Structure of The Eye
Structure of The Eye
Structure of The Eye
Cornea the transparent, curved front of the eye which helps to converge the
light rays which enter the eye
Choroid It has a network of blood vessels to supply nutrients to the cells and
remove waste products. It is pigmented that makes the retina appear
black, thus preventing reflection of light within the eyeball.
Ciliary body Has suspensory ligaments that hold the lens in place. It secretes the
aqueous humour, and contains ciliary muscles that enable the lens to
change shape, during accommodation (focusing on near and distant
Pupil a hole in the middle of the iris where light is allowed to continue its
passage. In bright light, it is constricted and in dim light it is dilated
Fovea A part of the retina that is directly opposite the pupil and contains only
cone cells. It is responsible for good visual acuity (good resolution)
(yellow spot)
Blind spot Is where the bundle of sensory fibers form the optic nerve; it contains
no light-sensitive receptors
Aqueous Helps to maintain the shape of the anterior chamber of the eyeball