Dr Daud Hassan*
State territory is that defined portion of the surface of the globe which is subject
to the sovereignty of the state. A State without a territory is not possible,
although the necessary territory may be very smalJ.2
He then added "the territory is the only part which is of certain durability".' In
modern system, a successful State is a territorial Unit. As a territorial Unit. its
sovereignty extends over all the individuals and other things within its given
territory. According to Dunleavy and O'leary:
IA I State is sovereign or the supreme power, within its territory and that state
sovereignty extends to all the indi viduals in a gi yen territory.'
[Tlhe importance of State territory lies in the fact that it is the space within
which the State exercise its supreme authority.'
At present it is a recognised fact that States have sovereign power and exclusive
authority within their territory. This imparts an equality between States.
The objective of this paper is to see how the territorial State system emerged
and the role of the Treaty of Westphalia in relation to the establishment of
the territorial State system. The paper commences with a discussion on the
significance of territoriality followed by examining the origin of and concept of
territory. Territory as anAnti-Hegimonic concept and the Westphalia settlement
are considered next. The paper then moves on to present Westphalia as a
pioneer of territorial State practice and its importance in relation to growth
of national consciousness. The changing trends of territoriality are also
discussed. The paper concludes that in terms of progressive development of
modern territorial State system the significance of the Treaty of Westphalia
is without parallel.
Jim Gottmann has described the origin of the concept of territory.' It deri ves
from the Latin Terra for land and Torium. belonging to ruler. That is. Territory
is the land belonging to a ruler or State. This meaning has been tracked back
to 1494. approximately to the birth of the modern world economy."
Although this concept emerged approximately at the same time as the world
economy. it was finalised by the Treaty of Westphalia in 1648, which is
recognised as the first treaty of modern international law. It confirmed that
within its own territory, each State is sovereign. That is, interference in the
internal affairs of another country was the first offence of international law,"
After this treaty, many sovereign States emerged in Europe. This was the
original territorial basis of the modern interstate system, the first world political
map.'? To ensure the internal order, the territorial State was deemed the most
durable and comparatively most efficient unit.
(ii) Some were independent in practice but not altogether in juridical theory:
(iii) Some states were separately constituted with their own laws and
institutions but dependent, such as Southern Netherlands and various states
in Italy and around the Baltic
As can be seen, the territorial State system was not introduced during the
medieval period. In this respect. by the beginning of the seventeenth century
there was a demand for the establishment of norms and rules for peaceful
relations. According to Pugh:
Settling the Hobbesian chaos. anarchy and destruction called for some rules for
peace and order. There was a need for an alternative design to the hierarchical
feudal concepts and other evils. which led to an anti-hegimonial alliance and
establishing the balance of power. In this respect, the Westphalia settlement
was a remarkable and significant development. It recognised the hornogenial
system and acknowledged all Princes or States as equally sovereign. It
removed temporal power from the church. It was therefore a fundamental
charter in nature. As a fundamental and comprehensive charter it established
many rules and principles of the new society of states. Some of the general
ideas clearly expressed by this charter have been echoed in the following
international settlements and in the permanent congress of the League of
Nations and United Nations.
As a separate State the sovereign were no longer bound by the Church norms
which regulated the conduct of lay rulers in medieval period. In order to
function, they needed new rules and institutions in place of old ones.'! To
regulate the dealings of the Princes or States with each other, there developed
a new concept of International law as a substitute for such norms.
So, in the strict sense the modern International law and sovereign territorial
States occurred at the same time. The history of modern International law
begins with the emergence of independent nation-States from the ruins of
the medieval Holy Roman empire and is commonly dated from the peace of
Westphalia (1648).15
There was no short way to the transition of territorial sovereign States from
the integrated medieval hierarchical system. It was very hard and difficult.
This system emerged through a triangular struggle, that is, struggle between
kings and Emperors, Emperors and Popes, Popes and kings. At that stage,
international relations were not based on equally distributed power, either
in fact or in theory. The weak were always threatened by the strong and the
survival of the weak was uncertain. The idea of territorial State was related
to collective security of nations and to establish rule of law for the equal
protection of sovereign States from indiscriminate use of force by the higher
or stronger authority.
The territorial State system originating in the swinging between war and
peace. developed as a system of political control. It evolved out of the struggle
between the forces supporting the then hegimonic order!" and those who were
pushing the Europe towards a sort of secular independence and who intended
to constitute a new Europe. Westphalia settled this. It ended thirty years of war.
In practice, the Wesphalia settlement added some new and significant matters
in relation to territorial practice. It was the first effective general congress of
Europe and this congress made a scope for individual representation of the
secular sovereigns.
It gave the formal sanction of territorial and equal sovereignty of secular States
and coordination between them. The Westphalia settlement legitimised a sort
of commonwealth of sovereign States. This legitimation of acommonwealth
of sovereign states was marked as a victory because in general this was the
ambition of the Princes, specially of the German Princes, both Protestant and
14 Ibid. 188.
15 Kennedy D, "A New Stream of International Law Scholarship" (1988) 7 Wise. International
Law Journal 19.
16 Watson A, supra n 11 at 182.
2006 The Rise o] the Territorial State & The Treaty Of Westplwlia 67
Catholic in relation to The Holy Roman Empire.'? At this stage, there emerged
the idea that the co-existence of territorially separate and equally sovereign
States afforded a better guarantee of peace than the Holy Roman Empire. J8
The territorial practice was legitimised and also standardised by the Westphalia
settlement. It emphased the separation of States. Therefore Christendom was
divided into sovereign secular States with a thick line between them and the
government were the absolute authority inside that line. This change brought a
new image in every sovereign territorial limit, that is, all Governments are the
exclusive authority and their decisions and arguments are exclusively carried
out within their territorial limit, as the concept of Westphalian sovereignty is
tied to State territory. According to territorial sovereignty, within a territory
there is only one absolute temporal power, the Government of that territorial
IT [he concept of a man made great wall .. was more a product of the kind of
state created with in China than of the kind of pressure against China from
the steppe.'?
Similarly the lines conceived by the Roman Empire were not real territorial
divisions. They were used as a temporary stopping places where the potentially
unlimited expansion of the Pax Roman had come to a halt." Very often they
unilaterally expanded their empire and their territory was simply extended
over another territory. In the context of sovereign territorial division, the
Westphalia settlement is notable. As a first treaty of modern International
law, it opened the door to and legitimised the territorial practice of exclusive
authority and sovereign State equality.
17 Ibid. 186.
18 Herz J H. "The Rise and Demise of the Territorial States" (957) 9 World Politics 476.
19 Kratochwil E "Of System, Boundaries and Territoriality: An Enquiry in to the formation
of the State system" (1986) 39 World Politics 35.
20 Ibid. 35-36.
68 Yearbook of New Zealand Jurisprudence Vol 9
[Nlothing contained in the present charter shall authorise the United Nations
to intervene in matters which are essentially within the domestic jurisdiction
of any state or shall require the members to submit such matters to settlement
under the present charter."
The ideas originating from Westphalia, that sovereign equality and exclusive
domestic jurisdiction are the best guantors of peace between peoples are
formally perpetuated in the United Nations Charter."
At present, the number of States has grown enormously and there have emerged
many changes in inter-State relations and in the State system. We know that
most of the Asian, African, and Latin American Countries were once under
the control of European powers. After the Second World War there came
a significant change in the world politics. Through decolonisation a large
number of Asian, African, and Latin American countries became independent,
equal sovereign States and became member of the United Nations, once
again echoing the Westphalian understanding that recognizing a community
of territorial sovereign and equal States was the best method either to attain
21 United Nations. Charter 0/ the United Nations and the Statute 0/ the International Court
ofJustice ( 19..lj) 4,
22 Falk R A. "The Interplay of Westphalia and Charier Conceptions of International Legal
Order" in Falk R A & Black C l:: (eds.) The Future oitnternational Legal Order (1969)
Vol. I. "+9.
2006 The Rise (d the Territorial State & The Treaty Of Westplwlia 69
Today human race is divided into more than 200 States. The State system
and International law have progressively developed. Interstate relations
have rapidly grown in the various fields and these relations are governed
by International law. The territorial sovereignty and sovereign equality of
States is recognised in the interstate system. These are basic principles of
International law.
23 Brown R. "Globalisation and the End of the National Project", in 1. MacMillan and A.
Linklater (eds.) Boundaries in Question: New Directions in International Relations ( J 995)
2-1- Supra note 14 at 1-1-.
70 Yearbook ofNew Zealand Jurisprudence Vol 9
With time. and according to the demands of the world society. new thoughts
about the interstate system have been and are still being introduced. New
Institutions have been established to maintain the peaceful relations among the
States. New International treaties have been concluded for the development
of world system. Nevertheless. as a first treaty of modern international law
the significance of this treaty is immortal because it introduced modern State
system and enabled peaceful co-existence between equals. We should not
forget its basic wisdom as we move forward to new models.
Yearbook of New Zealand Jurisprudence
Gay Morgan
Yearbook of New Zealand Jurisprudence
Volume 9 2006