Workshop Class Plan: Formation Team Interaction

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Workshop Class Plan

Week: 1 ULO’s covered: 2 and 6

Topic: Introduction and Group Facilitated learning activity (FLA): Icebreaker activity on
formation team interaction

Activity Description FLA details or other Concept Tutor assigned

comments to lead task
0 – 10min (1) Put up names and contact details on the Tutors should
board (remind them that you will only give discuss before
this out once so they need to make sure class who will
they take the info down right now!) lead each task

Staff Introduction
(2) Open vUWS and make sure they are and assign on
following along this class plan
(3) Welcome students to the class (make sure and make any
they are comfortable entering even if they further additions
are late today) themselves
10 – 20min (1) Introduction of each staff member, you Slide of your background to
should have a slide which shows something help introduce how you got to
graphical about what you have been where you are today needs to
involved in during your career (no more be developed by the tutors
than 5 mins each) before the class
20 – 30min (1) Go over expectations for this class and Slide file: 102T_expectations
engineering as a whole, in particular:
a) Professional standards in this class are
expected and part of your grades
b) i.e. student engineer vs engineering

c) Engineers are expected to adhere to
code of ethics, will be basis for this class
(and interactions in groups)
d) Students will be considered late to class
if they are more than 10mins late
e) Attendance will be taken
f) Students are expected to take notes in
some form, either written or digital
30 – 40min (1) Introduction of class to each other(some
suggestions: give three words you would
have on your own tag, favourite piece of
engineering or why you enrolled in
engineering at UWS). To do this task ask
each student to stand up in turn and write
these requirements on whiteboard (Name,
Stream of Engineering envisaged to
Student Introductions

undertake and the final task) The tutor

should go first and do the task themselves.
Class attendance should be done at this
40 – 50min Form groups. Get students to write their You should write an email
names on a piece of paper for you in their using the projector screen
groups and ask them to introduce each showing the form of email
other and share contact details. Also inform that you expect to receive in
them that groups may change due to this email and all other
people coming and going from class but this correspondence with the
will be the group they will be in from now class.
and you will do your best to keep groups i.e.
without changes. Also assign each group a a) Informative subject
group number and tell students their first b) Salutation and
task is to send you an email with group introductory sentence
members names and student number with c) University email address
the subject as group number (this will used
ensure at least one knows your email and d) correct ending of email
ensure correct email etiquette in setting with student number and
this up with students) name included
60 – 70min (1) Presentation on teams (tuckman model of Slide file: 103T_team_roles
team stages i.e. form, storm, norm and
perform etc)
70 – 100min Icebreaker activity: Spaghetti tower ice Teamwork can only happen
breaker when you have formed
relationships with those
(1) Distribute spaghetti, jelly babies and around you. This happens
one marshmallow per group when you have interactions
(2) Inform groups of rules, can only use with others and learn about
materials provided and need to make them (this happens in the

Team building
subtleties of full
tallest tower in given time
communication within
(3) Allow 15mins to build tower environments in which we
(4) Measure height of tower at end of work). Icebreaker activities
timeframe using string are used to help speed up and
(5) Review how the leading team won, and facilitate these interactions
ask others to share experience within a team. THIS IS WHY
(6) If time permits go over some of the WE ARE DOING THIS!
team work concepts in video at (Highlight this point that it is not just a pointless activity
breakers/the-spaghetti-engineer-challenge/ and if you have time don’t
(this could also be worthwhile watching just tell them this
beforehand to help understand activity information, pose it as a
question to the class and
draw it out of them)
100 – (1) Inform briefly how class will run each week, Slide file:

Review and closeout

110min and that you will be working on EWB 104T_weekly_schedule
project a lot. Class will generally have a
time where you are expected to have a
team meeting and discuss you progress
with your tutor at some stage in class.
(2) If time permits cover EWB project slides
(otherwise tell them to view them over
coming week)

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