Communicative Language Teaching Theories

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Underlying theories
1.1. The definition of CLT
Communicative Language Teaching is a set of principles about teaching including
recommendations about method and syllabus where the focus is on meaningful communication not
structure, use not usage. In this approach, students are given tasks to accomplish using language
instead of studying the language. The syllabus is based primarily on;
1. Functional development,
2. Not structural development.
3. In essence, a functional syllabus replaces a structural syllabus.
4. There is also less emphasis on error correction as fluency and communication
become more important than accuracy.
5. Authentic and meaningful language input becomes more important as well.
6. The class becomes more student-centered as students accomplish their tasks with
other students, while the teacher plays more of an observer role.
1.2. The features and principles of CLT
2.2.1 Features
1) Focus on meaning.
2) Communicative competence is the desired goal.
3) Learner-centered.
4) Fluency is the primary goal.
5) Students are expected to interact with other people, either in oral practice, through
pair and group work, or in their writings.
6) Dialogues, if used, center around communicative functions.
7) Intrinsic motivation will spring from an interest in what is being communicated by
the language.
8) Task-based.

2.2.2. Principles
1) The communicative principle: Activities that involve real communication promote
2) The task principle: Activities in which language is used to carry out meaningful tasks
promote learning.
3) The meaningfulness principle: Language that is meaningful to the learner supports the
learning process.

1.3. Advantages and disadvantages of communicative language teaching

1.3.1. Advantages of CLT
There are some advantages of CLT, there are;
1) The interaction between students and teachers.
Communicative teaching is becoming increasingly clear feature is the change in the way
as the internship; students develop the subject, initiative and become increasingly
important. Teacher-student relationship is an interactive, harmonious relationship, rather
than the traditional education, the kind of master-servant relationship.
2) To inform the basic knowledge and ability to skillfully combine the development.
Traditional classroom teaching of English in the main body of the expense of home
study, only emphasized the teachers on the knowledge of the systematic and integrity,
which is a teacher-centered, knowledge-centered from the medieval "scholastic"
teaching methods inherited One consequence of the neglect of student ability. The
communicative teaching emphasizes the learner's cognitive ability and operational
capabilities, which allow the students themselves to think about and express their views,
thus trained in real life the ability to use language to communicate.
3) Greatly improved the student's interest.
Communicative teaching students to participate in, sometimes accompanied by scenes
or simulated scenarios, so that students more close to life, the students became the main
character, naturally they were interested in the English language, to learn English as a
1.3.2. Disadvantages of CLT
There some disadvantages of CLT, There are;
1. It is felt that there is not enough emphasis on the correction of pronunciation and
grammar error. It is because too much focus on meaning at the expense of form.
2. CLT approach focuses on fluency but not accuracy in grammar and pronunciation.
3. The CLT approach is great for intermediate student and advanced students, but for
Beginners some controlled practice is needed.
4. The monitoring ability of the teacher must be very good
5. Grammar Teaching Practices make application of this approach difficult.

2. Lesson plan (with teaching material)

Target Audience Senior High School Students
Subject Speaking
To foster students’ speaking skills and in the primary EFL
Objective (Aim) classroom by creating
a ‘real-life’ communicative setting
Lost in London: Asking and Giving Directions

Teacher Citra Priski Abadi

Class IX SMA
Method Communicative Language Teaching (CLT)
Durations / Meetings 45 Minutes / 2 Meetings
Objectives Students will be able to;
1. Develop student’s speaking skills
2. Encourage asking and giving directions in English
3. Develop student’s speaking micro skills
4. Raise students communicative skills
5. Achieve skills integration
6. Enhance students collaboration
a central London map, You-tube videos, a lap-top,
Materials worksheets Speaking
Lesson Plans

Fist Meeting: ‘Lost in London: Asking and Giving Directions’

A. Pre-speaking Objectives Time
Step 1:  This warm-up task aims to 1 Min
1. activate prior world
a. The teacher introduces the topic
knowledge and relevant
by showing the Students a map of content schemata (related
central London and asking to target culture
questions e.g. awareness) and
What’ this? 2. motivate Ls by creating
Have you ever needed or used a expectations
Why do we usually need a map?

b. Predicting/Guessing:
Students are asked to make
guesses about the purpose of the
lesson, e.g. What are we going to
talk about today?

Step 2:  To provide Students with the 2 Min

Students are invited to listen to a necessary language input
‘real-life’ dialogue derived from a You-tube  To make Ls active listeners
video1 in which two interlocutors are talking  To integrate listening with
about directions: the man asking for writing
directions is a foreigner / tourist lost in the
capital of Britain and his interlocutor is
British able to give the directions needed
based on a map.
Step 3:  To motivate them through You- 2 Min
Students are asked to watch the tube technology
You-tube video with the subtitles in order to  To create a ‘real-life’ context
check their answers on their own first; then  To encourage self-correction
the teacher gives feedback.
Step 4:  To practice language related to 5 Min
Students are also provided with pictures asking and giving directions
to help them understand the meaning and use  To practice imperatives
of key imperatives for giving directions.
B) While-speaking
Step 5:  To make Ls act out a 8 min
Students work in pairs and are dialogue
provided with two maps. The idea of this task  To motivate Ls by visual
is information gap. Each learner gets a aids
different handout with different buildings  Skills integration
marked on the map. The student’s job is to  To check comprehension
exchange information in order to complete  To encourage
their maps. They should ask Excuse me, how communication
can I get to…? Questions. Some buildings  To engage Ls in a
(e.g. Railway Station) are marked on both speaking game
maps to give students some point of  To encourage peer
reference. The teacher has to mark X on all correction
the handouts by hand and make sure it’s in
the same place on both copies(Student A and
Student B) as the activity won’t work
Step 6:  To consolidate vocabulary
The teacher sets the scene: Students for asking & giving
imagine they are a group of friends visiting directions
London as tourists but they feel lost and need  To encourage Students act
somebody’s help to continue their out a ‘real-life’ dialogue
sightseeing. Fortunately, they’ve got three  To enhance group work
maps of central London. To save time, they  To create a ‘real-life’
decide to be divided into 3 groups to ask communicative setting
directions for three different places of  To promote Students’
interest; interaction
a. The Houses of Parliament,  To develop student
b. The Buckingham Palace and speaking skills
c. The Tower of London.  To make Ls realize how to
The 3 groups manage to find use a map
somebody to ask directions. Two members of  Skills integration
the group act out the dialogue to the whole (listening & speaking)
class. To facilitate Ls to carry out the
speaking task, the teacher can provide them
with a list of helpful expressions and
vocabulary for asking and giving directions.
C) Post-speaking
Step 7:  To develop Ls writing skill 5 Min
Each one of the above groups writes a using the appropriate
paragraph summarizing the directions for the linking expressions
specific place of interest they were assigned  Skills integration (writing
to find. They are asked to use appropriate & listening)
linking expressions.
Step 8:  To make students active 5 Min
A representative of each group reports listeners
the paragraph back to the whole class. While  To engage students in a
reporting back, the other groups listen speaking game
carefully to trace the way on their maps and  To check comprehension
circle the destination.
Step 9:  To provide and receive 1 Min
Students are given a self-assessment feedback
questionnaire to fill in by Ticking √ what’s
true for them in order to get a lesson
feedback as well.
Step 10:  To listen & sing 1 Min
Students view a video clip with a  To practice pronunciation
relevant song, entitled ‘Follow Directions2;  To listen, sing and dance
they sing following the lyrics in the subtitles for fun
and dance all


Lost in London: Asking and Giving Directions’

A. Pre-speaking stage:
Listen carefully to the dialogue and fill in the following gaps. Then watch the relevant video
and pay attention to the English subtitles to check your answers on your own.
“Asking and giving directions” – Transcript
-Excuse me!
-Yes, __________can I help?
-_____________,ehm, can you tell me the to Waterloo Station? I think I’m lost…
-I think you might be, yeah… You’re actually here right in the middle of Hyde Park.
- Oh dear…
- It’s _____________at all! All you need to do is continue___________ on through St James’ Park…
- And then, when you get to the Houses of Parliament, _______________left…
- Hhmmm…
- Then go _______________ the bridge…
- Ok…
- And then it’s first _________________ and you’re there, that’s Waterloo Station.
- Great, ok, so…ehm… Through Hyde Park, and then ___________ at the Houses of Parliament…
- No, no, no, LEFT at the Houses of Parliament!
- Right! (=Ok). ____________ at the Houses of Parliament. Ehm… Cross the bridge…
- That’s it!
- And then… to the _______________?
- First on the right!
- First on the right!
- And that’s Waterloo Station!
- Fantastic! Thank you very much.
- No problem, you’re _____________
- Bye!

B. While-speaking stage:
B.1. Look at the map below. There are buildings that are not marked on your map, but they are marked on
your friend’s map. You are at “X”. Ask your friend how to get there and mark the ten buildings on
your map. What question will you ask? What phrases will you use to answer the question?

How can I get to …?

The policestation,
the chemist,thethecharity
shoe shop,the
café, thesnack

How can I get to …?

The postoffice,
office, the
restaurant, the
bookshop, the
bookshop, thecinema,
cinema, the
boutique, thesupermarket,
baker's, thedry

B2. Simulation Activity: ‘Lost in London: How to get to …?’

1. You are a group of friends visiting London as tourists and you’ve just visited the British
2. At the moment, you feel lost and need somebody’s help to continue your sightseeing.
Fortunately, you’ve got three maps of central London. To save time, you decide to be divided
into 3 groups to ask directions for three main London sights: a. The Houses of Parliament, b.
The Buckingham Palace and c. The Tower of London.
3. In your groups study the map of central London and prepare a dialogue about asking and
giving directions for one of the three different sights.
4. Two members of your group act out the dialogue to the class.

C. Post-speaking stage:

C.1. Work in your groups again and write a paragraph to summarize the directions for the London
sight you were assigned to ‘find’ using appropriate linking expressions. Then a representative
of each group reports back to the class and the other groups listen carefully to circle the
destination ‘tracing’ the way on your maps.
Tick √ what’s true for you

Now I can: Tick √

1 Ask directions for a place
2 Give directions to a place
3 Act out a dialogue about directions
4 Take notes while listening to directions
5 Take turns while acting out a dialogue
6 Use a map to get to a place
7 Use imperatives to give directions
8 Use prepositions of place
9 Write a paragraph about directions
10 Work well with my classmates

3. Application of Communicative Language Teaching

3.1. Some preparations before class
3.1.1. Materials
1. Text-based materials
A typical lesson consists of a theme, a task analysis, for thematic development a practice
situation description, a stimulus presentation, comprehension questions and paraphrase
2. Task-based material
A variety of games, roles plays, simulations, and task-based communication activities
have been prepared to support Communicative Language Teaching classes.
3. Authentic Materials
Many proponents of Communicative Language Teaching have advocated the use of
“authentic” “real-life” materials in the classroom. These might include language based
realia, such as signs, magazines, advertisements, and newspapers, or graphic and visual
sources around which communicative activities can be built.
3.1.2. Procedures
Fincocchiaro and Brumfit once propose communicative procedures like this:
1) Presentation of a brief dialogue proceeded by a motivation and discussion of the function
and situation—people, roles, setting, topic and informality of language.
2) Oral practice of each utterance of the dialog segment.
3) Questions and answers based on the dialog topics and situation itself.
4) Questions and answers related to the students’ personal experiences but centered on the
dialog theme.
5) Study one of the basic communicative expressions in the dialog or one of the structures
which exemplify the function.
6) Learners’ discovery of generalizations or rules underlying the functional expression or
7) Oral recognition, interpretative activities.
8) Oral production activities.
9) Sampling of the written homework assignment, if given.
10) Evaluation of learning (oral only).
How to sequence these things is not the most important. What really effects is the principles
to follow. From the above procedures, we summarize as follows:
In a communicative lesson, the teacher should:
a. Presentation of the topic
b. Motivation of the students to participate in classroom activities
c. Discussion of situations and functions
d. Study, analysis and application of typical structures
e. Activities related to both the topic and students’ experiences
f. Evaluation of tasks
3.2. Using pictures and games in classroom
3.2.1. Using pictures in classroom
1. Why use pictures?
By providing a wide range of contexts, students can meet a range of situations and
experience that will equip them for real life communication. Specifically, pictures
contribute to:
a. interest and motivation
b. a sense of the content of the language
2. Five primary principles of using pictures in class
a. Easy to prepare
b. Easy to organize
c. Interesting
d. Meaningful and authentic
e. Sufficient amount of language
3. Some examples for using pictures
Topic from pictures
a. Show pictures from inside the book.
b. Ask the students to tell you as much as they can about the topic of the
3.2.2. Using games in classroom
1. Why use games?
Language learning is a hard task that can sometimes be frustrating. Constant effort is
required to understand, produce and manipulate the target language. Well-chosen games
are invaluable as they give students a break and at the same time allow students to
practice language skills. Games are highly motivated since they are amusing and at the
same time challenging. Furthermore, they employ meaningful and useful language in real
contexts. They also encourage and increase cooperation.
2. When to Use Games
Nowadays, games are often used as short warm-up activities or when there is some time
left at the end of a lesson. Yet, a game should not be regarded as a marginal activity filling
in odd moments when the teacher and class have nothing better to do. Games ought to be
at the heart of teaching foreign languages. They can be used at all stages of the lesson,
provided that they are suitable and carefully chosen.
3. How to Choose Games
a. A game must be more than just fun.
b. A game should keep all of the students involved and interested.
c. A game should encourage students to focus on the use of language rather than on
the language itself.
d. A game should give students a chance to learn, practice, or review specific
language material
4. Some ways to use games:
a. Picking the apples
b. Competition
c. Climbing the ladder
d. Hunting the match picture
e. Twenty Questions
f. Word Magic

You can create all kinds of appropriate meaningful and flexible games and
amusing activities and educational activities are necessary to keep the class enjoyable
and create a sense of fun. However, we must be careful that the activities do not last
too long or the children will become bored.

5. Conclusion
In conclusion, Communicative Language Teaching is an innovation of foreign
language teaching, aiming at improving students’ communicative competence. It also
helps to carry out quality education in foreign language teaching. Meanwhile, with the
rapid development of EFL teaching in non-English-speaking countries, English teachers
have become more aware that the exclusive use of either the Communicative Approach or
Audio-lingual method does not suit all English teaching situations.
Teachers have also discovered that no single teaching method deals with
everything that concerns the form, the use and the content of the target language. So we
can’t throw away the traditional teaching method completely. To make Communicative
Approach work well in Indonesia, we must reconcile it with the traditional Grammar-
Translation method that is still popularly used in senior high school.

6. References
Book resources:
Littlewood W. (1981). Communicative Language Teaching. Cambridge:Cambridge
University Press.
Byram, Michael. 2000. Routledge Encyclopedia of Language Teaching and Learning.
Taylor & Francis Routledge; New Yok.
Krashen, Stephen D. 1982. Principles and Practice in Second Language Acquisition
(Language Teaching Methodology). Pergamon Press Inc.
Harmer, Jeremy. 2001. The Practice of English Language Teaching, 3rd Edition-
Longman Press.
Internet Sources:
Videos resources:

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