Hilbert Eng

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Euclid’s “Elements” introduced the axiomatic method in geometry, and for more
than 2000 years this was the main textbook for students of geometry. But the 19th
century brought about a revolution both in the understanding of geometry and of
logic and axiomatic method, and it became more and more clear that Euclid’s sys-
tem was incomplete and could not stand up to the modern standards of rigor. The
most famous attempt to rectify this was by the great German mathematician David
Hilbert, who published a new system of axioms in his book “Grundlagen der Geome-
trie” in 1898. Here we will give a short presentation of Hilbert’s axioms with some
examples and comments, but with no proofs. For more details, we refer to the rich
literature in this field — e. g. the books ”Euclidean and non-Euclidean geometries”
by M. J. Greenberg and ”Geometry: Euclid and beyond” by R. Hartshorne.

Hilbert also treats geometry in 3-space, but we will only consider the 2-
dimensional case. We begin by agreeing that the basic ingredients in our
study are points and lines in a plane. At the outset the plane is just a set
S where the elements P are called points. The lines are, or can at least
be naturally identified with certain subsets l of S, and the fundamental
relation is the incidence relation P ∈ l, which may or may not be satisfied
by a point P and a line l. But we also introduce two additional relations:
betweenness, enabling us to talk about points lying between two given points,
and congruence, which is needed when we want to compare configurations in
different parts of the plane. Hilbert formulated three sets of axioms for these
relations: incidence axioms, betweenness axioms and congruence axioms. In
addition to these we also need an axiom of continuity to make sure that lines
and circles have “enough” points to intersect as they should, and of course
the axiom of parallels. As we introduce Hilbert’s axioms, we will gradually
put more and more restrictions on these ingredients, and in the end they
will essentially determine Euclidean plane geometry uniquely. The axioms
are also independent, in the sense that for each axiom A there is a model
satisfying all the rest of the axioms, but not A.
Note that although circles also are important objects of study in classical
plane geometry, we do not have to postulate them, since, as we shall see,
they can be defined in terms of the other notions.
Before we start, maybe a short remark about language is in order: An
axiom system is a formal matter, but the following discussion will not be
very formalistic. After all, the goal is to give a firm foundation for matters
that we all have a clear picture of in our minds, and as soon as we have
introduced the various formal notions, we will feel free to discuss them in
more common language. For example, although the relation P ∈ l should,
strictly speaking, be read: “P and l are incident”, we shall use “l contains
P ”, “P lies on l” or any obviously equivalent such expression.

We are now ready for the first group of axioms, the incidence axioms:
I1: For every pair of distinct points A and B there is a unique line l
containing A and B.
I2: Every line contains at least two points.
I3: There are at least three points that do not lie on the same line.
We let AB denote the unique line containing A and B.
These three axioms already give rise to much interesting geometry, so-
called “incidence geometry”. Given three points A, B, C, for example,
any two of them span a unique line, and it makes sense to talk about the
triangle ABC. Similarly we can study more complicated configurations.
The Cartesian model R2 of the Euclidean plane, where the lines are the
sets of solutions of nontrivial linear equations ax + by = c, is an obvious
example, as are the subsets obtained if we restrict a, b, c, x, y to be rational
numbers (Q2 ), the integers (Z2 ), or in fact any fixed subring of R. However,
spherical geometry, where S is a sphere and the lines are great circles, is not
an example, since any pair of antipodal points lies on infinitely many great
circles — hence the uniqueness in I1 does not hold. This can be corrected by
identifying every pair of antipodal points on the sphere. Then we obtain an
incidence geometry called the (real) projective plane P2 . One way to think
about the points of P2 is as lines through the origin in R3 . If the sphere
has center at the origin, such a line determines and is determined by the
antipodal pair of points of intersection between the line and the sphere. A
“line” in P2 can then be thought of as a plane throuh the origin in R3 , since
such a plane intersects the sphere precisely in a great circle. Notice that in
this interpretation the incidence relation P ∈ l corresponds to the relation
“the line l is contained in the plane P ”.
There are also finite incidence geometries — the smallest has exactly three
points where the lines are the three subsets of two elements.
The next group of axioms deals with the relation “B lies between A and
C”. In Euclidean geometry this is meaningful for three points A, B and C
lying on the same straight line. The finite geometries show that it is not
possible to make sense of such a relation on every incidence geometry, so
this is a new piece of structure, and we have to declare the properties we
need. We will use the notation A ∗ B ∗ C for “B lies between A and C”.
Hilbert’s axioms of betweenness are then:
B1: If A ∗ B ∗ C, then A, B and C are distinct points on a line, and
C ∗ B ∗ A also holds.
B2: Given two distinct points A and B, there exists a point C such that
A ∗ B ∗ C.
B3: If A, B and C are distinct points on a line, then one and only one
of the relations A ∗ B ∗ C, B ∗ C ∗ A and C ∗ A ∗ B is satisfied.
B4: Let A, B and C be points not on the same line and let l be a line
which contains none of them. If D ∈ l and A ∗ D ∗ B, there exists
an E on l such that B ∗ E ∗ C, or an F on l such that A ∗ F ∗ C, but
not both.

If we think of A, B and C as the vertices of a triangle, another formulation of

B4 is this: If a line l goes through a side of a triangle but none of its vertices,
then it also goes through exactly one of the other sides. This formulation is
also called Pasch’s axiom. Note that this is not true in Rn , n ≥ 3. Hence
I3 and B4 together define the geometry as ’2–dimensional’.
In the standard Euclidean plane (and in other examples we shall study
later) we can use the concept of distance to define betweenness. Namely,
we can then define A ∗ B ∗ C to mean that A, B are C are distinct and
d(A, C) = d(A, B) + d(B, C), where d(X, Y ) is the distance between X and
Y . (Check that B1-4 then hold!) This way Q2 also becomes an example,
but not Z2 , since B4 is not satisfied. (Exercise 3.)
Observe also that every open, convex subset K of R2 (e. g. the interior
of a circular disk) satisfies all the axioms so far, if we let the “lines” be
the nonempty intersections between lines in R2 and K, and betweenness is
defined as in R2 . (This example will be important later.) The projective
plane, however, can not be given such a relation. The reason is that in the
spherical model for P2 , the “lines” are great circles where antipodal points
have been identified, and these identification spaces can again naturally be
identified with circles. But if we have three distinct points on a circle, each
of them is equally much “between” the others. Therefore B3 can not be
The betweenness relation can be used to define the segment AB as the
point set consisting of A, B and all the points between A and B:
AB = {A, B} ∪ {C|A ∗ C ∗ B}.
Similarly we can define the ray AB as the set
AB = AB ∪ {C|A ∗ B ∗ C}.
If A, B and C are three point not on a line, we can then define the angle
−−→ −→
∠BAC as the pair consisting of the two rays AB and AC.
−−→ −→
∠BAC = {AB, AC}.
−−→ −−→
Note also that AB = AB ∪ BA.
Betweenness also provides us with a way to distinguish between the two
sides of a line l. We say that two points A and B are on the same side of l
if AB ∩ l = ∅. It is not difficult to show, using the axioms, that this is an
equivalence relation on the complement of l, and that there are exactly two
equivalence classes: the two sides of l. (Exercise 4.) Similarly we say that
a point D is inside the angle ∠BAC if B and D are on the same side of
AC, and C and D are on the same side of AB. This way we can distinguish
between points inside and outside a triangle. We also say that the angles
∠BAC and ∠BAD are on the same (resp. opposite) side of the ray AB if
C and D are on the same (resp. opposite) side of the line AB.
The same idea can, of course, also be applied to distinguish between
the points on a line on either side of a given point. Using this, one can
define a linear ordering of all the points on a line. Therefore the axioms of
betweenness are sometimes called “axioms of order”.

We have now established some of the basic concepts of geometry, but we

are missing an important ingredient: we cannot yet compare two different
configurations of points and lines. To achieve this, we need to introduce the
concept of congruence. Intuitively, we may think of two configurations as
congruent if there is some kind of “rigid motion” which moves one onto the
other. In the Euclidean plane R2 this can be defined in terms of measure-
ments of angles and distances, such that two configurations are congruent if
all their ingredients are “of the same size”. These notions have, of course, no
meaning on the basis of just the incidence- and betweenness axioms. Hence
congruence has to be yet another piece of structure — a relation whose
properties must be governed by additional axioms.
There are two basic notions of congruence — congruence of segments
and congruence of angles. Congruence of more general configurations can
then be defined as a one-one correspondence between the point sets involved
such that all corresponding segments and angles are congruent. We use the
notation AB ∼ = CD for “the segment AB is congruent to the segment CD”,
and similarly for angles or more general configurations. Hilbert’s axioms for
congruence of segments are:

C1: Given a segment AB and a ray r from C, there is a uniquely deter-

mined point D on r such that CD ∼ = AB.
∼ is an equivalence relation on the set of segments.
C2: =
C3: If A ∗ B ∗ C and A0 ∗ B 0 ∗ C 0 and both AB ∼
= A0 B 0 and BC ∼
= B0C 0,
then also AC ∼= A0 C 0 .

If betweenness is defined using a distance function (as in the Euclidean

plane) we can define AB ∼ = CD as d(A, B) = d(C, D). C2 and C3 are then
automatically satisfied, and C1 becomes a stronger version of B2.
Even without a notion of distance we can use congruence to compare
“sizes” of two segments: we say that AB is shorter than CD (AB < CD) if
there exists a point E such that C ∗ E ∗ D and AB ∼ = CE.
We can now also define what we mean by a circle: Given a point O and
a segment AB, we define the circle with center O and radius (congruent to)
AB as the point set {C ∈ S | OC ∼ = AB}. Note that this set is nonempty:
C1 implies that any line through O intersects the circle in two points.
The axioms for congruence of angles are:
C4: Given a ray AB and an angle ∠B 0 A0 C 0 , there are angles ∠BAE
and ∠BAF on opposite sides of AB such that ∠BAE ∼ = ∠BAF ∼ =
0 0
∠B A C .0

∼ is an equivalence relation on the set of angles.

C5: =
C6: Given triangles ABC and A0 B 0 C 0 . If AB ∼= A0 B 0 , AC ∼= A0 C 0 and
∠BAC ∼ = ∠B 0 A0 C 0 , then the two triangles are congruent — i. e.
BC = B 0 C 0 , ∠ABC ∼
∼ = ∠A0 B 0 C 0 and ∠BCA ∼
= ∠B 0 C 0 A0 .

C4 and C5 are the obvious analogues of C1 and C2, but note that C4
says that we can construct an arbitrary angle on both sides of a given ray.
C6 says that a triangle is determined up to congruence by any angle and

its adjacent sides. This statement is often referred to as the “SAS” (side–
angle–side) congruence criterion.
In the Euclidean plane R2 we define congruence as equivalence under
actions of the Euclidean group of transformations of R2 . This is generated
by rotations and translations, and can also be characterized as the set of
transformation of R2 which preserve all distances. It is quite instructive to
prove that the congruence axioms hold with this definition.
These three groups contain the most basic axioms, and they are sufficient
to prove a large number of propositions in book I of the “Elements”. How-
ever, when we begin to study circles and “constructions with ruler and com-
pass”, we need criteria saying that circles intersect (have common points)
with other circles or lines when our intuition tells us that they should. The
next axiom provides such a criterion.
First a couple of definitions:
Definition: Let Γ be a circle with center O and radius OA. We say that
a point B is inside Γ if OB < OA and outside if OA < OB.
We say that a line or another circle is tangent to Γ if they have exactly
one point in common with Γ.
We can now formulate Hilbert’s axiom E :
E: Given two circles Γ and ∆ such that ∆ contains points both inside
and outside Γ. Then Γ and ∆ have common points. (They “inter-
(It follows from the other axioms that they will then intersect in exactly
two points.) This is an example of what we call a continuity axiom. The
following variation is actually a consequence of axiom E:
E’: If a line l contains points both inside and outside the circle Γ, then
l and Γ will intersect. (Again in exactly two points.)
Hilbert gives the Axiom of parallels the following formulation — often
called “Playfair’s axiom” (after John Playfair i 1795, although it goes back
to Proclus in the fifth century):
P: (Playfair’s axiom) Given a line l and a point P not on the line. Then
there is at most one line m through P which does not intersect l.
If the lines m and l do not intersect, we say that they are parallel, and
we write m k l. The existence of a line m through P parallel to l can be
shown to follow from the other axioms, so the real content of the axiom is
the uniqueness.
With these axioms we are able to prove all the results in Euclid’s “Ele-
ments” I–IV, but they do not yet determine the Euclidean plane uniquely.
The standard plane (R2 with the structure defined so far) is an example,
and it is an instructive exercise to prove this in detail, but we obtain other
examples by replacing the real numbers by another ordered field where ev-
ery element has a square root! For uniqueness we need a stronger continuity
axiom, as for instance Dedekind’s axiom:

D: If a line l is a disjoint union of two subset T1 and T2 such that all

the points of T1 are on the same side of T2 and vice versa, then there
is a unique point A ∈ l such that if B1 ∈ T1 and B2 ∈ T2 , then either
A = B1 , A = B2 or B1 ∗ A ∗ B2 .
This is a completeness axiom with roots in Dedekind’s definition of the
real numbers, and an important consequence is that the geometry on any
line can be identified with the geometry on R. One can show that it implies
axiom E, and together with the groups of axioms I*, B*, C* and P it does
determine Euclidean geometry completely.
Finally we mention that axiom D also implies another famous continuity
axiom, the Axiom of Archimedes:
A: Given two segments AB and CD, we can find points C = C0 , . . . , Cn
on CD, such that Ci Ci+1 ∼
= AB for every i < n and CD < CCn .
(“Given a segment AB, then every other segment can be covered by a
finite number of congruent copies of AB”.)
Using this axiom we can introduce notions of distance and length such
that AB has length one, say, and a geometry with the axioms I*, B*, C* P,
E and A can be identified with a subset of the standard Euclidean plane.

1. Find all incidence geometries with four or five points.
2. Let V be a vector space of dimension at least 2 over a field F .
Show that V satisfies I1-3, if we define lines to be sets of the form
{A + tB|t ∈ F }, where A, B ∈ V , B 6= 0.
3. Show that Q2 satisfies axioms B1–4, but Z2 does not.
4. Prove that ’being on the same side of the line `’ is an equivalence
relation on the complement of `, with exactly two equivalence classes.
5. Show that Q2 does not satisfy C1. Try to determine conditions on
an algebraic extension F of Q such that F 2 will satisfy C1.
6. Show that the center of a circle is uniquely determined.
7. Discuss which axioms are needed in order to bisect a given segment.
8. Which axioms are satisfied by Q , where Q is the algebraic closure
of Q?
9. Show that the axiom of Archimedes can be used to define a length
function on segments.
10. Suppose given a geometry with incidence, betweenness and congru-
ence, and let r be a ray with vertex O. r determines a unique line `
containing it.
Show that we can give ` the structure of an ordered abelian group,
with O as neutral element and such that P > O if and only if P ∈ r.
Show that two different rays give rise to isomorphic ordered groups.

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