Oxidative Stress, Insulin Resistance, Dyslipidemia and Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
Oxidative Stress, Insulin Resistance, Dyslipidemia and Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
Oxidative Stress, Insulin Resistance, Dyslipidemia and Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
Surapon Tangvarasittichai
Surapon Tangvarasittichai, Chronic Disease Research Unit, insulin resistance, dyslipidemia, β-cell dysfunction,
Department of Medical Technology, Faculty of Allied Health impaired glucose tolerance and ultimately leading to
Sciences, Naresuan University, Phitsanulok 65000, Thailand T2DM. Chronic oxidative stress, hyperglycemia and
Author contributions: Tangvarasittichai S and his assistances dyslipidemia are particularly dangerous for β-cells from
performed the literatures review search and wrote the manuscript;
lowest levels of antioxidant, have high oxidative energy
Tangvarasittichai S designed essential ideas, drawing figures and
requirements, decrease the gene expression of key
sequencing of this review manuscript, also provided references
and edited the manuscript, addressed the responses to reviewers’ β-cell genes and induce cell death. If β-cell functioning
concerns and contributed to the edition of the manuscript. is impaired, it results in an under production of insulin,
Conflict-of-interest: The author declares that there are no impairs glucose stimulated insulin secretion, fasting
conflicts of interest. hyperglycemia and eventually the development of
Open-Access: This article is an open-access article which was T2DM.
selected by an in-house editor and fully peer-reviewed by external
reviewers. It is distributed in accordance with the Creative Key words: Insulin resistance; Dyslipidemia; Type 2
Commons Attribution Non Commercial (CC BY-NC 4.0) license, diabetes mellitus; Oxidative stress
which permits others to distribute, remix, adapt, build upon this
work non-commercially, and license their derivative works on © The Author(s) 2015. Published by Baishideng Publishing
different terms, provided the original work is properly cited and
Group Inc. All rights reserved.
the use is non-commercial. See: http://creativecommons.org/
Correspondence to: Dr. Surapon Tangvarasittichai, Associate Core tip: Oxidative stress is underling in the development
Professor, Chronic Disease Research Unit, Department of of cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM)
Medical Technology, Faculty of Allied Health Sciences, Naresuan and diabetic complications. Increased oxidative stress
University, 99 Moo 9 Tambon Tha Pho, Muang, Phitsanulok appears to be a deleterious factor leading to insulin
65000, Thailand. [email protected] resistance, dyslipidemia, β-cell dysfunction, impaired
Telephone: +66-08-96388382 glucose tolerance and ultimately leading to T2DM.
Fax: +66-08-55966300
Received: September 3, 2014
Peer-review started: September 4, 2014 Tangvarasittichai S. Oxidative stress, insulin resistance,
First decision: November 14, 2014
dyslipidemia and type 2 diabetes mellitus. World J Diabetes
Revised: December 25, 2014
Accepted: January 9, 2015 2015; 6(3): 456-480 Available from: URL: http://www.wjgnet.
Article in press: January 12, 2015 com/1948-9358/full/v6/i3/456.htm DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.4239/
Published online: April 15, 2015 wjd.v6.i3.456
Oxidative stress is increased in metabolic syndrome Aerobic life uses oxygen to oxidize (metabolism) food
and type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) and this appears substrates (carbon- and hydrogen-rich) to obtain the
to underlie the development of cardiovascular disease, heat energy and chemical essential for life. When we
T2DM and diabetic complications. Increased oxidative oxidize molecules with oxygen, the oxygen molecule
stress appears to be a deleterious factor leading to itself becomes reduced and forms intermediates.
In eukaryotic cells, reactive oxygen species (ROS) were also included in this review.
are always produced as the consequence of regular
physiological metabolism . These ROS (pro-oxidants)
productions are counter-balanced by cellular antioxidant ROS
defense mechanisms in the normal physiological Oxygen exists in air known as oxygen molecule (O2) or
conditions. ROS define as diverse chemical that have dioxygen. Oxygen on the surface of earth appeared in
reactive properties are capable to accommodate or significant amounts approximately 2.5 × 10 years ago.
donate electrons (e-) to the broad range of biological It was created by the photosynthetic activity of plants
molecules. Normally, the production and neutralization and microorganisms (blue green algae). Increased
of ROS are balance with antioxidants in a living system atmospheric oxygen concentration was followed by
and does not cause any oxidative damage, determines the ozone layer formation in the stratosphere. Both
as physiological state . The imbalance between these oxygen and ozone layer were filters against the solar
prooxidants and antioxidants in the living organism ultraviolet radiation reaching surface of the Earth. In
system to determine as oxidative stress state, brings eukaryotic cells, ROS is produced as the consequence
[3] [1]
to cellular disruption and damage . The free-radical of the normal aerobic physiological metabolism .
can attack polyunsaturated fatty acids oxidation in These ROS levels are counter-balanced with the cellular
physiological systems known as lipid peroxidation. Lipid antioxidants in the normal physiological conditions. ROS
peroxidation is an autocatalytic free radical mediated define as diverse chemical that have reactive properties
destructive process whereby poly-unsaturated fatty are capable to accommodate or donate electrons (e-) to
acids in cell membranes undergo degradation to form the broad range of biological molecules. These species
lipid hydroperoxides . By-products of lipid peroxidation includeinstability radicals arise from an unpaired e-.
such as conjugated dienes and malondialdehyde (MDA) Existence of the presence of oxygen and the aerobic
are increased in the patients with obesity, metabolic organisms on the earth is possible .
syndrome and type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM). Car
+ •
bohydrates, lipids, proteins and DNA are the targets O2 + e + H → HO2 (hydroperoxyl radical)
• + -
of oxidative stress modification biomolecules generally HO2 → H + O2• (superoxide radical)
•- +
as the principal of ROS induced cellular damage. O2 + 2H + e → H2O2 (hydrogen peroxide)
- •
Therefore, these ROS modified biomolecules are used H2O2 + e → OH + OH (hydroxyl radical)
as oxidative stress markers both in vivo and in vitro
measurement. Recent study suggests that ROS may However, these molecules are also played an
act as the mechanical link of salt sensitive hypertension, adverse role in the biological systems as oxidative
over nutrition and high fat diet, metabolic syndrome stress. At the steady state of the living systems, oxygen
and T2DM animal models . ROS levels are increased metabolism always produce oxygen-derived free
•- •
in obesity, especially in abdominal obesity which is the radicals such as superoxide O2 , hydroxyl OH , alkoxyl
• • -
major component of metabolic syndrome and it can be RO , peroxyl RO2 , peroxynitrite ONOO and oxygen-
reduced by weight loss . Many studies demonstrated derived non-radicals such as hydrogen peroxide H2O2,
that increased oxidative stress is associated with hypochlorous acid HOCl and hypobromous acid HOBr.
insulin resistance pathogenesis by insulin signals Both free radicals and non-radicals groups are the
inhibition and adipokines dysregulation . In animal important factors of the oxidative stress mediated
studies, oxidative stress enhances insulin resistance. cellular damages . Normally, the neutralization of ROS
The evidence suggested that angiotensin Ⅱ (Ang Ⅱ) productions by cellular antioxidant defense mechanisms
infused rats required the increased glucose load to are determine as the physiological state and do not
maintain normal glucose levels during hyperinsulinemic cause any oxidative damage . The imbalance of the
clamp to stimulate ROS production . Thus, ROS may ROS production and antioxidants defense system in the
also contribute and accelerate the insulin resistance living systems caused oxidative stress brings to cellular
development in insulin-targeted organs of the over function disruption and damage .
nutrition and the excess salt individuals. This imbalance occurs due to over production of ROS
In the large general population studies demonstrated and reduction of the antioxidant defense mechanisms.
that insulin resistance is multifactorial and the The electron transport chain in mitochondrial, peroxisomes
genetic component . Insulin resistance most often and cytochrome P450 system are the most important
•- [22]
precedes in many years before the onset of T2DM. sources of ROS production (involves in O2 production) .
Insulin resistance and the consequence of declined of Moreover, various enzymes can be accelerated ROS
insulin secretion are the principle of the T2DM patho production such as cyclooxygenases , xanthine
[11,12,15,16] [25] [26-28]
genesis . The late complications of diabetes have oxidase , uncoupled nitric oxide synthases (NOS)
[29] [30,31]
been associated and implicated in their etiology with and NADPH oxidases . Drugs such as doxorubicin ,
[17-19] [32-34] [35]
oxidative stress . The influence of oxidative stress cisplatin, acetaminophen and nimesulide . Heavy
on insulin resistance, dyslipidemia, abnormal lipoprotein metals (Fe, Cd, Pb, Hg) as the toxic substances ,
production and the pathophysiology of T2DM by using acrolein, chloroform, carbon tetrachloride , tertiary butyl
in vivo, in vitro and animal models data on these effects hydroperoxide , environmental pollutants (oxides of
Obesity/MetS NAD(P)H
Oxidative stress ↑ NAD(P)H oxidase
Inflammation H2O
Xanthine •- O2
O2 O 2
Hyperinsulinemia insulin resistance Dyslipidemia
Oxidase •-
Hypoxanthine Xanthine
xanthine uric acid 3+
T2DM Atherosclerosis Fe
RH Hydrogen abstraction
R Conjugated diene with UV absorbance at 234 nm
rearrangement +
• Peroxylradical: abstracted H from another fatty
acid causing an autocatalytic chain reaction
O2 oxygen
Lipid hydroperoxide
Fragmentation to aldehyde
• Cyclic peroxide (including malondialdehyde and
O polymerization products)
[tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α), interleukin-6 and the chain-breaking antioxidant (vitamin E) agent is
growth factors] regulation at the transcriptional level, added to terminate the chain reaction. The three stages
results in micromolar NO production . INOS can poduce of lipid peroxidation are initiation, propagation and
•- - [68] • •
O2 and OONO when lower in L-arginine substrate . termination. Hydroxyl radical ( OH), alkoxyl radical (RO ),
• •
peroxyl radical (ROO ), and HO2 species can abstract
the first hydrogen atom of polyunsaturated fatty acid
. Variety of lipid hydroperoxides
Fats and oils oxidized with characteristic changes in and cyclic peroxides are the end products of the
texture, color, taste and odor. This process, known chain reaction. Lipid peroxides are stable molecules
as rancidity, was chemically defined in the 1940s as in the physiological temperatures. Lipid peroxides
an autoxidative free-radical chain reaction . The decomposition is catalyzed by transition heavy metals.
most powerful oxidant formed in biological systems is For example, iron ion-active complexes present in
hydroxyl radical. It can attack any biological molecule. circulating can participate in the Fenton reaction to
The initiation step of lipid peroxidation occurred when promote lipid peroxide decomposition. Hemoglobin
hydroxyl radicals attack to polyunsaturated fatty acids, and the cytochromes molecules can also facilitate
to cause the free-radical polyunsaturated fatty acids peroxide decomposition, although they do not directly
oxidation in biological systems. Lipid peroxidation is catalyze Fenton chemistry. However, hemeproteins can
autocatalytic lipid hydroperoxides radical production release chelatable iron that can participate in Fenton
mediated poly-unsaturated fatty acids in cell membranes [71]
chemistry . Ferritin and hemosiderin are effective at
destruction and degradation process . Conjugated stimulating lipid peroxidation and catalase is weakly
dienes and MDA, by-products of lipid peroxidation effective, caused problems to use catalase as a probe
are increased in the circulation of obesity, metabolic for H2O2 in lipid peroxidation systems .
reaction. Initiation in the first-chain initiation should be of insulin resistance via insulin signals inhibition and
used as lipid peroxide decomposition reactions to start adipocytokines dysregulation . Oxidative stress
the new chain reaction. Iron ions and ferrous ions are biomarkers included MDA , 4-hydroxy-2-nonenal and
[55] [84]
free radicals , can act in electron transfer reactions isoprostanes species , protein carbonyls, 3-nitrotyrosine,
with oxygen molecule. Then, the presence of iron hydroperoxides, protein oxidation products , glycation
ions can promote the hydroxyl radicals formation by end products, carbohydrate modifications and
Fenton reaction. Bielski et al demonstrated that the 8-hydroxy-2′-deoxyguanosine (8-OH-dG), an oxidized
• [84]
OH radical production in any source can initiate lipid DNA product .
peroxidation reaction.
L + H2O Assaying lipid peroxidation
The lipid peroxidation contributes to the pathogenesis
Superoxide-dependent Fenton reaction (superoxide
3+ 2+ of atherosclerosis. It is occurred in the blood vessel
resulting H2O2 and reducing Fe to Fe ) did not
walls and does not occur from low density lipoproteins
demonstrate any substantial involvement of the hydroxyl [87,88]
(LDL) in circulation . LDL can enter to the blood
radical in liposomal peroxidation systems as detected by
vessel walls. The modified LDL (oxidized LDL) may
the scavengers action . Hydroxyl radicals in the systems
escape from the scavenger recognition receptors and
can be measured by spin trapping or deoxyribose back to the circulation. Therefore, this circulating LDL
degradation measurements but do not contribute to peroxidation is a potentially useful biomarker of lipid
the lipid peroxidation rate . The addition of iron ion in peroxidation in circulation. Indeed, this assay is used
any preparations can stimulate peroxidation reaction by for the demonstration of in vivo antioxidants inhibit the
lipid hydroperoxide degradation to generate peroxyl (LO2 ) effects of lipid peroxidation
and alkoxyl (LO ) radicals.
Fe • •
Thiobarbituric acid-reactive substance
2LOOH LO + LO2 + H2O MDA from the oxidative polyunsaturated fatty acids
(PUFA) degradation is determined by the reaction of
The rate constant of the reaction when ferrous ions thiobarbituric acid (TBA) with MDA to generate the
3 [78]
are reacted as 1.5 × 10 /mol/L per second , which stable end product of MDA-TBA adduct
. This MDA
is higher than the rate reaction constant of ferrous ions free radical has been demonstrated as a causative of the
with H2O2 reaction (76 /mol/L per second) . The iron atherosclerosis pathogenesis
[96,97] [98]
, aging , cancer
ions stimulate lipid peroxidation by the lipid degradation and Alzheimer’s disease
. Serum MDA levels
reactions from the present of abundant hydroperoxide. have been used as the lipid peroxidation biomarker
Iron or copper in a biological system attach to and indicator of free radical damage
. MDA, the
biological molecules at the specific location of OH radicals three-carbon dialdehyde, can exist in many forms in the
formation to cause lipid, protein and DNA damage. On aqueous circulation. This method was used the reaction
lipid membrane, the propagation step of lipid peroxidation of MDA with TBA and heated under acidic conditions
reactions does not proceedes further until the reaction but the TBA can react with many chemical species such
reach the protein portion. Thus, lipid peroxidation in as proteins, phospholipids, aldehydes, amino acid and
[80,81] [103,104]
vivo causes proteins membrane damage . This nucleic acids . One MDA molecule reacts with TBA
damage has more biologically important than those lipids two molecules to form a stable pink to red chromophore
membrane damage. Cells also contain mechanisms that absorbs maximally at 532 nm or fluorescence
for recognizing and removing oxidative modified detection. This chromophore is termed thiobarbituric
proteins . acid reacting substances. Elevated MDA levels in T2DM
patients are associated with cardiovascular disease
risk .
Oxidative stress occurs at the molecular level as the Isoprostanes
cellular event when increased ROS overwhelm the The most valuable of lipid peroxidation biomarker in
antioxidant defense capabilities systems. Oxidative the biological system is the isoprostanes, elevated from
stress was defines as the increasing ROS production, the PUFA peroxidation
. Isoprostanes identified
vary in intensities, the different cellular locations and as free form and the most are esterified to lipids in
may be occurred either acutely or chronically . circulation. Isoprostanes can be analyzed by mass
Oxidative damage to macromolecules including carbo spectrometry techniques, so that can easily be detected
hydrates, proteins, lipids and DNA typically viewed as in human body fluids . Isoprostanes appear
increased ROS induced cellular damage to cause the to turn over rapidly in metabolized and excreted .
irreversible macromolecules modifications. Therefore, Isoprostanes and their metabolites detection in urine
the by-products of these oxidative modified biomo may be the useful biomarker for lipid peroxidation .
lecules are used as oxidative stress biomarkers in vivo Isoprostanes assay have focused on the F2-isoprostanes
and in vitro. Many research studies demonstrated the measurement, which elevate from the arachidonic acid
association of oxidative stress and the pathogenesis peroxidation . Elevation of F2-isoprostanes levels have
Sodium balance ↓
MetS-salt-sensitive HT
Renin-angiotensin system
Over nutrition
Decreased physical activity
Organ-celluar overload Oxidative stress
Endothelial cells
Endothelial cells dysfunction Adipocyte
Liver Insulin secretion ↑
↓ (β-cells)
Insulin resistance Hyperinsulinemia
Insulin activty ↓
(post prandial hyperglycemia)
Diabetes (chronic
Figure 4 Summarized the increasing reactive oxygen species in obesity, metabolic syndrome and salt sensitive hypertension. FFA: Free fatty acid; MetS:
Metabolic syndrome; HT: Hypertension; IGT: Impaired glucose tolerance.
been shown in conditions of the cardiovascular disease, with FFAs, treatment with NADPH oxidase inhibitor can
[114,115] [111,116,
diabetes development , cigarette smoking block this ROS generation. This indicates that NADPH
117] [118] [8]
, hyperhomocysteinaemia and hypercholestero oxidase involves in fatty acids ROS generation .
laemia . F2-isoprostane levels have also been Palmitate can activate diacylglycerol synthesis and
shown to decrease by antioxidants supplementation protein kinase C (PKC) leading to activate NADPH
[120-124] [128]
both in animal models and humans subjects . oxidase . Thus, over accumulated fat result in the
increased fatty acids oxidation and lead to activate
Oxidative stress in metabolic syndrome NADPH oxidase (in local or remotely cells) to cause ROS
The components of metabolic syndrome consist with over production in over nutrition or obesity (Figure 4).
abdominal obesity, dyslipidemia, hypertension and Conversely, calorie restriction may be associated with
. It is the major modern lifestyle com normal physiological system and may involve in
plication cause from physical inactivity and overeating normal cellular redox state . In aged animals models
and associated with the increased risk of cardiovascular treated with antioxidant agents or hypocaloric diets
diseases, hypertension and T2DM that summarized in led to ameliorate in oxidative stress status and tissue
Figure 4. function . Treatment with resveratrol, a polyphenol
reduced atherosclerosis and diabetes development .
Over nutrition and oxidative stress: In metabolism These studies demonstrate that nutrition is associated
of glucose through glycolysis and tricarboxylic acid (TCA) with increased or decreased redox status and over
cycle to generate nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide nutrition result to increase oxidative stress to contribute
(NADH) and flavin adenine dinucleotide (FADH2) as pathogenesis of atherosclerosis, cancer and other
the electron donors. In over nutrition, the excessive diseases.
glucose occur and a large amount of glucose is oxidized
in the glycolysis and TCA cycle to increase NADH Oxidative stress in adipose tissue: Increased fat
and FADH2 generation in electron transport chain of accumulation in human has been associated with
[127] [134]
mitochondrial and increased superoxide generation . oxidative stress biomarkers . Similarly, obese mice
The excessive of free fatty acids (FFAs) leads to increase were significantly higher oxidative stress levels in
FFA-oxidation and acetyl coenzyme A (CoA) oxidation circulation . Moreover, lipid peroxidation and H2O2
in TCA cycle generate the NADH and FADH2 electron levels were increased in adipose tissue . These mean
donors as glucose oxidation results in mitochondrial that adipose tissue may the major source of ROS
ROS overproduction . Furthermore, NADPH oxidase production and can be released to the circulation
in the plasma membrane can convert oxygen molecule potentially affecting various distance organs functions
to superoxide radical and involve in ROS nutrient-based and damage (Figure 4).
generation. In adipocytes, ROS is generated by in fused Increased NADPH oxidase expression in adipose
tissue associated with increased oxidative stress levels. hypertension . Then, increased renal oxidative stress
Increased mRNA expression was found in adipose may contribute to cause salt-sensitive hypertension
tissue of obese mice . Increased ROS generation in development. Moreover, ROS overproduction in vascular
lipid accumulation and further elevating ROS generation endothelial cells suppresses the NO-dependent vaso
with FFA treatment were found in 3T3-L1 adipocytes dilation and may play the role in the salt-sensitive
cultured . These ROS generation processes can be hypertension development.
blocked by NADPH oxidase inhibitors, apocynin or
diphenyleneiodonium. Many studies suggest that Oxidative stress in type 2 diabetes
NADPH oxidase induces adipocytes ROS production . Many research studies demonstrated that T2DM patients
Moreover, obese mice ameliorated hyperinsulinemia, have increased ROS production-induced higher oxidative
hypertriglyceridemia, hyperglycemia and hepatic damage in the circulation and also have reduced
steatosis by supplementation with apocynin . These antioxidant defenses mechanisms
. Increased
data demonstrate that NADPH oxidase increase ROS ROS production in T2DM patients is thought to activate
production in obesity and metabolic syndrome may play many detrimental pathways including hexosamine
the important roles in the atherosclerosis, T2DM and pathways, advanced glycation end-products (AGEs)
cancer pathogenesis. Adipose tissue tries to increase formation, and PKCβ1/2 . Hyperglycemia condition
antioxidant enzymes levels to against ROS over can induce oxidative stress by several mechanisms such
production. However, these antioxidant enzymes activity as glucose autoxidation, polyol pathway, AGE formation
and expression are decreased in adipose tissue . and PKCβ1/2 kinase. Elevated free fatty acids, leptin
Then, increased ROS-production enzymes and decreased and other circulating factors in T2DM patients may
antioxidant enzymes may cause oxidative stress in also contribute to cause ROS overproduction. Figure
obese and metabolic syndrome. 5 demonstrates the association of increased ROS
production with atherosclerosis and sources of ROS
Oxidative stress and salt-sensitive hypertension: generations in T2DM patients.
As in mention above, ROS levels are increased in obesity
Glucose autoxidation
and can be ameliorated by weight loss . Obese rats
induced by refined sugar or high fat diet leading to ROS Hyperglycemia due to cause increased glucose metabolism
overproduction and increase oxidative stress . Many leading to increase NADH and FADH2 overproduction,
research evidences suggest that metabolic syndrome which are used by the electron transport chain of
was associated with the salt-sensitive hypertension. mitochondria to generate ATP . NADH overproduction
ROS play the roles as mechanical link of metabolic can cause the higher proton gradient production in
syndrome and salt-sensitive hypertension , mitochondria. These electrons are transferred to oxygen to
[139-142] [154]
which itself leads to ROS overproduction . Salt produce higher superoxide . The NADH dehydrogenase
restriction in hypertensive obesity was more effective of the complex Ⅰ ubiquinone oxidoreductase and complex
reduction in blood pressure than in hypertensive non- Ⅲ cytochrome c reductase are the two main site of
obesity patients, and weight loss in obesity and salt superoxide production via the electron transport chain .
sensitive hypertensive patients caused the successful
The polyol pathway
of blood pressure reduction . Salt-sensitive hyper
tensive patients were significantly more prevalent in Oxidative stress increased in circulation of T2DM patients
metabolic syndrome patients than without metabolic from the polyol pathway. ROS was generated by two
syndrome . Oxidative stress in abdominal adipocytes enzymes: (1) Aldose reductase in the reaction use
due to increase adipocytokines secretion such as NADPH to change glucose to sorbitol. Sorbitol production
TNF-α, angiotensinogen, non-esterified fatty acids . is a minor reaction in normal physiological conditions.
Interestingly, infused Ang Ⅱ-rats disturbed sodium However, 30%-35% of glucose in T2DM conditions is
balance to cause ROS overproduction in salt-sensitive metabolized by polyol pathway . In the condition
rats . Moreover, in salt-sensitive hypertensive of sorbitol overproduction, the availability of NADPH is
patients are also increased 8-isoprostane levels . reduced this reflect to reduce glutathione regeneration
Thus, ROS may the underling pathogenesis of diseases and NOS synthase activity to cause increased oxidative
in metabolic syndrome, obese and non-obese intake stress ; and (2) Sorbitol dehydrogenase in the second
excessive salt as the salt-sensitive hypertensive patients. step oxidizes sorbitol to fructose concomitant with
In high-renin patients (non-modulating salt sensitive NADH overproduction. Increased NADH may be used
hypertension) had elevated the homeostasis model by NADH oxidases to increase superoxide production
assessment of insulin resistance (HOMA-IR) levels .
include in mitochondrial over superoxide production.
Insalt-sensitive hypertensive non-obesity patients had
significantly lower insulin sensitivity than in non-salt- PKCβ 1/2
sensitive hypertensive patients . Insulin resistance Many structures and biochemical components changed
caused salt-sensitive hypertensive obesity and/or in the circulation of T2DM patients were caused from
metabolic syndrome patients . Increased renal PKCβ1/2 activation via diacylglycerol leading to cause
ROS overproduction may increase the salt sensitive dysfunction in endothelial contractility and permeability,
Glucose ↑ FFA ↑
oxLDL ↑
β-cell dysfunction
Figure 5 Summarizes the reactive oxygen species associations with atherosclerosis and sources of reactive oxygen species production in type 2
diabetes. oxLDL: Oxidized low density lipoprotein; FFA: Free fatty acids; AGEs: Advanced glycation end-products; VSMC: Vascular smooth muscle cells; ROS:
Reactive oxygen species.
hemodynamics (retinal blood flow) changes, extra observed in many pathogenesis conditions such as
cellular matrix protein synthesis, VEGF production and atherosclerosis, aging, T2DM and cancer, is caused from
[128,158,159] [170]
intracellular signaling in the vascular . mitochondrial ROS overgeneration .
detoxification plays the important roles to prevent lipid with no weight loss . Antioxidant coenzyme Q10
peroxidation production and regulation of the cellular supplementation can ameliorate the increased insulin
[182] [191]
redox status . The glutathione system, thioredoxin levels in circulation of SHR/cp rats . As mention above,
peroxidase is key enzyme to regulate the cellular levels of in over nutrition, the excessive glucose occur and a
thiol/disulfide while the production of antioxidant enzymes large amount of glucose is metabolized in the glycolysis
is regulated by the redox-cellular transcription factors . and TCA cycle leading to increased NADH and FADH2
For example, the expressed transcription factor NF-E2 production in electron transport chain of mitochondrial
related factor in the cytosolic is interrupted binding with and increased superoxide production . In aged animals
Keap-1 as the responsible to increase oxidative stress and models treated with antioxidant agents or hypocaloric
translocate to the nucleus for initiation of the transcription diets led to ameliorate in oxidative stress status and
of the various antioxidant enzymes
as the strategy tissue function .
to develop many class of antioxidant, anti-inflammatory,
and anticancer agents. Reduction in non-enzymatic Insulin resistance
antioxidants, thiol glutathione and thioredoxin are the In general population, insulin resistance precede in
major dysregulation of the cellular redox status . many years before onset of T2DM and it is also multi
[11,12] [11,13]
The cellular redox status is reflected by the reduction factorial such as genetic component . Insulin
of glutathione (GSH), oxidized glutathione (GSSG) resistance and reduction in insulin production are the
ratio (or GSH:GSSG ratio), ascorbic acid, tocopherols major characteristics of the T2DM pathogenesis .
and methionine and cysteine amino acids. Exogenous Modern lifestyle, physical inactivity, abdominal obesity and
herbal antioxidants compounds in dietary foods include excessive of adipokines can cause insulin resistance .
flavanoids, anthocyanins and polyphenolics act as ROS In early stage, normal glucose tolerance is preserved
scavenging . The direct interaction of ROS with non- by compensation hyperinsulinemia. About 25% of non-
enzymatic antioxidants is based on chemical structure diabetic subject cause insulin resistance in the same
properties. In free radicals participate in 1e- oxidation ranges that found in T2DM patients . Insulin resistance
while non-radical species was 2e- oxidation. For example, continuous increases and/or decreases in insulin secretory
O2 and OH• radicals react with the ascorbic acid and compensation responses, the deterioration into impaired
thiols. While the OH• more activity and instability react glucose tolerance occurred. Increased glucose, FFA and
with methionine and tocopherols. H2O2 and the non- insulin levels lead to ROS overproduction, increased
radical may react with thiols and methionine, and the oxidative stress and activate stress transduction factor
OONO discriminate to react with thiols, ascorbic acid, pathways. This can cause insulin activity inhibition and
tocopherols and methionine .
secretion to accelerate the onset of T2DM as shown in
Figure 6.
Oxidative stress induces insulin resistance Oxidative stress has been demonstrated the
Oxidative stress plays the major role in the association implication and association in the late complications of
with the insulin resistance pathogenesis by insulin signals diabetes mellitus as in the schematic of Figure 5.
disruption and adipocytokines dysregulation . In rat Many studies have demonstrated ROS overproduction
models, oxidative stress enhances insulin resistance. and increased oxidative stress to insulin resistance .
The evidence suggested that Ang Ⅱ infused rats Both in vitro studies and in animal models demonstrated
required the increased glucose infusion to maintain that α-lipoic acid (LA), antioxidant agent increase insulin
euglycemia during hyperinsulinemic clamp to stimulate sensitivity . In clinical trials, supplementation
ROS production . For this example, Ang Ⅱ-infused with vitamin C, vitamin E, glutathione increases insulin
rats were caused insulin resistance from the suppression sensitivity in both insulin-resistance and T2DM pa
on insulin-induced glucose uptake in skeletal muscle tients . LA act as insulin sensitizer agent, it
and increased in oxidative stress biomarkers in this increased insulin sensitivity about approximately 25%
animal experiment. In experimental model, superoxide and approximately 20% higher than metformin and
dismutase and tempol can reduce the insulin resistance. rosiglitazone, respectively . Oral supplementation
Many evidences indicated that ROS overproduction with LA formulation for 6 wk decreased circulating
[201] [202]
may induce insulin resistance and confirmed by the fructosamine levels and increase insulin sensitivity
supplementation of antioxidant tempol to cause insulin in T2DM patients and the other studies have confirmed
resistance amelioration in Ren-2 transgenic rats
. 2.5 mmol/L of LA to cause GLUT4 activation and
Insulin-target organs of the obese and diabetic KKAy translocation .
mice were stimulated and caused ROS over production Because insulin resistance occurred before chronic
[8] [12]
(skeletal muscle, liver and adipose tissue) and to cause hyperglycemia development , that difference from
insulin resistance in these organs. High fat-fed mice insulin resistance in the pre-diabetic state result from
found ROS overproduction in liver and adipose tissue oxidative stress activation by increased glucose levels.
of these obese mices to induce insulin resistance . However, obesity demonstrated the strong association
Many research studies suggested that antioxidant with insulin resistance. In this regard, the mediator of
agents decreased plasma insulin, glucose, triglycerides oxidative stress-induced insulin resistance of the pre-
levels and ameliorate insulin resistance in KKAy mice diabetic state might be from the adipocyte-derived
Hepatic glucose,
Impaired β-cell function
FFA production ↑
Glucose transport
(uptake) ↓ Insulin activity ↓
Insulin resistance
Figure 6 Insulin resistancedevelopment and consequence of β-cell dysfunction. FFA: Free fatty acid.
H2O2 production that can ameliorate by NAC exposed to high concentrations of glucose and FFA
supplementation. levels. There was decrease in insulin-gene activity and
insulin mRNA . In the study of islets co-culture with
β -cells glucose-induced toxicity high glucose and palmitate levels caused impaired
demonstrated that insulin secretion in T2DM insulin signaling of the glucose-stimulated insulin
patients improved by the reduction of hyperglycemia secretion . Recent studies have confirmed that β-cells
with diet, insulin or sulfonylureas. On the other hand, in lipotoxicity is the concurrent status as the amplifying
healthy normal, high glucose infused as a clamp reduces effect mediated by glucose toxicity in hyperglycemia
insulin secretion . In the study of long term culture of condition .
HIT-T15 and/or βTC-6 cells demonstrated that increased
glucose levels cause decreased insulin secretion, Dyslipidemia
insulin mRNA and decreased binding of transcription Insulin resistance and T2DM are characterized by
factors . Thus, glucose toxicity, the concept of the dyslipidemia one major risk factor for cardiovascular
condition of hyperglycaemia itself can decrease insulin disease. Lipid triad is the complex metabolic milieu
secretion which implies the irreversible damage to cellular associated with dyslipidaemia comprise with hyper
components of β-cells . Generally in β-cells, excessive triglyceridemia, low levels of high-density lipoprotein
glucose oxidation and metabolism will always cause to cholesterol (HDL-C) and the appearance of small,
ROS over production. Superoxide dismutase and catalase dense, LDL (sdLDL) - and caused excessive post
are normally as the detoxified antioxidant enzymes. prandial lipemia . Diabetic dyslipidemia caused
β-Cells are low amount of these antioxidant enzymes and from the disturbance of lipid metabolism, an early
also low in glutathione peroxidase, a redox-regulating event cardiovascular complications development and
[240] [249-253]
enzyme . Then, hyperglycaemia condition leads to was preceded in T2DM patients by several years .
increase ROS production and accumulation in β-cells and Indeed, insulin resistance status in both with and
subsequent of cellular components damage. Pancreas without T2DM patients was display qualitatively similar
duodenum homeobox-1 is an insulin promoter activity lipid abnormalities . The different components of
regulator was loss leading to β-cell dysfunction . diabetic dyslipidemia are closely linked to each other
Supplementation with NAC and/or aminoguanidine metabolically and are initiated by the elevation
can ameliorate the glucotoxic effects on insulin gene of triglyceriderich very LDL (VLDL) from hepatic over
[230] [249,251]
activity , reduced insulin levels and increased insulin production . It is the key importance mechanisms to
mRNA and insulin sensitivity . elucidate the over production of VLDL involved in diabetic
dyslipidemia .
β -cells lipid-induced toxicity In insulin resistance state, decrease insulin function
Lipotoxicity to β-cells concept, elevation of non- and lack of insulin inhibits lipolysis leads to increase FFAs
esterified fatty acids concentrations in diabetic and generation of and lower lipoprotein lipase activity. This
non-diabetic obese patients, result of the enhanced occurs after meal consumption, generates a chylomicron
adipocyte lipolysis. In the presence of the excessive remnant rich in TG , caused elevated hepatic FFAs
fatty acid oxidation in β-cells is caused increased long- and VLDL TG-rich particles secretion. These processes
chain acyl CoA accumulation leading to inhibite β-cells affects HDL-C metabolism through the interchange
function . This process is as an integral part of the with TG-rich lipoproteins via cholesteryl ester transfer
normal insulin secretory function. This long-chain protein to produce HDL particles containing high TG
acyl CoA can inhibit the insulin secretory function by concentrations. These HDL-TG particles were hydrolyzed
opening β-cell K -sensitive ATP channels. In the second with hepatic lipase to TG and HDL. This HDL becomes
mechanism, in long-term culture of β-cells formulas with smaller and less antiatherogenic activity, easily to
FFAs can effect the potential reduction on mitochondrial remove from the circulation by the kidneys. Moreover,
membrane and uncoupler proteins-2 over expression to insulin resistance in T2DM patients associated with
+ [255]
cause the K -sensitive ATP channels opening which lead endothelial dysfunction led to increase risk of CVD .
to decreased ATP production and insulin secretion . The most atherogenic subfractions of sdLDL are
Third mechanism, β-cells apoptosis might possess from elevated in circulation of obesity individuals, as a key
triglyceride or fatty acid induced ceramide synthesis feature in association with elevated triglyceride and
and/or nitric oxide production. Thus, impaired insulin low HDL cholesterol. Elevated sdLDL concentrations
secretion and β-cell dysfunction strongly associated with are also founded in abdominal obesity subjects and
the FFA-stimulated ROS overproduction . demonstrated greater myocardial risk.The mechanisms
are related to excess accumulation of abdominal
β -cells combined glucose/lipid toxicity adipose tissues, elevated total cholesterol and LDL-C
Elevation of glucose and FFA levels are the major and related to high saturated-fat consumption, weight
characteristic of T2DM patients. This combination is gain and obesity.
the major β-cells toxicity and require the maximize Dyslipidemia is commonly occurred in T2DM
protection. In culture cells of islets or HIT cells were patients and might play the major role in accelerated
macrovascular atherosclerotic disease and increased HDL-C can be used as markers of insulin levels, insulin
[256] [258,263]
CVD risk in T2DM patients . Dyslipidemia in T2DM resistance and CVD risk factor . The highest %
patients as lipids triad is characterized by increased sensitivity and % specificity cut-off points corresponding
insulin levels, hypertriglyceridemia, low HDL-C levels to the TC/HDL-C, TG/HDL-C ratios and non-HDL-C
and increased sdLDL-particles (independent of LDL- are 3.58, 2.48 and 130.4, respectively . Because of
cholesterol) and increased TG-rich remnant lipoprotein TC/HDL-C, TG/HDL-C ratios and non-HDL-C are easily
(TGRLs) concentrations . In this manner, low calculated and ordered with every lipid profiles available
HDL-C levels associated with hyperinsulinemia or insulin to the clinician and no costs addition. The cut-off value
resistance and insulin signaling for insulin-mediated of these ratios in Tangvarasittichai et al study was
[259] [266-268]
glucose disposal characterized by higher fasting lower than the results from Western populations .
plasma glucose and insulin levels. Then, these major Then, insulin resistance was significantly predicted by
changes associated with the insulin resistance syndrome these markers. For atherosclerotic risk assessment
are increased TGRLs and decreased HDL-C levels. Thus, in obesity, metabolic syndrome and T2DM patients
in dyslipidemia, using the lipoprotein concentration ratios requires more attention to lipid screening.
are associated with insulin resistance and increased
CVD risk conditions. Lipoprotein ratios might be useful Development of T2DM from insulin resistance
to identify insulin resistance individuals even different Insulin resistance often occurs with T2DM but is
in fasting glucose or insulin levels. Obesity, metabolic insufficient for the T2DM development. β-cells dysfunction
syndrome, and T2DM may also show the same dysli are important event for the T2DM development and
pidemia characteristic and measuring TG, progression. In early stage of insulin resistance, β-cells
HDL-C, TC/HDL-C and TG/HDL-C ratio in circulation may increase the secretory function try to compensate and
also use as insulin resistance estimation. For example, control hyperglycemia. In Pima Indian population study
these TG, HDL-C, TC/HDL-C and TG/HDL-C ratio are caused acute insulin response dysfunction or decreased
independently associated with insulin levels, insulin β-cell responses was found during the normal glucose
resistance and CVD risk . tolerance state in individuals who eventually progressed
from normal glucose tolerance to impaired glucose
Lipoprotein ratios: In description above, the major tolerance or T2DM when compared with individuals who
change is increased TGRLs and decreased HDL-C persisted in the state of normal glucose tolerance .
levels are associated with insulin resistance syndrome. There was evidence of early defects in glucose disposal
Insulin plays the important role in TG metabolism, in by decreased insulin sensitivity before the develop
normal condition TGRLs particles reduces synthesis ment of glucose intolerance state, although output of
by the distinct pathways when compared with VLDL circulating glucose did not increase until the progression
particles synthesis . Insulin fails to suppress VLDL from impaired glucose tolerance to T2DM revealed.
particles synthesis . Insulin resistance is significantly Interestingly, individuals who demonstrated transient
associated with increased lipid synthesis in the liver, glucose intolerance but were able to recover and to reach
increased FFAs flow to the liver and decreased VLDL normal glucose tolerance and did not show the early
particles clearance resulting in increased VLDL levels secretory defect observed in progressed individuals .
in the circulation . Thus, dyslipidemia (as lipoprotein β-cells failure or dysfunction occurred as the results of
ratios) may associate with insulin resistance and the combination of increased oxidative stress, glucose
increased CVD risk. On this basis, waist circumference, and lipids accumulation to cause glucotoxicity and
LDL-C, TG levels, insulin resistance and the CVD risk lipotoxicity to β-cells to progress increased apoptosis
are estimated . The major features of dyslipidemia and loss of the insulin granule secretory components
are determined by hypertriglyceridemia, low HDL-C expression .
levels and slightly high or normal LDL-C levels with
altered composition. Hypertriglyceridemia is indicate as
elevated atherogenic chylomicron and VLDL remnant T2DM
and associated with increased CVD risk . These The World Health Organization updated the prevalence
phenomenons demonstrated the problems of VLDL of T2DM estimated by the year 2025 those 30.3 million
and HDL levels but not the LDL levels and concurrent people in the United States and total of 380 million
with increased insulin levels. Low HDL-C level is people worldwide will be diagnosed as DM . By
associated with the hyperinsulinemia and/or insulin the year 2050, those 45.6 million Americans will be
resistance and insulin signaling for insulin-mediated diagnosed as DM . T2DM is associated with obesity,
glucose disposal . All of these features are associated sedentary lifestyle and lack of exercise in the aging
with coronary heart disease risk in obesity, metabolic population. There are a number of gene abnormalities
syndrome and T2DM patients. The TC/HDL-C, TG/ related to T2DM, that showed significant differences
HDL-C ratios and non-HDL-C (as TC - HDL-C) were exist in the abnormalities gene associated with T2DM
used as surrogate markers for insulin levels and insulin among the various ethnic populations, such as African
[258] [273,274]
resistance estimation. In Tangvarasittichai et al study Americans, Asians and Europids . The contribution
suggests that TC/HDL-C, TG/HDL-C ratios and non- of any one of these genes to T2DM is small and total
Table 1 Type 2 diabetes mellitus and glucose levels for Obesity and abdominal obesity
diagnostic criteria
Oxidative stress ↑
use in humans. Gemfibrozil and fenofibrate are Food and the FDA approved the inhalation form of insulin. The new
Drug Administration (FDA)-approved for lipid lowering drug is not a substitute for long-acting insulin and use
drugs due to milder effect on peroxisome proliferation. as the combination with conventional long-acting insulin
drug for both types of diabetes and many drugs are in
Nicotinic acid the late clinical trials state.
Long term study of the coronary drug project demon There are new medications and treatments were
strated that niacin is the effective drug to increase identified from the FDA, they are in the clinical trials or
HDL-C levels and reduced CVD events
in a non- waiting for approval treatment in dyslipidemia, obesity
diabetic subjects. Niacin cause adverse effects on the and T2DM . Recent research study reports that
glycemic control levels in T2DM patients. In high doses metformin treatment cause metabolic effects to increase
treatment with niacin may increase blood glucose GLP-1 concentration in the circulation . GLP-1 is an
levels. The modest doses of 750-2000 mg/d of niacin incretin generated from the transcription product of the
are significantly increased HDL-C levels and decreased proglucagon gene. Incretin is a signaling polypeptide
LDL-C, triglyceride levels and accompanied with modest contained with 30-amino acid. GLP-1 secretion by
changes in glucose levels for diabetes therapy
. ileal L-cells is not depend on the presence of nutrients
However, there is no evidence for the CVD outcomes in the small intestine and responsible for stimulated
reduction with niacin supplementation in T2DM patients. insulin secretion to limit glucose elevations with the
higher efficacy at high glucose levels . Elevated
Antihyperglycemic drugs: The standard care for GLP-1 secretion might possibly cause increased glucose
T2DM patients is mainly in controlled blood glucose absorption in the distal segments of small intestine.
levels by using glycemic lowering drugs and concomitant Incretins are the gastrointestinal hormone secreted
with controlled diet and increased physical activity. With from the intestine and stomach responsible for oral
proper controlled and managed these contributors such food intake and stimulated the secretion of insulin
as circulating glucose levels, hemoglobin A1c, lifestyle during meals in healthy peoples . Two major incretin
modifications, these can be effectively controlled and molecules are (1) GLP-1; and (2) Glucose-dependent
reduced the progression and complications disease. insulinotopic peptide knows as gastric inhibitory
In general, only approximately 50% to 60% of T2DM polypeptide (GIP) and to neutralize stomach acid to
patients have achieved their glycemic goals . There
protect the small intestine and no therapeutic efficacy
are many reasons for poor control of T2DM including in T2DM. GLP-1 has lower glucose levels by stimulated
medication efficacy, adverse effects, access to medi insulinproduction and increased glucose metabolism in
cations and health care education, poor adherence, adipose tissue and muscle. GLP-1 promote the pancreatic
lack of lifestyle changes and no physical activity. Now a β-cells proliferation, reduce apoptosis, increase cardiac
day, more pharmacologicals for T2DM treatment have chronotropic, inotropic activity, decreases glucagon
been approved for use. There are 12 classes of antihy secretion, reduces glucose production, increase appetite
perglycemic drugs FDA-approved in the United States
suppression for food intake reduction and slow gastric
such as sulfonylureas, meglitinides, thiazolidinediones, emptying . GLP-1 is degraded by enzyme DPP-4
dipeptidyl peptidase-4 (DPP-4) inhibitors, biguanides, and this enzyme does not inhibit by metformin . The
sodium glucose transporter 2 inhibitors, α-gluco prevention of GLP-1degradation by DPP-4 is one method
sidase inhibitors, amylin analogues and glucagon-like to increase the effects of GLP-1. DPP-4 inhibitor drugs
peptide-1 (GLP-1) receptor agonists. These are insulin inhibit the glucagon secretion which in turn increases
analogues. Metformin is one of the most commonly secretion of insulin to decrease blood glucose levels
prescribed medications for T2DM management. Met and decreases gastric emptying. The FDA-approved
formin treatment ameliorate the insulin resistance the DPP-4 inhibitor drugs including sitagliptin (Januvia),
especially in liver and skeletal muscle but less effect in alogliptin (Nesina), saxagliptin (Onglyza), linagliptin
adipose tissue , decreased inflammatory response, (Tradjenta), anagliptin, vildagliptin, teneligliptin,
improved glycemic control and enhance β-cell gemigliptin and dutogliptin. The adverse effects are
function in T2DM patients by increased insulin sensitivity dose-dependent to cause headache, vomiting, nausea,
and glucotoxicity reduction . Metformin reduces nasopharyngitis, hypersensitivity and other conditions.
fatty acid oxidation in adipose tissue , increased Other side effects of exenatide (GLP-1 agonist) note for
GLUT4 translocation in muscle and adipose tissues by abdominal pain, acid stomach, diarrhea, altered renal
activated enzyme adenosine monophosphate kinase function, weight loss, dysgeusia, belching and cause
and reduced gluconeogenesis in liver . There are pruritus, urticaria and rash reactions at the injection site.
many developed non-conventional drugs to improve
glycemic control such as Cycloset is used together with
diet and exercise to treat type 2 diabetes. Cycloset is not CONCLUSION
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agent for oral administration. Welchol is a high-capacity metals, medications, over nutrition, obesity and diseases
bile acid-binding molecule. Afrezza Inhalation Powder is in oxidative stress, insulin resistance development and
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