The Bureau of Prisons Sentence Computation Description
The Bureau of Prisons Sentence Computation Description
The Bureau of Prisons Sentence Computation Description
Sentence Computation, Primary Jurisdiction, Designations, and Early Release Eligibility based
on successful completion of the Residential Drug Abuse Treatment Program (RDAP) are
complex and fraught with exceptions. In this class we bring experienced, retired Bureau of
Prisons personnel to present and answer questions or developing strategies as to how to get
the questions answered.
Description: This class presents information to help attorneys, paralegals and investigators
better understand Bureau of Prison’s policies on Sentence Computation. Based on Bureau of
Prisons policies, this presentation gives insights into how sentence computations factors that
can cause untimely releases. The presentation provides proactive measures that attorneys can
take to better assist their clients in advance of sentencing.
1) Understand how the Bureau of Prisons calculates sentences
2) Understand how the Designation and Sentence Computation Center operates
3) Understand how to define Primary Custody
4) Understand how BOP determines Community Confinement
5) Understand factors that cause untimely releases
6) Understand Compassionate Release and the factors considered
Presentation Outline:
• Overview of the Bureau of Prisons Designation Process
• Organization of the Designation and Sentence Computation Center
• Bureau of Prisons’ Responsibility In Sentence Computation
• Defining Commencement of Sentence
• Prior Custody Credits
• Nunc Pro Tunc Decisions
• Calculation of Good Conduct Time
• Multiple Sentences (Concurrent vs Consecutive)
• Determining Primary Custody
• Community Confinement Programs
• Causes of Untimely Releases
• Johnson v United States Computations Post Sentence
• Compassionate Release
• Q&A
Jack Donson is the co-founder of Prisonology. Jack (CV Attached) retired from the Federal
Bureau of Prisons (BOP) after a 23 year career, during which he received national recognition in
various case management capacities. Prior to his position at the BOP, he was a probation and
parole officer in Pennsylvania at both the county and state levels. He currently serves as a
Director for FedCURE, a national non-profit advocacy group for prison reform. He also founded
and operates a prison consulting firm in New York City. He is on the Corrections Committee for
both the American Bar Association and the National Association of Criminal Defense Attorneys.
He co-developed Prisonology, an on-line educational tool for attorneys to help them prepare
their clients for prison.
Pete Dedes retired from the Bureau of Prisons in August 2017 after 30 years of meritorious
service. As part of his duties, he acted as Inmate Systems Manager until the position changed
to Supervisory Correctional Systems Specialist due to the BOP mission change of sentence
computations being moved to the Designation and Sentence Computation Center (DSCC),
Grand Prairie, TX.
Pete has extensive training in all sentencing matters, including Complex Sentences
(Concurrent/Consecutive), Old-Law, SRA, VCCLEA, PLRA, D.C. Sentences, Military sentences,
and jail credit issues. He received Legal Technician Training, Sentence Computation Training,
Advanced Sentence Computation Training, Inmate Systems Supervisor’s Training, Inmate
Systems Manager’s Training and NCIC Instructor.
Employment History
April 2013-Current: Executive Director of Out4Good, LTD , 44 Wall Street, 13th Floor, New
York, NY 10005 (212) 461 -2335
June 2011-Current: President of My Federal Prison Consultant, LLC, 44 Wall Street, 12th
Floor, New York, NY 10005 (212) 461-2252
July 2011-Current: Director of Program and Case Management Services, Fed CURE,
Plantation, Florida (Prison & legislation reform advocacy-nonprofit)
• Responsible for working various corrections posts throughout the prison including
inmate housing units, compound and perimeter patrol. (Medium facility-FCI)
Marywood University, Scranton, Pennsylvania
• Master of Science in Criminal Justice 1997 (Concentration in Public Administration)
• 1998 National Community Corrections Award
• 1990 National Correctional Treatment Specialist of the Year
• 1991 National Excellence In Annual Training Award
• Received dozens of other monetary personal achievement awards