1997 Computstat Review
1997 Computstat Review
1997 Computstat Review
discussions, stats, and author profiles for this publication at: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/2584514
0 153
2 authors, including:
Jürgen Symanzik
Utah State University
All content following this page was uploaded by Jürgen Symanzik on 04 March 2013.
The book discussed in this review is one of the most recent additions
to Springer's series on\Statistics and Computing". In contrast to many
other books in that series, where multi{purpose statistical packages such as
R and XploRe are the matter of interest, Pannatier's book covers
a very specialized collection of four WindowsTM programs that can be used
for spatial data analysis and variogram modeling of irregularly located data
in two dimensions.
The 91 pages of the book are split into six chapters, appendix, bibliog-
raphy, and index. It includes a 3.5" diskette with programs containing the
latest version of Variowin, i. e., version 2.2.
The introduction in Chapter 1 gives an overview of the main features of
the program and summarizes the history of the software, originally developed
as part of Pannatier's Ph.D. research.
Chapter 2 is probably the most important part of the book for readers
with little time. It gives a quick start into the four programs included in
Variowin 2.2: Prevar2D (construction of a pair comparison le), Vario2D
with PCF (exploratory variography), Model (interactive variogram modeling),
and Grid Display (displaying grid les as pixel maps). Each page of this
S{PLUS is a registered trademark of MathSoft, Inc.
Windows is a registered trademark of Microsoft, Inc.
chapter contains screendumps from one of the four previously listed programs.
The text indicates which steps are required to obtain the window contents
visible in the screendumps. The required demonstration data used here is
provided on the accompanying diskette.
Chapter 3 is a very short introduction of pair comparison les (PCFs) and
describes how these are created using Prevar2D and what kind of problems
had to be overcome.
In Chapter 4, the interactive exploratory variography features that are
available in Vario2D with PCF are described. This program allows the calcu-
lation and display of (cross) h{scatterplots, (cross) variogram surfaces, direc-
tional (cross) variograms, and (cross) variogram clouds. Whenever one of the
options Calculate | Variogram Surface or Calculate | Directional
Variogram is selected, the following measures of spatial continuity can be
displayed: (cross) variograms, standardized (cross) variograms, (cross) co-
variances, (cross) correlograms, and (cross) madograms. Denitions of these
are also given in this chapter.
Pannatier uses (what we call)
^ij (h) =
1 N (h)(z (x ) , z (x + h)) (z (x ) , z (x + h));
2N (h) k=1 i k i k j k j k
XN (h)
ij (h) = N 1(h) (zi (xk + h) , zj (xk ))2 :
While all other programs of the Variowin 2.2 package are almost self{
explanatory, the program Model (used for interactive variogram modeling)
alone software. The new links between software packages referred to above
allow one to modify displays in the statistical package while the sample map
in the GIS, that also displays many other types of geographic information, is
concomitantly modied (and vice versa). Variowin only allows simultaneous
modications of sample maps and plots in its window but, unfortunately, no
additional geographic information can be displayed.
In the long run, Variowin also has to compete against S+SpatialStats from
MathSoft. Many researchers are already familar with the basic S , PLUS
software and, therefore, may not be willing to learn how to use a new pack-
age. In general, S+SpatialStats oers a much broader functionality for the
exploration and modeling of spatially correlated data, including some (but
not all) of the features provided by Variowin. However, it should be left to
the reader to decide if he or she is interested in a comprehensive software
package for the analysis of spatial data (provided by S+SpatialStats) or in
the very specialized and sophisticated exploratory variography and variogram
modeling for geostatistical data (provided by Variowin).
Anselin, L. & Bao, S. (1996), Exploratory Spatial Data Analysis Linking
SpaceStat and ArcView, Technical Report 9618, West Virginia Univer-
sity, Morgantown, WV.
Clark, I., Basinger, K. L. & Harper, W. V. (1989), MUCK | A Novel
Approach to Co{Kriging, in B. E. Buxton, ed., `Proceedings of the
Conference on Geostatistical, Sensitivity, and Uncertainty Methods for
Ground{Water Flow and Radionuclide Transport Modeling', Battelle
Press, Columbus, OH, pp. 473{493.
Cook, D., Majure, J. J., Symanzik, J. & Cressie, N. (1996), `Dynamic Graph-
ics in a GIS: Exploring and Analyzing Multivariate Spatial Data Using
Linked Software', Computational Statistics 11(4), 467{480.
Cressie, N. A. C. (1993), Statistics for Spatial Data (revised edition), Wiley,
New York, NY.
Isaaks, E. H. & Srivastava, R. M. (1989), Applied Geostatistics, Oxford Uni-
versity Press, New York, NY.
Journel, A. G. & Huijbregts, C. J. (1978), Mining Geostatistics, Academic
Press, London.
Ver Hoef, J. M. & Cressie, N. (1993), `Multivariable Spatial Prediction',
Mathematical Geology 25(2), 219{240.
Ver Hoef, J. M. & Cressie, N. (1994), `Errata: Multivariable Spatial Predic-
tion', Mathematical Geology 26(2), 273{275.