Siemens Sensation CT Protocols
Siemens Sensation CT Protocols
Siemens Sensation CT Protocols
Stanford Cardiovascular CT
Scanning and Injection Protocols
(v2.04, Nov. 2006)
Department of Radiology
Stanford University Medical Center
Stanford, CA
Table of Content Stanford Cardiovascular CT Scanning and Injection Protocols
Head and Neck CTA A: Chronologic Prescription and Scanning Range
# Scanning Range Delay BH Dir.
0 Topogram vertex ""' 鰀悀욐 悀渁悀ৣ insp '1-
1 Head Seq base of skull ""' 鰀悀욐 悀渁悀ৣ no 1'
4 HN CTA aortic arch " " ' 鰀 悀욐悀渁悀 ৣ vertex. 10 s insp 1 '
B: Scanning Parameters
Eff Ref Detector Rot. Scan
# kV Pitch Comment
mAs mAs config. time time
0 Topogram 35 • 120 • • • • LAT, 512 mm
1 ↑ ROI in aortic arch 1 Head Seq 410 • 120 64x0.6 18mm 1.0 s • Gantry tilt
2 premonitoring 20 • 120 • • • •
3 monitoring 20 • 120 • • 30 scans, 1.2s cycle time
4 HN CTA • 200 120 64×0.6 variable 0.37 s 10 s
5 6
Cardiovascular Vascular01^ UPPER_EXTR_RUNOFF Upper Extremity Runoff Cardiovascular Vascular01^ UPPER_EXTR_RUNOFF Upper Extremity Runoff
B: Scanning Parameters
Eff Detector Rot.
# Ref kV Pitch Scan Comment
↓ ROI in aortic arch mAs mAs config. time time
0 Topogram 35 • 120 • • • • AP, 1500 mm
1 non contrast • 140 120 24×1.2 1.0 0.5 s •
2 premonitoring 20 • 120 • • • •
3 monitoring 20 • 120 • • 30 scans, 1.2s cycle time
4 UE Runoff • 250 120 64×0.6 variable 0.5 s 30s fixed 30s scan time!
• It is critical to select the scanning range first, and then set the scan-time to 30 seconds in
all patients.
Blood flow to the upper extremity at rest is generally low. Opacification of small hand/finger
arteries may be difficult, notably in a cold environment. This slow acquitision/scanning protocol
allows for adequate filling of small peripheral arteries. Consider a one-minute exercising
(squeezing a ball/object) before taping down the fingers, or use post-ischemic hyperemia (one
minute blood-pressure cuff immediately released before the injection).
Scan time can be shorter / scanning range restricted for AVMs.
7 8
Cardiovascular Vascular01^THORACIC_OUTLET_SYNDROM Thoracic Outlet Cardiovascular Vascular01^THORACIC_OUTLET_SYNDROM Thoracic Outlet
9 10
Cardiovascular Vascular01^BILAT_THORACIC_OUTLET_SYNDROM Bilateral Thoracic Outlet Cardiovascular Vascular01^BILAT_THORACIC_OUTLET_SYNDROM Bilateral Thoracic Outlet
C: Reconstruction Parameters
Indication: Type/ STh RI Filter Window Field of View /
Bilateral Thoracic Outlet syndrome orient WW / WL Comment
Hand and fingers should not be cold 3 right maneuver axial 1mm 0.7mm B25f 600/80 both shoulders and maneuver arm
6 left maneuver axial 1mm 0.7mm B25f 600/80 both shoulders and maneuver arm
Patient preparation:
20G IV cannula, in both arms, to use for each contra lateral side (left arm injection for rith arm
maneuver, right arm injection for left arm maneuver) D: Contrast Medium Injection Parameters (biphasic)
CM Concentration ≥ 350mgI/ml
Patient positioning: Scantime needs to be 20s for all patients
Injection duration 20s for all patients
• head first, supine or prone (depending on patient’s physical condition), arm for maneuver
Bolus Timing Automated bolus trigger (Care-Bolus); 100HU trigger level; 2s user delay
scan raised above head with finger tips spread out and taped down;
Saline flushing 40 mL @ same flow rate as contrast Phase II
• head turned to relaxed shoulder; second scan vise versa;
• use laser light and adjust table height to align arms and fingers with center of scanner
Body weight Phase I Phase II Total CM Vol.
Comment: < 121 lbs (<55kg) 20 mL @ 4.0 mL/s 48 mL @ 3.2 mL/s 2 x 68 mL
121 – 143 lbs (<65kg) 23 mL @ 4.5 mL/s 54 mL @ 3.6 mL/s 2 x 77 mL
• this protocol requires two arterial scans (one for right arm maneuver and left arm relaxed,
143 – 187 lbs (~75kg) 25 mL @ 5.0 mL/s 60 mL @ 4.0 mL/s 2 x 85 mL
and one for left arm maneuver and right arm relaxed),
187 – 209 lbs (>85kg) 28 mL @ 5.5 mL/s 66 mL @ 4.4 mL/s 2 x 94 mL
• position needs to be changed after first contrast scan and a second Topogram is required;
> 209 lbs (>95kg) 30 mL @ 6.0 mL/s 72 mL @ 4.8 mL/s 2 x 102 mL
• It is critical to select the scanning range first, and then set the scan-time to 20 seconds for
each scan in all patients.
This protocol uses a shorter (20s) scan time, in order to reduce the total amount of contrast
medium for the two injections. Since blood flow to the upper extremity at rest is generally low,
consider a one-minute exercise (e.b. squeezing a ball) of the elevated arm before taping down
the fingers for the provocation-maneuver scan.
11 12
Cardiovascular Vascular01^LTD_UPPER_EXTR_RUNOFF Limited Upper Extremity Runoff Cardiovascular Vascular01^LTD_UPPER_EXTR_RUNOFF Limited Upper Extremity Runoff
Limited Upper Extremity Runoff (Trauma) A: Chronologic Prescription and Scanning Range
# Scanning Range Delay BH Dir.
0 Topogram shoulder 7 finger tips insp 1'
4 1 non contrast shoulder 7 finger tips insp 1 '
2 premonitoring no N/A
ROI outside the body at beginning of scan range
3 monitoring 10 s no N/A
4 Ltd UE Runoff proximal to elbow 7 through finger tips 2-3 s insp 1 '
B: Scanning Parameters
Eff Detector Rot.
put ROI outside the body and start manually at # Ref kV Pitch Scan Comment
contrast arrival ↓ mAs mAs config. time time
0 Topogram 35 • 120 • • • • AP, 512 mm
2,3 1 non contrast • 140 120 24×1.2 1.0 0.5 s •
2 premonitoring 20 • 120 • • • •
3 monitoring 20 • 120 • • 30 scans, 1.2s cycle time
4 Ltd UE Runoff • 250 120 64×0.6 variable 0.5 s 15s fixed 15s scan time!
C: Reconstruction Parameters
Type/ STh RI Filter Window Field of View /
orient WW / WL Comment
Indication: 1 non contrast axial 3mm 3mm B31f 400/40
Blunt or penetrating trauma to arm, forearm or hand, suspected vascular injury; 4 Ltd UE Runoff axial 1mm 0.7mm B25f 600/80 Arm, forearm, hand
hand AVM, hypothenar-hamate syndrome
D: Contrast Medium Injection Parameters
Patient preparation: CM Concentration ≥ 350mgI/ml
Scantime needs to be 15s for all patients !
20G IV cannula at contra lateral arm!
Injection duration 15s for all patients !
Bolus Timing Automated bolus trigger (Care-Bolus); manual start, minimum user delay (~2s)
Patient positioning: Saline flushing 40 mL @ same flow rate as Contrast
• head first, supine or prone (depending on patient’s physical condition), arm to be scanned
Body weight Flow Rate Volume
above head. < 121 lbs (<55kg) 4.0 mL/s 60 mL
• Fixate arm to the middle of the table;
121 – 143 lbs (<65kg) 4.5 mL/s 68 mL
• use laser light and adjust table height to align arm and fingers with center of scanner.
143 – 187 lbs (~75kg) 5.0 mL/s 75 mL
187 – 209 lbs (>85kg) 5.5 mL/s 83 mL
Comment: > 209 lbs (>95kg) 6.0 mL/s 90 mL
• It is critical to select the scanning range and then set the scan-time to 15 seconds in all
13 14
Cardiovascular Vascular01^CAP_CTA Chest Abdomen Pelvis CTA Cardiovascular Vascular01^CAP_CTA Chest Abdomen Pelvis CTA
B: Scanning Parameters
Eff Ref Detector Rot. Scan
# mAs mAs
config. Pitch time time Comment
0 Topogram 35 • 120 • • • • AP, 768 mm
1 non contrast • 140 120 24×1.2 1.0 0.5 s •
2 premonitoring 20 • 120 • • • •
3 monitoring 20 • 120 • • 30 scans, 1.2s cycle time
4 CAP Angio • 250 120 64×0.6 variable 0.5 s 20s fixed 20s scan time!
C: Reconstruction Parameters
Type/ STh RI Filter Window Field of View /
orient WW / WL Comment
1 non contrast axial 5mm 5mm B31f 400/40
4a CAP Angio axial 1mm 0.7mm B25f 600/80 use greater trochanter
4b CAP Angio axial 5mm 5mm B31f 600/80 same
Acute aortic syndromes (suspected dissection / IMH / penetrating ulcer) of the descending D: Contrast Medium Injection Parameters (biphasic)
(thoracic or thoraco-abdominal) aorta, Evaluation of thoracic (arch, descending) and thoraco- CM Concentration ≥ 350mgI/ml
abdominal aortic aneurysms. Large vessel vasculitis, Scantime needs to be 20s for all patients
For ascending aortic and aortic root evaluation, 'Gated Chest + Abdomen/Pelvis' protocol is Injection duration 25s for all patients (scan time of 20s + 5s user delay)
preferred. Bolus Timing Automated bolus trigger (Care-Bolus); 100 HU trigger level, 5s user delay
Saline flushing 40 mL @ same flow rate as Phase II
Patient preparation:
20G IV cannula. Body weight Phase I Phase II Total CM Vol.
< 121 lbs (<55kg) 20 mL @ 4.0 mL/s 64 mL @ 3.2 mL/s 84 mL
Patient positioning: 121 – 143 lbs (<65kg) 23 mL @ 4.5 mL/s 70 mL @ 3.6 mL/s 93 mL
• Head first, supine, arms above head. 143 – 187 lbs (~75kg) 25 mL @ 5.0 mL/s 80 mL @ 4.0 mL/s 105 mL
187 – 209 lbs (>85kg) 28 mL @ 5.5 mL/s 88 mL @ 4.4 mL/s 116 mL
Comment: > 209 lbs (>95kg) 30 mL @ 6.0 mL/s 96 mL @ 4.8 mL/s 126 mL
• It is critical to select the scanning range first, and then set the scan-time to 20 seconds in
all patients.
Avoid placing the ROI for bolus-timing into the aortic arch since lumen cannot be distinguished
from false lumen or mural thrombus.
15 16
Cardiovascular Vascular01^AP_CTA Abdomen Pelvis CTA Cardiovascular Vascular01^AP_CTA Abdomen Pelvis CTA
B: Scanning Parameters
Eff Ref Detector Rot. Scan
# kV Pitch Comment
mAs mAs config. time time
0 Topogram 35 • 120 • • • • AP, 512 mm
↑ ROI above celiac artery (Th12) 1 non contrast • 140 120 24×1.2 1.0 0.5 s •
2 premonitoring 20 • 120 • • • •
3 monitoring 20 • 120 • • 30 scans, 1.2s cycle time
4 AP Angio • 250 120 64×0.6 variable 0.5 s 20s fixed 10s scan time!
C: Reconstruction Parameters
Indication: Type/ STh RI Filter Window Field of View /
abdominal, iliac or mesenteric aneurysm evaluation and surveillance; atherosclerotic or orient WW / WL Comment
inflammatory occlusive disease of the aorta and it's branches. Acute and chronic mesenteric 1 non contrast axial 5mm 5mm B31f 400/40
ischemia. 4a AP Angio axial 1mm 0.7mm B25f 600/80 use greater trochanter
4b AP Angio axial 5mm 5mm B31f 600/80 same
Patient preparation:
20G IV cannula.
D: Contrast Medium Injection Parameters
Patient positioning: CM Concentration ≥ 350mgI/ml
Scantime needs to be 10s for all patients
• Head first, supine, arms above head. Injection duration 18s for all patients (scan time of 10s + 8s user delay)
Bolus Timing Automated bolus trigger (Care-Bolus); 100 HU trigger level, 8s user delay
Comment: Saline flushing 40 mL @ same flow rate as contrast
• It is critical to select the scanning range first, and then set the scan-time to 10 seconds in
all patients. Body weight Flow Rate Volume
< 121 lbs (<55kg) 4.0 mL/s 72 mL
Notes: 121 – 143 lbs (<65kg) 4.5 mL/s 81 mL
add a portal venous phase for mesenteric ischemia (i.e. to see bowel wall / mesenteric veins) 143 – 187 lbs (~75kg) 5.0 mL/s 90 mL
187 – 209 lbs (>85kg) 5.5 mL/s 99 mL
> 209 lbs (>95kg) 6.0 mL/s 108 mL
17 18
Cardiovascular Vascular01^RENAL_ARTERIES_CTA Renal Arteries CTA Cardiovascular Vascular01^RENAL_ARTERIES_CTA Renal Arteries CTA
B: Scanning Parameters
Eff Ref Detector Rot. Scan
# kV Pitch Comment
mAs mAs config. time time
0 Topogram 35 • 120 • • • • AP, 512 mm
↑ ROI above celiac artery (Th12) 1 non contrast • 140 120 24×1.2 1.0 0.5 s •
2 premonitoring 20 • 120 • • • •
3 monitoring 20 • 120 • • 30 scans, 1.2s cycle time
4 Renal Angio • 250 120 64×0.6 variable 0.5 s 20s fixed 10s scan time!
C: Reconstruction Parameters
Indication: Type/ STh RI Filter Window Field of View /
Renal artery stenosis, renal artery aneurysm or AVM orient WW / WL Comment
1 non contrast axial 5mm 5mm B31f 400/40
Patient preparation: 4a Renal Angio axial 1mm 0.7mm B25f 600/80 use greater trochanter
20G IV cannula. 4b Renal Angio axial 5mm 5mm B31f 600/80 same
Patient positioning:
D: Contrast Medium Injection Parameters
• Head first, supine, arms above head.
CM Concentration ≥ 350mgI/ml
Scantime needs to be 10s for all patients
Comment: Injection duration 16s for all patients (scan time of 10s + 6s user delay)
• It is critical to select the scanning range first, and then set the scan-time to 10 seconds in Bolus Timing Automated bolus trigger (Care-Bolus); 100 HU trigger level, 6s user delay
all patients. Saline flushing 40 mL @ same flow rate as contrast
19 20
Cardiovascular Vascular01^LIVING_RELATED_RENAL_DONOR Living Related Renal Donor Cardiovascular Vascular01^LIVING_RELATED_RENAL_DONOR Living Related Renal Donor
B: Scanning Parameters
Eff Ref Detector Rot. Scan
# kV
config. Pitch Comment
mAs mAs time time
↑ ROI above celiac artery (Th12) 0 Topogram 35 • 120 • • • • AP, 512 mm
1 non contrast • 140 120 24×1.2 1.0 0.5 s •
2 premonitoring 20 • 120 • • • •
3 monitoring 20 • 120 • • 30 scans, 1.2s cycle time
4 LRD • 250 120 64×0.6 variable 0.5 s 10s fixed 10s scan time!
5 Topogram 35 • 120 • • • • AP, 512 mm
Evaluation of living related kidney donor. C: Reconstruction Parameters
Type/ STh RI Filter Window Field of View /
Patient preparation: orient WW / WL Comment
1 non contrast axial 3mm 3mm B31f 400/40 body
20G IV cannula.
4a LRD axial 1mm 0.7mm B25f 600/80 lateral kidney boundary
Patient positioning: 4b LRD axial 5mm 5mm B31f 600/80 same
• Head first, supine, arms above head;
• Patients should be advised to drink at least a liter of water prior to the exam;
D: Contrast Medium Injection Parameters
CM Concentration ≥ 350mgI/ml
Scantime needs to be 10s for all patients
• It is critical to select the scanning range first, and then set the scan-time to 10 seconds in Injection duration 20s for all patients (scan time of 10s + 10s user delay)
all patients. Bolus Timing Automated bolus trigger (Care-Bolus); 100 HU trigger level, 10s user delay
Saline flushing 40 mL @ same flow rate as contrast
Body weight Flow Rate Volume
< 121 lbs (<55kg) 4.0 mL/s 80 mL
121 – 143 lbs (<65kg) 4.5 mL/s 90 mL
143 – 187 lbs (~75kg) 5.0 mL/s 100 mL
187 – 209 lbs (>85kg) 5.5 mL/s 110 mL
> 209 lbs (>95kg) 6.0 mL/s 120 mL
21 22
Cardiovascular Vascular01^_RUNOFF (Adult) Lower Extremity Runoff Cardiovascular Vascular01^_RUNOFF (Adult) Lower Extremity Runoff
B: Scanning Parameters
Eff Ref Detector Rot. Scan
# kV
config. Pitch Comment
mAs mAs time time
0 Topogram 35 • 120 • • • • AP, 1500 mm
1 non contrast • 140 120 24×1.2 1.0 0.5 s •
2 premonitoring 20 • 120 • • • •
use table extension
3 monitoring 20 • 120 • • 30 scans, 1.2s cycle time
4 AngioRunoff • 250 120 64×0.6 variable 0.5 s 40s fixed 40s scan time!
5 Legs • 250 120 64×0.6 1.0 0.5 s •
5 C: Reconstruction Parameters
Type/ STh RI Filter Window Field of View /
orient WW / WL Comment
1 non contrast axial 5mm 5mm B31f 400/40
4a AngioRunoff axial 2mm 1mm B25f 600/80 use greater trochanter
4b AngioRunoff axial 5mm 5mm B31f 600/80 same, but abd. and pelvis only
wrap tape around feet ROI above celiac artery 5 Legs axial 1mm 0.7mm B25f 600/80 same as 4a, knee to toes
• this protocol deliberately uses a comparably slow acquisition speed for scanning the
abdomen, pelvis ('inflow') and lower extremity ('runoff') arteries in order to prevent that the
scanner outraces the bolus in patients with delayed filling of the peripheral arteries.
• It is critical to select the scanning range, and then set the scan-time to 40 seconds.
23 24
Cardiovascular Vascular01^POPL_ENTRAPMENT_CTA Popliteal Entrapment CTA Cardiovascular Vascular01^POPL_ENTRAPMENT_CTA Popliteal Entrapment CTA
B: Scanning Parameters
Eff Detector Rot.
# Ref kV Pitch Scan Comment
mAs mAs config. time time
put ROI outside the
body and start 0 Topogram 35 • 120 • • • • AP, 768 mm
manually at contrast 1 premonitoring 20 • 120 • • • •
arrival ↓ 2 monitoring 20 • 120 • • 30 scans, 1.2s cycle time
3 relaxed • 250 120 64×0.6 variable 0.5 s 15 s fixed 15s scan time!
4 venous • 250 120 64×0.6 variable 0.5 s 15 s fixed 15 s scan time
5 premonitoring 20 • 120 • • • •
6 monitoring 20 • 120 • • 30 scans, 1.2s cycle time
7 maneuver • 250 120 64×0.6 variable 0.5 s 15s fixed 15s scan time!
C: Reconstruction Parameters
↑ relaxed ↑ maneuver Type/ STh RI Filter Window Field of View
orient WW / WL / Comment
Indication: 3 relaxed axial 1mm 0.7mm B25f 600/80 use greater trochanter
Popliteal entrapment syndrome 4 venous axial 1mm 0.7mm B25f 600/80 same
7 maneuver axial 1mm 0.7mm B25f 600/80 same
Patient preparation:
20G IV cannula.
D: Contrast Medium Injection Parameters
Patient positioning: CM Concentration ≥ 350mgI/ml
Scantime needs to be 15s for all patients
• feet first, supine, arms at the side holding the ends of a bed-sheet looped under the
Injection duration 15s for all patients
forefoot and toes; use table extension;
Bolus Timing Automated bolus trigger (Care-Bolus); start manually; 2s user delay
• use laser light and adjust table height to align legs and feet with center of scanner
Saline flushing 40 mL @ same flow rate as contrast Phase
Body weight Flow Rate Volume Total CM Vol.
• this protocol requires two injections, and three scans. The first injection is for an arterial < 121 lbs (<55kg) 4.0 mL/s 60 mL 2x60=120 mL
and venous phase acquisition in relaxed position, the second injection is acquired in an 121 – 143 lbs (<65kg) 4.5 mL/s 68 mL 2x68=136 mL
arterial phase only during the provocation maneuver (gastrognemius muscle contraction);
143 – 187 lbs (~75kg) 5.0 mL/s 75 mL 2x75=150 mL
for the provocation maneuver the patient is instructed to push the toes against the
187 – 209 lbs (>85kg) 5.5 mL/s 83 mL 2x83=166 mL
resistance of the loop of bed-sheet while pulling back the sheet with his/her hands; this
> 209 lbs (>95kg) 6.0 mL/s 90 mL 2x90=180 mL
position needs to be hold for the length of the scan (15 s long); It is important to practice
the provocation maneuver with the patient.
• the scan range of the maneuver scan needs to be long enough to cover the tipped down
• It is critical to select the scanning range first, and then set the scan-time to 15 seconds.
25 26
Cardiovascular Vascular01^LTD_LOWER_EXTR_RUNOFF Limited Lower Extremity Runoff Cardiovascular Vascular01^LTD_LOWER_EXTR_RUNOFF Limited Lower Extremity Runoff
Limited Lower Extremity Runoff (Trauma) A: Chronologic Prescription and Scanning Range
# Scanning Range Delay BH Dir.
0 Topogram mid thigh 7 toes insp "
1 non contrast mid thigh 7 toes insp "
2,3 41
4 Ltd LE Runoff above knees 7 through toes 2-3 s insp "
B: Scanning Parameters
Eff Detector Rot.
# Ref kV Pitch Scan Comment
put ROI outside the mAs mAs config. time time
body and start
manually at contrast 0 Topogram 35 • 120 • • • • AP, 768 mm
arrival ↓ 1 non contrast • 140 120 24×1.2 1.0 0.5 s •
2 premonitoring 20 • 120 • • • •
3 monitoring 20 • 120 • • 30 scans, 1.2s cycle time
4 Ltd LE Runoff • 250 120 64×0.6 variable 0.5 s 15s fixed 15s scan time!
C: Reconstruction Parameters
Type/ STh RI Filter Window Field of View /
orient WW / WL Comment
1 non contrast axial 3mm 3mm B31f 400/40
4 Ltd LE Runoff axial 1mm 0.7mm B25f 600/80 Leg of interest
Trauma, suspected vascular injury
D: Contrast Medium Injection Parameters
Patient preparation: CM Concentration ≥ 350mgI/ml
Scantime needs to be 15s for all patients !
20G IV cannula !
Injection duration 15s for all patients !
Bolus Timing Automated bolus trigger (Care-Bolus); manual start, minimum user delay (~2s)
Patient positioning:
Saline flushing 40 mL @ same flow rate as contrast
• head first, supine
• position leg(s) to the center of the table; Body weight Flow Rate Volume
• it is also possible to scan one leg only, with the other leg pulled up. < 121 lbs (<55kg) 4.0 mL/s 60 mL
• use laser light and adjust table height to align legs with center of scanner.
121 – 143 lbs (<65kg) 4.5 mL/s 68 mL
143 – 187 lbs (~75kg) 5.0 mL/s 75 mL
187 – 209 lbs (>85kg) 5.5 mL/s 83 mL
• It is critical to select the scanning range and then set the scan-time to 15 seconds in all
> 209 lbs (>95kg) 6.0 mL/s 90 mL
27 28
Cardiovascular Cardiac01^CASCORING_SEQ CaScoring Sequence Cardiovascular Cardiac01^CASCORING_SEQ CaScoring Sequence
B: Scanning Parameters
Eff Detector Rot.
# Ref kV Pitch Scan Comment
1 mAs mAs config. time time
0 Topogram 35 • 120 • • • • AP, 512 mm
1 CaScoreSeq • 120 30x0.6 feed 0.33 s Quick
18mm 0.24
Include phantom in FoV C: Reconstruction Parameters
Type/ STh RI Kernel Window ECG- Field of View /
orient WW / WL Trigger Comment
1 CaScoreSeq axial 3mm 1.5mm B35f 400/40 65% Include phantom
Quantification of coronary artery calcified plaque
Patient preparation:
Patient positioning:
• head first, supine, arms above head
• CaScoring phantom underneath heart
• ECG-leads
• This protocol requires a prospective ECG-triggered scan
• make sure the ECG-display shows a clear signal with well identifiable R-peaks; target
heart-rate is 55-62 bpm
• make sure the breath hold time which you can configure in the options/configuration panel
is longer than the total scan time
29 30
Cardiovascular Cardiac01^CaScoring Spiral CaScoring Spiral Cardiovascular Cardiac01^CaScoring Spiral CaScoring Spiral
B: Scanning Parameters
Eff Detector Rot.
# Ref kV Pitch Scan Comment
1 mAs mAs config. time time
0 Topogram 35 • 120 • • • • AP, 512 mm
1 CaScoring 220 • 120 24×1.2 0.2 0.33 s •
C: Reconstruction Parameters
Include phantom in FoV
Type/ STh RI Kernel Window ECG- Field of View /
orient WW / WL Trigger Comment
1 CaScoring axial 3mm 1.5mm B35f 400/40 65% Include phantom
Quantification of coronary artery calcified plaque
Patient preparation:
Patient positioning:
• head first, supine, arms above head
• CaScoring phantom underneath heart
• ECG-leads
• make sure the ECG-display shows a clear signal with well identifiable R-peaks; target
heart-rate is 55-62 bpm; Use ECG-Pulsing in low and stable heart-rates especially in
younger patients;
31 32
Cardiovascular Cardiac01^CaScoring and Coronary CTA Coronary CTA Cardiovascular Cardiac01^CaScoring and Coronary CTA Coronary CTA
B: Scanning Parameters
2,3 4 1 Eff Detector Rot.
Ref kV Pitch Scan Comment
FoV for a Coronary CTA; mAs mAs config. time time
include anterior chest wall and
descending aorta ↓ 0 Topogram 35 • 120 • • • • AP, 512 mm
1 CaScoring 220 • 120 24×1.2 0.2 0.33 s •
2 premonitoring 20 • 120 • • • •
3 monitoring 20 • 120 • • 30 scans, 1.2s cycle time
black 4 CoronaryCTA 850 • 120 64×0.6 0.2 0.33 s 10-19s As short as possible
C: Reconstruction Parameters
Type/ STh RI Kernel Window ECG- Field of View /
orient WW / WL Trigger Comment
FoV for a CaScoring scan; include phantom 1a CaScoring axial 3mm 3mm B35f 400/40 65% Include phantom
→ 1b CaScoring axial 1.5mm 1.5mm B35f 400/40 65% Include phantom
4a CoronaryCTA axial 0.75mm 0.5mm B25f 600/80 65% Include Aorta and IMA
4b CoronaryCTA axial 0.75mm 0.5mm B25f 600/80 0-90% Same as 4a
rule out Coronary Artery Disease D: Contrast Medium Injection Parameters
CM Concentration ≥ 370mgI/ml
Patient preparation:
Scantime As short as possible for maximum dose utilization
20G IV cannula; oral or I.V. β-Blocker and sublingual nitroglycerine as per protocol Injection duration calculated to equal (scantime+8s) for all patients !
Bolus Timing Automated bolus trigger (Care-Bolus); 120 HU trigger level; 8s user delay
Patient positioning: Saline flushing 40 mL @ same flow rate as Contrast Phase
• head first, supine, arms above head
• CaScoring phantom underneath heart Body weight Flow Rate Calculate Volume
• ECG-leads < 121 lbs (<55kg) 4.0 mL/s (Scan time + 8) * 4
• Practice breath-holding 121 – 143 lbs (<65kg) 4.5 mL/s (Scan time + 8) * 4.5
143 – 187 lbs (~75kg) 5.0 mL/s (Scan time + 8) * 5
187 – 209 lbs (>85kg) 5.5 mL/s (Scan time + 8) * 5.5
• make sure the ECG-display shows a clear signal with well identifiable R-peaks; target > 209 lbs (>95kg) 6.0 mL/s (Scan time + 8) * 6
heart-rate is 55-62 bpm; Use ECG-Pulsing in low and stable heart-rates especially in
younger patients;
33 34
Cardiovascular Cardiac01^CaScoring and Coronary CTA below 50bpm Coronary CTA Cardiovascular Cardiac01^CaScoring and Coronary CTA below 50bpm Coronary CTA
CaScoring and Coronary CTA below 50 bpm HR A: Chronologic Prescription and Scanning Range
# Scanning Range Delay BH Dir.
0 Topogram neck 7 diaphragm insp "
← ROI in ascending aorta 1 CaScoring carina 7 diaphragm insp "
2 premonitoring no N/A
At carina, ROI in ascending aorta
3 monitoring 10 s no N/A
4 CoronaryCTA carina 7 diaphragm 8s insp "
white red
B: Scanning Parameters
2,3 4 1 Eff Detector Rot.
Ref kV Pitch Scan Comment
FoV for a Coronary CTA; mAs mAs config. time time
include anterior chest wall and
descending aorta ↓ 0 Topogram 35 • 120 • • • • AP, 512 mm
1 CaScoring 220 • 120 24×1.2 0.2 0.33 s •
2 premonitoring 20 • 120 • • • •
3 monitoring 20 • 120 • • 30 scans, 1.2s cycle time
black 4 CoronaryCTA 850 • 120 64×0.6 0.24 0.37 s 10-19s As short as possible
C: Reconstruction Parameters
Type/ STh RI Kernel Window ECG- Field of View /
orient WW / WL Trigger Comment
FoV for a CaScoring scan; include phantom 1a CaScoring axial 3mm 3mm B35f 400/40 65% Include phantom
→ 1b CaScoring axial 1.5mm 1.5mm B35f 400/40 65% Include phantom
4a CoronaryCTA axial 0.75mm 0.5mm B25f 600/80 65% Include Aorta and IMA
4b CoronaryCTA axial 0.75mm 0.5mm B25f 600/80 0-90% Same as 4a
rule out Coronary Artery Disease D: Contrast Medium Injection Parameters
CM Concentration ≥ 370mgI/ml
Patient preparation:
Scantime As short as possible for maximum dose utilization
20G IV cannula; oral or I.V. β-Blocker and sublingual nitroglycerine as per protocol Injection duration calculated to equal (scantime+8s) for all patients !
Bolus Timing Automated bolus trigger (Care-Bolus); 120 HU trigger level; 8s user delay
Patient positioning: Saline flushing 40 mL @ same flow rate as Contrast Phase
• head first, supine, arms above head
• CaScoring phantom underneath heart Body weight Flow Rate Calculate Volume
• ECG-leads < 121 lbs (<55kg) 4.0 mL/s (Scan time + 8) * 4
• Practice breath-holding 121 – 143 lbs (<65kg) 4.5 mL/s (Scan time + 8) * 4.5
143 – 187 lbs (~75kg) 5.0 mL/s (Scan time + 8) * 5
187 – 209 lbs (>85kg) 5.5 mL/s (Scan time + 8) * 5.5
• make sure the ECG-display shows a clear signal with well identifiable R-peaks; this > 209 lbs (>95kg) 6.0 mL/s (Scan time + 8) * 6
protocol should be used for heart rates clearly below 50 bpm; Use ECG-Pulsing especially
in younger patients;
35 36
Cardiovascular Cardiac01^CORONARY GRAFT Coronary Graft CTA Cardiovascular Cardiac01^CORONARY GRAFT Coronary Graft CTA
white red
B: Scanning Parameters
Rot. Scan
Eff Ref kV Detector Pitch Comment
1,2 mAs mAs config. time time
0 Topogram 35 • 120 • • • • AP, 512 mm
1 premonitoring 20 • 120 • • • •
2 monitoring 20 • 120 • • 30 scans, 1.2s cycle time
3 CorGraftCTA 850 • 120 64×0.6 0.2 0.33 s 15-20s As short as possible
↑ FoV for a Coronary Graft
CTA; include anterior chest wall C: Reconstruction Parameters
(LIMA, RIMA) and descending Type/ Window ECG- Field of View /
# STh RI Kernel
↑ ROI in ascending aorta aorta orient WW / WL Trigger Comment
4a CorGraftCTA axial 0.75mm 0.5mm B25f 600/80 65% Include Aorta and IMA
4b CorGraftCTA axial 0.75mm 0.5mm B25f 600/80 0-90% Same as 4a
Graft patency, distal anastomosis
D: Contrast Medium Injection Parameters
CM Concentration ≥ 370mgI/ml
Patient preparation:
Scantime As short as possible for maximum dose utilization
20G IV cannula; oral or I.V. β-Blocker and sublingual nitroglycerine as per protocol Injection duration calculated to equal (scantime+5s) for all patients !
Bolus Timing Automated bolus trigger (Care-Bolus); 120 HU trigger level; 5s user delay
Patient positioning:
Saline flushing 40 mL @ same flow rate as Contrast Phase
• head first, supine, arms above head
• ECG-leads Body weight Flow Rate Calculate Volume
• Practice breath-holding < 121 lbs (<55kg) 4.0 mL/s (Scan time + 5) * 4
121 – 143 lbs (<65kg) 4.5 mL/s (Scan time + 5) * 4.5
143 – 187 lbs (~75kg) 5.0 mL/s (Scan time + 5) * 5
• make sure the ECG-display shows a clear signal with well identifiable R-peaks; target 187 – 209 lbs (>85kg) 5.5 mL/s (Scan time + 5) * 5.5
heart-rate is 55-62 bpm; Use ECG-Pulsing in low and stable heart-rates especially in > 209 lbs (>95kg) 6.0 mL/s (Scan time + 5) * 6
younger patients;
• no CaScoring needed;
37 38
Cardiovascular Cardiac01^GATED_CHEST Gated Chest Cardiovascular Cardiac01^GATED_CHEST Gated Chest
B: Scanning Parameters
2,3 Eff Ref Detector Rot. Scan
# kV Pitch Comment
mAs mAs config. time time
0 Topogram 35 • 120 • • • AP, 512 mm
1 non-cons 220 • 120 24×1.2 1.2 0.5 s
2 premonitoring 20 • 120 • • •
3 monitoring 20 • 120 • • 30 scans, 1.2s cycle time
4 gated Chest 700 • 120 64×0.6 0.2 0.33 s ≤25s As short as possible
C: Reconstruction Parameters
Type/ STh RI Kernel Window ECG- Field of View /
orient WW / WL Trigger Comment
Indication: 1 non-cons axial 5mm 5mm B31f 400/40
4a gated Chest axial 1mm 0.7mm B25f 600/80 65% chest wall
Aortic root and ascending aortic aneurysm and dissection; acute aortic syndrome with chest pain
4b gated Chest axial 1mm 0.7mm B25f 600/80 0-90% to heart and aorta
Patient preparation:
20G IV cannula; NO β-blocker medication D: Contrast Medium Injection Parameters (biphasic)
CM Concentration ≥ 370mgI/ml
Patient positioning: Scantime as short as possible for maximum dose utilization;
• head first, supine, arms above head. Injection duration Fixed phase I; calculated second volume to equal scan time -5s for all patients !
• ECG-leads Bolus Timing Automated bolus trigger (Care-Bolus); 100 HU trigger level; 5s user delay
• Practice breath-holding Saline flushing 40 mL @ same flow rate as Contrast Phase
39 40
Cardiovascular Cardiac01^GATED_CAP_GATED_CHEST Gated CAP Cardiovascular Cardiac01^GATED_CAP_GATED_CHEST Gated CAP
Gated Chest/Abdomen/Pelvis CTA (gated Chest, non-gated A: Chronologic Prescription and Scanning Range
# Scanning Range Delay BH Dir.
Abdomen) 0 Topogram neck 7 lesser trochanter insp "
1 non-cons neck 7 lesser trochanter insp "
2 premonitoring
← to put ROI in ascending aorta At carina, ROI in ascending aorta no N/A
red 1 is better than in the aortic arch 3 monitoring 10 s no N/A
4 (dissection flaps most likely 4 gated Chest Above arch 7 diaphragm (≤ 25s scan time) 5s insp "
occur in the arch ↓)
5 Abdomen End of series 4 7 lesser trochanter (10 s scan time) " "
B: Scanning Parameters
Eff Ref Detector Rot. Scan
# kV
config. Pitch Comment
mAs mAs time time
5 0 Topogram 35 • 120 • • • AP, 768 mm
1 non-cons 220 • 120 24×1.2 1.2 0.5 s
2 premonitoring 20 • 120 • • •
3 monitoring 20 • 120 • • 30 scans, 1.2s cycle time
4 gated Chest 700 • 120 64×0.6 0.2 0.33 s ≤25s As short as possible
5 Abdomen 250 120 64x0.6 1 0.33 10s
C: Reconstruction Parameters
Type/ STh RI Kernel Window ECG- Field of View /
orient WW / WL Trigger Comment
1a non-cons axial 5mm 5mm B31f 400/40
4a gated Chest axial 1mm 0.7mm B25f 600/80 65%
4b gated Chest axial 1mm 0.7mm B25f 600/80 0-90% Same as abdomen
Indication: 5a Abdomen axial 1mm 0.7mm B25f 600/80 Same as chest
acute dissection, preoperative chronic dissection, thoracic aneurysm, pre-interventional planning 5b Abdomen axial 5mm 5mm B31f 600/80 Body wall
Patient preparation:
D: Contrast Medium Injection Parameters (biphasic)
20G IV cannula; NO β-blocker medication
CM Concentration ≥ 370mgI/ml
Patient positioning: Scantime Chest: as short as possible for maximum dose utilization; Abdomen: 10s
Injection duration calculated to equal 35s scantime for all patients !
• head first, supine, arms above head.
Bolus Timing Automated bolus trigger (Care-Bolus); 100 HU trigger level; 5s user delay
• ECG-leads
Saline flushing 40 mL @ same flow rate as Contrast Phase
• Practice breath-holding
41 42
Cardiovascular Cardiac01^LAM Left Atrial Mapping Cardiovascular Cardiac01^LAM Left Atrial Mapping
3 B: Scanning Parameters
Eff Ref Detector Rot. Scan
# kV Pitch Comment
mAs mAs config. time time
1,2 0 Topogram 35 • 120 • • • • AP, 512 mm
1 premonitoring 20 • 120 • • • •
2 monitoring 20 • 120 • • 30 scans, 1.2s cycle time
3 LAM • 800 120 64×0.6 0.2 0.33 s ≤25s As short as possible
C: Reconstruction Parameters
Type/ STh RI Kernel Window ECG- Field of View /
orient WW / WL Trigger Comment
3a LAM axial 1mm 0.7mm B25f 600/80 30% Aorta and heart
3b LAM axial 1mm 0.7mm B25f 600/80 0-90% Aorta and heart
Pre and post EP ablation in patients with atrial fibrillation
D: Contrast Medium Injection Parameters
Patient preparation: CM Concentration ≥ 350mgI/ml
Scantime as short as possible
20G IV cannula; NO β-blocker medication
Injection duration scan time + 5 s for all patients !
Bolus Timing Automated bolus trigger (Care-Bolus); 150 HU trigger level; 5 s user delay
Patient positioning:
Saline flushing 40 mL @ same flow rate as Contrast Phase
• head first, supine, arms above head
• ECG-leads
Body weight Flow Rate Calculate Volume
• Rehears breath-holding
< 121 lbs (<55kg) 3.5 mL/s (Scan time + 5) * 3.5
121 – 143 lbs (<65kg) 4.0 mL/s (Scan time + 5) * 4.0
143 – 187 lbs (~75kg) 4.5 mL/s (Scan time + 5) * 4.5
• This scan protocol utilizes CD4D on a level of 800 ref mAs; spatial resolution is not as
187 – 209 lbs (>85kg) 5.0 mL/s (Scan time + 5) * 5.0
important as in Coronary CTAs since primarily pulmonary veins are to evaluate; therefore > 209 lbs (>95kg) 5.5 mL/s (Scan time + 5) * 5.5
the axial slice thickness is increased to 1.0mm
• The scan range should include the aortic arch to allow an evaluation of upper lobe veins.
• Make sure the ECG-display shows a clear signal with well identifiable R-peaks and T-
waves; Systole reconstructions are necessary, so ECG-Pulsing is not recommended;
• FoV fit to aorta and heart;
• If the patient is in atrial fibrillation, T-wave reconstruction may improve image quality;
43 44
Cardiovascular Cardiac01^CVM Coronary Vein Mapping Cardiovascular Cardiac01^CVM Coronary Vein Mapping
B: Scanning Parameters
Eff Detector Rot.
white red Ref kV Pitch Scan Comment
1 mAs mAs config. time time
0 Topogram 35 • 120 • • • • AP, 512 mm
3 CVM • 800 120 64×0.6 0.2 0.33 s ≤25s As short as possible
C: Reconstruction Parameters
Type/ STh RI Kernel Window ECG- Field of View /
orient WW / WL Trigger Comment
3 CVM axial 1mm 0.7mm B25f 600/80 0-90% Aorta and heart
• This scan protocol utilizes CD4D on a level of 800 ref mAs;
• Automated Bolus Timing is not necessary; use a delay of 50s;
• The aortic arch should be included in the scan range
• Make sure the ECG-display shows a clear signal with well identifiable R-peaks and T-
waves; Systole reconstructions are necessary, so ECG-Pulsing is not recommended;
• FoV fit to aorta and heart;
45 46
Cardiovascular Abbreviations
AP anterior-posterior
BH breath-hold
Bpm beats per minute
CM contrast media
config detector configuration
cor coronal
CTA Computed Tomography Angiography
Dir scanning direction
ECG electro cardiogram
Eff mAs effective milli ampere seconds
FoV Field of View
HN head and neck
HU hounsfield unite
IMA internal mammarian artery
Insp inspiration
IV intra venous
Kg kilogram
kV kilo voltage
LAT lateral
Lbs pounds (libra)
LE lower extremity
Ltd limited
MgI milligram Iodine
mL milli liter
mm milli meter
N/A not applicable
Orient orientation
Ref mAs reference milli ampere seconds
RI reconstruction interval
ROI region of interest
Rot time rotation time
s second
sag sagittal
Seq Sequence
STh slice thickness
UE upper extremity
Vol volume
WL window level
WW window width