CL Vibration Clamp

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to control vibration on
piping and machine systems

Vibration Clamps
(general purpose)

Other products:

 DamperX Clamp (superior)

 DamperX Brace
 DamperX Cylinder Support
 Vibration Absorber

 Rugged construction for
vibration application
 3X bolt stretch over
conventional clamps
 Longer bolts and sleeves
CL Vibration Clamps reduce chance of vibration
(for general purpose applications)  Carbon steel construction

Field-proven designs for compressors, pumps and  Design based on decades of

troubleshooting experience
related piping systems  Used successfully in
numerous demanding
Piping vibration is a major industry issue causing fatigue failures in process piping, applications
drain lines, ESD lines, and other connections. Wood Group’s pipe clamps are  Oversized to accommodate
designed to withstand vibration and extend the life of your asset. specified clamp liners and
wear pads
Based on decades of troubleshooting vibration problems, Wood Group VDN  Custom finishes and
(formerly BETA Machinery Analysis) developed its own range of clamps for electroplated coating options
readily available
vibratory service. These clamps have been used successfully in numerous
 Primed for corrosion
demanding compressor and pumping applications.
protection during transport

To prevent loosening, Wood Group’s clamps have longer bolts and sleeves,
increasing bolt stretch for a given preload by 3X over conventional clamps. Wood
Group provides certified Mill Test Reports (MTRs) and Quality Assurance (QA)
documentation on all metal materials, liners, and wear pads.

Vibration, Dynamics & Noise

(formerly BETA Machinery Analysis)
Basic restraints are not effective for vibratory loads and can cause expensive damage and failures
Product offering
 Wide range of models address Description Pipe ≤ 6 in Pipe > 6 in
vibration, thermal loads, and
insulated pipe spools CL-1: Piping Vibration
Our most popular hold-down clamp for piping in vibratory services.
 Customized solutions available
This design reduces vibration-induced loosening by increased bolt
 Accommodates liners, pads stretch; a common, industry-wide problem.
CL-8: Insulated Pipe Clamp
 All hardware provided
Need hold-down clamps for insulated piping? The CL-8 is a versatile
 Complete installation design ideal for this application.
instructions provided including
bolt torque requirements CL-17: Thermal Expansion and Vibration

 Primed for corrosion protection Designed with vibration control in mind while allowing for thermal growth;
during shipment and on-site this PTFE-lined clamp provides vibration stiffness and thermal flexibility.

 Variety of custom finishes Note: Contact us for other, customized clamp solutions.

Which clamp is ideal for my application?

Basic Pipe Vibration Insulated Vibro-Thermal DamperX
Restraints (CL-1) (CL-8 ) (CL-17 ) Clamp
 Custom-finishes with specified Non-Vibratory Loads
primers and coatings (optional) (standard process piping)

 Electroplating; nickel, zinc, or

Vibratory Loads
cadmium for sour gas or Compressors, pumps and
offshore exposure (optional) related piping (superior)
 Bolts, washers and nuts
Vibration & Thermal
Expansion (hot piping)
 Available for piping diameters High Vibration
of 1 in (25 mm) and above Wide Speed Range
Damping Required
 Imperial: model CL-1/8/17-xx
where xx refers to pipe
diameter in inches: 1, 1.5, 2, 3,
4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20,
24, 30, 36, 40, 42 If you experience vibration problems at site, our dedicated team can help with troubleshooting,
vibration assessments, recommendations and solutions.
 Metric: model CL-1//8/17-xxM
where xx refers to pipe
diameter in mm: 25, 40, 50, How to order
80, 100, 150, 200, 250, 300, Contact us for further information including price, delivery, and installation guide:
350, 400, 450, 500, 600, 750, : 1 800 561 2382 (toll free in North America)
900, 1000, 1050 : [email protected]

Vibration, Dynamics & Noise

(formerly BETA Machinery Analysis)

Examples of successful applications of Wood Group's CL-1 clamps

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