SCT-HSEP-002-HSE Procedure Document Control - Rev.00
SCT-HSEP-002-HSE Procedure Document Control - Rev.00
SCT-HSEP-002-HSE Procedure Document Control - Rev.00
no Q3602-SAM-G-HD-00002
HSE Procedure Document Control Date 22, May. 2013
Page 1/7
1 Added new procedure 2013-07-10 J.Y Jung S.J Pak B.K Cho
2.1 Objective(s).................................................................................................................. 2
This procedure describes the preparation, approval, issue, distribution and change of
procedures, forms, and other documents that are controlled as part of the Health,
Safety and Environmental (HSE) procedure. Use of this procedure will ensure that only
current and properly authorized documents and information are available for use that
revisions are communicated, and that out of date and obsolete information is
2.1 Objective(s)
To ensure that HSE procedure document are controlled in and effective manner for
easy referencing and management.
2.2 Aim(s)
To meet international and client standards and of HSE document management and
3.1 The procedure applies to the HSE procedure document control and related forms,
issued by and applicable to all Samsung ODI P2&P5 Project.
3.2 It also applies to incident control procedures and work instructions, which may vary in
their style and content from HSE procedure documents, and to documents of external
origin (standards, specifications, etc).
Ensuring that all HSE document are centrally controlled and distributed HSE
procedures to employees and subcontractors. Also, the document controller is
responsible for maintaining procedures, related formats and documents.
HSE Manager shall be trained internally on the document management and control.
Each procedure or related formats issued that is distributed either as hard copy, or
electronically, shall:
1) be legible;
2) have a unique identity (title and/or reference number);
3) have an issue status (date, and/or revision level, and/or issue status);
4) reference the name of the issuer or authorized;
5) be controlled in a manner that ensures that updates are communicated, and
obsolete information is withdrawn.
Such documents, other than those which are controlled, are the responsibility of user
departments and issuers concerned.
Any document related HSE shall be identified using a unique title, given document
numbering and date of issue.
The document number takes the format :
It is the necessary to identify each document, so all of HSE document shall be marked
as required.
This section applies to the HSE management system procedures, and related forms.
7.4 Format
1) Overview
2) Purpose – Objectives & Aims
3) Scope
4) Roles & Responsibilities
5) Qualification & Competency Management
6) Procedural Requirements
7) Method of Work
8) Completion of Work
HSE procedure documents are prepared by HSE team who has adequate knowledge
of the subjects concerned. The HSE Manager will review the content of each new
document, referring to other management and staff to ensure its suitability, including
the HSE manager concerned.
Procedures shall only be made available for general distribution after they have been
reviewed by the HSE Manager and approved by the Project Manager. A hard copy of
each authorized document, signed by the HSE Manager and Project Manager.
Forms that are referenced in procedures will be deemed to be authorized as part of the
The HSE Manager will review the revised document and refer to attachment.
The revised document will be identified by raising the issue level, e.g. from 0 to 1, 1 to
2, etc.
For Procedures brief details of the change are entered in a ‘cover page’ for the
Incident-Accident Reporting
10 Q3602-SAM-G-HD-00010 22-May-13 0
and Investigation
11 Q3602-SAM-G-HD-00011 Lifting 22-May-13 0