The L1 'RR KI1/ Cil Ol 7 P Xi .I. LF:V R: Memorandum From RT Hon Robin Cook MP

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Select Committee on Foreign Affairs Evidence


Memorandum from Rt Hon Robin Cook MP

1 . In my resignation speech I said, "Iraq probably has no weapons

of mass destruction in the commonly understood sense of the term-
namely, a credible device capable of being delivered against a
strategic city target" . This would now appear to be correct . Such
weapons require substantial industrial plant and a large workforce. It
is inconceivable that both could have been kept concealed for the two
months we have been in occupation of Iraq .

2 . I have never ruled out the possibility that we may unearth some
old stocks of biological toxins or chemical agents and it is possible that
we may yet find some battlefield chemical shells. Nevertheless, this
would not constitute Weapons of Mass Destruction and would not
justify the claim before the war that Iraq posed what the Prime
Minister described as "a current and serious threat" (Foreword to the
September dossier) .

3 . There arise from the present position on the ground five clusters
of questions which I hope your inquiry will be able to resolve :

4. Why is there such a difference between the claims made before

the war and the reality established after the war?

5. The following claims are now unlikely to be substantiated,

however much longer time is given .

- "Iraq continues to produce chemical agents for chemical weapons; has rebuilt
previously destroyed production plants across Iraq" (The Prime Minister,
(Hansard) 24 September, at Column three) . If we have not yet identified any of
these "rebuilt production plants" it is unlikely that we ever will . A chemical
production facility is a substantial enterprise and there is probably no country that
has been more mapped by aerial surveillance than Iraq.

- "Saddam continues in his efforts to develop nuclear weapons" (The Prime

Minister's Foreword to the September dossier.) Again it is unlikely that we will
now find a nuclear programme capable of producing a nuclear weapon on a
timescale that would justify urgent action. A nuclear weapons programme requires
substantial industrial sites and will often release identifiable radiation signals.

The Prime Minister further added on 24 September "We know that Saddam has
been trying to buy significant quantities ofuranium from Africa" . Since the
February presentation by the IAEA to the Security Council we know that the

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documents which provided the primary evidence for this claim were crude

- "Saddam has existing and active plans for the use of chemical and biological
weapons, which could be activated within 45 minutes" (The Prime Minister,
(Hansard) 24 September, Column 3). We have now inspected every munitions
storage facility in Iraq and have found no chemical or biological weapon and none
within a 45 minute radius of artillery deployments. I note that the Government no
longer predicts that they will find actual weapons but that they will produce
evidence of programmes. As this Committee shadows the Foreign Office, it is only
fair to note that the Foreign Office, and Jack Straw, were notably more cautious in
their clams.

6 . Did the Government itself come to doubt these claims before the

7 . It is now admitted by the State Department that Colin Powell had

serious doubts about the intelligence material and spent four days
challenging it before his presentation to the Security Council in
February . His presentation was more cautious than the September
dossier and the uranium from Africa claim was rejected by him .

8. Given the close relationship between State and Foreign Office did
they share with us their doubts? If they did not, are we not concerned
that they concealed those doubts from us?

9 . None of the above claims from the September debate were

repeated by the Government in the March debate . This is curious given
the pressure they were under to secure a majority for military action .
Had the Government itself come to doubt the reliability of the
September claims? If so, should Ministers not have corrected the
record before asking the House to vote on war?

10 . Could biological or chemical agents have fallen into the hands of

terrorists since the war?

11 . In his speech on 18 March, the Prime Minister laid great stress

on the danger that a capability for Weapons of Mass Destruction might
pass from rogue states to terrorist organisations . "The possibility of the
two coming together-of terrorist groups in possession of weapons of
mass destruction or even of a so-called dirty radiological bomb-is
now, in my judgment, a real and present danger to Britain and its
national security ." (Hansard,18 March, column 788)

12. Government statements have repeatedly quantified the volume

of chemical and biological agents in Iraq which remain unaccounted
for. Most frequently they quote 10,000 litres of anthrax . Until the war
any such stocks would be securely guarded by the inner core of
Saddam's elaborate security forces . However, since the war and the
collapse of the security apparatus, they presumably have been left
unguarded and unsecured . ~C , ~ ( OI O

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13 . Does the Government really believe that such stocks of chemical

and biological agents existed at the time of the war? If so, what
assurances can they offer that they have not since become accessible
to any of the terrorist organisations in the region? Instead of
eliminating the risk of transfer of Weapons of Mass Destruction to
terrorist organisations, could the war have opened potential access to
such material by terrorists? In particular, could the looting of the AI
Tuwaitta nuclear plant not have provided precisely the radiological
material for a dirty bomb about which the Prime Minister expressed
specific concern?

14. Why do we not allow the UN Weapon Inspectors back into Iraq?

15 . The war was justified by Saddam's failure to show sufficient

compliance with the UN Weapons Inspectors . Ironically, it is now we
who are refusing any compliance with the same inspectors .

16 . I can understand that in view of their longstanding hostility to

the UN Inspectors the US may not be willing to admit them into their
sector. Presumably, though, it would still be open to British forces to
admit the UN Weapons Inspectors to the territory they occupy .

17 . It is difficult to resist the conclusion that the primary reason for

keeping out the United Nations Weapons Inspectors is that they would
confirm there was no immediate threat from a credible Weapons of
Mass Destruction .

18 . Does the absence of Weapons of Mass Destruction undermine

the legal basis of the war?

19 . Throughout the build-up to war the Government studiously

avoided justifying invasion on the grounds that it would remove
Saddam . "I have never put the justification for action as regime
change ." (The Prime Minister, (Hansard) 18 March, column 772) .
Undoubtedly, the principal reason for such caution was the legal advice
that there was no basis in international law for an attack to remove
Saddam .

20 . The Attorney General's legal advice is founded entirely on the

failure of Saddam to comply with the "obligations on Iraq to eliminate
its weapons of mass destruction" . I am no lawyer, but it does appear
arguable that if Iraq had no Weapons of Mass Destruction there could
in logic be no legal basis for a war to eliminate them .

21 . In present circumstances the Attorney General's opinion would

appear to be sound in theory but unsound in fact . As Menzies
Campbell observed in the recent debate, it must be doubtful if the
Attorney General would have given the same opinion if he had known
then that it would prove so difficult to find any prohibited weapons .

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22 . I fully understand why the Foreign Affairs Committee has chosen

to focus the present inquiry on the justification for the war. However,
there has been a much wider impact on our international relations
from Britain's participation in the unilateral decision of the United
States to launch a pre-emptive strike. The Iraq war has divided us
from our principle partners in Europe. It has removed us from the
inside track which we had built up with Russia under Putin . It has
undermined the authority of the Security Council as the forum for
multilateral decisions on peace and security . It has reduced our
standing throughout the Third World, where few countries supported
US intervention . It has broken up the impressive global coalition
against world terrorism, which came into being in response to the
attack on the twin towers.

23 . These consequences represent damage to our national interests

greater than any gain for Britain from its part in the war. I hope that in
longer time the Foreign Affairs may be able to review the impact of the
war on Britain's foreign relations .

Robin Cook MP

17 June 2003

Parliamentary copyright 2003 Prepared 7 July 2003

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