Society of Jesus Philippine Province Chinese-Filipino Apostolate Convention 2010
Society of Jesus Philippine Province Chinese-Filipino Apostolate Convention 2010
Society of Jesus Philippine Province Chinese-Filipino Apostolate Convention 2010
Philippine Province
Chinese-Filipino Apostolate
Convention 2010
Mary the Queen Parish
Xavier School
Sacred Heart Parish
Ateneo de Iloilo /
Sta. Maria Catholic School
Sta. Maria Parish
1859 Return of the Jesuits to P.I.
1949Arrival of China Jesuits
1989 Integration into Phil. Prov.
1999 Province Consultation on CFA
2009 Jesuit Cluster Meeting in Cebu
“Conversations” in Iloilo
2010 Convention in Cebu
3 Groups in 1999
In the tradition of Matteo Ricci, to build bridges at the intersections of faith
and culture by addressing the inevitable tensions and contradictions
arising from the encounter between Christianity and Chinese-Filipino
culture and practices; and by facilitating reflection and dialogue on
specific pastoral, spiritual, and moral dilemmas, in order to provide
tools for discernment in the Chinese-Filipino community
Frontiers in the Jesuit CFA
In the missionary spirit of Francis Xavier, to pursue new ways of sharing
the faith with the Chinese by focusing our efforts on those we have not
yet reached--the less affluent Chinese Filipinos, the new immigrants
from China, the mainland Chinese; and by sharing our mission more
deeply with our lay partners.
In fidelity to Ignatian principles, to seek greater impact by assisting in the
formation and training of leaders and ministers who serve China and
the Chinese both within and beyond Jesuit institutions.
Feedback from 2009 Iloilo“Conversations”
• Identity is hard to pin down. We want to form people
who love their country, live out their faith, and are in
touch with their cultural heritage, but how exactly do
we do it?
• Schools can review their curriculum and see where
identity issues can be addressed.
• Both schools and parishes can create a more Chinese
environment through physical structures or exposures
to China.
Feedback from 2009 Iloilo“Conversations”
• We often do not articulate the connection between
faith and culture. Can we reflect on what Christian
faith says about family life, the way we do business,
our customs during funerals, etc.? Have we allowed
Chinese values or ways to take precedence over
Christian teachings?
• We need people who can lead us in reflecting on
these issues and facilitating the dialogue.
• We need to review our curriculum, formation
programs for youth, parents, parishioners.
Feedback from 2009 Iloilo“Conversations”
• Can we strengthen existing programs instead of
“aiming for the moon” (the new immigrants, the less
affluent Chinoys, the mainland Chinese)? There is a
tension here— we seem very hesitant because there
are still many Chinoys we haven’t reached, but then
the first missionaries were so full of zeal!
• How can we systematically reach out and become
friends with these sectors, and slowly influence them?
• Suggestions: regular outreach to less affluent Chinoys
or to the new immigrants, sick and bereaved Chinoys.
Feedback from 2009 Iloilo“Conversations”
• We need concrete structures for training people who
will minister to the Chinese—both lay and religious,
both in schools and in parishes. But how, what?
• Can we interact more with the Chinese clergy and
religious who are in our midst, for mutual enrichment
and help (tap them for our formation programs)?
Objectives of Convention 2010
• To reflect on the frontiers in the Jesuit Chinese-
Filipino apostolate from the perspective of
Matteo Ricci’s missionary strategies (occasion of
Ricci’s 400th death anniversary this year)
If you study Buddhism, you will find that most of the rituals the
Chinese say are “Buddhist” are not Buddhist at all. And many
so-called Buddhists are not aware of basic Buddhist teachings.