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SPL (Selected Latest Jurisprudence) in Column
The Court has held that prior The discussion in People v. Lim is
surveillance is not necessary to render a buy- apropos: x xx [A]ny apprehending team having
bust operation legitimate, especially when the initial custody and control of said drugs and/or
buy-bust team is accompanied at the target area paraphernalia, should immediately after seizure
by the informant. Similarly, the presentation of and confiscation, have the same physically
an informant as a witness is not regarded as inventoried and photographed in the presence of
indispensable to the success in prosecuting the accused, if there be any, and or his
drug-related cases. In this case, the informant representative, who shall be required to sign the
had actively participated in the buy-bust copies of the inventory and be given a copy
operation and her testimony, if presented, would thereof. The failure of the agents to comply
merely corroborate the testimonies of the with such a requirement raises a doubt
members of the buy-bust team. (People vs. whether what was submitted for laboratory
Monceda, G.R. No. 176269, November 13, examination and presented in court was
2013, Brion, J.) actually recovered from the appellants. It
negates the presumption that official duties
3. What is “Marking”? have been regularly performed by the PAOC-
TF agents. (People vs. Balibay, G.R. No.
“Marking” is the placing by the 202701, September 10, 2014 ,Perez, J.)
apprehending officer of some distinguishing
signs with his/her initials and signature on the First, it is not clear from the evidence
items seized. Consistency with the “chain of that the marking, which was done in the police
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station, was made in the presence of the on. Moreover, no one testified as to how the
accused or his representative. Although the confiscated items were handled and cared for
Court has previously ruled that the marking after the laboratory examination. (People of the
upon “immediate” confiscation of the prohibited Philippines vs. Arturo Enriquez De los
items contemplates even that which was done at Reyes, G.R. No. 197550, September 25,2013,
the nearest police station or office of the Leonardo-De Castro, J.)
apprehending team, the same must always be
done in the presence of the accused or his In the case at bar, instead of
representative. immediately marking the subject drug upon its
confiscation, PO2 Tuzon marked it with his
Second, the prosecution failed to duly initials “EAT” only upon arrival at the police
accomplish the Certificate of Inventory and to station. While the failure of arresting officers to
take photos of the seized items pursuant to the mark the seized items at the place of arrest does
above-stated provision. not, by itself, impair the integrity of the chain of
custody and render the confiscated items
Third, the Court finds conflicting inadmissible in evidence, such circumstance,
testimony and glaring inconsistencies that would when taken in light of the several other lapses in
cast doubt on the integrity of the handling of the the chain of custody that attend the present
seized drugs. (People of the Philippines vs. case, forms part of a gross, systematic, or
Freddy Salonga y Afiado, G. R. No. 194948, deliberate disregard of the safeguards that are
September 2, 2013, Sereno, CJ.) drawn by the law, sufficient to create reasonable
doubt as to the culpability of the accused.
The following are the links that must be
established in the chain of custody in a buy-bust 6. Failure to immediately mark the seized
situation: First, the seizure and marking, if drugs.
practicable, of the illegal drug recovered from
the accused by the apprehending officer; To be able to create a first link in the
Second, the turnover of the illegal drug seized chain of custody, then, what is required is that
by the apprehending officer to the investigating the marking be made in the presence of the
officer; Third, the turnover by the investigating accused and upon immediate confiscation.
officer of the illegal drug to the forensic chemist “Immediate confiscation” has no exact definition.
for laboratory examination; and Fourth, the Thus, in People v. Gum-Oyen, testimony that
turnover and submission of the marked illegal included the marking of the seized items at the
drug seized from the forensic chemist to the police station and in the presence of the
court. accused was sufficient in showing compliance
with the rules on chain of custody. Marking upon
The first crucial link in the chain of immediate confiscation contemplates even
custody starts with the seizure from Enriquez of marking at the nearest police station or office of
the dangerous drugs and its subsequent the apprehending team. (People of the
marking. Nowhere in the documentary and Philippines vs. Giovanni Ocfemia y Chavez,
testimonial evidence of the prosecution can it be G.R. No. 185383, September 25, 2013 ,
found when these items were actually marked Leonardo-De Castro.)
and if they were marked in the presence of
Enriquez or at least his representative. 7. Crime of illegal sale of dangerous drugs
necessarily includes the crime of illegal
The second link in the chain of custody possession.
is the turnover of the illegal drug by the
apprehending officer to the investigating officer. Well-settled in jurisprudence that the
However, they both failed to identify the person crime of illegal sale of dangerous drugs
to whom they turned over the seized items. necessarily includes the crime of illegal
There is no evidence to show that he was the possession of dangerous drugs.
person who received the seized items from the
apprehending officers. The Court had further clarified, in
relation to the requirement of marking the drugs
As for the third and the last links, “immediately after seizure and confiscation,” that
although records show that Chief of Police the marking may be undertaken at the police
Erese signed the request for laboratory station rather than at the place of arrest for as
examination, he was not presented in court to long as it is done in the presence of the accused
testify as such. The testimony of Chief of Police and that what is of utmost importance is the
Erese is indispensable because he could have preservation of its integrity and evidentiary
provided the critical link between the testimony value. (People of the Philippines vs. Michael
of SPO2 David, and the tenor of the testimony of Maongco y Yumonda, G.R. No. 196966,
P/Insp. Dizon, which the parties have stipulated October 23,2013, Leonardo-De Castro, J.)
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11. Failure to present the buy-bust money
8. Failure to make an inventory and to take not fatal.
photographs of the subject drug.
Failure to present the buy-bust money is
Contrary to the argument of the not fatal to the prosecution’s cause. It is not
defense, even the buy-bust team’s failure to indispensable in drug cases since it is merely
make an inventory and to take photographs of corroborative evidence, and the absence thereof
the subject drug did not adversely affect the does not create a hiatus in the evidence for the
prosecution’s case. What is essential is that the prosecution provided the sale of dangerous
integrity and evidentiary value of the seized drugs is adequately proven and the drug subject
items which would be utilized in the of the transaction is presented before the court.
determination of the guilt or innocence of the (People vs. Bayan, G.R. No. 200987, August
accused are preserved. (People vs. Loks, G.R. 20, 2014, Perez, J.)
No. 203433, November 27, 2013, Reyes, J.)
12. Actual and constructive possession
A proviso was added in the distinguished.
implementing rules that “noncompliance with
these requirements under justifiable grounds, as Exclusive possession or control is not
long as the integrity and the evidentiary value of necessary. The accused cannot avoid
the seized items are properly preserved by the conviction if his right to exercise control and
apprehending officer/team, shall not render void dominion over the place where the contraband is
and invalid such seizures of and custody over located, is shared with another. (People vs. De
said items.” Pertinently, it is the preservation of La Trinidad,G.R. No. 199898, September 03,
the integrity and evidentiary value of the seized 2014,Perez, J.)
items which must be proven to establish the
corpus delicti. (People vs. Cerdon, G.R. No. 13. Effect of failure to offer in evidence the
201111, August 6, 2014, Perez, J.) Certificate of Inventory and the formal
request for examination of the confiscated
Coordination with the PDEA is not an substance.
indispensable element of a proper buy-bust
operation. A buy-bust operation is not It is true that the prosecution did not
invalidated by mere non-coordination with the formally offer in evidence the Certificate of
PDEA. (People vs. Montevirgen, G.R. No. Inventory and the formal request for examination
189840 December 11, 2013, Del Castillo, J. ) of the confiscated substance. Be that as it may,
the Court has previously held that even if an
9. What does marking upon immediate exhibit is not formally offered, the same “may
confiscation mean? still be admitted against the adverse party if,
first, it has been duly identified by testimony duly
It begins with the marking of the seized recorded and, second, it has itself been
objects to fix its identity; Marking upon incorporated in the records of the case.” PO3
“immediate” confiscation can reasonably cover Velasquez categorically testified that an
marking done at the nearest police station or inventory of the seized drugs was performed, a
office of the apprehending team, especially corresponding certificate was prepared, and a
when the place of seizure is volatile and could formal request for examination was made. He
draw unpredictable reactions from its further narrated that together with the formal
surroundings. (People vs. Bautista, G.R. No. request, he submitted and delivered the
198113 December 11, 2013, Abad, J.) confiscated drugs to the crime laboratory. On
the basis of the said formal request, P/Insp.
10. Testimony of poseur-buyer not Roderos examined the specimen and she
indispensable. likewise testified on this. Appellant’s counsel
even asked the said prosecution witnesses
The testimony of the poseur-buyer was regarding these documents. Considering the
not therefore indispensable or necessary; it said testimonies and the fact that the documents
would have been cumulative merely, or were incorporated in the records of the case,
corroborative at best." His testimony can they are therefore admissible against appellant.
therefore be dispensed with since the illicit (People vs. Baturi, G.R. No. 189812,
transaction was actually witnessed and September 01, 2014, Del Castillo, J.)
adequately proved by the prosecution
witnesses. (People vs. Marcelo, G.R. No. 14. Presentation of confidential informant.
181541, August 18, 2014, Del Castillo, J.)
The non-presentation of the confidential
informant as a witness does not ordinarily
Address: Unit 2, 4 Floor, España Place Building, 1139 Adelina Street corner España Boulevard 4
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weaken the State's case against the accused. 18. With reference to the importation and
However, if the arresting lawmen arrested the possession of blasting caps, it seems plain
accused based on the pre-arranged signal from beyond argument that the latter is inherent in
the confidential informant who acted as the the former so as to make them juridically
poseur buyer, his non-presentation must be identical. There can hardly be importation
credibly explained and the transaction without possession. When one brings
established by other ways in order to satisfy the something or causes something to be
quantum of proof beyond reasonable doubt brought into the country, he necessarily has
because the arresting lawmen did not the possession of it. The possession
themselves participate in the buy-bust ensuing from the importation may not be
transaction with the accused. actual, but legal, or constructive, but
whatever its character, the importer, in our
In People vs. Lopez (214 SCRA 323), it opinion, is a possessor in the juristic sense
was held that there was no need for the and he is liable to criminal prosecution.
prosecution to present the confidential informer
as the poseur-buyer himself positively identified Applying the aforequoted ruling, this
the accused as the one who sold to him one Court finds that while appellants cannot be held
deck of methamphetamine hydrochloride or liable for the offense of illegal importation
"shabu." The trial court then properly relied on charged in the information, their criminal liability
the testimonies of the police officers despite the for illegal possession, if proven beyond
decision of the prosecution not to present the reasonable doubt, may nevertheless be
informer. (People vs. Andaya, G.R. No. sustained. As previously mentioned, the crime
183700, October 13, 2014, Bersamin, J.) of importation of regulated drugs is committed
by importing or bringing any regulated drug into
15. Buy-bust operation defined. the Philippines without being authorized by
law. Indeed, when one brings something or
A buy-bust operation is "a form of causes something to be brought into the
entrapment, in which the violator is caught in country, he necessarily has possession of the
flagrante delicto and the police officers same. Necessarily, therefore, importation can
conducting the operation are not only authorized never be proven without first establishing
but duty-bound to apprehend the violator and to possession, affirming the fact that possession is
search him for anything that may have been part a condition sine qua non for it would rather be
of or used in the commission of the unjust to convict one of illegal importation of
crime." (People vs. Adriano, G.R. No. 208169, regulated drugs when he is not proven to be in
October 08, 2014, Perez, J.) possession thereof.
16. When seized item is “fruit of the At this point, this Court notes that
poisonous tree”. charging appellants with illegal possession when
the information filed against them charges the
Records have established that both the crime of importation does not violate their
arrest and the search were made without a constitutional right to be informed of the nature
warrant. While the accused has already waived and cause of the accusation brought against
his right to contest the legality of his arrest, he is them. The rule is that when there is a variance
not deemed to have equally waived his right to between the offense charged in the complaint or
contest the legality of the search. (Danilo information, and that proved or established by
Villanueva y Alcaraz vs. People, G.R. No. the evidence, and the offense as charged
199042, November 17, 2014, Sereno, CJ. ) necessarily includes the offense proved, the
accused shall be convicted of the offense
17. Plain view doctrine and its requisites. proved included in that which is charged. An
offense charged necessarily includes that which
The plain view doctrine applies when is proved, when some of the essential elements
the following requisites concur: (1) the law or ingredients of the former, as this is alleged in
enforcement officer in search of the evidence the complaint or information, constitute the
has a prior justification for an intrusion or is in a latter.
position from which he can view a particular
area; (2) the discovery of the evidence in a plain Indeed, the Court has had several
view is inadvertent; and (3) it is immediately occasions in the past wherein an accused,
apparent to the officer that the item he observes charged with the illegal sale of dangerous drugs,
may be evidence of a crime, contraband or was convicted of illegal possession thereof. In
otherwise subject to seizure. (Rizaldy Sanchez those cases, this Court upheld the prevailing
y Cajili vs. People, G.R. No. 204589, doctrine that the illegal sale of dangerous drugs
November 19, 2014, Mendoza, J.) absorbs the illegal possession thereof except if
the seller was also apprehended in the illegal
Address: Unit 2, 4 Floor, España Place Building, 1139 Adelina Street corner España Boulevard 5
Sampaloc, Manila (Beside UST near Morayta Street)
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possession of another quantity of dangerous Regulations of R. A. No. 9165 on the handling
drugs not covered by or not included in the and disposition of seized dangerous drugs
illegal sale, and the other quantity of dangerous states: x x x Provided, further, that non-
drugs was probably intended for some future compliance with these requirements under
dealings or use by the accused. Illegal justifiable grounds, as long as the integrity and
possession of dangerous drugs is therefore an evidentiary value of the seized items are
element of and is necessarily included in illegal properly preserved by the apprehending
sale. Hence, convicting the accused with the officer/team, shall not render void and invalid
former does not violate his right to be informed such seizures of and custody over said items.
of the accusation against him for it is an element (People vs. Rosauro, G.R. No. 209588,
of the latter. February 18, 2015, Perez, J.)
Psalms 9:10-11
Address: Unit 2, 4 Floor, España Place Building, 1139 Adelina Street corner España Boulevard 8
Sampaloc, Manila (Beside UST near Morayta Street)
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