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Mental Adjustment

Jumping: headcontrol while experiencing buoyancy

Exhalation with cheek control

2. Sagittal Rotation Control

Bicycling in side lying and swing around the sagittal axis

Sitting with weight transfer and trunk elongation

3. Transversal Rotation Control

A phase of the forward recovery to stand up

Swing forward – backward around the transverse axis

4. Longitudinal Rotation Control

Log roll preparation: reaching with an arm

Cross a leg: the other leg extends reactively

5 Combined Rotation Control

„falling“ forward and rotate to supine at the same time

Catching the railing and stand up at the same time

6. Upthrust / Mental Inversion

floating up to the surface

7. Balance in Stillness

Keeping midline symmetry, using a metacentric disturbance

keeping aligned stance, therapist makes turbulence

8. Turbulent Gliding

9. Simple Progression
10. Halliwick Basic Swimming Movement

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