Service Journal 1 Chinese Mutual Aid Association
Service Journal 1 Chinese Mutual Aid Association
Service Journal 1 Chinese Mutual Aid Association
Student Name
diverse spheres where people from different cultures, religion and schools of thought come
together. Although such multicultural spheres hone themselves into an extended family like
framework where each individual lends their expertise to make the adjustment process of
significant others as smooth as possible, there are still underlying difficulties and hardships that
are experienced nonetheless. Having my ties to the Chinese culture and language made my
integration into a society that’s completely opposite to what I was brought up an extremely
To assist my fellow members of the society who look forward to settling in this new
environment, I consider this my duty to make sure they feel less of a cultural shock than I did as
helping others has been instilled in me by my culture and values. To spearhead my agenda, I
have decided to work for the Chinese Mutual Aid Association. This organization serves low-
income immigrants and refugees and is meant to provide these individuals with a sense of
community and help them integrate into the multiethnic society of Chicago. We work for the
integration of these individuals into western circles and provide them certain directives regarding
how to transition from their old cultures into a more diverse environment as gradually and easily
as possible.
I mostly enjoy working with young kids, as I believe they are the most vulnerable when
exposed to a new culture and thus many of them struggle to fit in. Thus, over the course of my
association with the CMAA, I worked in their youth programs that help children with after-
school studies. Not only did we help these children complete their homework, we also became
involved in helping them settle down in their new communities and provide them guidance and
counseling services.
With a global network of acclaimed and renowned universities and the gradual increase
in overall standards of higher education, more students feel their time is nigh to step outside the
comfort of their little cultural and social cocoons to experience a world and contribute to it in any
which way their expertise dictate. If you don’t interact with peoples from different cultures and
communities, you cannot understand how they think or feel and also shut you off from a world of
new experiences and emotions. Working with the CMAA helps me interact with people from
different ethnicities and understand their problems and cultures in a more effective manner.
Considering my own predicament when I started out originally as a student, I feel that it
is the initial stages, when an individual starts out their new journey that feelings of vulnerability
and helplessness strike the worst. Many of these individuals are young adults who leave their
extremely close families and intertwining cultures behind, they miss their families and are
extremely homesick.
Sometimes due to this overload of emotions, they are unable to actively pursue anything
be it in their academic or personal life and are stuck in limbo expecting help, deeply regretting
their decision of stepping out of their homes in the first place. We at the CMAA try to act as their
safety net, we help them realize their ambitions and help them get through any phase in which
they may be feeling alienated or ostracized by the society by providing them with a sense of
In the CMAA after-school program, the individuals get help with their studies and
homework and are given constructive tutoring that will hopefully enable them to excel in their
academic life. The lectures I prepared for these sessions were meant to help construct a
formidable foundation on which they can base their later studies upon and be self-reliant in the
alternate and ambiguous walks of life to integrate themselves into a global market and
environment where they can readily contribute their expertise and services to make the world a
better place overall. This rich environment that is more of a fusion of cultures thrives on inter-
personal relations and interactions; two factors that are often not stressed upon enough causing
gray spaces in human interaction patterns that cause problems for individuals be it in confidence
or physical perspectives.
Chinese Mutual Aid Association does exactly this, and since its basic framework is
entirely derived from the blueprints of forums that thrive on cultural fuses through interaction
and conversation. I believe that our participants make the most out of this by sharing their
problems; this will help us achieve more constructive responses which will help them in the long
As a further response to the readings that form the basis of our opinion and strategy
derivation processes, I believe that enhanced integrations of advanced teaching methods and
techniques, shared by our instructors and professors will benefit the target audience even more so
as it is their valuable experience that will further the project’s scope and variety of niches it will
I hope that my work with the CMAA after-school program was as helpful as I expect it to
both for and against my work and will always take on board any opinion or advice that I feel