Diode Structure

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Question 6: SBP 08 supply in the space given in

Diagram 6.1 and Diagram 6.2 shows two Diagram 6.3 that can be used
diodes A and B, two bulbs P and Q are to produce full wave rectifier
connected to a dry cell with two different circuit.


[3 marks]
Diagram 6.1 (i) Draw the wave form of full
wave rectification

[1 mark]
Diagram 6.2
(ii) Name an electronic
(a) Based on Diagram 6.1 and Diagram
component that can be used
to smooth the current
(i) compare the connection of
diodes to the terminal of the
dry cell.
[1 mark]
[1 mark]
2. Question 7: Teknik 07
(ii) compare the lighting of the
Impurities are added to a pure
semiconductor to increase its
conductivity in a process known as
[1 mark]
(a) (i) State what is meant by
(iii) Relate the connection of
diodes to the terminal of the
dry cell with the lighting of the
[1 mark]
[1 mark]
(b) (i) Draw the arrangement of four
diodes and suitable power
(ii) Explain why certain a.c. supply voltage
semiconductors are known as n-
type semiconductors? .


...................................................... Output voltage

[2 marks]

(b) A diode comprises of n and p-type

semiconductors joined together.
Diagram 7.1 shows an a.c. supply time
connected to a resistor and a diode.


[2 marks]

Diagram 7.1 (iii) Describe how the output voltage

can be further improved to get a
(i) State the effect of fitting the diode pure and smoothened d.c.
in the circuit to the current flows voltage.

......................................................... .....................................................
[1 mark]
(ii) On Diagram 7.2, sketch graphs to
show the variation of the a.c. .....................................................
supply voltage and the output
voltage with time. .....................................................

[4 marks]

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