How Children Learn Language
How Children Learn Language
How Children Learn Language
"It's my 'sponsibility!" says 4-year-old Jake as he puts his toy cars into the
block "garage" he has just completed with his classmate. "No! I will do that!'
insists Leila. "Let's see if we can find a compromise," suggests the teacher.
"Let's find a way that you can both take responsibility for putting the cars
We use language to express our intentions, describe our feelings, and understand
the ideas of others. It is a skill we use so effortlessly that it can easily be taken for
As early childhood educators, we have the privilege of watching the stunning
language growth that occurs in a child's early years. However, this privilege comes
with tremendous responsibility. What children accomplish during this time has a
lifelong impact. And although they seem to achieve much on their own, children
cannot progress without the nurturing, guidance, and modeling of appropriate
language use by the adults around them.
Building Vocabulary
When we think about vocabulary development, it is important to consider how word
knowledge grows and how it deepens. Both aspects of vocabulary development
are critical to the ability to use, act on, and expand children's language knowledge
Vocabulary grows by:
Expanding the child's exposure to, and interaction with, language. The more
language a child hears, the more words he will learn and use. This is an easily
overlooked but critically important first step in examining ways in which we can
enrich children's linguistic environments. It's important to take advantage of those
times during the day, including snack time, group time, and outdoor-play time,
when you can help engage children in lively conversation.
Embedding new words in familiar contexts. Young children love patterns and
routines that enable them to successfully predict what will happen next and to
experiment with variations of what they already know. By purposefully introducing
new words, you can increase their active, speaking repertoire. For example,
assuming most children can describe things using words such as "big and little,"
you might gradually engage in deliberate talk about "narrow and wide," "short and
tall," "low and high," and "tiny and huge" during block or dramatic play. This
significantly deepens conceptual knowledge by helping children see numerous
ways of looking at things.
Exposing children to rare and intriguing words. Young children love the sound of
long and seemingly difficult words. They will often pick up unusual words through
stories that are read to them, or through exposure to dramatic uses of language.
An older sibling of a new baby may arrive at school declaring that the baby's diaper
is "saturated." Another child may say that a friend's behavior is "ridiculous." These
instances of surprisingly sophisticated language use come from children's attention
to, and interest in, the way adults use language to express precise feelings and
Vocabulary knowledge deepens by:
Determine which books are best for shared reading (cumulative and
repetitive text, minimal text, high picture-text correlation) and which
books are best for reading aloud and listening comprehension.
Become familiar with a read-aloud ahead of time.
Select vocabulary words to use in your discussions with children after
the reading. Try to use words that appear more than once in the story.
Throughout the day or during the week, find ways to use words
encountered in read-alouds so children hear them in different contexts.
Celebrate and call out words that you have previously discussed if you
encounter them again in a different story.
Encourage a love of rare and unusual words.
Use unlined paper until you feel that children can write between the fines
with some consistency.
When you introduce lined paper, make sure that there is unlined space
at the top for illustrations. Or, you can alternate pages of lined and
unlined so that there is always a clear space for optional drawings.
Vary between free choice of topics and suggesting topics. It is hard for
young children to think of something to write on their own every day and
they often welcome any ideas you might have.
When providing a topic, alternate between experience-based
suggestions (class trips, weekend fun, reactions to stories, things that
make you feel happy, hurt, or sad) and writing-based suggestions
(creating a poem, writing a story using the words "Once upon a time,"
making a list for a specific purpose).
Let children use their journals just to practice. (You can even set aside
the left-hand pages or the pages at the back of the book for that
purpose.) Many who are already writing enjoy practicing writing letters
over and over Others like to practice writing new words they have
learned. Still others like to practice writing ideas before writing the actual
Treat journals as living documents. Encourage children to review their
own entries from time to time. By doing this, they will take pride in their
accomplishments and even use old entries as a source for new ideas.
Consider journals a vital part of your classroom. Just as it is important for
children to develop fluency in reading, they need to develop ease,
efficiency, and accuracy in their writing skills. This enables them to feel
confident, express ideas, and continue to make progress throughout the
elementary grades as work becomes increasingly more difficult.
The work we do now, in terms of language development, can have a big payoff for
children years down the road. Research shows that those children reaching school
age with smaller vocabularies, less depth in prior knowledge and background
experiences, and fewer experiences with hearing stories and exploring with print
are more likely to have significant problems in learning to read. It is clear that if we
boost children's language and literacy experiences, later difficulties can be
alleviated or even avoided.
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