transmission of a detonation, ‘A detonation is the most devastating form of gas explasion... A detonation is defined as an explosion Propagating at supersonic velocity and characterized by a shock wave. The gas ahead of a detonation is therefore undisturbed by the detonation wave. ‘Stable detonation ‘Detonation is stable when it progresses through a confined system without significant variation of velocity and pressure characteristics. In fuel-air mixtures at atmospheric condition, typical velocties range between ‘1600m’soc and 2200m/sac and the poak prossure is 15.20 bar. Unstable detonation Detonation is unstable during the transition of a combustion process from a deflagration into a stable ‘detonation. The transition occurs in a limited spatial zone where the velocity of the combustion wave snot constant and where the expiosion pressure is scientficaly higher than in a stable detonation. ‘The position of this transition zone depends on, among other things, the pipe diameter, pipe configuration, test gas and explosion group, and may be established by experiment in each case. 1 Thisinfomaton sonnel ria eae thane now aie Types of ignition source European Stancard EN 1127-1 distinguishes thiteen types of ignition source: 4, Hotsurfaces 8. Radio trequer 2 Fames and hot gases aves ran ogra 005 es 3 Mechanically sparks 9. Electromagnetic waves from G00 GHz to 9 x 106 GHz 4 Blectreal apparatus 10. lonizing rackaton 5 Say electical currents, caheckccorosion pretation 1 Urasones 8 Sin eocmaty 12. Adiabatic compression and shock waves 5 tgheg 18. Chemical reactions, including sel-igntion of dusts Its very important to take certain precautions in order to avoid any effective ignition sources under normal operating conditions. Selection of Flame Arrester based on Gas Groups ‘The flame arrester capabiliy of an explosive gas mixture depends on Maximum Experimental Safe Gap(MESG), and it is segmented into three different gas groups Group IIA, lIB and lIC based on the MESG in European ‘Standard. “ti Table 1 Erm Sees 24-Pentanedione, 2-Diethylaminoatnanol, 2-Fertanone, 2-Pexanone, 2-Propandl, 4-Hydroxy-4-Methy-2- Pontanone , Acateldehyde, Acetic acid, Acetone, Acetonitile, Acsiylchloride, Allyctioride, Ammonia, WA, (MESG > 090mm) Etnybenzene, Ettyeydobutane, Ethycycobexane, Etnycyciopentane, . Ethyimercaplane, Etiyimethacryate, Ethyllamine, Heplane, Heptanol Hexane, Hexanol. Kercsene, Metaldehyde, Methane, Methanol, Metry! r-amyl ketone. Mativiactate, ‘Nethylarine, Methyloclobutane, Propylene, Propyimercapiare, Pyridine, Slyrene, Tetrahydrothioghere, Thiophane, Toluene, Toluidine, ‘Tiehyiamina, Trmethylamine, Trmettyberzene, Tupertine, Viylchirde, Vnjacotate, Xylene 1.3 Butadiene. 13.5-Torane, 13-Dioxolane, 1 4-Diotane, Acnfaldehyde. Acnfonitie, Buy Qycoate, Carbon ie {Boroxide, Crotaaldehyco, Diether Distr, Enichloroydmn, Ettanethio, (eso! Dsomm) | Ettviacyiate, Ethylene, Ethyleneoxde, Ettyimethyether. Ethylmetnyketone, Furan, Hydrogen cyanide. |kopropenybonzene Iscpropynivae, Methylacryat, Nivoathane, Propare-t-l, Pree oxde. Propyne. Totaionetiylene Térahysretivan,Tetahyrcriyl loch ‘Acetylene. Carton dsitide. Hydrogen tic (MESG <0.50mm) ‘Noie) The flame arrester must be selected with smallesi MESG for mixtrue of several gases. ‘The Explosion Gas Group is also defined in US NFPA 497 “Recommended Practice for the Classification of Flammable Liquids, Gases, or Vapors and of Hazardous (Classified) Locations for Electrical Installations in Chemical Process Areas” Table 2 Spon ed Group —_| pooyiene ‘Flammable gas, flammable Nquid produced vaper, or comustbe Iquld produced vapor mixed wit air hat may Group B | bum orexplcde, navig einer a MESG valve less than or equal to 0.45 mm or a minimum gating cutentrato ss than or equal to 40, A typical gas i hycrogen. FFammable gas, tanrnatie iqud produced vapor, or combustbie Iqud produced vapor mie wih air that may Group G —_| bum or expoce, having einer a MESG value oseter than O45 rm and less than or equal 0.75 mim, oF & rinmur ghting current ato greater than 040 and ess han cr equal 00.60 A typical Gass etre. Fanmatle gs, ammatie kal produced var, of combust Inkl peduced vans med wih a that may Group D ‘or expoce, having ether a MESG valie gieaer than 0.75 mm or a minimum igniting curent rato greater than080 Apa ps propane 1 Ths iefomationcotsned erin ic eect to change een sce HaLSSuYV SINVIS NOLLVYOV1s3a0 Sees OM AIPA CUMS RCL MS NOMINAL SIZE CONNECTIONS m 3A", 1", 1-12", 2", 3", 4", 6,8", 10", and 12" 1 ANSV/ASME 8165 Class 150 Flange Other sizes are available upon request. KSWIS 10K Flange @ Available EN12874:2001 Certified Model Protest storage tank or system from potental ignition source Easy installation and simple mechanism Available in size 3/4" t0 12" Selt-opening Weather hood Mechanism when buming Condition occurred . Driling conforming to ANSI/ASME 816.5 for ee Glass 150 Fianges. or KSWIS 10K Flanges: Cher standards are available on customer's request. SI2E8"ttvoun 12 size 9" Prog? © Seen Installation Vertical Ty End:-o-ne thame arrestor Giassticaion Deflagration fame arrester Normal working prassure Below 1.0 barg(standand specication, Expiosion gas group lA(stancaid), \IB/liG(ior special application) MATERIALS ry E Sli hi STANDARD BODY _GASEON STEEL 304 SS, 3105'S, ALUMNUM __HASTELLOY", ALLOY20. MONEL, INCONEL FLAME ELEMENT S04S.S. 9168S HASTIELLOY®, ALLOY20 MONEL, INCONEL ELEMENT HOUSING __ 3085.5,5168S. HASTELLOY", ALLOY20 MONEL, INGONEL WHETHER HOOD ALUMINUM 9048S 91688 | aa. BOLT AND NUT G5, 90088. a165s Other special materials are available upon customer's request Hastelloy "Is the registered trademark of Haynes intemational, Inc BASIC ORDERING INFORMATION 1. Model and Type 2. Fluid Handling 3. Operating Temperature & Pressure ranges 4, Size and Connection 5. Material 1 Tintin sonia ni aie ng te ee en MODEL SFG FLAME ARRESTER e = Sewon SFG Flame Arrester, In-line NOMINAL SIZE CONNECTIONS m 17,112", 2", 3°, 4",6", 8", 10°, and 12° 1 ANSI/ASME B16.5 Class 150 Flange 14’through 40” sizes are available upon request. KS/JIS 10K Flange Available EN12874:2001 Certfied Mode! Protect process line or system from potential ignition source Easy installation and simple mechanism Avaliable in size 1” to 40° Drilling conforming to ANSVASME B16.5 for class 150 ‘langes, or KSUJIS 10K flanges. ‘Other standards are available on customer's request. > Consult our factory for special application. © eS Instatlation Vertical, recommend Required drain plug for horizontal installation Type In-line flame arrester Classification Dellagration flame arrester, Bi-directional Optional equipment ‘Temperature monitoring sensor Normal working pressure Below 1.0 barg(standard specification) Explosion gas group WiA(standard), IIB/IIC(or special application) > Other spacifications are available. Consult our factory. MATERIALS: ee) aS er ~ BODY ——_|_CAPBONSTERL_004585,01685, UNUM OW", ALO a, FLAME ELEMENT 9048.8 3168.5 HASTELLOY". ALLOY 20, MONEL, INCONEL ELEMENT HOUSING 9048.5, 9168S HASTELLOY™. ALLOY 20, MONEL, INCONEL ~ STUD BOLT AND NUT C5, 9438 36 88 » Other Special materials are avaliable upon customer's request Hastelloy ” Is he registered trademark of Haynes international, Inc, BASIC ORDERING INFORMATION 4, Model and Type 2. Fluid Handling 3. Operating Temperature & Pressure ranges 4, Size and Connection 5. Material §, Distance from potential ignition source 1 Thich cual hi lt to ng ita on SN 2ESRHUY anvTy NoUWHOYTUaG HaLSSuYV SINVIS NOLLVYOV1s3a0 Sewon SFE Flame Arrester, In-line NOMINAL SIZE CONNECTIONS im 1-12", 2",3" im ANSV/ASME B16.5 Class 150 Flange m 14°through 20” sizes are available upon request. m KSWIS 10K Flange. Protect process line or system from potential ignition source: Available in size 1-1/2" to 20" Drilling conforming to ANSI/ASME B16.5 For class 150 flanges, ot KS/JIS 10K flanges. Other standards are available ‘on customer's request. » Consult our factory for special application. © Bp=clmenens Installation Horizontal Type Indine flame arester Classicaion Dellagration fame arrester, B-diectional Normal working pressure Below 1.0 barg(standard specification) Explosion gas group ilAetenear), IB/ICttor special application) > Other specifications are available. consult our factory. MATERIALS: Prey aiid aaa Boo Po BODY CAMEO STEEL 20488, 0108, ALUMINUM | HASTELLOY', ALLO¥A) MOREL NCONEL FUE ELEMENT missense Te TRSEIG. ALDVau MCREL NOTE ELEMENT HOUSING W485 3158S [HASTELLOY®, ALLOY2n NONEL, NCONEL STUD BOLT AND NUT CS.00885 316 SS > Other Special materials ate available upon customer's request Hasteloy "is the registered trademark of Haynes intematianal, Inc. BASIC ORDERING INFORMATION 1. Model and Type 2. Fluid Handling 3. Operating Temperature & Pressure ranges 4, Size and Connection 5. Material 6. Distance from potential ignition source 1 Tianna ni aie ng te 6", 8", 10", and 12" CONNECTIONS mKSUUIS 10K Flange Protect process line or system trom potential ignition source Designed easy periodic inspection and maintenance Avaliable in size 1-1/2" to 20° Drilling conforming to ANSVASME B16.5 for class 150 ‘langes, or KSWJIS 10K tlanges. Other standards are available on customer's request, > Consult our tactory for special application. m ANSI/ASME B16.5 Class 150 Flange Installation Vertical, recommend Required drain plug for horizontal installation Type In-line flame arrester Classification Detlagration flame arrester, Bi-directonal Normal working pressure Below 1,0 barg(standard specification) Explosion gas group WA(standard) > Other specifications are available, consult our factory. MATERIALS, ae) seal ined STANDARO Cat BOoY CARBONSTERL,9048S,916SS ALUMINUM | _HASTELLOY®, ALLOY 20, MONEL INCONEL FLAME ELEMENT __ ELEMENT HOUSING: 3048S 1688 BOLT AND NUT CS, 0485) » Other Special materials are avaliable upon customer's request Hastelloy® is the registered trademark of Haynes International, lnc BASIC ORDERING INFORMATION . Model and Type . Fluid Handing Material pusens Operating Temperature & Pressure ranges. Size and Connection . Distance from potential ignition source 1 Tiina hi ltt ng that on I ««EBISUEY anvTa NouvuovIsaG HaLSSuYV SINVIS NOLLVYOV1s3a0 MODEL SFO FLAME ARR Sewon SFO Flame Arrester, End-of-line NOMINAL SIZE m 1-1/2", 2", 2-410", 3"and 4° 1m Band with stainless steel hose clamp. = Other sizes are available upon request. CONNECTIONS Protest flashback at end-ot-ine of small pipe Higher performance compare to wire screen flame arrester Connect direcily with stainless steel hose damp Designed easy inspection and maintenance > Consult our factory for special application, e Seecmee) Installation End-otline Classification Flame arrester for deflagration, directional Explosion gas group, WA > Other specifications are avaliable, consult our factory. MATERIALS Poca Louth! Bae) BODY 2048.8 316 SS FLAME ELEMENT 90485, 3158S HASTELLOY®, ALLOY20 NONEL, INCONEL > Other specia) materials are avallable ypon customer's request. ‘Hasteloy” is ne registered trademark of Haynes intemtional, Inc BASIC ORDERING INFORMATION 1. Modal and Type 2 Fluid Handling 3. Operating Temperature & Pressure ranges 4. Size and Connection 5. Material MODEL SFL FLAME ARRESTER . Eos i Me Weak COLA) NOMINAL SIZE CONNECTIONS m 3/4", 4", 1-122", 2", 3°, 4", 6", 8", 10"and 12° m ANSI/ASME B16.5 Class 150 Flange @ Other sizes are available upon request. m KSHJIS 10K Flange ‘Sewon SFL perforated plate flame arrester is used ormarly for dellagration arresters. The perforated plate is stainless steel as standard material. The flame arresters are available with a wide range of hole diameters and plate thicknesses. Protect storage tank or system trom poteniiat ignition source Easy installation and simple structure Available in size 3/4” to 12" Driling conforming to ANSVASME B16.5 for lass 150 flanges, or KSUIS 10K flanges. Otner standards are available on customer's request. © SPECIFICATIONS ] Installation Vertical / Horizontat Type In-line flame arrester, Perforated plate flame arrester Classification Deflagration flame arrester MATERIALS ~ BODY s048S 3485, 3168S BOLT AND NUT(Optiona) 00-87 / 1108228 90488.31688 GASKET|Optonal) | FIFE Teen Now-Asbeios, EPO > Other special materials and special designs ave available upon request, 1 Tiina hi ltt ng that on SI 2ESRHUY anvTy NoUWHOYTUaa Sewon SFD Flame Arrester, In-line NOMINAL SIZE CONNECTIONS m@ 2", 3", 4", 6", 8", 10", and 12” m ANSI/ASME B16.5 Class 150 Flange @ 14°through 24” sizes are available upon request. m KSUIS 10K Flange Protect process line or system from potential ignition source: Available in size 2” to 24" Drilling conforming to ANSI/ASME B16.5 for class 150 flanges, ot KS/JIS 10K flanges. Other standards are available on customer's request. i » Consult our factory for special application. 5 x © ERaclmeLen 2 Installation Vertical, recommend 7 Required drain pug for horizontal installation ype inline fame arrestor Classification Detenation flame arrester, Bi-directional Special design to detonation Included sneck absorber, and certified by KIN (KINM: Korea Insitute of Machinery & Materials) 5 » Other specifications are available. consult our factory. m a a MATERIALS a sy PART NAME eS) cease BODY “CATGONSTEE,{0185,51688 | HASTELOY®, ALLOYE0,MONEL, NCONEL FLAME ELEMENT 904S.5, 318 S.S ‘HASTELLOY®, ALLOY20 MONEL, INCONEL ELEMENT HOUSING 20435. 91055 HASTELLOY®, AlLOV@0 MONEL NCONEL ‘STUD BOLT AND NUT 5.30458 L 316 SS » Other Special materials are avaliable upon customer's request Hastelloy” Is the registered trademark of Haynes Intemational, Inc BASIC ORDERING INFORMATION 1. Model and Type 2 Fluid Handling 3. Operating Temperature & Pressure ranges 4, Size and Connection 5, Material — ae We) e) SS) BA SNS Ss MRS aa WwaL NOMINAL SIZE CONNECTIONS m 2,3", 4", 6" 8", 10", and 12° m ANSI/ASME B16.5 Class 150 Flange @ Other sizes are available upon request. m KSHJIS 10K Flange Protect process line or system trom potential ignition source. Connection: 90 degrees bend Available in size 2° to 12° Driling conforming to ANSVASME B18.5 for class 150 fanges, or KS{JIS 10K flanges. Other standards are available on customer's request. > Consult our tactory for special application. © SPECIFICATIONS ] Installation Vettical Type Indine tlame arrester Classitication Detonation flame arrester, directional Normal working pressure Below 1.0 barg\standard spectication) Explosion gas group WA\standard), IS/lIC\(or special application) » Other specifications are available, consult our factory, MATERIALS, wy Cot = BODY ‘CARBONSTEAL, 904 85,5165S HASTELLOY®, ALLOY 20, MONEL,INCONEL FLAME ELEMENT 3018S 3165S. HASTELLOY®, ALLOY 20, MONEL INOONEL ELEMENT HOUSING 9018S, 9168S HASTELLOV®, ‘ALLOY 20, MONEL INCONEL ‘BOLT AND.NUT CS, 48S) 316 SS > Other Special materials ave available upon customer's request Hastelloy” isthe recistered trademark of Haynes International, Inc BASIC ORDERING INFORMATION 1, Model and Type 2, Fluid Handling 8, Operating Temperature & Pressure ranges 4. Size and Connection 5. Material 1 Thich cual hi lt to ng ita on I «««BBESZHUV ava NoUWNoLZa OSHS SWV14 Sella WIR CUeeg NOMINAL SIZE CONNECTIONS m 1/2", 9/4" and 1" m= NPT Female / Male 1m Other sizes are available upon request i ANSV/ASME 816.5 Class 150 Flange 1m KSUIS 10K Flange Protect flashback in small process lines containing flammable gases. Available in size 1/2" to 1" Designed easy inspection and maintenance Drilling conforming to NTP(ANSI/ASME B1,20.1) ANSI/ASME 816.5 for class 150 flanges, or KS/JIS 10K flanges. ? Other standards are available on customer's request. > Consult our factory tor special application, ©} =e Installation Insine Classification Flame check for deflagration, Bi-directional Explosion gas group NA > Other specifications are available, consult our factory, MATERIALS TS ue BU aes BODY gor 88 31688 CARBON STEEL FLAME ELEMENT | BASS, N68 TUSTELOY", ALOVan WONEL NEDREL » Other Special materias are available upon customer's request. Hasteloy” Is the registered trademark of Haynes Intemational, Ino BASIC ORDERING INFORMATION 1. Model and Type 2, Fluid Handling 3. Operating Temperature & Pressure ranges 4, Size and Connection 5, Material 6. Distance from potential ignition source FLOW CAPACITY “ FESSSEE nee Pressure Drop od Rinse fal i ca cd ce et cs La ic 2 25 0.052 0.108 | 0.190 | 0.908 | 0490 | 1.033 | 1629 2320 50 AQ 0.082 0.164 | 0300 | 0478 0,780 2536 3.693 7% | 74 | o107 | o2n1 | 0395 | 0630 | 1.026 3365 | 4903 100 98 0128 0.252 | 0.479 | 0.767 4.243 A126 5986 150 15 0165 0.321 0.625 1.006. 1.621 | 5472 7876 200, 20 o1s6 | 0378 | 0750 | 1.211 | 7.950 | 6627 | 9.501 250 % | 0205 | 04m | ose2 | 1.393 | 2245 7.630 | 10.935 300 30 0252 0.475 | 0.963 1,556 2512 | 8513 12220 350. M | oar | o5i8 | 1.055 | 1708 | 2756 9299 | 13380 400 38 0301 0556 | 1.140 1.839 2978 | 10,006 14.433 450. a4__| 0323 | 0505 | 1217 | 1.963 | 3181 10.649 | 15300 300 4 | 0345 | 0631 | 1.288 | 2078 | 3366 11.239 | 16.253, 800, 50 0383 | 0697 1,412 | 2282 3.689 12.201 17.783 700 eo 0418 0757 1517 | 2456 3.959 13.211 | 19.047 800 a 0449 | 0811 1,608 | 2606 | 4.183 14,030 | 20,100 25000 7 20000 3 — pe 15000 Ss = rE ae £2 s0000 —£ as —s —r 5000 a o ° 200 400 600 800 1000 Pressure Drop(mmb20) Notes 1. Flow rates are not inckided exit losses and entrance losses. ‘The flow rates are based on the Sewon Standard Model. For special application to achieve better flow rate performance, please consult to factory. 2. Ifthe inlet pressure is not listed above Table, use liner interpolation. 1 Thich cual hi lt to ng ita on Cie uaa foal ki a ca 2 25, | 024 | 0368 | 0699 | 1.215 50 49 0353 | 0572 1.113 1.897 5 TA 9 | 0465 | 0754 | 1.463 | 2522 100 98 | 0140 | o207 | ossa | oo17 | 1.773 | 3.006 150 15 0.179 0.378 | 0735 1203 2311 414 200 po | opt | 0.446 | ossa | 1449 | 2760 | 4987 250 25 0245 | 0505 | 1.014 | 1666 | 3201 | 5746 300 30 0.274 0.560 | 1.133 1.860 3.562 6413 | "350 34 | 0302 | a610 | 1202 | 2037 | 3930 | 7.006 400 38 0.328 0,657 1341 2199 4.246 7.538 450 44 | 0952 | 0702 | 1432 | 2a48 | 455 | 8.020 “500 48 07s | 0744 | 1515 | 2485 | 4799 | 6.460 600 so | o4t7 | ogo | 1682 | 2720 | 6260 | 9.240 700 og 0.455 0.892 | 1785 | 2937 5645 | 9.916 +800 79 | 0488 | 0956 | 1880 | 3116 | 5965 | 10512 | 16505 | 23.647 30000 Air Flow(Nm%/n) a 15% and 1 atm Notes 400 600 Pressure Drop(mmHz0) 1 Flow rates are not included exit losses and entrance losses ‘The flow rates are based on the Sewon Standard Model. For special application to achieve better flow rate performance, please consuit to factory. 2. Ifthe inlet pressure is not listed above Table, use liner interpolation. —1 — 10 — pee —sr4e —¥ — —i 800 1000 1 Tintin sonia ni aie ng te ae) fo 2 5 Gs 10 ic 25 25 gore 0.098 | 0.209 | os62 | aeg2 | 1119 | 1597 | 2886 50 AQ O19 0148 | 0.330 0.563 1,902 AAT 2486 4596 7% 74 | 0153 01a | 0495 | ovai | 1449 | 2923 | 8900 6.101 100 98 0183 0.228 | 0527 | 0902 | 1.755 | 2852 | 4045 7.449 150 15 0233 0.291 | 0.687 | 1.184 | 2288 | 3789 | 5365 9.800 200 20 0274 0343 | 0.825 | 1.425 | 2753 | 4593 | 6497 11.822 250 aS 0311 | 0389 | 0948 | 1.639 | 3.169 | 5292 | 7481 13.607 300 30 0344 (0.431 1.059 1,830 3.547 | 5907 8346 15.205 350, Ey 0375 | 0469 | 1.160 | 2004 | 3.891 | 6453 | 9116 16649 400 39 0404 (0.505 1,253 2163 4,204 | 6943 9810 17.959 450 44 0432 | 0540 | 1337 | 2310 | 4490 | 7.387 | 10440 19151 500, 9 0458 | 0572 | 1415 | 2444 | 4752 | 7.792 | Tio1s | 20236 00 50 0506 0.632 1,552 2684 5.208 8511 | 12.050 22128 700 a 0549 (0.686 1.668 2890 5.589 9.134 | 12952 23.701 e00 | 79 «(| (see | 0785 | 1.765 | 3068 | 5.906 | S682 | 19.755 | 25011 30000 7 2 § —w : + # —e a = aa — —r ap o 200 400 600 800 1000 Pressure Drop(mmHz0) Notes 1, Flow rates are not inckided exit losses and entrance losses “The flow rates are based on the Sewon Standard Model. For special anplcation to achieve better ‘low rate performance. please consult to factory 2. Ifthe inlet pressure is not listed above Table, use liner interpolation. 1 Thich cual hi lt to ng ita on eet) Cie mit mbar [Aull iD 2 25 | 0078 | ore | ozs | o37 ose | 1183 | 1.857 50 49 | os19 | ores | oasa | osr7 i068 | 1.847 | 2000 | 4: 75 74 | 0783 | 0238 | 0454 | 0760 1425 | 2456 | 3836 | 5607 100 oe | 0183 | 0285 | 0583 | 0025 1.726 | 3015 | 4703 | 6.639 150 15 | 0233 | 0963 | 0734 | 1213 | 2250 | 4005 | 6237 | A998 200 2o__| 0274 | 0.420 | asso | 1461 | 2707 | 49s | 7.553 | 10.055 250 25 | osti | o4@6 | 1013 | 1680 | 3117 | 5595 | 8696 | 12.494 300 30 | 0944 | osse | 1192 | 1876 3468 | 6244 | 9702 | 13.901 350 34 | 0375 | ose6 | 12H0 | 2054 | aa | 6821 | 10588 | 15.287 400 32 | 040s | 0682 | 1999 | 2217 | 4104 | 7599 | 11.409 | 16.490 450 4é__| 04s> | 67s | 1430 | 2987 | aie | 7.009 | 12197 | 47.584 “500 48 | 0488 | 0715 | 1513 | 2506 | 4873 | 8237 | 12ac8 | 16.581 600 50 | 0508 | 0700 | 1650 | 2751 | 5121 | 8907 | 140ce | 20317 700 oe | osaa | owes | 17a3 | 2062 | 5486 | 9655 | 15057 | 21.762 200 79__| 0588 | asi | 1887 | 3142 | 5808 | 10285 | 15.950 | 22.065 30000 7 25000 —2 ee com — 0 = — $2 som = ie + 3% 10000 _} — 5000 are Pressure Drop(mmHz0) Notes 1. Flow rates are not included exit losses and entrance losses The flow rates are based on the Sewon Standard Model For special application to achieve better flow rate performance, please consult to factory. 2 I the inlet pressure is not listed above Table, use liner interpolation. 1 Tintin sonia ni aie ng te remit mbar i Ba Ei 2 25 0.062 ossr | 0.402 0.555, 50 49 0.086 oss | 0.592 0817 75. 74 0100 O64 | ore 400 98 0112 0729 0.820 150 15 0.133 os72 | 0.984 1.481 200, 20 0154 ose | 4.126 4.720 250 BS 0.173 1.116 4.259 4.935 300 30 0.192 1207 | 1.985 2.196 350 uo 0.209 1334 | 1.505 2.325 400 Ea 0.226 1496 | _1.620 2.504 450 a 0.243 1533 1728 2674 500 9 0258 1.626 1,834 2837 600 50 0.287 1.800 2.080 3.199 700 @ 0313 1.958 2.208 ‘314 800 2 0837 2108 2371 3.664 4500 4000 + 3500 — Fg 3000 — 5 2500 —2n z 2000 _* ts 1 25 1500 1000 300 ° 0 200 400 600 800 1000 Pressure Drop(mmH20) Notes 1, Flow rates are not inckided exit losses and entrance losses ‘The flow rates are based on the Sewon Standard Model. For special application to achieve better ‘low rate performance. please consult to factory, 2. Ifthe inlet pressure is not listed above Table, use liner interpolation. 1 Thich cual hi lt to ng ita on Cilia foal 2 Es ic 2 25, 0084 | 0.155 | 1829 50 49 0.116 0.237 2839 15 74 | 0185 oi | 3620 400 98 | 0152 | 0350 4278 150 15 0.183 0.454 5414 200 20 | ozs | oss | 688) 6441 250 25 | oa | osie | o970 | 2369 | 3441 | 5358 | 7413 300 30 0.269 0.691 | 1.088 2648 3.866 6019 | 8343 350 34 | 0206 | 0763 | 1202 | 2908 | 4269 | 66M | 9238 400 38 0321 0.633 1311 3.154 4.055 7.212 | 10.100 450 44__| 0345 | 0801 | 4417 | 3987 | 5026 | 7759 | 10930 “500 49 | 0368 | 0966 | 1518 | 9610 | 5982 0 | 11.730 600 EZ 0411 4.001 I 1.710 4.026 6.054 9.263 13.243 700 og 0.451 1.208 | 1.887 4.408 6676 10.146 | 14.647 ‘800 79 0.488 1.318 2052 4.759 7.252 10.967 15.951 18000 7 16000 14000 = 12000 Bs 2 5 10000 —i0r gs — EE mo _ eo00 —+* _—s 4000 —% 2000 o 200 Notes 400 Pressure Drop(mmH20) 1 Flow rates are not included exit losses and entrance losses ‘The flow rates are based on the Sewon Standard Model. For special application to achieve better flow rate performance, please consuit to factory. 2. Ifthe inlet pressure is not listed above Table, use liner interpolation. 1 Tintin sonia ni aie ng te 1000 remit mbar Ed ES Gi to" 2 25 0.041 0103 0143 0281 0861 50 49 0.062 0.154 0.219 0.428 1.279 75 74 | 0.080 189 | 0.280 0559 11.651 400 98 0.096 O215 0.390 676 4.986 150 15 0.123 0258 04i1 0878 2564 200 20 0.145 0206 0478 4.046 3.051 250 BS 0.164 0.332 0537 4.191 3471 300 30 0.182 0.967 0.592 1.820 3843 350 uo 0188 Oaoi | 0645 1.437 4179 400 Ea 0213 0.435 (0.696 1.544 4487 450 a 0297 0.458 0745 1.616 477 500 9 0.240 0792 1742 5040 600 2 0.265 Ms 0.883 1.925 3.340 5534 700 @ 0287 0.622 0.969 2038 3.628 5982 800 79 0307 0.680 1.050 2054 3.887 6304 = —0 ii or F = me —#£ as —7 — 0 200 400 600 800 1000 Pressure Drop(mmHz0) Notes 1. Flow rates are not inclided exit losses and entrance losses. “The flow rates are based on the Sewon Standard Model. For special application to achieve better flow rate performance, please consult to factory. 2. Ifthe inlet pressure is net listed above Table, use liner interpolation, 1 Thich cual hi lt to ng ita on als BSS sR) S/R/S/R Blas S| S| 85/8 8/8/8/8 g/ui8 0.028 0.037 —" 3a 1p Air Flow(Nm/h) ‘ai 15 and {atm o 200 400 600 800 1000 Pressure Drop(mml20) Notes 1. Flow rates are not included exit losses and enirance losses The flow rates are based on the Sewon Standard Model. For special application to achieve better flow rate performance, please consut to factory. 2 It the inlet pressure isnot listed above Table, use tine interpolation. 1 Tintin sonia ni aie ng te MODEL SFC, 3/4“ to 6” MODEL SFC, 8” to 20” Pe PE CS a eC CSS eG eC 3/4" 150 160 6 5 38” 255 520 38 2 17 [150 [160 | 6 5 jo | 5 | 620 | 52 34 1-172" | 160 220 8 iB 12° 285 700 74 4B — 2° | i60 | 0 | io 7 14° | 325 | 850 | 150 60. 3° 165 270 14 9 16" 345 920 170 68 a | 1% | 320 | 20 1 ie" | 365 | 1020 | 200 | 60 ce 215 425 24 4 20" 385 | 1100 237 95 r MODEL SFH aes DAL a SIC Crd CG Go eS fm 7 4 ae = S = = 10 6 4-1/2" | 180 q75 10 9 14 8 g° 200 180 15, 9 18 95 21" | 200 | 220 | 12 23 W 3° 210 240 3 45 36 18 a” 230 305 36 16 73 36 6° | a0 | ao | 7 2B 105 61 38” 370 470 87 34 10” 395 505 155 107 10" 380 50 12 45 Age 405 635 205 156, 12" | 380 ‘580 178 74 34” | 475 | 800 | 350 164 OO 16" 495 860 360 204 “18” | 520 | 930 | 390 230 20° 540 | 1000 435 260 Actual dimensions may vary from these listed dimensions due to variations or revisions of specications, ‘The dimensions may change without notice. For more intormation, consult our factory, 1 Thich cual hi lt to ng ita on MODEL SFE MODEL SFO. rn Pe Li Nea ci SIC. CO) Acie ai aKa SSC 1-12" | 255 175 445 06 2” 285 225 16 8 140 | 1429 1 3° 305 255 24 W 150 | 167.9 13 4" 355 320 ry 18 150 | 167.9 13 6” 370 a0 6 32 180 | 219.2 2 cM 385 485 152 61 yor | S15 | eo0 | 267 t07 12" | 515 | 0 | 390 | 156 a = 3| MODEL SFU CEG ry 2" | 500 | 260 + | a a0 2” | 250 | 170 4° 600 | 330 3° | 310 | 210 6" 750 | 445 4° | 365 | 250 8° 800 560, 6° | 495 | 300 407 | 900 | 675 8" | 575 | 350 wz" | 1100 | 795 —t0* | 650 | 450 14" | 4300 | 905 12” 16° | 1500 | 1020 18° | 1700 | 1120 20> 1900 | 1235 1100 24° | 2300 | 1465 1420 Actual dimensions may vary from these listed cimensions due to variations or revisions of specifications. ‘The dimensions may change withaut notice. For more information, consult our factory. 1 Tsao canna rin sujet dey fa see 1 MODEL SFK ae Approx. Weight Kal Asch a (on) cero) We 60. 64 1 34" 70 7 14 a 70 7B 2 ‘Actual dimensions may vary from these listed dimensions due to variations or revisions of specifications, The dimensions may change without notice. For more information, consult our factory. HOW TO ORDER move | see | FLANGE DAILLING an ooo ia) q T t SFC AR ANSI Glass 150RF | ©: NoOption SFG AF: ANS! Class 150FF | J: Steam Jacket SFE KR:KSUIS1OKRF | T: Temperature SFH KF: KSUS 10K FF Monitoring Sensor SFO NO :NO Dring (inane! ‘de nly) SrD 88 - Special B: Temperature SF Monitoring Sensor ‘SFK (Both sides) SFL 8: Specal EXAMPLE SFG-08-47-AR-0 Means @ 8” model SFG with 904 stainless steel body, 316L stainless steel flame element, ANS! Class 150 AF flange driling and no other option. > Hestelloy" isthe registered trademark of Haynes International, Inc 1 Thich cual hi lt to ng ita on S SEWON QSTECH CO.,LTD. | HEAD OFFICEACTORY 4038-2. CHUNGOK-Ml, UCHON-MIYUN, KIMHAE, KVEONG NAMKOREA 637-840 Tel: 1835595)5090~7 Fax: 49255335-5099 hespyjivrw anata ke hitpiiwrwaewerindcoke Esmilhepceskgsigtcokr sm SEOUL OFFICE 371,393, KARAK-DONG, SONGPA-KU, ‘SEOULKOREAT32-x60 Tel: +82aosso1~4/406-7021 Fax: daay6-7o2 E-cmalhelpdesiGengt co kr ey ee ee eee dvul SNW14 emo meet NOMINAL SIZE CONNECTIONS m 2", 2-4/2",3", 4", 6", 8", 10"and 12" m ANSI/ASME B16.5 Class 150 Flange 1 Other sizes are available upon request m KSUIS 10K Flange ‘The SEWON Flame Trap Assembly combines a spring loaded thermal valve with a flame arrester to prevent flame propagation in the endurance burning condition of low pressure pipe lines. The spring loaded thermal vaive quickly doses when the fusible retainer is melted in the presesnce of fire, It can be easily monitored the closed posttion of seat from extemal view ports. The fusible retainer can be replaced without disassembling entire unit Normally, Sewon STA Flame Trap is combined with horizortal flame arrester Sewon Mode! SFH. a Geib ode STA Mosel STA wah Fame Arostr SFHSTASEH) © Sone Installation Horizontal(recommend) Netting paint of sible retainer 195deg.¢ MATERIALS. ENTE Sd ident mead STANDARD iahlishisaled BODY CARBON STEEL, 304SS,316SS 304. SS, 3161 SS DISK 30455, 3165.8 doa $5, 3101 88 SEAT 0045 5.31858 od $5.2161 58 » Other Special materials are available upon customer's request ie fe : od MODEL STA MODEL STA+SFH a a en Ste oer «in ui ia i) ai af: 200 10 2 40 2472" 220 2 2112" 4B = 270 26 3° = o 330 aa a 86 6 ‘450 78 6° Hea 8° 560 oT 8° 220 107 670, 159 10" 1050 290 ee: 780 210 42° 1180 350 Actual dimensions may vary from these listed dimensions due to variations or revisions of specifications, ‘The dimensions may change without notice. For more information, consutt our factory. HOW TO ORDER a oe | oe ‘STA 02: ‘STA+SFH 2A: 03: 04 cy 06 4 08 5 10 6 S85 AS ji EXAMPLE STA+SFH-06-46-AR-0 Means a 6“ mode! STA+SFH with 304 stainless steel body, 316 stainless seat & disk, ANS! Class +150 AFF flange driting and no otner option. 1 Tiana in lt to ng tia SEWON Q&TECH CO.,LTD. (NV HEAD OFFICEFACTORY 40382, CHUNGOK-fI.JUCHON-AIVUN, KIMHAE, KVEONG-NAMKOREA Gz1-840 Tel: 183559505891~7 Fax: 49255335-5099 hexpijivw anata hitpijtwrwaewor-indeakr Emallhepceskasngeco kr sm SEOUL OFFICE 371,393, KARAK-DONG, SONGPA-KU, SEOULKOREA;@-160 Teli +6: 1 Fae: 832400 E-mallhelpdesigenge co ke ISEWON SINUS TA NZ.VAY 2 gr Relief Valve) BREATHER VALVES Se UR CCN CUCUE MTEC cs Sevon Q&Tech Co, Ltd. manufacture an extensive range of products to protect low pressure storage tanks and pressure vessels. Sewon pressure and/or vacuum relief valves (Breather valves) are designed to protect storage tank from excessive pressure andior vacuum, ‘When a tank is being filed, the vapor that filed the space above the liquid surface is compressed and if this pressure were allowed to exceed the storage tank design pressure, then it would explode ot rupture In addition, if the temperature of the storage tank or vessel increases, then expansion and vaporization may cause the pressure to rise. Conversely, emptying liquid from tank, or a decrease of temperature, ‘cause a vacuum to be created Venting requirements are given for flowing conditions, but other circumstances such as pressure transfer biow-off, effect of internal or external heat transfer device, and utility failure should be considered, 1) Inbreathing resulting from maximum outflow of liquid from tank 2) Inbreathing resulting from. contraction or condensation of vapors caused by maximum decreased in vapor space temperature(thermal breathing) 8) Outbreathing resulting from maximum inflow of liquid into the tank and maximum vaporization caused by such intlow 4) Outbreathing resulting from expansion and vaporization that result from maximum increase in vapor ‘space temperature 5) Outbveathing results from fire exposure ‘Sewon pressure and/or vacuum relist valves may be combined with SEWON flame arrester to prevent explosion of flammable vapors in the storage tank caused by external potential ignition source, MODEL SBF NOMINAL SIZE m 1-1/2", 2", 3", 4", 6", 8", 10", and 12" CONNECTIONS 1m ANSI/ASME B16.5 Class 150 Flange m KS/UIS 10K Flange Avaliable in-a full range of sizes and configurations, ‘and standard air-cushioned pallet assures minimal intemal vapor leakage FEP TEFLON'seat diaphragms are standard to Increase reliability and extended service lite, and make minimize sticking caused by resinous vapors and atmospheric moisture Guided pressure and vacuum pallets assure smocth littand closure, and suitable materials available {or corrosive and extreme temperature service SBF, Woight Loads Typo ‘SBF. Spring Leaded Type Drilling conforming to ANSVASME B16.5 for Class 150 Flanges, or KS/JIS 10K Flanges. Other standards are avaliable on customer's request. Consult our factory for special application or special design. © SPECIFICATION Service Pressure and Vacuum Relief, End-of-line Set pressure & set vacuum, min/max ‘Weight loaded type Spring loaded type 22mmH20(0.502/8q_ In) / TOOmMH2O(1 ps!) 7O0mmH:O(1psi) /1.05kgyeal(15psi) Temperature range(standard) “AST ~ 120C(-50F ~4220F) MATERIALS re bi Buu) lat BODY &COVER | CAFBONSTEEL 904SS,H15SS/ALUIANUM | HASTELLOY® ALLOY, FA, PTFE, ETFEUNED SEAT 904 SS, 316 S'S, ALUMINUM HASTELLOY" ALLOY 20, FAP. PTFE, ETFELINED PALLET 0185.51 HASTELLOY® ALLOY, PAP PTFE, ETPELINED PALLET GUDE 2018S, 9168S 316 SS, PTFE COATING SEATING DIAPHAAGM WEATHER HOOD, FEP TEFLON (wieght leaded type) MIFON®©-tng_(Spring faded tyhe) ‘045.5 ALUMINUM METAL TO METAL 3168S >» Other Special materials and special specications are available upon customer's request. FLOW CAPACITY Rees) DATA SHEET NO, BVFLOT DATASHEET NO, BVFL-02 Emenee) DATA SHEET NO. BVFL05 DATA SHEET NO. BVFL-06 1 Tiina lta np ita an a Ss 5 SATIVA Y3HLV3au8 MODEL SBG Se UR CUNO MEI ucIm ccs NOMINAL SIZE CONNECTIONS m 1-1/2", 2",3°, 4", 6", 8", 10", and 12" m ANSI/ASME B16.5 Class 150 Flange m KSUIS 10K Flange Designed protect storage tank from internal over-pressure, and standard air-aushioned pallet assures minimal internal vapor leakage NBR(Buna-N), VITON"and other seating matenais are available when required Guided pressure and vacuum pallets assure smooth litt and closure Suitable materials available for corrosive and extreme temperature service ‘$86, Wegtt Loaded Type ‘SEG, Spring Loaded Type Driling conforming to ANSI/ASIVE B16.5 for Class 150 Flanges, or KSWJIS 10K Flanges. Other standards are available on customer's request. Consult our factory for special application or special design. 6 Eman ) Service Pressure Rell, End-obtine Set pressure, min/max Weight loaded type 22mmH:O(0.502/s9, in) /700mmH-O(4psi) Spring loaded type ToOMMmti2O(1ps)) /7.05ky/a(15psi) ‘Temperature rango(standard) 450 ~120°C(-50'F ~+220°F) MATERIALS Cre) Beard OPTIONAL BODY ‘CAREON STEEL S04S8.S16SS.ALUMNUM | HASTELLOY" ALLOY 20 FRP,PTFE ETFELINED SEAT 304 85, 31655, ALUMNUM HASTELLOYS, ALOY20 PRP, PTFE ETFELINED PALLET 80485, 5188S HASTELLOV®. ALLOY 20,FRP,PTEE ETFELINED PALLET GUIDE 304558,91088 318 85, PTEGOATING FEP TEFLON® (Weight loaded iypa) SEATING DIAPHRAGM ViTON®O-Ane (Spring teed type) WEATHER HOOD 308 SS ALMA 31685 » Other Special materias and spacial specifications are available upon customer's request METAL TO METAL FLOW CAPACITY Tens Eas PRESSURE DATA SHEET NO, OVFL01 DATA SHEET NO, BVFLO5 VACUUM < 5 MODEL SBV NOMINAL SIZE mi" 4-12", ", 3", 4", 6", 8", 10°, and 12” UM MICU NC) CONNECTIONS Designed protect storage tank from excessive negative over-pressure FEP TEFLON’ seat diaphragms are standard to increase reliability and extended service life, and make minimize sticking caused by resinous ‘vapors and atmospheric moisture m ANSI/ASME B16.5 Ciass 150 Flange m KSUUIS 10K Flange NBR(Buna-N), VITON and other seating materials are available when required ‘Suitable materials available for corrosive and exlreme temperature service Drilting conforming to ANSI/ASME 8 165 for Class 150 Flanges. or KS/JIS 10K Flanges, Other standards are available on customer's request. Consult our factory for special application or special design. © SPECIFICATIONS Service Set yaculiin, min/max ‘Temperature range(standard) MATERIALS Vacuum Relief, End-ofine Pree ey uric) CARBON STEEL 904SS,315SS, ALUMINUM | HASTELLOY®, ALLOY20. FP. PTFE, ETFELINED 22mmH20(0.502/sq, in) / 700mmbzO(ipsi) ~45C~1200(-50F~4220F) ‘OPTIONAL, 9048.8, 310 8.8, ALUMINUM HASTELOY", ALLOY 20, FFP, PTFE, ETFELNED 3015S S168 HASTELLOY®, ALLOY 20 FFP FTFE, ETFELNED 30488, 3108S ‘816 88, PTFE COATING ‘SEATING DIAPHRAGM FEP TEFLON® METAL TO METAL WEATHER HOOD ‘3045 5 ALUMINUM 3185S » Other Special materials and special specifications are available upon customer's request. FLOW CAPACITY REFER TO DATASHEET NO, 8VFL09 1 Tiina lta np ita an : a SAA Y3SHLvaue MODEL SBFV SMe ANO AVC NIUE Ns NOMINAL SIZE CONNECTIONS mi 1-172", 2",3", 4", 6", 8", 10°, and 12” m ANSI/ASME B16.5 Class 150 Flange m KSUIS 10K Flange Available in a full ange of sizes and configurations Designed protect storage tank from excessve negative over-pressure, and standard air-Cushioned pallet assures minimal internal vapor leakage FEP TEFLON'seat diaphragms are standard to increase reliability and extended service life, and make minimize sticking ‘caused by resinous vapors and atmospheric moisture Guided vacuum pallets assure smooth lift and closure, ‘and assures reliable operation Suitable materials available for corrosive and ‘extreme temperature service Driling conforming to ANSV/ASME B 16.5 for Class 150 Flanges, or KS/JIS 10K Flanges. Other standards are available on customer's request. Consult our factory for special application or special design, 6 Ea ) Service Vacuum Relief, End-of-line Set vacuum, min max Weight loaded typo(standard) 22mm H Other Special males and special specifications ale avaliable upon customers request FLOW CAPACITY Tee) Se) PRESSURE - ‘VACUUM DATASHEET NO BVFLG2 DATA SHEET NO. BVFLOS 1 Tintin soe nin ae rg oe MODEL SBE [| M7 Ie CCE No NOMINAL SIZE CONNECTIONS m 1-1/2", 2", 3", 4", 6", 8", 10", and 12" m= ANSI/ASME B16.5 Ciass 150 Flange mw KSUJIS 10K Flange Installed the steam jacket as standard equipment, ‘and provides a means of transferring heat from steam to the vent Used on tanks containing liquids whose vapors tend to ‘crystallize at ambient temperatures 304 stainless steel, and weather hood 304 S.S jacket are standard Standard air-cusnioned pallet assures minimal imtemal vapor leakage Guided pressure and vacuum pallets assure smooth litt and closure, and suitable materials available for corrosive and ‘extreme temperature service Jacket connection are ANSVASME 8 16.5 for Ciass 150 Flanges. Hydrostatic testing can be done in accordance with the customer's request. ‘Threaded connections are also available. © 1 Service Pressure and Vacuum Relief, End-of-ine Sei pressure & Set vacuum mini max 22mmH0(0 50z/sq. in) /700mmH2O/1ps) “Temperature range(standard) “AB'G ~ 120°C 5O'F ~ +220°F) MATERIALS, TTY a2 Gaur) Cao BODY &COVER | CARBONSTEEL S04SS,315S5,ALMINUM_| HASTELLOY®, ALLOY 29 FRR PTFE ETFELNED SEAT 0485. 01955/ALUMNM | HASTELLOY®, ALLOY 20, FF, PTFE, ETFELNED PALLET 20485 1685 HASTELLOY®, ALLOY 20, FAP. PTFE, ETFELMED PALLET GUDE 2018S 31689 240.88 SEATING DIAPHRAGH FEP TEFLON® ETAL TO METAL WEATHER HOOD ‘9048 5 ALUMINUM 31088 > Other Special materials and special specications are available Upon customer's request. FLOW CAPACITY PRESSURE DATA SHEET NO. 8VFLO1 DATA SHEET NO. BVFL05 VACUUM DATA SHEET NO, BVFL-2 DATA SHEET NO. BVFL6 1 Tiina lta np ita an SAA Y3SHLvaue MODEL SBB Se UR CUNO MEI ucIm ccs NOMINAL SIZE CONNECTIONS mi 1-172", 2",3", 4", 6", 8", 10°, and 12” m ANSI/ASME B16.5 Class 150 Flange m KSUIS 10K Flange ‘Available ina full range of sizes and configurations FEP TEFLON” seat diaphragms are standard to increase relabilty and extended service life, and make minimize sticking caused by resinous vapors and atmospheric moisture Guided pressure and vacuum pallets assure smocth lift and closure, and suitable materials available for corrosive and extreme temperature service eB of! as ‘SIIB, Weight Loaded Type ‘SHB, Spring Loaded ‘SBB, Dual Sprina Loaded Type Driling conforming to ANSVASME B 16.5 for Class 150 Flanges, or KS/JIS 10K Flanges. Other standards are available on customer's request. Consult our factory ior special application or special Service Pressure and Vacuum Relief, In-line Set pressure & sét vacuum, min/max Weight loaded type 2ommH-0(0 507/sq. in) /700nmH011psi) Spring loaded type 7OOmmt Cther Special materiais and special specications are avalable upon customers request FLOW CAPACITY Tes) Ee PRESSURE DATA SHEET NO. BVFL-09 | DATA SHEET NO, BVFL.07 VACUUM DATA SHEET NO. BVFL04 | [DATA SHEET NO. BVFL08 1 Tintin soe nin ae rg oe MODEL SBD NOMINAL SIZE m1", 1-12", 2", 3", 4", 6", 8", 10", and 12” Increase reliability and extended service te, Available in a full range of sizes and configurations, and amore compact design reduces installation and maintenance cost FEP TEFLON® seat diaphragms are Standard to ‘and make minimize sticking caused by resinous vapors and almospheric moisture M7 Ie CCE No CONNECTIONS m ANSU/ASME B16,5 Ciass 150 Flange m KSUUIS 10K Flange ‘SBD. Spring Loaded Type Pipe-away relives vapors through a flanged connection, ‘and sultable for corrosive and toxic applications ‘SBD, Weight Loaded Type Drilling conforming to ANSVASME B 16 5 for Class 150 Flanges, of KSIJIS 10K Flanges. Other standards are avalable on customer's request. Consult our factory for special application or special design. © EEE Service Pressure Heliet, in-ine Set pressure min/ max ‘Weight loaded type 2emmH20(0.502/8q, in) / TOOMmH2O(4 ps!) Spring loaded type 7OOmmH2O(1psi)/ 1.05ka/er (15psi) Temperature range(standard) 450 ~120(-50'F ~ +220) MATERIALS, MATERIALS — Sour aae} BODY &COVER | CARBONSTEEL30ASS,518SS ALUMINUM | HASTELLOY®, ALLOY 2, FAP, PTFE, ETFELINED SEAT ‘SASS, 3168S, ALUMINUM HASTELLOY®, ALLOY 20 FHP. PTFE, ETFELNED PALLET 9048S ESS HASTELLOYS) ALLOY 20, FAP, PTFE, ETFELINED PALLET GUIDE OHSS 31688 ‘B16 SS, PTFE COATING SEATING DIAPHRAGM FEP TEFLON® (Woght leaded Wpo) \VITONO-tng (Spring leaded type) Se >» Other Special materials and special specifications are available upon customers request, FLOW CAPACITY ees Eee PRESSURE DATA SHEET NO. BVELO1 DATA SHEET NO. BVFL05 ‘VACUUM DATA SHEET NO. BVFL-O2 DATA SHEET NO. BVL06_ 1 Tiina lta np ita an SATIVA Y3HLV3au8 SPECIAL APPLICATION SS eRe CUCU MSIeeEUM ens NOMINAL SIZE CONNECTIONS m 2°, 3", 4", 6,8", 10°, and 12” m ANSI/ASME B16.5 Class 150 Flange m KSUIS 10K Flange Materials are suitable for corrosive and toxic applications such as hydrochloric ‘and nitric acid(HNO,) storage tanks: Customized design sevice available Pipe-away relives vapors through a flanged connection Compact design reduces installation and maintenance cost |, sulfuric acid(H1,SO,) Pressure end vacuum role valves Presoure and vacuum rele valve ‘wth FP body with Tellen® body Drilling conforming to ANSI/ASME B 16.5 for Class 150 Flanges, or KS/JIS 10K Flanges. Other standards are available on customer's request. Consult our tactory tor special application or special design. © Saco Service Pressure and Vacuum Relief, In-line Set pressure & set vacuum, min/ max Weight ioaded type 22mmH20(0.50z/sa. in) / 70OmmHzO(1psi) Spring loaded type 7OOmMH2O(1psi) /1.05kgler (1 5psi) Toten ® iropetored tademark ofthe DuPont Company, ‘Vton® is ested tadearkof DuPort Dow Basomers VALVE CAPACITY & SIZING [ is Weight loaded Sheet No.: BVFL-01 BRUCSRS item) ee ea d END-OF-LINE PRESSURE RELIEF ena eee) toa) ra 2 22 | oma | ose | o7a7 | 1696 | 2510 | 4112 25 25 | 02s | oa | 790 | 1732 | 2666 | 4955 50 40 | 028 | oses | 1.101 | 2425 | 3728 | 6100 % 74 36s | o7i6 | 1951 | 2970 | 4578 | 7503 400. 28 | oae0 | oer | 1560 | sao | 5204 | a654 15 2 0467 | 0923 | 1.740 | 3835 | 5890 | 9640 150 6 sos | 1000 | tase | 4163 | e424 | 10508 | 0547 | 1085 | 2042 | 4497 | 6907 | 11.296 20 | 0.568 1.484 aire | 4765 | 7.351 205, 2 oss | 1210 | 2206 | 5053 | 7764 a0 | es oe4 | 1281 | 2410 | aoe | ase 25 a 0.675 1337 2519 | 5543 8520 30 070s | 1992 | 2621 | 5768 | 8670 325 2 0729 | 14aa | 2720 | Soca | 0208 350 4 07s | 1404 | 201s | 6190 | asze 35 7 77 | 15 | 2000 | 6087 | eas | 16052 | 22864 400 38 oes | 1587 | 2990 | 6577 | 10121 | 1650 | 23508 250) ” oes | 167 | 181 | 6900 | toeve | 17481 | 4605 500 8 oeer | 1750 | 3300 | rasa | ti1e0 | teari | 26028 550 # oses | 1624 | 9498 | 7565 | 11649 | 19005 | 27.121 Ce) oso | 1902 | 3564 | 7846 | 1208 | 1e741 | 2aqc4 700 | 8 i021 | 207 | 8791 | 8346 | 12080 | 2oss2 | zosar Notes 1. Flow rates listed in above Tabie are based on full open valves at 100% overpressure. 2. If the set pressure is not listed above Table, use liner interpolation, 8. Ifthe overpressure is less than 100%, calculate the flow rates using the Factor “C* Example of Flow Rate Calculation se ome Model SBF 10° Ei en ee See awe ‘Set pressure(Psat)=150mmHz0(15mban) 10 0.40] 0.42) 0.43 /0.45 0.46| 0.47 0.46| 0.40 |0.50| 0.51 Valve inlet pressure(Pir)=185mmH2O 20 |052/ 0.53] 053] 0.54/055| 056/056] 0.57 [058/058 ‘30 /059/0,60/060/0.61 062/062 0.63|0.64 064] 0.65, teGalculate ovemraseure -40 066) 0.66 067/067 068] 069 069|0.70|070) 0.71 (Overpressure= Paras 100=23(%) 30 |072|0.72|073|0.73074|0.75|075|076|076|0.77 - 60 078/078 079) 079 0800.80 081|0.82|0.82|0.83 2. Determine Factor C vom rant Tabe G=0.54 > Shs saa oar aas Gases OT DET BE Oar overpressure corresponding specified 80 089/089 090] 0.60 091/091 092|0.93|0.93|0.94 ‘set pressure. The flow rate Is 90 084/085 095/096 096) 0.97 097|0.86[0.98|0.99 10,509Nmom from above Table, 4. Calculate flow rate at specified inlet pressure Flow rate at 185mmH20=0.54 x 10,509=5,674,9Nmih 1 Tiina lta np ita an i ot a ent) a oe ir ozs | 0457 1797 2er4_ | 3702 0.311 0.484 1a39 | 2768 | S918 o4ao | 0680 2sve | sees | 5489 osso | 0898 3171 4760 | 6749 ‘oge4 | 0.969 3664 5519 | 7.707, 0.696 1.083 4087 | 6.155 8700 0.759 4401 | 4462 | o71e | 9490 0816 tam | | 4801 7.230 | 10.202 0.869 1353 | 5113 7.701__| 10.869 0918 4430 | 5404 | 3143 | 14512 0.965 1.02 seve | asso | 12008 1.008 1570 _| 5938 | 3954 | 12654 1.051 1.695 6186 | 9.031 | 19.183 1.00% 1.697 6.423 9002 | 19.688 iizs | 1758 | ae | 6650 | 10095 | 1412 vis? | 1815 | 3047 | 667 | 10365 | 14635 ‘zoe | 1870 | 4060 | 7706 | 10583 | 15.080 vase | 1974 | 4287 | 7469 | 11.200 | 15917 isa1_| 2070 | 4496 | 7834 | 11.890 | 16.689 ise | 2160 | 4688 | 8171 | 12398 | 17402 : imi | 2243 | sees | 8483 | 12008 | 18.051 “700 68 ovo | 1536 | 2083 | 5166 | 9040 | 13699 | 19232 Notes 1. Flow rates tisted in above Table are based on full open valves at 100% negative overpressure. 2. Ifthe set vacuum is not listed above Table, use liner interpolation. 8. If the negative overpressure is less than 100%, calculate the flow rates using the Factor “C” Example of Flow Rate Calculation ete eet Model SBF 8” 5 i El ee Sn a de Set vacuum(Pss)=-200mmH60(-20mbar) 10 |0.40 042] 0.49 0.45|0.46|047|0.48|0.49) 050/051 Valve inlet pressure(Pn}=-270mmH20 20 [0-52) 056] 059/054) 0.55 0.56] 0.56|057|0.58[0.5@ 30 [0.59) 060] 0.60/061|0.62 062/0.69|05«| 0.66085 ‘TiGalculets vemresste: 40 [0.66 066/067 067/068 069|0.69/0.70/ 070/077 Overpressure= ParPeet > 100=35(%6) 50 |0.72 072| 0.73 0.73|0.74 078|0.75|0,76|0.76|0.77 80 |0.78 078/079 0.79| 060 0.80] 0.61|082| 082 |0.88 & Determine Factor G trom ight Table C=0.82 7 io | o| 0.64 085] 080 086|0.67|087| 008 088 Hecate Wieprceaue COTESPOIGIRD 20 [0.89089] 0.00 090/01 0.91/052|093|0.99/0.94 specttied set vacuum. The flow rate is 36 [0.94 095| 0.85 0.96] 086 097] 07] 098] 098098 5,113Nmem trom above Table 4, Calculate flow rate at specified inlet pressure Flow rate at -270mmH20=0.62%5,113=3,170Nmsh 1 Tintin soe nin ae rg oe Miodoots at cae) iia ay a a 20 | 20 0.581 1.488 207 | 4387 7.626 205, 2 oss | 1205 | 2219 | 4608 | 8068 a0 | es oct | 1260 | 20s | 4074 | nae 25 a 0.676 1.329 Dada 5009 | Bsa2 30 0705 | 1988 | 2560 | 5313 | 9261 325 2 73s | 14a | 20s | S518 | 0625 350 34 o7eo | ias7 | 2749 | s7is | 9976 35 7 o7es | 1561 | 204 | 003 | 10918 400 38 osii | 1601 | 2835 | 6085 | 10608 250) ” oes | 1600 | 3108 | east | 11255 500 8 sos | i7e2 | 3260 | 675i | 11831 580 # ose | 1ee1 | Saar | 7049 | 12009 Ce) oss | 1965 | 3564 | 7927 | 12871 700 | 8 vos | 2120 | see | reer | 18761 558 Notes 1. Flow rates listed in above Tabie are based on full open valves at 100% overpressure. 2. If the set pressure is not listed above Table, use liner interpolation, 8. Ifthe overpressure is less than 100%, calculate the flow rates using the Factor “C* Example of Flow Rate Calculation err eee et ‘Model SBB 10° Oy ln le Sade lee 3 Lae) ‘Set pressure(Psat)=150mmHz0(15mban) 10 0.40] 0.42) 0.43 /0.45 0.46| 0.47 0.46| 0.40 |0.50| 0.51 Valve inlet pressure(Pir)=185mmH2O 20 |052/ 0.53] 053] 0.54/055| 056/056] 0.57 [058/058 ‘30 /059/0,60/060/0.61 062/062 0.63|0.64 064] 0.65, teGalculate ovemraseure “40 0.66) 0.65 067| 0.67 068] 0.69 0.68] 070|0.70|071 (Overpressure= Peabo x 100=23(%) 30 |072|0.72|073|0.73074|0.75|075|076|076|0.77 - 60 078/078 079) 079 0800.80 081|0.82|0.82|0.83 2. Determine Factor C vom rant Tabe G=0.54 > Shs saa oar aas Gases OT DET BE Oar ‘overpressure corresponding specified 80 089/089 090] 0.60 091/091 092|0.93|0.93|0.94 ‘set pressure. The flow rate Is 90 084/085 095/096 096) 0.97 097|0.86[0.98|0.99 9,980Nmsmh from above Table, 4, Calculate flow rate at specified inlet pressure Flow rate at 185mmH20=0.54 x 9,980=5,389Nmsh 1 Tiina lta np ita an IN-LINE VACUUM RELIEF VALVE CAPACITY & SIZING ‘Sheet No.: BVFL-04 Wee RSis SMe ee scr Mb ss i ot a ent) chia a ir 0.204 occa | 1737 3.702 0.317 1054 | 1.839 “3918 0.439 1482 | 2578 5489 0.540 e22 | 3471 6749 "0.684 ) | 210s | 9664 7797 0.696 2347 | 4087 8700 0.759 2560 | 4462 9.498 0816 2755 | 4801 7230 | 10.222 oeeg | i353 | 2904 | sits | 7.701 | 10.089 ose | 1430 | 3400 | 5a0a | a1ag | 11512 oses | 1502 | o2s7 | 5678 | asso | 12.098 toos | 4570 | 3407 | seas | a95¢ | 12654 voor | 1635 | 3550 | 6106 | 9.031 | 19.183 1607 | 3685 | 6423 | 9602 | 19.688 _ivzs [1758 | see | 6650 | 10095 | 14172 tier | 401 | 3041 | 6867 | 1096 | 14.605 ‘202 | 1870 | 4060 | 7076 16.080 reso | 4974 | 4207 | 74ca | 1280 | is917 1931 | 2070 | 4496 | 7804 | 11890 | 16.659 tees | 2160 e171 | tsa | 17.402 1442 2243 | 8483 12805 | 18.061 =700 “ee | ovo | tose | 2383 | 5186 | 9000 | 19009 | 19292 Notes 1. Flow rates listed in above Table are based on tull open valves at 100% negative overpressure. 2 the set vacuum is not listed above Table, use liner interpolation 8. ifthe neg Example of Flow Rate Calculation Model SBB 8” ‘Set vacuum(Pset)=-200mmH20(-20mbar) Valve inlet pressure(Pin}=-270mmH20 1, Calculate overpressure PrPeat Beet x 100-35(%) 2 Determine Factor C from tight Table G=0.52 3 Read flow rate at 100% negative overpressure corresponding ‘speatfied set vacuum. The flow rate is 5,113Nm*h trom above Table. Overpressure= oS 10 overpressure is less than 100%, calculate the flow rates using the Factor “C” ete eet Ce ee (0.40 0.42] 0.43 0.45] 0.46 0.47 0.48) 7 (0.46) 88 050/051 20 (0.82 055| 0.83 /054|055 056 056! [057| 058/058 30 (0.59 0.60|0.60 061|0.62 062/065 [0a] 064/055 40 (0.66 066) 0.67 067|0.68 068 06) [ova O70|071 50 60 (0.72|072|0.73078|0.74 075 (0.78 078| 0.79 078|0.60 080 075] ost love! ‘082| 0.76/07 og2|083 70 80 (0.83 0.84] 0.64 (0.85|0.66 086 0.89 0.89|0.90 090/091 091 7 | og2| [oa7| [0.33| 0168 /0.88 os3|094 30 (0.84 095) 0.95 096|0.86 097 os (038! 088/099 4, Calculate flow rate at specified inlet pressure Flow rate at -270mmH20=0.62%5,113=3,170Nmsh 1 riettnt Miodoots ata) eR re Ce 22a | 4564 | acao | 15.790 2083 | 4884 | 8584 | 16850 2si7 | sise | 9107 | 17696 | e2013 | 48451 | 67148 2e7 | 5476 | 9609 | 18870 | o408s | 50796 | 70806 2eo4 | e012 | 10.554 | 20729 | e74i4 | Sezer | 77.769 3863 | 7382 | 12980 | 25.473 | 45983 | 68.469 | 95.528 3es2 | 7581 | 13304 | 26164 | 47296 | 70310 | 96.106 gle 2/8 |g/a/2/a\giais 1. Flow rates listed in above Tabie are based on full open valves at 100% overpressure. 2. If the set pressure is not listed above Table, use liner interpolation, 8. Ifthe overpressure is less than 100%, calculate the flow rates using the Factor “C* Example of Flow Rate Calculation se ome Model SBF 4”.Spring loaded Os Se ee Me ees ao) Set pressure(Psa)=2.000nmHO(196mbar) 10 |= [020/021] 020024] 0.25 Valve inlet pressure(Pin)=3,200mmH20 20 (027/028 029/057 032) 035 035|036|037|0.39 ‘50 /040[0.41|042|0.49/045|0.46 047] 0.40/045|050 4. Galeulate overreseure “AO 05% /0.52) 055] 054 056] 057058) 059|0.60] 067 (Overpressure= PacPes 100=60(%) 30 /0.62|0.62/063|0.64 (065/066 087|0.68|088|0.70 gn 50 97i|0.72/072| 073/076) 075 076|077|077|078 & Determine Factor Crom ngnt Table O=0.71 oo 7a/0.00 081|081 082) 089 084] 064|085) 0.80 Sverpiessue corespordling Spsaied 80 (087/087 /088| 0.89 0.80| 0.90 o91|o01|097|0.93 set pressure. The tlow rate Is 9 [095] 0194 /085) 0.95 0.96] 097 o97|os8|098| 088 4,932Nmemh from above Table. 4. Calculate flow rate at specified inlet pressure Flow rate at 3, 200mmH20=0.71 x 4,032=3,501Nm3in 1 Tiina lta np ita an i a a ent) chia 7 700 305 | 0864 ser | 5564 | a5ee | 11902 =750_ aor | 0.892 3495 | 5732 | age | 12.290 800 0420 | oste soo | soe | 9.081 | 12656 ose 3703 | 6074 | 9039 | 19.031 04a 3e03 | 6230 | 9500 | 19.04 0485 | 0.995 3so0 | esea | 9.ea4 | 13.728 “1.900 ace | 1.018 [ss [ess | 10072 | 14.061 “1.100 oas7 | 1.066 [4176 | 6852 | 10508 | 14699 -4.200 118 O.507 1.409 | 4348 7.135 | 10958 | 15.300 “1300 127 0525 1.454 | 4504 7403 | 11368 | 15.660 “1400 =37__|_0s4a | 1.190 4005 | 7es7 | 11755 | 16406 “1500 tar | seo | 1.207 aari | 7s07 | 12122 | 16915 71.600 ser__| 0576 | 1.262 4950 | 8125 | 12469 | 17997 700 aaa | 12708 | 17.855 “1,800 e545 | 13.109 | 18289 1900 1.357 sso | 9738 | 13404 | 18,702 2000 1385 5496 | 8922 18.096 2100 1ate ssa | 9005 | 19947 | 19.470 “2200 1437 5eq2 | 9260 | 14te7 | 19827 “2.300 1.467 | 5737 9415 14434 | 20.166 2.400 1484 I 9563 | 14658 | 20404 "2.500 11508 i Notes 1. Flow rates listed in above Table are based on tull open valves at 100% negative overpressure. 2 the set vacuum is not listed above Table, use liner interpolation 8. ifthe neg Example of Flow Rate Calculation Model SBF 8" Spring loaded Set vacuum(Pset)=-850mmH20(-83mbar) Valve inlet pressure(Pin}=-1,000mmH20 1. Calculate overpressure Overpressur Pir-Peot Peet 3 Read flow rata at 100% negative overpressure corresponding ‘specified set vacuum. The flow rate is, 6,074Nmim trom above Table. 4, Calculate tlow rate at specified inlet prossure Flow rato at -1,000mmH20=0.24 x 6,074=1,458Nmin 1 riettnt 100=18(%) 2 Determine Factor C from right Table C=0.24 oS 10 overpressure is less than 100%, calculate the flow rates using the Factor “C” ete eet Can Pen = | = | = foza| and 0210.23} 8 0.26 5 [0.25 20 (0.27/08! 0.29/031|0.82/038 035/036! 037 [039 30 (0.40041 0.42 (0.43|0.45 0.46 0.47|0.48| 0.49) [050 40 (ost 052] 053 054] 0.56 057 058)059) 060) lot 50 60 0.62062) 071/072] 0.63 [064/065 066 0.72 078|074 075 067/058! 076|077) 06s] O77) lo70 lo7e 70 80 0.78 0.80) (0.87 0.87| 061 087/062 083 0.88 089/069 090 084/084] ast |o91 065 0.90 | (0.86 losa 30 0.83 094) 0.85 095] 0.86 097 087/038) 088) (088 VALVE CAPACITY & SIZING [ is Spring loaded ‘Sheet N SVFL-O7 eos 1D, Spring Loaded Type IN-LINE PRESSURE RELIEF Miodoots ata) 3a oe 6” oso | 1732 | 3099 | 7093 | 11.485 esse | 177 | 3172 | 7260 | 11761 oser | 1055 | 3517 | 7593 | 12300 yi8 | ‘066 | 201s | seco | ame | 19360 [7 | 1227 | 2280 | 4022 | 9212 | 14967 [az 1933 | 2441 463 | 9984 | 16249 196 | 44@4 [2628 [4697 | 40750 | 17500 [eat use| 260 | see | 11507 | vere 1.619 2.989 541 j22aa | 19916 | v7es_| 9304 | S958 | 19653 | 2a2e teas | seed | 6548 | 15008 | 24ex0 2100 | seer | 714 | ies0e | 26ser 2.a44 4284 7.656 17.544 28.540 2983 | 4574 | 8175 | 18739 | sO4e7 2.517 4.862 8.673 19.873 92.913 48.151 (67.148 2.647 5118 9.151 20.957 084 50.796 70.836 ze | so19 | 10051 | 2a0e8 | srai4 | s5767 | 77709 3553 | 68% | 1es62 | 2aa0a | 45983 | ease | e55a8 3esz | Toss | 12699 | 2e0r1 | a72a6 | 7os10 | 96.108 gle 2/8 |g/a/2/a\giais 1. Flow rates listed in above Tabie are based on full open valves at 100% overpressure. 2. If the set pressure is not listed above Table, use liner interpolation, 8. Ifthe overpressure is less than 100%, calculate the flow rates using the Factor “C* Example of Flow Rate Calculation se ome ‘Model SBB 4” Spring loaded Os Se ee Me ees a ‘Set pressure(Pse:)=1,200mmH20(116mibar) Ai [ess [cac}oat| ena [oa [ora Valve iniet pressure(Pin)=1,700mmH20 20 027/0.28/ 023/051 082) 053/035] 0.36/037| 0.99 ‘30 /040|9.41 /042)0.49 045|0.46/0.47|0.40|0.49|050 4. Galeulate overreseure 40 051/052 053/084 056/057 058/059|060/067 (Overpressure= Paras 100=42(%) 30 /0.62|0.62/063|0.64 (065/066 087|0.68|088|0.70 se 60 071|0.72|072|073 074) 075 /076|077/077|078 2 Qstemine Fac Gem nant Tale Gxo8s. 57a a gat Gesl eas Gas Oot OM OaE ‘verpiessure corresponding speared 80 (087|087|088|0.89 0.80] 0.90 |091|ac1|o.92| 093 set pressure. The tlow rate Is 90 085) 0.94/095|0.95 096] 087 097|0.86/099] 0.98 3,603Nm9mn from above Table. 4. Calculate flow rate at specified inlet pressure Flow rate at 1,700mmH20=0.53 x3,603=1,910Nm3in 1 Tiina lta np ita an VALVE CAPACITY & SIZING Sheet No.: BVFL-OB Meese MS ne Meco mNy IN-LINE VACUUM RELIEF ee not) con 7 700 305 | 0864 ser | 5564 | a5ee | 11902 =750_ aor | 0.892 3495 | 5732 | age | 12.290 800 0420 | oste soo | soe | 9.081 | 12656 ose 3703 | 6074 | 9039 | 19.031 04a 3e03 | 6230 | 9500 | 19.04 0485 | 0.995 3so0 | esea | 9.ea4 | 13.728 “1.900 ace | 1.018 [ss [ess | 10072 | 14.061 “1.100 oas7 | 1.066 [4176 | 6852 | 10508 | 14699 -4.200 118 O.507 1.409 | 4348 7.135 | 10958 | 15.300 “1300 127 0525 1.454 | 4504 7403 | 11368 | 15.660 “1400 =37__|_0s4a | 1.190 4005 | 7es7 | 11755 | 16406 “1500 tar | seo | 1.207 aari | 7s07 | 12122 | 16915 71.600 ser__| 0576 | 1.262 4950 | 8125 | 12469 | 17997 700 aaa | 12708 | 17.855 “1,800 e545 | 13.109 | 18289 1900 1.357 sso | 9738 | 13404 | 18,702 2000 1385 5496 | 8922 18.096 2100 1ate ssa | 9005 | 19947 | 19.470 “2200 1437 5eq2 | 9260 | 14te7 | 19827 “2.300 1.467 | 5737 9415 14434 | 20.166 2.400 1484 I 9563 | 14658 | 20404 "2.500 11508 i Notes 1. Flow rates listed in above Table are based on tull open valves at 100% negative overpressure. 2 the set vacuum is not listed above Table, use liner interpolation 8. ifthe neg Example of Flow Rate Calculation Model SBB 6" Spring loaded Set vacuum(Pset)=-800mmH20(-88mbar) Valve inlet pressure(Pin}=1,250mmH20 1. Calculate overpressure Overpressute Pin-Psat Poot 3 Read flow rate at 100% negative overpressure corresponding ‘Specified set vacuum. The flow rate is '8,803NmiM from above Table. 4, Calculate flow rato at spocifiod inlot prossure Flow rate at -1,250mmH20=0,50 x8,803=1,902Nmin 1 riettnt 100=39(%) 2 Determine Factor C from right Table C=0.50 oS 10 overpressure is less than 100%, calculate the flow rates using the Factor “C” ete eet Can Pen = | = | = foza| and 0210.23} 8 0.26 5 [0.25 20 (0.27/08! 0.29/031|0.82/038 035/036! 037 [039 30 (0.40041 0.42 (0.43|0.45 0.46 0.47|0.48| 0.49) [050 40 (ost 052] 053 054] 0.56 057 058)059) 060) lot 50 60 0.62062) 071/072] 0.63 [064/065 066 0.72 078|074 075 067/058! 076|077) 06s] O77) lo70 lo7e 70 80 0.78 0.80) (0.87 0.87| 061 087/062 083 0.88 089/069 090 084/084] ast |o91 065 0.90 | (0.86 losa 30 0.83 094) 0.85 095] 0.86 097 087/038) 088) (088 VALVE CAPACITY & SIZING SBV, Vacuum Relief . Sheet No,: BVFL-o9 (IXESEMSIN Aveo ular END-OF-LINE VACUUM RELIEF as ete eee eer) ra 2 22 | 01a | oz | o4as | o9a7 | 1620 | 2438 | 3453 B 25 | 0132 | 0280 | o4s1 | oses | 1715 | 26e2 | ase 20 -49 | ote | o4c0 | 06s | 1982 | 240s | sear | 5110 75 ~74_| 02065 | 0503 | 0782 | 1700 | 2958 | 4456 | S204 400 “os | 0262 | ose | ocor | 1963 | 3417 | 5148 | 7272 125 ~2 | 076 | oe | 1.009 | 2169 | seta | S741 | 8114 150) 45 | oes | o7oa | 1102 | 2069 | 4162 | e206 | apse 175 7__-| 04a | 0761 | 1185 | 2669 | 4478 | 673 | 9.594 20 | 20 0.872 oath 1262 | 2736 | 4769 7163 | 10.156 205 | oss | oas7 | isu | ease | S040 [7505 | i07a7 "20 | 2 | os | os00 | 1401 | 3038 | 5295 | 7983 | 11284 275 7 0.4g2 0941 1465 | 3177 5539 | aaso | 11802 soo -29 | o4a9 | o9e0 | 1825 | s310 | 5770 | 8703 | 12206 225 32 | oases | ior | 1583 | 3497 | s0a1 | 9020 | 12767 “350 “34 | oe | 1054 | 1630 | s5so | e202 | 9300 | i216 “375 37 | 047 | 08a | i602 | s675 | 405 | eee | 13860 400 39 jaz | 174 | a7er | 6600 | 9964 | 14065 “450 4 ites_| veet | 9900 | ser | 10520 | 74046 “500 49 tae | tei | 4193 | rao | 1.033 | 15566 “580 4 jase | 201 | 4973 | reat | 1507 | 16291 60 | 88 13a | 2092 | 4540 | 79i2 | ite | eB 700 | 68 1435 | 2232 | 466 | 04si | 12720 | 17996 Notes 1. Flow rates listed in above Table are based on full open valves at 100% negative overpressure. 2. Ifthe set vacuum is not listed above Table, use liner interpolation. 8. Ifthe negative overpressure is less than 100%, calculate the flow rates using the Factor “C” Example of Flow Rate Calculation ee nee) Model SBV 4”

Consult our factory for special application or special design Installation Vertical Model SBF+SFG End-ofline, vented to the atmosphere directly Model SBB+SFG Inline, a flanged side connection is provided For pipe away of vapors Flame arresier dassification Dellagration flame arrester, Bi-directional Set pressure /Set vacuum 20mmHz0 to 700 mmH20(Standard specification) Expiosion gas group UIA(standard),IIBIC(lor special application) > Other specifications are available. consult our factory r MATERIALS a a rrr oe Aa Coram BODY CAREON STEEL S04SS.SI6SS,ALUMNUM | HASTELOY", ALLOY20 MONEL, INCONEL FLAME ELEMENT 90455,91888 HASTELOY®, ALLOY20 MONEL, INCONEL ELEMENT HOUSING 20455, 91855 VASTELOY®, ALOY20 NONEL, WNCONEL ‘STUD BOLT AND NUT CS, 0045.8 i 316 SS PALLET 9455,31655 PASTELLOY®, ALLOV20 ‘SEAT 30455, 91665, ALUMNA HASTELLOY®, ALLOV20 FEP TEFLON® (Weight ioaded ipa) SEATING DIAPHRAGM CNRS Ga) METALTONETAL, VITON HOOD(MODEL SBF) goass ALUMINUM aass > Other Special materials such as Hastelloy” B/C are avaliable upon customers request Wa aang wit MODEL SBF+SFH, SBB+SFH . CONNECTIONS 1 ANSU/ASME B16.5 Class 150 Flange 1m KSWIS 10K Flange NOMINAL SIZE m 2",3", 4", 6", 8", 10", and 12" Protect storage tank from overpressure or excessive vacuum, and Potential ignition source Weight loaded for pressure and vacuum venting Designed easy periodic inspection and maintenance Ar-cushion pallet reduces the internal vapor leakage TEFLON" seat diaphragms are standard to minimize sticking caused by resinous vapors and atmospheric moisture Crimped ribbon flame elements: Drilling conforming to ANSI/ASME 816.5 for ciass 150 flanges, or KS/JIS 10K flanges. Other standards are available on customer's request » Consult our factory for special application or special design. Model S8+SFH S Instailation| Vertical Model SBF+SFH Ende-of-line, vented to the atmosphere directly Model SBE+SFH In-line, @ flanged side connection is provided For pipe away of vapors Deflagration flame arrester, Bi-directional ‘20mmH2O to 700 mmH120{Standard specification) WA(etanderd),!IB/IC(or special application) Flame arrester classification Set pressure / Set vacuum Explosion gas group » Other spectications are available. consult our facory MATERIALS: rere) a Boa Core BODY CAFBONSTEEL 94SS,S18SS,ALUMNUM | HASTELLOY®, ALLOY 2), MONEL.INCONEL FLAME ELEMENT S01'8.5 91688 RASTELLOY!, ALLOV20, VONEL INCONEL “ELEMENT HOUSING 5048S 3168S HASTELLOY®, ALLOY, MONELINCONEL STUD BOLT AND NUT 65,60488 518 85 PALLET 48S HOSS TASTELOY®, ALOV@0 SEAT 20485,0165S, ALUMNUM HASTELLOVE, ALOE FEP TEFLON ®(Wettt loaded tye) SEATING DIAPHRAGM PHGneO eG Hae iacetGes METALTO METAL HOOD(MODEL SBF) 2048S, ALUMINUM 31885 > Other Special materials such as Hastelloy "BIC are available upon customer's request. SIWV14 HLIM SATIVA 431734 Ad waLsauuv Secu Cea INE NRL UMA URUK NOMINAL SIZE CONNECTIONS m 2°, 9", 4", 6,8", 10°, and 12” m ANSI/ASME B16.5 Class 150 Flange m KSUIS 10K Flange Combination pressure refiet valve and flame arrester Protect storage tank from overpressure and potential ignition source ‘A\t-cushion pallet reduces tha intemal vapor leakage TEFLON" seating diaphragms are standard Crimped ribbon flame elements, Driling conforming to ANSIVASME 816.5 for class 150 flanges, or KSUJIS 10K flanges. other standards are available on customer's request ee > Consult our factory for special application or special design 6 EE Instattation Vertical Node! SAG+SFG End-ofJine, vented to the atmosphere directly Model SBD+SFG Indine, a flanged side connection is provided For pipe away of vapors Flame arrester classification Deflagration flame arrester, Bi-directional Set pressure 2OmmHzO to 700 mmH20(Standard specification) Explosion gas group liA\standard),IIBAIC(tor special application) » Other specications are avaliable. consult our factory MATERIALS Cree PETE Baad Ca BODY CAREON STEEL S045. 3168S.ALUMNUM | HASTELLOY", ALLOY20 MONEL, INCONEL FLAME ELEMENT 20455, 9168.8 HASTELLOY®, ALLOY20 MONEL,INCONEL ELEMENT HOUSING 3048.8,4168.S —_ | HASTELLOY®, ALLOV20 ONE, INCONEL STUD BOLT ANO NUT 25,90158 310 85 PALLET 9048.8, 3185.S i HASTELLOY®, ALLOY20 ‘SEAT 30455,91655,AuMAnUM HASTELLOY®, ALLOY 20 FEP TEFLON" (Wein oaded oe) SEATING DIAPHRAGM FASC cha tating Kose oon METALTO ETAL, VITON HOOD(MODEL S66) soa ss, AUMNUM mess > Other Special materials such as Hastelloy” BIC are available upon customer's request “Totton is registred trademark ofthe Dupont Company. Vito! ic togistored trademark of DuPont Dow Eastomers Hasilloy tho rogilored trademark of Haynos Intemational, he Wa aang wit {Alt Flow Rates at 100% overpressure (Double of Set Pressure) eR 10° Notes 1. Flow rates listed in above Tabie are based on full open valves at 100% overpressure. 2. Ifthe set pressure is not listed above Table, use liner interpolation. 3. If the overpressure is less than 100%, calculate the flow rates using the Factor “C” Example of Flow Rate Calculation $$ —————- Model SBF+SFG 10° pomero as s 19.50) 0.59 0.58| 0.64 0.55|0.56 050|057/0.58 0.60| 0.60] 0.61 062] 0.62 0.63] 0.64 /0.64 [0.66 067|0.67 068] 0.69 0.69] 0.70|0,70| 0.71 ‘Set pressure(Pest)=150mmHz0(15mban) Inlet pressure(Pin}=250mmH2O Catala x 0.72 075|0.73 074|0,75 (0750.76 [076 4. Calculate overpressure 0.78 075|0.79 080/060 084] 0 £2 |0.82| 0 83 Overpressure= PisPeet X100=67(%) (0.84 0.64/0.65|086|0.66 087|0.67|080|0.08 0.89/0.89 090|0.80 091/091 092) 0.<9/0.93/0.98 2. Determine Factor C trom right Table C=0.82 ~o9 '9.94|0.95/0.05|0 56 096/0.67 097|0.08|0.98] 0.00 8: Dee Ten tate 100% : NOTES) THE VAIUES USTED ABOVE PAGE FROM 10% T A ARE FOR REREPENSE ‘overpressure corresponding specified ‘set pressure. The flow rate is 5,370Nm*m from above Table. 4, Calculate flow rate at spectfied inlet pressure Flow rate at 250mmH?0-=0 82x 5.970=4,403Nm%h “Tha tow ates are kasod on the Sewcn Standard Modal For spacial application te achiava botor flow rata pariornanco, please consult to factory Air Flow Fates at 100% overpressure (Double of Set Vacuurn) Ca a oe os 22 | 007 | 0156 soe | Bie | 1.240 25 | 0080 | 0169 [ose [oar | 1.836 a9 | ono | oso oes | 1330 | 2008 ta | 0160 | 0mss 1073 | 1705 | 2897 98 | 0177 | 000s To1zs | 2007 | 3.080 12 0.200 0.449 1.450 2308 3.504 =| 0221] 0497 i800 | 2500 | 3.080 AT 0.240 0.541 4.751 2792 4.232 20 | 0258 | osee ‘808 | 9007 | 4867 22 0275 0624 2013, 3209 4864 2 | 0281 | 0.658 2195 | sce] 5.157 27 | 0306 | oad | 2251 ‘3587 5.498 a ae | oven | 1246 | 206e | aves | 5700 2 | 0see | 0762 zara 9906 | S071 0350 | 0704 (esr [aie | 6204 0364 | oe 2600 | 4265 | 71 0377 | 0866 278 | 4a | 8710 | 8960 oa | oss | 1866 | 2972 | 4726 | 7170 | 9582 oa | os72 | ies | 3153 | 5016 | 7606 | 10178 oases | ices | i7se | osee | S201 | goi7 | t0746 0476 107 1840 3.491 5553 8.409 11.204 ire 2001 3.796 6084 9.133, 12.323 Notes 1, Flow rates listed in above Table are based on tull open valves at 100% overpressure. 2. Ifthe set Vacuum is not listed above Table, use liner interpolation. 8. If the negative overpressure is less than 100%, calculate the flow rates using the Factor “C” Se ae ee ed Example of Flow Rate Calculation alcatel RIE Model SBF+SFG 8” 2) ‘Set Vacuurn(Psat)=-200mmH20¢-20mbar) 30) 064/085 Inlet pressure\Pn)=-380mmH20 40 070/071 50 076|077 4. Calculate overpressure a oe2loas Overpressure= PaPet 100=65(%) 70 [0.63 084| 0,64 0.86] 0.66 080|0.67/0.87/0.68|0.66 et 80 [0.89089] 0.60 080] 0.51 081] 082)095|0.93|0.94 2 Determine Factor C from right Table C=0.80 “99 [0.94 /0.95| 0.95 |0.96| 0:6 0.97] 0.67/0.98|0.98]0.09 3 Read flow rata at 100% negative overpressure corresponding ‘specified set pressure. The flow rate Is 3,007Nm9m from above Table. 4, Calculate flow rate at specified inlet pressure Flow rate at -330mmH20=0 80 x3,007=2,408Nmsh “The flow rates ara based on tho Sawon Standard Medal. For special appliction to achiave bear fow rata perterrarca, please consult factory NOTES) THE VALIESUISTED ABO RANGE FHOM 0410. ARE *OF REFERENCE 1 Tie ion sonia i ae ung Mite caatii bee) in 1,000 Neen a 10° 2 22 0.085 sss | 0592 | 0926 | 1475 es o.oaa | eet} 10008) | 15a 50 49 0.140 1004 | 1.564 | 2487 5 74 0.79 on | 1908 | 2026 | 3220 100 98 0212 ess | 1589 | 2417 | o042 - 125 12 ozs | os7s | 17e2 | 2758 | 4385 150 5 0267 1063 | 1961 | s06s | art 175 7 0231 113 | 2163 | 3343 | 531 200 20 oa | os77 | 1275 | 2982 | 360s | 5728 225 2 0335 | o723 | 1962 | 2492 | 346 | 6118 250 2B 0365 | over | 1445 | 2643 | 4073 | 6489 215 a | oar | o8t0 1.525 27e8 | 4301 6a 300 a osss | oso | 1602 | 20 | 4517 | 7184 325 22 ato | aco | 1676 | 3063 | a7ae | 7514 360 4 04a | 0928 74a | 3194 | 4925 | 734 375 37 oats | 0965 | 1818 | 3901 | star | ets 400. 39 omer | 1001 | 1985 | 3445 | asia | eaa7 450 4 0493 | 1070 | 2016 | 3683 | 5678 | 9026 500. 6 os | 1106 | 2140 | 3910 | 6028 | 9576 550 * osse | 1197 | 2257 | 4126 | Geer | 10098 600 | 0880 | 1255 2369 4332 6.677 10.537 - 700 oo 0631 | 1962 2576 4715 7.268 T5168 Notes 1. Flow rates listed in above Tabie are based on full open valves at 100% overpressure. 2. Ifthe set pressure is not listed above Table, use liner interpolation. 3. If the overpressure is less than 100%, calculate the flow rates using the Factor “C” Example of Flow Rate Calculation Model SBB+SFG 4" Set pressure(Pse)=150mmH20(15mban) Inlet pressure(Pin)=230mmH20 1. Calculate overpressure Pin-Peet Overpressure= PRPS 3. Read flow rate at 100% X 100=53(%) 2, Determine Factor G trom right Table C=0.73, 59/9. ‘overpressure corresponding specified ‘set pressure. The flow rate Is 1,083Nm!m from above Table. 4, Calculate flow rate at specified inlet pressure Flow rate at 230mmH20= See eee ey Ce ee De a 2 oon 0.61 062! ee loa} 6 |0.76| 0.82 0.82! 087/088) O71 0.78 079 70 0.85| 0.84 0.84! ‘80 0.89) 0.89090) 0.80 097/091 092) 0.63 |095|0.98 0.95|0.95| 0.98 /0.98| 0.07 0.97|0.08|0.08|0.09 (NOTES) HE VAIUES LISTED ABOVE RANGE FROM 0 TO AE FOR REFERENCE 088 0.88 73x 1,083=791NmsIh “Tha tow ates are kasod on the Sewcn Standard Modal For spacial application te achiava botor flow rata pariornanco, please consult to factory TR Raa ee no) Pra oe os 22 | 007 | 0156 soe | Bie | 1.240 25 | 0080 | 0169 [ose [oar | 1.836 a9 | ono | oso oes | 1330 | 2008 ta | 0160 | 0mss 1073 | 1705 | 2897 98 | 0177 | 000s To1zs | 2007 | 3.080 12 0.200 0.449 1.450 2308 3.504 =| 0221] 0497 i800 | 2500 | 3.080 AT 0.240 0.541 4.751 2792 4.232 20 | 0258 | osee ‘808 | 9007 | 4867 22 0275 0624 2013, 3209 4864 2 | 0281 | 0.658 2195 | sce] 5.157 27 | 0306 | oad | 2251 ‘3587 5.498 a ae | oven | 1246 | 206e | aves | 5700 2 | 0see | 0762 zara 9906 | S071 0350 | 0704 (esr [aie | 6204 0364 | oe 2600 | 4265 | 71 0377 | 0866 278 | 4a | 8710 | 8960 oa | oss | 1866 | 2972 | 4726 | 7170 | 9582 oa | os72 | ies | 3153 | 5016 | 7606 | 10178 oases | ices | i7se | osee | S201 | goi7 | t0746 0476 107 1840 3.491 5553 8.409 11.204 ire 2001 3.796 6084 9.133, 12.323 Notes 1, Flow rates listed in above Table are based on tull open valves at 100% overpressure. 2. Ifthe set Vacuum is not listed above Table, use liner interpolation. 8. If the negative overpressure is less than 100%, calculate the flow rates using the Factor “C” Se ae ee ed Example of Flow Rate Calculation alcatel RIE Model SBB+SFG 8" 2) ‘Set Vacuurn(Psat)=-25mmH20(-2 mbar) 30) 064/085 Inlet pressure\Pin)=-40mmHeO 40 070/071 50 076|077 4. Calculate overpressure a oe2loas Overpressure= ParPiet 100=60(%5) 70 [0.63 084| 0,64 0.86] 0.66 080|0.67/0.87/0.68|0.66 oe 80 [0.89089] 0.60 080] 0.51 081] 082)095|0.93|0.94 2 Determine Factor C from right Table C=0.78 “99 [o.94/0.95| 0.95 |0.96| 0:06 0.97] 0.67/0.98|0.98]0.09 3 Read flow rata at 100% negative overpressure corresponding ‘specified set pressure. The flow rate is 879Nm2m from above Table. 4, Calculate flow rate at specified inlet pressure Flow rate at -40mmH20=0.78 x 879=686Nms/h “The tlw rates ara based on tho Sawon Standard Medal. For special appicticn to achiave bear ow rato pertorrance, please consult factory NOTES) THE VALIESUISTED ABO RANGE FHOM 0410. ARE *OF REFERENCE 1 Tie ion sonia i ae ung . ————srectno:cor-os [EEESSSETN Sheet No.: COFL-05 (AUR siecaa) END-OF-LINE PRESSURE RELIEF VALVE WITH FLAME ARRESTER {Alt Flow Rates at 100% overpressure (Double of Set Pressure) eR it 0.ca1 2 25 | 00a | o193 | 0371 I 50 49 | ota | 0205 | 0573 | 1070 % 74 0487 ovat | 1395 to [98 | 0.85 oses | 1670 | : 125 12 zis | 1012 | 1908 150 5 0.234 tte | 2tz2 175 7 0255 1228 |23t7_|_ 200 a oz74 1825 | 2489 25 2 oz? | ove | i416 | 2670 250 2B osi0 | ov | 1801 | 2693 215 a7 | os | o8t4 1583 2089 | 300 2 se | 0885 | 1662 | S141 325 2 oa5e | ees | 1738 | 3287 360 4 0.373 | 0937 i811 3428 | 375 7 ose7 | 968 | i080 | 3566 400 38 aor | tous | 1852 | 3609 450 a 0428 | 107 | 20% | 3986 500 8 ass | iter _| 2214 | 4201 580 “ 47a | 1189 | 2035 | 4493 “600 S| 0802 | 1258 | 2459 | 4654 700 cy 0.545 1369 2.669 5.068 Notes 1. Flow rates listed in above Tabie are based on full open valves at 100% overpressure. 2. Ifthe set pressure is not listed above Table, use liner interpolation. 3. If the overpressure is less than 100%, calculate the flow rates using the Factor “C” Example of Flow Rate Calculation Model SBF+SFH 10” ‘Set pressure(Psst)=150mmH20(15mban) Inlet pressure(Pin}=250mmH2O seer im Serr) ee ee 9 0.61 062! ee loa} O71 lore|orr 4. Calculate overpressure eer papa e Overpressure= PHPS# x 100-67(%6) 70/083] 0.04 0.64] 0.67 |0.88|0.68 = {80 089] 0.89) 090) 0.80 087] 087 082] 083|0.95| 094 2, Determine Factor C trom night Table C=0.82 G5 “{0.9s 095/008 09810.67 0.871066 (096|0.00 3. Read flow rate at 100% (NOTES) HE VAIUES LISTED ABOVE RANGE FROM 0 TO AE FOR REFERENCE ‘overpressure corresponding specified ‘set pressure. The flow rate Is 5,9ENm!m from above Table. 4, Calculate flow rate at specified inlet pressure Flow rate at 250mmH20= 82x 5,098=4,180Nmsth “Tha tow ates are kasod on the Sewcn Standard Modal For spacial application te achiava botor flow rata pariornanco, please consult to factory Air Flow Fates at 100% overpressure (Double of Set Vacuurn) Ca a oe os Ca 2.2 ove | 014s | 0276 | 0500 | O77 25 | 0068 ozs6 | oss | 0895 49 0.101 oaaa | ower | 1264 TA sar | oat | 0563 | 106s | 1620 g8 | oro | oss | oese | i262 | 1006 12 aio | 047 | over | i435 | 2192 15, one8 | 0472 | osss | 1582 | 2452 a7 24 | ost | os | 1735 | 2652 te6e7_| 2856 1983 | 3048 aus | 322 | 228 | a4o7 | 5167 2es9_| 3576 | 5426 2aaT | 2562 2.652 oszo | ose | 1450 | 2751 os42 | 0870 | 1550 | 2641 ose | oses | ies | 3te2 | 476s | 7.205 | 10687 oses | ose | 1795 | 9293 Ed 0.404 1.023 1824 3.456 17.860 ose | 113 | 1961 | 9756 12.540 Notes 1, Flow rates listed in above Table are based on tull open valves at 100% overpressure. 2. Ifthe set Vacuum is not listed above Table, use liner interpolation. 8. If the negative overpressure is less than 100%, calculate the flow rates using the Factor “C” Example of Flow Rate Calculation Se ae ee ed eee ae ae ae a Model SBF+SFH 8° 2) ‘Set Vacuurn(Psat)=-200mmH20-20mbar) 30) 064/085 Inlet pressure\Pn)=-380mmH20 40 070/071 50 076|077 1, Calculate overpressure a omoaa Overpressure= PaPet 100=65(%) 70 [0.63 084| 0,64 0.86] 0.66 080|0.67/0.87/0.68|0.66 et 80 [0.89089] 0.60 080] 0.51 081] 082)095|0.93|0.94 2 Determine Factor C from right Table C=0.80 “99 [0.94 /0.95| 0.95 |0.96| 0:6 0.97] 0.67/0.98|0.98]0.09 3 Read flow rata at 100% negative overpressure corresponding ‘specified set pressure. The flow rate Is 2,856Nm*% trom above Table. 4, Calculate flow rate at specified inlet pressure Flow rate at -330mmH20=0 80 x2,856=2,285Nmah “The flow rates ara based on tho Sawon Standard Medal. For special appiction to achiave bear fow rato pertorrarca, please consult factory NOTES) THE VALIESUISTED ABO RANGE FHOM 0410. ARE *OF REFERENCE 1 Tie ion sonia i ae ung . ‘Sheet No.: COFL-07 na Sissel) IN-LINE PRESSURE RELIEF VALVE WITH FLAME ARRESTER Mite caatii bee) Rey 10° 0.073 2 | 25 0.078 | 50 49 o.n19 5 74 0.182 io [98 | 0.160 : 125 12 0205 | 150 5 0.208 175 7 0.248 200 20 0.267 205 2 0.785 250 2B 0.302 275 a7 | oats | 300 a 05994 325 22 0.349 360 4 0.364 375 37 0.376 400. 39 0.392 450 4 0419 500 9 0.445 550 ” 0.468 600 | 04 | 700 | oss | 6.905 Notes 1. Flow rates listed in above Tabie are based on full open valves at 100% overpressure. 2. Ifthe set pressure is not listed above Table, use liner interpolation. 3. If the overpressure is less than 100%, calculate the flow rates using the Factor “C” Example of Flow Rate Calculation See eee ey CT aE DO a Model SBB+SFH 4” Set pressure(Pset)=150mmH20(15mban), 0.61 0.62] ‘064! Inlet pressure(Pin}=230mmH2O [070|0.71 lore|orr 4. Calculate overpressure eer papa e Overpressure= PirPset x 409-53(%) 70/083] 0.04 0.64] 0.67 |0.88|0.68 i {80 089] 0.89) 090) 0.80 087] 087 082] 083|0.95| 094 2, Determine Factor G trom right Table C=0.73 ~g9/ | | econ rene ae ‘90 |0.94/0.95 0.95|0.98 0.96|0.97 097|0.68|0.98|0.00 : NOTES) THE VAIUES USTED ABOVE PAGE FROM 10% T A ARE FOR REREPENSE ‘overpressure corresponding specified ‘set pressure. The flow rate Is 1,072Nm’m from above Table. 4, Calculate flow rate at specttied inlet pressure Flow rate at 230mmH20=0 73x 1.072=783Nmsmh “Tha tow ates are kasod on the Sewcn Standard Model For spacial application te achiava botor flow rata pariornanco, please consult to factory TR Raa ee no) Pra oe os o 2.2 ove | 014s | 0276 | 0500 | O77 25 | 0068 ozs6 | oss | 0895 49 0.101 oaaa | ower | 1264 TA sar | oat | 0563 | 106s | 1620 g8 | oro | oss | oese | i262 | 1006 12 aio | 047 | over | i435 | 2192 15, one8 | 0472 | osss | 1582 | 2452 a7 24 | ost | os | 1735 | 2652 te6e7_| 2856 1983 | 3048 aus | 322 | 228 | a4o7 | 5167 2es9_| 3576 | 5426 2aaT | 2562 2.652 oszo | ose | 1450 | 2751 os42 | 0870 | 1550 | 2641 ose | oses | ies | 3te2 | 476s | 7.205 | 10687 oses | ose | 1795 | 9293 Ed 0.404 1.023 1824 3.456 17.860 ose | 113 | 1961 | 9756 12.540 Notes 1, Flow rates listed in above Table are based on tull open valves at 100% overpressure. 2. Ifthe set Vacuum is not listed above Table, use liner interpolation. 8. If the negative overpressure is less than 100%, calculate the flow rates using the Factor “C” Example of Flow Rate Calculation Se ae ee ed eee ae ae ae a Model SBB+SFH 8” 2) ‘Set Vacuurn(Psat)=-25mmH20(-2 mbar) 30) 064/085 Inlet pressure\Pin)=-40mmHeO 40 070/071 50 076|077 4. Calculate overpressure a oe2loas Overpressure= eae 100=60(%5) 70 [0.63 084| 0,64 0.86] 0.66 080|0.67/0.87/0.68|0.66 a 80 [0.89089] 0.60 080] 0.51 081] 082)095|0.93|0.94 2 Determine Factor C from right Table C=0.78 “99 [o.94/0.95| 0.95 |0.96| 0:06 0.97] 0.67/0.98|0.98]0.09 3 Read flow rata at 100% negative overpressure corresponding ‘specified set pressure. The flow rate is 635Nm2m from above Table. 4, Calculate flow rate at specified inlet pressure Flow rate at -40mmH20=0.78 x 835=651Nms/h “The flow rates ara based on tho Sawon Standard Medal. For special applicticn to achiave bear fow rato perterrarce, please consult factory NOTES) THE VALIESUISTED ABO RANGE FHOM 0410. ARE *OF REFERENCE 1 Tie ion sonia i ae ung MODEL SBF+SFG Leer a Cen or MODEL SBF+SFH Sze H CGN) Loreen a a poesia fina 495 1 2° | 410 4 545 49 3" | 450 25 580, 28 a7 | 500 26 680 53 6” | 500 5 740, 85, a7 | 7 58 10” | 765 145 10" | 750 8 iat | 8s Bs: a2" | 0 8 | TT a s| MODEL SBG+SFG MODEL SBB+SFG Pe Pr Cee CSG alee ee eG ea 27 | 495 | 200 | 26 18 27 | 435 | 115 | 340 | 32 | 16 3° [sas [270 [40 18 3° | 465 [a5 [ais | 59 | 20 gt | seo | 280 | eer 82 6 | a0 | S45 6 | 60 a” | 740 | 400 | 165 81 38” | 65 yo" | 765 | 400 | 230 [137 10" | 725 ta” | e45 | 500 | ot7 | 201 127 | 810 Actual dimensions may vary from these listed dimensions due to variations or revisions of specifications, The dimensions may change without notice. For more information, consult our factory. 1 Tih cai hi to lap tia MODEL SBB+SFH MODEL SBD+SFG aT Seles Eee 2° 350 | 115 | 340 = 435 115. | 15 3° | 990 [14s | 415 | 3 [aes | 145. | [oar 4” | 420 | 180 | 495 4* | 500 | 1@0 [at 6” 520 | 215 | 605 6 610 215 _ 6&8 8° | 660 | 300 | 75 8" | 675 | 300 | / 108 to" | 710 | 300 | 860 10° 12 | 300 L155) 12” | 805 | 360 | 1030 ye" | 810 | 360 | [es ‘Actual dimensions may vary from these listed dimensions due to variations or revisions of specifications. ‘The dimensions may change without notice. For more information, consult our factory. HOW TO ORDER coe ai Ooo o v q SBF+SFG | W:Weight loaded for ARANSIClass | : No Option SBF+SFH | Pvsides 150. RF J :Steam Jacket ‘SBG+SFG | S : Spring loaded for AF:ANSIClass | S Special SBB+SFG | prossute side c: 180 FF SBB+SFH | N. Sprig loaded for 4:3048S KA: KSWIS 10K RF SBD+SFG | — vacuumside 6 | KF :KSUS10KFF D: Spring loaded for 6 3168S NO: NO Driting PN sides 7 :31@SS | SS: Spedal (Dual spring loaded) A: Aluminum: 8 Special Material EXAMPLE SBF+SFG-W-03-C44-AR-0 Means a 3° model SBF+SFG, weight loaded type for pressure & vacuum sides, with carbon steel ‘body, 304 SS seal, 304 SS pallet, ANSI Class 1 AF tage driing ad ho afer enon. 1 Tie ion sonia i ae ung Ton Pappeenig cr diary by AVI ACela\(ey¢ __ MANHOLE) COVER) VENT) SELWON Q&TECH CO.,LTD. | HEAD OFFICEACTORY 4038. CHUNGOK-Ml, UCHON-MYUN, KIMHAE, KVEONG NAMKOREA 62-840 Tel: 8355950589807 Fan: 93555253098 hexpijimmwangtcake hitpiftywseworrindcokr Emmithelpdeskgsigecokr sm SEOUL OFFICE 371,393, KARAK-DONG, SONGPA-KU, ‘SEOULKOREA B60 Tel: sGzzaosso~4/soo-7020 Fax: s83a-406-702. Exmuilhelpderk@engtcake F : : t j Y3AO9 .INSA AONASYaINA MODEL SEA EMERGENC} Sewon SEA Conventional Emergency Ve NOMINAL SIZE CONNECTIONS wm 16", 18", 20", and 24” 1m API 650 Flange driling 1 Other sizes or specifications are available (For 20° & 24’only) upon request. mL ANSV/ASME 1501bs Flange dling a KSWIS 5K Flange driling KSWIS 10K Flange diiling Enables emergency relief when fire exposure Remains closed position when normal operating condition ( Can be used as manhole cover for storage tank maintenance Alr-cushion pallet reduces the vapor leakage from storage tank © Installation Vertical Type Weight loaded, conventional vert Set pressure Maximum 700mmH20 Use spring loaded emergency vents when the set pressure over 700 mmH20. Other specifications are avaliable. consult cur factory. Diiling conforming to API 650, ANSV/ASME 16.5 for class 150 flanges. or KSUIS SK/OK flanges (Other standards are available on customer's request. Consult our factory for special application or special design. MATERIALS rey Pas Buena) Carn ‘BODY (CAREON STEEL 904555. 316SS.ALUMNUM | HASTELLOY'® ALLOY20, FAP. PTFE. ETFELINED PALLET 01S, s168S VASTELLOV® ALLOY 20, FAP. PTFE. ETFELINED WEIGHT 436, 30483 DIAPHRAGN /O-RING TTEFLON® (DIAPHRAGM SEAL) NBA, VITONT (O-RING SEAL) > Other special materials are avalable upon customer's request BASIC ORDERING INFORMATION Mode! and Type Tank Diameter and Height Tank Type Design Pressure of the tank Fluid Handling Size and Connection Material Noosepa UCAS NOMINAL SIZE 48”, 18", 20", and 24° m Other sizes or specifications are available upon request. CONNECTIONS m API 650 Flange diling (For 20" & 24°only) \NSVASME 150Lbs Fiange drilling wm KSIJIS 5K Flange dtiling i KSUIS 10K Flange driting Enables emergency relief when fire exposure Flemains closed position when normal operating condition The design also allovis convenient access through the vent for tank inspection and maintenance: Air-cushion pallet reduces the vapor leakage from storage tank Diiling conforming to AP! 650, ANSI/ASME B16.5 for class 150 flanges, of KSUIS SK/0K flanges. other standards are available m ‘on customer's request. = Consult our factory for special application or special design. gq 3 6 ) 8 Installation Vettical a Type Weight loaded, conventional vent with hinge mechanism oat Set pressure Maximum 700mmH:O 3 MATERIALS si a CU betel Brus OPTIONAL. BODY CAFEONSTEEL 364 SS.3165S,ALUIANUM | HASTELLOY' ALLOY20, FHP. PTFE, El PALLET D4SS, 3165S HASTELLOY'! ALLOY 20, FAP, PTFE, ETFELINED WEIGHT 6 4s DIAPHRAGM / O-RING TEFLON® (DIAPHRAGM SEAL) NBR, VITON (O-RING SEAL) » Dither special materials are available upon customer's request. BASIC ORDERING INFORMATION Model and Type Tank Type Fluid Handing ‘Size and Connection Material Nooeene ‘Tank Diameter and Height Design Pressure of the tank 1 "Tiina coal hilton that Y3AO9 .INSA AONASYaINA MODEL SEV EMERGENCY Sees Secu cn Murra NOMINAL SIZE CONNECTIONS m 16", 18", 20°, and 24” 1m API 650 Flange driling 1 Other sizes or specifications are available (For 20" & 24°only) upon request. 1 ANSV/ASME Flange dling a KSWIS 5K Flange driling KSWIS 10K Flange diiling Incorporates a vacuum relief, and enables pressure and vacuum relief when emergency condition Designed to open and provide pressure relief beyond the ‘capacity of the normal breather vents Remains closed position when normal operating condition Alt-cushion pallet reduces the vapor leakage from storage tank Driling conforming to API 650, ANSVASME B 16.5 for class 150 flanges, of KS/JIS 5K/10K flanges. (Other standards are available on customer's request. Consult our factory for special application or special design, © Omen Instattaton Vertical Type Weight loaded, conventional emergency pressure and vacuum relief vent Set pressure /Set vacuum Maximum 700mmH2O MATERIALS. rey DTS Be Car BODY CARGON STEEL 904 55,9165, ALUMNUM | HASTELLOV'S ALLOV20, FAP. PTFE, ETFELNED PALLET 20185, s168S ASTELIOY ALLOY 20, FRP PFE, ETFE LINED WEIGHT 496, 3048 DIAPHRAGM (O-RING ‘TEFLON® (DIAPHRAGM SEAL) NBA, VITON? (O-RING SEAL) WEATHER HGOD 8048 5, ALUMINUM a16S8 > Other special materials are available upon customer's request BASIC ORDERING INFORMATION Model and Type Tank Diameter and Height Tank Type Design Pressure of the tank Fluid Handling Size and Connection Material Nowsons UCAS NOMINAL SIZE 48”, 18", 20", and 24° m Other sizes or specifications are available upon request. CONNECTIONS m AP1650 Flange driling (For 20" & 24°only) \NS/ASME 150Lbs Fiange drilling wm KSIJIS 5K Flange dtiling i KSUIS 10K Flange driting Enables pressure and vacuum reiiet when emergency condition Remains closed position when normal cperating conditicn Air-cushion patlet reduces the vapor leakage from storage tank Pallet assembly closes and reseats when the pressure is reduced tiling conforming to AP! 650, ANSVASME B16.S for class 150 flanges, or KSUJIS SK/OK flanges. other standards are available ‘on customer's request. m Consult our factory for special application or special design. Zz m a g ) 8 Installation Vertical < Type Weight loaded, conventional emergency Pressure and vacuum roliet vent with Set pressure / Set vacuum ‘Maximum 700mmH20 a MATERIALS, 3 Tey a CU Ewa Car BODY CAPBONSTEEL 5045S 3155S ALUIANUM | HASTEMOY ® ALLOY, FRP,PTFE,ETFELINED PALLET 90455,91655 HASTELLOY'® ALLOY 20, PAP, PTE, ETFEUNED WEIGHT 156 0488 DIAPHRAGM / O-RING TEFLON” (DIAPHRAGM SEAL) NBR, VITON "(O-RING SEAL) INEATHER HOOD 3088S, ALUMINUM 3088 » Other special materials are available upon customer's request BASIC ORDERINF INFORMATION . Model and Type . Tank Type Fluid Handing . Size and Connection Material Nowsepa . Tank Diameter and Height Design Pressure of the tank 1 "Tiina coal hilton that Y3AO9 .INSA AONASYaINA NOMINAL SIZE m 16", 18", 20", and 24” Other sizes or specifications are available upon request. Enables pressure relief when emergency condition Femains closed position when normal operating condition Reseats when the over-pressure has been dissipated Driling conforming to API 850, ANSI/ASME B 16.5 for class 150 flanges, or KSWIS SK/10K flanges. Other standards are available on customer's request. Consult our factory for special application or spacial design Remi sass Meer CRs casey CONNECTIONS 1m API 650 Flange driling (For 20° & 24’only) | ANSVASME 150Lbs Flange driling a KSWIS 5K Flange driling KSWIS 10K Flange diiling 6 EE Installation Vertical Type Spring toaded Sot prassure 4 PSI 015 PSI MATERIALS Trey CRN Ber) ‘OPTIONAL BODY CARBON STEEL SMSS,316SS HASTELLOY". ALLOY 20, FRP PTFE. ETFE LINED PALLET 90488, s1688 | RASTELLOY®, ALLOY29, PRP, PIFE, ETFE LINED O-RING VITON® NGA, WNBA SPRING 30488 31688 > Othar special materials are available upen customer's raquast BASIC ORDERING INFORMATION 1, Model and Type 2, Tank Diameter and Height 8. Tank Type 4, Design Pressure of the tank 5, Fluid Handling 6. Size and Connection 7. Material “Teflon is registared trademark of the Dupont Company. ‘tor! is registared irademerk of DuPont Dow Eastomers. 1 Ti ion soi ti je eg Mino caarii lobe eon Ea Ed 75, 74 46.935 20277 29.308 300 38 x 19.904 23316 802, 125 12 21.473 26047 97.810 160 8 23.476 28582 41.437 175 7 25.596 30817 44,760 200 20 7.088 32838 47.839 225 ee 28.728 34926 so72t 20 |S 30.286 936.802 8.441 as |e 31.770 36583 6.024 300 a 33.188 40.285 3.488 325 = 34.548 41917 350 34 35.857 43.420 375 a7 78 45007 65.351 400 EY 20.374 38.337 46.477 7.487 425 42 0.271 39518 47.904 9.560 450 4 31.142 40.662 49200 71.578 500. 48 32816 42.651 51952 75.440 600 9 35.909 46.661 56.898 Exal 70 | «8 3878) BO5t2 GE 9.092 Notes 1, Flow rates listed in above Table are based on Tull open valves at 100% overpressure. 2. If the set pressure is not listed above Table, use liner interpolation. 3, Ifthe overpressure is less than 100%, calculate the flow ratos using the Factor “C” Example of Flow Rate Calculation eT errs Model SEB 24” (Hifi lie fae er Sifu seller AT ‘Set pressure(Pes)=200mmnHz0(20mbar) 4/070) 0,741073/0.74 0.74) 0.75|0.78|0.76/0.77[0.7 Valve inlat pressure(Pin)=265mmH2O 20 078|0.78 0 78|9.79 079) 0.79 0.80) 0.60/080|081 30 /081/ 0.81082) 0.82 /089| 0.83 086) 063 |08s|0.84 1. Calculate overpressure 40 |0.84| 0.84) 0.85| 0.85 0.85/ 0.85 (0.86 | 0.86 /0.86] 0.87 Overpressure= Pi-Pstt 5<400-090%) 50 (087/0.67/087/0.68 0.88) 0.88 /06¢|0.69/0.80| 0.00 ‘siseainia cates Cen ign Table C=cige 52 080[0.90 090) 087 081/081 087] os2[osa| a2 2. Road fon reteat 1005 70 0.92|0.93 095] 0.69 094) 0.94 0.94|0.96/0.95|0.05 ‘overpressure corresponding specified {80 |095| 0.95| 096] 0.96/0.96] 0.86 097|087|097|0.98 set pressure. The flow rate is 0 0:98] 0.98) 096] 0.89 0:99] 0.29 0.98] 1.00] 1.00] 1.00 47,839Nm/n from above Table. - 4, Calculate flow rate at specified inlet pressure Flow rate at 265mmH20-0.82 47 839-39,228Nmsh 1 "Tiina coal hilton that Pennetta hac eek) ena) mmo mbar it 20 22 22 2436 2438 2.438 2438 25 25 2582 2.582 2582 2582 50 49 3627 3.627 3627 3627 18 TA 4459 4459 4458 4459 “100 08 5148 5.148 5148 5148 “125; 12 57a 574i 7a B74 150 5, 8266 6.268 6256 6266 A175 a7 6743 5743 6743 6743 200 20 7.183 7183 7.183 7.188 25 2 7595 7.595 7.595 7585 250 2 7.983 7.988 7.983 7983 5 2 382 a.a52 8352 8352 300 29 8703 8.708 8703 8703 325 22 9039 9.039 8.039 9039 “350 7 9.360 9.360 19.360 9360 75 37 9.568 0.868 8.658 9668 400 39 9964 9.968 8954 ‘9964 450 ma 10520 70.520 10.520 10.520 500 48 111088 11.083 11.083 14.083 =550 # 11507 11.507 41.507 11507 600 58 11.944 1944 11.944 tit “700 6 12720 "2720 12720 ve720 Notes 1. Flow rates listed in above Table are based on full open valves at 100% negative overpressure: 2 Ifthe set vacuum is not listed above Table, usa liner interpolation. 8, If the negative overpressure is less than 100%, calculate the flow rates using the Factor *C” Example of Flow Rate Calculation Mode! SEV 20" Set Vacuum Psst 25mmH20¢-2,5mbar) Valve inlet pressure(Pin}=38mmH20 1 2 Determine Factor C from right Table C=0.63, 3. Calculate overpressure Overpressure= Paar x 100=52(%6) Read flow rate at 100% agative overpressure corresponding specttied set Vacuum. The flow rateis 2,582NmiMh from above Table Excess f to] = a ie 20 [0.27 028/029 037 5 = 020) 082/088) 21 035) 037! 30 [0.40 0.41/0.42 0.43 40 [051 052/053 054 50 [0.62/062|0.63 064 a0 [071 072|072/073 0.45 0.46) 056 057/ 065 (066) 074|075| 07 058) oer 076! 077 0.49 060) 0.68 77! 70 [0.79 080/081 081 20 [0.87 087|0.88 0.89 082 083) 0.89 0.90) 0.84 ost 084 oo) 0.85) 0.921 90 [0.98 094|0.95 0.95 096 097) os 038 099) Calculate tlow rate at specified inlet pressure Flow rate at -38mmH2O=0.63 x 2,582=1,627Nm"%h rit sini nis eh ‘Sheet No.: EVFL-03 Spring Loaded Type EMERGENCY VENT, PRESSURE RELIEF Mino caarii lobe haatSiens is eon mmiz0 mbar ms Pa 750 7 18288 23.586 28.487 40.935 800 78 18.804 24.904 29.366 42.192 860 3 19.349 25,008 30.226 4.422 00 8 19.882 25.698 31.087 44.528 90 2 20.405 26.374 ai801 45.809 4,000 8 20917 27.037 32699 46.987 4,400 108 z191t 28.528 34265 49.215 1.200 | 118 22.368 29.562 35770 51378 4g00 | 127 23,790 30.755 87.219 53.462, 1.400 137 24578 31.507 38616 55472 +4500 447 25587 39.020 39.984 S7419 4,750 172 27564 35 646 4a tat 61 962 2,000 196 29.839 38.078 36078 6.228 2,500 2a5 22.828 42.473 51376 73.867 3,000 24 35.843 46.380 56.083 0.543 5,000 490, 45.854 50.076 71802 108.607 7.500 735 55.167 71.890 36.269 128015 8,000 785 56.829 73.548 38872 127792 0000981 2.54 81.358 98.292 141.588 Notes 1, Flow rates listed in above Table are based on Tull open valves at 100% overpressure. 2. If the set pressure is not listed above Table, use liner interpolation. 3, Ifthe overpressure is less than 100%, calculate the flow ratos using the Factor “C” Example of Flow Rate Calculation eT errs Model SEAS 24” ED 3 EAS) SUI wd FNS IES ‘Set pressure(Pse:)=1,200mmH20(116mbar). 4o| - | - | - | - | - [020/021/0.23/0.24/0.25 Velve inlet pressure(Pir)=1,600mmH20 20 027) 0.28/028/037 032) 0.33 |038|026/037| 0.39 30 0.40) 0.41 0.42) 0.43 0.45/0.46 0.47| 0.48 /0.49/ 0.50 1. Calculate overpressure 40 0.51/0.52' 0.53) 0.54 0.56) 0.57 0.58| 0.59/0.60| 0.61 Overpressure= PirPs#t 5<400-0906) 50/062) 062/069] 064/065] 0.66 067|0.68|069|0.70 ei cisernina aaah yea figm Table G=0.4g 82071] 072,0,72[078 0:74[0,75076| 0.77/07 076 2. Road fon reteat 1005 70 079|0.80 081]0.61 082) 0.69 0.84|0.84|0.85|0.86 ‘overpressure corresponding specified ‘80 /0.87/ 0.87) 088) 0.69 089|0.90 091/051 |0.92/0.93 set pressure. The flow rate is ® 095] 0.94 095|0.85 0.96] 087 |097|0.86|0.99| 0.99 '51,378NméM from above Table. - — 4, Calculate flow rate at specified inlet pressure Flow rate at 1,600mmH20-0.43 x 51,378=22,093Nmsyh 1 "Tiina coal hilton that oc OTS ors mes APDIOX ry Pee aco eal FSA Arete ar feo yer] [= [+ [= [sma] sof -[- ter] = [+ | + |= [sme sess] v0 : wa? | = | - | | = [sro] seo] ito] - | - 187] - | - | = | — [erro | eso) 10 5 ‘ [seeslema| eo eo | eso] ewes | 0 [oo | o —20" senslownal so [em [easo [oma | tin | or oe 24” [ses 7e20] eo veo | rans | size| 110 [ton] ss 24” eomsl rao] san | veo [roe |aizs| 10 OB Aes, aise ance fee ace 16" = ‘soi8 | $969 | 110 * 18° | - | - | - [ - [sree] seo[ to | - | - =\= 20” |526.9/660.4) 290 | 660 | 6350 | s965] 110 | 60 | 41 20" |se6e| 6604] 800 | ceo | e250] 685/110 |e | 4 24" |ag85 7620] 690 | 750 | 7493 | a12e| 110 | 100] 55 24” | ec8.5| 7820] 00 | 750 | 7495 | e128 | 110 | 100) 58 1 Tis ino sina erin ajo dae i we MODEL SEAS Cry or eo A fone fc Notes The overall height may change with set pressure. ‘Actual dimensions may vary trom these listed dimensions due to variations or revisions of specifications, and may change without notice. For more information, consult our factory. HOW TO ORDER Cr med PON) Precis Coe oo q q q q SEA PO: API650°98 Edtion in inch Unit_ | O: NoOption ‘SEB PN : API 650 98 Edtion in Matic Unit. | 4 : 2048S weight SEV AR ANS! Class 150 RF 6 :316SS weight ‘SEVH ‘AE : ANSICiass 150 FF S : Special SEAS KR: KSUIS 10K RF KE: KSUIS 10K FF SF :KSUIS SKFF 5R : KSUIS SK RF NO: NO Dhiling ‘89 : Special EXAMPLE SEA-24-C4-PN-0 ‘Means a 24“ model SEA emergency vent with carbon steel Dody, 304 SS pallet, API 65098 Edition flange drilling and no other option. 1 "Tiina coal hilton that ‘AUGE\HATCH™ | De is XG) iStelo)y REN (ef) 3133 SELWON Q&TECH CO.,LTD. | HEAD OFFICEACTORY 4038-2. CHUNGOK-Ml, JUCHON-AIYUN, KIMHAE, KVEONG NAMKOREA62-840 Teli 185550s894~7 Fa: 193553253098 hexpijimw antic ke hitpiftynwseworindcokr Emmilhelpdeskgsinge Consult our factory for special application el se=crcerons | Maximum Working Pressure 200mbar(g) (3ps)for Lockdown type Type Non-sparking, lockdown type weight loaded type(optional) > Other specifications are available. consult our factory. MATERIALS Crs Lille Gee Cae "BODY | GAREON'STEEL 90455, 5165, ALUMINUM HASTELLOY”, ALLOY 20 SEAT MATERIAL (PTFE TEFLON® [ (NBA, MITON® EYESOLT &BUTTRLYNUT 3048S = HINGE PIN 20888 - Other special materials such as Hastelloy™ BIC & Alloy 20 are availabe upon customer's request, 1 Tibi sind ni ae ng te Sewon SGH Manhole Cover NOMINAL SIZE CONNECTIONS m 24”, 30", and 36" m ANSI/ASME B16.5 Class 160 Flango(24”) m KSUIS 10K Flange m AP| 650 Flange(24") ANSI/ASME B 16.47, MSS SP44(50" or 36") af Roof manways provide easy entry for maintenance or inspection needs Non-sparking design and gas tight to 1 PS! Avaliable in NBR, VITON and other elastomers Drilling conforming to ANSVASME B 16.5 for class 24° 1150 flanges, ANSVASME B 16.47 for 30" & 36° 150 flanges, ‘or KSJIS 10K flanges. Other standards are available on customer's request > Consult our factory for special application © EEEOmenons) ] Maximum Working Pressure 7Ombar(g) (1psi) Type Non-sparking, Lock-down mechanism » Other specifications are available, Consult our factory. YAAOD STOHNVW 400H MATERIALS, ee iesinlien STANDARD Caos BODY CCAPBONSTEEL 304SS,316SS, ALUIANUM. ‘SEAT MATERIAL, TEFLON a EYEBOLT & BUTTELY NUT m48S = HINGE PIN ord > > Dither Special materials such as Hasteloy ® BIC & Alloy 2) are available upon customers request BASIC ORDERING INFORMATION 1, Model and Type 2, Fluid Handing 3, Operating Temperature & Pressure ranges: 4. Size and Connection 5. Material Tolton*ie oglatared itadomatk ofthe Cuport Company, ‘Viton is registered trademark of DuPont Dow Elastomers Hastelloy® iste rogistred trademark of Haynas inierational, nc. 1 Tiina eal inlet octane MODEL SGH ee iad CS Aluminum 4” 417 2286 261 15 5 e 117 a9 312 8 7 38" 122 3426 375 32 9 107 125 406.4 a2, 375 i Re ‘CONSULT FACTORY Notes ‘The overall height may change with lange specification ‘Actual cimensions may vary from these listed dimensions due to variations or revisions ot specications, and may change without notice. For more information, consult our factory. HOW TO ORDER Crt Ma eae SGH AR: ANSI Glass 150 RF AF © ANSI Cass 150 FF 631655 7 316 SS “A: Aluminum 'S: Special Material EXAMPLE SGH-06-A-AF-TO ‘Means a6 " model SGH gauge hatch with aluminum body, ANSI Class 150 FF flange driling, PTFE ‘Teflon seat and no other option. “Totlon® is reglstaros tradomark of tho Dupont Company. ‘Vion! is rogistored iradomerk of DuPont Dow Eastomers. 1 Tiki soiling tt eT SEWON Q&TECH CO.,LID. (NV HEAD OFFICEACTORY 4038-2, CHUNGOK-Ml, UCHON-AVUN, KIMHAE, KVEONG NAM KOREA 631-840 Tels +8535355:5995~7 Fa: 193553233098 hespijiverw anata ke hitpiftywseworindcokr Emaithelpeeskgsigecokr sm SEOUL OFFICE 371,393, KARAK-DONG, SONGPA-KU, ‘SEOULKOREATSB-60 Tel: +82aaosson~4/408-7021 Fix: s88a406-7022 Exmaithelpdesk@engtecake ey ee) ee ee ee MODEL SNB 110/210 BLANKETING DEVICE ‘The Sewon ert Gas Blanket Device ensures that a constant gas pressuire Is maintained fh the vapor space of @ storage tank. ‘When liquid is discharged from a storage tank or the temperature is reduced, a vacuum would be developed. ‘With the Sewon Inert Gas Blanket Device, a blanket gas is supplied to prevent any vacuum trom developing and to mainiain the desired blanket pressure. In addition to, preventing outside air and moisture from entering the storage vessel, and reduces the evaporation of the stored product to a negligible amount. ‘The result not only conserves product but also greatly recuices emissions. These advantages are in addition to the fire protection that is provided. The simple design of a Sevion Inert Gas Blanket Device eliminates the need for a muitiple regulator system or ‘the complicated pilot operated blanketing valves, By utifzing a regulator wih totally balanoed chambers, maintenance wil also be reduced. The balanced design ‘means thet you willhave high accuracy, reliability. BLANKETING DEVICE Inter SENSOR PORT Sansaniprecsusing soso ark THE MAJOR BENEFIT OF USING THIS DEVICE @ Reduce explosion risk and evaporation loss Provides a head pressure above the liquid to reduce evaporation loss, andit helps protect the inside tank corrosion. m Maintain a constant pressure and precise pressure control Prevent outside air, moisture, and other contaminants from entering the storage tank by means ‘of maintaining a constant pressure in the tank. @ Protect chemical in a storage tank from oxidation m@ Vacuum relief function Provides a function as venting device(Vacuum relief device) BLANKETING DEVICE qm “= a sls < Soemerd bee kcnon SS | BYPASS LINE cece ne momma asd a MIN. 1 OMETER | STORAGE | TANK LIQUID Tank Pressure is sensed on the underside of the diaphragm. The Diaphragm drectly actuates the pilot valve, Flow through the pilot valve is drected to the pilot vave causes the pressure 10 drop In the sealed chamber above the main valve piston. When the pressure has dropped sufficiently, the main valve opens and allows bianketing gas to flow into the tank. When the pressure is restored the pilot closes. Pilot flow ceases and restores the pressure above the main valve piston to full inlet pressure shutting off the main valve. This full balancing of forces is essential tthe pilot valve is not to be unduly influenced by change in inlet prossure. 1 Tinned in long that an ||| DIMENSIONS 1 q ‘ MODEL - SNB210 Ca Gina ns id an Cs 200 300 300 175 | +125mmH-0_| _ without inlet pressure regulator "300 520 | 300 2 +12.5mmHO | ___with inlet pressure regulaior 8 i E L MODEL -SNB110 Ea nC Gaus a= AAR ers 300 300 200 7 +12.5mmH:0 | _ without inlet pressure tequlator 300 520 200 | 115 4125-0 with inlet pressure regulator > The weight may vary with flange spactfication or inlet pressure regulator. Actual dimensions may vary from these listed dimensions cue to variations or revisions of specifications. The dimensions may change without notice, For more information, consult our factory. SPECIFICATIONS SET PRESSURE(OPEN PRESSURE) RANGE 412.5mmH20 to +5,000mmHO MINIMUM INLET PRESSURE 1.0kg/o# OPERATING TEMPERATURE RANGE -28 10 100 DEG, C(-18 to 212 DEG. F) ‘SENSOR PORT CONNECTION V2NPT of V2PT 1 Tino soi nis ae ng fe Type SNB210 "ype te7i Gomer pe! 1 INLET PRESSURE | CAPACMIESIN SCFH INLETPRESSURE | CAPACMESINSCRH Psi | Bar |la/ar] kPa Gat/ntn)) Pai | Bar |ha/at| KPa ue) 25 [472 176 172 5,049(143) 25 |172/178 172 12,570(358) 0 haat ett [hao S720;162) soups fei aor. 14205404), 40 | 28 | 281) 276 7.A15(210) 40 | 28 | 281 | 276 47,690(501) 50 [34 852) 345 8615(244) 50 | 34 [352 345 21,539(610) 60 | 41 422) ata +10,098(288) 60 | 41 jaa ata 25,423(720) To | 48 492) 483 Teva) TO. | 4.8 [492 | 48 '29,201(627) 90 | 55 562) 552 13,195(872) 80 | 55 |s62 | 552 83,015(935) 90 | 62 [633 | 621 14,728477) 90 | 62 [633 621 '36,723(1,040) 100 | 69 | 7.08 | 690 18,242(460) 100 | 69 |7.03 | 690 -40,607(1,150) 110 | 7.6 [7.73 | 758 17,761(503) 110 | 7.6 [7.73 | 759 44,138(1,250) 120 [83 | 044) 828 19,276(546) 120 | 83 [8.44 | 628 -49,022(1,060) “Typical accuracy when flowing 5~70% of table value is--15 mmAq 606 eee 28 $$ ABA 1200 + 1000 + 800 + —-r rae UE Air Flow(Nm9n) at 15°C and 1 atm ‘400 4 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Inlet Prossure(kg/em’) me Type SNB 110 INLET PRESSURE ‘CAPACITIES IN SCFH INLET PRESSURE -APACITIES IN| Psi | Bar |kg/or] kPa (nt/hin)) Psi | Bar (mi/nin)) 25 11.72 1.76) 172 236(6.7) 25 | 1.72 1235(35)_ 30 | 21 211 207 324(9.2) 3021 1412(40) 40 | 28 281 276 536152) 40 | 28 50 50 | 34 wo 41 70 | 48 483. 80 | 55 552, 90 | 62 633 621 3672(104) 100 | 69 | 7.03 | 690 4060(115) 110 | 7.6 | 7.73 | 759 4419(125) 120 83 | 8.44 | 828 4802(136) “Typcal accuracy when owing 5~70% of table value is +/-15 mmAg 160 7 un | =. vo E= 1004 a, y = SE 604 fe | —ue =. 24 @e o+ 0 2 4 6 8 10 Inlef Pressure(kg/em?) Normal Venting Capacity Requirements of AP! Standard 2000 Inbreathing (Vacuum Relief) Fogarilesso ish Pofitor Boling Fait CA Liiiscodl Gaal D For Oil Movement. 1xRe 5.6xRe Th Et Cz3, 180m'=0.61 x (AS+Ar) (C220,000bbis=0.61 x(AS+Ar) eo C<3, 180m'=0.178XC | C<20,000bbis=1 xC @ Venting Capacity Requirments = Oil Movement + Thermal Effect “C :Tank Capacity “As : Area of Shell “Re : Maximum Emptying Rate *Ar : Area of Root 1h femtien contin deen wietto change aout tee ORDERING GUIDE ™ End Connection Style @ O-RING Material ANSIGLASS 150° 1/2:inch* o.NBRY 0 KALREZ 1 KSMIS 10K" 15 3/4-ineh* 1 VITON* 5 OTHERS a RF 1B tincht EPDM" OFF 5 24non* @ Other Requirements ® Actuator Material 1 INLET PRESSURE GAUGE(RANGE 0 to 10ky/x!) 15 $304 Siainiess steel” 1 INLET PRESSURE REGULATOR 2. $316 Siainiess stee™ 1D INLET PRESSURE REGULATOR WITH FILTER. 1D FLEXIBLE HOSE(FOR CONNECTION) @ Inlet Pressure @ Set Pressure 1 Remark" Our Standard-readily Available for Shipment HOW TO ORDER fo SNB-110 ‘SNB210 ‘AFL ANSI Glass 150 RF AF : ANSI Ciass 150 FF KR ; KSWIS 10K RF KF: KSWIS 10K FF NO:NO Diting SS : Specal PXANRLE SNB210-25-4V-AR-0 ‘Means a 1” (25A) model SNB-210 with 304 stainless steel body, Viton” seat, ANSI/ASME Class 150 RF flange and No other Option, Tellon*is jeistared ademark ol he Cuport Company, 1 Tinian long that an SEWON OTHER SPECIAL Le sXe) Yeats y S SEWON QSTECH CO.,LTD. as (NV HEAD OFFICEACTORY 4038-2. CHUNCOK-MI, UCHON-MYUN, KIMHAE, KVEONG NAMKOREA 621-840 Tel: 8355350589607 Fax: 49255335-5099 hexpisnvmwswatcake hspiiwwaewerindcokr Emaithepceskasnge-co kr ms RE 371,393, KARAK-DONG, SONGPA-KU, HOULKOTEA So o-SO124/406-702 (oes aelene E-mllhelpdesiGenge co kr ANBA 3344 elie eM eS ce NOMINAL SIZE CONNECTIONS m2", 3", 4,6", 8", 10",and 12" m ANSIASME B16.5 Class 150 Flange 14° through 20°sizes are available upon request m KSWIS 10K Range ‘SEWON free vents are used on the top of storage tank containing non-flammable liquid or on the end of vent pipe. Available in carbon steel, 304 S.S, 316 S.S and other special materials Available in size 2"to 20" Fitted stainless steel wire screen with flanges May be combined with flame arresier for flammable fluid, storage tanks Drilling conforming to ANSI/ASME B18.5 for class 150 flanges, of KS/JIS 10K flanges. Other standards are available on customer's request. Consult our tactory for special application or spacial design, 6 BE=cmenen Installation Vertical Type Goose neck type free vent MATERIALS DS Bao BODY CARBON STEEL. 48S. 3168S FLANGE (CARBON STEEL, [ 0485, 91988 BIRD SCREEN 3008S = >» Other Special materiais are available upon customer's request BASIC ORDERING INFORMATION 1, Model and Type 2 Fluid Handling 3. Operating Temperature & Pressure ranges 4, Height & Diameter of tank 5. Pumping(Filling/Emptying)rates, 6. Size and Connection 7, Material . Emncoanee Laces ccd NOMINAL SIZE CONNECTIONS m 1",2°, 3", 4", 6", 8", 10" and 12° 1 ANSI/ASME B16.5 Class 150 Flange 14" through 20" sizes are available upon request m= KSWIS 10K Flange ‘SEWON tree vents are used on the top of storage tank containing non-flammable liquid or on the end of vent pipe this models fitted a weather hood on the vent nozzle, it enable to reduce the weight compare with goose neck type vent. Avaliable in carbon steel, 304 S.S, 316 S.S and other special materials compact design and simple siructurer Avaliable in size 1"to 20" Fitted stainless steel bird screen May be combined with flame arrester for flammable fluid storage tanks Drilling conforming to ANSI/ASME 816.5 for ciass 450 flanges, or KSWIS 10K flanges. ‘Other standards are available on customer's request. Consult our factory for spacial application or special design, © Siaoaeens) ] Installation, Vertical Type Free vent with stainiess sisel weather hood MATERIALS: BODY CARBON STE. S0485.S188S, ALUMINUM |HASTELLOY®. ALLOY29, FAP, PTFE, ETFE LINED HOOD 3045.5, ALUMINUM 3108S BIRD SCREEN 048 : > Other Special materials are avaliable upon customer's request BASIC ORDERING INFORMATION 1, Model and Type 2. Fluid Handling 3. Operating Temperature & Pressure ranges, 4, Height & Diameter of tank 5. Pumping Filing/Emptyingyrates 6, Size and Connection 7. Material a a m m FREE VENT FLOW RATES, MODEL SFVG ‘Arrow ine ooh fre Mee ee nase = 2 ou ee ezEty HY 8 Pay PRESSURE CROP, h mmiiO FREE VENT FLOW RATES, MODEL SFV om wesw waz ‘Ale ate ints (potetem coined Litt TT any ew seer eo be seess Bog 8 eb gees PRESSURE DROR In eto 1 Tie niin sonia ti aie ng i et Aowroxt MODEL SFV aay ny 4 ee ae Csi Ga tad zo | 15 | 2 m0 | 125 | 4 3 20 | 130 | 8 5 za0 | 135 | 10 7 ws | 40 | 14 | 10 a” | 745 | 510 879 400 | 145 | 20 5 10° | 910 140. 400 | 45028 21 1a” | 1075 | 740 187 127 | 500 | 155 | 45 3B > The dimensions may vary with flange specification HOW TO ORDER O q ‘AR: ANSI Class 150 AF 0: No Option SFV ‘AF: ANS! Class 150 FF 'S:Spedal KR: KSIUS 10K RF KF :KSUS 10K FF NO: NO Driting ‘SS: Special EXAMPLE SFV-08-4-AR-0 Means a8” model SFV with 304 stainless steel body, ANSI/ASME Class 150 RF flange driling and ‘no other option, 1 isin conti heist toehangs tat ance a || SAMPLE COOLER For cooling high temperature, high pressure liquid or gas samples suitable materials available for corrosive and extreme temperature service stainless coll is standard with rating 150 ibs to 1500ibs |= Coc} Sac) OPTIONAL 1 Snell AS3GA, B(Carvon sae), 36 904 SS.316 SS 2 Tube AG TPGO ‘ABTD-TPS1B, AI TPSTCL, a Flange, Sample outle! eon AVG2.F316, A1B2FS16L 4 Flange, Sample inlet m1e2F04 ‘AtweF510, ATB2FSteL 5 Diain plug Carbon sel 904 58,16 88 6 | Flange, Cooling water inlet ‘05 ‘AiG Fa04 A1Ge-F9'6, ATB2FSTOL 7_| Flange, Cooling water outlet is ‘VB2-F904 ATEO-FS16, ANBI-FSIEL 6 Cover a 90458, 31095 (Other Special materials and spectications are available upon customer's request. 1 Tie niin sonia ti aie ng i et SLOT DIPPING DEVICE NOMINAL SIZE CONNECTIONS m Size 4", 6" and 8" mw ANSI/ASME B16.5 Class 150 Flange w KS(UIS 10K Flange The Sewon SGDD Siot Dipping & Sampling Davice is designed to take a sample from the storage tank containing volatile liquid, and to Protect operator minimizing exposure from vapor or gas. itis operated mechanically, and no need any external power supply. ‘The device ensures leak tight, if correctly installed and used, when normal ‘operating condition, excapt sampling. Every precaution must be taken to ‘obtain samples, and particular care should be taken in handling dangerous materials to prevent serious injury. © Ein =e zaUll ON sd = Body materials Aluminum casting or Stainless steal Connestlon : ANS! Class 150 or KSA Inlet size 347, 6°, oF 8 Scale length 30m, 50m, of 100m = Capaailies of sampling bottle. 300ec /600cc = O-ring material : Viton, NBR, or other materials are available on customer's request Consult our factory tor special application or special desigh S ters) ek els i8 =a NCR Nima aU Fluid Handing = Operating Temperature & Pressure Ranges & Sizo and Connection = Material HOW TO ORDER y s@pD 04:04" C :Carbon Stee AR: ANSI Class 150 RF 08:06” {gus ‘AE : ANSI Giass 150 RF Sem M 08 :08* 5 .304.SS KA: KSUIS 10K RF “eer Tenea® ‘SS : Special 6 3168S KF : KSUIS 10K FF & 7 :316LSS NO: NO Drilling N: NBR(Buna-N)O-ring A Aluminum ‘SS : Special ‘8 : Special Material EXAMPLE SGDD-06-A-AF-TO Means @ 6" model SGDD with Aluminum body, ANSVASME Class 150 RF flange driling and no other option. 1 Tinea lt to ng tat API STANDARD 2000 Lis CALCULATION OF VENTING REQUIREMENTS TO AP! STANDARD 2006, Fifth Edition ™ Scopes The API Standard 2000 covers aboveground liquid petroleum or petroleum products storage tank and aboveground and underground retrigerated storage tanks designed for operation at pressures from vacuum through 15 psi & Definition of terms Accumulation: The Pressure increase in a tank over its maximum allowable working pressure when the vent valve is reliving. Barrel: A liquid unit of mean equal to 42US galions(0,159 cubic meters) BTU: British Themal Unit, a unit of heat that will increase the temperature of one pound of water one degree Fahrenheit. Emergency venting: The Venting required when an abnormal condition, such as ruptured internal heating coils or an external fie, exists either inside or outside of a tank Nonrefrigerated tank: A container that stores material in a liquid state without the aid of refrigeration either by evaporation of the tank contents or by a circulating refrigeration system. Generally, the storage temperature will be close to or higher than ambient temperature, Normal Venting: ‘The venting required because of operational requirements of atmosphere changes. Overpressure: ‘The pressure increase at the valve inlet above the set pressure, vihen the valve is relieving, expressed in pressure units or as a percentage of the set pressure. It is the same as accumulation when the valve is set at the maximum allowable working pressure and the inlet piping losses are zero. Petroleum: Crude oll Petroleum Product: Hydrocarbon materials or other products derived from crude oil. PV valve: ‘A weight loaded, pilot operated, or spring loaded valve, used to relieve excess pressure and/or vacuum that has developed in a tank. Rated Relieving Capacity: The flow capacity of a relief device expressed in terms of air flow at standard conditions(SCFH or Nn? Ihjat a designated pressure or vacuum. Refrigerated tank: A container that stores liquid at a temperature below atmospheric temperature with or without the aid of refrigeration of the tank contents or by a circulating refrigeration system, Relief device: Any device used to relieve excess pressure and/or vacuum that has developed in a tank. Relieving pressure: ‘The pressure at the inlet of a relief device when itis flowing at the required relieving capacity. Required flow capacity: The flow capacity of a relief device required to prevent excessive overpressure or vacuum in a tank under the most severe operating or emergency conditions. SCFH: Standard cubic feet of air or gas per hour(same as free air or free gas)at a temperature of 60°F (15.6 °C) and a pressure of 14.7 pounds per square inch absolute(1.014 bar absolute) Nem: 1 Thisinforton conte hee isu Wo change witout wie 1 ‘Nomal cubic meters of air or gas per hour at a temperature of O°C and pressure of 1.01 4bar. Set Pressure : ‘The gauge pressure at the device inlet at which the relie! device Is set to start opening under service condition(measurable lift begins) ‘Thermal Inbreathing: ‘The movement of air or blanketing gas into a tank when vapors in the tank contract or condense as a fesult of weather changes conditions(e.g, a decrease in aimospheric temperature) ‘Thermal Outbreathing : ‘The movement of vapors out of a tank when vapors in the tank expand and liquid in the tank vaporizes as a result of weather changes condition(e.g, an increase in atmospheric temperature) ‘Wetted Area : ‘The surface area of a tank exposed to liquid on the interior and heat from a fire on the exterior. Normal and Thermal Venting Capacity Requirements for Non-Refrigerated Aboveground Tank ed re] Aiea Cu uebibeeuls Liga movorent Thermal eect sq | Huid movement | Thermal eect Wuy Wn) ee (Vio) ro) sar C<3.180m,VTI=0.169xC | Flashroint297 8c] 4.01xR, o6xVr Re 103818091, VT1=O577(A48,) [Flash poi<@7 8c) 202xR, Vn where, A, = Area of shel(n') A c Vy =Inbteathing requirments for iquid movement out(Nmsn) V9 = Out-breathing requirements for liquid movement in(Nm°h) Vp; =Inbreathing requirements for thermal venting capacity(Nme/m) \Vyo= Out-breathing requirements for thermal verting capacity(Nm°/h) Fy, = Maximum tiling rate(Nmem) ‘Maximum emptying rate(Nme/h) Emergency Venting Capacity Requirements When storage tanks are exposed to fire, the venting rate may exceed the rate resulting from a ‘combination of normal thermal effects and liquid movement. In such case, the construction of the tank will determined whether additional venting capacity must be provided, Ia tank is not provided with a weak roof-to-shall attachment, then additional procedures shall be considered to evaluate the required venting capacity for fre exposure, os Nmoma001.65% OF y¢ (1 L M where, Nmw/h = Emergency venting requirement, in normal cubic meters por hour of air ‘A = Wetted surface area of tne tank(m'’) F = Environmental factor(for bare metal tank, F=1.0) L = Latent heat of vaporization of the stored liquid at the relieving pressure and temperature(kg) T= Temperature of the relieving vapor in degrees Kelvin M-= Molecular weight of the vapor Q = Heat input from fire exposure, in watts. 1 Tintin somite CALCULATION OF VENTING REQUIREMENTS TO API STANDARD 2000, Fifth Edition Heat input(Q) can be calculated by following Table: onan) Peto ee < 186 51.034 (Q:63,150A E186 and < 63 1.034 (Q=204 BOOA) = 393 and <260 51084 (2630. 400A5 =200 Oor 260 z 15 4568 7 i971 Wetted Area of a Storage Tank or Vessel Vertical Tanks ‘The wetted are is equal to total surface are of the vertical shell to a height of 9.14 meters above grade. For a vertical tank setting on the ground, the area of the ground plates is not to be included as wetted area For vertical tank supported above grade, a portion of the area of the bottom is to be included as additional wetted surface. The portion of the bottom area exposed to a fire depends on the diameter and elevation of the tank above grade. Honzontal Tanks ‘The wetted area Is equal 10 75 percent of the total surface area or the surface area to a height of 9.14 meters above grade, whichever is greater. Sphere Tanks The wetted area is equal to 55 percent of the total surface area or surface area to height of 9.14 meters above grade, whichever is greater. 1 Tiina i to hag that Shemicals Compatibility List for Metals and Elastomers Acetai “Reatie Acie ‘Aele Acid 20% ‘Acellc Acid 0%. ‘Reclc Rei, Glacial iol> 5} 9 20 Fa eA 2 2h 25 28 2 Es 30. 3 a 3. 3 35. 26. at Ed 38 0, ai az a we nfo] ml ml = Zi Zlcen lf ee | alo}o/ololo|ojo}o|>|=|>{a) a} o}0/0)>|0}>409,0}>| >| >| iz| | |>|>|>|>l>|>|>|>|>I>[>1>] > [plas >>> 1 Tintin somite ng te ‘Mata en ce eSNG aloe oc) D [NA] Cc | A [b> jo | a | Oo A [NA [AA i D Dp NANA A[- oN A A [OA ATA ae 8 | NA| AA. of bf a8 “DA a a DNA} 8 CWA NK a A_[—A AD a a A—|-WA-[—— |B A—|—8—|-A 1 Hy K—[—&—[—K 7, x A—|—A 8 a ry [ATI a a a wa| a | ai a a B—[-a—[-a_ a Bf A WA_[WA|—Wa |W a Bo [8 | 6 a a AC [aI a ee [a a: a a A [AA B—|-waA|- A] —0 ¢—|—s_|-8 | D—|-wa| A} 8 [A —| A —& AA | AIA a a YY B—|-9—|-A D0 [AA a ‘A—[ | AAA Doo A b— [NA A} wa} a8 a Ao [8 [6s | 6 | 6 | 5 | a ta “AT* “AIA co 7 x ® a a c So ons 1-6 A o a: a: Doo 88 Do 8 a a Do. o-oo. | C0 8 ee a NA [UNA | WA} WA} Wa | WA] NA | ere Ts TA le TAT A [b B 8 |B |e [xT 8 a op B | 38 A D Sa a 2 D Ratomgs - Chemical Etfect A =Enxcellent B = Good — Minor Effect, slight corrosion or discoloration C =Fair -- Moderate Effect, not recommended for continuous use. Softening, loss of strength, swelling may occur D_ =Severe Effcet and NOT recommended for any use N/A = Information Not Available Variations in chemical behavior during handling due to factors such as temperature, pressure, and concentration can cause equipment to fail, even though it passed an initial test. Disclaimer Although the information and recommendations at this document are presented in good falth and believed to be correct, Sewon Q&Tech Co,, Ltd. makes no representations or warranties as to the completeness or ‘accuracy of the information. inno event will Sewon Q&Tech Co.,Ltd. be responsible for damages of any nature whatsoever resulting from the use of or reliance upon information from this document or the products to which the information refers, ‘Sewon Q8Tech Co.Ltd, does not warrant the accuracy of this document and has no liability tor any ertors or omissions. Sewon Q&Tech Co.,Ltd. does not warrant (neither express or implied) that the Information in this Ist is accurate or complete or that any material is suitable for any purpose, 1 Tiina lta hag that

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