Android Document
Android Document
Android Document
Human Archetypes ................................................................................................................................................................................ 3
Non-Human Archetypes ........................................................................................................................................................................ 6
New Item Qualities .............................................................................................................................................................................. 23
Weapons .............................................................................................................................................................................................. 23
Armor................................................................................................................................................................................................... 27
Gear ..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 28
Communication ................................................................................................................................................................................... 28
Cybernetics .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 28
Medical ................................................................................................................................................................................................ 29
Recreational & Entertainment............................................................................................................................................................. 29
Security ................................................................................................................................................................................................ 29
Tools .................................................................................................................................................................................................... 29
Many human characters have no specific specializations Laborer characters represent the general field workforce
or tendencies toward a field of expertise. They fit in every in New Angeles. They are miners, constructions workers,
situation and are able to fill in every role to some extent. warehouse staff and the like. They are more though and
resilient but at the cost of a weaker will.
This archetype is perfect for players who want a
character without any weakness. This archetype is perfect for players who want to be able
to “tank” and bring the fight into melee.
Suggested Career: Any.
Suggested Career: Infiltrator, Soldier.
Athletes are agile characters. They may be sportsman, Intellectual are characters focused on knowledge and
courier, street runners. In any case, they are fast and expertise. They may be working for corporation in
nimble. offices or even doctors. Criminal intellectual tend to be
good at making net runs against corporations.
This archetype is a solid choice for players who are
focusing on ranged combat options. This archertype is a good choices for characters who are
interested in non-combat, non-social skills, such as
Suggested Career: Soldier, Pilot. Medicine, Mechanics and Computers.
Urchin are the lowlife of the world. They live on the The Pushers represent the type of people that tend to
streets and most are workless or have a minimal wage have other do their biddings, not out of respect but
job. They depend mostly on begging to survive. Many of mostly by fear of intimidation. They could be
them tend to get on the wrong side of the law to survive. administrators as well as crime lords.
This archetype is a good choice for a player wanting to This archetype is good for players who wish to have
have his character being a criminal, stealing people and more options in encounters as their higher Willpower
making con jobs. and Strain Threshold allow to suffer more strain before
being exhausted.
Suggested Career: Infiltrator, Scoundrel.
Suggested Career: Leader, Soldier.
Aristocrats are people who are naturally good at Biroids are the alternate workforce proposed by Hass-
speechcraft. They tend to be in position of authority or at Biroid. They are tailoried to accomplish a certain set of
least be in the winning side of a social encounter. They task, which could be about anything. Thougher than
may either be high in a corporation hierarchy or a simple average humans, biroids are highly customizable and will
merchant. be better than humans at specific tasks, but will lack
expertise in others.
This archetype is perfect for a player who wants to focus
on social interactions. This archetype is the natural choices for players used to
“min-maxing”, as their starting XP pool is the highest.
Suggested Career: Leader, Socialite, Tradesperson.
Still, they’ll mostly end up with characteristics still at 1,
making them weak in many skills.
Infiltrators are mostly support marital characters, Leaders are people who have an ability to make
wielding heavy weaponry but lack the resilience of the themselves respected by their comrades. Their abilities to
common soldiers. coordinate operations make a team to work better.
Since the heavy weaponry they use are expensive, most Leaders can be found everywhere as it is mostly a natural
Infiltrators are supported by corporations or part of ability than training. You could have a CEO of company
security force or criminal organization. being a leader, as well as some street punk.
Infiltrator’s skills are focused on getting him to a support Leaders’ skills are mostly social oriented. They lack heavy
position and making the hell rain on its foes. As a ranged weapons skills, preferring to let the soldiers do
backup solution, Infiltrators are trained with melee the hard fight. Still, they handle small guns should they
weaponry. need to get into the fight.
The Infiltrator counts the following skills as career skills: The Leader counts the following skills as career skills:
Athletics, Coordination, Melee,Perception, Ranged Charm, Coercion, Cool, Discipline, Leadership,
[Heavy], Skulduggery, Stealth,andVigilance. Before Ranged [Light], Negotiation, and Perception. Before
spending experience during character creation, an spending experience during character creation, a Leader
Infiltrator may choose four of their career skills and gain may choose four of their career skills and gain one rank
one rank in each of them. in each of them.
While everyone in the Android universe knows how to In a world where the Network is easily accessible and
drive a vehicle, Pilots are ace. Capable to piloting every connects everything, Netrunners are the cyber criminal
possible craft, they are also good for using their artillery of the universe, breaking through ICE to get personal
as well as maintaining their crafts. data and make money out of it.
Since normal driving don’t require much skills, pilot Netrunners represent mostly the intrusive portion of the
characters are mostly corporate or military staff, making Network interaction. They are mostly criminals, whether
the best or a combat vehicle. independent or associated with some outlaw group.
Pilot’s skills are about vehicle combat and make a poor Netrunner’s trademark skill is computer, but such
choices for campaign that don’t involve vehicle character are also good on the street have have a knack
encounters. Because of their military training, Pilots are for other technology domains, such as mechanics.
also proficient with small firearms.
The Netrunner counts the following skills as career skills:
The Pilot counts the following skills as career skills: Computers, Discipline, Knowledge, Mechanics,
Cool, Driving, Gunnery, Mechanics, Perception, Perception, Piloting, Streetwise, and Vigilance. Before
Piloting, Ranged [Light], and Vigilance. Before spending experience during character creation, a Runner
spending experience during character creation, a Pilot may choose four of their career skills and gain one rank
may choose four of their career skills and gain one rank in each of them.
in each of them.
Roaming the streets are the scoundrel, with a mix of The Worlds of Android are full of political intrigue, with
social, combat and deceptive skills, scoundrel are at governments and megacorporations intertwined. The
confortable everywhere. socialites are expert at maneuvering through the
complexity of the relations between all these entities.
Scum of the city, thugs, workless people that mostly live
on the streetwise, Scoundrels provide for themselves the Socialites are mostly educated people, comfortable in
best they can with their low resources. etiquette and complex machinations.
Their diverse skills selection makes the Scoundrel a good Their social skills make them the perfect face character.
addition to any group as he can always contribute to the Outside of combat though, socialites are mostly limited
team, whether it’s combat, infiltration or social since they don’t possess much other skills.
The Socialite counts the following skills as career skills:
The Scoundrel counts the following skills as career skills: Charm, Cool, Deception, Knowledge, Negotiation,
Charm, Cool, Coordination, Deception, Ranged Perception, Streetwise, and Vigilance. Before spending
[Light], Skulduggery, Stealth, and Streetwise. Before experience during character creation, a Socialite may
spending experience during character creation, a choose four of their career skills and gain one rank in
Scoundrel may choose four of their career skills and gain each of them.
one rank in each of them.
Soldier is a common term for military trained characters. The Worlds of Android are ones of high technology.
In a world where there are conflicts, there is a need for Mainting this technology requires skills and Sysop are
armed forces and Soldiers are the main part of it. there to provide it, especially security.
Everyone with military training can be of the Soldier Sysop are the legal counterpart of Netrunner, which their
career; whether the character is from a private security main purpose is keeping security programs activated and
force, government army or even police enforcement unit. personal data protected. Mostly all Sysops are working
for companies, whether for small business or
Soldiers generally favor keeping foes at bay, making their megacorporations.
weapon rain over them. With Gunnery and Ranged
[Heavy] as career skills, Soldiers tend to wield the Like the Netrunner, Sysop are focused on technology.
deadliest weapons. In case they need to engage the Still, they differ in their approach and relationships,
enemy, they still have access to melee skill so they’re not having Cool and Leadership instead of Perception and
caught by surprise. Streetwise.
The Soldier counts the following skills as career skills: The Sysop counts the following skills as career skills:
Athletics, Coercion, Gunnery, Melee, Perception, Computers,Cool,Discipline, Knowledge, Leadership,
Ranged [Heavy], Resilience, and Vigilance. Before Mechanics, Piloting, and Vigilance. Before spending
spending experience during character creation, a Soldier experience during character creation, a Sysop may
may choose four of their career skills and gain one rank choose four of their career skills and gain one rank in
in each of them. each of them.
While Driving is a common sci-fi skill, in Android
universe, most vehicles are air born thanks to meg-lev
technology. Considering the few other vehicles that are
wheeled, everything have been included within the
Piloting skill.
Since Android Universe mostly focus on city-based
environments, Survival skill isn’t going to be used in this
Atheltics, Computers, Cool, Coordination, Discipline,
Knowledge, Mechanics, Medicine, Perception, Piloting,
Resilience, Skulduggery, Stealth, Streetwise, Survival and
Charm, Coercion, Deception, Leadership and
Brawl, Gunnery, Melee, Ranged [Heavy] and Ranged
Here is the list of available talents. Before your character heals strain at the end of an
encounter, if their strain is more than half of their strain
TIER I threshold, they heal two additional strain.
Tier: 5
Activation: Active (Incidental)
Ranked: No
When you purchase this talent for your character, choose
one skill. Once per round, your character may suffer 2
strain to use this talent to reduce the difficulty of the next
check they make using that skill by two, to a minimum of
Easy (◆).
Tier: 5
Activation: Passive
Ranked: No
Prerequisites: Your character must have purchased the
Overchargetalent to benefit from this talent.
When using the Overcharge talent, your character may
spend aa or t from the Mechanics check to
immediately take one additional action. This talent can
only be used once per check.
Tier: 5
Activation: Active (Action)
Ranked: No
Once per encounter, your character may use this talent
to make an opposed Charm or Coercion versus
Discipline check targeting one character within medium
range (or within earshot). If successful, the target suffers
strain equal to twice your character’s Presence, plus one
Here is the list of available equipment for characters.
The target (or impact point), and all engaged characters (friend or foe), suffer damage to all electronic (or electronically
enhanced) equipment they possess. The number of levels of damage suffered is equal to the weapon’s Overload rating.
The target (or impact point), and all engaged characters (friend or foe), must pass a Resilience check with a difficulty equal
to the weapon’s Screech rating; those that fail are Disoriented for a number of rounds equal to the weapon’s Screech
Name Skill Dam Crit range Encum Price Rarity Hard Special
Light Ranged Weapons
Pistol, Light R: Light 5 4 Short 1 100 3 1
Pistol, Heavy R: Light 6 3 Medium 1 300 3 2
Submachine Gun R: Light 5 3 Medium 2 400 6 1 Auto-fire
Flechette Pistol R: Light 4 2 Short 1 500 5 1 Pierce 2, Vicious 2
Flechette, Heavy R: Light 5 2 Medium 1 600 5 1 Pierce 2, Vicious 2
Laser Pistol R: Light 6 3 Short 2 650 7 1 Accurate 1, Burn 1
Heavy Ranged Weapons
Assault Rifle R: Heavy 8 3 Long 4 1,000 7 2 Auto-Fire
Hunting Rifle R: Heavy 8 3 Long 4 750 4 2 Accurate 1, Limited
Ammo 2
Laser Rifle R: Heavy 8 3 Medium 4 900 7 2 Accurate 1, Burn 1
Shotgun R: Heavy 8 3 Short 3 500 3 2 Blast 4, Knockdown,
Flechette R: Heavy 4 2 Medium 3 800 5 2 Blast 4, Pierce 2, Vicious
Launcher 3
Sniper Rifle R: Heavy 9 2 Extreme 4 1,200 6 2 Accurate 2, Limited
Ammo 4, Pierce 2
Gauss Rifle R: Heavy 10 2 Extreme 5 2,000 6 3 Cumbersome 3, Pierce
5, Slow-Firing 1
Flame Thrower R: Heavy 10 2 Short 4 2,550 4 2 Blast 6, Burn 4, Limited
Ammo 2
Machine Gun Gunnery 10 3 Long 6 1,500 6 3 Auto-Fire, Cumbersome
2, Pierce 2, Vicious 2
Portable Missile Gunnery 20 2 Extreme 8 100,000 8 0 Blast 10, Breach 2,
Launcher Cumbersome 3, Guided
3, Limited Ammo 1,
Prepare 1
This attachment represents modifying a melee weapon’s balance (particularly around the hilt or haft) to make it easier to
Use With: This attachment can be applied to any weapons that use the Melee skill and to one-handed weapons that use
the Melee skill.
Modifiers: The weapon gains the Accurate 1 quality, or increases any existing Accurate quality by 1. (If the weapon has
the Inaccurate quality, it reduces that quality’s rating by 1 to a minimum of 0, instead.)
Hard Points Required: 1
A bipod (a folding, two-legged stand) can be attached to the barrel of a firearm. The legs stabilize the firearm and take up some of its
Use With: This attachment can be applied to any Ranged (Heavy) or Gunnery weapon.
Modifiers: If the user spends one preparation maneuver to deploy the bipod, the weapon’s Cumbersome or Unwieldy qualities are
reduced by 2, to a minimum of 0, and the weapon’s encumbrance is reduced by 2, to a minimum of 0, while the user fires from a
crouched or prone position (or can brace the bipod against something solid).
Hard Points Required: 1
This attachment extends the barrel (or makes similar modifications) to make the weapon fire farther.
Use With: This attachment can be applied to any Ranged (Light), Ranged (Heavy), or Gunnery weapons, excluding
weapons such as grenades, or weapons that fire self-propelled ammo such as missile launchers.
Modifiers: The weapon’s range increases by one range band, to a maximum of extreme range. The weapon gains the
Cumbersome 2 quality, or increases its existing Cumbersome quality by 2.
Hard Points Required: 2
A “hair trigger” represents a modification that allows the user to fire a weapon very quickly, although this can be at the
expense of accuracy.
Use With: This attachment can be applied to any pistol.
Modifiers: When the user makes the first combat check with this weapon in an encounter, add sh to the results.
Hard Points Required: 1
This attachment increases a laser weapons damage output at the cost of cell charge.
Use With: This attachment can be used on any laser weapon.
Modifiers: Increase damage value by +2. GM may spend hh to have it run out of ammo.
Hard Points Required: 1
This attachment represents sharpening a blade to a razor edge, then reinforcing or treating that edge so that it can
withstand repeated blows.
Use With: This attachment can be applied to any close combat weapon that has a blade.
Modifiers: The weapon gains the Pierce 2 quality, or increases any existing Pierce quality by 1. The weapon also decreases
its Crit rating by 1, to a minimum of 1.
Hard Points Required: 1
These simple sights allow for efficient and reliable aiming at nearby targets, without the loss of peripheral vision.
Use With: This attachment can be used with any weapon.
Modifiers: Remove h from combat check results made at target’s within short to medium range.
Hard Points Required: 1
Adding jagged sawteeth to a bladed weapon means the wounds it makes are particularly brutal and damaging.
Use With: This attachment can be applied to any close combat weapon that has a blade.
Modifiers: The weapon gains the Vicious 1 quality, or increases any existing Vicious quality by 1.
Hard Points Required: 1
This attachment greatly dampens the sound of a weapon’s shot.
Use With: This attachment can be used with any slug weapons.
Modifiers: Shots can’t be heard by ear at long to extreme range. At shorter ranges, bb is added to any checks to detect
the sound of the weapon.
Hard Points Required: 1
A telescopic sight magnifies a target, allowing the user to shoot targets that they could normally barely be able to see
(futuristic versions may use special enhanced optics, rather than simple lenses).
Use With: This attachment can be applied to any ranged weapon that could logically benefit from the addition of a
telescopic sight.
Modifiers: The user reduces the difficulty of ranged combat checks made with this weapon at long and extreme range by
Hard Points Required: 1
Like a bipod, the tripod mount is a set of three folding legs that deploy from the center of the weapon to provide a stable
stand to fire from.
Use With: This attachment can be applied to any Ranged (Heavy) or Gunnery weapon with an encumbrance of 4 or more.
Modifiers: If the user spends two preparation maneuvers to deploy the tripod, the weapon’s Cumbersome or Unwieldy
qualities are reduced by 3, to a minimum of 0, and the weapon’s encumbrance is reduced by 4, to a minimum of 0. The
weapon may not be moved (except to pivot on the tripod mount) once it has been set up. The user must spend two
preparation maneuvers to take the tripod down.
Hard Points Required: 2.
A sling helps a user carry a particularly heavy weapon by taking up part of the weight.
Use With: This attachment can be applied to any Ranged (Heavy) weapon or ranged weapons that require two hands to
Modifiers: The weapon decreases its encumbrance by 2.
Hard Points Required: 1
Name Defense Soak Encumbrance Price Rarity HARD Special
Dense Clothing 0 +1 1 50 1 0
Flak Vest 0 +2 3 475 5 2
Ghillie Suit 1 0 1 95 4 1
Riot Armor 2 +1 5 675 6 3
Plasteel Carapace 1 +2 4 750 5 2
Optical Camo Suit 2 +0 2 580 7 1
Exosuit 1 +2 10 5,000 9 5
Communication Price Rarity Encumbrance
Flip Switch is a modification to an existing BMI. It allows someone to switch back between his physical and cyberspace
persona with an Easy Computer check. This allows to avoid going through the login process again. This enhancement
should be used only on low-risk operation as if the character’s consciousness is within his physical body, his cyberspace
avatar is still out there, unprotected from attacks.
This cyberware is an add-on to a classic Skulljack. These enhancements allow a user that is within the Cyberspace some
level of alertness about his physical body.
Having your skulljack pimped with such hardware, it allows your character to be able to use its Vigilance skill even though
he’s into the Cyberware, albeit a b penalty.
A skulljack is basically a BMI implant. Favored by Netcriminaln NetSec and GlobalSec, a skulljack is more efficient than
it’s Brain-net counterpart.
If your character has a skulljack implant, they reduce their Strain Threshold by one.
Remove up to 5 wounds. Each additional uses of painkillers removes one less wound. The count reset each day.
The emergency medkit allows a character to use the Medicine skill without suffering penalties.
The full Medkit adds a b on Medicine checks, in addition to provide the benefits of a dose of Painkillers once per scene.
A brain net is a flexible, net-like sheath that is wearable in order to access the Cyberspace, as well as experiencing next-gen
entertainments, such as sensies, gaming and such. It represents the standard Brain-to-Machine-Interface.
Using someone else’s BMI is a dangerous process. Upgrade any checks regarding using the BMI 3 times. Each h makes
the character suffering 2 strains. Each d inflicts a critical injury. Treat such critical as if the BMI had a Vicious rating of 2.
These goggles allow the user to see normally in the dark.
When wearing night vision goggles, your character removes up to bb added to their checks due to darkness.