Writting Writing As Communication The Interactive Approach
Writting Writing As Communication The Interactive Approach
Writting Writing As Communication The Interactive Approach
Writing as Communication
Writing is the production of the written word that results I a text buy the text must be read and
comprehended in order for communication to take place
There are approaches, (liberation” in the first writing is viewed as a mucho more decontextualized
production process in which the writer needs to consider and accommodate an absent reader to
his ideas
The second, takes a more social view of the writing process and therefore perceives it as similar to
speech. Such an approach often compares writing to speech events that need to adhere to specific
Reading and writing in both the language user begins with proper knowledge and experience with
written texts, combining this with discourse knowledge, the main difference is in reading we
receive, in writing we produce
Bereiter emphasized the need to develop a reader asked approach to writing in order to ensure
the communicative power of the text- is focus on the connection between reading and writing and
views writing as aiming to produce a text that can be read successfully. The writer has the
responsibility of creating a text which accommodates to the potential readers
The writer has to be fully committed to the content and the form of the written text to ensure that
the text communicates in a setting where interaction is decontextualized
The school environment is usually the first and most dominant situation in which young people are
expected to partake in writing tasks, and students often perceive the teacher as their only reader
Being able to anticipate the readers´ needs when they read the text we are creating is perhaps the
most important characteristic of a successful writer
Experienced writers, are sensitive to the reader, and potential content schemata an thus are able
to use elaboration skills to create a text that is comprehensible and comminucative in nature
For a teacher, writing instruction needs to place special focus on developing this awareness of
potential reader audiences.
The four components of the model presented by Berlin are highly relevant: The writer, tjer reader
and the context. And the language of the written text.
The expressivist approach views writing as an act which leads to and encourages self-discovery
and is crucial in the development of an educated person (They led to the development of the ise of
journal and individual rewriting) . The cognitivist approach, places great importance on writing as a
problem solving activity and therefore emphasizes thinking and process in writin- for this, the
writer makes plans, considers the contex, cooses and generates alternatives, pesents argument,
and arrives at a wll supported conclusion (This is part of the problem solving process. (They the
important work on the process of writing
The maxim of relevance requires the writer to create a text that makes sense within the potential
context in wich it will be read
Writing as Process
The writing process is a pensally adapted creative process that varie form person to person—Such
planning can never take place in its entirety before the actirual text is written
Language teachers and writing teachers should be aware of such cultural differenes that may
cause their students difficulties in Enfligh writing-
It is the responsibility of the writer to produce a text that will be coherent to the potential reader
and the writin teacher should help writers develop strategies to do so. He should further an
activity that allows student be aware of the importance of coherence, an activity that force
learners to consider the coherence of the passage at every step of the way
An important consideration in the creation of a text is choice of genre and rhetorical format,
distinguish between the narrative, factual or expository writing.
A well written text has to comform to more local and specific features of the text such as choosing
proper lexival items and grammatical forms, appropriate use of cohesive devices, and using proper
puncituation and other details of form
Most experienced writers report that they plan and think out the passage before they start
Another thing us the unity and connectedness that make the individual sencences in the text hang
togueter and relate to each other
The overall coherence of a longer passage depends on the coherence within each paragraph or
section of the text. Each sentence in such a piece of writing is related both to the previous and the
flllowing sentences and creates the basis for the following one
Creating a well written text is a process that requires many conscious decisions along the way,
especially propr to writing. Many writers need to plan the structure of a text in order to ensure
global coherence. Each paragraph needs to be structured so as to contribute to creating a
coherent entity within the larger unit of several paragraphs.
Writing Instruction
It is the responsibility of the writer to produce a text that will be coherent to the potential
reader and the writin teacher should help writers develop strategies to do so. He should further
an activity that allows student be aware of the importance of coherence, an activity that force
learners to consider the coherence of the passage at every step of the way
An important consideration in the creation of a text is choice of genre and rhetorical format,
distinguish between the narrative, factual or expository writing.
The school environment is usually the first and most dominant situation in which young people
are expected to partake in writing tasks, and students often perceive the teacher as their only
reader audience
One of the initial steps in writing instruction must involve breaking the barrier and alleviating the
anxiey wich may accompany the writing task. The teacher´s first goal in writing instruction must be
to convince students that everyboy can write successfully for some purpose, even if the resulting
writing products are quite different. The most important barrier to break is the feeling that I HACE
Also, the writer needs to be motivated to write and to impart information of some type. Choosing
a topic or a theme for writing is an important initial step for classroom writing, next think of the
reader or the audience. Furthermore, is necessary to choice of genre as well
Less planning and have more difficulty setting up goals and organizing the written material to
meet these foal. Many different ways of planning for the activity of writing have been suggested in
the literature. For ex, preparing an outline for the text that one is going to write-. The planning
stage is also important in breaking the writing barrier since it helps writers realize that there is a
lot they have to say about the topic. Since different writers prefer different types of planning
An important writing task is summarizing, in many ways resembles part of the task given to the
writers in study. In many cases a summary is done for the wrter´s own use. We summarize an
article for ourselves so that we will have the main facts and information available for future use
without having to read again
One of the most important things a writing class should aim at is bringing the students to the point
where they are willing to revise and feel comfortable about revising what they have written. Is
important writing and rewriting
The focus is no the writer´s decision making processes and on the ongoing evaluation process
The writing skill is often perceived as the most difficult language skill since it requires a higher level
of productive language control
A good writer has the responsibility to compose a written text that will be understood by an
intended reader who is distant in time and place form the wirting process
Personal writing strategies, preferences and techniques characterize each individual writer
Creating the best context and the most suitable conditions to encourage a person to write,
particularly in a second language