Scholarship Applicationform
Scholarship Applicationform
Scholarship Applicationform
Dear Applicant:
The Arya Samaj Markham (ASM) has been offering scholarships since 1997 to deserving
university bound students. We will be continuing this great tradition and expanding the program
to further allow more students to benefit from the generosity of the community. Our goal is to
improve access to post- secondary education for youths of all Hindu parentage descent
regardless of socioeconomic status. By removing financial barriers we strive to enable high
potential individuals to excel and contribute to the Canadian community.
Through a process that considers merit, extra-curricular involvement, community service, career
aspirations and financial need, we hope to provide qualified students the opportunity to pursue
their dreams.
We are pleased to announce that in 2018, we will be awarding scholarships up to $ 5,000.00.
We look forward to reviewing your application. Please submit the following documents along
with your application:-
ü Scholarship Application
ü Proof of Acceptance from a Post-Secondary Institution
ü Official Academic Transcript
ü Recommendation Letters of Voluntary hours
Please submit your completed application (with all the required documents) via email to
the Scholarship Review Committee at [email protected] no later than
Saturday, April 21 , 2018. Incomplete or late applications will not be accepted.
All information received by the Scholarship Review Committee will remain confidential.
Questions? Please call Shailesh @ 416-574-4509 or Ken Norman 416-705-2003
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Applicant Eligibility Criteria
If you are selected to receive the ASM Scholarship, you must meet the following criteria
to receive your award
• Be accepted by Canadian post-secondary institution
• Complete 60+ hours of Voluntary or Community Service work.
Application Guidelines
• All applications must be emailed by 5:00 P.M. EDT, April 21 ,2018. Late or
incomplete applications will not be accepted. It is encouraged to get required
documentation from your institution as early as possible, as this must also be
submitted before the deadline.
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Selection Process and Timeline*
Applicants are strongly encouraged to pay close attention to the steps involved in the
selection process and application deadlines. The goal is to provide clear and transparent
view of the selection process and criteria.
! Review
The committee will review applications between April 21 and May 06, 2018.
Candidates successful from criteria, will be contacted for an in-person
interview by May 07, 2018.
! First In-person Interview with the Selection Committee
This interview will be scheduled during the May 12, 2018 and a 4 minute
Speech Presentation by Applicants will be required, with all choice of topics
sent a week in advance.
! Volunteer Work
Selected candidates must complete a minimum of 60 hours of volunteer
! Scholarship Award Ceremony
This ceremony and presentation awards are expected to take place at VCC in June
, 2018. Applicants will be notified of date and time.
* The Scholarship Review Committee reserves the right to change these timelines at any time. The applicants will
be communicated of such changes in a timely manner.
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Arya Samaj Markham
Application Checklist
All of the documents listed below are required for applications to be accepted. All
documents must contain the applicant’s name.
Deadline: April 21, 2018
Important Instructions:
1. If you have not received an acceptance letter before the application deadline, you may
submit a proof of your 'application submission' to the respective academic institution along
with your Scholarship Application. However, proof of acceptance must be submitted at the
time of your first in-person interview with the scholarship committee.
2. Letters and documents to support your voluntary work hours. You can request them to
submit directly to [email protected].
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Arya Samaj Markam
Postal Code:
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Arya Samaj Markham
Essay Questions
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Arya Samaj Markham
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