Structural Design PDF
Structural Design PDF
Structural Design PDF
Chapter 7
Structural design
P Tensile systems
Tensile systems allow maximum use of the material
FORCE DIAGRAM FOR POINT A because every fibre of the cross-section can be extended
to resist the applied loads up to any allowable stress.
As with other structural systems, tensile systems
require depth to transfer loads economically across
a span. As the sag (h) decreases, the tensions in the
cable (T1 and T2) increase. Further decreases in the
sag would again increase the magnitudes of T1 and T2
h2 until the ultimate condition, an infinite force, would be
T1 T2 required to transfer a vertical load across a cable that is
horizontal (obviously an impossibility).
A A distinguishing feature of tensile systems is that
vertical loads produce both vertical and horizontal
reactions. As cables cannot resist bending or shear,
they transfer all loads in tension along their lengths.
P The connection of a cable to its supports acts as a pin
joint (hinge), with the result that the reaction (R) must
be exactly equal and opposite to the tension in the
cable (T). The R can be resolved into the vertical and
horizontal directions producing the forces V and H.
The horizontal reaction (H) is known as the thrust.
The values of the components of the reactions can be
obtained by using the conditions of static equilibrium
if P=100N
and resolving the cable tensions into vertical and
then horizontal components at the support points.
Example 7.1
Two identical ropes support a load P of 5 kN, as shown
in the figure. Calculate the required diameter of the
rope, if its ultimate strength is 30 MPa and a safety
factor of 4.0 is applied. Also determine the horizontal
FORCE DIAGRAM FOR POINT A support reaction at B.
Chapter 7 – Structural design 117
Short columns
A column which is short (i.e. the height is small
compared with the cross-section area) is likely to fail
because of crushing of the material.
Note, however, that slender columns, which are tall
T1 T2
compared with the cross-section area, are more likely
to fail from buckling under a load much smaller than
that needed to cause failure from crushing. Buckling is
dealt with later.
T= 4.3 kN
Short columns
5 kN
T2= 2.5 kN
Stress = Force
Stress =
ForceArea Slender columns
Stress =
Example 7.2
4.3 × 103 A square concrete column, which is 0.5 m high, is made
Area required = 573× 10
=4.3 mm 3
Area required = = 573 mm2 of a nominal concrete mix of 1:2:4, with a permissible
4.3 × 107.5
Area required π= d2 = 573 mm2 direct compression stress of 5.3 MPa (N / mm²). What
A = π r2 = 7.5
4 is the required cross-section area if the column is
π d 2
A = π r2 = required to carry an axial load of 300 kN?
F 300 000 N
Thus: A= = = 56 604 mm2
σ 5.3 N/mm2
4 × 573
d= = 27 mm (min)
4π× 573 i.e. the column should be minimum 238 mm square.
d= = 27 mm (min)
118 Rural structures in the tropics: design and development
Bending stresses C C
When a sponge is put across two supports and gently
pressed downwards between the supports, the pores N A
at the top will close, indicating compression, and the
pores at the bottom will open wider, indicating tension.
Similarly, a beam of any elastic material, such as wood
or steel, will produce a change in shape when external
loads are acting on it.
M = the external moment
MR = the internal resisting moment
C = resultant of all compressive forces on the cross-
section of the beam
T = resultant of all tensile forces on the cross-section
of the beam
h = lever arm of the reaction couple
Tension fa
Figure 7.1 Bending effects on beams
As the section modulus Zc = I / ymax, therefore In summary the following equation is used to test
for safe bending:
MR = fc × Zc = M;
fw ≥ f = Mmax / Z
MR = ft × Zt = M fw = allowable bending stress
f = actual bending stress
The maximum compressive stress (fc) will occur in Mmax = maximum bending moment
the cross-section area of the beam where the bending Z = section modulus
moment (M) is greatest. A size and shape of cross-
section, i.e. its section modulus (Z), must be selected so Horizontal shear
that the fc does not exceed an allowable value. Allowable The horizontal shear force (Q) at a given cross-section
working stress values can be found in building codes or in a beam induces a shearing stress that acts tangentially
engineering handbooks. to the horizontal cross-sectional plane. The average
As the following diagrams show, the concept of value of this shear stress is:
a ‘resisting’ couple can be seen in many structural
members and systems.
N A h
No sliding of layers
δmax = Kc ×
δmax = maximum deflection (mm)
Kfc w=≥constant
f = depending on the type of loading and the
end support conditions
W = total load (N)
L = effective span (mm)
Maximum horizontal shear force in beams E = modulus of elasticity (N/mm²)
It can be shown that the maximum shear stress tmax in a I = moment of inertia (mm4)
beam will occur at the neutral axis. Thus, the following
relations for the maximum shear stress in beams of It can be seen that deflection is greatly influenced
different shapes can be deduced, assuming the maximum by the span L, and that the best resistance is provided
shear force (Q) to be the end reaction at a beam support by beams which have the most depth (d), resulting in a
(column). large moment of inertia.
Chapter 7 – Structural design 121
4 × Qmax 16 Qmax
τw ≥ τ = =
3×A 3πd2
Note that the effective span is greater than the clear For I-shaped cross-sections of steel beams
span. It is convenient to use the centre to centre distance
of the supports as an approximation of the effective span.
Some standard cases of loading and resulting τw ≥ τ =
deflection for beams can be found later in this section. A
Mmax f
M = max
fmax fw = 8.0 N/mm², tw = 0.7 MPa (N/mm²), E = 8.400 MPa
INA = max
ymax (N/mm²), density 500 kg/m³
Loading on floor and including floor is 2.5 kPa.
Mmax f
andMmax = f max
INA = ymax
INA ymaxmax
Allowable deflection is L/240
ymax =Z 1∙2 m
The maximum
INA bending stress will be found in the
section Iof =
the Zbeam where the maximum bending
max= Z
max The maximum moment can be obtained
from the bending-moment diagram.
3 × Qmax 3Qmax
τw ≥ τ = 3 × Q = 3Q
τw ≥ τ = Shear
2. stress
2 × A max = 2bdmax
For 2rectangular 2bd
3×Q 3Qmax
τ ≥ τ =3 × Q max =3Qmax
τww≥ τ = 2 × maxA = 2bd
2×A 2bd
1 ∙2 m
4 × Qmax 16 Qmax
τw ≥ τ = 4 × Q = 16 Q2
3 ×circular
τw ≥ τ =For A max = cross-sections:
3πd max
3×A 3πd2
4×Q 16 Qmax
τ ≥ τ = 4 × Q max =16 Qmax 1∙2 m 1 ∙2 m 1 ∙2 m 1∙2 m 1 ∙2 m
τww≥ τ = 3 × maxA = 3πd2 2
3×A 3πd
τw ≥ τ = Q
τw ≥ τ = A max
122 Rural structures in the tropics: design and development
(i) Beam loading: w = 1.2 m × 2.5 kN/m2 = 3 kN/m Choose a 100 mm by 225 mm timber. The timber
required is a little less than that assumed. No
Assume a 100 mm by 250 mm cross-section for the recalculations
6Z are
6 × required
0.78 × 106unless it is estimated that a
beams. d = size=timber would be =adequate
smaller 216 mm if a smaller size
b 100
had been 6Z
assumed × 0.78 × 106
d = = = 216 mm
(ii) Beam mass = 0.1 × 0.25 × 500 × 9.81 = 122.6 N/m b 100
= 0.12 kN/m × 06.Z
6 Z vi) 6Check × 1066 × 0.78
78 for × 10 6
d = =d = = shear loading:
= 216 mm = 216 mm
b b100 100
Total w = 3 + 0.12 = 3.12 kN/m
3Qmax 3 × 6.24 × 103
τ = = = 0.42 MPa
(iii) Calculate reactions and draw shear-force and 2A3Q 2 × 100 × 225 3
3 × 6.24 × 10
τ = max
= = 0.42 MPa
bending-moment diagrams 2A 2 × 100 × 225
3Qmax As 3Q
3 ×the
safe 33 × 6for
× 10load .24 ×the
is 0.7 N/mm² (MPa) the
τ = =τ = = = 0.42 MPa = 0.42 MPa
2A section is adequate in
2A × 2252 × 100 × 225
2 × 100 resistance to horizontal shear.
W= 3∙12 kN/m
From Table 6.3, the section modulus for a rectangular 1. Assume a purlin cross-section size of 50 mm ×
shape is Z = 1/6 × bd2 125 mm. Find an estimated self-load.
130 × 103 52 × 103
bd2 50 × 1002 3 3
124 Rural structures in the tropics: design and development
Suitable sections as found in a handbook would be: Although the total value of the load has increased,
the maximum shear force remains the same but the
Section Zx-x Mass maximum bending is reduced when the beam is
INP 160 117 cm³ 17.9 kg/m cantilevered over the supports.
IPE 180 146 cm³ 18.8 kg/m
HE 140A 155 cm³ 24.7 kg/m
HE 120A 144 cm³ 26.7 kg/m
Continuous beams
A single continuous beam extending over a number of
supports will safely carry a greater load than a series
of simple beams extending from support to support.
Consider the shear force and bending moment diagrams
for the following two beam loadings:
Simple beam
5 kN/m
Table 7.1
Beam equations
Loading diagram Shear force at x: Qx Bending moment at x: Mx Deflection at x: δx
W Wb Wab
QA = Mc =
a b Wa2 b2
When a = b δc =
a+b=L QB = - Mc =
L 4
Total W = wL 2W wL wL4
2 QA = = M max = 0.064mL2 δ max = 0.00652
3 3 EI
W wL
QB = - =- at x = 0.577 L at x = 0.519
A L x B 3 6
Total W = wL QA =
W wL
wL2 wL4
2 M max = δ max =
2 4 12 120 EI
W wL L L
QB = - =- at x = at x =
A L B 2 4 2 2
QA = QB = W M A = - WL δB =
Total W = wL
QA = W
WL wL2 WL3 wL4
MA = - =- δB = =
2 2 3EI 3EI
A B QA = 0
Total W = wL
2 QA = W
WL wL2 wL4
W MA = - =- δB =
3 6 30 EI
A B QA = 0
W Wb Wab 2
QA = MA = -
a b L L2 Wa3b3
A B δC =
L Wa Wa b 2 3EIL
QB = - MB = -
a+b=L L L2
Total W = wL W
QA =
2 WL WL3
M A = MB = - δC =
A B W 12 384 EI
L QB = -
W WL wL3
QA = M max = * δ max =
2 6 192 EI
R1 R2
W WL wL3
QA = M max = * δ max =
L 2 12 384 EI
R1 R2
126 Rural structures in the tropics: design and development
d ap
r me
Ra Tie member
Pbw = kλ × δcw × A
where: θ Rotation
Pbw = allowable load with respect to buckling
kλ = reduction factor, which depends on the slenderness
δcw = allowable compressive stress
A = cross-section area of the column
Slenderness ratio
As stated earlier, the relationship between the length
of the column, its lateral dimensions and the end fixity P P
conditions will strongly affect the column’s resistance
to buckling. An expression called the slenderness ratio
has been developed to describe this relationship:
KL l
λ= =
r r
λ = slenderness ratio
K = effective length factor whose value depends on how
the ends of the column are fixed
L = length of the column 3. Fixed in direction but not in position.
r = radius of gyration (r = I / A)
l = effective length of the column (K × L)
θ Rotation
side movement
Kp 0∙85
15 kN
l = 2L
L = 3 000
3. The leg of a frame, which is pinned to the foundation, d
has the effective length l = 2 L but, if the top
is effectively secured for sideways movement, the
effective length is reduced to l = L. b
l = 2L
4. In a system of post and lintel where the bottom of
the post is effectively held in position and secured x
in direction by being cast in concrete, the effective
length l = 2 L.
Note that in some building codes a value of Find the effective length for buckling about both axes.
slenderness ratio in the case of sawn timber is taken Buckling about the x-x axis, both ends pinned:
as the ratio between the effective length and the least
lateral width of the column l/b. lx = 1.0 × 3 000 = 3 000 mm
Example 7.6 Buckling about the y-y axis, both ends fixed:
Design a timber column that is 3 metres long, supported
as shown in the figure and loaded with a compressive ly = 0.65 × 3 000 = 1 950 mm
Table 7.2
Reduction factor (kλ) for stresses with respect to the slenderness ratio for wood columns
l/b 2.9 5.8 8.7 11.5 14.4 17.3 20.2 23.0 26.0 28.8 34.6 40.6 46.2 52.0
l/r 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 120 140 160 180
kλ 1.0 1.00 0.91 0.81 0.72 0.63 0.53 0.44 0.35 0.28 0.20 0.14 0.11 0.40
lx 3 000 l 3 400
λx = = = 83 gives kλx = 0.41 λ = × =150 (120=273
Pw = kλ × σcw × A = 0.72 - 1082) = 295 kN.
rx 36.1 r 46.6
b= × 12 ≈ 0.87 D
Table 7.3 × 12 ≈ 0.87 D b=
Reduction factor (kλ) for stresses with respect to the slenderness ratio for steel columns
ly 1 950
λλy = =10 = 20
90 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140
ry 21.7
kλ 0.97 0.95 0.92 0.90 0.86 0.81 0.74 0.67 0.59 0.51 0.45 0.39 0.34 0.30
λ 150 160 170 180 190 200 210 220 230 240 250 300 350
kλ 0.26 0.23 0.21 0.19 0.17 0.15 0.14 0.13 0.12 0.11 0.10 0.07 0.05
F 15 000
σc = = = 1.6 MPa
A 9 375
l 4000
= = 13.3
b 300
l 4000
Chapter 7 – Structural design = = 13.3 131
b 300
l 4000
= = 13.3
b 300
I BD 3
− bd3 loaded
Axially 120 4
− 1084 columns
concrete Obviously, by the law of superposition, the added
ry = = = = 46.6 mm σ f
A BD − bd
12 (Most building
) 12 (120 − 108
codes 2
) the use of plain concrete +
stresses of ≤ 1
the i.e.
two load effects must be below the
Pcw fw
only in short columns, that is to say, columns where the allowable stress. σ f
+ ≤ 1 i.e.
ratio of the effective length to least lateral dimension Pcw fw
does not exceed 15, i.e. l/r ≤ 15. If the slenderness ratio is
σ f
between 10 and 15, the allowable compressive strength Therefore + ≤ 1 i.e.
must l 3 400 The tables of figures relating to l/b in P f
λ = be= reduced. = 73 cw w
Example 7.8
A concrete column with an effective length of 4 metres
has a cross-section of 300 mm by 400 mm. Calculate
the allowable axial load if a nominal 1:2:4 concrete mix D 200
r= = = 50 mm
is to be used. 4 4
Slenderness ratio
l 4000
= = 13.3
b 300
l 6 300
= = = 126
r 50
Hence Table 7.4 gives Pcc = 3.47 N/mm² by interpolation.
Pw = Pcc × A = 3.47 × 300 × 400 = 416.4 kN. The load of 5 kN on the cantilever causes a bending
moment of M = F × e = 5 kN × 0.5 m = 2.5 kNm in the
σ f
+ ≤ 1 loaded
Eccentrically i.e. timber and steel columns post below the cantilever.
Pcw fw
Where a column is eccentrically loaded, two load effects
need to be considered: The effective length of the post = L × K = 3 000 × 2.1 =
The axial compressive stress caused by the load and 6 300 mm. Try a post with a diameter of 200 mm.
the bending stresses caused by the eccentricity of the
load. The cross-sectional properties are:
xial compressive stress bending stress
+ ≤1
wable compressive stress allowable bending stress
4 cw 4
Kλ × A fw Z
π D2 π × 2002
A= = = 31 400 mm2
4132 4 Rural structures in the tropics: design and development
π D2 π × 2002
A= = = 31 400 mm2
4 4 π D3 π × 2003
Z= = = 785 400 mm2
32 32
π D2 π × 2002
A= = = 31 400 mm2
4 4 P
π D3 π × 2003 e
Z= = = 785 400 mm2
32 32
π D3 π × 2003 D 400200
Z= = r==785 = mm 2
= 50 mm
32 32 4 4
π D3 π × 2003
Z = D 200 = = 785 400 mm2
r = 32= =3250 mm
4 4
D 200
r= = = 50 mm
4 4 l 6 300
P1 = σ
The slenderness ratio
= 126
+ cw × 50 ≤ σcw
D 200 K P × A σfwcw Z M
r = = λ =1 50+mm × ≤ σcw
4 4Kλ × A fw Z
P1 l σcw6 300 M in Table 7.3 gives kλ = 0.18 Many agricultural buildings have walls built of
= + = × =≤126 σcw blocks or bricks. The same design approach as that
Kλ × A r fw 50 Z
P1 σ l 6M300 shown for plain concrete with axial loading can be used.
+= cw =× ≤ σ= 126 The maximum allowable compressive stresses must
Kλ × A frw Z50 cw
be ascertained, but the reduction ratios can be used as
30 000 9 2.5 × 106 l 2 800
l + 6 300
× = 8.17 N/mm2 ≤ 9 N/mm2 = = 23.3
0.1830× 31 = = 109 785
400 2=.5126
r + 50× = 8.17 N/mm2 ≤ 9 N/mm2 Example 7.10 b 120
0.18 × 316 400 10 785 400 Determine the maximum allowable load per metre of a
30 000 9 2.5 × 10
+ × = 8.17 N/mm2 ≤ 9 N/mm2 120 mm thick wall, with an effective height of 2.8 metres
8 × 31 400 10 785 400
30 000 9 If2.5the
× 10post
6 has a diameter of 200 mm, it will be and made from concrete l 2grade
lload 800C 15: (a) when the load is
+ able× to carry =the8.17 N/mm
loads, but2 ≤the9 N/mm
task was2
to determine central; (b) when the =
l 2b=800120 is ==2323.3 .3by 20 mm.
0.18 × 31 400 10 785 400 =b 120= 23.3
the diameter within 25 mm. Therefore a diameter of b 120
175 mm should also 6 300
λ =be tried.= 144 l 2 800
436 .300
75 Slenderness ratio, = = 23.33.3
= 144 b P120 cw
= 2.8 − (2.8 − 2.0 ) = 2.27 N/mm2 = 2.27 M
6 300
λ= = 144 kλ = 0.13
43.75 Interpolation gives:
6 300
λ= = 144
PPcwcw==22.8.38.−3− 5 (2(2.8.8−−2.20.)0=) =2.27
43.75 2.27 N/mm = 2=.27
2.27 MPa
30 000 9 2.5 × 106 N/mm 2
+ × = 23 N/mm2 > 9 N/mm2 Pcw = 2.8 − (52.8 − 2.0 ) = 2.27 N/mm 2
= 2.27 MPa
0.1330× 24050
000 109 167 2.5 ×480106 5
+ × = 23 N/mm2 > 9 N/mm2
0.13 × 24050 10 167 480
30 000 9 2.5 × 10
+ × This diameter
= 23 N/mm Pcw = 2.8 −
(2.8 − 2.0 ) = 2.27 N/mm2 e==2.27 20
= 0.167
is too >small,
9 N/mm
2 2
so a diameter of 200 mm Allowable load 5 Pw = A × Pcw = 1.0 × 0.12 b ×120 2.27 × 106
13 × 24050 10 167 480
should be chosen. It will be appreciated that the choice = 272.4 kN/m wall
30 000 9 2.5 × 106
+ of effective
× = 23 based
length N/mmon 2
9 N/mm
fixity2has a great effect
0.13 × 24050 10 167 480
on the solution.
Ratio of eccentricitye e =2020 = 0.167
e b20 = 120= 0.167
Plain and centrally reinforced concrete walls =b 120 = 0.167
b 120
Basically walls are designed in the same manner as
columns, but there are a few differences. A wall is A double interpolation e 20
= gives: = 0.167 1.06 × 106
distinguished from a column by having a length that is bP =120A × Pcw = 1.0 × 0 .12 × = 127.2 kN/m
more than five times the thickness. Pcw = 1 .06 N/mm² = 1 .06 MPa 1 000
Plain concrete walls should have a minimum
thickness of 100 mm. Allowable load
Where the load on the wall is eccentric, the wall 1.06× ×1010 6
Pw == A
.12× × 1.06 6
= 127 .2 kN/m
must have centrally placed reinforcement of at least P 1.06 × 10 6
1 000 = 127 .2 kN/m wallwall
Pw = Aw × Pcw =cw1.0 × 0 .12 × 1 000 = 127.2 kN/m wall
0.2 percent of the cross-section area if the eccentricity 1 000
ratio e/b exceeds 0.20. This reinforcement may not be 1.06 × 106
Pw Central
= A × Pcw = 1.0 × 0 .12 ×is not required = 127 .2 kN/me wall
included in the load-carrying capacity of the wall. reinforcement because < 20
1 000 b
e b< <2020
< 20
Chapter 7 – Structural design 133
Table 7.5
Allowable compressive stress, Pcw for concrete used in walls (N/mm²)
Concrete grade Slenderness Ratio of eccentricity of the load e/b
or mix ratio l/b
Plain concrete walls Centrally reinforced concrete walls
0.00 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50
Higher values of stress may be permitted, depending on the level of work supervision.
fc C
C h
where: or booms at top and bottom. There are two main types,
C = T in parallel chords and: the N- (or Pratt) girder and the Warren girder. They are
C = compression in the top chord of the truss. very useful in long-span construction, in which their
T = tension in bottom chord of a simply supported truss. small depth-to-span ratio, generally about 1/10 to 1/14,
h = vertical height of truss section. gives them a distinct advantage over roof trusses.
Steel and timber trusses are usually designed
If either C or T or h can be increased, then the truss will assuming pin-jointed members. In practice, timber
be capable of resisting heavier loads. The value of h can trusses are assembled with bolts, nails or special
be increased by making a deeper truss. connectors, and steel trusses are bolted, riveted or
Allowable C- or T-stresses can be increased by welded. Although these rigid joints impose secondary
choosing a larger cross-section for the chords of the stresses, it is seldom necessary to consider them in
truss, or by changing to a stronger material. the design procedure. The following steps should be
A framework or truss can be considered as a beam considered when designing a truss:
with the major part of the web removed. This is possible 1. Select general layout of truss members and truss
where bending stresses are more significant than shear spacing.
stresses. The simple beam has a constant section along 2. Estimate external loads to be applied including
its length, yet the bending and shear stresses vary. The self-weight of truss, purlins and roof covering,
truss, comprising a number of simple members, can together with wind loads.
be fabricated to take into account this change in stress 3. Determine critical (worst combinations) loading.
along its length. It is usual to consider dead loads alone, and then
The pitched-roof truss is the best example of this, dead and imposed loads combined.
although the original shape was probably designed to 4. Analyse the framework to find forces in all
shed rainwater. Roof trusses consist of sloping rafters members.
that meet at the ridge, a main tie connecting the feet of 5. Select the material and section to produce in each
the rafters and internal bracing members. They are used member a stress value that does not exceed the
to support a roof covering in conjunction with purlins, permissible value. Particular care must be taken
which are laid longitudinally across the rafters, with the with compression members (struts), or members
roof cover attached to the purlin. The arrangement of normally in tension but subject to stress reversal
the internal bracing depends on the span. caused by wind uplift.
Rafters are normally divided into equal lengths and,
ideally, the purlins are supported at the joints so that Unless there are particular constructional requirements,
the rafters are only subjected to axial forces. This is not roof trusses should, as far as possible, be spaced to
always practicable because purlin spacing is dependent achieve minimum weight and economy of materials
on the type of roof covering. When the purlins are used in the total roof structure. As the distance
not supported at the panel joints, the rafter members between trusses is increased, the weight of the purlins
must be designed for bending as well as axial force. See tends to increase more rapidly than that of the trusses.
Figure 7.2. For spans up to around 20 m, the spacing of steel
The internal bracing members of a truss should be trusses is likely to be about 4 metres and, in the case of
triangulated and, as far as possible, arranged so that timber, 2 metres.
long members are in tension and compression members The pitch, or slope, of a roof depends on locality,
are short to avoid buckling problems. imposed loading and type of covering. Heavy rainfall
The outlines in Figure 7.3 give typical forms for may require steep slopes for rapid drainage; a slope of
various spans. The thick lines indicate struts. 22° is common for corrugated steel and asbestos roofing
The lattice girder, also called a truss, is a plane frame sheets. Manufacturers of roofing material usually make
of open web construction, usually with parallel chords recommendations regarding suitable slopes and fixings.
Ridge nts
n joi
Internal bracing tw
Purlin Rafter occu
Main tie Bending
UP TO 8 m span
UP TO 12 m span
Member Dead Imposed Dead + imposed Wind Design
Load Load Load Load Load
Rafter 2 -65 x 60 x 6
1 375
1 375
10° Pitch
50 x 50 x 6 L Longitudinal ties
2 050
3 950
All welds to be 4mm fillet
All bolts to be M16
Gusset plates to be 8mm thick
Internal bracing shown 65 x 50 x 6 to use common section
(size can be reduced if others available)
All sections in grade 43 steel
Purlin supports: 70 x 70 x 6 with 2 x 6 ø holes
Timber posts
post knee
S.F.D. (kN)
Figure 7.7 Portal or rigid frame
Pole barns are usually built with a relatively simple 24∙27
foundation, deeper than usual, and backfilled with
rammed earth. Pole barns are braced between columns B.M.D. (kNm)
and rafters in each direction. The braces serve to reduce
the effective length of compression members and the
effective span of rafters and other beam members. This Self-weights and service load have been estimated.
leads to a structure that is simple to analyse and design, Continuity over post and brace have been disregarded.
and can be a low-cost form of construction. This provides a simple safe member.
A shed-type building is a simple construction
consisting of beams (horizontal or sloping), supported Maximum shear force = 5 kN
at their ends on walls or posts. There may be one or
more intermediate supports depending on the width Maximum bending moment = 3 120 kN/ mm².
of the building. Purlins running longitudinally support
the roof cover. Try two rafters at 38 × 200 (back to back)
As the principal members are simple or continuous
beams (very often timber of rectangular section), the 3Q 3 5 000
Maximum shear stress = = ×
stress-analysis aspect of the design is straightforward. 2bd 2 76 × 200
When the beam is supported by timber posts, the
design of the posts is not difficult because the load is = 0.49 N/mm2 = 0.49 MPa
assumed to be axial. Like the poles in the pole barn,
My M
the foundation can consist of a simple pad of concrete Maximum bending stress = =
beneath the post, or the base of the post can be set into I Z
concrete. 3 120 × 103 × 6
= = 6 .2 N/mm2 = 6 .2 MPa
76 × 2002
bending stress =138y = Rural structures in the tropics: design and development
y M
m bending stress =3 120 =× 103 × 6
= I Z = 6 .2 N/mm2 = 6 .2 MPa
76 × 20023
3 120 × 10 × 6
= = 6 .2 N/mm2 = 6 .2 MPa
76 ×of200allowable
Tables 2
stresses indicate that most joining area than is possible with lapped members. This
hardwoods, but not all softwoods, are adequate. is often an important factor in nailed and glued joints.
Arrangement of members on a single centre line is
The load transferred to the outer wall by rafters is a usually possible with gussets.
little over 3 kN. Assuming that the strength of the When full-length timber is not available for a
blocks is at least 2.8 MPa (N/mm²), the area required is: member, a butt joint with cover plates can be used to
3 000 join two pieces together. This should be avoided, if
= 1 072 mm2
2.8 possible, for the top members (rafters) of a truss and
3 000
= 1 072 mm2 positioned near mid-span for the bottom member
(main tie).
1 072
= 14 mm
1 072
= 14 mm
Hence there is no problem of load transfer to the wall.
Assume posts are 100 mm × 100 mm and 2.5 m long, gussets
Plywood gusset
Nailed joints
Although joining by nails is the least efficient of the
three methods mentioned, it is an inexpensive and
simple method, and can be improved upon by using
glue in combination with the nails.
Pierced plate fastener
When trusses are prefabricated in factories, nailing
plates are often used to connect the member. These
fasteners come in two types:
Table 7.6
Minimum nailing distances
ro eb d11 d11 eb
Loaded edge of r
member 2 o
Nailing area
Nailing area
x ro d1 d11 rb e0 eb
0 5d 5d 10d 5d - 15d
10 5d 5d 10d 5.5d 8d 15d
20 5d 5d 10d 6d 8d 15d
Loaded end member 1
30 5d 5d 10d 6.5d 8d 15d
40 5d 5d 10d 7d 8d 15d
50 5d 5d 10d 7.5d 8d 15d
≤ 60 5d 5d 10d 8d 8d 15d
In order to permit the development of the full load Stability problems in a building are chiefly the result
at each nail and to avoid splitting the wood, minimum of horizontal loads, such as those resulting from wind
spacing between nails and distances from the edges and pressure, storage of granular products against walls, soil
ends of the member are necessary. pressure against foundations and sometimes earthquakes.
Nailing patterns for use on timber structures are Overturning of foundation walls and foundation
usually available locally. They depend on the quality piers and pads is counteracted by the width of the
and type of nails and timber used, and are based on the footing and the weight of the structure. Only in special
safe lateral nail load. cases will it be necessary to give extra support in the
The Housing Research and Development Unit of form of buttresses.
the University of Nairobi investigated timber nailed Overturning of external walls is counteracted by the
joints made with spacings in accordance with the support of perpendicular walls and partitions. Note,
continental standard for timber joints, which proved to however, that not all types of wall, for example framed
be satisfactory. The main principles are given in tables walls, are adequately rigid along their length without
7.6 and 7.7. diagonal bracing. If supporting walls are widely spaced
and/or the horizontal loads are large, extra support can
Connections in steel structures be supplied by the construction of piers, columns or
Connections may be bolted, riveted or welded. The buttresses. See Chapter 8.
principal design considerations are shear, tension Diagonal bracing is used to make framed walls and
and compression, and the calculations are relatively structures stiff. Long braces should preferably transfer
straightforward for the types of design covered. the load with a tensile stress to avoid buckling. Braces
Chapter 7 – Structural design 141
Table 7.7
Basic lateral loads per nail
Continental nail diameter (mm) 2.1 2.4 2.8 3.1 3.4 3.8 4.2 4.6 5.1 5.6 6.1
Kenya nail diameter (mm) 1.8 2.0 2.65 3.35 3.75 4.5 5.6 6.0
Basic lateral nail load (N) 90 120 140 190 220 250 310 350 370 430 450 540 600 630 750 880 960 1 000
(If the case of pre-bored nail holes 0.8 times nail diameter, the lateral nail load can be increased by 25%)
Connections in single shear at bottom boom of truss Bolts in shear and tension at ridge of portal frame
are usually supplied in pairs, i.e. on both diagonals, so the frames may need extra support from longitudinal
that one will always be in tension independently of the bracing. Tension rods are frequently used.
wind direction.
If the framed wall is covered with a sheet material,
such as plywood, chipboard or metal sheets, the lateral
forces on the frame can be counteracted by shear in the
sheets. This design requires the sheets to be securely
fixed to the frame, both horizontally and vertically.
The sheets must be strong enough to resist buckling or
failure through shear.
Afternate direction
Wind force of wind force
Walls with long spans between the supporting 3. Bearing on ground: The normal pressure between
crosswalls, partitions or buttresses tend to bend inwards the base of the wall and the soil beneath can cause
under the wind load, or outwards if bulk grain or other a bearing failure of the soil, if the ultimate bearing
produce is stored against the wall. At the bottom of the capacity is exceeded. Usually the allowable
wall this tendency is counteracted by the rigidity of the bearing pressure will be one-third of the ultimate
foundation (designed not to slide) and the support of value. Note that the pressure distribution across
a floor structure. The top of the wall is given stability the base is not constant.
by the support of the ceiling or roof structure, or a
specially designed wall beam that is securely anchored
to the wall.
The designer must consider the ability of the
building to withstand horizontal loading from any and
all directions, without unacceptable deformation.
Bearing P
Retaining walls
Wall failure
Walls are commonly used to retain soil on sloping
sites, water in a pond or bulk products within a storage
area. There are several limiting conditions which, if 4. Rotational Slip: The wall and a large amount of
exceeded, can lead to the failure of a retaining wall. the retained material rotate about point O if the
Each must be addressed in designing a wall. shear resistance developed along a circular arc is
exceeded. The analysis is too complex to include
1. Overturning: This occurs when the turning here.
moment resulting from lateral forces exceeds
that exerted by the self-weight of the wall. The
factor of safety against overturning should be at
least two.
Rotation P
Overturning P
Sliding P Joint P
failure in
Chapter 7 – Structural design 143
0∙6 m
Liquid pressure
The pressure in a liquid is directly proportional to
both the depth and the specific weight of the liquid (w) E D
which is the weight per unit volume, w = ρg (N/m³),
1∙8 m
ρ = density of liquid (kg/m³)
g = gravitational acceleration (9.81 m/s2) Consider a mass concrete dam with the cross-
section shown, which retains water to 3 m depth.
Hence the self-weight of the wall acts 0.25 m to left of 10. Check overturning
the baseWcentre
Pc = = = 46 kPa
A 1 × 1.8
4. Find the vertical compressive stress on the base:
W bd823
.8 1 × 1.83
Pc =I == = = 46 kPa = 0 .486 m4
A 121 × 1.8 12
W σ 82 .8 = MI
Pc = = b = Pb = 46 kPa P = 44·1 kN
A 1 × 1.8 Ymax
5. Find the moment about the centre line of the base 1m
M = (1 × σ44.1) MI
= P-b(0.25
= × 82.8); (clockwise) - (anticlockwise) W = 82·8
M = 23.4 kNm Ymax
0·65 1·15
6. Find
σb =the
= MI
YPmaxbending = ± 0.9 m
Y 2
7. Find theW actualMstresses/pressures
σ=P= + y
1.8W My F=μ·W
Ymaxσ= =±P = = + ± 0.9 m
2A I
W WMy My
σE =σ P=EσP ===46
P =++ 12.6 =
+ 58.6 kPa (compression)
σD = PD = 46 - 12.6 = 33.4 kPa (compression) Frictional resistance = mW
mW= 0.7 × 82.8 = 58 kN
(Note: 4 × 0 .486
23.Compression only indicates the resultant P, and Horizontal thrust = P = 44.1 kN
σb = P b = ± = 12 .6 kPa
W would0intersect
.9 the base line within its middle third).
W My As the required factor against sliding is 2, there is a
σ=P= +
8. Compare
.4 × 0maximum
23A .486
I pressure with allowable bearing deficiency of (2 × 44.1) - 58 = 30.2 kN.
σb = P b = ± 23 .4 × 0 .= 12.6 kPa
σb = P b = ± 0 .9 = 12.6 kPa
0 .9 Additional anchorage against sliding should be provided.
Pmax = 58.6 kPa
Example 7.14
This is less than the allowable safe bearing capacity of Design a circular water tank with the following
the soil. Hence the wall-soil interface is safe against dimensions/properties:
23.4 × 0 .486
σb = Pb = ± bearing failure.= 12.6 kPa Diameter 5 m, depth of water 3 m
0 .9 Water weighs 9.8 × 103 N/m³
9. Compare actual stresses in the wall with allowable Pressure (P) at a depth of 3 m
k = a constant dependent on the materials involved.
Although 1 − sinθ
k =there is some friction between the retained
material and1 +the θ
sinwall face, usually this is disregarded,
giving a relatively simple relationship for k:
1 − sinθ
1 + sinθ
P3 = wH = 9.8 × 103 × 3 = 29.4 kPa
This acts vertically over the entire base; therefore the θ = the angle of friction
base should be designed for a uniformly distributed
1 − sinθ
load (UDL) of 29.4 kPa. pa = × wH (N/m2 )
1 + sinθ
Pressure P3 also acts laterally on the side wall at its where:
bottom edge. This pressure decreases linearly to zero at 1 −psin
a =θtotal force per metre of wall-face (N)
the water surface. pa = × wH (N/m2 )
1 + sinθ1 − sinθ wH2
Total force on the side per metre of perimeter wall: This gives the approximate horizontal resultant force
on a vertical wall face when it is retaining material that
P3H 29.4 × 3
= = 44.1 kN/m run is level with the top of the wall. If the surface of the
2 2 retained material is sloping up from the wall at an angle
(acting one metre above base) equal to its angle of repose, a modification is required.
1 − sinθ wH2
P =the wall shown
Consider × retaining loose sandy soil to
1 + sinθ 2
a depth of 2 metres. Tables provide angle of friction
equal to 35° and specific weight equal to 18.6 kN/m³.
Assuming a smooth vertical surface and horizontal soil
surface, Rankine’s theory gives:
1 − sinθ wH2
P= × S=4m
1 + sinθ 2
− sinθ
The1maximum bending moment at the centre of the Note 5.78 × 2 2
Casualties are most likely to be caused by the allowable flange and web thickness is 25 mm.
collapse of walls causing the roof to fall, and the failure If the allowable maximum tensile strength and
of projecting elements such as parapets, water tanks, compressive stress are 125 MPa and 70 MPa
non-monolithic chimneys and loose roof coverings. respectively. Determine the size of the flange.
Outbreaks of fire caused by fractures in chimneys 8. A short hollow cylindrical column with an
or breaks in mains supply lines present an additional internal diameter of 200 mm and external diameter
hazard. of 250 mm carries a compressive load of 600 kN.
While small buildings with timber frame walls, or Find the maximum permissible eccentricity of
a wooden ring beam supported by the posts of a mud- the load if (a) the tensile stress in the column
and-pole wall, can resist quite violent earthquakes, the must not exceed 15 MPa; (b) the compressive
following measures will increase the resistance of a stress must not exceed 76 MPa.
large building to collapse from earth tremors: 9. Design a section of a trapezoidal masonry
• Use a round or rectangular shape for the building. retaining wall 10 metres high, to retain earth
Other shapes such as ‘L’ ‘T’ or ‘U’ should be weighing 16 000 N/m3. The angle of repose
divided into separate units. To be effective, this for the earth is 25° when the earth surface is
separation must be carried down through to the horizontal and level with the top of the wall. The
foundation. weight of the masonry wall is 25 000 N/m3.
• Avoid large spans, greatly elongated walls, vault- 10. A reinforced concrete beam is 200 mm wide,
and-dome construction and wall openings in has an effective depth of 450 mm and four
excess of one-third of the total wall area. 20 mm diameter reinforcing bars. If the section
• Construct a continuously reinforced footing that has to resist a bending moment of 50 × 106 N mm,
rests on uniform soil at a uniform depth – even on calculate the stresses in steel and concrete. The
sloping ground. modular ratio of steel to concrete is equal to 18.
• Fix the roof securely, either to a continuously
reinforced ring beam on top of the walls, or to
independent supports, which will not fail even if Further reading
the walls collapse. Al Nageim, H., Durka, F., Morgan, W. & Williams,
• Avoid projecting elements, brittle materials and D.T. 2010. Structural mechanics: loads, analysis,
heavy materials on weak supports. materials and design of structural elements. 7th
• Avoid combustible materials near chimneys and edition. London, Pearson Education.
power lines. Nelson, G.L., Manbeck, H.B. & Meador, N.F. 1988.
Ductile structures have many joints that can Light agricultural and industrial structures: analysis
move slightly without failing, e.g. bolted trusses. and design. AVI Book Co.
Such structures have a greater capacity to absorb the Prasad, I.B. 2000. A text book of strength of materials.
energy of earthquake waves. A symmetrical, uniformly 20th edition. 2B, Nath Market, Nai Sarak, Delhi,
distributed ductile framework with the walls securely Khanna Publishers.
fixed to the frame is suitable for large buildings. Roy, S.K. & Chakrabarty, S. 2009. Fundamentals
Masonry walls are sensitive to earthquake loads of structural analysis with computer analysis and
and tend to crack through the joints. It is therefore applications. Ram Nagar, New Delhi, S. Chand and
important to use a good mortar and occasionally Co. Ltd.
reinforcing will be required. Salvadori, M. & Heller, R. 1986. Structure in
architecture: the building of buildings. 3rd edition.
Review questions Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, Prentice-Hall.
1. Define structural design. Whitlow, R. 1973. Materials and structures. New York,
2. Briefly describe the structural design process. Longman.
3. Why is it important to take into account deflection
of structural elements during design phase?
4. Outline factors that influence design of beams.
5. Which measures improve the resistance of
buildings to earthquake?
6. Calculate section moduli for a T –section, flange
150 mm by 25 mm, web thickness 25 mm and
overall depth, 150 mm.
7. A 10 m long T section beam is simply supported,
with the flange uppermost, from the right-hand
end and at a point 2.5 m from the left-hand end.
The beam is to carry a uniformly distributed
load of 8 kN/m over the entire length. The