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Jurnal Ajiii
Jurnal Ajiii
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P u r p o s e : The aim of this prospective clinical cohort study was to determine the
success rate of 3- to 5-unit zirconia frameworks for posterior fixed partial dentures
(FPDs) after 5 years of clinical observation. M a t e r i a l s a n d M e t h o d s : Forty-five
patients who needed at least 1 FPD to replace 1 to 3 posterior teeth were included in
the study. Fifty-seven 3- to 5-unit FPDs with zirconia frameworks were cemented with 2
resin cements (Variolink, Panavia TC). The following parameters were evaluated at
baseline, after 6 months, and 1 to 5 years after cementation at test (abutments) and
control (contralateral) teeth: probing pocket depth (PPD), probing attachment level
(PAL), Plaque Index (PI), bleeding on probing (BOP), and tooth vitality. Intraoral
radiographs of the FPDs were taken. Statistical analysis was performed using
descriptive statistics, Kaplan-Meier survival analysis, and the McNemar test.
R e s u l t s : Twenty-seven patients with 33 zirconia FPDs were examined after a mean
observation period of 53.4 ± 13 months. Fourteen patients with 16 FPDs were lost to
follow-up. One 5-unit FPD fractured as a result of trauma after 38 months. The success
rate of the zirconia frameworks was 97.8%. Eleven FPDs had to be replaced because
of biologic or technical problems. The survival rate of the FPDs was 73.9%. Secondary
caries was found in 21.7% of the FPDs, and chipping of the veneering ceramic in
15.2%. There were no significant differences between the periodontal parameters of
the test and control teeth. C o n c l u s i o n s : Zirconia offers sufficient stability as a
framework material for 3- and 4-unit posterior FPDs. The fit of the frameworks and
veneering ceramics, however, should be improved. Int J Prosthodont
sion is low.8–10 During clinical function, bending forces Fifty-seven 3- to 5-unit posterior FPDs replacing
lead to tension at the gingival side of the connector premolars and molars were inserted. Forty-seven FPDs
area, thus promoting cracks and subsequent fracture. were 3- unit, 8 were 4-unit, and 2 were 5-unit.
In an effort to overcome these shortcomings and the
associated high failure rates, ceramics with superior Prosthodontic Procedures
bending strength and fracture toughness have been
developed. Most of the clinical treatments were performed by ex-
The bending strength of the glass-ceramic Empress perienced clinicians. Five FPDs were carried out by
1 (Ivoclar Vivadent) is 182 MPa, and the fracture tough- undergraduate students under strict guidance by grad-
ness is 1.77 MPa m1/2.11 In contrast, the bending uated dental clinicians. The clinical and technical pro-
strength (547 MPa) and fracture toughness (3.55 MPa cedures were published in detail elsewhere and will
m1/2) of Alumina are much higher.11 Zirconia exhibits therefore only be summarized here.16
the highest bending strength (900 MPa) and fracture The preprosthetic and prosthetic treatments were
toughness (9 MPa m1/2) of all presently available ce- similar to the techniques normally applied for metal-ce-
ramic materials.12 ramic reconstructions. The only difference was the
When using traditional ceramics for FPD frame- adaptation of the preparation to the guidelines re-
works, the cross section of the connector must be en- quired for computerized framework production. The
larged to increase the stability of the framework. abutment teeth were prepared as follows:
However, this enlargement, which is not necessary for
connectors of metal-ceramic FPDs, may cause peri- • Margin: circumferentially rounded shoulder/cham-
odontal and esthetic problems. fer (1.2 mm)
As the result of recently developed computer-aided • Minimal chamfer radius: 0.65 mm
design/computer-assistant manufacturing (CAD/CAM) • Tapering angle: 6 to 8 degrees for both molars and
technologies, the production of frameworks made of premolars
high-strength ceramic zirconia has become possible. • Occlusal reduction: 1.5 to 2.0 mm
Furthermore, the most recent technological progress
has made it possible to process zirconia in its presin- All frameworks were produced by the direct ceramic
tered, “soft” condition, thus permitting new clinical machining (DCM) technique,8,9 the prototype of a
and technical options. presently available system (Cercon, DeguDent).
The successful application of zirconia in orthopedics First, the frameworks were manually fabricated on
(hip replacement)13 and dentistry (root posts, implant master casts out of light-curing resin composite (Targis,
abutments),14,15 along with refined processing tech- Ivoclar). The shape of the resin frameworks was me-
niques, encourage its use as a material for FPD frame- chanically captured and digitized, and the data were
works. Unfortunately, no clinical long-term data on re- enlarged by 25%. Next, the frameworks were milled out
constructions with zirconia frameworks are presently of presintered zirconia blanks. The enlarged frameworks
available. The aim of this prospective clinical trial was were sintered to full density at a temperature of 1,500°C,
to assess the long-term survival and success of zirco- thus shrinking them to the dimensions of the original
nia frameworks for posterior FPDs. resin frameworks. For veneering, a newly developed pro-
totype veneering ceramic (thermal expansion coefficient
Materials and Methods adjusted to zirconia) was applied. After sandblasting
with aluminum oxide (grain size: 110 µm, pressure: 2.5
Patients and Reconstructions bar) and degreasing (alcohol) of the internal parts, the
reconstructions were adhesively cemented with 2 resin
Forty-five patients (18 women, 27 men) in need of at cements (Variolink, Ivoclar; Panavia TC, Kuraray). In sit-
least one FPD in the posterior region of the maxilla or uations where the occlusion required adjustment, the re-
mandible were included in this study. The require- shaped surfaces were meticulously polished.
ments of the Helsinki Declaration were fulfilled and the
patients provided informed consent. Baseline Examination
In accordance with the requirements for conven-
tional metal-ceramic reconstructions, the prospective Probing pocket depth (PPD) of the restored teeth was
abutment teeth had to fulfill several clinical criteria: pe- assessed at 4 sites per tooth immediately following
riodontally healthy, vital or lege artis endodontically cementation of the reconstructions. Radiographs of
treated, proper positioning in the dental arch, favorable the abutment teeth and clinical photographs of the re-
intermaxillary relationship, and sufficient amount of constructions were taken. Pulp vitality of the abutment
dentin. teeth was tested using carbon dioxide.
Table 1 Failed FPDs with No. of Units, Clinical Service Time, Sealing Cement, and
Reason for Failure
FPD no. Units Service time (mo) Cement Reason for failure
Five years following incorporation, the reconstructions Twenty-seven patients (11 women, 16 men) with 33
were examined for technical and biologic failures and FPDs were examined after a mean observation period
complications. The following technical parameters were of 53.4 (± 13) months. The mean age of the patients
assessed: framework fracture, fracture of the veneer- was 48.3 ± 10 years. Twenty-seven reconstructions
ing material, and marginal discrepancies. The follow- were 3-unit and 6 were 4-unit. In all but one 3-unit can-
ing periodontal parameters were assessed at abut- itlever FPD, the pontics were located between the abut-
ment (test) and control teeth (analogous, contralateral, ments. Twenty FPDs were located in the mandible and
noncrowned teeth): PPD, probing attachment level 13 in the maxilla.
(PAL), Plaque Index (PI), bleeding on probing (BOP), Of the 45 originally treated patients, 14 patients with
and tooth mobility. Furthermore, pulp vitality was tested 16 three-unit FPDs dropped out of the study before the
at abutment and control teeth using carbon dioxide. 5-year recall because they either moved away or were
Occlusal and functional relationships between FPDs no longer interested in participating in the study. One
and opposing arches were noted. Radiographs and patient passed away a few months after the 3-year in-
clinical photographs were taken. Alginate impressions vestigation. Eight FPDs had to be replaced after the 3-
of the maxilla and mandible were taken to fabricate year recall. Therefore, 33 FPDs remained for further
study casts. analysis at the 5-year recall.
Finally, patients were asked whether they were sat- After 5 years of observation, 12 FPDs (26.1%) in 12
isfied with the esthetic outcome and occlusal function patients had to be replaced (Table 1). One framework
of their reconstructions via yes or no questions. fracture was observed after a clinical service time of 38
months; this 5-unit framework broke through the con-
Statistical Analysis nector area when the patient accidentally bit on a
stone in a piece of bread (Figs 1a to 1c). Therefore, the
Descriptive statistics were applied to the data. Several success rate for the zirconia frameworks in the 5-year
events, as well as the times of those events, were con- follow-up was 97.8%.
sidered: loss of the reconstruction, chipping of the ve- Eleven additional FPDs were lost because of biologic
neering ceramic, and caries. In addition, caries was or technical complications. In one case, loss of reten-
separately analyzed as a reason for loss of FPDs. tion occurred in one 4-unit FPD cemented with
Patients lost to follow-up were excluded. Differences Variolink after a clinical service time of 33.3 months. In
in survival of the Variolink- and Panavia-cemented another patient, a 3- unit FPD had not been properly
FPDs were tested for statistical significance using the cemented initially, and the marginal areas remained
log rank test. The comparisons of PPD, PI, and BOP be- unsealed. The FPD had to be replaced after 44.1
tween test and control teeth were carried out using the months as a result of secondary caries in this region.
McNemar test. Correlation analysis was performed for Marginal discrepancy and resulting secondary caries
caries and marginal deficiency and for PI and BOP.17 were the reasons for the loss of one 5-unit, two 4-unit,
and two 3-unit FPDs. One abutment tooth was ex-
19.28 mm2
F i g 1 a (left) Fracture of the framework of a 5-unit maxillary FPD after 38 months of clin-
ical service. The framework fractured between the pontics at the first and second pre-
molar sites.
Fig 1b (center) Radiograph of the fractured reconstruction.
F i g 1 c (right) Since the connectors were adequately dimensioned, trauma was judged
to be the primary reason for failure.
cessfully used for the fabrication of all-ceramic recon- The most frequent technical problem in all studies
structions replacing molars and premolars. The present of zirconia reconstructions is chipping or fracture of the
study provides encouraging data for the use of zirconia veneering ceramic. In the present investigation, chip-
in these indications. The minimal incidence of frame- ping was found in 15.2% of the cases. One recon-
work fracture in this study is in clear contrast to the re- struction was replaced following extensive loss of the
sults of studies using ceramics other than zirconia.1,2 veneering. In another investigation, using a different
The connector area of 5-unit zirconia frameworks prototype ceramic, chipping was found in 4.3% of FPDs
should be at least 11 mm2 to withstand clinical load- as early as 18 months after insertion.19 In a third study,
ing.8,9 Precise analysis of the failed FPD after removal chipping of the veneering occurred in 15% of the cases
revealed that the connector dimensions (18.49 to 19.28 after 2 years.21 Finally, a fourth study reported chipping
mm2) were adequate for the material and span of the in 6% of cases after 38 months of observation.20
restoration (Fig 2). Trauma was assumed to be the pri- Conventional feldspathic veneering ceramics for
mary cause for failure. Another possible reason could metal-ceramic reconstructions exhibit lower fractures
be fatigue of the ceramic. rates than those reported for zirconia all-ceramic FPDs.
No framework fractures were reported in various Thus, in a clinical study of metal-ceramic FPDs, frac-
studies on FPDs with zirconia frameworks.18–21 Hence, ture of the porcelain veneering was reported in only
this new ceramic material exhibits better clinical stability 2.5% of the reconstructions after 5 years of clinical
when used as a framework material compared to tra- observation.24 Furthermore, no chipping or fracture of
ditional ceramics. Only 2 ceramics were previously uti- the veneering was observed in In-Ceram FPDs after 5
lized for FPD frameworks: Empress 2 (Ivoclar Vivadent) years.3,4 The high incidence of chipping of veneering
and In-Ceram (VITA). In a prospective study of 3-unit for zirconia may be because new ceramics had to be
anterior and posterior Empress 2 FPDs, the survival developed for this purpose. Specifically, new low-fus-
rate was 72.4% at 38 months of clinical service.22 ing ceramics with a thermal expansion coefficient com-
Complete fracture of the core occurred in 50% of the patible with zirconia (> 11 3 10-6 K-1) were developed,
failed cases. Surprisingly, fractures only occurred in the and are still under development. Similar problems have
anterior FPDs. Unfortunately, no long-term results ex- previously been reported for veneering ceramics de-
ceeding 3 years of follow-up have been published on veloped for titanium frameworks. In a study compar-
Empress 2 FPDs so far. Compared with Empress 2, In- ing titanium and porcelain-fused-to-metal FPDs, sig-
Ceram FPDs showed better clinical results. This is prob- nificantly more defects of the veneering were found
ably a result of the superior material stability of In- with the titanium reconstructions.25
Ceram. In a prospective study of 3-unit posterior It can be assumed that veneering ceramics for zir-
In-Ceram FPDs, the survival rate was 90% after 5 years.3 conia possess insufficient mechanical properties and
Fracture of the reconstruction was the only reason for that there is a strong need for refined veneering ce-
failure, occurring in 10% of the reconstructions. In a ret- ramics. On one hand, the ceramics themselves should
rospective analysis of anterior and posterior In-Ceram be further developed and strengthened; on the other
FPDs, 12% of the FPDs failed because of fracture at a hand, the framework design should be adapted specif-
mean observation period of 76 months.4 ically to better support the veneering ceramics. One dis-
As a result of various biologic and technical prob- advantage of CAD/CAM framework fabrication tech-
lems, the overall survival rate of zirconia FPDs in this niques is that the uniform thickness of the virtually
study was 73.9%. Marginal gaps leading to secondary designed frameworks may not provide proper support
caries were found in more than 20% of the cases. No for the veneering ceramic. The ideal proportions of the
gaps or caries were reported for Empress 2 and In- frameworks for sufficient support of the veneering ma-
Ceram FPDs3,4,22 or for zirconia FPDs18–21 in previous terial are either difficult or impossible to achieve.
studies. This difference in marginal accuracy is prob- In the present study, the frameworks were manually
ably because a prototype DCM technique was used in fabricated in a way comparable to traditional fabrica-
the present study, whereas fully developed systems tion of metal frameworks. The frameworks were mod-
were used in the other studies. Furthermore, adapted eled according to the individual anatomic needs of
preparation designs for the abutment teeth and new each patient, following the requirements for metal-ce-
manufacturing methods were developed for this first in- ramic techniques. Still, a high rate of chipping was ob-
vestigation on the clinical application of zirconia as a served, indicating that new laboratory guidelines
framework material for FPDs. Refinements of this pro- should be developed for the application of zirconia as
totype DCM technique were carried out to improve the a framework material. However, because of the multi-
marginal accuracy to levels similar to those published factorial and complex nature of delamination, more in
for other CAD/CAM systems,23 and have led to a sys- vivo and in vitro studies are required to better under-
tem fulfilling these clinical requirements (Cercon).19 stand the findings and support new guidelines.
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