Plan 1919

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Fuller's Plan 1919 – First Edition; May 24, 1918

Source: JFC Fuller's Autobiography; Memoirs of an Unconventional Soldier, 1938.


(1) The Influence of Tanks on Tactics: Tactics, or the art of moving armed men on the battlefield,
change according to the weapons used and the means of transportation. Each new or improved
weapon or method of movement demands a corresponding change in the art of war, and to-day
the introduction of the tank entirely revolutionises this art in that:

(i) It increases mobility by replacing muscular by mechanical power.

(ii) It increases security by using armour plate to cut out the bullet.

(iii) It increases offensive power by relieving the soldier from having to carry his
weapons, and the horse from having to haul them, and it multiplies the destructive
power of weapons by increasing ammunition supply.

Consequently, petrol enables an army to obtain greater effect from its weapons, in a given time
and with less loss to itself than an army which relies upon muscular energy. Whilst securing a
man dynamically, it enables him to fight statically; consequently, it superimposes naval upon
land tactics; that is, it enables men to discharge their weapons from a moving platform protected
by a fixed shield.

(2) The Influence of Tanks on Strategy: Strategy is woven upon communications; hitherto upon
roads, railways, rivers and canals. To-day the introduction of a crosscountry petrol-driven
machine, tank or tractor, has expanded communications to include at least 75 per cent, of the
theatre of war over and above communications as we at present know them. The possibility to-
day of maintaining supply and of moving weapons and munitions over the open, irrespective of
roads and without the limiting factor of animal endurance, introduces an entirely new problem in
the history of war. At the moment he who grasps the full meaning of this change, namely, that the
earth has now become as easily traversable as the sea, multiplies his chances of victory to an
almost unlimited extent. Every principle of war becomes easy to apply if movement can be
accelerated and accelerated at the expense of the opposing side. To-day, to pit an overland
mechanically moving army against one relying on roads, rails and muscular energy is to pit a
fleet of modern battleships against one of wind-driven three-deckers. The result of such an action
is not even within the possibilities of doubt; the latter will for a certainty be destroyed, for the
highest form of machinery must win, because it saves time and time is the controlling factor in

(3) The Present Tank Tactical Theory: Up to the present the theory of the tactical employment of
tanks has been based on trying to harmonise their powers with existing methods of fighting, that
is, with infantry and artillery tactics. In fact, the tank idea, which carries with it a revolution in
the methods of waging war, has been grafted on to a system it is destined to destroy, in place of
being given free scope to develop on its own lines. This has been unavoidable, because of the
novelty of the idea, the uncertainty of the machine and ignorance in its use.

Knowledge can best be gained by practical experience, and at first this experience is difficult to
obtain unless the new idea is grafted to the old system of war. Nevertheless, it behoves us not to
forget that the tank (a weapon as different from those which preceded it as the armoured knight
was from the unarmoured infantry who preceded him) will eventually, as perfection is gained
and numbers are increased, demand a fundamental change in our tactical theory of battle.

The facts upon which this theory is based are now rapidly changing, and unless it changes with
them, we shall not develop to the full the powers of the new machine; that is, the possibility of
moving rapidly in all directions with comparative immunity to small-arm fire.

From this we can deduce the all-important fact that infantry, as at present equipped, will become
first a subsidiary and later on a useless arm on all ground over which tanks can move. This fact
alone revolutionises our present conception of war, and introduces a new epoch in tactics.

(4) The Strategical Objective: Irrespective of the arm employed, the principles of strategy remain
immutable, changes in weapons affecting their application only. The first of all strategical
principles is ' the principle of the object,' the object being ' the destruction of the enemy's fighting
strength.' This can be accomplished in several ways, the normal being the destruction of the
enemy's field armies—his fighting personnel.

Now, the potential fighting strength of a body of men lies in its organisation; consequently, if we
can destroy this organisation, we shall destroy its fighting strength and so have gained our object.

There are two ways of destroying an organisation:

(i) By wearing it down (dissipating it).

(ii) By rendering it inoperative (unhinging it).

In. war the first comprises the killing, wounding, capturing and disarming of the enemy's soldiers
—body warfare. The second, the rendering inoperative of his power of command—brain
warfare. Taking a single man as an example: the first method may be compared to a succession
of slight wounds which will eventually cause him to bleed to death ; the second—a shot through
the brain.

The brains of an army are its Staff—Army, Corps and Divisional Headquarters. Could we
suddenly remove these from an extensive sector of the German front, the collapse of the
personnel they control would be a mere matter of hours, even if only slight opposition were put
up against it. Even if we put up no opposition at all, but in addition to the shot through the brain
we fire a second shot through the stomach, that is, we dislocated the enemy's supply system
behind his protective front, his men will starve to death or scatter.
Our present theory, based on our present weapons, weapons of limited range of action, has been
one of attaining our strategical object by brute force; that is, the wearing away of the enemy's
muscles, bone and blood. To accomplish this rapidly with tanks will demand many thousands of
these machines, and there is little likelihood of our obtaining the requisite number by next year;
therefore let us search for some other means, always remembering that probably, at no time in
the history of war, has a difficulty arisen the solution of which has not at the time in question
existed in some man's head, and frequently in those of several. The main difficulty has nearly
always lurked, not in the solution itself, but in its acceptance by those who have vested interests
in the existing methods.

As our present theory is to destroy 'personnel,' so should our new theory be to destroy
'command,' not after the enemy's personnel has been disorganised, but before it has been
attacked, so that it may be found in a state of complete disorganisation when attacked. Here we
have the highest application of the principle of surprise—surprise by novelty of action, or the
impossibility of establishing security even when the unexpected has become the commonplace.

Compared to fighting men there are but a few Commanders in the field; therefore the means
required to destroy these Commanders will be far less than those normally required to destroy
the men they control.

It is no longer a question of: Had Napoleon possessed a section of machine guns at Waterloo,
would he not have won that battle? But: Had he been able to kidnap or kill the Duke of
Wellington and his Staff at 9 a.m. on June 18, 1815, would he not have done equally well
without firing a shot ? Would not the sudden loss of command in the British Army have reduced
it to such a state of disorganisation that, when he did advance, he would have been able to walk
through it ?

It is not my intention in this paper to deprecate the use of brute force, but to show that much
brute energy and loss of brute energy may be saved and prevented if we make use of the highest
brain-power at our disposal in applying it.

(5) The Suggested Solution: In order to render inoperative the Command of the German forces
on any given front, what are the requirements ?

From the German front line the average distance to nine of their Army Headquarters is eighteen
miles; to three Army Group Headquarters forty-five miles; and the distance away of their
Western G.H.Q,. is one hundred miles. For purposes of illustration the eighteen-mile belt or zone
containing Army, Corps and Divisional Headquarters will prove sufficient.

Before reaching these Headquarters elaborate systems of trenches and wire entanglements,
protected by every known type of missile-throwing weapon, have to be crossed.

To penetrate or avoid this belt of resistance, which may be compared to a shield protecting the
system of command, two types of weapons suggest themselves:
(i) The aeroplane.
(ii) The tank.

The first is able to surmount all obstacles; the second to traverse most.

The difficulties in using the first are very great; for even if landing-grounds can be found close to
the various Headquarters, once the men are landed, they arc no better armed than the men they
will meet; in fact, they may be compared to dismounted cavalry facing infantry.

The difficulties of the second are merely relative. At present we do not possess a tank capable of
carrying out the work satisfactorily, yet this is no reason why we should not have one nine
months hence if all energies are devoted to design and production. The idea of such a tank exists,
and it has already been considered by many good brains; it is known as the 'Medium D tank,'
and its specifications are as follows:

(i) To move at a maximum speed of 20 miles an hour.

(ii) To possess a circuit of action of 150 to 200 miles.
(iii) To be able to cross a 13- to 14-foot gap.
(iv) To be sufficiently light to cross ordinary road, river and canal bridges.

(6) The Tactics of the Medium D Tank: The tactics of the Medium D tank are based on the
principles of movement and surprise, its tactical object being to accentuate surprise by
movement, not so much through rapidity as by creating unexpected situations. We must never do
what the enemy expects us to do; instead, we must mislead him, that is, control his brain by our
own. We must suggest to him the probability of certain actions, and then, when action is
demanded, we must develop it in a way diametrically opposite to the one we have suggested
through our preparations.

Thus, in the past, when we massed men and guns opposite a given sector, he did the same and
frustrated our attack by making his own defences so strong that we could not break through
them, or if we did, were then too exhausted to exploit our initial success. At the battle of
Cambrai, when our normal method was set aside, our blow could not be taken advantage of,
because the forces which broke through were not powerful enough to cause more than local
disorganisation. The enemy's strength was not in his front line, but in rear of it; we could not, in
the circumstances which we and not he had created, disorganise his reserves. Reserves are the
capital of victory.

A study of Napoleon's tactics will show us that the first step he took in battle was not to break his
enemy's front, and then when his forces were disorganised risk being hit by the enemy's reserves;
but instead to draw the enemy's reserves into the fire fight, and directly they were drawn in to
break through them or envelop them. Once t^is was done, security was gained; consequently, a
pursuit could be carried out, a pursuit being more often than not initiated by troops disorganised
by victory against troops disorganised by defeat.

Before the third battle of Ypres [Passchendaele] began, we had drawn in large forces of the
enemy's reserves ; this, judged by the Napoleonic standard, was correct. Where we failed was,
that once we had drawn them in we had no old guard at hand to smash tnem. At the battle of
Cambrai we struck with our old guard (tanks) before the German reserves were on the battlefield.
It was a blow in the air, and the result was that we crashed through the enemy's front and then,
when his organised reserves were brought up, having no old guard to meet them, the tactical
advantage was theirs and not ours—we were repulsed.

Tactical success in war is generally gained by pitting an organised force against a disorganised
one. This is the secret of Napoleon's success. At Ypres we had not the means to disorganise the
enemy; at Cambrai the enemy did not offer us the opportunity to disorganise him; both battles
were conceived on fundamentally unsound tactical premises. What we want to aim at now is a
combination of these two ideas:

(i) To force the enemy to mass his reserves in a given sector.

(ii) To disorganise these reserves before we break through them.

This done, pursuit, the tactical act of annihilation, becomes possible. Pursuit is the dividend of
victory; the more reserves we force the enemy to mass, so long as we disorganise them, the
greater will be the tactical interest on our capital. With the Medium D tank and the aeroplane
there is no reason why we should not receive one hundred per cent, interest upon our
investments. This represents winning the war in a single battle.

(7) The Medium D Tank Battle: A battle based on the powers of the Medium D tank may in brief
be outlined as follows :

A frontage of attack of some ninety miles should be selected, and on this frontage, by the
inducement of visible preparation some four or five German armies collected. Then the area
lying between the lines connecting up the German Army Headquarters and those linking their
Divisional Headquarters will form the zone of the primary tactical objective. Heretofore it has
been the area between the enemy's front line and his main gun positions, but this zone will now
become the secondary tactical objective. The geographical position of objectives is therefore
reversed: the last becomes the first and the first becomes the last. Here is the foundation of

Once preparations are well in hand, without any tactical warning whatsoever, fleets of Medium
D tanks should proceed at top speed by day, or possibly by night, directly on to the various
Headquarters lying in the primary tactical zone. If by day, these targets can be marked by
aeroplanes dropping coloured smoke, and if by night, by dropping coloured lights, or by guns
firing coloured light shells. As the longest distance to be covered may be taken as twenty miles,
the Medium D tanks should reach the German Army Headquarters in about two hours.

Meanwhile every available bombing machine should concentrate on the various supply and road
centres. The signal communications should not be destroyed, for it is important that the
confusion resulting from the dual attack carried out by the Medium D tanks and aeroplanes
should be circulated by the enemy. Bad news confuses, confusion stimulates panic.
As soon as orders and counter-orders have been given a little time to become epidemic, a
carefully mounted tank, infantry and artillery attack should be launched, the objective of which is
the zone of the enemy's guns; namely, the secondary tactical zone some 10,000 yards deep.

Directly penetration has been effected, pursuit should follow, the pursuing force consisting of all
Medium tanks available and lorry-carried infantry. To render this force doubly powerful, it
should be preceded by squadrons of Medium D tanks, which will secure all centres of
communication, break up hostile Army Group Headquarters and disperse all formed bodies of
troops met with. The German Western G.H.Q,. should be dealt with by dropping several hundred
tons of explosives upon it: that, at least, will neutralise clear thinking.

(8) The Morcellated Front of Attack: A continuous front of attack of ninety miles may seem too
extended to be practicable. By a simple tank manœuvre, this front, so far as the attackers are
concerned, can be reduced to fifty miles without reducing the total of ninety miles to be
disorganised. Diagram 17 illustrates this manoeuvre. A-H represents the ninety-miles frontage of
attack. Of this frontage the sectors A-B, C-D, E-F and G-H, totalling fifty miles, are to be
penetrated by heavy tanks and infantry, and the Sectors B-C, D-E and F-G are to be enveloped.
Should a few Medium D tanks be used to co-operate in this envelopment, the confusion created
in the sectors B-C, D-E and F-G will probably be sufficient to reduce the resistance of the
defenders holding them to such a point that they can easily be dealt with. If this is not thought
likely, these flank attacks can be supported by massed frontal artillery fire, or by weak infantry
attacks protected by heavy barrages on the old lines.

(9) The Effect of the Medium D Tank on Tactics: The improvement in any one arm, especially an
improvement in mobility, will affect the utility and employment of all the remaining arms in a
degree proportionate to the improvement. Taking the various arms—infantry, cavalry, artillery,
aircraft, engineers and commissariat—the following deductions can be made:

(i) Infantry.—Except for gaining the secondary zone, infantry on their feet will be
next to useless. They will have to be carried forward in mechanical transport if they
are ever to keep up with the pursuit of the Medium D tank, which will advance to a
minimum depth of twenty miles a day.

The employment of infantry should be on the following lines:

(a) To assist in the tactical penetration.

(b) To operate in areas unsuited to tanks.
(c) To occupy the areas conquered by the tanks.
(d) To protect our rear services.

After the first blow, the likelihood of infantry having to attack will be reduced ;
consequently, their chief duty will be to form a mobile protective line in rear of the
Medium D tanks, in order to secure the administrative and engineer services from
local annoyance. Therefore, their tactics will be defensive, and their chief weapon
will be the machine gun.
(ii) Cavalry.—If cavalry have sufficient endurance to keep up a pursuit of at least
twenty miles a day for a period of five to seven days, their value will be
considerable, for they will be able to form mounted skirmishing lines between the
groups of Medium D tanks, and it may be assumed that even should the entire
cavalry force by the end of the seventh day be horseless, after a pursuit of 150 miles
the enemy will be reduced to a non-fighting condition.

(iii) Artillery.—The heavy artillery will disappear as a mobile arm after the first day's
advance, and will be relegated to its original position in the siege train. The field
artillery, if still horse-drawn, will be unable to keep up with the fighting after the
second or third day's advance. Field artillery horses must, therefore, be replaced by
tractors ; this even to-day is becoming a necessity on account of the difficulty of
keeping horses alive on or behind the battlefield.

(iv) The Royal Air Force.—As the mobility of the tank increases, so will it have more
and more to rely on the aeroplane for its security and preservation.

The duties of the R.A.F. will be as follows:

(a) To act as an advanced guard to the tanks.

(b) To assist tanks in disorganising the enemy's Headquarters.
(c) To guide tanks on to their objectives.
(d) To protect tanks from hostile gun fire.
(e) To supply advanced squadrons of tanks with petrol, ammunition, etc.
(f) To act as messengers between tanks and their bases. .
(g) To carry tank Brigade Commanders above their sectors of operation,
in order that these officers may see what their machines are doing and
may handle their reserves accordingly.

Aeroplanes will bear to tanks a similar relationship as cavalry to infantry in the old

(v) Royal Engineers—-The duties of Royal Engineers and Pioneer units will be
considerably enlarged. Their work will be confined chiefly to the improvement of
communications—roads and rails and the building of bridges. All defence work will
be relegated to infantry.

(vi) Army Service Corps—The mobility of the A.S.C. will be taxed to its utmost.
Horses will disappear and road lorries will have to be supplemented by field lorries if
the troops are to be adequately supplied. All road lorries should easily be convertible
into field lorries by some simple wheel attachment, which will enable them to
traverse grass and ploughland.

The main fact is that the mobility of the Medium D tank will increase the mobility of all the
other arms. Draught horses will disappear, and by degrees riding horses as well. Consequently,
the more mobile arms will prove the most useful, the less mobile either disappearing from the
battlefield or being brought up to the requisite standard of mobility by mechanical means.

(10) The Influence of the Medium D Tank on Grand Tactics: The influence of the mobility of the
Medium D tank on grand tactics (the penetration or envelopment of an enemy) is almost beyond
appreciation. Penetration of existing defences becomes considerably easier than the old field
attack over unentrenched ground; envelopment —a mere matter of leisurely manoeuvre.

Besides these advantages, frontages of attack can be extended out of all former proportion to the
strength of the attacking forces, and surprise forms the basis of every action.

So long as the enemy is unable to meet the Medium D tank by a similar or a superior weapon, all
attacks based on its powers will become methodical; that is, they will be carried out according to
plan, the disorganisation of the rear services will cease because the initiative will be ours, the
enemy's will being subordinate to our own.

(11) The Influence of the Medium D Tank on Strategy: Strategy, or the science of making the
most of time for warlike ends, that is of opportunity, will practically cease for that side which
pits muscular endurance against mechanical energy.

The possibility of applying naval tactics to land warfare is an entirely new application of the
strategical principles, which at present endow the side which can apply them with incalculable
power. Formerly strategy depended on communications, now communications will become
universal, and though roads and rails will not disappear, they will become but lines of least
resistance to movement in the universal vehicle which the earth's surface will be turned into by
all types of cross-country machines.

Strategically the leading characteristic of the Medium D tank is that it is a time-saver, on account
of its high speed, its extensive radius of action and its locomobility— power to move in all
directions on a plane surface. Compared to infantry in battle, its speed is ten times as great and
its radius of action twenty-five times greater. Its protective power is beyond comparison.

The saving of time in battle means the saving of time in manufacture; consequently, the
reduction of manpower in production.

Time is, however, our enemy; for the only thing to fear now is that we shall not have sufficient
time wherein to produce these machines by next year. To use a new machine in driblets is to
make the enemy a patentee in the design. To fail to win the war in 1919 through lack of Medium
D's is to risk being beaten by a better German machine in 1920. For it must be remembered that
as yet no weapon has been produced which time has not rendered obsolete. The number of
Medium D tanks required by May 1919 is 2,000, and with this number there is every prospect of
ending the war."

Appendix Attached to the Paper

(1) These calculations only take into account the approximate requirements for the Tank Corps,
whether British or Allied. They do not include tank transportation for infantry and the other arms.

(2) The frontage of operations is 90 to 100 miles, the frontage attacked being 50 miles.

(3) Calculations are based on the following premises :

(i) Breaking Force.—Heavy tanks to break through the entrenched zone (secondary
objective) supplemented by Medium D tanks to envelop such parts of the front not
attacked and to form offensive flanks.
(ii) Disorganising Force.—Medium D tanks to disorganise the enemy's Command in
rear of the entrenched zone (primary objective).
(iii) Pursuing Force.—A tank pursuing force composed of all types of Medium

(4) Breaking Force.—The Breaking Force to operate in three echelons. In the first
two, one heavy tank to each 100 yards of frontage, in the third, one to every 150 yards

1st Echelon 880 Heavy tanks.

2nd Echelon 880 Heavy tanks.
3rd Echelon 587 Heavy tanks.
In Reserve 245 Heavy tanks.
2,592 Heavy tanks.
Medium D tanks for offensive flanks . 130
Medium D tanks for enveloping flanks 260
Total Medium D tanks 390

(5) Disorganising Force.—The following enemy Headquarters to be disorganised:

4 Army H.Q.s, 20 Medium D tanks each 80

16 Group H.Q.s 20 Medium D tanks each 320
70 Divisional H.Q.s, 5 Medium D tanks each 350
2 Army Group H.Q.s, 20 Medium D tanks each 40
Total Medium D tanks 790

(6) Pursuing Force.—The pursuing force to consist of 820 Medium D and 400 Medium C tanks.

(7) Number of Battalions comprised in the above:

2.592 Heavy tanks 54 Heavy Battalions.

2,400 Medium tanks 36 Medium Battalions.
In Brigades this means: 18 Heavy and 12 Medium Brigades.

(13) A rough estimate of the personnel required may be arrived at by allotting 20 all
ranks to each Heavy tank and 10 to each Medium :

2,502 Heavy tanks 51,840 officers and men.

2,400 Medium tanks . 24,000 officers and men.
For Subsidiary, Supply, etc. 14,460 officers and men.
Total 90,300 officers and men.

(14) Battalions might be divided among the Allied Powers as follows:

British . 27 Heavy Battalions 9 Medium Battalions.

French 13 Heavy Battalions 13 Medium Battalions.
American 14 Heavy Battalions 14 Medium Battalions.
Total 54 Heavy Battalions 36 Medium Battalions.

This would mean that the British Tank Corps would have to be expanded from about 17,000 to
37,000 all ranks.

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