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A12  PALO VERDE VALLeY TIMES, Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Ready for the hunt

Blythe welcomes this
season’s dove hunters
California Department species, switching between
of Fish & Wildlife one and the other depend-
special to the times ing on what birds they
bump? Or must they only
In accordance to Cali- possess steel (or bismuth or
fornia directive, Blythe tungsten or other certified
officially welcomes the nonlead ammunition) while
start of this year’s dove hunting chukar, and then
hunting season. have to use that ammuni-
From Sept. 1 — 15, tion if they run into quail?
the city’s will see visit- (Jim M.)
ing aficionados come Answer: No. When hunting
and, once again, enjoy and targeting two different
the tradition and lei- species, and the possession of
sure of the year’s first lead ammunition is prohib-
dove hunting season. ited for one of those regulated
The below Q&A is species but not the other, you
courtesy of the Califor- are held to the confines of the
nia Department Fish &
most restrictive regulation. In
Wildlife’s (CDFW) “Cal-
this case, chukar fall under
ifornia Outdoor” pub-
the regulation that says, it is
lication, which high-
“unlawful to use, or possess
lights frequently asked
with any shotgun capable of
questions regarding
firing, any projectile(s) not certi-
dove hunting. Marine
fied as nonlead…” (California
biologist Carrie Wil-
Code of Regulations, section
son, a 30-year CDFW
veteran, answered the 250.1(d)(2)).
loaned photos
submitted questions Thus, if you are using your
In accordance to California directive,  Blythe officially welcomes the start of this year’s dove hunting season. From Sept. 1 — trusty shotgun to hunt both
from a variety of hunt-
15, the city’s will see visiting aficionados come and, once again, enjoy the tradition and leisure of the year’s first dove hunting season. quail and chukar at the same
ers with inquiries on
time, steel/nonlead ammo is

Local resident hoping for a promising hunt

regulations, miscon-
ceptions, and more. required.
For a more detailed
By Cathyleen Rice look at the Resident Fully feathered dove wings
Times Reporter and Migratory Upland required in a permanent
Game Bird Hunting camp?
Sept. 1 is the start of regulations (includ-
another dove hunting ing pheasant, quail, Question: I have a dove
season, where hundreds spotted doves, ringed possession question that
of people will flock to turtle-doves, mourning my buddy and I argue about.
Blythe in pursuit of Eur- doves, white-winged After a day of hunting doves
asian, mourning, ringed, doves, etc.) please when we come back to
spotted and white-winged visit: http://www.fgc. camp, must we leave the
doves. wing on if we are spending
Passionate about the current/uplandgame- a week at camp and are go-
thrill of the hunt and birdregs.aspx ing to eat some of the doves
loving everything out- that week? I know we must
doors, for Blythe native leave the wings on while
Mike Ford, being able to Is lead shot legal or illegal
for doves this season? transporting, but once we
spend time with family are in a permanent camp
and friends and bringing can the wings be removed?
home free meat are just Question: I keep hearing
from tons of folks who are By leaving the wing on, after
two of the things he loves a couple days the birds
most about opening sea- saying that lead shot is
illegal for doves this season. develop a foul taste (no
son. pun intended!). To me, they
Educated through the I can’t find anything in the
regs that say that, except stink, even in the cooler.
California Department Last year a game warden
of Fish and Wildlife in for when hunting on Califor-
nia Department of Fish and came into camp and I forgot
hunter safety courses, to ask him about it. My
Ford’s earliest memory Passionate about the thrill of the hunt  and loving everything outdoors, for Blythe native Wildlife (CDFW) lands or in
the condor zone. The way I buddy said, “See, we were
of joining the sport was Mike Ford, being able to spend time with family and friends and bringing home free meat are just
read it, lead shot is OK for lucky!” But were we really?
a year after receiving his two of the things he loves most about opening season.
license. doves until July 2, 2019. Am (Jim M.)
“I was in the third or be outside. Whenever I Having no special tradi- than willing to teach I correct or wrong? (Bill K.) Answer: Your doves must
fourth grade, and I had was out in nature, I al- tions or routines he fol- them and pass this down Answer: You are correct. retain a fully feathered wing
always seen people doing ways felt like I wanted to lows at the dawn of open- to them. They are very Effective July 1, 2016, nonlead either until you return to your
it. I’d always been inter- do more. Going outside ing day, Ford doesn’t rely skilled in archery, but I shot is required when taking home or until the bird(s) are
ested in hunting. My dad and taking pictures are on good luck, but relies on upland game birds with a being prepared for immedi-
think they’re kind of iffy
and my mom had done it great, but when you’re instinct, impulse and the shotgun. Exceptions include ate consumption. “All birds,
with the shotgun thing,
before, but they hadn’t hunting, it’s more like weight of the gun to bring when hunting dove, quail, snipe; including migratory game
but last year she (his
done it since my brother you’re participating… I him good fortune. or any game birds taken on birds, possessed or transported
daughter) saved me from within California must have a
and I were born, but I al- get to play my part, and As a man who spends stepping on a rattlesnake. licensed game bird clubs. In
ways knew that hunting bringing meat home is al- every waking moment addition, nonlead shot is now fully feathered wing or head
Had I not listened to her I attached until placed into a
and fishing were things I ways a plus, because you that he possibly can out- would have got bitten.” required when using a shotgun
wanted to do. Just spend- don’t have to buy it.” doors, Ford said there to take resident small game personal abode or commercial
Ford said whatever he preservation facility, or when
ing time outside and be- Depending on what isn’t a particular spot or mammals, nongame birds, and
shoots is food for his fam- being prepared for immediate
ing a part of it is all the type of shells he has left revisiting locations he any wildlife for depredation pur-
ily. poses. For more on the nonlead consumption” (CCR Title 14,
same to me,” Ford shared. over from the previous goes to, but according to “We do everything
Making early morning season, Ford said that’s the all American sports ammunition implementation, section 251.7). Camps are NOT
with them. We’ll fillet please check our Nonlead Am- considered to be your perma-
trips to the desert with how he selects his gun for hunter, he said, “Gener-
the breast meat out, fry munition in California website. nent or personal abode.
his Aunt Addie Iwai, Ford the two-week long hunt. ally, I go out fishing in the
“But I have to say, my fa- summertime and as a side it, make it up and eat it
recalls that his aunt was Carrie Wilson is a 30-year CDFW
the only person who ever vorite gun is a 20-gauge note, I’d say, ‘hey it’s a lot as jalapeno poppers and Possessing Steel and Lead
wrap it with bacon...You veteran and an avid outdoor
wanted to go out and revel over and under my grand- of dove out here, maybe while Hunting Chukar and enthusiast, angler and hunter. She
in the chase for the hunt. pa gave me for my birth- we’ll come back a little can take the whole breast Quail?
and marinate it or wrap is a marine biologist with a strong
Ford said, “My mom and day/Christmas/every- bit before season’ to make background of professional experience
dad would take me, but thing else present,” Ford sure they’re still there it in bacon and put it on Question: The ban on working in both fisheries and wildlife
my aunt was the only per- remembered. “He got my and that’s where we’ll go. the grill… I haven’t done hunting with lead am- management. An established award-
son who would ever hunt brother a side by side and I shoot with my brother it yet, but I had it plucked munition is being phased winning outdoor writer, Carrie enjoys
with me, and we would he got me an over and un- Matt and my friend Derek and deep fried just like a in. It now includes chukar, tackling the tough questions from the
always go up and spend der, and it’s a Emilio Rizz- Quiroz a lot. I actually got turkey.” while the use of lead will public and will be regularly tapping
the night at her house ini and it’s just a sweet Derek into hunting a few As advice to everyone continue to be allowed for into the expertise of CDFW’s wildlife
and then we’d all go out shooting gun. It’s prob- years ago when I took him heading out to enjoy an- quail until the 2019 season. officers and many fisheries, wildlife
the next morning.” ably my favorite. I still deer hunting, so yes, I’m other dove season this My question is can hunters and marine biologists to best cover
With his father, Steve, use it. It’s a very high end really looking forward to year, Ford said, “There’s carry both types of shells all the topics. If you have a question
passing the trade down gun and it means a lot, be- deer season too.” lot of doves, especially (lead and steel) in the field you would like to see answered in the
to him and teaching him cause my grandpa gave it Due to not much rain, this year, so be safe, have if they are hunting areas California Outdoors Q and A column,
how to shoot early on, to me.” and not many doves fun and no rush. You where they might reason- email it to CalOutdoors@wildlife.
from those lessons, Ford Not exactly picky about present last year, Ford have plenty of time, so re- ably expect to find both
knows how to exagger- what he bags after a day’s said last season was a member safety.” 
ate his lead, how to keep hard work, Ford said, bag- struggle. However, with
the proper stance and a ging Eurasian doves is his kids liking the excite-
watchful eye, as the birds always a bonus, because ment of going along with
come in and go away. the doves don’t count to- him, and he enjoying the
“My dad was an auto ward his bag limit. ability to teach them, are
mechanic at the highway Although he doesn’t even more reasons to
patrol for years, and he get a lot of white-winged head out again this year
was always interested in doves, “because they can and be hopeful.
shooting, and we would only make up a percent- When asked if hunting
always go out in the des- age of your bag limit,” ac- is something he’ll pass
ert and shoot 22s and ev- cording to Ford, he is still down to his three chil-
erything,” Ford said. “I looking forward to a great dren, without hesitation,
like to hunt, my biggest hunt and having fun be- Ford said, “Oh yeah, if
thing is, I like to be out- ginning early morning they’re interested and
side. I’ve always liked to Friday. want to learn, I’m more

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